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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Sarah Chandler

    avicii was a legend a icon and he will be missed very much long live avicii

  • from Zach S

    You changed the view of EDM and brought it to mainstream radio. You bridged the sound of EDM to top 40 and can be heard every single day in every pop song. You inspired me into this genre of music and changed the way I listened to it. Thank you.

  • from Jonas

    Ich habe den Song "wake me Up" zuerst auf einer Party gehört und er hat mich so berührt dass ich nach dem Künstler gegoogelt habe. Dadurch habe ich Avicii kenngelernt 🙂 Schade dass so ein guter und größer Künstler von uns gegangen ist .

  • from Laura

    I just miss him and his music so f*cking much he is a legend. forever xx

  • from Iusepi


  • from Emilié

    His music accompanied me through the various life situations of my youth. An incredible artist who will forever be remembered along with his great works! Thanks for everything Avicii! ❤️

  • from Steve

    You made me believe in life again. Your music helped me through difficult periods of my life. For this I can't thank you enough you will truly be forever missed.

  • from Emma

    Rest in peace Hero thank you for showing us what real music is!??❤️

  • from Nicholas Wolfman

    I was alone scared. running from a void that couldnt be filled. i went to places….. dark places where no hope lies no color just blank emotionless tones going on for miles. as i sit i hear the beat of an infectious groove. soon my dark world begings to brighten and hope pours threw the dark. now you ask why did i tell you all this? well its because Tims music brouhgt me back from a very dark place and a part of me will forever be in his gratitude

  • from Ondina Pontoni

    La musica di questo spigliato e stravolgente artista mi ha trasmesso una grande ed avvincente avventura di straordinarie ed irripetibili emozioni come un mare con le sue turbolenze e repentini cambiamenti per i quali cattura il senso ed il significato di vivere con il tempo che ci è concesso e per il quale vale qualsiasi fatica dolore e sofferenza.

  • from Simone Di Bella

    Ciao Tim questo è il tuo nome quello che mi legava a te era davvero particolare non mi era mai capitato una cosa del genere nonostante la tua voce non si sentiva nelle tue canzoni essendo un disc jockey sembrava che i tuoi testi la melodia e il ritmo che tu imprimevi avessero voce propria perciò mi sono innamorato di ogni tua singola canzone nonostante la voce cambiasse sempre non so cosa ti abbia spinto ad abbandonare il mondo le tue canzoni invocavano la vita e la felicità…RIP

  • from Andrea

    Thank you for you for your music and for what it meant and still means to me. Thank you for giving me strenght in some occasions. Despite I've never been able to see you in one of your show i wanto to thank you for everything and say that the world will always remember you! Bye Tim you won't fade into darkness <3

  • from Nicola from Sardinia

    I remember when his single with Madonna went out.. That was the time I knew Avicii. Then his name recurred in many other titles

  • from Lollo lauro

    I remember when a lot of years ago everyday before going to ski I always listen to Levels on MTV… u were and u r my idol. We miss you Lollo

  • from Luca sardegna

    Grazie Tim.. per la tua musica per le emozioni per i sentimenti per te stesso……. Ti canterò per sempre Grazie per essere la voce e la musica dei miei sentimenti e delle emozioni..che provai unicamente.. Ti ricorderò per sempre ..but you're still alive..What Would I Change It To Without The Nights You Be Love Friend Of Mind You Make Me Waiting For Love A Sky Full Of Stars..cause you're the sky.. Spero che tu abbia trovato la pace che cercavi

  • from Alejandro.

    I met avicii in 2015 for his song "Waiting For Love". When I heard it for the first time I loved it. It seemed like a song like no other Just a beautiful song. I began to listen to him more thoroughly then a few months later I had already heard all his discography: ') and I bought all his albums on CD. Today when I listen to them I love it but at the same time I feel a little sad it's really a pity that he died. But for all his fans his family his friends he will never

  • from Giulia

    io penso di essere nata con lui cioè ho iniziato a sentirlo in radio nel 2011 con levels …. poi ho continuato con make me up… giuro io piango ancora per lui a volte mi sveglio la notte e mi chiedo dove sia lui in questo momento era divemtato un fratello per me

  • from Jess


  • from Martine

    I wanted to go to his concert in Sweden But it got sold out before I got a ticket…

  • from martina

    non ho dei ricordi diretti con avicii ma ricordo chiaramente l'emozioni che mi ha fatto provare quando partiva la sua musica l'energia e l'adrenalina che saliva ogni volta che sentivo quei suoni… speravo che un giorno avrei avuto la possibilità di vederlo e sentire la sua musica dal vivo… purtroppo il destino ha scelto questo e mi dispiace non tanto per me che non potro vederti ma per te che hai smesso di vivere cosi giovane … manchi ❤️ RIP ??

  • from Elliot

    Best musician in the world NOBODY WILL EVER FORGET HIM If they do forget him you do not deserve music!

  • from Vlad Craciun

    He made me fell in love with EDM. Im still listening his songs! Rest in peace my friend may all the Angels dance to your music in heaven!

  • from Johannes Schattner

    i grew up with his music. music is my passion since then. i guess i wouldn't be here anymore without bis music/music in general. we lost a true hero. a man who stood for god music. may god bless him in heaven. i still miss him.

  • from lali


  • from Ludvig

    I just keep on typing I can’t stop. I just wanna say that we will keep your music alive we promise. Even in one hindret years everyone is still talking about Tim the best electric danke music producer ever. Vila i frid min idol❤️◢ ◤ T◢ ◤A

  • from Tuan Minh

    A few years ago my sister opened Waiting for love and for the first time I heard Avicii's music From that moment I had an interest in EDM and that's because of Avicii. After that I searched on Youtube many famous songs of him and I found The Nights. This song's lyric is very meaningful and my thoughts were different. The day that I heard the news about Avicii's dead I was shocked and I thought I was in a dream but I wasn't. I burst into tears and now words cannot express all my feelings.

  • from SC

    miss u bro

  • from Brittany – from Canada

    Avicii was so talented! We loved his show. God bless xoxo

  • from Isabel

    I’m soooo sad that you are die! I miss you soo much and also your music! X

  • from Karolina

    When I was 7 or 8 (I don't remember but I was young) I first time listened ‘Levels’ from Tim. I loved that song and still love. Now I have 14 years old and I love Avicii music so much. In ‘The Nights’ wrote ‘One day you leave this world behind so life a life you will remember’ you did it Tim. Life for forever will you remember ‘cause you’re a legend. I’ve never met you but I feel like we’re a good friends. Thank you for all Tim. You’ll be always in my hearts. You’re a part of my heart…

  • from Mauk

    Je muziek betekende veel voor mij??

  • from Dylan / Dizzy

    Tim Avicii is my inspiration not WAS IS. His music lives on and his inspiration lives on through everyone who loves his music and anyone who was inspired by him. Going through health issues is not easy (I know) and it is extremely sad to lose such talent such a creative person so young! I have learnt a lot from your music and from you departing so young and that is life can be short and 'To live a life you will remember' RIP Tim Avicii! Gone but never forgotten!

  • from tausent


  • from Bailey

    My stepbrother passed away in 2013 and I remember hearing ‘’hey brother’ on the radio for the first time and I loved it and till this day it reminds me of him and got me through each day! Thankyou Avicci! May you rest in peace x

  • from Ben Briguglio

    My name is Ben I’m from Annapolis Maryland USA. I’m 20 years old. When I was young about 11 I discovered Avicii who introduced me to the genre of electronic music. I looked up to Tim and have wanted to peruse a music career because of him. For years Tim has been on the walls of my bedrooms and dorm halls. For years his music has rung through my speakers. Every time I listen to an Avicii track I’m instantly brought back to my childhood. No one else can do that. We love you Tim Thank you

  • from Demi

    Avicii helpt me with his music in a really hard Time

  • from Ronen

    Avichi's music was the soundtrack that went with me on my big trip to South and Central America. Great and meaningful music that gives the right rhythm in life for each moment. Amazing artist that i had the great honor and fun so see and dance to his music in Israel. RIP great man! keep on make us dance up there

  • from Ira – AL

    The first song of Avicii I've ever heard was Seek Bromance at 10 yo. Since that time there's no piece of music or life Tim shared that I skipped. He followed me in every step becoming a part of my self-identification. Now that he is gone that part died too. Without him everything feels different. I feel like a new person yet I get my eyes full of tears whenever I hear his name or sounds. Much strength and hope to his family. The past will never be present again but memories will live❤

  • from charlotte

    your songs are still amazing!!!

  • from Ida Sofie Mikkelsen

    First of all Avicii’s music made me appreciate the simple melodies and how much they could affect my mood. I listened and still listen to his music whether Im feeling down or feeling super great. His music both comforts me when im struggling or gives me a energy boost if i need to get hyped. There’s a uniqe feeling to every one of his tracks and thats what makes Avicii’s music so special to me. Thank you Tim your work will live on forever -Ida

  • from Kevi

    First song I heard was levels and I knew he was a special talent. Really unique music producer and his music will be timeless

  • from Kevin Korthauer

    29.08.2014 – Germany – Mönchengladbach – Hockeypark – Avicii LIVE ON STAGE! <3 That day I had the unbelievably great luck to finally see Tim live. This year I visited the Tomorrowland for the first time but unfortunately I didn't see Tim. On the 29.08.2014 I was very excited all day because I knew that I would see this great artist in a few hours. Since I was a young man I've heard his music almost every day. It all started with the song Shermanology & Tom Hangs – "Blessed" (Avicii Edit) RIP!

  • from Marit

    Hi i’m Marit I listen always the music from avicii when i’m sad our mad. The music makes me happy and turns my feelings. X

  • from N-

    Avicii we miss you. <3 . I was so shocked when i got a message that you are dead. I always still listen to your music :). Rest in Peace Legend

  • from Max

    Thanks for the music Tim Thanks for show the world a different style in both music and the way to act as a person. I miss You and hope that Your family and people who stood near You are proud of the legacy You created. Im just one of millions of fans. Still it hurts me almost daily to know that the destiny turned in a direction I cannot fully understand why. If the heaven really is a place I hope we meet again!

  • from Dustin

    Avicii was one of the reasons why I started playing music. Through his melodies his lyrics and compositions I started to dream. He fascinated everyone with his music and that's why he will stay in our heads forever.

  • from seb71200

    grand dj

  • from Leander

    he made me happy every day

  • from Vinny

    It's wonderful how much of an impact one single person can have over your soul. How much tears of happiness it can bring to your eyes how it makes you feel truly alive and heartful. AVICII touched my heart so deep and for a lifetime. ??

  • from Emily

    Loving his songs. Rest in peace

  • from T. aus V.

    We will miss you… R.I.P.

  • from Anika Schmidt

    Avicii accompanied me in my childhood with his music! He inspired me in so many things!

  • from Regina Nemes

    R. I. P. Avicii

  • from Heather

    dear tim i dearly miss you because not only your music meant something to me but you also did. its so sad to know that you're gone and never coming back 🙁 i will think about you everyday of my life! i miss you

  • from Esther

    I MISS U SO MUCH ????? Your Music was MY favorite? I WILL miss u very very very mich??♥️♥️♥️ God Bless To Your Family♥️ And Rest In Peace? XX EVV

  • from Faizan Khan

    Just wanna share love and emotions for Bergling. He was really a great person.

  • from Graddie

    I didn't even knew the man behind the name 'Avicii' when I heard the news of his passing. As curious as I was I watched his documentary on Netflix and learned that he coped with the same issues and troubles that I am coping with and have been coping with. Even my best friend thought the same when she watched the documentary and told me: that could've been you. To honor Tim and everyone with anxiety and depression I got a tattoo. To remind myself that I am stronger than my struggles. Much love❤️

  • from Mari

    Dear Tim I want to thank you. At the age of 13 I suffered a depression which determined my life for years. Until now (age 21) I still have to fight against it. Your music went along with me through every hard night but through every happy moment too. You were by my side helped me out of this deep hole and celebrated with me the re-start of my life. We never met but your death made me cry like I lost a good friend. I would not be the woman I am today without you. Thank you! ♥️

  • from Edwige

    Hey sister

  • from Anoniem


  • from Patrick

    Tim‘s music was and is there for me as a soundtrack in many important situations in my life. It reminds me of great things i have experienced in the last years. Unforgettable memories are linked with his unforgettable songs. Especially The Nights and Wake Me Up are fantastic hymns they will always belong to my favorite songs of all time. Thank you for great music Tim! You‘re a legend. Rest in Peace

  • from G.

    I always loved his music and when He died I had to cry??

  • from Cristian Garnica

    I'm from Colombia. Avicii used the same program that I use to make his songs ( fl studio). When I realized this my love for music grew up enourmously 'cause I felt that my dreams could come true. It can be more than dreams. he gives me hope. I made a song for him but I know this space isn't for that so I hope maybe some day it can be listened arround the world like levels. Thanks.

  • from Damien

    Miss his music <3

  • from Gianluigi D. From Italy

    I hope that in the hearts of tim's family there is hope to make us dream again with his music. thanks AVICII.

  • from Olya Davydova

    Avicii … спасибо ТЕБЕ. Ты невероятно талантлив и приносил свет в этот мир своей музыкой. Память о тебе будет жива всегда. Твоя музыка трогает миллионы сердец и мое.. <3

  • from Nadine B.

    … every time I hear his song “without you” I am deaply touched in fact that he is gone. I saw his documentation and understand so much more of his art and words. He was one of a kind a very sensitive soul. A genius for his own he shared his talent with us while giving everything of his own. His health his heart. While listening to his music I felt in love with my boy. We are sharing our lives together for over 4 years now… we are sharing memories full of aviciis music! <3

  • from Just Someone

    I'm not that popular or good looking so the search for love is a long one for me. And I really connected to "Waiting for love" and when I DJed on my friends parties I played that song. But one time a girl noticed that I really expressed my emotions through that song and we talked a long time about love rejection and social fears. All went good and now she's my wife. That's how I wouldn't found the love of my life without Tim.

  • from Dominik Lödige

    Hallo Ich bin ein Tanzlehrer aus Paderborn (Deutschland). Für mich war die Musik in der Hinsicht besonders da ich viele seiner Lieder mit in den Tanzkurs eingebunden habe. Man könnte zu vielen seiner Lieder Tanzen. Sowohl Paartanz (z.b. Discofox) als auch Solotanz (z.b. Hip Hop uvm.). Aber auch nach seinem Tod werde ich viele seiner Songs weiter hören und auch in meinem Tanzunterreicht mit einbinden.

  • from Nikki Kopelman

    Wake Me Up has always been one of my other half's favourite songs and over time it became "our" song that we listen to together. My now-husband and I had the 2Cellos cover of Aviccii's Wake Me Up as the song for our first dance last year at our wedding. We danced strip the willow to the song and a great time was had. Aviccii will live on through his music 🙂

  • from Mara

    Avicii has always been one of my fave DJs and I had the chance to see him a few times live. He was an inspiring person. His music was always there. In the morning I woke up with it I‘ve listened to it on my way to school and university it was my favourite music at partys and events it was just always there. On a Festival this year everyone knew the lyrics. He was a phenomen!

  • from Roberto Budde

    Avicii was and is my favorite DJ in my ups and downs his music was there to support me to give my hope and joy to make me laugh dance and most of all to create momeries and stories. K realted a lot to his music. I went to one of his concerts and spend all lf my money just to bjy 1 ticket since I was 16 year old it was hard for me to save mone since I had no Income but I never regret it I wish I could've meet him cause he need to know how much of a influence he was for me. Thanks Avicii

  • from Gianna

    We miss you Legend

  • from Sara

    Tim and his music have been with me since 2013. It feels like he has been a part of my EDM journey and also my journey through life. It always made me proud to be Swedish and to have such a talented dj & producer from my country. I wish all the best for his family in this hard time. May his music always be around us! This is a drawing i made to honour his memory.

  • from Armin

    He made bunch of my sad days waay happier with his songs. The whole word will miss you Tim.

  • from Dorothy

    Music that touched the heart and made me and many around me feel happy and in a dancing mood. What a shame it could not make you so happy as it made me. Heard one of your tunes this morning in the car. Hope you are happy now and at peace. Thanks for sharing your gift.

  • from Janni

    Thank you for the Music! RIP

  • from Wise and Older fan.

    AMAZING MAN. such a loss for the music world and our world. His lyrics his music everything was made with such a big heart and meaning and thats why in my opinion he was so special. Thank you Tim for all the music and all the time we earn while you've been with us. Wish you to find peace in this next chapter and send my condolences to his family. love a big fan.

  • from Sophia

    His music always reminds me of so many incredible moments. So sad that no more new songs of him will be published. Loving every single one.

  • from Bastian

    Thank you!

  • from Matthew

    Avicii’s music releases always seemed to occur during major milestones in my life. Every time one of his songs is played it brings back both good and bad memories (The bad always being washed away by his music)! To know Avicii isn’t around anymore hurts me deeply and I know many more will be feeling the same way. Tim you’ve honestly changed my life and for that I will always be grateful. Rest in Peace you will never be forgotton.

  • from siggi

    he meant not much to me

  • from Lee

    I remember listening to levels back in 2011 and remembering how much I loved it and every since hey brother came out I always wanted to meet Avicii but but dream never came true I really miss Tim and I’m great full I can come here to share my thoughts with fans like me. Thanks for the music Tim

  • from Andre

    I saw hin just one time live at Tomorrowland 2012.. was such a great feeling to watch him and the audience. all the joy in the eyes of the people an the great music is still giving me goosebumps. Tims music will life forever. R.I.P. from Germany

  • from Remco Westerbroek (The Netherlands)

    When you make a true connection with an enormous public through your documentary. I was really touched by your personality and your personal struggle in finding your own way in living. In filling in your own spaces to find your joy your purpose your being. By making this true connection by your pure personality it really hit me when i heard you died. Like I lost a member of my family without even meeting you. You are a great personality a great artist but above all an excellent musician!

  • from Lize

  • from Petruta

    Ever since I heard "Wake me Up" on the radio I knew this artist this beautiful man was going to make me feel music the way everyone should; to feel it in my heart in my soul in my bones. To feel it and to make me feel alive. Avicii your music discovered in me the most beautiful person I could ever be. The best memories and nights and feelings had place in my life because of you. Thank you. I love you forever.

  • from Julio Ortega

    I remember Tim when he was just a young teenage boy starting to make his music. At first he was just listening to music and really enjoyed it. From there he started making his own tracks and as passionate he was I think he knew what he wanted so on and so forth. Avicii today is one of the biggest music icons there is aside from Michael Jackson and Madonna. He is the face of Electronic Dance Music. He touched my life with his music and I would always be grateful for that. #RIPTIMBERGLING

  • from Anna

    I first fell in love with your music when you released Seek Bromance a song I remember dancing to so much while playing it on repeat. I was a big fan of your music and followed you as your career grew seen you live at several events/shows. But then you released Wake me Up – right when I was going through a very hard time in my life and tried to end it. Your music saved my life and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for that. Thank you so much for sharing your music with world. Much love!

  • from Anna

  • from Joey

    I've never had the pleasure and honor to meet Avicii. But I feel like I met – and still meet – his soul in his music. I often think of him a complete stranger and I feel sorrow for him and for his beloved ones that sure miss him so much. And I feel so blessed and thankful to have his music. From Berlin with love!

  • from Leonard

    My first vinyl record was from Avicii and he was one of the people who formed my love to EDM music. I was so honored to see him in 2015 at Tomorrowland. RIP good friend.

  • from Angel Loupe

    His music makes me happy. I listen and I smile and I tap my feet. My heart syncs. His lyrics remind me of my own thoughts.

  • from Fan of AVIICI

    Tim was a great man. He made all our life more easier and more Exciting. R.I.P.

  • from IRVEN (PuertoRico)

    Avicii Descanza en Paz. Es lamentable tu partida te extrañaremos. Tu musica siempre vivira . BENDICIONES ! ?? Donde quiera que te encuentres. Mucho Amor desde Puerto Rico ??

  • from Mia

    Come back my love………. i miss you Bye Legend?

  • from Luca

    Your Music help me through bad days and gives me joy on all the nice days. R.I.P. Legend

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