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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Kate Jackson

    Thank you AVICII you made my life better. Your music will allways be a part of my heart and my soul. Rest in Peace in a sky full of stars

  • from Daniel H. (Czech Rep.)

    He's truly the living legend. I'll never forget times I found Tim on the internet his songs are very inspirational to me with deep lyrics ♥ Avicii/Tim will always be my hero legend brother ♥ I'll own every party for u Tim and I'll try to make something that everyone will remember for centuries ♥ You're my idol.. We'll miss you Tim :'( "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember." I hope you're making excellent concerts in a heaven ♥ I miss you.. Greetings from CZ

  • from Lou

    Truly inspirational… i suffer with anxiety and depression but all that seems to fade whenever i listen to his songs… they speak to me better then counsellors i live throu music and Avicii is in my top list xxx will never stop listeing to his music .. he shall live on….

  • from Emilia

    Thank you Avicii for waking up my emotions in my hardest times… especially through your last album. Your music has always made me feel alive. Thank you for all the great music that still keeps us dancing singing and living. You will always live in our hearts through your music.

  • from Marian

    He was one of the gratest musicians of our time. He made my NIGHTS unforgettable. He WAKES ME UP every morning and I will never forget these DAYS when I listened to his music while chilling on the beach. I'm GONNA LOVA YA all the thime and WITHOUT YOU everything will be different. RIP Legend

  • from Raul Solano

    From time to time our world gives us talents like yours. Talents that in their process of discovery amaze us as a race and that as always we do not know how to maintain or care … we will never know how far you could have reached us but that desire that determination and that conception of music that you showed us It will inspire us forever. We owe you to continue walking towards that world where you could continue among us. Nobody deserves this type of absences. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Timotej

    You are an amazing person Tim and your songs are so inspirational. You changed my life and I am thankful to you. You will be remembered.

  • from Ameesh Jadon

    The day I listened to your song Levels i went crazy for EDM. You were the man who inspired me to go in this industry. Your dedication and passion for music was unmatchable. Listening to your songs still makes me feel you are here. You were a true legend and role model for many like me. You may be dead but you are still living within our hearts and your music has made you immortal. It was my dearest wish to work with you but it will remain unfulfilled forever. Miss You Tim?? RIP?? LEGEND!

  • from ROMAURELE

    All my little family miss Avicii. My daughters say: « He was the only one able to show us what real life is ». They are only 6 and 7. He was talking to us through his music more than he could think. Everything was amazing: sound pictures chosen artists. Thanks to Him for all that. We will always miss Avicii the Artist. Maybe the Greatest Of All Times. ????

  • from Max

    Просто воспоминарие

  • from Alicia

    Avicii is the soul reason I am in love with EDM now. Ever since I started hearing his songs in random places I fell in love with the style of music that was being produced. I seriously think he has always been under rated no one other than us sees the pure passion going into every song he has ever released. Wanting to spread messages which many of us recieved. Avicii will always be my hero. A true genius who may be gone but whose music will live forever. RIP Tim. We all miss you xx

  • from Sara

    we will always embrace you your music helped me and I will forever listen to them calm in peace tim…

  • from Magali

    Avicii Je t'ai connu au tout début de ta carrière tous les mix que tu as créé sont juste parfait rien a redire. Pour moi tu étais un pionner de la musique électro à vrai dire je ne sais pas pourquoi je parle au passé. Tu es toujours parmi nous ta musique restera à jamais avec nous et toi aussi ! Tu es et restera mon DJ et musicien favori ! Quand je me sens pas bien j'écoute ta musique ! Merci ! Repose en paix.

  • from Anne

    Beautiful mind?

  • from GENKI KAJI


  • from Spirits

    The first song I listened to from Avicii was Wake Me Up and I absolutely loved it. One of the best songs I'd heard. So I went to his SoundCloud page and started clicking on his other tracks but my favourite track out of all of them was Lonely Together mainly because I found it so relatable in my life. I actually found Lonely Together because of Alan Walker's remix but I do prefer the original. I now produce my own music because of him. Thank you for being an inspiration to me Tim.

  • from ROHIT

    "THE NIGHTS" well this song motivated and is motivating many out there. Still cant believe that the legend is no more. Legends never die. And yes he is remembered for his music and the life he lived and not the money he made? RIP legend❤

  • from Assembled Noise

    Levels is probably the best melody I've heard. I feel your music it motivates it drives me. RIP Avicii. When you passed away it was like a part of me died.

  • from FP

    Geen echte fan-fan! Maar in al die jaren wel vaak genoeg naar je geluisterd om te kunnen zeggen dat er een groot talent is heen gegaan. Erg zonde … ik hoop dat je de rust die je zocht gevonde hebt! Rest In Peace!

  • from O

    Then we will met the boy in the sky In the sky and I will sing together to the end off all time We Will always be loking to the stars and I will never forget what you men to my I Will treasure it in my hart for ever and ever I Will prefer it in my hart for ever and ever The boy in the skye he know why

  • from Tania Avitia

    He was an inspiration for me since child. I remember when I feel depressed because of bullying and having problems in my house and school. I listen his song silhouettes it gives me light when I was just watching darkness. And when I moved out of my town to a city I like it to listen this phrase: "we will never look back at the faded silhouette". After going from depression his music gives me inspiration always when I feel alone. You open my eyes. You will be in my heart. Thank you Tim. 🙂

  • from Ashley

    Tim's music touched me in ways nothing and nobody else could it speaks to my heart and soul. It keeps me surviving on my bad days. Avicii is a legend in my mind and no matter the years to come I won't forget how he made me feel. I remember once wake me up came on the radio and it gave me the urge to pick up my cat and sing to her and dance. Im normally not that fun. Tim made that happen. The legend lives on…. I love that man.

  • from Joshua

    Best memories from your music. Growing up listening to you always made my day better. When i would have my music on shuffle and anyone of your songs came on it lifted my mood. The were passionate. We will miss you

  • from Josh

    24th January 2014 marked when me and my ladyfriend at the time shared our first kiss at Avicii's True Tour concert in Brisbane Australia. Now every year since then we celebrate our anniversary on the same day and have Tim berg to thank for staging the night that changed our lives forever.

  • from Beto gaona

    You were the best

  • from yueliang

    You're my music guru and I wouldn't touch it without you. I don't even try to do it. I know you're in "Every song you sing is familiar to me." I heard the bad news on April 20. I didn't believe it until I saw the first post on INS was your photo. I blindfolded my eyes. Tears streamed down my pillow and I even had the idea of finding God with you. No life is empty. Heart is sad. Your music is awesome and heartbreaking in the music world. I can't Without You

  • from Nikki

    It was only 4 years ago I learned of Avicii through his amazing song "Wake Me Up". Today it's still one of my very favorite songs and lead me to listen to more of his music some of which I also love and will always cherish. 4 short years but it was enough for him to become a part of my world. Goodbye Avicii thank you for the wonderful music you’ve brought to life. I really wish you could have found the same happiness you've given to me and to the other people whom you've touched. R.I.P. ;A;

  • from Appoline from FRANCE

    "Je ne suis pas loin juste de l'autre coté du chemin vous voyez tout est bien" Forever Magic TIM.

  • from EASON FROM ??

    在我事业的最开始起步时期,你的音乐陪伴我度过了无数个夜晚,时刻鼓励着我前进。 我穿着印着Ture的大T恤来到2014年上海Storm,但是被鸽了:) 你的音乐一直是我的最爱,一直以来的愿望就是能够亲身体验你的现场,有生之年最大的愿望。 但是现在,再也不可能实现了。 RIP AVICII MY KING. ◢ ◤

  • from Liliana Nova

    Last night I dreamed about Tim's music. I was in a store and suddenly the melody of "wake me up" appeared. I was deeply touched and I went away from the other person in my dream to be alone with the emotions and the music. I wonder about his genius his will to work hard and his lovely radiance. Even though I never knew him personally he changed something for me. Tim and his work deeply inspire me and I send all my love and blessings to his family friends and fans. Love

  • from Ariz husain

    He was the only person I wanted to meet in this whorl wide world I loved his songs and him as a human being he was one of the most influential and inspiring person to exist I had been following him for the past 2 years and was waiting for his new album EP 2 until I heard he passed away I am so devastated that I can't even tell I think about him almost everyday and about his contributions I dreamt every day that one day I would meet him and talk to him about his songs . My sincerest condolences .

  • from Uziel AR

    Mi idolo grandes canciones todo en maestro en la música electrónica AVICII presente en mi Vida para siempre.

  • from candy anne

    still can’t believe you’re gone. you’re missed so much your legacy will live on forever. rest easy

  • from Kum Jamir

    Dear Tim Thank you so much for being born into this world. You're gone now but you're music will always remain in my heart and thank you for all the beautiful music . I love you from the bottom of my heart Your sincerely Kum Jamir ❤?

  • from ASAP

    ◢ ◤ Turn On Tune In Drop Out ◢ ◤

  • from Luis Ángel. VG

    Te vamos a recordar siempre fuiste uno de los grandes avicii… Me dolió tu perdida pero se que estas tocando tu musica aya arriba ojala te ubieras despedido…

  • from kaimin wong

    Su música tiene ese " algo especial" que emociona y motiva a la vez. nos vemos!

  • from Jordan

    Ta musique était présente lors des meilleurs comme les pires moments de ma vie. Ta musique en disais long sur la personne que tu étais merci pour tout. Personne ne t’oubliera. ❤️

  • from JAVIERA ????

    Al oír la triste noticia de que acababas de dejar este mundo se me llenaron los ojos de lágrimas al saber que ya no estabas Tim nos dejaba ? no lo podía creer ?. Siento una tristeza enorme al saber que ya no estas no estas para crear nuevos temas para hacer conciertos llenos de alegría ?? etc. Pero estes donde estes TIM siempre estarás en nuestras memorias y tus temas siempre vivirán que de eso nos encargaremos nosotros tus fans Te Amo ?

  • from Kévin Delage

    J'ai fais mes débuts de DJ sur sa musique. Ce n'était pas de bonne qualité mais j'y prenais goût à chaque que je jouais ses morceaux ils tournaient en boucle. Oui j'avoue ne plus avoir écouter durant plusieurs années mais quand ces morceaux sortaient ça ne m'empêchait pas d'écouter et d'apprécier ce qu'il faisait.

  • from Carolina suryajaya

    First time i love edm music and i could cry a lot when in bali heard wake me up. In my head at that time like said okay from now i should listen edm they were touch my heart and changing my mind to better. On that time i was down. When i feel lonely when i heard avicii song i wasn't lonely like i heard waiting for love pure grinding the days the night without you taste the feeling and the other. Ur music was touch a billion people life. Thank you tim bergling! U always in our heart ❤?

  • from PeterTW Pan

  • from Thomas

    RIP Legend

  • from 王铠诚

    HEY BROTHER,he is a FRIEND OF MINE and WAKE ME UP in the past ,he told me to WAITING FOR LOVE,but the LONELY TOGETHER at the present!WHAT WOULD I CHANGE IT TO?whatever THE DAYS and THE NIGHTS,i TALK TO MYSELF,there are TRUE STORIES,rest in HEAVEN!who is he?he is AVICII

  • from Khaled PRC

    TIM: Still can not believe you already left couple months.When the first time i heard the songs-levelsit was awesome and i love it so much.Then i start to know youlistened every your albumevery songs and every compositio.It was insaneyou are f***ing genius. My dream is go to one of your live showsbut its a pity you stop the touring after 2016 and also you haven't toured chinacuz before 2016i still in the schooland i can't afford to visit you abroadlol. I love youDude! RIP◢◤

  • from Federico

    I fell in love with AVICII from “seek bromance” and with your earlies remixes.. ..with lot of surprise I found that you were a year younger than me “so talented and so young” I though. And then you become the legend that all we know.. You always been a font of inspiration and strength in my dj career I always watch you with big admiration and respect. I filled the dance floors with your songs they are the funniest to play and sings even if now I play them with heavy heart. We love you

  • from winnie from ??

    嗨,Tim。你走的那天我都懵了,祈祷着这又是另一个假消息,恶作剧。他们说,一个人的离开,带给身边人的影响时间总会淡化,何况你对于我是那种触不可及的超级大明星。5个月过去,时不时想念。在偶然看到你现场视频时认识你,现在依然靠刷你的视频怀念你。曾经,我的动力是,总有一天我会攒钱飞去你的现场,在离你最近的地方听你打碟。你是那么与众不同,你的音乐就是为我们创造的天堂,在这里,我可以随心所欲,快乐到飞起。谢谢你给我们带来的一切!!YOU ARE THE MAN ! !◢◤ LOVE U !!!❤

  • from 1San Firechief

    Thank you tim. I’ll miss your music. Listening your music i became an adult. I hope listen your posthumonous masterpiece. Rest In Peace AVICII


  • from Sanne

    Tim – THANK YOU for everything. I hope you‘re in a better place ✨ Love and light to his family and friends.

  • from IRENE

    You said you'd follow me anywhere But your eyes tell me you won't be there… From Bergen Norway with endless love.


    I remember when i was just 12 years old had tough times. I remember listening to his song "Levels" on the radio on my Nokia phone where i could record songs whilst listening to his song on the radio. His songs made me gain energy to dance and not stop and as i love his songs he produced like Wake me up I could be the one Hey Brother Waiting for Love and more i felt motivated and even now i still listen to the songs he produced. You will not be forgotten… RIP Avicii

  • from Navneeth

    Thank you for everything avicii… You brought joy to this world….. Please come back soon….. Your still in our hearts…..

  • from Irene

    Tim … Jag skulle vilja ge mitt liv för er. Jag älskar dig för evigt.

  • from Irina/Ирина

    Ты для меня на самом деле как внешне так и внутренне оказался идеалом мужчины. Я даже не представляла себе этого но вот так все сошлось в одном этом понятии. Так тяжело очень тяжело. Но я тебя не виню. Я сама разделяю твои проблемы все с чем ты столкнулся и именно этот опыт позволяет мне не судить людей с судьбой похожей на твою. Потому что я просто это понимаю как никто другой. Боже Тим как бы я хотела сейчас обнять тебя и поговорить с тобой. О чем угодно о чем бы ты захотел…

  • from Irina/Ирина

    А может это и к лучшему (500 знаков). Иначе бы я устроила тут писанину на 20 страниц 🙂 Я просто хочу сказать что ты был невероятным ты был настолько талантлив… Если бы ты знал сколько я слез пролила с этой злосчастной весны… Все чего бы я хотела для тебя – чтобы ты сейчас был жив здоров по мере своих возможностей а главное – ЛЮБИЛ СВОЮ ЖИЗНЬ. И я знаю нет никакого ада или рая нет ничегои ты нас не слышишь и не видишь но так повелось с детства верить что ты можешь слышать нас.

  • from Alba G

    Tu música nos unió mucho más a mi mejor amiga y a mi nos pasabamos las tardes cantando tus maravillosas canciones a día de hoy lo seguimos haciendo

  • from Irina/Ирина

    Ох я все же не думала что смогу собрать все свои мысли и слова воедино… Мне казалось я никогда не смогу написать здесь потому что все что в моей голове о тебе не поддается переводу на какой-либо язык ибо с языка души очень сложно переводить. Но я прости Тим поднабралась и вот моя смелость позволила открыть твой сайт. Он такой пустой и холодный теперь несмотря на тысячи сообщений. Потому что нет тебя. И да 500 знаков слишком мало слишком мало…

  • from Lara (Spain)

    I hope you are watching us from a sky full of stars…?

  • from MANAMI

    永遠に忘れない 愛してる…

  • from Héctor Torresano

    No llegue a conocerte aunque me habría encantado el simple hecho de haber podido hablar contigo habría sido más que increíble tus canciones han ayudado a muchas personas entre las que me incluyo y siempre pensaré que fuiste eres y serás el más grande en el mundo de la música electrónica. Te ganaste el corazón de millones de personas y has hecho feliz a millones más. Espero que allá donde estés descanses en paz definitivamente te lo mereces. RIP Tim❤

  • from Emiliano

    I will miss your music I will miss your art I will miss outsiders. From that day the Angels have great music in the sky

  • from Roger Fernandez Urbano

    Happiness is based on many shared moments with friends and those moments usually have soundtracks. During all my youth one of those soundtracks that has always accompanied me was Avicii. In many of the adventures and moments that I have had he has been always present. Indeed I've never been to many concerts but I've gone to see him twice. Thank you Avicii for making my life more magical and memorable. I’m sad today you have gone too soon. Rest in Peace Tim… So Wake Me Up! When it's all over

  • from Matej

    Napíšu to česky protože ty jsi byl Švéd a tam nahoře je to stejně všem u píči. Jediné co je na celé tragédii útěchou je to že jsi odešel z vlastního rozhodnutí. Je to projev odvahy který si zaslouží plný respekt i když to bolí. Přeji ti vše dobré a klid po kterém jsi tolik toužil. 😉

  • from Stefano Lucci ??

    There are no words to comment on what happened. I speak to the present because you are still alive in our hearts in your music in our emotions. You are a composer of excellent skill but your person is what is missing from the world of music. Thanks Tim! Now let the angels dance ❤️

  • from Adamn

    Rest in paradise sweet prince your music will live on as well as your memory. EDM will never be the same without you. ❤ .

  • from Tristan

    Tomorrow i will start my way to Santiago de Compostela and I will take you and your amazing music with me. Thanks for all.

  • from xD

    lol rip

  • from LIL BICH


  • from Jan Vezonik

    i prefer 2pac. 2pac made real music

  • from Rahul Singh

    Melodies Never Die Tim and Avicii were two characters in the life of Music and Melodies. Now I am 100% sure that no one can make melodies. Forget about like Avicii. I remember his life and love for music and family. My life is blessed to have him as a person in my era. May god bless you and your parents Tim. Avicii you will be missed. Melodies Never die.

  • from Agata

    No words can describe the loss we experienced. His birthday is in one week and all I can think about is that he is never gonna celebrate it. He is never gonna make another song he is never gonna smile again. I was so lucky I got a chance to be a part of his show in 2015. I started listening to him when I was 11 and through all these years he literally changed my thinking my feelings my taste in music my life. I am very very grateful to everything he left. The pain will never go away.

  • from Manish Mhetre

    The greatest inspiration

  • from Vee

    Aviciis songs with his lyrics and beats have always touched my heart. Avicii brought together me and this other girl who is a really important part of my life now <3 i love you ree. His music created and strengthened our bond. I'm grateful to him. We miss you Avicii RIP.

  • from Chimo


  • from ⭐Hitomi⭐

    あなたの素晴らしい感性には驚くばかりで、どの曲も本当に美しく、今でも毎日 聞いています…♪ ご家族や友人の方々に心からのお悔やみを申し上げます…。 私の家族も あなたの曲が大好きです。 ただ… 若くて才能に溢れた あなたが天国へ旅立ってしまい、とても悲しいです…。 ♪without you… ???

  • from Jose Alejandro diaz zerpa .desde Venezuela

    Avicii fue el primer dj que escuche y me empezaron a gustar tooodaas sus musica mi favorita "The Nights" porque esa bueno porque el sale disfrutando su vida al máximo y eso es bueno Aunque no siempre todo es juego pero Avicii a pesar de todo siempre estaba sonriendo señor y señora "Klas Bergling y Anki Lidén" tienen que estar muy orgulloso de su gran hijo yo soy un fan más pero en verdad la muerte de nuestro avicii me dolió muchopero sabe que es bonito recordarlo feliz .Avicii te quiero.

  • from Christine from Canada & Taiwan

    Hi Tim u must be in a better place now. I really love your music. Thank you ?RIP ?

  • from Viviana Coyac

    Avicii~el 1° dj que escuché lo conocí por "le7els" y fue como si algo dentro de mi despertara hermoso inexplicable. Desde ahí la música electrónica es mi favorita. Mi mayor sueño era asistir a un festival donde el participará e incluso cuando se retiró no perdí la fe que algún día lo conocería. Cuando me enteré de la noticia estaba en la escuela después de verificarla lo único que hice fue llorar. "Tim eras fuiste y serás mi mayor inspiración" gracias por hacerme feliz. Jamás te olvidare. ?

  • from Dylanfkbrien

    He was the first dj that I met in my whole life he was my favourite and his music makes me feel good and alive. The first time that I saw his lyrics video “Waiting For Love” he represents me and my dog I felt so bounded with him in that moment he represents our love of mu little angel and me. I will always love him. Te amo Tim y realmente espero que hayas encontrado la paz siempre estarás conmigo en todo momento como lo has estado ya anteriormente gracias por tanto.

  • from Omar Martinez Ligo

    Hola desde México. Gracias simplemente gracias! Sin duda mi canción favorita será siempre “The Nights” pasó una historia detrás de esa canción antes de que mi padre falleciera en 2012 me describió la letra de esa canción ahora la llevo conmigo con su recuerdo y con tu buena vibra como Dj como Artista y cómo Ser Humano. Simplemente Gracias ❤️

  • from Adriana Villagómez

    I have no words for this. When I saw this I could not help spilling some tears this is so incredible. First of all I have to say thank you you were such a nice thing in my life seriously I have so many things to say.❤️ You were a person that woooow I hurt so much about your game but now you're better. ✨ Thanks for everything Tim! ?

  • from Gina P. D. (México)

    Tu música le dio luz a mis días mas oscuros.

  • from Diego Saldivar M

    Thanks for your wonderful music Tim for that passionately way to play our hearts with her and for all those beautiful moments I really gonna miss you bro hope you be in a better place ? ◢◤

  • from Juan Ramón

    Hola! I'm from México yo me adentré en la música electrónica gracias a Avicii un día llegue a la casa de mis familiares y una prima estaba haciendo ejercicio y al fondo del cuarto se escuchaba la canción que nunca habría de olvidar "Levels" así que tuve el valor de preguntar cómo se llama esa canción y pues mirenme estoy aquí siendo un gran apasionado por la música electrónica y todo es gracias por Avicii yo siempre supe que él sería el mejor AVICII IS LIFE ❤️

  • from Marco Cortés (Michoacán México)

    Gracias a ti fue que empecé a oír electrónica. Avicii siempre será una leyenda.

  • from Emi Twrs

    Avicii fue el mejor DJ que escuché y siempre lo será. Descansa en Paz leyenda

  • from Julia H. Trueba

    Querido Tim ❤ he descubierto este sitio y se me han llenado los ojos de lágrimas aunque es inevitable aun no aceptar que ya no estas no hay un solo día que no escuche tu bella música ¡Gracias! Vivirás eternamente en cada una de tus creaciones. Legendario Tim. Con cada letra que creaste no me cabe duda de la bella persona que fuiste a todos tus seguidores nos diste y nos dejaste tanto. Simplemente gracias vida por haberme permitido coincidir en esta vida con él. ¡Vives un nuestro corazon!

  • from Alex Illoldi

    Thank you for your music!! I love you 4er. ?

  • from Fernanda Cruz (mexicana)

    Avicii era mi dj mi artista como gusten llamarle favorito siempre soñé con conocerlo soy de Mexico asi que no vino muchas veces tenia aproximadamente 13 años cuando estuvo aqui la última vez mis padres no quisieron llevarme porque creyeron que era un capricho pero era algo mas una vez salio en una lata de una bebida y aun la conservo este año comence a ahorrar dinero para verlo pero ahora todo es en vano muchas enseñanzas nos dejaste. Live a life ypu will remember ❤️ Forever Avicii

  • from Jeremy

    Solo puedo decir que era el mejor y su música seguirá en nuestros corazones.

  • from Paula milagros

    Avicii siempre sera el mejor DJ que he conocido en mi vida y lo amare siempre

  • from César Nuno

    Your music always inspired me to keep going the lyrics of your songs were things of everyday life and a very literary sense of everything. Your music It made me feel like Complete in the bad moments. I just always loved and will love your music you will always be in my heart and in that of many more. #4everAvicii ❤️

  • from Juanfer

    Avicii es y será por siempre mi DJ favorito La noticia de su muerte no la podía creer me causo mucha tristeza pero el es grande y lo será por siempre Mi más sentido pésame a su familia. Descansa en paz legenda

  • from Jesus

  • from Ethan

    Fue el 1er dj que escuche y fue el que me metió a la música electrónica y hasta ahora sigue siendo mi favorito aunque no esté ❤️

  • from arturo

    When I knew about Avicii immediately I love his music I am so sad because we can't listen more Avicii's music. From San Luis Potosi Mexico I hope God bless his soul and all his family

  • from Vania

    Sus canciones fueron el soundtrack de mis 20's y de una etapa hermosa al lado de mi mejor amigo. Fue el primer DJ que vi en vivo. Su música me ha acompañado en muchos momentos y lo seguirá haciendo siempre. Gracias Avicii. ?♥ ?

  • from Amairany

    Dear tim ber cuando me enteré de tú deceso no pude contenerme a llorar porque no podía creer la noticia tan desgarradora uno de mis sueños fue ir a un concierto tuyo ? pero solo quedara como un sueño porqué tuve la grandiosa oportunidad de escucharte a ti como Dj antes que a todos!. Ahora eres el ángel más bello mi avicii siempre te vamos a recordar con tanto amor. Mientras en el cielo baila LEVELS ?❤ LOVE YOU AVICII

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