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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Hien

    Avicii You are my most favorite DJ and producer. You are my age and I am so happy I have your music to grow old with. But knowing and even more difficult accepting you are not here anymore hurts me every single time I play "The nights". Rest in peace thank you for leaving an enormous part of yours to this world. Love and Respect from Vietnam.

  • from Erik May

    the best dj—- avicii rules!!!!

  • from Joanna

    Avicii still can't believe you're not here? When I see sht about u it's still such a heartbreaking moment??? But you and your music give me faith and strenght that there are some moments worth to live❤ RIP Avicii?

  • from Yuri

    shock? Avicii's music forever!

  • from geyan

    Chinese fans are waiting for you

  • from That girl in Australia

    Without you here with me I don't know what to do. I'd give anything just to talk to you. What do I do with all I need to say? There's so much I wanna tell you every day. Oh it breaks my heart I cry these tears in the dark. I write these letters to you but they get lost in the blue coz there's no address in the stars ? ? ? I miss you so much sweet angel and I love you forever

  • from Eagle233


  • from 爱听EDM的鸽子王

    Avicii祝你在中国的国庆节玩得开心?? ◢◤

  • from A girl who loves Avicii

    Avicii I miss you so much. I enjoy in your music every day. Thank you. I love you. Find your peace there. #heybrother #withoutyou #forabetterday #wakemeup ◢ ◤ Life's a game made for everyone and love is the prize❣

  • from Elli

    Kom tillbaka

  • from selçuk – khanax

    o kadar insan varken sadece sen gittin ve üstad üzdün bizi şuan huzur içinde olmanı diliyorum keşke aramızda olsan müzik yapmasan hayatını yaşasaydın

  • from Antonio

    For greatness there is commitment you've been an inspiration to me and to people all over the world for when that first note hit my ear it became a piece of me echoing its masterful melodies you'll always be remembered for not only as the person whom you built from the ground up but for the music that inspired me and many other a symphony that rings till the last beat.

  • from ゆき


  • from

    He just made my life son meaningfull in so many ways; it´s a lost i will never forget i just hope we can meet in another life ¨cause i know his soul just got so wise that he will wait for me to be his friend brother or partner in crime. Love you Tim it doesn't matter what you did or why you did it for me you will always be near i send you all the light hapiness love and peace my soul can create. See you in another life. And go with peace. Sincerly One of your biggest fans – Johnnie.

  • from Letícia Maria

    Avicii will never be forgotten it will always be present in our minds and in our hearts motivating us with their songs and making our lives better. We love you Tim forever!

  • from Bryan Aranda

    I Love Avicii. Mexico! <3

  • from CryZenn

    You're music will always stay in many of our hearts as will you You went down in history for the amazing music you made You were a great inspiration(And still are). Long Live Tim "Avicii" Bergling! ◢ ◤

  • from #WAITING4LOVE

    Every single day I listen to your songs have been doing so since Levels came out. At first the songs meant something else now they give me a sense of hope and inspiration. Thank you Tim for the amazing music you made for us. We really really miss you. I will keep listening to your songs daily and I hope future generations will continue to do so too You really made an huge impact even though you left too soon you made a huge impact that generations will remember. You will never be forgotten

  • from ricky

    First discovered him when levels became super popular will always be a fan. rip

  • from Nicole M.

    I never felt so close to a stranger!

  • from ❤️

    You make me forgett about my problems and just live for the moment❤️ I don’t care what other says ❤️ (Jag är från Sverige)❤️ Kan alltid bara försvinna ett tag när jag lyssnar på dig. Jag kan skita i allt annat så länge din musik finns❤️

  • from Viktor

    Avicii <3

  • from Sara

    Love you. Forever.

  • from Jonathan Morris

    Pioneer in the EDM industry. A genius. A mastermind. One of the greatest artists of all time and most importantly a humble human being who did not deserve to leave us. Got me through the dark days and hard times. Tim you will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace <3

  • from Anthony

    Incredible show at Ushuaia Ibiza ! 🙂

  • from Susan

    My dear Tim. You're the brightest star in the sky. You're my reason to wake up every day. That's why I won't never forget you. I just want you to know I miss you so much. You changed my life forever. Love you Susan ?

  • from AK

    I miss the feeling of waiting day by day in front of my instagram account and knowing that there will come more that put me a smile in my face … it feels like one year now since you have gone but every time I hear heaven (on avicii Mexicos ytchannel ) levels and a lot more .. a smile is coming in my head ..hope you are at a better place ….

  • from Ewoutdc

    Legends never die. You will continue to live in everyone his or her mind. I can't stop thinking about you and your amazing personality. Thanks for everything that you've done. Avicii for ever Thanks Tim.

  • from A12

    Avicii tu es la personne qui ma donner cette passion pour l'EDM sans toi jamais je n'aurais connu ce monde et a l'heure actuelle je n'aurais pas touts ses drapeaux dans ma chambre.. tu es une inspiration pour tout les Dj de ce monde ta musique transmet des émotions que presque aucun dj n'arrive a transmettre merci pour ta passion merci pour l'amour que tu as eu pour tes fans merci pour ton humanité et merci pour ta musique tout simplement. Je ne t'oublierai pas miss you bro.. <3

  • from MS

    My sweet Tim ♥️ I’m listening every day your music and your podcasts every time while I’m driving a car. And one day you made jokes and I was laughing so hard and suddenly I was crying ?. It was so freakin sad ?. I have said here so many times that I miss you so badly and I want you to come back please. I love you so much Tim ?♥️

  • from Margareta

    Thank you Tim Rest in peace

  • from A AVICII fan

    AVICII you will go down in history as the best DJ that ever lived thanks for the brilliant music you left hope you found what you were looking for i am sure you did peace ??❤️

  • from Läraren

    Fan fan fan vilken saknad ???det gör så ont!! Som du förgyllde mångas liv… kommer alltid att leva kvar! Har ännu inte fattat… hoppas så innerligen att din musik kommer ut.

  • from Francisco Teodoro

    Descansa em paz avicii Continuas vivo nos nossos corações !! adoro as tuas musicas comecei a produzir por causa de TI AVICII…. LIVE A LIFE AND YOU WILL REBEMBER!


    hola tim(AVICII) quiero darte las gracias por ser como fuiste por crear musica tan increible y en especial para mi gracias por inspirarme en la musica ya que hoy soy un dj que empezo escuchando tu musica y has sido y seras un gran inspiracion para mi por q la verdad uno de mis sueños era algun dia tocar contigo la verdad tal vez no lo podre lograr pero espero que por lo menos puedas escuchar lo que hago desde donde estes….espero vernos en otro lado y en otras circuntancias AVICII (ANDRE3W)

  • from .

    ◢ ◤ i miss you so much ??◢ ◤

  • from Nicole

    I miss you so much ?❤ R.I.P. Tim

  • from Josh Killingworth

    Tim where do I start?? What an inspirational musician you’ve been for many. Every song of yours I’ve loved whether it’s been happy sad or energising. Still in shock and still find it hard to believe you are no longer with us. Your music I know for sure will continue to inspire me and many others around the world who loved your style. I know for sure your music and legacy will never be forgotten. Thank you for everything Tim you’ll be sincerely missed by us all. R.I.P Tim a true legend!!!

  • from Juani

    Still miss you brother… Love you soo much <3 AV

  • from Patty

    About 7 years ago I was so happy to have found a singer like you because you were the only one who fully met my musical tastes. I'm sure there will not be another one like you. You were the only one different and special. Now you're gone and my Avicii soundtracks can no longer be updated. No one musician can fill the empty that I feel inside loosing you Tim ? I miss you a lot. ❤️

  • from Alex

    Thank you Tim <3

  • from Rewez Rebwar

    Han var svensk stolthet i musik som ABBA. Jag saknar vår älskade Tim "Avicii" Bergling!

  • from Rewez Rebwar

    He was swedish proudness in music such as ABBA. I miss our beloved Tim "Avicii" Bergling!

  • from David

    Tim I just wanted to thank you for everything you did. Every song of yours tells me a story makes me feel something happy sad energetic. When I heard you died I refused to believe it. I thought the reports were fake untrue. You are a true legend and your music will live on forever. Rest in Peace you will be missed

  • from Ass

    PlEaSe JoIn My MinECRAftr Server

  • from John Liu

    You let me know what electronic music is and brought me confidence and power but two years later after a short time when i knew you released your new ep you passed away forever. The world music revolutionizes beacuse of your innovation. I just miss you so much and love you and your music. Forever. From china.

  • from Ming-Hsien

    Miss U so much my Legend. ◢ ◤

  • from JIQIU

    ◢ ◤ R.I.P AVICII I'm waiting for you forever. ◢ ◤ !

  • from MPC

    avicii 感谢你为我们带来了这么多无与伦比的歌曲,你总是为了创作出更好的作品而呕心沥血,你熬坏了自己的身体,总是对自己的作品感到不是那么满意,2017年你说你暂时退出了,你想要休息,你去了很多地方旅游,放松,看到你开心的样子我们真的替你开心,很快你就带着你的新专辑01回归了,再次听到你的歌曲真的令我欣喜若狂,我所崇拜的a神终于回来了,正当我沉醉于新专辑并期待下一张专辑的时候,你却永远的离开了我们,我不知道你到底经历了什么,甚至我都没有见过你,只是听你的歌曲,我更不知道你为什么会选择了离开这个世界。你的离开让人心痛,只希望你真的可以找到自己想要的生活,avicii 感谢你。一路走好。

  • from Ammar

    I started listening to your music 2 years ago… I was shocked with your music and your talent and i was quite mad that my friends haven't heard about you. Enough about me… You are the best DJ in the world I was expecting to go to your next concert. My mom asked me if i wanted to go to your next concert… It was too late… RIP Avicii… As always LEGENDS ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN Love from JakartaIndonesia

  • from Siyuan

    Avicii! 你的音乐伴我走过一年又一年! 始于 Levels。 陷于 Wake we Up。 终于 The Nights 斯人已去信仰长存!

  • from Siyuan

    Love you Tim from China. You accompanied me for a long time!

  • from

    Vi saknar dig Tim <3

  • from Andre

    Your music means a lot to me… It moves my heart and my soul it just connects… I'm devastated that you lost the battle with your ghosts and I wished you had made it. You will stay in my heart forever! Rest in Peace Tim! May you rest in peace…

  • from Iside

    I love you Avicii. Forever.

  • from Berat

    I am writing from Berat Turkey I Avicii Hayranıyım in class since high school in 2012 were nicknamed Avicii Plug me so I was like I Listen Too Far And I'd love to go to the concert but it was expensive. I would draw the sign of Avicii to every page of my notebooks. I'm Still Listening to Your Songs Never Bored Because I Still Love Him. Avicii You're Still in My Mind You're One of the Biggest Music Worlds King. I do not know English I am writing from translation. You haven't forgotten TIM!

  • from Shoya Ochi

    I love you so much.♡

  • from しょう


  • from Ax95

    DEPUIS TA mort je remixe tes chansons en pleurant Rip Avicii

  • from Elis Davidsson

    Loved your music

  • from José Maria Brandão

    Thanks for everything Tim Your music created just a beautiful place in world that we don't know! A place that everyone could be happy and relaxed. A place that I will discover! Thank you so much!

  • from Alfredo Hernández

    Querido Avicii … Mi artista favorita desde 2012. Recuerdo la primera vez que escuche la canción de silhouettes … Cómo pasó rápido el tiempo… Y todo ese tiempo estuve siguiendo .. los podcasts.. tu música… Cada minuto cada día .. y cada canción tienen recuerdos valiosos .. y la verdad ya son 5 meses que te nos fuistes .. sigo sorprendido.. pero siempre por siempre estarás en mi mente .. y cada una de tus melodías .. hasta pronto mi gran amigo y el mejor de todos .. AVICII

  • from Ahmad

    inspiration to all of us rest in peace legend

  • from ??

    "I hear echoes of a thousand screams As I lay me down to sleep There's a black hole deep inside of me Reminding me that I that I've lost my backbone Somewhere in Stockholm I lost my backbone somewhere in Stockholm" Hope u are finally home..

  • from chanOka

    これからもティムの曲は私たちの人生の支えとなり彩と安らぎを与えてくれることでしょう。ティムの素晴らしい楽曲と歩んだ軌跡はずっと私たちの心の中に生き続けます。 ティムありがとう。

  • from Yessica Jael ??

    La obra de artr más maravillosa Tú Tim ❤

  • from Rob

    I will forever miss you. My top 5 songs are all yours and was always excited very much with your new songs. I hope you found peace now.

  • from Sebastian

    Dear Tim You were one of greatest. You inspired many young DJ-s to follow your path you showed world anything is possible. I still remember.. Record Breaker that was first song i heard. And i just fell in love with your music. And it was not everything about music around you you were also great humble human so down to earth with big heart. I will remember 20th April 2018 for entire life maybe you died but your star is shining bright up there. ❤️

  • from Zayd LOULY

    i have nothing to upload but i have to say this man is a legend

  • from Rolle

    this wake me up . make me stunning.. wow. what a voice ??!! i start to look .. but i never think he was swedish. wow!!!!

  • from Katrin

    You were just too deep for this world. I have thought thousands of hours and days about what happened. I hope you found peace and were aware how important you and your art of making music was for the world. Run free beautiful soul.

  • from Tobias Löf

    u was a good man rest in peace avicii <3

  • from Sweden

    ❤️❤️❤️ love u!!

  • from Josh – Lake Brunner New Zealand

    tim you gave me more than you'll ever know. Your music was played in the background of some of my most loved memories. I wouldn't be the same person if it wasn't for your music. You gave me so much happiness. We'll never forget you. with love – Josh

  • from Diego Arteaga Ruiz

    Hey Tim! Gracias por crear música tan bellísima tú hiciste que me gustara la música electrónica tú hiciste de mi infancia algo feliz ya que crecí con tu música hiciste música que me ayudaba a mi día a día me inspirabas y me ponías feliz no había momento en el que no te dejara de escuchar gracias por dejar gran música gracias por ser siempre mi inspiración eres mi más grande ídolo gracias por todo las enseñanzas que me dejaste un tus músicas gracias tim siempre estarás en mi memoria! ♥️?

  • from wlady

    tu música me dio una nueva visión de vida tu música me salvo de algo que nunca pensé que iba a salir una pena tu partida 🙁 gracias por todo siempre en la mente Tim

  • from A

    Dejaste una huella imborrable en mi ser. Gracias por tanto ◢◤.

  • from Clau

    Dear Tim I just wanted to thank you for your prodigious music that gave me strenght in the most difficult times. You will always be my favorite artist and live through the legacy you left to the world. You made a huge differece in my life you saved me. You were an inspiration. A genius. My first love. One of my biggest dream was to meet you someday but I guess we'll meet someday in heaven. I hope you found peace up there. Rest in peace beautiful soul. I miss you. Jag älskar dig.

  • from Julie

    Things happen for reason so many things had happened and this world is cruel but I really hope everything is fine so many people have died such as xxx Mac millerand so many more and it’s hurts my heart to know that people that helped me with my metal issues are dead now but things happen and Avicii was one of the most amazing things to happen in this world I hope the family is good now I love you all may god bless you guys ❤️

  • from Lawrence

    Just blown away

  • from Trinity

    Listening to his songs on my worst and best days really helped me a lot it was almost like I wasn’t completely alone. his music made me want see another day and it’s sad to think that he’s gone but he was a true overall legend.

  • from sam Li

    我将永远铭记你的音乐,你的人生故事。 你是永远是我的A神,最爱的DJ。

  • from Ana

    We miss you Tim?we will never forget you❤️❤️❤️My son is only 21 months and his favorite song is without you ❤️❤️❤️ We love you RIP Tim Ana

  • from I love Avicii

    Listening to faster than light at the moment fantastic song when I look at you you look so happy but it makes me sad when I think of the sadness in you little did you know the impact you had on millions of people and the happiness you brought LEGEND FOREVER I wish you had found the happiness you left us THANK YOU AVICII xxxx??

  • from ◢◤ Robert

    Sabes es extraño se siente un vacío en el corazón cada vez que escucho una de tus tantas melodías siempre estarás en nuestros corazones eres la inspiración de miles de personas alrededor del mundo siempre te recordaremos hasta pronto de un fan hasta donde quiera que te encuentres Tim "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember" ◢◤

  • from Sofi R

    Tim is very special to me his music inspired me and helped me through tough times. He is the reason i love music so much his music created new feelings and emotions it made everything more special he is my favorite artist and he will be in my heart forever. I never met him but i knew he was a great person full of love and that gave his songs a meaning. I will never forget him! I will never forget the best Dj/Person of this entire world long live Avicii❤

  • from

    sono una ragazza italiana ed ho 15 anni ti ho conosciuto grazie a LEVEL UP tuttora una delle mie canzoni preferite voglio dire che mi manchi mi manca sapere che non ci sarà una delle tue canzoni quest'anno mi fa piangere. voglio dire che sono vicino alla famiglia con il cuore ti voglio bene .♥

  • from Isania Segura- Dominican Republic

    Aun cuando escucho tus canciones no puedo creer que no estés con nosotros siempre me gustaron tus canciones de la forma en la que con tu letra alegrabas y dabas esperanza y al mismo tiempo utilizabas un ritmo particular que te definía solamente a ti los sentimientos que tus canciones me hacían sentir eran mágicos siempre fuiste y seras para mi uno de los mejores DJs y un gran ser humano lamento que no hayas podido quedarte pero aquí siempre te extrañaremos….. Rest in peace Brother ♥️♥

  • from Tommybeatz

    Avicii was a legend. He inspired me to make music. His tracks were the greatest. He'll be forever in our hearts!❤ Rest in Paradise Tim

  • from Danil

    Thank you for everything you've done.Heybrother Rest In Peace.

  • from Achalate

    AVICII Siempre me gustaron tus canciones gracias por todo a mi no me gustaban las canciones electrónicas pero tu fuiste el primero en enseñarme las canciones gracias sin ti yo no hubiera conocido las canciones electrónicas hasta el día de hoy sigo escuchando las canciones aveces me dicen que si no estoy aburrida con las canciones yo le contesto ¡No! al contrario me encanta. Canciones que me gustan Waiting For Love I Could Be The One Wake Me Up The Nights Levels Without You Hey Brother ¡Gracias!

  • from Dowka

    My childhood destroyed. Another great musician dead. Love. Respect.

  • from Lily

    Miss u Tim♥️ ?

  • from Emma ? po

    Still miss u Tím? Frvr in our hearts♥️

  • from DJMB

    German: Ich hörte seine Lieder sehr früh schon als "Wake me up" rauskam hörte ich es rauf und runter ein halbes Jahr es war echt nicht leicht als ich hörte das er starb.. Rest in Peace!

  • from Daniel

    Fuiste una gran inspiracion para mi mi sueño era conocerte en persona y jamas lo logre pero sin duda eres una persona maravillosa descanse en paz y espero verte en donde sea que estes te quiero hermano? RIP

  • from Barbara

    Tim a humble person passionate brilliant … I use his music in special moments at my wedding he inspired my brother to make edm music he makes me cry lought screem with his music but most of all he makes me Jump all the time!! When now I hear his music I look immediately at the Sky and I think at him like a Brother. Tim I'll remember you for the rest of my Life!

  • from Patty

    Tim your music is always with me every day I do nothing but listen to it … always … I was hoping one day to see you live on stage to play but for my bad luck I never got to be there … this is my biggest regret I've never seen you live. You will always remain in my mind and in my heart. I hope to meet you … one day. It will be forever.

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