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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Samu Polanco

    Avicii helped me see I'm not alone in this existense maybe I'm in the wrong place but I'm not wrong myself. And that we have to keep on fighting until the last consequences because happiness is also a life change decision.

  • from Miguel Sánchez Rodríguez WitKraai

    Serás siempre inmortal gracias a tu música aunque preferiríamos que siguieses con nosotros deleitándonos con más música que sólo tú podías crear. Parece mentira que ya no volvamos a poder verte (aunque fuese a través de las redes sociales) ni disfrutar de nuevos hits pero aún así no te olvidaremos por ser uno de los mejores músicos de nuestra era y por todas las causas sociales a las que apoyaste. Siempre en nuestros corazones Tim Bergling Avicii ◢◤ te extrañaremos…

  • from Sergio

    I am a boy of 16 years who discovered electronic music thanks to Avicii with "Levels" and since then I became much more interested in the genre and by him. Today is my favorite artist a reference and an idol.

  • from Szofi

    A zenéje meghatározta az egész tinédzser korom. Még ma sem tudom elhinnihogy már nincs köztünk. Avicii forever❤️◢ ◤

  • from Jerome

    Rest In Peace!

  • from Nevermind

    When I was sad I just wanna listen some Avicii song.. I love him. And I miss him so much.????

  • from Mathilde

    Avicii Tim thank you for your music your kindness your creativity your passion you will forever be remembered. Merci <3

  • from Johnny

    Until 17 to 18 years old I wasn't a party person. But I have always liked eletronic music. One day I went to the only night club in my city a few months after Levels exploded. The place was super crowded. I was with a group of friends and at one point of the show the Dj started playing Levels. We jumped screamed and danced like if there was no one arround. It was one of the best moments of my life. Thanks for the amazing songs you left for us. You will never be forgotten .

  • from Berry

    Quand j'ai connu Avicii je n'étais pas au top de ma forme. Je venais de perdre mon père et j'allais très mal. Mais lorsque j'ai entendu pour la première fois : Wake Me Up j'avais de nouveau le sourire et j'ai reprit courage de sortir de ma chambre. Et par la suite j'ai rencontré la personne qui partage ma vie depuis 6 ans maintenant. Avicii restera à jamais celui qui m'a sauvé d'une longue pente avec ces musiques remplit de joie et d'envie de dancer !!!

  • from uriel

    te extrañaremos tim es inaceptable que ya no estas en este mundo me encantaba tu musica te extrañaremos

  • from Anzell

    I wanted to say that I am a Musical Producer as well as AVICII. He made me open my eyes to so many things that he produced in his music that would be in the hearts of those who loved and still love him. I wanted to have the Known I needed to learn even more with you TIM. I know I'm still going to wake up from this nightmare to me you're never gone. You will always be eternal. We are here to never leave your lag and story behind. Thanks for everything thanks for your music. with love Anzell.

  • from Maxime

    Legend ❤️

  • from Tom S

    I went through a really messy break up cheating manipulating – you name it – and your song Without You got me through what I consider to be some of my darkest days. I will listen to your music for the rest of my life. Thanks for everything.

  • from Adele

    His songs helped me to get through my hardest time of my was hard but his songs made me feel powerful and graceful and remembered me to never give up. Thank you!!

  • from Luca

    Dear tim I hope this message will reach you even though you are in a better place now. You made music like no other artist you were different you made music I can listen too when I have rough and music I good times till this day the nights is one of my favorite songs. Just weeks before me and a good friend found out you died we found out about us sharing the love for your songs and till this day it makes me sad even though I am a really happy and optimistic person. I hope it's better up there.

  • from Gustavo Bustos

    Avicii se DESPERTO y paso DE NIVELES.. este mundo el lo vio de punta a punta paso tristeza dolor felicidad amor todooo. ( Heaven) Creo que acabo de morir) el se estava despidiendo de este mundo… Avicii tenias que descansar un poco mas Hermano queriamos disfrutar un poco mas de tu talento Genio.

  • from Valeria


  • from Diana with love

    Even if I know that you won't be able to see all this beautiful memories that people around the world shared with you here I am writing this with tears and listening your songs that so many times helped me in difficult situations. If your family read this I just wanna say that I'm so sorry I can imagine how painful it is because I have lost someone important for me. As probably lot of people. But I wanna say for all the people who are reading thisdon't cry when you listen Avicii songs smile

  • from Hannes

    Tim used to be one of my biggest inspirations in music. He was a truly gifted musician and was never afraid to go his own way. He always pushed the boundaries of what electronic music could be while still making incredible hits. It’s truly sad that he had to go this young. Vila i frid Tim!

  • from Auguszta

    Imádtam a zenéid rengeteg emléket felidéztek bennem amire azt hittem már nem is emlékszem!Köszönöm ❤

  • from Jennifer

    Lo he admirado desde que lo conozco con su musica me ha inspirado a hacer tantas cosas estoy realmente agradecida porque me ha ayudado a mejorar como persona a travéz de su talento❤ lo recuerdo como el mejor! "Dijiste que siempre estaríamos juntos sin ti… me siento perdida en el mar" I miss you.

  • from Panni

    I proud of him so much because he was just 29 years old and he changed the world he had a lot of fun and love in his short life and he gave back this to his fans. I love Tim so so much❤

  • from de GUSTAVO

    Tim te covertiste en parte del Universo tu esencia esta por todo el mundo esparcida formas parte de todos nosotros ahorasomos todos polvo de estrellas No se sabe aun que hay despues de la muerte ojala podamos conocernos y hablar en una fiesta alla arriba o donde sea!! Perdon pero es el sueño de todo fan no puedo pensar que nunca tendre la oportunidad de irte a ver a un concierto solamente estan tus videos en la web y sirve para consolarme saludos a todos!!

  • from Sito

    "Live a life you will remember" I repeat that to myself every single day of my life. I would love to say a lot of things to you but I think that I can sum them up with two words: THANK YOU. Thank you for your music thank you for inspiring me everyday with your music thank you for helping me come through a difficult period of my life and lastly but not least important Thank you for being such a nice person. Wake me up when it's all over… We miss you

  • from Robyn

    I remember when I first heard of Avicii and his amazing music and how it changed my life for the best. From his first song I heard I was hooked onto dance music and I have never looked back. He was the one who got me into this music and I can’t thank him enough for what his music has done. I’ve never seen him live but he alive in his music which is amazing to see how someone’s music can bring people together. At the bottom of my heart I thank you Tim Rest in Peace

  • from n_cpx (Noah)

    Thank you Tim for your nice feedback on my music! You can see it at my n_cpx Instagram page.

  • from Rodolfo Zavala

    Eres y siempre seras unos de los mejores dj tu música me motiva y son de mis favoritas en mi playlist.. siempre te extrañaremos 🙁

  • from Victoria

    Your music always help me when I was in low. You give me strength. Your passion give me confidence. I am very sad that I can not hear more new music from you but all of your compositions will stay with me forever. We love you forever. ❤️

  • from David

    Avicii fue un gran músico que dio al mundo algo maravilloso que fue su talento. Nos hizo amar la música electrónica y abrir la mente a nuevos sonidos combinados. A mi me ayudó en momentos difíciles su música y a día de hoy sigo sintiendo lo mismo cada vez que escucho sus canciones. Nunca te vamos a olvidar Avicii. Tus verdaderos fans no te olvidamos Tim. <3

  • from D. R. V.

    No era un gran fan suyo pero su música es de las pocas que me hacían sentir lo que intentaba transmitir y ahora después de haber conocido toda su historia esta sensación se ha multiplicado. Descansa en paz grande.

  • from Melissa

    Lieber Tim ich habe Deine Musik gerne gehört und höre sie auch jetzt noch gerne. Ich kenne/ kannte dich nicht persönlich! Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich eine merkwürdige Situation ein Lied von dir lief auf einem Grillabend im Hintergrund. Es war ein schöner Sommerabend und auf einmal wehte der Wind etwas! Ich hatte irgendwie das Gefühl das Du da bist mir lief eine Träne über mein Gesicht! Ich hatte zudem eine Gänsehaut. Ich wünsche der Familie und den Freunden von Tim alles Liebe!

  • from Josh

    Thank you Tim <3

  • from Papik

    great personality with a good taste of music rest in peace

  • from Thomas Vaca

    Hey! Avicii! Lamento que te hayas ido tan pronto espero que estes en un lugar mejor. Gracias por las alegrias que tu música me trajo y espero que donde sea que estes sigas haciendo buenos tracks. Con amor: Thomas Vaca

  • from Gustavo ( Federacion-Entre Rios- Argentina)

    En primer lugar felicito a la persona que tuvo esta brillante idea de crear este sitio.. Bueno … la verdad es que todavia es inaceptable que Tim ya no este y da mucha tristeza escuchar sus temas te hacen pensar mucho sobre la vida y la felicidad hace unas semanas de tanto extrañarlo SOÑE CON EL Y JURO POR MI VIDA QUE ERA MUY REAL EL SUEÑO y cuando me levante me sentia TAN PERO TAN emocionado y Feliz por ese sueño puse sus canciones mientras me lavaba la cara y miraba hacia el cielo

  • from Buttercup

    Dear Tim I still cannot believe I will never hear a brand new Avicii song again…..Your music was so out of this world! We miss you so much…. Words cannot express my sadness. Rest in peace my dear! 🙁

  • from Emir

    Best DJ always and forever.

  • from Leonardo Caruso

    You were the first thing that introduced me to EDM. The man who brought me into electronic music the man that always was on my phone on my laptop playing his wonderful songs to help me through tough times you were my hero and a legend Tim I and everyone here loved you and your music.

  • from Oli

    The first person who made music who inspired me. R.I.P

  • from Vito

    Thank you Avicii For your Great Songs… I Fall in love with Silhouette it's my favorite Song from you and i keep it everytime in my Mind and i will never forget it.. Thanks for Everything and Rest in Peace Legend

  • from Zac F.

    Tim….I can't believe you left us here. You inspired me to start making music because one day you leave this world behind so live a life you will remember! R.I.P. Brother!

  • from Gruber Attila

    Kedves Avicii (Tim Bergling) ! Akár hol is vagy most remélem látod az üzenetemet!Téged az élet megáldott egy olyan képességgel amivel millió embernek okoztál örömet!Köszönök neked mindent amit adtál mert sok örömet okoztál!Örökké a szívemben élsz majd a dalaiddal!Próbálok én is azon az úton haladni amit te is követtél és a zenéiddel adtál!Remény és célt adtál nekem és sok sok embernek!Köszönöm! Nyugodj békében és légy boldog!!

  • from Tom

    Avancsi. You'll always be in Balázsék's heart. Love your pendrive.

  • from ValentinA

    Avicii accomplished everything he was sent to do…his spirit his words his music will never die. Not everyone reaches the pinnacle. And of those who do not many remain humble and sensitive. We shall miss you but your art will inspire the world forever and a day…peace out~

  • from Ronald

    Its hard to find love nou a days i hop you find love up there

  • from Silje from Norway

    What to say? I'm so sorry you are gone 🙁 your music have been with me for so many years now. I remeber i was so sad when you told us no more conserts but still i admire you for standing up for your self. I'm so sorry it was too late ? that people don't understand the struggle how comes with anxiety.. thank you for all the good music. Hope u are in a better place now.

  • from Gábor

    I Could Be The One…… this song is my & my gf's favourite from you. Thanks everything dear Tim!! I hope you find the calmness in the paradise!

  • from Natasa

    Your music brought me happiness genuine joy and it was the background music of my high school years. Thank you for all of this.

  • from Bianka

    I will miss him so much. I looked up to him and I loved his songs so much. I am so blessed that I knew who he was.

  • from Ali

    We Will never forget you legend

  • from Daniel Alejandro Melo

    Thank you a lot tim i will remember you forever good luck wherever you are and thanks again for all the music you left behind R.I.P

  • from S. Zsani

    A zenéje volt minden. Nagyon szerettem és minden ütem mögött volt egy szó egy mondat. Bàrcsak hallhattam volna élőben is.

  • from Tom

    Avicii.. I love your music your work. You made lots of hits and I'll miss them. I'm so sad that you aren't with us… or maybe? You make your mark.

  • from Nico

    Rest in Peace amigo! 🙁

  • from Kevin V.

    He was one of the first DJs i listened to. He woke up my love to this style of music. Your songs always built me up and made me happy! Thanks for your music and the memories I have with your songs! RIP Tim <3

  • from David

    Jamás olvidaré aquel domingo en Ushuaïa en el que disfrute mucho con tu música. ETERNO A❤️V?I?C?I?I?

  • from Alex

    I followed you since Sound of Now 2008 We met in Brussels back in 2011 where you had a set in the local nightclub. You absolutely killed it and it was an euphoria of emotion running through my body with all the music you played at that time. I was humbled and blessed to speak with you for an hour. You were humble kind and down to earth. I will treasure that memory – always. Thank you for everything Tim your memory will live forever along with your music. “You are a friend of mine” Alex

  • from Valentin

    Grâce à lui j'ai découvert l'électro ses musiques sont et resteront à jamais dans la tête de chacun. Merci pour tout on ne t'oublieras jamais ! ❤️

  • from Vani

    Un Grande una leyenda..♥

  • from Lennard G. Mittwoch 29.August

    Werde dein Lied Wake Me Up" immer im Herzen tragen da es mich und meinen besten Freund wieder zusammen gebracht hat. Ich kenne ihn mittlerweile 14 Jahre ( Bin 17 ) und gehe mit ihm durch Dick und Dünn wir verbringen jeden Tag miteinander . Immer wenn ich das Lied höre habe ich Gänsehaut und Tränen in den Augen. Ich glaube nicht an ein zweites Leben aber du solltest es ja jetzt besser wissen. Wenn das zweite Leben existiert genieße es. AVICI NEVER DIES Mittwoch 29.August

  • from Rasmus

    Tack för allt Tim. Kommer alltid att se upp till dig.

  • from Caroline France (03)

    Tim Merci pour cette œuvre que tu nous laisses. Merci pour cette zic de folie sur laquelle j’aime tant danser et m’eclater avec mes amis…Merci Avicii RIP man…

  • from Michelle

    R.I.P Tim you will be sadly missed such a great talent taken too soon. Your such an inspiration to people all over the world your soul will carry on through your music.XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX

  • from Carlo Liefting Holland

    Tim love u 4 f r.

  • from Alex Aegis

    Avicii inspired me to make music

  • from Nikolett Matkovics


  • from Ronja

    That's so an honor that we can share our memories thank you for creating this lovely page. My first "encounter" with Avicii was 2015 with his song "for a better day". The first song I loved! Lots of his songs arouse something in me a feeling I can't describe I'm happy when I hear the songs. My particulary moment was when I sat on my balcony listen to my Avicii-playlist and saw my first meteor. It sounds weird but I thought it was a sign .His music is unmistakable never forget. Best musician

  • from Becka A

    Thank you for your music ?❤️

  • from Cecilia

    ….so live a life you will remember ……… Thank yout for that Tim…this is my Life´s Motto since …. Miss you so much !!!! So much… Alway in my <3

  • from Iz and Joe

    Love and miss you avicii 5 years strong because of you love from Iz and Joe xxx

  • from Shavit

    His music was the kind of music I heard when I felt alone amd cried. His music helped me getting through hard times. There was something about it that at first when you hear it you're sad but by the end of the song you feel cheerful and happy. Miss him 🙁 love him ♡ ? R.I.P

  • from Sean

    Tim I miss you so much. I listen to your music every day because your music is the best music ever made. It helps me deal with it. I’m thinking about you every day and I will never forget you. Love you buddy ◢ ◤ ❤️

  • from Niels


  • from Felipe

    Gracias a ti ahora soy un fanático de la música electrónica sinceramente cuando escuche por primera vez wake me up fue una locura la escuchaba una y otra vez pero nunca me aburría de ella. Gracias Tim por mostrarme que este mundo de la música electrónica existe❤️❤️?️

  • from goldmaster

    thank-you for your stuff. especially when hey brother played during my prom night. then there was levels which sounded very different. thank-you for tron legacy remix you did. ive still got the cd. maybe you go to those raves night clubs and live concerts. you have taught well. peace goldmaster

  • from Thomas

    The greatest Dj ever !! Great person beautiful music. Many memories growing up to your music. You always had that feeling for the right tunes and beats! To bad your gone! Gone 2 soon! You will be missed!

  • from JHOSUA V.

    Avicii has been one of my favorite djs of a lifetime is for me the best of all time I have always present in my mind the nights is my favorite tim song because he taught us that we have to live a life we will remember. Tim we miss you so much. We will never fade into darkness.

  • from Max

    He was amazing a great smile creator ! Legends never dies.

  • from Bia

    Hi… Avicii's tunes made me feel like he was right there beside me telling me it was gonna be okay and supporting me in the rough times… Those musics saved my soul so many times i even lost the count. His musics were personal… like you can imagine him standing there in front of the computer doing what he loved and looking for every single detail so it would be perfect to hear. I miss the feeling of excitement by knowing there'd be new songs made personally by him. I really miss him. Bye…

  • from Enrico Rigolin

    Avicii was a big part of my life an all we missed him

  • from Donna (UK)

    Dear Tim Rest in peace sweetheart. You and your music will be in my heart forever. Xxxxxxxxx

  • from Jackbab

    Yesterday was Avicii Today remains his soul tomorrow he's legend.

  • from David

    It was always good to know that new Avicii's music was coming.. Always. Since the first song I heard from him (penguin in a tiesto's club life) I knew his sound was different and started to look up for his music and wait for the next songs. I used to said and I still say "his sound is magical" that Avicii touch so captivating so good to be listened. That music that you always want to listen. What I'm gonna miss the most is that sensation of expecting a brand new Avicii song.

  • from Ilona

    I’ve been such a big fan of Tim since I was like 8 years old. At that time I was very bad at English and I didn’t really understand the lyrics. But some words I did understand and I just loved his music. After I learnt English his songs meant so much more to me. When I was sad I listened to his songs and it helped so much. When I heard he died I cried. For weeks the only music I listened to was his music. It made me feel so much better! I love him and may his music last forever❤️

  • from Anthony

    Tim Thank you for everything you gave us. Youve been a true inspiration and still are.. I wish we couldve helped you through dark times like your music talent and determination helped us in difficult moments… You showed us that everything is possible if you are passionate about it. I hope you found rest now. We miss you

  • from Federica

    felicita' era vedere i miei figli felici nell'ascoltare la tua musica e ballare io stessa con le tue note….grazie …spero che tu ora sia in pace…

  • from Nathan Garden

    Avicii’s music has given way to some of my greatest memories! April 20th was once my favorite holiday (420) now it is a day of great pain. If you’re suffering from depression talk it out with somebody get help and don’t ever feel alone (because there are millions of people just like you). Life is the most precious thing we got… Value time. Sincerely Nathan Garden. Lancaster PA. USA.

  • from Matteo

    Tim with your music you've been with us in the best moments of our lives and in the darkest ones. You gave us strength with that tough decision you helped us with taking that difficult step. You have run away with us you have comforted us you have inspired us when noone could. Maybe you don't know Tim but you've been part of our lives leaving a mark in all of us. Thanks. May your innocent soul finally rest in the peace you deserve you and your music will always keep living in our hearts.

  • from Diana

    Shortly after my son's death and a hard divorce Avicii brought a group of friends and I closer together. No matter what we had gone through we always enjoyed all of his music together and ended up with good times and good memories. I distinctly remember one summer night after a 104 feaver had finally subsided and the full moon was out where his song "waiting for love" helped me get through some of the toughest medical news I have had to receive. May he always live in our hearts he will be missed

  • from antimain

    you're the reason i started listening to electronic music. an icon… a legend ❤❤❤ ?

  • from LilAvicii

    First time i hear your song it was Level btw i instant fall in love with your music it make me happy everytime and i still remember that lovely time with my friends when we listening it together. You always bring some light to my heart. Thanks for makes world a better place! 🙂

  • from Erica Mota

    Suas músicas tão lindas e profundas sempre com uma linda mensagem. Obrigada Tim pela sua obra que jamais será esquecida quando eu ouvi Wake me up em 2012 ou 13 pela primeira vez achei muito linda e profunda na hora virei eu fã e vou continuar te admirando mesmo depois de você ter partido. For the best DJ and person of the world. Jag älskar dig ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Filip

    Thank you for giving others hope in life.

  • from Geo

    Avicii was what brought me into listening music and also producing. My dream was meeting him one day. Sad that never happened. #neverforget

  • from ORIZEN

    Your music will live forever. RIP Legend!

  • from Romee from the Netherlands

    So here I am in Stockholm. Since I heard my first Avicii song in 2011 I started following Tim on social media. Saw all the beautiful pictures of Sweden and particularly Stockholm. Fell in love with the country because of Tim. Fell in love with Tim not only because of his amazing music but also because he always seemed so humble and honest. I still love him and really really miss him. Thanks for making this page so special! ?? So here I am today in Tim’s city. Without him.

  • from Valera

    Тим в наших сердцах навсегда ! Его треки ни когда не покинут мой плейлист ! Супер диджей и супер человек. Жаль что его больше нет с нами (((

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