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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Jose Felix Herrera P

    Hace 8 años escuchaba tus canciones sin darme cuenta de quien era el que estaba tras algo tan perfecto con Wake Me Up hace 5 años fue ahí donde se convirtió en un sueño conocerte la persona que me hacía sentir que todo iba a estar bien en los peores momentos que hay que vivir noches días y una vida que no olvidemos jamás. Quería cumplir mi sueño de ir a Tomorrowland y conocerte allí… Quizá te pueda conocer en un lugar mejor y decirte todo lo que hiciste por mí… Gracias Tim te amo

  • from Antonella

    Ciao Tim la tua musica mi accompagna da diversi anni a questa parte e credo che lo farà per sempre. Riascoltando le tue canzoni la mia mente fa un tuffo nel passato e mi riporta ad un preciso istante della mia vita. Mi sarebbe piaciuto ascoltarti live ma non ne ho avuto il tempo. Per fortuna le leggende non muoiono mai e mi auguro di incontrarti un giorno per poterti stringere la mano. Spero che tu sia in pace adesso qui giù non ti dimenticheremo mai. La tua musica vivrà per sempre. Grazie.

  • from Ahmad Syria

    I wish i was a friend of you or i could have the chance to speak with you about your problems i love your music and i love your personality i hope to see you in heaven your sweet soul deserves the best place in heaven i love you

  • from Bartosz Bizior

    Tim you were the reason why I started being interested in music. You were special. You are the reason why I make my own music now. Your show in Gdańsk were the best day of my life. "(…) I think I just died… And went to Heaven(…)" Love You Forever See you in future <3

  • from J. Ramirez – Germany

    Tim the first time I heard you leftI was shocked.I thought about what made you take that step and why nobody close to you could help you or have seen the signs.You looked happy on picsbut appearances often deceive.We as your fanscouldn't really imagine what you were in pain and what sacrifices you really had to make for your success.I watched to ''True Stories'' and it brokes my heart to see how hard it was for you.From my part I would have wished that you had less success but be still alive

  • from Jack B.

    You as a physical person may be gone from this world but YOU will always be alive in our minds our hearts and our soul. Thank you for touching us with your Beautiful music and may you rest in peace.

  • from Nikki

    I will never forget the first time I heard "Seek Bromance"! I fell in love with EDM. Fast forward to 2018 pretty much every Avicii song I heard has became a favourite of mine. Tim you had so much talent and each of your tracks moved me in a different indescribable ways. You will always be a beautiful soul. I am so glad to have had the privilege of being touched by your music. I hope you have found the peace in the chaos and light in the dark. Your light will always shine on in my heart

  • from Joeri From Belgium

    ◢ ◤Tim you where the Mozart of my time!!! Thanks for making so great music!! Rest in Peace Tim◢ ◤

  • from Richard

    Tus melodias quedaran inmortalizadas para toda la eternidad. Gracias por tu musica Tim.

  • from Manuel Barjau

    Conocí su música por accidente me encantó su estilo único la alegría que me daba. Cada vez que escuchaba una de sus canciones siempre me ponía de muy buen humor me hacía feliz me impulsaba a poner más empeño a mis labores. Ahora soy mucho más #AviciiFan que siempre y he comenzado a recomendar tu música a muchas personas. Cuando partiste me entristecí mucho no lo podía creer; sin embargo vivirás por siempre en mi corazón y en mi mente. ¡Gracias por tu música TIM! Avicii por siempre.

  • from Марат

    "Wake Me Up"BromanceASH & Avicii Let Me Show You LoveYoure Gonna Love Again мой самые любимые песни и ты будешь в моем сердце всю мою жизнь! Нам тебя не хватает TIM Спасибо Avicii!

  • from Rosalba

    Your songs touched me I still listen everyday. We will never forget. RIP

  • from Jacopo

    Tim with his music managed to help me in the various difficult moments of my life. Whenever I suffered his music gave me the strength and the joy of living of facing difficulties and looking for happiness. I could hear him playing in ibiza (my most beautiful day ever). I feel I have lost an elder brother irreplaceable. rests Tim … with infinite love jacopo

  • from Ildrid Kornelia

    I can begin with that i have a brother. We grew up with this music and we heard "Hey brother" like all the time. I was so little so i can only remember we heard that song on repeat. This song reminds me how close me and my brother are and Avicii was so popular at the time. I want to say thank you Avicii that you spread love to all of us. Your song reminds me also about that time before i was bullied so it gives me a good vibe. Thank you.

  • from Vasja

    I was about 9 years old when I heard first Avicii song – Levels. I instantly fell in love with his music. Now after almost ten years his older tracks like Bromance Silhouettes Sunshine and of course Levels still give me goosebumps. Sadly I never had a chance to see him perform live. Tim is gone but Avicii lives on and so will his music.

  • from Edward López

    Haz dejado un legado en la musica electronica. Tu forma unica de presentarte en los escenarios. Gracias por todo Tim 🙂

  • from Claudiu

    Dear Tim i just want to say i love you brother i remember back in 2011 when i discover you and your album the singles i fell in love with your music and ever since then i've waited for you to come up with new music you've been a HUGE part of my life when i was sad or happy you made my world better when i heard about your death i was with some of my friends and my best friend called me and told me : Avicii a murit …" in english is Avicii died i was shocked Rest in piece i miss you

  • from matteo

    Grazie per la tua musica Tim rimarrà sempre indelebile nel mio cuore e nel cuore di tutti gli italiani tuoi fan. Il mio più grande desiderio è che esca l'ep02 in tuo onore per sempre Avicii <3

  • from Deivids

    I grew up listening to his music. The excitement when the new song came out I knew every lyric. Every new release made my summer better. Every year I grew older but one thing never changed – I always listened to his music. And even now I still play his music on repeat. And just like our parents told us – millennials about ABBA and Aerosmith the same way I will tell my children about Avicii – the most important artist in my childhood. Rest in Peace and thank you for everything!

  • from Patrick

    Levels. The song that started my EDM journey. I'll never forget the first time I heard that song and the happiness that song brought me. I looked more into who this Avicii character was. I am so thankful that I got to see him perform live a few times since 2012. His music was just the most positive and upbeat of anything out during his era. I will never forget.

  • from MT

    One day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember

  • from Matthew

    Avicii's music touched my heart moved my feet and nourished my soul. He will be forever missed.

  • from Alexander

    Takk for alt! Mine tanker går til familien <3

  • from Alex

    Levels essentially made me fall in love with House music. Since then it's really the only genre of music I listen to. I have some of my best memories of college listening to your music. You were the best on the keyboard and my biggest regret is not going to see you live. Thanks for everything that you have done for the music industry and I hope that you are resting peacefully in heaven. Thank you to your family and friends for allowing us to share our stories with you.

  • from Andrew

    When I first heard Levels it made me love EDM. When that song came out it made him my favorite DJ. Wake me up was so revolutionary combining country with EDM something that was never done before and it worked so well. It was so original had so much talent. His music has helped me through times and still today. It's to bad i couldn't see him live but he will always have a huge impact on my life. He will never be forgotten. RIP Avicii.

  • from Escumi

    Gracias por hacer esas canciones de verano que tanto hemos disfrutado. So live a life you will remember.

  • from Mirta – Argentina

    Je voudrais remercier la famille de Tim de nous avoir permis partager nos expériences et sentiments par rapport lui . Sa musique me pleine de joie. M. et Mme. Bergling je voudrias vous embrasser de tout mon coeur.

  • from Andrea

    Avicii you was my idol for a long time. You were a very important person for me I'm listenig this type of music because of you. Thank you very much. I hope you're having a great time up there. See you soon I love you <3.

  • from Kenan Kurt

    I 'm happy to share same feelings with you. The emotions of your music is beating in my heart and when I am happy or sad I listen to your songs. Thank you for being my feelings' translator. I'm gonna keep listening your songs and living you in my heart and thoughts. You are such a beautiful soul. I believe and know your soul is in peace now. Thank you Avicii. R.I.P.

  • from Marina (Spain)

    Tú fuiste el primero en llegar a mi con Levels y desde ese momento empecé a escucharte y a su vez la edm. Gracias por enseñarnos a todos a disfrutar con tu música siempre serás recordado.

  • from Yoana

    You wont fade into darkness! We love you!

  • from Nazaret Romero

    Querido TIM 129 días sin ti aquí estoy escribiéndote con lágrimas y con tu música de fondo… Nunca creí que tu música pudiese llegar a tanto. Poco a poco te metiste en mi cabeza hasta que llegaste y tocaste mi corazón. Gracias por tantos momentos noches sin dormir por verte en cualquier festival que fuese y la hora que fuese ahí estaba yo para verte y disfrutar. TU MÚSICA NUNCA DEJARA DE SONAR EN MI CORAZÓN Gracias por tu música GRACIAS POR TODO MI QUERIDO TIM. ¡HASTA SIEMPRE! Te amamos

  • from Arron

    I first heard Tim's music through the MTV Dance channel a number of years ago which then led me onto discover tracks like Street Dancer and Sound Of Now. His music helped me through my first ever breakup back in 2016 and even to this day helps me with coping with depression and severe anxiety. The personality behind the Artist (that being Tim himself) that was expressed in interviews end of touring message and the documentary was truly inspiring and very genuine. Thanks Avicii & co.

  • from Eneko

    Tim I just wanted to thank you for everything your music has brought to us. I consider myself a happy and blessed person and it is all thanks to you. I learnt to love life and its little things through your music. You always inspired me and millions of people to fight for everything no matter how hard it was. Dark days are brighter with the company of your wonderful music. You made this world a better place… Have for sure that your real fans will never let you fade into darkness. Vila I Frid

  • from Isabell

    Tack för allt <3

  • from Billy Jenkins

    Avicii was first introduced to me by my older brother and we was really big fans of him we always wanted to go see him at a festival but we never did although Avicii is gone he will always be remembered to me and my Brother as a legend and his music will not be forgotten as it was always give people good vibes they wanted fly high legend.

  • from Eneko

    Tim I just wanted to thank you for everything your music has brought to our lives. I can consider myself a happy and blessed person and it is all thanks to you. I learnt to love life and all its little things through your wonderful music. You always inspired me and millions of people to fight for everything no matter how hard it was. Your lessons will always remain in our hearts… You made this world a better place. And do not forget that your real fans will never let you fade into darkness.

  • from Kristin

    We listened to your music every day you were like a part of our crew a part of us. That will never change. All the great memories I have with my friends playing crazy eights drinking cheap rum and sitting on a roof top your song are the soundtrack: the soundtrack of the best time of my life. Your song are us and we are so empty without you now. I'm looking forward to the day when I will be able to enjoy your music again without my heart breaking. You meant so much to us. Thank you Tim.

  • from Fredrik

    Malmö Sweden in 2016 the last time I got to see you. Can't believe that it always will be the last time…

  • from Chris

    I’ve heard his music forever his music got me inspired into going to music school without him people that he was a role model to wouldn’t have herd his awesome music r.i.p avicii forever missed thank you for your inspiration

  • from Andrè Lofoten

    Kjære Tim ( Avicii ) Når jeg såg på nyhetene at du var død ble jeg paff og satt ut. Dagen etter begynte det å synke mer og mer inn. Lenge håpte jeg på at du bare hadde reist bort eller isolert seg. Etter jeg såg dokumentaren din " True storys" Så fikk jeg skikkelig medfølelse for deg. Jeg er samtidig irritert på folk som var rundt deg masa og sleit deg ut psykisk og fysisk. Håper du har funnet hva du lette etter og fått ro i sjela di. Du sammenlignes med Elvis presley HVIL I FRED<3

  • from Clara

    I remember when me and my family were on a trip to Croatia from Sweden 2012 and the songs that come on the radio was avicii’s wake me up and hey brother in every country we was in they play avicii. On restaurants they play avicii. Me and my family was so happy that it was one from Sweden because we are from Sweden. I love Tim and I hope he’s get well up in the sky ful of stars??❤️ 1998-Forever King of EDM Grattis i förskot Tim ”Avicii” Bergling

  • from Your Japanese friend

    I’m Japanese so my English maybe bad His musics are part of mine because they helped me in difficult days. If there were not his musics my life would collapsed Thanks so much Your musics are forever!

  • from MS

    My dear sweet Tim It’s just so hard fight every day with tears I know we should be happy and celebrate the life but how ? Just so sad… I haven’t listen the Bromance like over 4 months because I didn’t know how this will affect me…. until yesterday. I cried so much that song is so so special to me. It’s so big and beautiful melody. You ARE so special to me ! Don’t you ever forget that!!! I miss you so badly and I do love you sooo much ♥️?

  • from Christian Gregertsen

    Thanks Tim for all the incredible music you made and the joy you brought to the people attending your shows. As fans we never knew the struggle you were going through and how hard it was for you . May you R.I.P.

  • from SQ7Y

    Thank you Tim for this incredible music. She inspired me all these years. R.I.P. ◢ ◤

  • from Eric

    Thank you Avicii Your music help me through all the times that I was down and made me keep going. Your music was inspirational help me realize that there were more things that money in life. Your music made me respect my family more. So I would like to say Thank you.

  • from Eva

    Dear Tim thank you for the amazing music ?. I will ever love your music. RIP

  • from Harrison Tucker

    Avicii you are a huge inspiration for doing what I like to do the most. I remember hearing Wake Me Up for the first time on the radio back in 2014 and feeling so many things back then. We love you Avicii.

  • from

    Jag så tacksam för din musik så melodisk ofta med texter med en sorglig klang. Man behöver inte vara ung festivalbesökare för beröras man kan vara en tant på 60 år. Är inte det konstigt så säg? Men jag är ännu mer tacksam för ditt mod att genom True Stories låta oss ta del av det svåra i livet om ångest och psykisk ohälsa om missbruk och fysisk smärta om att leva upp till andra människors förväntningar. Vi borde prata mycket mer om sånt så att alla som behöver hjälp och stöd kan få det.

  • from Laura B

    Dear Tim I still can't believe that you are gone… Your musics helped me so much when I was not well. I feel like I grew up with your beautiful musics and now they remind me good memories. You were such an incredible artist who inspires us all. You bring me so many emotions by yours creations you will be forever my favorite producer. You are a legend. Thank you for all. I hope that where you are you found peace. We will always remember Tim Bergling love you.

  • from ZenBercii

    私に生きる勇気をくれてありがとう。 あなたはいつまでも私たちの心の中で生きています。 Aviciiのような素晴らしい人間になりたい。 [He said one day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember] この歌詞を胸にこれからも生きていきます。 大好きです。 安らかに。

  • from Natasha – Australia

    Thank you Tim for your music. You are an inspiration with a loving heart to all of your fans. Your symbol shown at the end of your shows represents your true self. You will be dearly missed . Your music and memories will live on forever ❤️

  • from CECILE

    Tim ta disparition m'a beaucoup touchée… Si jeune si talentueux…Tes chansons me donnent des frissons et la pêche pour affronter une nouvelle journée. Tu seras pour toujours dans nos cœurs. Repose en paix Bel Ange.***Avicii Forever***

  • from hirokazu_jpn

    あなたとあなたの曲達はこれからもずっと私たちの心の中にいます。 ありがとう。アヴィーチー◢ ◤

  • from Kristo K.

    I suck at words. But i desperately wanna show how much hes songs touched me. Hes songs Made me feel in control. Everyday i would listen to song of other artists and i did like it. nothing special. But after Avicii's levels i didn't know what was coming. These beautiful song that made me cry smile feel at peace. Melodies that i just can't get bored of. Even though hes gone i can still feel that peace in hes songs. especially in the album stories. every song just.. wow Thank you Avicii

  • from yu-dai

    avicii沢山のステキな音楽をありがとう。 本当に感謝してるし1日も忘れた事はありません。 天国でも沢山いい曲を作ってくれているに違いないとおもう! 僕がそっちに行った時には沢山の曲を聴かせてください。 ありがとう

  • from Martina from ITALY

    You are and you will be one of my favourite producers in the world you are an ispiration for a lot of artists and people. Your music changed the world and it all started with you. Your music never will die ❤️ You are a LEGEND ? ◢ ◤

  • from Mrs. Brown

    When I heard about Tim's passing I was devastated. At first it didn't sink in for the past few days but then it was all over the news. His songs changed my life it made me see everything differently and appreciate things a bit more. I only got to see him play once and it meant everything to me. Tim you were such an inspiration to me so thank you gone but you will never be forgotten. Your music will live on forever. I wish it didn't have to be this way. You will always be my first DJ LOVE ?

  • from dom_orl

    ◢ ◤

  • from Camilla

    I first listened to one of your songs in 2012 when the Silhouettes music video came and my favourite songs were Gonna Love Ya and Pure Grinding. I have countless memories of singing in the car and dancing to your music. I watched the documentary and it really opened my eyes. Countless shows and insomnia Mental/physical health problems and people that only wanted money. He showed me that fame and money will never make you truly happy. Your music and humble persona will live on forever.

  • from Martina

    You are and you will be one of my favourite producers in the world you are an ispiration for a lot of artists and people. Your music changed the world and it all started with you. My biggest regret is not having seen you live but see you is one of my dreams. Your music never will die ❤️ You are a LEGEND ? Martina from ITALY <3

  • from Laatikkoxx From Finland

    Tim was my biggest inspiration and motivation source. It's so sad that he's gone… Rest in peace Avicii/Tim Bergling

  • from 日本から


  • from ぱかお

    Dear Tim 今はただAviciiの作る音が恋しい。ひとつひとつの音が人生を物語っているようで、そのたくさんの笑顔と幸せを与えてくれた日々に感謝しかない。人生にAviciiの音をくれてありがとう。大好き。今までも、これからも

  • from Arli Russia

    ◢◤ Thanks for your songs Tim. You are always in our Hearts. ◢◤

  • from Alex Oldham

    Tim you made me and many others so so happy I remember the first time I saw you at creamfields 2013 and it blew my mind your arena tour in Manchester was class EDC UK I waited all day to see you and you didn’t disappoint creamfields 2015 what a night Ushuaia 2016 the best show from a dj I’ve ever seen and il never forget at creamfields 2016 when you said good bye I never thought it was actually going to be good bye but il cherish the memories forever god bless you Tim love you

  • from Nanis Danmark

    Hej Tim. Du er savnet hver evig eneste dag. Hver dag håber man at vågne op til nyheden om at du slet ikke er død men bare har søgt skjul et hemmeligt sted for at undgå berømmelsens magt. Det kunne være fantastisk. Rest in Paradise my dear. Elsker dig.

  • from TEE

    Avicii ที่1ตลอดกาล #ขอบคุณที่ทำผมได้ฟังเพลงพี่ครับ Avicii GOD

  • from Avicii Fan #Thailand :'(

    without you i feel lost at sea

  • from yarberg

    with love from Ukraine. Rest in piece

  • from Natasha

    Tim Your music will forever be remembered. A true legend gone too soon ❤️

  • from Emanuele

    It's useless to say too much words for me. You are a legend in the edm music world for your creativity and genius. And as for the biggest in the world we are here to speak about you more than before. I think you have been left alone with your insecurity and you didn't suicide but you simply lose control that day.. See you in your music..

  • from Nanna

    It's soo weird that ones feelings for a person that you didn't know can be so strong. But they are. I can watch youtube clip and the Avicii documentary over and over again and find my self crying because it's just so freaking unfair that a person like this should feel so bad. I'm sure that everyone who's making these nice tributes and commenting on this page wish that they could somehow have saved Tim from this destiny. Maybe it's true – legends live forever. At least I hope so. Love you Tim<3

  • from Dylan Claeskens – Belgium

    Legends never die … Thanks for everything !

  • from Sol'95

    I just got to know Tim in 2013. but i think he is the best artist I know. Since the first time have watched his live performances. I feel that he is an artist who cares for every detail. It's very impressive. I started by opening his music every morning at home. My life is very tired. but his music heals my mind. Your song helped me a lot. Thank you for making a good song. I miss you so much .. It's quite painful to think of you. I love you . Rest In Peace brother

  • from Steven Fraussen

    Avicii was the first artist I really became I fan of. He got me into electronic music and changed the way I see music. His songs helped me go through rough patches in my life and shaped some memorable moments I am forever grateful for what he did. Thank you Tim you might not be here anymore but your music will live on forever.

  • from Tarik

    You will always stay in our heart.!

  • from Czech Republic

    Thank you!

  • from Naz

    Тим! ?Очень жаль что ты так рано ушёл ((( я когда услышала о твоей смерти не поверила но потом когда все начали писать RIP AVICII мне стало так больно… Я каждую ночь плачу ? помню как я в 2012ом слушала на телевизоре Hey Brother)))) ? и I could be the one ?Love you Tim?

  • from Rajo (Madagascar)

    Your are a legend i'll never forget you and your music. You will always remain in our hearts ;-( The world miss you ◢◤

  • from Panda Panda

    не забуду

  • from Zepper

    英語はまだ書けないけどaviciiさんにはとても感謝しています。aviciiさんのおかげで僕がedmを始められたきっかけになりました。曲がかっこよくてとても覚えやすいメロディーで、曲にすいこまれそうでした。 これからもずっと僕たちの心の中でaviciiさんは生きつずけます。ありがとうございました。

  • from Tim / Germany

    Tim – since I found out that we share the same name I felt closer to you. You're Songs inspired my life and there is no day I dont think of your lyrics. You are deeply missed and I am so sorry for what has happened to you. You and your music made me feel alive if I had only known your struggles… You are my hero and I miss you. I will never forget you! And I will remember the life you lived and not the money you made.

  • from Jessica O’Leary-Nash

    .. If Tim was still here you have no idea how much I would take the time to thank him. Thank him for all the tough times he dragged me out of the darkness and how he made me appreciate the few good times I had even more so with his music. He shared so much happiness with all of us he forgot to keep just a little with him when he truly needed it. For that; I vowed to myself never let his music die in my playlists and to appreciate those who do wonderful things around me. We all miss you.

  • from from BelarusMinsk

    я полюбил конкретно твою музыку после трека "Levels" я его услышал в 2011 году и тут меня поперло я следил за твоим творчеством и всегда ждал твоего приезда в Беларусь Минск …. постоянно смотрел все line up до последнего хотел и вот потом когда я решил что в следующем году полечу на UMF Miami или Tomorrowland то верил в то что наконец-то послушаю тебя в живую и вот тебя не стало… грустно очень покойся с миром Тим !

  • from Ales

    Avicii Ljubljana 2011 – One of the best parties in my life. Hit after hit melody after melody and most of all – lyrics with true meaning. 7 years later you are gone but your legacy will remain. Tim Bergling R.I.P.

  • from Jessica O’Leary-Nash

    500 characters will never be enough to explain my memories of Avicii. But one I will always treasure forever. I lost my Grandpa in 2013 a year later he released ‘Waiting for love’ which helped me grieve felt like it was representing my Grandpa on his own adventure waiting for my Gran again. This year in February I lost my Gran on a Tuesday evening. They was together again on Valentines Day of all days; lyrics “Wednesday my empty arms were open’ That song means the world to me now.



  • from Dragos

    Your music will live forever!


    Avici's death is a huge loss for the whole world of electronic music. It's hard to believe that you can miss someone who you never met personally. Rest in peace Tim! We will wake you up when it all will be over.

  • from ❤️

    thinking about you all the time. miss you.

  • from Hermine

    He made me feel great <3

  • from Matthew B – AUSTRALIA

    Tim you were a Supernova who lived so much more in 28 years than most people would in 120. Funny how you can feel such a deep connection with someone you didn’t actually know and shared the same birthday and personality type. I was heartbroken when I heard the awful news and I’m still so sad about it. I believe you were a genius and your incredible work ethic & passion propelled you to success & stardom faster than any other. Vila i frid älskade Tim Tack för all fin musik. Jag älskar dig.

  • from Vimbayi

    RIP Avicii

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