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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Lushy

    C'était juste pour dire qu'avicii me manque énormément car il a fait toute la musique de mon adolescence…..Et je pense que comme beaucoup de gens que ce soit ses fans ou même ses proches je pense que tous le monde veut qu'il revienne avec nous tous……

  • from Chris

    Much love Avicii!!! RIP

  • from Chloe ?

    Live a life you will remember ? RIP Avicii.

  • from Melih Celik (FRANCE)

    Avicii pour toujours. ❤️❤️

  • from Marc

    Thank you. For the best moments of my life also getting trough the hardest parts of it. Your music will always be part of my life.

  • from Rdn

    Thank you Tim.

  • from Lydia

    I’ve listened to Avicii’s music since I was nine years old… I grew up in Stockholm on the same streets as he did & the loss I felt when I heard of his death was enormous. Rest in peace Tim you will always be remembered. ??

  • from Anurak Karmakar

    I wish you were still alive and I have learned many things from you…. You was my mentor…. You will always be in my heart… Rest In Peace Tim "Avicii" Berling

  • from Ruth

    Tim i wish we would compose music together to create music together. I wonder what kind of music you would be making when you Would have 40… I Hope your Melodic soul rest in peace in the Big universe. Your music Will live always trough us enjoying it for you. LOVE U TIM*

  • from Mena

    You live through your music and it's forever.

  • from Ali

    Favourite of mine. Life is crazy. Your music is something like a great feeling of human being. Love you. Never be forgotten.

  • from I love AVICII

    Why does it take someone to die for you to Realise how special they are the flag at Tomorrow land was so sad wish he was still here his music will live forever

  • from Javier

    Gracias por regalarme el poder soñar despierto con tus canciones. Con cada una de ellas mi imaginación vuela sola hacia una historia preciosa. Eres un genio! Descansa en paz Avicii forever

  • from Marie Hurford

    I miss you Avicii the music just isn't the same anymore. There is a big empty space that will never be filled. So we will fill it with love and memories of you. Thank you for the music and everything you brought to the industry. I am still searching for the answers…………..maybe you were just to good for this world.

  • from Anna Lavie_Deanla

    Mit dem Leben ist es wie mit einem Festival – es kommt nicht darauf an wie lang es war sondern wie bunt! Life is like a festival. Doesn’t matter how long it was but how colorful! And your life was very colorful. I wish your family friends and other loved ones so much power and love. Regards from Germany! ??

  • from Christian

    Ich finde es sehr schade das Du so früh gestorben bist. Deine Lieder waren großartig.

  • from Ангелина из России!

    Навсегда в моём сердце!!❤️❤️❤️

  • from Angelina

    Never Forget You!!!❤️❤️❤️

  • from Blueberry Marmalade

    是你让我爱上音乐和生命 thank you Tim

  • from N.N

    Thank you for creating music that became the soundtrack was the soundtrack to my life. ??

  • from Caroline

    An artist who made me love EDM. An artist who made my Scandinavian genes proud. An artist i will love also when im 80 years old. I Love you Tim.

  • from Melanie Bury Germany

    Thank you for your music Tim ❤️ You truly be missed!

  • from An Australian Aviciier

    When Avicii plays even God raves ? ? ?

  • from Domenico

    Ciao Tim la tua musica vivrà per sempre nel mio cuore. Love from Italy.

  • from DAMN!

    nos dejo un gran legado que nunca morirá

  • from Mittnamn

    Drömmer om dig på nätterna det har inte gått en dag utan att jag tänker på dig! Så många känslor och tankar som delats har så mycket kärlek för dig. Har så svårt att släppa taget.

  • from Serna

    Tim lamento mucho no haber podido verte en vivo aun así se que siempre dabas lo mejor de ti porque lo demostraste siempre con tu excelente música. Se te extrañara siempre como creador de música como el ser humano noble sencillo y hermoso que eras. Lamentablemente algunas personas no lograron cuidar bien de ti. WE LOVE U TIM♥

  • from plus

    I discoverd the EDM music through Avicii in 2011 with Levels and my firts live set too. My favorite song I could the one. for me Avicci was one of the best Dj and Produces had never seen and enjoyed before.

  • from Bradly


  • from Florencia from Argentina

    Come back. I miss you so much that I would give anything to see you smile again ❤️

  • from sadam

    goodmorning. miself from oman (muscat). firstime and last time i am seeing aviici in muscat hill resorti went there with mi friends for dinner surprisingly i saw him he was bit kindf busi so didnt get achance to take a selfi :(.but he smiled at me. loved his songs and still i do. PEACE & LOVE

  • from JH

    My High School years was one of those days when you open yourself to new things even music. Having to listen to much of his phenomenal music from "Levels" to "Wake Me Up" it also etched a part of my teen years to not just music but also inspiration as well. Even though its sad to see him gone from the world his legacy will carry on to not just to EDM but also to millions around the world. We will miss you Avicii (Tim Bergling) and may his memories music and legacy be forever eternal.

  • from 此生未曾逢敌手

    涉江而过 芙蓉千朵 至今听闻 以泪洗面

  • from ClaudiaKrinler

    一直都不喜欢追星,直到遇见了你。一直以来淡淡的喜欢,不同于其他女生那样的狂热追星,我只告诉自己要去一场你自己的音乐节。可是没等高考结束,你就离开了我,突然又残酷。没有带智能机的我在教室电脑上看着学弟给我发来你去世的消息,瞬间哭了出来。循环几年的dear boy 是我最爱的歌,你也是我最喜欢的dear boy呀。一直充满正能量的你把希望带给了那么多人,却把自己的痛苦隐藏到角落。高考结束听到heaven,听一次哭一次。2018年,这一年,我考上了我想去的浙传,却永远失去了你。我很遗憾,遗憾我的生活,永远缺席了你。Wish you all the best in the heaven?RIP my love.

  • from Chirag Bharda

    He say one day you leave this world behind so leave a life you will be remember.Rip Avicii

  • from Maria Paganini

    você fez parte de tantos momentos importantes na minha vida sem ao menos saber disso ? e o que seria o mais importante deles te conhecer nunca vai acontecer isso dói tanto… sei que agora você está em um lugar melhor e saiba que as mensagens que sempre quis passar com suas músicas estão sendo seguidas! eu amo muito você sempre vou amar!

  • from Topio

    After completing my 10th grade I left my home town and stayed in a new city there I met new friends and my friend was playing Levels that's how I got introduce into dance music and that's how I came to know Avicii. Since then I always keep listening to his song. Afterlistening to his track Wake me Up I realized what I wanna do and what I want to be that when I decide I'll be a DJ/Producer. THANK YOU AVICII

  • from Prince KR

    He was something you can't express in words… just a true gem. He definitely changed me.

  • from vincenzo rovelli

    Quando ho letto la notizia non potevo crederci. Avicii è colui che mi ha fatto conoscere ed amare la musica edm io e i miei amici non abbiamo mai smesso di ascoltare le sue tracce inoltre mi sarebbe piaciuto molto andare ad un suo dj set ?. Ci mancherai tim Vincenzo Rovelli Italy.

  • from David

    I think that "You make me" and "Waiting for love" are the two songs that I've listened to the most on repeat ever. They were able to connect with me in such a different way. It's not easy to describe these feelings. Thank you legend. Rest in peace Avicii.

  • from Jack

    I love you. Your music made me happy through a lot of dark times. You made me see the light when i could only see darkness. I wish I could have met you and just had a conversation. This loss is absolutely horrible but you lived a life we will remember. I love you always.

  • from Marie

    Thank you for "Seek Bromance" which was played on the best New Years Eve I ever celebrated. Thank you for "Levels" which was awlways played on the college partys of my frehsman year. Thank you for "Wake me up" which I listened to before my semester abroad when I wasn't sure if I was making the right decision. Thank you for "Trouble" on every damn day. Thank you for all the music you created. You always made me feel understoof. I really hope that you are at a better place right now. All my love

  • from 恭仁


  • from Lee


  • from Jon Jon II

    We will always remember you and your music. "You made memories we knew would never fade."

  • from Jon Jon

    We will always remember you and your music. "You made memories we knew would never faid."

  • from Даша

    Я услышала Авичи впервые в 10 лет С тех пор я не переставала слушать его треки – они были для меня всем. У меня тогда не было хорошего телефона и я записывала его треки на диктофон что бы слушать в школе и все мои школьные годы прошли за музыкой Авичи Я не верю что Авичи нет…каждый раз когда я слышу его музыку я не могу сдержать свои эмоции. Авичи всегда будет жив.???????????

  • from Jessica

    Avicii's death was a shock for me.I can't describe how sad I was. So I contribute my first tattoo to Avicii in order to memorize him.

  • from Dasha

    Avicii is the very first DJ who discovered the world of EDM for me. I loved and loved his tracks. Avicii was for me and will always be alive.??✨?

  • from Lydia chambers

    Let’s take a moment and think what a great person Avicii (Tim) is and I myself have done al load of art of Avicii and when I did them I was listening to all of the songs and they were amazing until sadly he died and we all miss him. His story’s have been shared around from over the world and what I remember me and my friend got tickets to see him… we is fans of Avicii we see that he is up there in the heavens/sky’s watching us reliving his music but we are Heartbroken over his loss. RIP 🙁

  • from Me

    Muchos recuerdos maravillosos al escuchar tu música. Tus canciones suenan y sonaran siempre una y otra vez pasarán los años pero estoy segura que AVICII perdurará SIEMPRE. Simplemente GRACIAS ???

  • from Regards

    I only have one of DJ tshirt. That is AVICII

  • from Martin

    Avicii du warst und wirst immer in unseren Herzen weiter musizieren Wir vermissen dich

  • from Claire (France)

    Un immense artisteTim tu etais pour moi le meilleur!!! Merci à ta famille d' avoir fait de ce site un memorial pour les fans. Ta musique continuera d' exister!

  • from Charlotte from the Netherlands

    Since the day you died there was not a day that i didnt think of you. Not even your music but the kind hart and loving soul you are is what made an big impression on me. You showed the world what a sweet soul and warm hart looks like and even in hard times you showed us how that is done. Thank you for the enormous positive impact jou made on me and many many other in the world. Rest in peace dear angel.

  • from yocandra ?

    We will never forget you.

  • from a proud fan for ever

    i never gonna forget the first song i heard on the radio 'wake me up' that was the moment i became a fan the moment that i listen everyday to your music and waiting for new music and now we only have the memory's of your beatyfull music r.i.p tim /avicii i will never forget you !

  • from Run


  • from No’

    Nous oublierons jamais tes musique continueront de nous faire danser faire danser et chanter la fille de 5ans Repose en paix légende Avec tout notre amour Avicii forever

  • from Keisuke Arai

    Thank you for coming to Japan!! Thank you for a really happy time at that time! I want to meet you again.I'm happy to hear your music. Avicii has been in the hearts of everyone.I hope to see you again. From Japan.

  • from AVIJAZZ

    #LEGENDARY AVICII ◢ ◤ 1989 – Forever ◢ ◤ Tim Bergling! My inspiration you brought me into the music!

  • from Keisuke Arai

    Thank you for coming to Japan!! Thank you for a really happy time at that time! I want to meet you again.I'm happy to hear your music. Avicii has been in the hearts of everyone.I hope to see you again. From Japan.

  • from Bora from Turkey

    You were my childhood musician I grow up with your music you gave color to my life rest in peace great man

  • from WIS??

    进入电音圈比较晚,听到A神的歌的时候他已经退隐了。听的A神的第一首歌是wake me up 之后就疯狂爱上avicii,看各种他的演出视频,梦想着有一天能够去到A神的现场。高三有一段时间一直是靠A神缓解,听到他不在的消息是一个同学告诉我的,那个时候是高三的冲刺阶段,跟网络基本隔绝了,那时候我的反应只是震惊而已。而最近我却是只要看到有关他的一切我都会止不住的流泪,难过,太想念他了。I miss you so much.Love from China.❤️

  • from Yu Kanghun

    I love your music I loved your performance and I loved the name Avicii. My memories are still alive and I will always remember you. Thank you for all the memories

  • from Masanori Ohashi

    日本に来てくれてありがとう! あの興奮は今も忘れない! 本当にありがとう

  • from 美帆

    I was received the wonderful memory by avicii. My best song is Dea boy. His song are eternal.

  • from Monica

    "Wake me up" really wake me up my friend all the best. Hope you found the peace that u were looking for.. Love from Colombia

  • from MK

    He has been my Inspiration since 2013….. i am 14 years old and i learned something new from him. i started liking edm when i was 8 i was listening to a playlist while levels came on….. i really liked the song and then i got to know avicii…… since then he was one of my favorites among martin garrix tiesto hardwell & dv&lm…. april 20th was the saddest day of 2018… i got a shock when i got the tragic news….. i wish he was alive to make another song…. LONG LIVE AVICII ❤️ ???

  • from Johan Rolon

    Gracias por inspirarme a hacer musica y ser mi inspiracion en general mi sueño siempre fue hacer una cancion contigo espero en otra vida lo podamos hacer y espero llegara ser tan grande como tu gracias por darnos esas hermosas melodias de todas tus canciones Descansa en paz leyenda. Nunca te olvidaremos.

  • from Garrick

    Rest in peace. I will never be the same.

  • from Garrick

    R.I.P these world be the same without you.

  • from Nadiuska

    First and only time I saw Avicii perform was my first EDM party in the US (after moving back to the US from Europe). It was in 2011 at the CFE Arena at UCF. I remember drivinf by UCF and seeing the announcement thar Avicii was going to have concert on a Thursday; I immediately called my friends and told them we had to go. We danced all night it was magical. Sad to say it was the only time I got to see him perform. The world lost a musical legend and an amazing human being.

  • from Gael Mendoza

    Amo la musica de Tim el siempre me alegra mis dias sus melodias me trasnmiten esos animos y esa energia que dia con dia se va de mi el siempre y nunca me cansare de escucharlo gracias Avicii

  • from Rodolfo

    Dear Tim I want to start off by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all the tough times you have helped me through with your uplifting free-spirited music. You have also helped me create beautiful memories with all the people close to me as we played your music together. I never got the chance to meet you in real life or attend a show but I know that I would have felt a rush of euphoria seeing you in person. I'm forever grateful for your music. May you rest in peace brother.

  • from Lucas Reis

    Muito Obrigado pelas canções elas me me ajudaram muito que quando ouvidas me fazem pensar em quem eu sou hoje e quem eu quero ser no futuro . Sempre me inspirei em você para criar melodias ainda edtou em começo de carreira(Mas um dia vou chegar no sucesso igual a você chegou não é por dinheiro e sim pelo amor a música) Meu sonho era produzir ao seu lado mas infelizmente você agora não esta aqui… te acompanho desde o começo da carreiraObrigado Tim por me inspirar a ser um musico( Avicii )

  • from Juan Pablo Ascurra

    Tim <3 you're my inspiration i am a dj/producer and you are the best part on my carrer love you always your music and your legacy rest in peace Avicii forever in my heart <3

  • from Alejandra

    Un ser talentoso con un gran corazón y un espíritu hermoso dejaste un gran vacío en todas aquellas personas que admiran tu música y tu trabajo tu legado siempre vivirá en todos nosotros espero hagas bailar a todos en el cielo !!!! ??

  • from Gabriel

    Empezé a escucharle con levels allá por el 2011. Fue mi música favorita. Después de esa fue wake me Up luego the night xyou y ahora fríen of mine. Cada vez que escucho alguna de sus músicas se me sigue erizando la piel. Lo mejor de su música es que cada una se ajusta a un momento particular de la vida de cada uno. Tenía ese talento único de despertar un recuerdo en particular con solo una melodía o la letra de sus canciones. Eso lo convierte en alguien con un talento único.

  • from Diego

    Eres mi inspiración y lo seguirás siendo. Voy en camino a ser como tú. Un gran artísta.

  • from Kon

    Él me dijo un día vas a dejar este mundo atrás Así que vive una vida que puedas recordar por siempre Mi padre me dijo que yo era apenas un niño Estas son la noches que nunca podrán morir Mi padre me dijo…

  • from Lia

    His music touched me the first time that I listened to "Wake me up" and I became a fan since that moment. Your music is going to live forever and you will be a legend to all those in the music industry. All my love and condolences to his family.

  • from Jamie Marando

    I’m going 17 & going to be a senior in high school- and I remember in 6th grade my best friend and I’s moms went to buy us tickets to see him…. only to realize that we had to be 18. I look back & laugh to it 🙂 Heartbroken over this loss.

  • from Gilmároa

  • from Marwen boubaker

    I gotta learn how to love without you .i gotta carry my cross without u .

  • from Andy roo92

    Avicii was the reason I kept fighting through the darkness his music shone out and was always bright and different from other artists that produced similar sounds and vocals . You will be missed by me and heaven has gained a true legend !

  • from Roosevelt

    Es realmente triste…. Sabes no pienso mentir me hice fan de Avicii como en 2016 pero lo había escuchado por allá del 2013 con wake me up. En 2016 enserio me hice fan de Avicii creo que ningun otro artista me enamoronde su música… Sus sonidos únicos eso es lo que hace tan triste esto .. Nadie te superará . Mis oraciones para su familia.

  • from Pengcheng Chang

    Everyone feels depressed sontimes. It is your music that cheers me up. Not been to your show becomes my biggest regret. Thank you. I miss you.

  • from Emma

    I will never forget the first time I heard one of your first tracks. I was pretty young I think I was around 6-7 years old than. One of my brothers started to listen at your songs when you realesed Levels. And I was like I said around 6-7 years old. So I could say that I almost grew up with your tracks and I'm thankful for that. You are my biggest inspiration my idol my hero my everything. Tack Tim för allt jag kommer aldrig att glömma dig❤

  • from Brooke

    I’ll never forget you. I lack the skills to be able to put all my feelings into words. There isn’t a day where I don’t think of you and your music. Not once since 2011 and especially now. RIP Tim… ❤️

  • from Jacqueline

    …keine Worte … sehr traurig… Wir werden Dich und deine Musik vermissen …immer??????

  • from Ludovica. ?

    You accompanied me during my childhood with your music you made me dance and made me happy through it and continue to do so because as long as there is music there is life. I'm going to tattoo with your logo to represent you my childhood music and above all to remind me that the cruelty of the world can lead to making wrong choices. Whatever the reasons for this there are more and more reasons not to do it. I will remember you every day of my life I will carry you in my heart.

  • from Rebecca

    Habe gerade ein Video von dir gesehen. Es berührt mich immer noch zu tiefst dass du nicht mehr da bist! ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Réka

    Dear Tim! I will never forget you….. a beautiful soul never forget…..

  • from Marije

    Rest in peace beautiful Tim! ❤️ From the Netherlands

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