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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Sohaib

    Avicii was the inspirational for all in Dance Music He will be forever called as “The Legend of EDM’. Will miss Tim not Avicii Avicii didn’t died his music will live long and the achievement fame which he have maded are endless. Without you fans are nothing. Miss you Avicii.

  • from Lover Kit

    TimI am ur fans from China.I love u forever ❤

  • from fanz

    Tim, We really miss you.Maybe the news you left was a joke.Howeverwe hope you can be happy.

  • from Cameron Jenkins

    I remember the first time I ever heard an Avicii song. I was in the car coming home from school and Levels came on back in 2011. From then Avicii quickly became my favourite artist. His performance at Tomorrowland 2012 is one of my favourite sets EVER. I was lucky enough to be to an Avicii concert before he retired back in 2016. He came to Belfast as his second last gig and I'm so glad I was able to witness a master at work. Truely a legend and an inspiration to millions.

  • from FIONA XIE

    i still remember that day i was in wireless festival with my besties in London. That was the first music festival i experienced in my life. unforgettable. you are the last performance of the main stage. everyone was waiting for you. when your music started to play the light turned on when you stand on the stage everything was amazing. i sinked in your music. that's the best moment in my life. . can't believe you left. this world was tough but you will live everyone's memory forever.

  • from Bartosz

    "Bromance" still remains in my memory as an icon of EDM. Tim Bergling is dead but Avicii will always remain alive in our hearts.

  • from Dapino

    Avicii con tú música tocaste muchas almas y alegraste muchos corazones; como el mío que siempre que las escucha se siente feliz. Aunque nunca asistí a un toque tuyo en vivo tú música hace parte de mi día a día. Una eternidad en paz feliz y tranquilo es mi deseo.

  • from Belgium


  • from MrLinkinPark

    I don‘t listen to music like this. But Avicii was someone special – for me. A metalhead listen to a DJ. Singing to songs like „Levels” or „Wake Me Up” in the car is still something different but also nice. – Spreed love everywhere –

  • from L.J.M

    I lost my mum 4 years ago the hardest most painful life experience I've ever had to go threw .. Avicii's music helped me threw .. his songs their words and meaning all help me not to go to a dark place…I still often sit with my earphones on if I feel low and just listen to him … you saved me .. music saved me … Avicii saved me .. forever Avicii xx

  • from Andrea

    Tim has always been such an important figure for me since i was at high school. His music has been important for my childhood and still reminds me of good old times. I miss him. I'll be forever thankful to him.

  • from kyle

    dont have emojis so this is the best i can do. cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face cry face

  • from Ashwani Sharma

    I love you Avicii.You are one of a kind. Your Music Speaks To me And Tell me to Live my life Completely without having any regrets. I hope now you are in a place where you have got the peace you always wanted.I Will Be on your Path. I Will carry your legacy.I will Inspire Millions Of People like you did.I pray to God Everyday that one day i will be like you.

  • from A

    u were not the rain u were the damn hurricane.

  • from Dora

    Tinédzser korom zenéid örökké a szívemben????

  • from Dhawal

    The world seems a bit empty without your musicIdol.❤️

  • from Daniel Jackson

  • from Luca

    La tua musica mi accompagna quasi ogni giorno ha toccato momenti molto diversi tra loro da quelli più intimi alle serate con gli amici non dimenticherò mai quello che hai donato a me alla mia vita ai miei amici. Il grande rimpianto per tutti noi è non aver potuto donare a te la gioia che tu hai donato a noi e te ne sei andato lasciando un vuoto incolmabile. Grazie Tim per quello che ci hai donato. Non ti scorderò mai. Luca Scalenghe TORINO (ITA)

  • from Zak

    Listening to old and new Avicii tracks on the way to/building up to festivals used to give me so many goosebumps now more so RIP one of the greatest producers that there will ever be

  • from Varga Alexandra

    HyI miss you so much!Rest is peace!I love you foreverLEGEND!❤❤❤❤❤❤ 2018.08.30

  • from Abir Maity

    "One day you leave this world behind so live a life you will remember"avicii?❤❤your music will always be remembered…. you are a legend and legends never die… you forever…..

  • from Luca B.

    Ti ringrazio per le emozioni perché quando io ancora oggi ascolto Sunshine Bromance Blessed Rapture Drowning Summertime I Could Be The One.. bè io mi commuovo ancora come un bambino dopo anni… non so perché ma solo la tua prima musica riesce a farmi questo effetto…. Odio essere banale ma mi dispiace troppo per non dire queste due parole.. sono davvero addolorato… continuo a non crederci… Ma sono fiero di essere vissuto nella tua epoca davvero ◢◤ Ciao Tim ?

  • from Luca B.

    Sei stato e sarai sempre Unico nella Dance elettronica perchè hai rivoluzionato la musica Progressive e dato spunti incredibili ad altri artisti.. Dire che sei stato il numero 1 è poco.. ma continuo a non volerci credere….. Il mio più grande rimpianto rimarrà per tutta la vita non averti mai potuto ascoltare dal vivo…

  • from Luca B.

    Non doveva finire cosi… non doveva… Tu che hai sempre messo la Musica davanti a tutto anche alla tua salute… Proprio qualche giorno prima che te ne andassi ho visto il documentario sulla tua storia e mi chiedevo se fosse davvero giusto mettere a rischio la propria vita procurandosi una grave pancreatite pur di stare su un palco per fare ciò che si ama.. tu lo hai fatto perchè la Musica è stata vita per te e i soldi non contavano poi cosi tanto..

  • from Helge

    du var et idol

  • from Riccardo

    He gave me some of the most beautiful moments of my life through his Music. Love him forever and he’ll never be forget!

  • from 你的粉丝

    记得第一次听你的歌的时候应该是在16年的3月份 刚开始还不适应这个类型的音乐 后来听了 levels ,wake me up waiting for love ,等等,开始喜欢上你的音乐,就在我还在等着AVICII(02)发布的时候,18年4月26号因为听了tobu刚发表的一首need u 才知道你去世了,当我得知这个消息的时候 我完全无法接受,你的歌都是那么的激励人心,怎么可能自杀,后来我看了avicii true stroies 我才开始真正的开始了解你所处的情况,真的很不幸 ,希望你在天堂也能编曲,做自己喜欢做的,无忧无虑 ,也很谢谢你所留下来的作品 这些都是你留给粉丝最宝贵的财富 R.I.P.Avicii

  • from shun miyamoto

    thanx my favorite DJ 初めてライブに行ったのがあなたの japanツアーでした。 その時の感動は言葉にできなかった。 そしてopのwith out youを聴いたら 涙が出てきました。 そんな感動を与えてくれたあなたが居ないなんて考えられないです。 けど現実を受け入れるしかない。 だから最後にこれだけ言わせて下さい。 本当にありがとう!! もし僕が天国に行ったらwakemeupをプレイして下さい!!

  • from Sarah

    je had goede muziek. Ik blijf voor altijd aan je denken.

  • from Luca B.

    Dear Tim.. you have never been fully understood probably as person you was a genius and not a simple musician.. Music was all for you even more important than your health.. I grew with your music I’m feeling really bad and I hope this is only a great joke.. “One day you’ll leave this world behind”… I’d have hoped that it wasn’t so soon.. You passed to the next Levels too early.. Thanks for the emotions Thanks for the feelings Thanks for the Music.. Thanks for all Tim ◢◤???

  • from Michael

    I remember listening to his music as a kid It was something about it that gave me so much joy. Truly a symbol for his generation.

  • from nicodeo55

    He was the first producer/dj that blew my mind with songs like bromance drowning levels rapture addicted to you… The first time I listened him I was young now he's gone and i'm old. I'm sad because he was the King of emotional musics and now I will cannot see him at a concert. RIP legend.

  • from James Kelly

    I'm still completely gutted about Avicii's death. Avicii inspired and still does inspire me to create amazing music. One day I hope to be as famous as him. Avicii will forever be my favourite musician.

  • from Vivien

    I MISS YOU! I LOVE YOU!!! R. I. P. ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Daniel Jackson

    ◢ ◤

  • from Daniel Jackson

    Avicii's music helped me through incredibly tough times. One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will forever. Avicii. 1989-2018

  • from Billy

    Tim le meilleur dj au monde tu aura bercé ma jeunesse avec tes sons et tes musiques je pleure toujours ta mort ça me rend carrément triste ? Repose en Paix ❤

  • from Luiza

    Gostaria de ter seguido nessa caminhada há mais tempo com você… Tim você mudou a minha vida. Espero que tenhas encontrado a paz que tanto sonhou ter durante seu curto trajeto em terra. Você sempre estará em meu coração e meus ouvidos. Obrigada pela sua arte pela sua música tenho certeza que a mesma jamais será esquecida. Você mudou uma geração você mudou o mundo de sua maneira… E eu sou profundamente grata por todas as suas letras elas viverão pra sempre em minha memória. Eu te amo!

  • from 云开心

    若有来生,只愿你快乐和幸福。 我很想你,Tim

  • from Haruno

    負けそうな時、The Days 悲しい時、Hope There’s Someone 挑戦する時、The Nights 切ない時、Lonly Together あなたを想う時、Heaven Thank you Avicii.RIP…

  • from Ferida

    Hey Brother we love you?

  • from Lorenzo

    Avicii was the best dj of its generation he was a genius. A huge star has been lost but will never be forgotten

  • from Robert Halliday

    Every single song he wrote when I here it it floods back a million memory’s! One true Artist and a treasure lost ??

  • from Maxime

    Thanks for your awesome stuff Tim. If I could even describe my perfect style of music I would describe yours. You brought me some hapiness in the most difficult times. I will never stop listening to your music.

  • from Eva McGuire

    To Tim's family: I am very sorry for your loss. I loved Tim's music and Levels is one of my favorite songs and always will be. Tim's search for answers to his existential questions is part of the reason I have an Instagram channel @asolischannel. Our posts treat these kinds of questions in the hopes that the next young Avicii could begin to find answers there.

  • from Mez

    Tu es et tu resteras irremplaçable ❤️ Le meilleur de tous … Merci pour ce que tu nous a apporté ?? Soit en paix

  • from Alba ( España )

    Espero puedas leer todo lo que te escribimos para que aunque sea tarde veas que aquí abajo sin conocerte has dejado un vació muy grande 🙁 Recuerdo el día que me hice "addicted to you" (2012 con Silhouettes) desde entonces has estado presente en momentos de amigas de soledad de pareja… recuerdo el día que mi marido me llamo para darme la noticia de tu triste final no sabia porque sentía una pena muy grande… brilla muy fuerte donde estés!!! desde aquí te recordaremos siempre.

  • from Sergio

    Soooo happy! Just purchased my ticket to the event!

  • from Thibaut

    I miss you so mutch Avicii. My dream was to see you in one of your concert but know that's impossible

  • from avicii


  • from Karthike

    Thanks for introducing me to the world of EDM.Your music has always given me happiness in life and will always create a smile on my face every time I listen to it. I wish you were with us for a longer time creating even better music.Your legacy and music will live on forever.Forever in our hearts.I love you KING ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from rampa fen

    Kenyérlángos volt a vacsora máma eresztett pulykazsírral

  • from Francisco

    Ha Sido uno de los músicos que me a ayudado a aceptarme como soy y realmente sigo escuchando su música y cada vez que la escuché lo recordaré por qué era el mejor

  • from avicii

    Guess What?! I'm back!

  • from Fen

    A vagina illata számomra a csodával ér fel!

  • from Julia J

    How can you miss someone so terribly when you never met them? I'll miss you forever…

  • from keertana bhoopal

    My first ever live concert was Avicii here in Bangalore India. He was the sound to the 2000’s. He introduced our generation to EDM and it was the best ever. I’m 23 now and still feel like his Music lingers and will never die. Thank you for giving us happiness through your music. #RIP #Avicii. Miss you. This is my tribute to you.

  • from Sergio

    Everytime I listen to your music I feel something that I can't explain. Your legacy will be always with us. Rest in peace.

  • from Alex Stefanini

    I remember coming home from school only a couple of years ago and listening to his songs. ““Waiting For Love” was a favorite of mine. He is a timeless artist whose creation cannot be undermined by anyone.????

  • from Glenn 'Marc Valley' Meerten

    I'll always remember the first time I heard Levels. It blew my mind and inspired me to become a producer. Tim became my idol my inspiration. His music got me through some of the worst periods of my life. It has also been the soundtrack to one of the most beautiful moments as well. A week before his passing me and my fiance were driving to Disneyland where I was going to propose to her. On the trip we were signing to all his albums out loud. It some how gave me courage . Thank you Tim.

  • from Chasemesun

    Tu música es un himno para nuestras vidas. Descansa en paz Tim. ?

  • from Javi

    Gracias a ti me enamoré del EDM y me alegraste los días con tus melodías en mis peores y mejores momentos. Te echamos mucho de menos hermano tu música siempre será recordada y celebrada!!!! Miss you man you will always be loved!!!! ???

  • from Kurdi Máté

    I really love him because i think he was the best DJ. We never forget him. Rest in Peace AVICII………………… Without you everything is bad. So wake me up when its all over :'(

  • from Irval

    We miss you ?

  • from Sandra P.

    Hola desde españa quiero transmitir mi tristeza. La musica de avicii no era solo musica era esa sensacion que te entraba en las venas y recoria todo tu cuerpo. Era alucinante. Ahora cuando las escucho van directas al corazon y es imposible no recordar la tristeza de que Ya no esta. Te queremos avicii.

  • from Yukie

    貴方の訃報を知ったとき、ウソに違いないと思っていました でも 現実だと知って とてもショックを受けてました 貴方の作った音楽はいつも聴いていましたが 皮肉なことに貴方の本名や年などは 亡くなってから初めて知りました 初めてWating For Love を聴いたとき涙が止まりませんでした。大切な事を思い出し私の心に刺さる曲でした。ミュージックビデオも素敵でした。 The Nights は毎朝勇気を与えてくれました。 ティムさん、これからも貴方の音楽を聴いて、救ってもらう時がたくさんあるでしょう 貴方が生み出した音楽たちをこれからも聴き続けていきます。貴方の音楽に込めた想いは永遠に世界を生きて、一緒に旅をし続けます。 I love you どうか安らかに…               

  • from Krystyna S.

    Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt kann man durch den Tod nicht trennen.. ..ich spreche allen Fans und Avicii's Angehörigen aufrichtige Anteilnahme aus. R.I.F.

  • from Matthew Alexander

    Seriously when Tim found diei was crying and asking "Why this will be happen?" because He is very inspired from his song and i think i wanna be like him and i hope he in the heaven now Love from Indonesia??????

  • from Barbara

    THE BEST <3

  • from Betti

    We miss you!!!!

  • from Kieran Allum

    You got me through my teenage years and crated my love for EDM- RIP legend x

  • from Acritt(BlackThover) ◢ ◤

    He really die but for as is live because of his Great music sharing geat think's with Fan's really great guy . He had somthing big in his heart (music) and decided to share with us I'm so sad because wi lost good friend family member musician . R.I.P Avicii Your music will live Forever!

  • from Mauro

    I remember it very clearly. In 2011 I was browsing Youtube for new music and there was Levels. It clicked with me instantaneously. The rhythm was – IS incredibly moving the way it looped was magic seamless. I have to thank Avicii for this track because it prompted me and my cousin to start learning producing and for delivering a fantastic discography over his career. It's almost infuriating how we couldn't catch the true meaning of his lyrics. Wherever you are now please be well. ♥

  • from Rick

    He will be greatly missed his music and perserverance were of inspiration to me. He will be for always remembered he is legend.

  • from Riccardo

    I was in Stockholm this summer on holiday so I decided to visit you at Skogskyrkogarden where you rest. Unfortunately after many research I didn't find you; so I putted my earphones I took my iPhone and I listened Wake Me Up and while the track played in that moment I found you inside me inside my head inside my heart. Thank you for being in my life even if for a short time. Good journey and… … "wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older" Bye Tim ◢ ◤

  • from Osvaldo Levy

    Silhouettes es un himno para mi desde que la escuché por primera vez me cautivo & a la fecha cada que necesito pensar me conecto con esta canción simplemente mágica fuerte & poderosa.

  • from Alireza.tehran

    Love from persianboys.

  • from Thomas

    Mi ricordo ancora quando alla mattina mentre andavo a scuola ascoltavo tutte le tue canzoni. E quando ci hai lasciato quella notte le riascoltai sperando in un futuro di poter ascoltare "Heaven". Ho capito che eri uno importante per me quando una volta in discoteca misero una tua canzone e mi bloccai. Smisi di ballare alzai le mani e con i brividi iniziai a cantare. Oh ricordo ancora il video che girai a 16 anni in vacanza su "Waiting for love"… Non ti scorderò mai Tim grazie di tutto.

  • from Eric Huang

    Farewell? My enlightenment of EDM? ◢ ? ◤

  • from Giordano Jara Ponce

    La música que creaste era muy inspiradora tiene mucho sentimiento siento mucho que te hayas ido Tim pero nunca me olvidaré de lo que hiciste y de quien eres querido Avicii para mi el mejor Dj/Productor que ha podido existir en todo el mundo. Gracias por todo Avicii You went to Heaven Tim I'll never forget you Live a life you will remember These are the days we won't forget I could be the one you make you make me feel that way So wake me up when it's all over .. All your music is in my heart

  • from Norway

    I noticed long time ago that the songs promoted by Avicii often had a deep meaning. Just after he died I realized how deep it all it is. You get the feeling of having known Tim. He kind of expressed his inner sadness hopes and beliefs also about that of an eternal life and it is like you understand his last hopes. I never ever cried before after some famous person died but listening to the songs of Avicii I eyes can easily come up with tears. God Himself must be moved…

  • from Heliya

    ☹️god bless his soul?

  • from YY

    wake me up againplease◢ ◤

  • from Renée


  • from Abel Bernal

    Escuchaba sus canciones en el coche cuando era pequeño y me iba de viaje. Además yo soy de campo y me gusta la equitación y todo este mundo y cuando escucho "Wake me up" mi corazón da un vuelco y me hace sentir ganas de ir en medio de la montaña y gritar como un loco. O cuando voy de viaje a comerme el mundo con mis amigos siempre tengo en mente "The Nights" y su precioso significado de ~carpe diem~. Simplemente su música es maravillosa y no puedo creer que ya no pueda escuchar nuevos temazos.

  • from Vaibhav Singh

    One night during last vacations I was just trying to work some chords out in FL Studio failing miserably though. My mother saw me asked what it was. I said it's a software used for making electronic music. Also in the flow I explained to her how a young boy who started his career with this very software a pirated version is now one of the greatest DJs in the world. Feels bad man losing u Avicii. Ur songs helped me get over phases. Thanks man for being with us See u on the other side.

  • from Kíra

    Love from Hungary!❤️

  • from Carlos

    The meaning of what Tim and his music represent for me can’t be explained in words there are no words to describe how I feel every day and every time I listen his music it’s just magical inspiring unique. LOVE .

  • from Juanca Calviño

    I started listening your music when I was 12 years old today I'm 19 and I still loving it. Your music was a unique style of electronic music. With your songs I learned so much for my life and helped me a lot in difficult moments. I made friends with your music that will stay in may heart forever. Thank you Avicii. Thank you Tim. Thank you legend. We'll see you then❤

  • from VJ

    I ? love his music. It sets me free.

  • from Lollo Boy

    Eri sei e sarai sempre uno trai migliori DJ del 20° secolo. La tua musica non morirà mai come non morirai tu nei nostri ricordi.

  • from Héctor Moya Martinez

    Son tantos momentos vividos con tus canciones que no sabría con cuáles quedarme siempre viendo tus noticias tus vídeos nuevos flipando con el vídeo 360grados música nueva y buena mezclando y creando por y para la gente la vida sigelose pero por mucho que sigamos con nuestras vidassiempre te recordare y siempre habrá música tuya que me acompañeporque para mí no te as ido.Desde Españaun abrazo fuerte para todo sus familiares amigos y fans como yo.

  • from Dunzen

    We will miss you forever.

  • from Neil Deshpande

    To me Avicii was no short of a mentor although a distant one. I fell into the art of music production about two years and ago and from day one Tim's melodies and synths have always inspired me. I used to watch jis tutorial videos on Youtube and learn. It was only later that I got to know how that he was as amazing a person as he was a musician. This is a little token of appreciation from my side to remember Tim forever. Tim you had a huge impact on this world and we're happier because of you.

  • from Dakoma

    One of the biggest and inspiring Artist in my own DJ life… Gone too soon… We will never forget you <3

  • from rohan goswami

    miss you brother… love from india…

  • from Reece Allen

    I'm only 18 and got into EDM at the age of 10 – Avicii was one of the first artists I heard and fell in love with. I remember hearing "Bromance' for the first time and songs like" I Could Be The One" and "Hey Brother" will always hold special memories for me. His music carried me through difficult times at middle school and through joyous times right up to blasting out "Lonely Together" in the summer sun. No-one will ever produce music quite like he did and he will always be missed. RIP

  • from Krisztofer

    A zenéidet örökre játszani fogják és soha nem felejtenek el remélem fent is valami szépet valami maradandot alkotsz mert abban te voltál a legjobb.. Köszönünk mindent! ?♥️

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