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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Артем

    Благодаря Тиму мне началась нравиться EDM музыка Мне очень сложно повереть что мир снова потерял такого великого человека как Тим Спасибо брат ❤️❤️?

  • from Aven

    Avicii hat mich dazu gebracht mit FL Studio selber Music zu machen

  • from Pam

    I don’t like EDM I can’t stand Ibiza type of party and all those festivals. But I like avicii music so so much. I started to follow him on IG only last November. I’m devastated and I keep wondering why..

  • from Matt ◢ ◤

    You are and always will be my favourite arrist my favourite song "The Nights" never fails to put me in a good mood. Your music meant so much to me you helped me to get through some difficult times because your songs are so positive; so inspirational. To this day I can't believe that you are gone but I hope that now you are in a better place and you realise how much of an impact you had on the lives of so many people. Thank you Tim Avicii. ◢ ◤

  • from Errol

    Wake Me Up

  • from Kazuki Koda

    AviciiI love you. 一生忘れません。 ありがとう。

  • from Lauren Ceulers

    We will always remember him. He is a great artist and was really good at making music and doing what he loved. I loved watching avicii: true stories it really made me look at him and his life in a different way. I will always admire his work and what he did. Tim I love you. ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Gabryela macaulyn

    Avicii você foi um dos melhores DJs que já vi você me fez se apaixona por musica eletrônica você sempre permanecerá vivo na memória de todos nós agradeço a você por ter me feito ri quando estava triste ouvindo as suas musicas especialmente wake me up irei sentir muita saudade de você e do quão bom você era I Love you ?

  • from Katinka

    Avicii/Tim Bergling was a genius in creating and producing music..he was the first dj/producer that made me want to go to festivals… his music helped me through the most painful days of my life especially when I found out that my husband (now ex husband) was cheating on me and had an affair that was already going on for several months..his music helped me through my feelings and to step out of the dark place I was in at that time..Tim will live on forever through his music and in our hearts??

  • from Elinor

    ‏when my daughter was one year old she ‏loved listen to avicii and everytime she cried ‏i put on "wake me up" and she instantly stoped crying. She is almost six now and still loves avicii's music and so do I. You will always be remembered and your music will stay alive with us.

  • from CANAE


  • from Karen

    Proud fan since 2012 when I was 10. Tim was my first love and he will always be in my heart. X

  • from Nick

    Ruhe in Frieden ?

  • from Anna


  • from Felipe

    Músicas que me ajudaram superar vários momentos difíceis da minha vida músicas que me transportaram para um lugar seguro quando o mudo estava desabando sentiremos sua falta #Avicii a musica sentirá sua falta.

  • from Calvin

    Miss u so much…..

  • from Elizaday

    Aldrig har jag blivit så berörd utav en människa som jag inte ens kände. Jag kände mig totalt förkrossad när jag hörde om din död. Kanske för att jag vet hur det känns när man befinner sig i det där svarta hålet och kämpar för att ta sig upp. Önskar jag hade fått en chans att krama dig och säga att det blir bättre du kommer inte må såhär för alltid. Nu kan jag bara hoppas på att du har fått någon sorts frid. Du har berört så många och du kommer aldrig bli glömd. Sov gott❤️?

  • from Linda Marie

    Tim när jag såg på löpsedlarna att du var död så gjorde det så ont i mig. Det gör fortfarande ont när jag tänker på det. Din ödmjuka personlighet gjorde världen till en bättre plats. Nu lever du kvar Tim genom din musik. Tack för allt du gjort och allt du fottfarande gör i den osynliga världen där du nu verkar. Namaste

  • from ??


  • from Carla Marquina

    Thank you very much AVICII you were the first DJ I discovered in my life. You made a little girl fall in love with electronic music. You have also helped me change my mood with songs like: "Wake me up" "Hey brother" or my favorite "The night". To be honest when that song came out I didn't know the meaning but you you made me dream enjoy more life and inspired me to be the person who I want to be. And as you said: "LIVE THE LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER". Rest In Peace Tim Berling.

  • from Gisela

    I miss listening to new podcasts. Your music is my no.1 go to when I need positive vibes. Oh how I wish I would´ve taken time to see a show. 4ever in my ears. <3

  • from Ivan(Giovanni) P. from Croatia

    It was shocking for me when i heard that he is dead. I thought someone's joke bullshit. But then i saw the news. I was without words . Asking myself why… In that time it was a year and a half that i lost my cousine .he was 29. He loved Tim (Avicii) . Tim's music makes us happy . And now when i listen every time his music i remember both specially Tim like he was part of my family . Rest in peace brother you were a good man for everyone !

  • from 悠

    幕張メッセ(IN JAPAN)で行なわれた最初で最後のLIVE。素晴らしいセットでした。私もAVICIIのように他人に幸せを与えられる人になりたいとその時思いました。 映画「TRUE STORIES」も観に行き、3度泣きました。 AVICIIの音楽は5年前から今でも聴くほど大ファンです。そして、これからも。 Thank you very much.

  • from Valquiria

    (desculpem pelo texto em português) Criei minha primeira conta no twitter por causa do álbum True lembro-me que foi um dia muito feliz esperando o vidro quebrar (o que na verdade só aconteceu com a ajuda de alguém hahaha). Outra coisa que me lembro claramente foi ouvir um show dele no Tomorrowland. Aquele dia ficou marcado na minha vida. Eu me senti tão feliz a ponto de chorar e cantar as músicas junto. Estou enviando boas energias para a família. Tim foi e ainda é o herói de muitas pessoas <3

  • from


  • from Hanna

    Your death still hurts. We miss you so much. Your music touches my soul every single time. It hurts that we’ll never get to hear new music from you ever again.

  • from Israel shay

    Avicii…. your songs are the best thing I can hear when im sad. I can learn from them so much. I didnt know you so well before you die but I did know your songs. Now I can say that I really miss you and you was an amazing person. You are unforgetten. A lot of love from Israel. We miss you so much.

  • from Mert

    Actually I haven't got any story of love or concert memory but Avicii's musics always get me deeply. Tim has been trying to show importance of youth. He was the symbol of the free spirit in my opinion. His musics are so precious that I can not explain them in these lines. I wish I could see him for once but anyway he became my idol and he will always be. Love you Avicii Rest in peace.

  • from Thomas (HUN)

    Thank you for the music. AVICII was one of the most talented musicians who passed too early. R.I.P

  • from Anonym human

    He helped me thought Bad Times I always listened to his Musik and I felt bedder the people who abuse his Name should'nt be allowed to say his Name

  • from Isa

    Sentimos e sentiremos muitas saudades.??

  • from Ella

    I wrote so many words but deleted all. I just can said that this legend change my life. I love him and i miss him so much.

  • from S.

    Because of your music I was finally ready to leave my terrible ex-boxfriend behind. Your Music reminded me of deserving better. Espacially hey brother means a lot to me. I‘m so sad I‘ll never see you live. But only you know why you choose this part. I Hope you are happy now I hope you are free now I hope you are in a better place now.. maybe one day we will meet up there.

  • from risa.

    青春時代 levelsをずっと聞いてました。 子供たちもaviciiの曲を聞いて育ってます。 ありがとう。どうか安らかに

  • from Giorgia

    Tim Berling you have been inspiration for all of us. We all will miss your. You were are and will be the best. One of my favorite songs is "The Nights" as I said it's so inspiring and the phrase "Live a life you will remember" is what everyone should do. In loving memory of you I will get a tattoo to remember you.

  • from Haru??

    ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Chariz❤️

    Tim you will always be my favorite DJ !!! Your music ? lives on … we miss you so much our Angel ?

  • from kenzie tyler

    i loved you always. i first learned about you in 2013. and i have loved you ever since. i will always love you. i miss you. and i cry every time i think of you which is all the time. i love you avicii

  • from Plume

    Merci pour toutes ces sources d'inspiration pour toutes ces musiques merci.. Difficile oui d'être un génie et d'être heureux.. :/ Bonne vie après s'il y en a quand même : ) Espoir en l'humanité

  • from Yuki

  • from Fra

  • from Yuki

    你打开了我对电子音乐认知的一篇窗户,点燃了我症状最严重时病枯将死的心,倘若有一天我能走向足够的大舞台,我会用我最热诚的声音呼唤你的名字来感谢你带我走进了我如此热爱的音乐环境,Rest in peace. 永远爱你Tim?❤️

  • from Blake Witham

    I wouldn't be here without Tim's music he made me hesitate at just the right time. I always wanted to meet him and thank him for saving my life. But i guess that's a debt that I will never be able to repay. I've spent so much time mourning Tim and I probably won't ever stop. But if his music ever did anything for me at all It taught me not to let the darkness consume me. I can't repay my debt to Tim but I can pay it forward. You saved my life in return I promise to become brilliant. Always.

  • from The future EDM musician Roi

    You will always be the best musician in the world you didn't make music you feel it because you are awesome thank you for everything your music will live forever because you become a legend you inspired people and you teach me how I need to love the music and that's a debt I couldn't pay thank you Tim hope you're watching us from a sky full of stars

  • from Samuel

    Your music changed the world <3

  • from TGC1966

    Your documentary said it all…

  • from K.K

    初めて行ったダンスミュージックのライブはAviciiでした。 大きな音で聴くあなたの曲は最高でした。 新しい曲を待ち続けることができると思ってました。 これからはもうそれができないと思うととても悲しいです。 今まであなたが出した曲は私が私である限り聴き続けます。 それは世界中のあなたのファン全てが同じです。 I love you AVICII

  • from japanese fan


  • from


  • from


  • from Lucy

    Eres el mejor dj y asi sera siempre. Adoro todas tus canciones cada una de ellas me hace recordar momentos vividos cuando las escuche por primera vez y tengo historia con cada una de ellas tú siempre seras leyendas de esas que nunca mueren y nunca se olvidas. Por siempre Avicii…. †♡

  • from Anja van Velsen Hengelo the Netherlands

    Such a beautiful gifted young man Such incredible music enjoyed by people all over the planet So sad that he could not find happiness anymore ?❤️? Anja From Holland 55 y old and mother of two

  • from Anaïs

    Merci de nous avoir fait tant vibré avec tes musiques elles résonneront encore longtemps dans nos oreilles. Tu nous manques énormément repose en paix Avicii…. ❤️

  • from Laura

    Hi can't belive still that you are dead still listening your music and thinking that wow you were and still are genius. But you are still idol of mine and i am never gonna forget you. Kisses from Estonia❤️??

  • from Yuki from GuangZhou

    When I was young I thought I'd go to your show when I grew up. I didn't think I'd leave before I could wait for you. I've been following your information on IG knowing that you've traveled to many places and that the places you've been to since have become part of my travel list. Your song inspires me and gives me a lot of strength and you are as warm as the song. If so I hope you can be selfish encourage yourself and live for yourself.Thank you for being in my life. Thank you.

  • from VladimirR

    Лучший вечная память

  • from Sarah

    We love you Tim?

  • from Su

    Timeless music loved by all ages thank you Tim for being inspirational and for leaving us with memories that will live forever keep on being amazing heaven needed you to raise the roof.

  • from Mircea

    Avicii was a legend that changed some thoughts and created a different kind of music. Respect !

  • from Snow

    Thank you Tim. For the music for the dance for the memories. I still can't believe it. I wanted to add " that this is over " but I can't. Because Tim you may be gone forever but avicii is never going to die. Your music have something that no one can replace… it carves the soul. It always did and it always will. This is how legend never dies. I hope you found peace. Love you ❤️ Forever ◢◤

  • from Anja

    I can't believe that your are death. Your music is part of my way of grown up and it was part of getting healthy after the suicide of my best friend. Thank you for that. Now i wish a lot of strange for your familiy. R.I.P.

  • from Nuriiia89

    dear tim? I do not overcome his loss thank you for your unforgettable songs there will never ever be nAdie like you. You helped me a lot in my sad days I miss you very much. You are the most beautiful and brilliant? star in the whole universe?. From Spain???

  • from Imola

    Stay strong Family!

  • from Nicholas


  • from SBr0ther

    Avicii was a very special person. I still remember as I first heard from him a friend of mine was listening to levels the whole day and I was there for a visit so I listend to it aswell the whole day as I was there after I was at home I first didn't listen to it again or Avicii at all and then Wake Me Up came out and I started listening to him again and was a really big fan of him what I am still today. I heard from Avicii's death in a group and I didn't want it to be real but sadly it was.R.i.P

  • from Aviciiii

    Absolutely great… I loved this kind of music so much!!!

  • from Hannah

    I got depressions and was meant to end my life his music helped me his music made me happyhis music hold me back and gave me new hope to go on. His music was always there first time on the plane ( hey brother ) first time i'd asked a boy to go on a date with me ( True Believer ) first time my heart got broken … . I combine my favourite and happiest moments with him and the sadest. It's so terrble to know that his music that saved so many lifes could not save him. RIP Tim

  • from Tinkara Muri

    Your songs were one of the first ones that I have downloaded ever on my phone. I listened to your music every morning when I walked to school. The music that you created is amazing and is one of my fond memories from my childhood. You will never be forgotten. You may not be here with us but your music lives on.

  • from Reni

    I will never forget YOU!

  • from Zi

    Tim you saved me. It breaks my heart that you're not here anymore but know that you have touched so many people with your music and your light. We will forever miss you.

  • from Chris

    Say hi to my father for me he is must be there with you. He committed suicide 4 weeks ago that was a big shock for us. So sudden! But he addored your music. I imagine you two together dancing and listing to the best music there is….. your music. Thank you we will always remember you. Hope you find everything that you were looking for.

  • from Alexandra

    This guy made my life better. He was an angel and we lost this beautiful angel. Forever in my memories.

  • from Lili

    Your music was there for me when I was growing up and I loved every one of them. Miss you and your light.

  • from A girl.

    He was the best musician ever. We will never forget him

  • from Sergio Rodriguez

    Cuando tan solo yo chico disfrutaba la musica de avicii que sonaba en toda mi ciudad era muy joven no sabia quien era pero me gustaba cuando sonaba la musica en la calle o en la radio un dia nacio "wake me up" y yo apenas me estaba aproximando al mundo digital fue de las primeras canciones que escuche en youtube y pues como casi no tenia tiempo para estar en youtube asi que busque como descargar todas las canciones posibles a un viejo mp3 que tenia y era feliz oyendo esa musica. la mejor.

  • from Jasmine

    Thank you. Thank you for always cheering and making us smile at all times with your music 🙂 you mean(t) a lot to us and your loss is everything. Your music will live forever. We truly miss you.

  • from Giuseppe

    L'accompagnatore dei miei anni d'oro. Ogni ricordo è legato a una o più canzoni. La mia gioventù é totalmente targata Avicii. Grazie di tutto.

  • from onlineposchi

    seek bromance

  • from Thibault LEBLANC

    I saw you in Paris and it was one the best moments of my life. You have left many beautiful vibes with your songs. My passion for the electronic music comes from you. That's why i promise to try producing music for you. <3

  • from Rebeca

    A primeira vez que escoitei unha canción de Avicii tiña doce anos era Wake me up! unha das mellores para min. Cada vez que volvo a escoitar cada unha das súas cancións fan que recorde momentos da miña vida pois a súa música foi a banda sonora dunha vida chea de momentos bos e malos. Por eso penso que o mellor tributo que se lle pode rendir e recordar a súa música non só escoitandoa se non tamén poñendoa as novas xeracións que nos siguen porque serán eles os que continuen o seu gran legado.

  • from Talichason

  • from Jamiel Moreira Brasil

    Avicii… Quando conheci suas músicas foi como o amor a primeira vista depois de um tempo foram se tornando uma espécie de "droga" mas uma droga boa que me fazia feliz eletrizante na qual eu sempre queria mais todos os dias… Quando ouço suas batidas me vem os calafrios continua sendo algo incrível é um absurdo o que você criou foi tudo magnífico assim como você….

  • from salma

    He's one of the greatest DJ's of all time. I really love his music. I was shocked when i heard the news about his death. i've never cried for a celebrity til it's the Great avicii. RIP Avicii you were are and will always be in our hearts forever <3

  • from gumi

    あなたに出会えてよかった。 最高の音楽をありがとう! Love avicii!!

  • from Akash

    R.i.p My Idol I wish I could hug you and Tell you that everything Will be fine ?

  • from Clumpy

    Rest in peace Avicii the inspiration to many major EDM producers like Kygo Alan Walker and more. One of my favourite artists ever.

  • from Erica

    It takes a true genius to create music that becomes something more – emotion adrenaline the feeling you've been transported someplace else. Avicii did just that. I must've listened to 'Silhouettes' at least a thousand times during my final exams to pump myself up. After becoming an adult I longed for the day when he would come to Australia so I could see him live now that I was old enough. His music will live on in the memories of those who loved it. Hope you're partying hard up there Tim.

  • from Ivett

    I'll never forget Avicii. He was the one who introduced me to music. To this day music is my passion my anti-depressant. Without him I don't think I would be here today. Thank you Avicii.

  • from 森下 みき


  • from Rino

    どんな辛い時もAviciiのwake me upを聞き、明るくなりポジティブに考えられるようになりました。日本人で英語は分からなくてもとても心に響く曲ばかりで大好きです。

  • from Kimberley

    His song 'Wake Me Up' reminds me everytime of the best vacation I have ever had in Bulgaria.

  • from Matteo Cuccoli

    From Levels to Heaven where i'm sure you're know teaching to Angels how to do music! I MISS YOU TOO MUCH TIM i'm and I'll always be proud to be your italian first fan and supporter. THANK YOU AVICII Matteo Cuccoli

  • from Chi ◢ ◤

    You and your music saved my life. Can't appreciate too much. I continue to listen to your music until I die. You and your music still live in our hearts. Thank you. Rest in peace and see you soon.

  • from Mato

    We miss you Tim? Thanks for your beautiful music and more… We will allways remember you

  • from Vincenzo

    Hi Tim I miss you so much I miss your music. You were a very good person you were a great disc jockey. There won’t be a person like you. Rest in peace. Love you.

  • from Yoshi

    I love your songs. Your songs has changed my life. I miss you. もっとたくさんのAviciiの曲を聴きたかったです。 R.I.P. Avicii from Japan.

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