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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Shrey Bhardwaj

    I think words won't do justice to the happiness Avicii spread through his music. Never had I seen people unite through music till I saw a video on YouTube of a very large crowd singing Wake Me Up at one of his concerts. Thanks for making me believe in music. He's in a better place now but his music still lives on…

  • from Torsten Miller

    Ich bin selber DJ und habe deine sounds gerne gespielt und werde es weiterhin tun. Mein Freund ruhe in frieden. Gruß DJ Torsten Miller

  • from German.V

    Querido Tim! Gracias por sacarme una sonrisa en los dias que estoy triste gracias por alegrarme en los momentos difíciles de mí vida gracias por alegrarme la vida con tus melodías y tus musica prometo llevarte en mí corazón por siempre espero que estés en el lugar que siempre deseaste. Gracias! Te amo por siempre

  • from Alan Tom

    There I was. Depressed. Broken. Thinking about suicide. And Tim was one of the artists who pulled me back into this world. You'll forever be one of the people I'm most indebted to. And you'll always be someone I'll look up to cause you showed us all that hard work really does pays off. You taught the world that being unique brings your own character to the table. Just like your music. Thank you Tim.

  • from Yansa.Ezung

    Was never a big fan of EDM until Avicii came along. His music which was coated with Heavenly melody made my ear drums dance. He was truly a genius at work. God bless his soul and may he rest in peace.

  • from Angie

    You were able to define love and life in the space of three minutes two beats or one sentence. Thank you for gifting me with meaning I will carry forever.

  • from swingman

    Hi Tim,有很多话想对你说,现在又不知道说些什么,你的那首feeling good ,我当作手机铃声用了4年时间,我一次又一次站在宽阔的海边听着你的歌,感觉 感觉,我是那么的有力量,可当我听到你离开的消息,我是那么的接受不了。 今后的日子 我依然会目视着前方安静的听着你的音乐,我会告诉我未来的孩子有一个名字叫 avicii。 你的音乐陪伴了我很久,,也会让我想起很多回忆。 走吧,去找回属于你真正的自己。 我会在世界的一个小小角落里用我自己的方式,来怀念你。 拜 Tim

  • from Krisi

    Thanks for everything Hero! ❤ Rip!

  • from Natalia C

    Dear Tim: Hey Brother Now I have to go on and live Without You I didn' know I was Adicted To You The Days and The Nights since you've passed away have been hard I'm still Waiting For Love and For A Better Day So Wake Me Up when i'ts all over… You Make Me a better person Always Gonne Love Ya Thank X You Tim I love you forever .

  • from Katalin

    Ingen artist bortgång har berört mig så hårt som Aviciis. En talangfull ung man som inte kan uppleva saker i livet som inte kan egna sig om det som han älskar mest…musik. Varför varför?Tim du kommer att leva vidare via din musik.Vila i frid du kommer alltid bli ihågkommen för den underbar person du var och för din underbara musik.

  • from Eva

    La muerte de Avicii me tomo por sorpresa recuerdo que cuando mi hermana me dijo le respondí "es falso no creas todo lo que vez en internet" y después de que otras personas me enviaran la noticia caí en llanto. Realmente no lo creía y sigo sin creerlo. Las canciones de Tim me encantan recuerdo cuando lo escuché por primera vez en el 2012. Siempre te llevaré en mi corazón Tim marcaste mi vida.❤️ Monterrey México.

  • from Fanny

    I have always connected Tim to sunsets there is nothing like a sunset with someone you love in combination with one of your songs Tim. I can still feel your attendance when i look up at the sky which reminds me to never forget you. The love you brought to this world is like a wind we cannot see it anymore but we can all feel it ♡

  • from AMLAKO

    They say "Music is for the soul" but for me there was something else in the background but I did not connect that I started to hear the melodies and the words that Avicii created. It took me free and I did not know. For me I fell in love with music because of Avicii and he revealed a world I never knew. Myself and reach places I did not know

  • from Krishna Kulkarni

    Music is not just a set of catchy tunes to ears. It is an emotion it is a language without any barriers and words. You made us speak us this language. You brought hopejoy love to all of our lives. And for all that we're forever grateful. I pray to God that let your legacy be cherished and remembered till the end of time.

  • from Fahmi

    the first time I knew him through the night song. after that I found out about him and I became one of his fans. all the songs he created I've heard. and after I heard that he was dead as if he didn't believe him he was one of the best musicians ever and all his career will always be remembered. goodbye avicii greetings from indonesia.

  • from mickelsski

    Having to leave Avicii behind feels like having to leave childhood behind. So many of my best memories have something to do with Tim and his music and I can't remember them the same way anymore.

  • from Morgan

    Rest in Peace Tim. You were a big inspiration for a lot of people and obviously for me too now I cry while listening all your musics. I wish you peace and happiness through the sky from France.

  • from Aviciiforever

    We wil never forget you my love


    AVICII un músico que fue como ningún otro en el mundo con su música llena de sentimientos que te llegan al corazón y haciéndonos uno ya sean sus letras o melodías que van al unísono perfectamente…. Tim vive y vivirá en nuestros corazones… Nunca te olvidaremos…

  • from Andrea U -Colombia

    Su música era genial siempre me subía el ánimo y aún cuando sigo escuchando sus canciones lo recuerdo con admiración siempre será inspiración y motivación para cada uno de sus fans. Gracias por marcar la historia de la música electrónica Tim.

  • from Parth Rane

    Avicii was not a musician or a DJhe was an artist…Such an artist who had the magic to bring the whole world together with his art….His songs gave us the inspiration to live our lives to our fullest.. He may have left us but his music will always be in our hearts making the whole world a family…. He undoubtedly was one of the best people who ever trod on the Earth… In loving memory of our very own AVICII

  • from ショウタ

    Aviciiの楽曲 は私の何かを変えた。 ひと目でいいからAviciiを生で見たかった。 ありがとう、、Avicii、、、

  • from Limbeau

    ?◢ ◤

  • from lucas

    avicii was my hero he was the man of the music i love the songs off him

  • from XUSAN BEST

    Avicii was my proud and inspiration! R.I.P (((

  • from Klemen

    Thank you for everything Tim! You music will live forever ❤️

  • from Abhinav sharma

    Hi avicii hope you see this… I started listening to your tracks since 8th grade… Seeing you I started to believe in music production… My aim was tobe like you and produce music nobody ever made and my dream was to collab and play with you at tomorrowland… But my dream shattered on april 202018 When I got to know about it…you left us too soon bro.. We will all miss you and your music will never die..R.I.P. LEGEND…AVICII….

  • from Vivien

    Your songs lyrics is the same what I felt/feel. And now that you died I need to cry everytime when I listening them. (Without you)

  • from Vimal Patel

    those magical palm movements!! no one can ever replace him the best ever. You left us too soon TIM RIP the legend…

  • from Tanmay

    Your songs are the inspiration for many in world. In India almost all the parties play your music. I was never a fan of EDM until I heard your songs. Thanks for the awesome contribution to this world. R.I.P◢ ◤

  • from Aryaputra

    I really like your music broo… so sad that you leave us so quickly.. semoga amalmu diterima di sisi-Nya

  • from Anubhav

    Hi Avicii if you are reading this then you should know that you are a big inspiration for me. I will always love you and your music.

  • from Tomás Ciani

    Avicii marcó un antes y un despues en mi vida cuando lo conocí gracias a Wake Me Up me despertó la felicidad. Supe que lo que me hacia feliz era la musica que a el tanto le apasionaba. Siempre va a vivir en lo corazones de todos. DESCANSA EN PAZ GENIO!!!

  • from 大龙

    Avicii,drop Levels and Waiting for love one more time for us,OK?我真的好想你。From China

  • from Becky

    Gothe once said"Why bring us happiness must be the resources of unfortunate?" I think that's because the person who brings much happiness also took much happiness away. Sometimes I blame myself fell in love with you too latebut sometimes I feel lucky that I wasn't too early to like your everything. And without a doubt I've never feeling regret fell in love with ur musicyour DJingor the way u talked.Thank u to show as Avicii for our desireand u gave us the forever within the numbered days❤️

  • from Aki

    I'm Japanese High School student I can't understand language But I can understand your message I sad you died Your song is live in my heart ;)

  • from えりな

    わたしは、かつて郵便局に務めておりました。毎日ノルマに追われ、どれだけ頑張っても怒られる毎日でした。こんななら死のうって思って線路前で泣いてたこともありました。家にガスコンロ用のガス撒いて死のうとしましました。そんななか、出会えたのが「i could be the one」自分でしか自分を自由にできない。これが心に刺さって、自分自身を自由にすることができた。あなたのお陰で今、あたしは生きていて、いまは最高な仲間にも出会えた。本当に感謝しています。感謝してもしきれませ。ふそして先月、マークの◢ ◤を足首に入れました。これからも共に生きてください。永遠にそばにいて元気づけてください。AVICIIが死んでから毎日曲を聴いては悲しい気持ちになってます。未だに信じられません。でもあなたの選んだ道です。天国ではきっと笑ってるはずって思ってる。あたしもすぐ行きますので曲作りながら待っててください。 R.I.P AVICII

  • from Alejandro

    So live a live u will remember

  • from avirias

    "I'm going to tear this city down without you."

  • from Akim Jones

    Everytime I listen to an avicii song I instantly get vibes of the summer back in 2013 with my friends. He was the soundtrack of my summer and most likely the person to introduce me to EDM music alongside Calvin Harris and Zedd. But he did not deserve to die. Not in the slightest. I can only hope he’s spending time looking through all the messages. He can now live The Days and The Nights in Peace now……..Goodbye Brother. And thank you so much for the memories. I’ll cherish them forever.

  • from MIHO

    I love avicii's songs so much that I listen to it everyday.You made this wonderful song You left this world already. However I continue to love and listen to songs of avicii as ever. R.I.P. Tim…..

  • from Javen

    Avicii was the first EDM musician i ever listen to i listen to Levels and all the other songshe made when i realised he died.. i was saddened as i was playing his music while reading the article rip man

  • from Jasha

    Dear Tim Amazing how music can change a life and how a life can change music. I still can't belive that i wont be able to tell you this face to face but you're the reason why there's a big smile on my face. You're the reason why i found my passion in music production. I dont care if i never make a dolar with it i just love getting every day a little closer to give to others the feeling you gave to me. You will always be with me in my hearth and my music. Jasha

  • from BRAVOSINC

    Punk pum pum disk disk disk pum pum pum tasa hhdkdjsshr pum pum ñum this :v

  • from 裘之秋

    我第一次听到avicii的歌是一首《Waiting For Love》这首歌让我重新认识了生活,也让我认识了avicii。这是2017年的事,在短短一年的时间里,我从《Wake Me Up》 到《The Nights》再到《Levels》,我几乎把avicii的所有专辑都听完了。这些歌曲激励着我不要被生活的困难所打倒,要对未来的生活看好。感谢avicii的歌曲带给我信心。R.I.P◢ ◤

  • from Amiel adany

    Avicii Tim Berling is maybe another name The amazing music man You had music that you can not forget and every song has incredible meaning that can not be described You were pretty DJ and legendary producer We'll always remember you Amiel Adani Music

  • from Icelr

    You are my faithmy love.Farewell my friendgod wants some music .Just play it for himlove you forever? please rest in peace.Please wake me up when you wake up.

  • from 陆中听

    You wake me up when I started fading into darkness. The city light silhouetted you. I talked to myself that I could be the one who can be your true friend. You told me a story about the long road to hell and you were hoping there’s someone who is lonely and together you can go to the heaven. I was your true believer. Brother you could be a friend of mine. I lay myself down and wait for the days. However you are a liar. You said there would be ten more days before we go…..

  • from Sam

    Your music inspired me. We will always love you AVICII. FROM MALAYSIA

  • from Sprite_cola

    Heard WAKE ME UP by chance at 14 when I was worried about my future.THANK YOU AVICII! Without you i feel lost at sea.Hope you can have a such a nightsuch a beautiful night in heaven. REST IN PEACE. YOUR FANS IN CHINA.

  • from Daniel Sheen

    When I discovered Avicii's music I was going through a really bad stage in my life. Avicii's music helped me get through it. I will never forget that his music saved me. He will be missed by millions around the world. I still listen to all of his music almost daily. He is an inspiration to me and one day I would like to be making music like he did. RIP Tim. <3

  • from Anonymous

    I have a new found love for you. You are my inspiration my sunshine. I will cry everyday without you. I love your music. Rest In Pesce Avicii. I will always Remember you. Till we meet again. ???? R.I.P.

  • from Pooya from Iran

    I've been listening to Avicii since 2012. Thank you Tim for making these great musics and changing our lives. You were not only a perfect DJ but also a great producer and a great artist. RIP Dear Tim ◢ ◤ تیم ممنون به خاطر اینکه به زندگی هامون رنگ جدیدی بخشیدی

  • from Riko・T from JAPAN

    I am Japanese High School student. One of my friend tought me AVICII. Soon I'm always listening AVICII's songs. Then the first and last consert has held in Japan. I could go that and I can met AVICII. This is the best memory of AVICII for me. ◢◤AVICII FOREVER◢◤

  • from Gaurav

    still cant believe he is not with us i guess his songs are alive. he produced each music with so much efforts he put his soul in his music that touched different people all over the world. thanks for creating such a wonderful music that speaks Avicii is still alive !

  • from Fwell

    还记得X'you Sunshine(with David guetta) Dear Boy吗? 这些是我最喜欢的歌曲 从2011年开始听他的音乐 当时也才刚开始接触电子音乐和DJ 真是难忘的回忆 就好像昨日的光辉 转眼就离开了 永远怀念你 ! RIP —– From CHINA

  • from Julia Silva

    Avicii pra mim não significava só um grande DJ mas significava o amor felicidade união. Avicii me trouxe momentos bons que nunca esquecerei. Ele estará para sempre no meu coração e na minha mente até mesmo na minha pele. ?

  • from Deep Nandi

    Avicii has been a God to me. His music always helped me in the most struggling situations. He still lives in my heart. Even today his music boosts me up. There can be only one one Avicii and he still lives around us due to his music.

  • from 陈梓荣

    When I feel confused and helpless it is Avicii music that gives me the impetus to move forward. Avicii forever!! 当我感到迷茫和无助时,是Avicii的音乐给予了我前进的动力 Avicii forever!!

  • from Malena Campos

    Fuiste sos y seguirás siendo uno de los mejores djs!!! Simplemente gracias por tan maravillosa música por haber logrado que cada día me guste más y más la música electrónica cuando la escucho es algo totalmente inexplicable lo que siento esa paz y felicidad… Te extraño todos los días un poco más no puedo superar tu partida no sabiendo que no pude conocerte ni formar parte de un concierto tuyo? Te extraño y prometo llevarte siempre en mi corazón Tim❤

  • from Fok

    Missed you Tim❤️

  • from Adrián Coma

    Toda mi vida he escuchado rock sinfónico música de los 80 pero hace un par de añosa mi 50 decidí hurgar en la música del siglo XXI y descubrí a Avicii a Tim con su maravillosa música su enorme talento y humanidad. Cada día lo escucho en el auto incluso en el trabajo. Debo haber escuchado "True" mil veces es una gran obra maestra. Prácticamente desplacé a la vieja música lo cual renovó muchos de mis pensamientos. Gracias Tim amigo por tu generosidad. Hasta pronto.

  • from João

    Espero que tua música seja eternizada. E que todos que te amavam possam encontrar um bom refúgio na paz.

  • from Jeremy

    Thanks for waking me up with your EDM 🙂

  • from Manu

    Avicii esteve presente nos melhores momentos de minha vida. Você é inesquecível ❤

  • from Nguyễn Đình Trọng

    Tim is the person that make me instrest with electronic music . His music so pure and so special. The melody he make is feel so heavenly classic and gentle. His death can make us so sad but with the music he created he make people belive that he live forever Love and Memories from Viet Nam

  • from Sai

    Musikmu telah membuatku mencintai musik EDM. Tanpa Avicii aku takkan pernah tahu apa itu EDM.

  • from 阿参

    When I listen to the song I have cried many times it is just like a very moving story. And I thought That It must be what the Singer wants and belives in Love I thought he Could get married and stays with his love till his very old like the Video .But no I was wrong And He stays young forever.

  • from Rhythm

    The levels make me fuckin crazy Its help me in happy movement sad movement. Its help to live my life

  • from Manuel

    Tu música será eterna ❤️

  • from まお◢ ◤

    素晴らしい音楽を作ってくれてありがとう! ゆっくり休んでね!

  • from Gautham Pavithran

    Avicii….You make me so happy through your terrific music with the beautiful lyrics & you brought everyone together through your music. There is one saying is there in Indian Mythology "Vasudeiva Kutumbakam" that means All are equal All are one. These words you have proved it Avicii through your music. We all miss you Tim (Avicii) ???…….

  • from Utkarsh

    Thank you for making my life awesome You will never die for me . You will always be alive in my heart.

  • from Erik

    Avicii is a good person. He has made a lot of people happier with his songs with his melodies that came from his mind and soul. He was a legend and he is still a legend in his death. He was a big part of the entire music world. Every Avicii songs contains a part of Avicii's soul. So based on his songs he had a good soul. We will never forget you Avicii.

  • from Chow Yangyang

    认识你是在waiting for love ,高考时是你的歌给了我力量,难以想象并不强壮的你,是怎样把那种力量倾注在歌声里的。后来爱上你是在dear boy ,那真的让我想stay with you。但是如果尘世的痛苦让你无法招架,那么就好好休息吧。常常说你是鸽子王,因为你老是放鸽子,下次可不可以鸽上帝一次啊?我想你了,Tim.

  • from 結衣

    あなたは、音楽は人生を変えることができるを証明してくれた。 私の人生で唯一の後悔はあなたに会えなかったこと。 心から愛している。

  • from Daniel Pettersson

    Tack för allt Tim Hoppas du vilar fint – in a sky full of stars! ❤️

  • from Abdu

    I still remember the first track I ever heard from you (Seek Bromance) it was on the radio at night in a EDM radioshow around 2010. I'll never forget that moment it was special since then I became a fan and always loved your music. Thanks to talent like you I fell in love with electronic dance music made my bad days feel a lot better. Thank you for all the memories Avicii. Rest In Peace Tim.

  • from Gwendal Morvan

    I put a picture also for you rip avicii bye love you music ??????

  • from Nicolas

    Your music give me a passion for edm. Since 2014 i produce electronic music after listenning « Bromance » Thank you for all Tim Forever in my heart <3

  • from Sampath Malladi

    Rest in peace Tim. You are my inspiration ??

  • from Gwendal Morvan

    thank you for everything you did rest in peace you left too early was hard on your career we know thank you for having ambiancer the whole world rest in peace I am from France and all the evening I listen to your music ' hope that you see us and that you hear us from paradise I hope to come to see you in the cemetery if I go in Sweden one day I will put something a gift to say thank you rip avicii tim berg ????????

  • from DHILSHAD

    For me music was avicii… i didnt give a shit about EDM untill i heard levels… it changed everything… i fall asleep listening to avicii.. the first thing i did after waking up was listening to a random avicii song.. while at work.. while driving.. literally everywere… it gave me a lot of possitivity… and the day he left… my craze for EDM ended there… Thank you avicii.. for everything you have given us.. The only drug i ever had was your music.. and it got me addicted..

  • from Suha


  • from Sam

    Your music effected and inspired not only me but so many others. It's hard to put into words how i feel when i hear some of your songs that i first heard years ago. But what i can put into words is how you created my love of music and my life has gained so much from that. You are the only celebrity id ever have wanted to meet and I'll be proud to have your logo tattooed on my arm one day.

  • from Felix Hartlaub

    Thank you for your Hard Work for us ❤ You will never be forgotten with your Music ❤

  • from Chema Garcia

    Tim muchas gracias fuiste mi inspiración y lo serás siempre gracias a ti me involucré en el mundo de la música. Espero que allí donde estés suene la mejor música cómo la tuya.

  • from Dhanushka Jayagoda

    Thanks for making songs that transport me back in time to my childhood whenever I listen to them. Timeless songs made by a legend now among the stars. "Don't Cry Because It's Over; Smile Because It Happened".

  • from Kawabata Yuya


  • from Takashi T

    i appreciate for Tim in heaven. forever

  • from lisa

    avicii、ありがとう どうか、これからも貴方の曲がたくさんの人に愛されますように おつかれさま、どうか安らかに 大好きです

  • from Tomomi

    ほんとにほんとに大好きでした。一番大好きなDJ。優しさが伝わる音楽をありがとう。日本に来た時に会えて本当に嬉しかった。私の心の中で永遠に生き続けます。 ありがとう。

  • from simon xu

    Oh my legend !!! chinese will always love u my dear boy!!!

  • from Szblcs Hrvth

    Legends Never Die ❤

  • from Zhou Nan

    He said "One day you'll leave this world behind,So live a life you will remember."。 I know it's hard to say goodbye but your spirits are always stimulating us.When I heard this song it brought me from the darkness.Getting the news I cried for hours but couldn't believe it. I am from China in edc China so many DJs saluted to you,I can still remember Martin Garrix cried:“Avicii,I fxxking love you bro forever.”Tears streamed down my face,R.I.P Avicii 感谢你让我接触到电子音乐,你的作品在我成长路途中陪伴着我,永远激励着我,谢谢

  • from From Hungary

    "I'm addicted to you Hooked on your love Like a powerful drug I can't get enough of Lost in your eyes…."

  • from AshuHonda

    アビィーチーは僕の心の支えでした… 亡くなって早くも4ヶ月惜しんでももう戻ってこないと思うと会いたかったと後悔しきれないです… 僕はまだ14歳なのでクラブやフェスには行けないので仕方なかったが、それでも会いたかった… ~ Avicii Forever ~

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