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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Benjamin Morrison

    I saw Avicii live at Capital’s Summertime Ball 2015

  • from Martin Alebachew

    You said that we would always be Without you I feel lost at sea Through the darkness you'd hide with me Like the wind we'd be wild and free You said you'd follow me anywhere But your eyes tell me you won't be there #WithoutYou

  • from Grima

    Thanks you

  • from Martin Alebachew

    Tim was a musical prodigy like no other. He inspired and hoped for his unique way billions of people around the world and revealed to them the beauty of music. For years my source of inspiration was Avicii and it's so sad that he is not with us anymore. Thanks to him I got where I am today. Of blessed memory. Oh Don't Worry You will be remembered for the life you lived. #Avicii R.I.P #Don'tForsakeThisLifeOfYours #TrueStoriesByAvīci #RememberingTimAllTheDaysAllTheNights #Without You

  • from Prince Khurana

    I love you my love. You really inspired me. It's Really hard to know that you're now gone. I missed your voice. I remembered every single word of your song. We Love You Avicci ? #lovefromIndia

  • from Kim Tae Jun

    Since I listen his music “waiting for love’ I’m fascinated with his music also addicted into electronic music. He is the only inspiration that makes me start making music by FL studio his music style is in my head. Although there is many edm producers in the world I can’t find any like his incredibly distinguishable music style in edm scene. He is my inspiration Mentor the milestone of my life. Thanks Tim And Rest In Peace in Your Heaven.

  • from C.P.C

    Gracias…… por siempre Avicci *

  • from Azlyssa Karina

    Since 2011 it was my first time listening to Tim's music. Since then I felt in love with it. Tim is an inspiration to lots of people and one of them is me. Tim inspires me to write and compose my own music. When I am down his music always make me smile. Tim is like a brother to me and I look up to him a lot. I want to be a Dj to continue his legacy and also to share his music so that it will never be forgotten . I wish I could thank Tim for everything but it is too late. I love you Tim…xoxo.

  • from Martin Alebachew

    Tim was a musical prodigy like no other. He inspired and hoped for his unique way billions of people around the world and revealed to them the beauty of music. For years my source of inspiration was Avicii and all the sad that he is not with us anymore. Thanks to him I got where I am today. Of blessed memory. Oh Don't Worry You will be remembered for the life you lived. #Avicii R.I.P #Don'tForsakeThisLifeOfYours #TrueStoriesByAvīci #RememberingTimAllTheDaysAllTheNights

  • from Atri Sharma

    I remember listening to Avicii when I was sad needed inspiration or just outright crazy. He has been inspiring me to do more strive more and reach out for just a bit more than expected. RIP

  • from Mia

    En sådan begåvad musiker! Ett öde som gick helt fel så tragiskt. Jag själv vill lyckas inom musiken och en av anledningen är pågrund av Tim Absolut inget är omöjligt så som han sa i några interljuver. Han var & kommer förbli en av världens största musiker Han verkade verkligen ha hjärtat på rätt ställe. Verkade vara en sådan jordnära kille och så snäll Alla kärlek till honom och hans familj! Så många minnen man har till hans musik Alla kärlek!

  • from Maribel

    Grande!!!! Una estrella más brillando en este cielo inmenso!

  • from Niiino

    アヴィーチ大好き 聞いてると心が温かくなる。 Under the tree where the grass don't grow 一つ一つの歌詞が想像を掻き立ててくれる、将来はアヴィーチの育った場所、スウェーデンで暮らしたい 本当にありがとう、アヴィーチ

  • from Mike

    I first heard Levels in 2011 when I was in college. I’m from the USA and pretty much everyone I knew was blown away by it. It was played at every party and every pregame and still is such a fantastic song still today. Ever since Levels I fell in love with Tim’s music I would always play Aviciis music at parties and whenever I was drinking with my friends. So many happy memories. His death was a real punch in the gut. Rest In Peace Tim.

  • from Karina

    "La mort n’est rien je suis seulement passé dans la pièce à côté. Je suis moi. Vous êtes vous. Ce que j’étais pour vous je le suis toujours. La vie signifie tout ce qu’elle a toujours été. Le fil n’est pas coupé. Pourquoi serais-je hors de vos pensées simplement parce que je suis hors de votre vue ? Je ne suis pas loin juste de l’autre côté du chemin. Vous voyez tout est bien." Love you AVICCI.

  • from Juan Pablo

    Hey dude. Thanks for all the goosebumps and good times. You were very inspiring to me; I will always remember the amazing sound quality and fine compositions skills you deliver in every record you made. Hope you found peace.

  • from Alston

    Ur the best dj. I love ur music. Wen I listen ur songs it remembers you. Miss u tim… & No 1 can replace you……………????

  • from Aida Necoara

    Legends never die

  • from Fanny

    Tim was a huge part of my life. My brother always listened to his music while i grew up. When i got older and started listening to music his music were the music that always made me happy it still is. Vila i Frid Tim Du är saknad världen över <3

  • from AVD

    Love you Tim.

  • from ❤️

    When I was depressed I listen to BROTHER and WAKE ME UP and I feel much better. Thank you lo

  • from MOIPILDRO01

    Gracias Tim por el amor que nos brindaste. Gracias por tu música alegría y sabiduría. Siempre en nuestros corazones ? Salud ?

  • from Máté

    My best

  • from Fabian

    Genie der Musik ???

  • from MANIK ANAND

    It was in the year 2014 when I saw an interview of AVICII and MADONNA with Andrea Feczko in theUMF 2014 it was an amazing young talented and little bit nervous. From that stage I was sure that this guy can do something amazing and it did. His music his hits his shows his interviews and talent always remains in our heart. We will miss you and one thing for all he one's said " LIVE A LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER" A SMALL TRIBUTE TO AVICII

  • from Arancha Fernández

    Para mi es el mozart del siglo XXl. Un artistazo de los que sale uno en muchísimo tiempo. Hay que proteger y mimar a los artistas no llevarlos al extremo de sus fuerzas. Ahora nos hemos quedado sin este genio. Un abrazo desde Asturias spain

  • from Ali from Italy

    Hai aiutato milioni di persone ma nessuna é riuscita ad aiutarti. La tua musica mi ha dato una mano nei momenti bui. Grazie di cuore . RIP insegna agli angeli a ballare❤

  • from Nick sinnema

    One day you''ll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember RIP AVICII rest in peace ??

  • from Fritsch vanessa

    Love for ever ……..the best

  • from Nick sinnema

    From netherlands you were the best DJ I know you always had great music RIP avicii ??

  • from TheIntelloBox

    The best DJ of the world.

  • from The EDM scene

    Avicii brought EDM as we know it to the mainstream. No one else made music like him. We thank him for that. ??

  • from Donna

    Thanks AVicii/Tim for letting me escape from reality with ur music u really don’t know how missed u are rip lgend ur missed beyond words ❤️

  • from Alexxa King

    Thank you for making my life better. When I felt depressed or angry when I felt happy when I was boredwhen I was exhausted I listened to your music. I loved it. EVERY SONG. I couldn't look forward to see you perform in person but now I will never get that chance. I still can't believe that you're gone… It saddens me and brings me to tears. RIP Avicii. You will live on in my heart and memories forever.

  • from Javi

    You said that we would always be Without you I feel lost at sea Through the darkness you'd hide with me Like the wind we'd be wild and free Thanks for every goosebump that you gave me Tim.

  • from Jon

    The Nights is always played in our School in Urios with Jaykee. He always said one day you will leave this world behind so we must live a life that we will remember.

  • from Raquel de la Torre

    Nunca olvidaré el día q te marchaste. No podía parar de escuchar tus canciones pero esta vez con lágrimas en los ojos esas canciones q anteriormente me animaban en momentos duros por su energía y letras motivadoras. Soy maestra y nunca olvidaré cuando analicé 'the nights' con mis alumnos. Hicimos nuestro el "live a life you will remember". Mil gracias tan buenas sensaciones. Seamos positivos: tenemos suerte d poder seguir disfrutándote cada día. Sin duda serás inolvidable. DEP.

  • from Joseph Tsui

    Dear Avicii I want to express my agony from Singapore and on the behalf of my relatives in China. Avicii is definitely one of my favourite musicians and his music is always the top picks for me when I was down. RIP my legend ?

  • from Akshay Khairate

    A musician with infinite talent. Your songs touched my heart and your music is something different from other EDM artist. You are a MAGICIAN. Yes You are You will be always there because your songs will always be rememebered and listened. I had a dream To meet you once and compose a song with you. Unfortunately my DREAM would just be a DREAM. But yes AVICII you will be always remembered.

  • from SURAJ

    It was summer of 2013 when i first heard your songs and from then on "Avicii"◢ ◤the name itself was enough. I never laid down any oppurtunity to hear your songs as they were "emotions" subject to copyrights to which only I enjoyed and such a big fan I am. From playing your songs in loops in my playlistsharing your songs with my bestest friend to dance parties everyone loved you. A great musician will be missed you will be missed. " Hey brother" rest in peace.♥️♥️

  • from Sanjukta

    All his songs are so beautiful that everybody will fall in love with them.. ❤️❤️.. He was a born talent and a true artist..

  • from Avicii18

    Nagyon jo DJ volt a dalai mindig inspiráltak volt amikor rossz kedvem volt de csak bekapcsoltam az egyik pörgös slágerét és máris jol éreztem magam . A világ egy igazán tehetséggel lett szegényebb ❤ ◀▶

  • from Ahmed

    I love you ❣❣??

  • from Prajwal Kashyap

    Avicii:)) Brother thank you so much for your amazing melodies and music!!. I heard you from your Levels video and started to follow your gigs across and saw you in person when you came for shows in India. Your music & personality touched me and many others inspiring us to be dreamers and doers. Rest in peace my brother India loves you!!..

  • from VICENSEB

    No me canso de escuchar tu música The nigths Levels Wake me up etc…. tenias algo especial. A día de hoy sigues estando presente para millones de personas para dar maravillosos momentos escuchando tus canciones. Las leyendas como tu nunca se olvidan. GRACIAS POR TODO AVICII.

  • from Exmer

    Estimado tim-Al momento de escuchar la noticia de tu muerte no pude creerlotus canciones son fantásticashas inspirado a mejorar a esta generación del edm fuiste u serás mi inspiración para seguir adelante y ser cómo tútenía la esperanzas de tocar contigo algún diapero lamentablemente así es la vida. Mis sinceras condolencias para la familia de este gran hombre y artista

  • from Virginia

    Man sagt immer "Das leben gibt und nimmt sich was es will!" Doch manchen einfach zu früh! In allen herzen deiner Familie und in den Liedern lebst du weiter! Ruhe in frieden.♡

  • from Yangyang NI

    Legends Never Die

  • from Peter Tatrai

    Thanks for making my childhood better Tim. When I felt sad when I was happy when I was bored I listened to your music. I can't believe you passed away. I broke down. But I feel sad the most about his family. I wish them to be strong.

  • from 钱晓东

    Avicii没有死,他只是变成了音乐陪伴着我们! Avicii is not dead he just turned into music to accompany us!

  • from 渠超

    经常回忆起你音乐陪伴我的日子,多少次我静静戴上耳机度过生命中那些困难的日子,从你的音乐中一次次获得力量,勇敢做自己。我相信音乐是一种神奇的东西,即使我们从未相见,却似乎心灵相通。难以形容我的震惊与悲痛,似乎失去一位挚友,音乐响起还是会忍不住唏嘘 你给世界带来了完美的音乐,激励了无数人,也还将激励无数人。无论我们还会不会相见,你都在我的生命中留下不可磨灭的印迹,你走完了自己的路而我还在努力挣扎,用你的话来说:“在琐碎生活和不朽事业中寻找一个点,让我们了解什么才是最重要的”,你的音乐会一直陪伴着我,直到别人有一天也给我写下RIP 再见Tim,friend of mine

  • from M.H.

    Every week I look forward to your podcasts with Levels Waiting For Love amongst the many others song that left bookmarks in my life. These many songs will always be on repeat mode and may you be bless with ample time to do what you you want.

  • from Alexis

    After I heard Wake Me Up by Avicii I fell in love with his music.

  • from the bottom of my heart ambrosial ?

    Hey you must have saved me about thousand times.. I wouldn't be the one I am today If you hadn't been a friend of mine ◢ ◤ Your music will always be a friend of mine in good times & bad times. Thank you Avicii ♥️


    i was a kid who bullied by so many people but when i started hear avcii music it gives me a inspiration so i started making musics.avicii changed my life .edm god avicii.

  • from Andry Putri

    First EDM songs that i heard is 'wake me up ' from Avicii .Idk why i can totally loved that songi always heard that song in my badroombathroom etc.And since i fall in love with 'wake me up' i also fall in love with him.I never loved someone so long just him. Thank you for all of your love you share with meespecialy us (your fans) ? Bali3 1th August 2018 Andry

  • from Michael Bajorek

    Avicii reminded me of an old friend. When I was at Ultra Music Festival in Miami he saw me dancing and waved pointing a camera at me. He was admirable and someone to look up to. His spirit was one of strength compassion intelligence and love. Every one of those qualities showed through in his music. He lived a beautiful life of honor. Although he is no longer with us I know his spirit will live on and all of his blessings to the world will come back to bless him in the next life.

  • from Rosanna

    Un fuego descendió del cielo aparecio de la nada muy cerca mio y desapareció así como llego supe que eras tú al instante. Gracias!

  • from Erica

    I didn't have enough space to say thank you for the Music Tim. You will be and are so very sadly missed?

  • from MiQL

    我知道你从没有真正离开过我们至少你永远会活在我们的心里,每次听你的歌,我都感觉你好像还在,Tim你是我一生的信仰谢谢你给我们带来的一切?你是永远的A神也是最棒的Tim我们从来不会忘记你小也从来没有离开我们 R.I.P◢ ◤

  • from Fatimah

    "you make me" is my favorite song When I heard the song. I feel something different The song made me awaken from my downturn and made me enthusiastic in living my life His calm face his sweet smile made me peaceful when I saw his face.. I Love you when the first time i know you.. ❤️ avicii

  • from Sahil

    Great artist

  • from Angelo

    I love your music immensely ❤️ R.I.P Brother ❤️

  • from 王澍


  • from Akshay Sen

    His music energize me each and every day…. Even my children will be feeling the same… Love you ??

  • from Manel López

    Su música me encantaba y jamás voy a poder olvidar esos momentos de pura alegría. Descansa en paz aunque te hayas ido tu musica vivirá para siempre. Te queremos mucho.

  • from Zhelun Wu

    天才逝去却从未离去;天才带给人们快乐却自己承受太多痛苦;天才也不需要解释太多关于自己的一切却曾经被世人误解;而后发生过的一切都已不再重要,给人们留下的却是再也回不来的美好和永恒的快乐。轻轻的来,又悄悄的走,却把最美好留给世界,最憔悴的自己默默的承受。我们敬畏天才,我们怀念天才,永远活在我们的回忆中。全世界最无私的天才——Avicii,感谢你带给我们快乐在这个浮躁的世界匆匆走过Tim,现在你终于可以逃脱你最讨厌的那种生活。现在的你才是最幸福的,祝福你。Genius never leave us he is around us forever. Save happy for peoples save pain for yourself that’s very Selfless. We love you Tim.

  • from Abdul

    i'm looking at his Instagram pictures and all i see is a man with smiles and much more years to kick in but also surprised why suicide was his choice! There's something Dark in this industry! Rest In Peace Avicii! A kid from Africa Ghana says So!

  • from Atif

    He was the first musician I followed. His music wasn't just music it was something special. Something that helped me through the dark times and reminded me of who I'm. His music helped me be the person I'm today and I can't thank him enough for the influence he had on me. The documentary showed a bit of his personality and reminded me of myself. His death had a huge impact on me. I'll miss him but keep playing his music everyday and spread his logo where I can. I'll never forget you Tim Bergling

  • from Ashish Patel

    The first avicii song I heard was ' Wake Me Up' and it really woke me up.. The best song producer undobtedly.. His music sets an adrenaline rush in the body. A very very sad thing to happen to him.Just hard to believe there wouldn't be any more Avicii songs.. Love you Tim.. And your songs tooo..obviously.

  • from Ashwani Sharmaa

    Your Music was a part of my life. Your every track speaks to me and ask me to get out of my bed and do something out of my life.You were a legend who inspired millions of people just only with your music. I Hope you have got peace who have always searched for! Your Journey was a great Journey Brother! Your Have Completed Your Purpose and you should be proud for It. We will always love You.And I Promise To You That I will Inspire Millions of people like you did! I Love you.We all Love you

  • from From Indonesian

    I love u Avicii❤️?

  • from Anushka Nandy

    He was a prodigy…..every music he created posses a beating heart a soul and hope which has always taught me not to give up during the difficult times… This world has lost a LEGEND like him too early…the youth needs him as this generation is too prone to giving up on something too early…RIP

  • from Valentin


  • from 童壬潞


  • from Rachel

    I wish people had seen your pain… ?

  • from Will Moseley

    Loved his music personality and the way that he viewed life. Live life to the fullest. The memories of Avicii will always live on in our hearts and be will never be forgotten.

  • from Javi p.

    Sus canciones me acompañaron durante una época muy bonita de mi vida siempre que quiero recordar esos momentos me basta con poner una canción y mi cabeza se inunda de buenas sensaciones. Muchas gracias Avicii.

  • from ISI

    Ein Ausnahmetalent ein Künstler. Tim ich hoffe Du hast deinen Frieden gefunden. Für mich bist Du einer der größten Dj's/Produzenten. Es ist eine Kunst das Instrument "Musik" richtig zu nutzen. In jedem Track steckt eine Botschaft dein Herzblut dein Fleiß deine Hingabe für die Musik. Es ist mir eine Ehre deine Musik hören zu dürfen ! Ruhe in Frieden Tim! ❤️❤️

  • from Mario

    Avicii aun recuerdo en 2011 esa gran cancion que esuché por primera vez y se titulaba Levels muchas gracias por todo lo demas que vino se que estaras en el cielo viendo como grandes amigos tuyos te homenajean en diferentes festivales muchas gracias por esas canciones que me alegraban el dia fuera triste o alegre no podremos agradecerte todo lo que le has dado a la musica electronica de nuevo MUCHAS GRACIAS TIM Las leyendas nunca mueren.

  • from Alex Bénin.

    Je m'appelle Alex du Bénin.J'écris ce messagejuste après avoir écouté Waiting for love.J'adore Avicii.Il va me manquer.Mais je l'écoute toujours donc cela me console.Je vais maintenant écouter Without you.RIP mon frère.

  • from Shota.Japanese

    A song and your music of the trigger I came to prefer Western music to which changed my life to "wake me up" of avicii thank you very much.

  • from Johan

    I love You Avicii <3

  • from Ángela

    No voy a olvidar el dia en el que escuché tu ''Wake me up'' descubrí un nuevo mundo de la música gracias a ti. Me encantaria haberte visto actuar en el tomorrowland y verte tan feliz de hacer lo que te gusta. Las leyendas como tu no mueren y solo espero que sigas haciendo música allí donde estes. Nunca pierdas esa sonrisa de felicidad. Todos te queremos descansa en paz .

  • from Olga

    No hay día en el que no me acuerde de ti. Eras un pilar fundamental y no se que hacer ahora sin ti. No paro de escuchar tu música para poder seguir sintiéndote. Te quiero Tim y te echo de menos y esto es una mierda

  • from Iggy

    Je me souviens t'avoir rencontré sans le savoir en écoutant Sunshine de David Guetta. A l'époque c'était l'artiste que j'appréciais mais cette chanson en particulier… Puis un jour j'ai écouté true ce fut le déclic. Mon artiste roi mon idole celui pour qui j'étais prêt à traverser l'Europe… En fait j'ai appris ton départ d'une façon tellement brusque et brutale que jusqu'à présent je ne m'y suis pas fait. Tu étais un autre frère de loin. #Love #Unplugged

  • from Aleksandra

    Thank you for being my lifetime inspiration unreplaceable role model and person which I will carry around in my heart forever. I will try to find love and happiness and hope that you will see me from above so we can share it. I want you to be happy. You already have love. Wish u could feel it before too.. Also many times I feel weak and then I remember you and do things in your honor. You will live forever Tim you really will. Irreplaceable. Take care our beloved one. 08.09.1898.

  • from Another sad soul

    I will never forget the day when I heard his '' Wake me up '' that day I discovered a new voice in the music thanks to him. I loved his songs and always wanted to see him perform in tomorrowland. We have left a legend but I hope he continues to make music so motivating there where he is. We all love you Avicii

  • from Mike

    I loved his music and I was very sad to here about his unfortunate death. You lived a wonderful life and had an amazing group of fans to support you. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say this but if I had a time machine I would go back and save you from taking your own life. "Hey Brother do you still believe in love I wonder?"

  • from Bárbara

    Me encantan tus cancionesson algo diferente en la musica electronicatus canciones llenas de sentimientosme emocionante llevare en mi radio del coche siempreporqué nunca me cansare de oir tus cancionesque dios te cuidey tu música siempre estara aqui presente.

  • from Jenny Sarabella Johansson

    His music is amazing!! Took 1 week untill I heared about Tim's death when I bought a magazine and the very same day I went to my littlesisters grave.. she too ended her own life….she became 30 years. I wrote about her and Tim on Istagram to honor his memory aswell as hers. Now I wish to adress Tims parents: Jag beklagar djupt er sorg!! Det är värre att förlora ett barn men kan förstå vad ni går igenom! Lider verkligen med er!! Mitt konto på instagram är öppet om ni vill skriv en rad! ❤

  • from Elliam

    My english is bad so I'm go to talk in Spanish El primer dia que escuche su Musica fue hace seven years ago y recuerdo que escuche levels mientras hacia los homework y cuando lo empece a escucharlo pare de escribir y me subi el volumen al Maximo and since that day every day I'm listening the music of Avicii. Para mi Sera el mejor DJ de esta generación y de las siguintes su Musica siempre se escuchara y nunca morira. Te voy a hechar de menos Tim

  • from Antoine Aplad

    He was part of artists who inspired me to make EDM music. Rest in Peace Tim ! ????

  • from Ross Clarke

    I remember when I heard 'Levels' for the first time – I thought it was an EPIC DANCE TUNE! Then Avicii kept surprising me especially 'True' 'Stories' and even 'Lonely Together.' His music spirit energy and passion will live on forever within myself and all of his fans across the world. #RIPAvicii

  • from Alex

    Thank you Tim for the greatest music I have ever heard. Your Tracks pushing me every day they help me through hard times. Rest in peace <3

  • from Ewan B

    Thanks for everything Tim. You definitely lived a life you will remember❤️

  • from Torsten

    Tim your music has helped me survive many mental problems such as anxiety and depression! I am so grateful for just being able to listen to your music. It is so uplifting and inspiring at the same time. Your songs and the positive energy of them have such big value in my life. I couldn't think of a life without your music. I love your music and yourself as a person. You showed to all of us that there's only one thing that's important in life. It is to Live a life we will remember! Thanks! RIP.

  • from Vlasis Spiliotis

    I first got into EDM because of Tim's 'Bromance' and then I fell in love with the genre. I loved him and his style. Hope he finally found peace. Rest easy legend!

  • from Nexy

    Muchas de tus canciones me recuerdan a momentos muy felices de hace unos años gracias 🙂 Y gracias sobre todo por la canción "The Nights" y esta frase "live a life you will remember" RIP <3

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