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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Dan S

    A true pioneer of dance music and an inspiration to millions worldwide myself included artists in years to come will site Avicii as one of their influences just as they do with musical legends of years gone by. I'm beyond devastated to think that we will not be blessed with any new music but I have had a new found appreciation for the music we have been lucky enough to receive! Sleep tight Tim a true legend who has influenced us all in some shape or form ◢ ◤

  • from Lili B.

    The first song I heard from him was Wake me up and looked up his other songs and I just couldn’t help but love his music. Then I watched several interviews with him and I started loving him more for his amazing and bright personality. Lay me down has always been my no1 fav and I don’t think it will change. It just always cheered me up no matter what. He felt like a shoulder you can always cry on or just someone to share your happiest moments with. No day passed without thinking of him. In our❤️∞

  • from Aris

    He’s not gone yet he’ll never be. He has become infinite in his music our memories and hearts. Thank you for helping me when I needed it most for all the joy and hapiness you’ve brought to my heart and my soul. Thank you for helping me to start a new chapter in my life.

  • from Lisa

    Ich bin wirklich traurig über den Tod eines großartigen Musikers Produzenten und DJ's. Seine Musik hat mich in allen Lebenslagen begleitet und wird es auch weiterhin. Icn wünsche allen Fans aber vorallem der Familie alles erdenklich Gute für die Zukunft.

  • from Lieke

    Lieve avicii je was de beste dj ooit maar dat ben je nog steeds en je blijf in ons hart en we denken aan je. We hoeden heel veel van je avicii love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?????????????

  • from Anahita

    My friends and I planned our trip to Vegas around Avicii's schedule. He was an absolutely amazing performer.. and my all-time favorite DJ in the world. I get teary eyes almost every day when I think about how much we have lost. Tim had such a wonderful energy about him.. he just took over the entire club when he went on. His music really took EDM to new levels and I wish mental health was more openly discussed and tended to so we would still have him with us. We miss you so much Tim! <3

  • from Luciano

    Eu me lembro em 2010 quando eu ouvia "Seek Bromance" e pensava "que música é essa que melodia linda" Foi aí que começou minha paixão pela música eletrônica Avicii Você foi o responsável por isso Você Deixará Saudades Mas Sempre Ficará Vivo Em Nossas Lembranças! Obrigado Tim

  • from From a fan

    Thank you Avicii for your wonderful sounds. It inspired and will continue to inspire so many people around the world. Your musics will always be presents in our hearts. All the love to your family. See you in the other side genius. From a fan.

  • from Denorah

    ??❤? Best Artist!!

  • from TUA

    Im listening "Wake Me Up" and I wanna u listening too ❤️

  • from Kasun Prathapage

    Dear Avicii I'm from a country called Sri Lanka. I don't know where are you now. What I want to say is I miss you so much! You're the biggest inspiration to me listen to EDM. I can still remind the day which I heard your awesome masterpiece "Levels". Before I die I want to see you in a show just one show. Ohh shit I'm crying….. Why did you leave us soon? I'll tell the future world about you. "You said that we would always be Without you I feel lost at sea" Good Bye Legend! Kasun



  • from DeadlyHawk

    Love you Tim I am struggling with problems too. I hope you find your peace ✌️ ❤️?

  • from sauce

    Avicii was one of the artists that got me into the edm scene early on. R.I.P 🙁

  • from Jose Alfonso Sánchez

    Bad day. The sky is falling over the streets. My eyes are looking through the window while my thoughts are far away maybe somewhere of the world. It is gonna be a sad Sunday I say to myself. Laying my body over the bed I think over the sense of life as I am used to do every Sunday. Life's make not sense right now. But suddenly a melody happens among the walls of my room. It's Levels it's you. I can't do nothing but smile suddenly this rainy winter has turned into spring. Thank you Avicci.

  • from Eduardo Barbosa Sobreira

    Avicii sempre será lembrado através de sua canção. Cada nota embala o meu coração num frenesi inexplicável… Essa sensação não acabará nunca pois um artista como ele transcenderá gerações e inspirará muita gente. Tim você vive em minhas memórias mais felizes a sua história não será esquecida!!!

  • from Mark

    Spinning your tracks grey. Everyday wether in the car when I'm on my motorcycle taking the highway while working out you name it. Your passing still feels unreal to me. Never managed to truly sink in. Be at peace Avicii

  • from Siona


  • from Tiago Castro / @Taccastro

    Obrigado por tudo Avicii! Sempre escuto suas músicas me traz uma energia interior inexplicável só #TrackFODA me liberta da vida cotidiana e me faz feliz!

  • from MC

    "When there's a will there's a way" has been my life motto I live by by trying to find my will everytime I wake up Thank you Tim for everything!!

  • from Ahix

    La musica di Avicii mi ha aiutato molto in brutti momenti infatti ascoltando la sua musica ho iniziato ad amare la musica Elettronica e a fare graffiti in strada e in giro con sue frasi e frasi di altri dj giusto per far sapere agli altri i loro bellissimi pensieri e ciò che erano davvero. Grazie di tutto quello che hai fatto per noi Tim Con Amore uno dei tuoi fans Ahix

  • from Geovani Zanetti

    Obrigado por me inspirar ❤️ Pra sempre na minha memória

  • from Hulkamaniac

    Hey Brother Loved that video you did with the Indian Lad holding up that sign. You've helped me battle my own demons. RIP

  • from Kristina

    Loved his music really loved it. I have loved him for years. I cry when i listen to his music and its not just sad tears also happy tears because his music is so good and i know he loved to produce music and that makes me happy. Its an honor to have been a fan for so many years… Rest in peace mate! May i see you again.

  • from Mike frome belguim ?

    I gone mis you avicii/ tim ?

  • from Andrea Guerrera

    Avicii ❤

  • from DMirza

    Living in LA and being an avid radio listener in 2011 “Oh Oh Sometimes I get a good feeling yeah.” Automatically had me hooked with the excellent EDM music following the amazing voice. I instantly shazamed the song and learned of AVICII. EDM music being on the rise then I knew he would later be considered the Pioneer of EDM music. My favorite song of his is “Somewhere in Stockholm.” He poured his art into music which made me buy his music. Being the ONLY artist I’ve BOUGHT music from.

  • from Leo Fontes

    Avicii was by far the best producer in EDM his melodies will forever live in our hearts.

  • from Mathias Rivas

    Avicii has marked a before and after in my life Tim wherever you are we will remember you for the life you lived and not for the money you made ❤ my dream was to meet you or to see you play in my country Paraguay ?❤ your songs will be immortalized in our hearts ❤

  • from The Netherlands

    Thank you for your music .Rest in peace

  • from Rodrigo Milanez

    Foi um dos meus guias pelo mundo da EDM! Quando comecei a explorar esse mundo um dos que mais me chamava atenção era Avicii com ótimas faixas. O legado dele ficará sempre na memória de quem ouviu sua música. A EDM perdeu um grande artista. 🙁

  • from Rob the Netherlands

    Business and a hectic life should never overshadow the value of human beings. As people are most valuable! Nothing on earth can replace them! You were a pure seeker but was pushed to and over the limit. Such a great loss. You left a big empty hole but also such a great heritage. Very nice and good music that everyone will remember. We will sing along with your songs and remember you. Wish I'd met you. Wish your family all strenght and comfort needed. In warm rememberance…..

  • from Mary

    kondoleanser Jag är verkligen ledsen att det var en riktigt fantastisk DJ också trevlig

  • from Live today love tommorrow unite forever ❤️

  • from Shaira bernsen from Holland

    you were an example of the world. I admire you with every step you have taken. you are in my heart❤️?

  • from Daniela

  • from Simon

    En legend inom musiken och kommer alltid finnas i alla våra hjärtan. Vila i frid❤️

  • from Marina

    You said you foollow me anywhere but tour eyes tell me you won't be there For all this time i was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost. I Will Remember with these words RIP Tim?❤

  • from Carl Sjögren

    The first song I ever heard from Tim was Levels. But it wasn’t until after Wake me up got released that I started to love his music. It has been 3 months and 8 days since you passed away and I’m listening to your music every day. I feel happiness but also sadness when I hear your music. You had such an amazing talent and you moved inside everyone’s hearts. Rest in peace dear Tim. You are missed. ◢ ◤

  • from Luis

    His music has inspired me at my hardest times. It was a big help to me to tackle the daily LEVELS in my life. R.I.P. Avicii

  • from Giuseppe

    I love avicii music. Tim thank you for all.

  • from Sigmar Sirg

    Thanks for creating some of the best memories. You will be always a legend!

  • from Faroeha ??

    A picture of Avicii dog as a puppy It’s so sad cuz the dog probably misses Avicii too ??


    Tu música ha inspirado a millones de fanáticos alrededor del mundo me ha inspirado a mí; has sido mi dj favorito desde la infancia extrañaré tu presencia. Deseo bendiciones para la familia y seres queridos de Tim… Gracias por hacer grandes melodías y poesías gracias por todo. #AviciiForever ◢ ◤

  • from Asiya

    Avicii or Tim you were truly loved by everyone around the world. Your music made such a positive impact on so many lives and I for one am very grateful that you were alive to do this. The world is gonna be a different place without you but even in death you will keep changing the lives of people everywhere. See you in another life my friend x

  • from Mæ?


  • from Barcelona

    The best DJ /producer in the world Avicii Tim we Always love you and your music will live forever

  • from Hooniversalys

    Your beautiful music will always be in my heart every moment of my life.❤️❤️❤️

  • from Ruben

    Tim was a great inspiration to me Tim was one of the reasons why I started making music and he was a great inspiration to my career. I'm very about what happened but I know he loved making music and I'm happy he always did music. I wish I saw him live. Tim love you man.

  • from Luca from Italy

    Your music is in the hearts of million people And every day we will listen one of your songs.. maybe in the morning while we are going to to work/school maybe during a party with friends maybe while we are driving or travelling… Doesn’t matter. The point is you’re still alive for us and You will be always part of our lifes. Grazie! Luca ❤️??

  • from Faroeha ??

    We still miss Tim. I still have a few music from you on my playlist. You’ve been the best DJ ever. Your music are the best!

  • from William

    avicii was my favorite music dj he was my number 1 i listened to his music alot on my snapchat there was a filter and on the news the died goodbye tim goodbye rest in peice goodbye my favourite song was without you and wake me up and you make me

  • from Lauryne France

    J'aimerai te remercier pour ta musique pour avoir été toi pour ton amour pour tes fans et tant d'autres choses Tu fais parti de la vie de tant de gens dans le monde tu rassembles les gens autour de la musique que tu as composée avec ton cœur ta sensibilité. Je ne sais pas quand tu es entré dans ma vie mais je sais juste que ton histoire avec chacun de tes fans ne connaîtra pas de fin J'espère que tu as trouvé la paix tu le mérites? Tack sä mycket Avicii❤ Tack sâ mycket Tim❤

  • from Luis

    Levels was my first song to make me fell in love with EDM. And i wanted to create my own music i and i made it Avicii was the reason that i start listen EDM and now to create my own muic.

  • from Giovanni

    Hè was a good Guy i Love Him songs.?

  • from ELSB

    I've always loved your music and hope you've found peace. <3 <3

  • from Eurosat

    He inspired me to make what I do today. Music. Thank you for that.

  • from brisa

    eras y seguiras siendo el mejor

  • from From Amsterdam

    Thank you for your music Rest in power You truly be missed

  • from JoeyRenfrew

    Can't stop listening to his first LP. Anyone can tell he put his heart and soul into this master piece and for that I'm eternally grateful! You live on in your music and music lover will love you always. RIP

  • from Alterblast

    The creator of the first album I ever listened to ;(

  • from Merel

    His music spoke to me more than anyone else could. His lyrics although often sad resonated with me especially his older songs. Levels is our family song :-). Each one of my family would sing a different part 🙂 Although I've never had the chance to meet him and don't know him personally he will be in my memory forever. I hope that there will be more attention for the welfare of artists in the music industry and that his documentary will spread truth

  • from kiky rahmadian

    untuk aviciiwalaupun kamu memang tidak disini tapi karya mu selalu di nikmati dan terpatri di hati kami 🙂

  • from Estonien

    come back avicii!!

  • from Kira

    Shortly after Levels was released our local NHL hockey team (and my favourite team) the Ottawa Senators began to play his music between periods and pauses in the game. I grew up listening to Tim’s music and hearing about his loss devastated me. R.I.P Tim we will forever love and miss you ??

  • from Emy uit Netherlands

    dear family I am sad about avicii (tim) strength greetings emy (12) from the Netherlands

  • from Pragathi Aseemitha

    I'm sorry AVICII. I couldn't save you… I'm so sorry…..

  • from Sergio leon

    Sunshine my favorite dance song from avicii with levels they have in common good I think that all the songs of avicii are cheerful and give a lot of life thanks

  • from Dimitri

    Avicci was my favorite DJ. I've been so happy to hear one of his music. He was the best in all over the world. Avicci with a big A

  • from Rodrigo M. from Paraguay

    Lastimosamente nunca viniste a Paraguay Tim nunca pude verte en vivo pero gracias a ti ame mucho mas de lo que ya amaba a la musica electronica fuiste y seguiras siendo mi idolo numero 1 el mejor DJ y la mejor persona del mundo. Nunca te olvidare

  • from Riccardo

    Always in my heart ❤ Love you Tim

  • from Rayulgarabato ?

    AVICII fue fundamental en mi vida. Su música es una especie de tipo mágico que me ha ayudado a superar la depresión que me causó el haber sufrido una violación y posteriormente contraer VIH… Aún recuerdo aquella vez que estuve a punto de suicidarme y sonó a lo lejos "Wake me up" y de pronto recordé todo aquello que había por vivir. Tim nunca cumplí mi más grande sueno de conocerte pero gracias por el grandioso legado que has dejado te recordaré por siempre. AVICII siempre en mi corazón. ?

  • from Ixchel Guerrero

    Hola soy una chica mexicana que creció escuchando a Tim durante mi adolescencia cuando me enteré que él había muerto me sentí muy triste ya que su música me trae muchos recuerdos que viví durante mi adolescencia. Fue un placer que él pudiera producir música fantástica y que llegara a oídos de muchos mexicanos que hasta el momento seguimos siendo sus fans es una pena lo ocurrido porque ahora que escucho su música quisiera que el estuviera vivo y que siguiera produciendo cosas que me llenen.

  • from kuba

    Na zawsze w pamieci Tim

  • from N

    R.I.P Avicii love you and all your tunes a star gone but not forgotten I will miss you.

  • from Meghan

    I loved his music my dad and I would listen to it together. I sang one of his songs when I began singing in public. To me Avicii is associated with never giving and living 'a life you will remember'!

  • from Alice Nguyen

    I loved his music when I was in middle school. His songs had helped me through some very dark times in my life.

  • from Esther Voogt

    "When I was 16 my father said 'You can do anything you want with your life. You just have to be willing to work hard to get it.' That's when I decided when I die I want to be remembered for the life I lived—not the money I made."

  • from Renato Menezes

    Thank you for every single word you said i love you like a brother and you live in my hearth for ever I hope you are in a best place now with love com amor Renato.

  • from Pierre Cointe

    We've been here together listened your wonderful music. It was magical. You just cross life faster than light Tim our dream would be to wake you up when all will be over. Your song will be part of us forever.

  • from Anoniem

    Ik hield echt van zijn muziek❤

  • from Esther Voogt

    Legends never die they stay in our mind forever. RIP Avicii

  • from Mandy Bradley-Donald

    My younger brother introduced me to Avicii's music a few years ago and with me being over age of 40 he was amazed that I liked it. Actually I loved it. Avicii was my best gym buddy and his music kept me going through some difficult work outs after having open heart surgery. You will continue to be my gym buddy Tim. May you be at peace now.

  • from Juju

    I heard Levels for the first time when I was 9 years old I loved it so much. And I was so heartbroken when I heard the news that he commited suicide. l'm sending all the love to the family that wanted so many anwsers to the fans friends. I'm sending my toughts and these words to him that he can live peacefully in heaven I loved your music it gave me inspiration that I needed. Thank you. A million times.

  • from Jeremy from France

    Tim changed electro music for ever. He Was the best musician if his generation. He will be with us for the rest of our Life. Thank you so much Tim We love you <3

  • from Sam

    One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember.

  • from Ana Isabel

    Te fuiste demasiado pronto pero nos dejaste tu música para nunca olvidarte

  • from Lisa

    Tim❤️ I can’t describe how much I miss you but I know that you’re on a better place now. Away from bad things and bad people.. You’re free ❤️??? You always wanted to be a normal guy that makes music but your life was different.. Very stressful and you just wanted to find peace. You found it you‘re with god and you’re happy. And that makes me happy❤️ Rest In Peace my beautiful angel ??❤️❤️ Rest In Peace beautiful soul ❤️ I love you Tim?❤️❤️ Your music will live forever ❤️

  • from Cari Byscaine

    Aviici Gracias por haber sido parte de momentos especiales por dejar un legado musical que llego a los corazones de millones de personas… por tus mezclas musicales tan suaves para el oido… eran un elixir musical. Gracias a ti y a tu familia por este regalo. Para siempre AVicii❤

  • from Manu

    Ciao Avicii la mia canzone preferita è "a sky full of stars".. Quando l'ascolto penso a te e a quale ragione ti abbia spinto a scomparire per sempre..una soluzione ci sarebbe stata ma nessuno ti ha dato una ragione per crederci.. Mi dispiace.. Spero che ora sei finalmente in pace come desideravi.. Un abbraccio

  • from Colin Ouwens

    Hi avicii My biggest dream was to go and meet you or see you at a music festival but I never got the chance to do it… i was too young. thanks for your amazing music and i'll be listing to your music forever! R.I.P. Aicii <3

  • from Myriam

    Avicii i am sad i love you

  • from Nadine

    Haltet die Welt an es fehlt ein Stück! Noch immer unbegreiflich das du nicht mehr da bist? wir vermissen dich. Ruhe in Frieden Tim Bergling ❤️?

  • from Mersy

    Wake me up when it's all over…

  • from Sara

    I remember that daythat windy day of Aprili was with two friends and we were at a market. We get to the bathroomi opened my intagram and seen a photo saying "rip avicii". I googled it immediately and I found out thisyou were dead. My whole word fallI loved your musicme and my dad always used to listent "waiting for love" in our trips. But "Without you" and "wake me up" were my favourites. I miss you so freaking muchI wish to listent just one last word out of your mouth. From Italylove.

  • from Melih Celik

    Avicii knew to tenderize and allured the whole world by its music. It is so marvellous to listen that I will never forget this very large DJ! We miss it enormously with all… I would have so much liked to meet it… Rest in Avicii peace. You will be immortal for us by the melodies which you wrote and composed. You miss with the electronic scene… All our loves with Avicii ❤️

  • from From Singapore

    Wake me up when it's all over.

  • from Ed


  • from Laura

    We need you back here!! <3

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