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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.





  • from Alee Nava

    Oh dear boy I wanna follow you ?? Tim I remember you every day ?❤ you was an incredible guy I miss you so muchhh! Your music will live forever in my heart ❤ Your time in earth may be over but in our hearts your memory will still live forever. ?? I love you forever. ??

  • from Keisy

    your music changed my life i will never forget u that’s for sure ❤️

  • from Emma

    Tim din historia berör och ditt öde startade en våg av känslor inombords. Att sörja någon man inte känner är en väldigt konstig känsla men den säger något om hur du nådde fram och fångade människor. Sov gott fina Tim! Ditt minne och din musik lever vidare…

  • from

    Thanks for changing the world by your music I have lots of good memories with your music and inspired me to work as hard as you to become as good as you! I hope you found peace and rest my friend! You will live forever in our minds and hearts.

  • from Petriac

    I got hit so hard by the message of his passing. He and his music meant the world for me. He was the reason why i started producing myself and i took him as a huge inspiration. Rest in peace Tim Bergling we will all miss you ….

  • from Lena moberg

    Första gången jag hörde levels så stannade jag upp & tänkte wow vad är detta ? När du lämnade oss så fick jag en stor chock. Jag såg din dokumentär & blev helt tagen av den att det slutade så sorgligt. Nästa chock får jag när jag googlar på wikileak om dig. Du & jag kommer från samma förfäder ( Borsa i Norge) din gammelfarmor liksom min farmor flyttade till Sverige. På vår norska sida finns musiken bla piano/synth gitarr & dans. Vila i frid käre Tim / Lena

  • from Lina

    Våren 2012… Min bästa vän och blivande frågade om jag ville följa med på en ”Avicii”-konsert.. ”Vem är ”Avicii”?” undrade jag. Jag följde med och fick en helt oförglömlig kväll vid Globen i Stockholm. Varje gång jag lyssnar på ”Level” och ”silhuettes” tänker jag på den kvällen.. <3 Tack Avicii och tack Tim. Må ditt minne leva för evigt <3

  • from Andres Leal (@AviciiVzla)

    Avicii was my inspiration… I am the person that who I am today thank to Tim all my style is part of him my music is inspired by him my best memory of him is Ultra 2016 when he dropped 'Forever Yours' and literally I cried with that song.

  • from Jaden ripa

    5 days ago we were in the car driving to a tack shop. I was on my phone just chilling in the passenger seat while my mom was driving. The radio was on by very low volume. Everything was quiet but then I heard the first beat of Wake Me Up. I shot up and my mom shot up to and stared at me. Tears started rolling down my face as she turned up the radio and started singing. My mascara running. She asked me if i wanted to change the station but I said no because i’m so glad that his music came on.

  • from Quinten

    Do not have words for it A big part of my life was suddenly gone. My top 3 underrated Avicii songs – Sunset Jesus – We burn (faster than light) – True believer

  • from NO

    Tim…. you were too good too pure and too special for this superficial and small-talking world ?

  • from Olga from Poland

    At first I wanted to write it in English but I'll do it in my native language bc it's close to my heart as Tim and his music. Twoją muzykę pokazał mi mój tata – to było The Nights. Świetny teledysk a muzyka i słowa są po prostu piękne. Później słuchałam innych twoich piosenek i.. zostałam na dłużej 🙂 Teraz nie ma praktycznie dnia kiedy bym o tobie nie pomyślała. I o tym co po sobie zostawiłeś – wspaniałej muzyce która napawa mnie dumą czy słyszę ją w radiu. Nie zapomnimy o tobie Tim ❤

  • from Terese

    Sov gott fina Tim. ❤️

  • from Jennifer USA

    The first time I heard Levels I knew this was something really special and unique. I remember thinking at that moment it must have been made from someone really experienced and well older. You were a genius and your soul is just as special. So many people are mourning your loss without even knowing you ❤️ Something died inside me too. I’ve been truly touched be your story and you will never be forgotten. Deepest condolences to your family and friends during this difficult time ❤️?

  • from Lia Wirges

    It hurts every time I hear the starting of your songs. It hurts how when I’m in public I can’t go into a store that’s playing your song without breaking down. It hurts when people ask me if I’m ok when they see me about to cry because of you. It hurts to see every page write was instead of is. It hurts to hear people say in memory. It hurts how I can’t have new music from you. It hurts to live in a world without you. It hurts. But I still have to thankyou. Thankyou for everything. All love.

  • from Amélie

    Tim my biggest idol thanks for everything you bring to me since 8 years. I'm eternally grateful for your beautiful music who inspired many people and made happy the entire world. I love you so much. I still can't realise that you're in heaven now I miss you so much. I hope that where you are you finaly found peace. You deserve the best my angel. I promise you that I'll continue to show my love for you to everyone. I'll continue to play your music everyday. You will live in my heart forever♡

  • from Alex

    I started listening to Avicii just as he started breaking through in Stockholm. Late 2000's. I have so many memories with Avicii as the soundtrack throughout the years it's unfair to even name one. Thank you Tim. Thank you for being a positive vibe during 10 years of my life. Incredibly sad that you're gone. My thoughts are with your family and loved ones. May you rest in peace Legend.

  • from Sam J Åslund

    Me and Tim at Summerburst 2012 in Sweden.

  • from Adela Salazar Castro.

    Dio gran impulso a mi vida y ahora mi frase de vida es''Live a life you will remember''. Y se que no se ha ido porque hasta la fecha y tal vez hasta dentro de mucho tiempo me siga ayudando de cierta forma a mi manera de pensar y ver la vida. Y puedo asegurar que donde sea que se encuentra sigue dejando marca quien sabe tal vez esta iluminando el cielo con las luces de su escenario y su fabulosa música. Porque para mi siempre será el mejor. ❤ -Hasta el cielo mi wero chulo y gracias por todo

  • from HP from New York

    Avicii You will be dearly miss by everyone and I know your music will live on forever. I will never forget when I first listen to Silhouettes. The song helped me change my outlook when I hit a rough patch fighting my BPD. The song convinced me to keep going because I know I had seen the sunshine before and will do so again that I have come a long way since my past and since my battle with my illness and that I can never look back because I was a different person from then. Thank you Tim

  • from Lia

    I’m going to be honest I never thought that I would have to write this. Tears fill my eyes as I do. From now on I’ll have to remember the memories instead of make new ones. I have to remember hearing every song of his and it making me feel alive. I have to remember listening to him speak out his heart. I have to remember these because I’ll never be able to feel the same again. Every song is a reminder of what happened. Please let Tim live on. He will be remembered. All the love to all affected.

  • from Dan

    Tim your music has brought me years of joy with my friends. Your song was the first to ever get me into electronic dance music. It was the first song I shared with my friends the first song that brought a group of us together. Thank you for everything you shared with this world. I will miss you Avicii.

  • from Oscar

    I've known Tim's music since 7 years ago but two years ago when i was in a very bad place emotionally i was running listening to my ipod on shuffle mode then 'The nights' popped out and just listening to the lyrics while running really made me think about life and all the good things in it. Tim taught me many things through all of his songs; but the most important thing of them is that i should 'live a life i will remember'.

  • from Bianca

    when I think of him I cry not only because it makes me sad but also because I remember how much he made me feel like I was someone and like I mattered

  • from Anna

    Tim❤ Så berörd av dig och din musik din resa tog slut alldeles för tidigt. Vila i frid du vackra själ?

  • from Dale

    From your first release I knew you was something special and given so much inspiritaion to others. Your music took EDM to another level and will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace x

  • from Carolina

    Avicii forever! <3 Never forgotten! Your music will always be on my mind . You where one of the best i ever heard . I hope you have found peace RIP <3

  • from Favio Laura

    Tim I never got to meet you in real life That was my biggest dream You came To Peru And I spent the whole day trying to catch you I couldnt I hated myself since then I never got you repay all the things you did for me Im 100% sure that without you i wouldnt be alive today Ill make sure your music never dies and Ill honor you the rest of my life Thank you for everything you did for This world Thank you for changing my entire life and Saving it too Ill always love you My Hero My Idol My Guide

  • from Maria. prado

    Tim siempre me ponia de humor con su musica sin duda su partida me ha dejado un hueco grande en el corazon ahora cada que escucho su musica se que esta descansando… te extra~are siempre Tim.

  • from Jaden Ripa

    Im so sorry to see that you weren’t okay. That life was too intense you didn’t find your way. So sorry to hear you were too tired to fight. You couldn’t feel you’re future so you couldn’t cast you’re light. So sad to feel the weight you carried around the pain you couldn’t stand your emotions so profound. I’m so sad you left. I know you’re in a good place. Where your creative brain lives on and on… with no need to race. I’m sorry we couldn’t see it. I’m sorry they pushed you. I love you.

  • from Gaby Iacinschi a.k.a Nikro

    ❗️The biggest fan in Romania is here.❗️ In 2012 I discovered your music at the Ultra Music Festival 2012 in Miami and I was completely surprised by your music. In 2016 you said goodbye to all in a sudden way which we will not forget. In 2017 I started to create songs according to your melodic style. You will always remain in my soul always but at the same time in the soul of this world. Rest in peace my idol Tim Bergling a.k.a AVICII❤️??❤️

  • from Arely Hernandez

    I do not know how to start. I've been fans of my Tim for five years. Their unexpected death has affected me as much as other fans. Many of us are also affected when we retire. We even cry at least but despite everything I will remember my tim as the strongest man. of all your problems and stress that went with it for me was the best producer of music is & always will be my idol where you want to find you tim I love you tomorrow and for life. Forever Tim

  • from Nadine from Dresden Germany

    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful stories in your songs and taking us on your journey. Rarely has the death of a person which I personally do not know made me so sad. I hope Tim has found peace now and his family and friends find the strength to live happily ever after. A consolation is all the beautiful songs that help us in heavy hours to feel you by our side. You are and will never be forgotten Tim! ◢ ◤ Avicii

  • from Ivonne

    Tim te extraño mucho sigo llorando tu muerte tenias toda una vida por delante y te fuiste muy pronto todavía no era tu hora de partir desearía que estuvieras aquí . Esos mensajes tan lindos que decías en tu música me hacían seguir adelante pero ahora escucho tu música y es imposible no llorar . Aunque nunca te pude conocer para mí eras como un amigo mi familia y ahora cómo le hago para seguir sin ti . Siempre te voy a recordar hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar . RIP My Dear Boy.

  • from Gail L. Russell

    Thank you Avicii – you music always makes me feel some emotions. Sometime it even makes me retrospective and a bit blue…to me that is a really great thing. But most of the time your music brings joy to my heart. I am so thankful you left us with your words.

  • from Christoffer

    I wish you were still with us the type of music you created was something truly magnificent something of an artform. Your music and you will always be remembered. See you soon brother.

  • from Enrico Manuti

    Music is something incredible. What at first seems to be only a way to entertain is in reality the key to humans’ attraction. It manages to transform divergences and obstacles into emotions creating a common interest. Forget everything else and love each other only because you are living a wonderful moment together. That joint point is not easy to create. Tim has created one big enough to stay alive for years to come. We will forever be united by his music. Thank you Tim.

  • from Manuel Salvatore

    Sin duda aquel día tuve una sensanción muy mala rara incluso. Al enterarme de la noticia no lo pude creer necesitaba información verídica incluso pasando los días me negaba a aceptar que era real. Llegando a la conclución que quizá la decisión para ti fue la mejor ahora y es lo que necesitabas paz. Gracias aquí en la vida por tanta buena música todas con un mensaje siempre un recuerdo que llevar siempre algo bueno para conmemorar. Nada se compara contigo Tim Avicii.

  • from Valentina García

    Tim was an incredible person with a beautiful song and I feel that on his songs. I loved the way that he addressed life on most of his songs they made me feel somehow more alive. My dream was to go to one of his shows and I remember watching his performances when i was at school. His death got me shocked thinking about “Avicii” and “dead” in the same sentence it was just so unreal I couldn’t believe it thinking about him still bring me to tears. Tim you are missed and always loved.

  • from Jaden Ripa

    in 2015 my family and my moms best friends went on a trip to florida. Her friends and I were obsessed with his songs. We listened to those three songs in particular all the way to Florida and back. Since then i’ve listened to him on the radio and all but when he died everything hit me. Tim’s talent is unbelievable. It’s unamiginable. It’s powerful. It gets me going and it makes me happy. No matter how much i listen to other musicians no one compares. Tim I love you. I miss you.

  • from Federico

    Ti abbiamo conosciuto Ti abbiamo ascoltato Ti abbiamo amato Ora ci hai lasciato Ma non ti dimenticheremo mai Per sempre nel nostro cuore e in testa la TUA musica Ciao Tim Ciao Avicii ◢ ◤

  • from amskarossi

    You can be the poet I'll be the song You can be the sunlight I'll be the dawn You can be my everything I'll be your all… I will always Love You Tim?❤ Thank You for all

  • from Nadine (Dresden Germany)

    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful stories in your songs and taking us on your journey. Rarely has the death of a person which I personally do not know made me so sad. I hope Tim has found peace now and his family and friends find the strength to live happily ever after. A consolation is all the beautiful songs that help us in heavy hours to feel you by our side. You are and will never be forgotten Tim! ◢ ◤ Avicii

  • from João – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil

    A música passou a ser antes e depois de Tim Bergling

  • from Maris

    Dear Tim ◢ ◤ Where to start… even I didn’t know you as a person you took piece of my heart with you. I haven’t never feel this kind of pain so sad heartbroken and empty. You are so special and your music is everything to me . I’m so deeply sad and I don’t know if it’s ever going away ? I want to thank you for everything and I will send all my love to your family and friends. You are so sadly missed ? and I will always love you so much ♥️ I love you Tim ?♥️

  • from Lex

    You changed the industry for forever and remain an idol to so many. Thanks for the unforgettable shows and sharing your passion with the world. You will never be forgotten.

  • from Babette

    I still remember when I heard Levels for the first time. I immediately fell in love with it. I started drawing ◢ ◤ everywhere. I didn’t know so many songs of Tim but I loved the ones that I did know. When I heard that you died it felt like a part of my heart died too. I hope you have found peace now. Thank you for the music we will never forget you Tim.

  • from Raquel

    Timthe way you valued this world is so much more then any of us will understandsimply because you represent so many different good things in so many different lives.It isn't just Avicii it is Tim.To me your humblenessyour honestyyour shyness. I wasn't lucky to have meet you in person but there isn't any other way to look at you…to remember you. You were Good and Good is missing in this world. There aren't enough thank yous Tim.In my story I see you everydayin nature. Pure nature as you.♡

  • from Jair Jesus

    La primera canción que escuche de AVICII fue levels cuando tenia 16 años desde ese entonces me volví su fanático jamas habia idolatrado tanto a un artista antes siempre esperaba musica nueva de el con mucha ansia . En donde quiera que este quiero decirle que es el artista que mas he admirado en mi vida su musica siempre esta presente en mi dia a dia .Descanza en paz genio

  • from Eduardo Uflerbaumer

    Tim is gone but his legacy remains. Thank you Tim Thank you for everything you did you were always a big inspiration for myself and your music influenced my life a lot! It’s sad not to have you here with us anymore but I know it is okay because you are now finally resting peacefully. TACK TIM

  • from WhiteNoise

    Listening to your songs while having the greatest time of my life playing with my best friends – unforgettable. may some of your songs even helped me standing trough my all-nighters 🙂 your name awakens memories – good memories and so I will remember you keeping your music your name and you as a person in good memories! <3

  • from Marlene Bolin

    Tim Your music reminds me of my children's teenage. yesrs. it was such joy every time you released something new. Your music gave us so much energy. I was very sad when i heard about your destiny. You were a great inspiration for many people. Love to you and your family.

  • from Simon Norway

    I felt like Tim and I were much the same; I have struggled (and still have some really bad days) with a serious anxiety disorder (and I also love producing music though I’m not at Tims level BY FAR). I watched Tims documentary just days before he died and was heartbroken by the devastating news. If someone close to Tim reads this I want you to know – Tim might just have saved my life. He made a difference being the who he was. While it’s horrific his life ended like this it was not in vain.

  • from Anahí Mx

    ?Tim your music makes me strong and Brave I never felt alone when I listening your wonderful music all this years you saved my life. Thanks for your passion and love to make music for the world. See you Tim.??

  • from Krassi

    Jag har aldrig tidigare varit så berörd av en för mig okänd människas öde. Du kunde ha varit min son. Jag sörjer med din familj och med dina vänner din ungdom din talangr och allt du aldrig fick uppleva. Under ditt korta och sköra liv kunde du dock åstadkomma mycket mer än majoriteten av oss. Må din stjärna lysa klart för evigt. Vila i frid Tim❤❤❤

  • from Melanie

    Ruhe in Frieden!

  • from JESSICA

    Cuando te escuche por primera vez sin duda mi mundo cambio para mi tu lo iniciaste todo Tim; amé y seguiré amando cada una de tus canciones esa emocion y felicidad cada que escuchaba una de ellas me invadia un sentimiento tan maravilloso de tanta energia me llevaba a otro mundo era tan espectacular.. a pesar de no haberte conocido nunca podre superar tu perdida siempre en mi memoria "I wouldn't be the one I am today If you hadn't been a friend of mine" ♡

  • from Bereket

    One of my adolescence idols Rip.

  • from Chris From Greece

    Where to begin? What is life without music? You made thousands of people including me feel the greatness of music unique emotions. We're all thankful for what you've offered us…human beings like you are soo rare these days. We will keep on honoring you every single day each to their own way. We will never forget you. We CANT forget you you will always be with us. Tim we owe you alot

  • from ?

    I’ve already told him myself everything I felt this past months how amazing he is and how much he means to me I feel like he hears me so the only thing Im going to say is that never forget him keep listening to his music and dancing to his songs. Smile everytime you hear his melodies and try to be happy because that’s what he would have wanted his music to make you feel alive free full of energy. I’ve told you this a thousand times I love you and I’ll always miss you Tim ?.

  • from Sayed

    The reason I start to make musicit was because of Avicii.Avicii is my biggest inspiration and he will always gonna be my biggest inspiration. He was the god of melody Mozart of our generation

  • from Lunatic

    Tim. True pure humble and honest. One of the greatest. ❤ Everytime i hear his music i get goosebumps. This world didn't deserve him he was too good for this s**t!! ❤❤❤❤ See no evil hear no evil speak no evil ??? Never forget.

  • from Léa

    I listened to your music without even knowing that it was you but I loved it your music was really great and I wanted to say thx thx for the good times we spent listening to your music thx for all the people you have made happy. Still today I sing your music thoroughly in my bth and I love it and each I say "shit why I have not seen this living god in concert" but what matters most is that you are now part of the story part of you will be always with us our heart and our bth. xo from France

  • from Jesus Huereca (Yami)

    I first heard of Avicii when I was in 6th grade when he did the video project channel 4 on the wake me up Avicii by Avicii animated by "Yo mama" I remember hearing that song over and over again. fast forward a few months and I remember hearing Hey bother and Wake me up in the fair at my town I loved it and searched who made those two songs and there it was Avicii since then I kept hearing Avicii and progressive house later all genres of EDM. Avicii was who introduced me to the beauty of EDM.

  • from Signe

    Where do I begin.. his music has been with me since the first time I heard Levels. It has been his music that has been with me on these "wow" moments. Everything from watching the sunset to doing that big cliffjump. No other persons music has effected me this much and he was truly my biggest idol. I can't begin to explain how grateful I am for everything he's done through his music. As much as it hurts.. in peace.

  • from Romane

    What can I say about him? Just he was an incredible person who changes the life of a millions persons all around the world. I will always remember the Friday when I opened Instagram and I saw the pictures of him with other DJs. At this moment I didn’t understand anything anymore. For me it was impossible. Now I hope you find the peace. I want to live a life I will remember. Thank you for all your incredible songs. I miss you and love you. ❤️

  • from Marija from Finland

    You were my everything. Can't wait to meet you again. Love you forever Tim <3

  • from Valerio

    Ciao Tim ho appena finito di guardare il tuo documentario.. Tu e la tua Musica mi han trasmesso qualcosa che nessun’altro ha mai fatto fin’ora.. e vorrei tu fossi ancora tra noi per poter sentire le tue nuove melodie e seguirti. Continueró comunque a ricordarti e portarmi dentro il tuo messaggio in eterno! Spero vivamente che tu ora stia bene e da qualche parte un giorno ci vedremo! ?

  • from John

    Hearing "I could be the one" for the first time is something I'll always remember. Thank you Tim for all the great music.

  • from Dimana (Bulgaria)

    Dear Tim you have helped me cope with a lot of things throughout those 5 amazing years. I have been a fan of yours since the moment I heard one of your songs. I also loved (and still do) watching your sets. You inspired me to start appreciating music more than ever before. To the point where I wanted to make music and to do great things such as everything you did and left us with. Hope you are in a better place and have finally found peace.Much loveDimi❤

  • from Alan

    Thanks to him and his music my world made more sense for what he expressed through his songs that everything seemed to be fine no matter what the problems

  • from Linus

    Avicii var en person som inspererade mig till Musiken jag har alltid haft som mål att göra en låt med Avicii… men den chansen e över nu. han kommer alltid finnas kvar oss våra hjärtan. Jag ger alla Tankar till Avicii’s Familj och vänner. R.I.P Tim ”Avicii” Bergling 1989 -> 2018

  • from Petra


  • from Alberto from Italy

    RIP Tim… We'll love you forever

  • from Nassir

    Tim the melodic boy <3 words can’t really describe what someone feels but you will always be remembered as the best melody wirter ever you’re such an incredible personartist. Most of the people knows only Avicii not Tim. Forever in our hearts.

  • from Doug

    His music caught my attention in the early 2010s I was instantly hooked and in love with it. I loved all the unique sounds playing these beautiful harmonies and melodies and it inspired me to be less afraid when I was working on my own music. I always admired Avicii for pushing his music in new and creative directions while still retaining the soul of his art. I have countless great memories jamming very hard to his music with my friends the soundtrack to some of the best times of my life. <3

  • from Rocket Rollings Kendell

    Siempre seras siempre un gran dj y tambien una gran persona. Inigualable e irreemplazable único tu musica era hermosa llegaba hasta lo mas profundo de nuestros corazontu musica era ideal de escuchar cuando estabamos felices por y tambien cuando estabamos tristes o deprimidos significabas mucho para todoseres inolvidable por tu musica muchos te llegamos a conocer y a querer siempre estaras vivo en nuestros corazones desde Mexico VIVA AVICII ◢◤ You Went To Heaven and you're there

  • from TV

    Thank you for your music Tim. You will be remembered as a hero❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Rgrajales1999_YT

    My Lord Wake Me Up When It's All Over If The Sky Comes Falling Down For You There's Nothing In This World I Wouldn't Do Birds Will Sing If We Fall Its Alright With Memories Inside Midnight Dust On The Floor Watch It Turn Into Gold So Bold And Fine I've Known You For Some Time Whole Life Changed While Bones Like Yours And Mine Make Me Count For Something Yeah I Feel It In My Heart God Only Knows What I'd Have Been If You Hadn't Been A Friend Of Mine….

  • from DJ $HERLOCK

    Your music changed the world. RIP Avicii.

  • from Enrico Rijken

    Avicii to many a friend family and a hero. His music and performance have always been a great source of inspiration to me. May he rest in peace. <3

  • from Mikael Mäkelä

    Du kommer alltid att en speciell plats I mitt hjärta.

  • from Roy de Nijs

    I first discovered Avicii with levels. I immediately fell in love with him. Over the years he made tracks which exactly described what I was going through in life. That's what caused some of his songs to have an emotional load on me. I still listen to those tracks when I'm feeling down. When he announced that he'd stop touring I was devastated about it. But then 01 came out and that really made my month. I was happier than I had ever been and the release of 01 catalysed this. Thank you my hero

  • from Vanesa

    Mi mensaje es hacia su familia concretamente su madre tenía noción de quien era avicci como musico pero al enterarme por las noticias de su deceso profundicé más sobre quien era la personarezo todos los días por ellos tienen que ser unas bellísimas personas

  • from Olga ??

    I miss you my honey. We will never forget you??❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Thomas Irwin

    This man had an impact on my life and an inspiration that I never expected. Memories will live on. Thanks for everything Tim!

  • from Michael

    Tim (Avicii) thank you for sharing your talent with the world and inspiring me. I will remember you forever through your music.

  • from @aviciigalantisxfanpage [ soon @aviciixgalantis ]

    One beautiful morning in 2015. [ or 2014. I'm not really sure ] I woke up and the song "Hey brother" was playing in my head. I get up and went to YouTube to listen this song. Then I found out that that song's artist is an DJ Avicii. I listened to Hb every day and I even remembered all the lyrics. Then I found out that songs "Wake me up" and "Levels" are also by him. I started to talk with persons in school about Avicii and how he is awesome. When ep "Stories" came out I've been opsessed w it

  • from Jake Larson

    Tim Thank you for you’re passion of creating joyous melodic music for the world. You inspired me to created music myself and got me into DJing. Your music always had great messages that anyone could relate to myself included multiple times throughout the 7-8 years you produced. You will never be forgotten you helped me out in more ways than I could describe with life and how I’ve grown this past 7-8 years. I will continue my life with your memory always in my heart. Rest In Peace ✌️

  • from Ken Tse

    I remember back in 2010 my parents brought my brother and I to Disneyland in California. This is when I first heard of Avicii. I never knew about the name of the song nor who produced it up until then but during our stay at the hotel there was a specific alarm that woke me up everyday set by my brother on his iPod. The song? Bromance. Rest in peace Tim. I will never forget what joy your music brought and not to mention the rest of the world. You lived a life all of will remember.

  • from Iwona


  • from Patricia

    Dear Tim your music has brought life and strong emotions in our hearts and minds and for that we are forever grateful. It feels unreal and hard to cope with the fact that you are gone but you will allways be here with us through youre music. You're irreplaceable. We love you and forever deeply miss you ?

  • from Juan Manuel

    You were the inspiration for millions of people and that took you to your precious heart good person with an immense charisma but above all a worker! You were and you will be the best in history! forever in my heart !

  • from Brendan

    I never understood why people were so affected by celebrity deaths until I heard of Avicii's sad death. I didn't even realize he meant so much to me until then. Someone I had never met who didn't know I existed who never had an idea that I listened to his music left me feeling empty after his passing. Tim's music will always bring back memories of good times with friends. and he is what got me into EDM bringing me closer to family and friends. Thank you Avicii you will always be remembered

  • from <3

    Tack Tim för att du var och fortfarande är soundtracket till min ungdom. Tack för att du vågade öppna upp dig om psykisk ohälsa om du bara visste hur många som du har hjälpt genom din historia. Jag är en av dom. Med din musik har jag gått igenom livets tuffaste och bästa stunder. Du kommer alltid att minnas och din musik kommer för alltid att spelas. Det är till dina låtar jag har mina bästa minnen till. Tack för allt Tim vi saknar dig.

  • from Wilder Eche

    Siempre fuiste una persona inspiradora gracias por tanta Música siempre vivieras en nuestros corazones descansa en paz Tim

  • from Soto M.

    Tim thank you for bringing happiness to my life. You inspired me to be what I am now to never give up and be happy. In spite of your death I know that you will always be present in every moment or feeling and I know that with you I will never be alone. I can only say thank you for more than 10 years of happiness

  • from Bine

    Forever Tim i've got learn to love without you. I hope you have Peace in Heaven. In Love from Germany

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