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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Nico

    For the last 5 month i was studying abroad in 🇸🇪. Your music is still so present there. When i was in the club they played at least one of your songs. During my time in 🇸🇪 i got to know the power of music, how it makes people feel happy. I started to make music. When i got a AV hoodie and restarted to listen to AV again i felt your spirits. When the docu came out everything changed. I understood you. I walked through Stockholm listening to AV and felt like you were right beside me. Thx Tim

  • from Jatta🇫🇮

    Musiikkisi on äärimmäisen lumoavaa ja se on aina kiehtonut minua, rakastan musiikkia, jonka olet jakaneet meille, Tulen aina rakastamaan. Katsoin juuri sinun dokumentin, se oli koskettava. Olet Tim niin lahjakas persoona, toivottavasti voit elää siellä vapaasti ilman mitään ongelmia. Tulet aina olemaan maailman suurin artisti ja pidämme huolen, että seuraava sukupolvi tietää sinusta. Rakkautta taivaaseen. ❤️‍🩹🪽

  • from Manuela

    Non conoscevo te, non conoscevo la tua storia. Ho visto il documentario, sono colpita dal tuo genio e dal tuo malessere di vivere. Mi chiedo perché ti hanno lasciato partire solo ma so che resterà solo una domanda stupida. Una persona speciale 💗

  • from Ella

    My parents loved your music growing up and as I young one, I grew to love your music too. My parents had the amazing opportunity to see him live and I remember always being so jealous because I wasn’t old enough. I always said once I’m 18 I’m going to go to every concert played by Avicii. I was devastated finding out the news but I know that you’ve always wanted to find peace. I will continue to listen to your music always🫶🏼🫶 Rest easy up there, you will be missed by absolutely everyone❤️🕊️

  • from Magui

    Gracias, has acompañado el sentimiento de muchos de nosotros. Gracias por abrir nuestros ojos, y permitir que nuestra vida no pase tan rápido

  • from EstebDev

    "Música eterna, eso es lo que quiero hacer, lo que estoy intentando hacer". Lo lograste! solo quienes padecemos de ansiedad, sabemos que es luchar con nuestra propia mente.

  • from Nick (Texas, USA)

    I still cry for you, yet we never knew each other. Were there ever a heaven, I know you are there, even now, teaching God how to make the world sound like a better place. You will always be missed. Peace be upon you and everyone you love.

  • from ELA

    Gracias por tu amor ! Que tu vida esté llena de paz y amor! Así como lo querías para nosotros!

  • from R

    Avicii was a big part of my life and still is, this man created my childhood, and shaped my feelings and love for music, when ever i hear his song it gives me the best feeling in the world, his music is so timeless and perfect, truly a genius in creating music – may Avicii never be forgotten, i will pass his music down to my children

  • from Jacqueline

    I knew his Music but was so saddened the price he paid for his genius. The documentary opened my eyes to how you can get caught up in the machine, he just wanted to be true to himself, he didn’t even get a chance to be a man, he was still a child. A legacy he left behind, songs which touch everyone in different ways but most of all may we learn lessons how to look after young fragile humans ❤️

  • from Nina

    I just watched the documentary on Tim/Avicii on Netflix. I relate to his constitution that was represented in the film, I relate to his story – and it makes me wonder – what is the point of human life? Why do some of us suffer so? Particularly sensitive to this world. I think maybe because love & humanity aren’t the center of this world. Money is prioritized over just, living. In solidarity. Long live Tim.

  • from Arye!!!

    En 2014 pasaba por uno de mis peores momentos, escuché x casualidad wake me up y mi vida cambió, hoy estoy feliz con la vida que siempre soñé. Gracias Avicii por darnos tanta inspiración en tu música. Que estés feliz donde quiera que estés!!!

  • from Georgiana🇷🇴

    Geniu, pasiune nestăvilită pentru muzică. Așa cum si-a dorit muzica lui v-a dăinui pentru totdeauna!🤍🖤

  • from Linus

    age 13, 2014, was the first time I heard levels. It was a type of EDM that made you feel something amazing despite the stresses of the world. It changed mine. Even through the hardest parts of my life I still could appreciate Tim's creativity. Thank you avicii for being the music that helped me form so many childhood memories ◢ ◤

  • from Belinda

    To be honest, I've never heard of Avicii until my husband Michial played recording of his last show which was about 30 minutes or so and I was ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED !!!! "What a beautiful and creative soul."

  • from Tom

    My dad showed me Avicii's songs at a very young age and ever since then I was obsessed with his music. The first song I ever listened to was "Levels" and after that, EDM was my favourite thing to listen to. I always dreamed of going to one of Tim's concerts and always wanted to meet him as he was my inspiration and I'm sure many other people looked up to him aswell. "Live a life you will remember." Hope I meet you up in heaven Tim. Rest In Peace Tim 🖤🤍

  • from CGP

    Siempre sonarás en nuestros corazones❤️

  • from Paul

    Just watched the Netflix docu and I'm gutted. While at uni, Tim's magical art introduced me to EDM coz I'd never really paid attention to that genre. His lyrics were shrouded in mystery. It's only now that he's gone that it's making sense. May he rest forever. With love from Uganda. 🇺🇬

  • from Michele

    Un genio

  • from Ivana

    Tim una mente geniale, una persona pura e fragile❤️❤️❤️

  • from Viero

    Od Twojej śmierci minęło już kilka lat, wciąż trudno mi się z tym pogodzić. Twój geniusz i dzieła, które stworzyłeś towarzyszą mi każdego dnia. Na zawsze pozostaniesz w moim sercu, mój przyjacielu.

  • from Denis Delic

    His been the best of the best. I love him and i miss him, and i never forget him.

  • from Diana A.

    wish you would be here still. 🪽 Sending love from Slovakia to heaven🇸🇰

  • from Sarah

    Seine Doku eben geschaut, herzzerreißend, traurig. Ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll. Er hat so tolle Musik gemacht . Wie schade das er nicht mehr unter uns ist, leider viel zu früh von uns gegangen. In stillen Gedenken an ihn. 🕊️ R.I.P 🕯️

  • from Andrew

    He was the best artist on earth . I love him, I LOVE HIM, I love his songs, i love his mum! Ehm.. ehm.. Just i love him sooooooooo much

  • from Jolly

    Tim, you are still the most beautiful, generous and genius soul. We love you forever ♡♡

  • from Linnea

    Kollar på nya dokumentären och tänker på dig Tim, hoppas du har det bra där du är nu <3

  • from E.J Hlabano

    Only legends continue to live even in their Sleep. Your craft inspired me and you still leave on in our hearts. Forever grateful, African fan from the heart of Zimbabwe.

  • from Arthur

    Ash, please contact me, I can't contact you using the contacts you provided, this is important!!!! I have material for you. I think you'll find it interesting.

  • from Kamila poland

    Kocham 🫶 na zawsze w mojej pamięci.

  • from Denise Maglio

    Tims music makes your heart sing and fires up those nerve endings that have been in rest mode. After watching the documentary on Netflix last week I am daily thinking about it and how lucky were we to get a glimpse into his life. It’s a real mix of magic and heartbreak. Watching it with someone 30 years younger than me, we were equally moved. Thank you all for sharing your memories and a tribute show at the Sphere in Las Vegas would be incredible.

  • from Jenn Tse

    🇨🇦Tim was one of the first DJs I really enjoyed when getting into EDM. His music is on a whole different level that I don’t think others will ever be able to reach. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the memories your music brought. You are missed by so many 🫶🏻

  • from Dom

    From an Aussie his music just makes you feel good. I wish I pursued the music more, as like him I feel melody in all sorts of music to bring together bangers 🙌🙌🙌🫶🏻🫶🏻 much love. Many few real DJ was born.

  • from Emilia

    From Poland🇵🇱I remember Tim's music from my childhood,i was 7 when i fell in love with Wake me up,i didn't have the chance to know him as a person then, but his music told me so much more. This year i turn 20 and i miss him terribly, and i regret terribly that i didn't have the chance to hear and experience these works live. Forever Tim's music will remind me of art, healing and childhood, and he himself of comfort and being a beautiful person inside. We miss you Tim and I fight for you too💗

  • from Martin Derleth from Vaud, Switzerland

    Tim, autour de mes 13 à 15 ans, j'écoutais beaucoup ta musique, mais ce n'est pas seulement moi, sinon une génération. Un nouveau millennium venait à peine de commencer, et tu as redéfini le mot "musique" à travers de ton art. Pour ce que tu as fait, nous ne t'oublierons jamais. J'avais 17ans quand tu t'es éteint, mais j'écouterais toujours ta musique quand j'en aurais 70. Repose en paix.

  • from Mariel ❤️

    Your music makes me feel better. thanks for everything ❤️❤️

  • from Candy

    I am still asking the same questions as u did Tim. Shedding my parts of ego to be me the soul i truly am. And I am scared of how strong the feelings are. How do I overcome something that I have been asked to fall in love with from above. Life it self. Until I am ready to learn again. Thank you Tim.

  • from Marcus

    Avicii was the reason I started to produce music, even on my worst days I put on his music and get transported into another state of mind. I miss you Tim. RIP 🕊️

  • from Valeria Quilo

    Siempre estarás es nuestros corazones❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Nicole Elisabeth, Germany

    Tim, we miss you

  • from John R (NYC)

    my new tattoo. This song can be interpreted in so many new ways but for me it feels like a rebirth. Leaving an old me behind since something really bad happened to me at the same time this was released, and I’ll never be the same again. This song got me through some of my darkest days. RIP Tim.

  • from Katherine p

    Avicii was my favorite dj, i was crying watching this documentary at the end, such a beautiful heart and soul it reflected on him. ♥️ wish he would had more time to know god which he really needed in his life to overcome the situation that led him to end his life.😔

  • from Samuele

    Ho visto il documentario I'M TIM mi devo ancora riprendere dalla parte finale. Uno dei migliori Dj della storia

  • from Nova in NL

    Just watched his documentaire on Netflix. Such a great young artist! Behind his excellent music, is a sensitive artist who can not resist his desire on how he wanted to be. I love " Wake me up and it's all over" it turns in my head for years. RIP

  • from Maura M.

    I finally watched Avicii – I'm Tim Documentary. I loved getting the stories behind his career and music! Avivcii’s music was a huge part of my high school years especially at school dances. I ended bawling like a baby once I finished watching the documentary. My heart broke in a million pieces to see Tim was suffering even he was “better/ happier”. I still listen to his songs and have great Memories the first time I heard them!❤️

  • from Nick

    Miss him so much. His songs got me through peaks and valleys, and provided the soundtrack to some of the most seminal moments of my life. Love you, Tim

  • from Jung

    I am surprised so much when I found out Avicii means the lowest level of hell. Being an introvert, I can feel that He would have been dark, cold, hurt inside a bit and do not have enough space and time for himself to heal. Pray for him to be happy anywhere he is rightnow.

  • from Julia Velasquez

    Avicii, I still remember as the big players of EDM and a big inspiration to all. I miss your love and passion to your music. I still listen to you every now and then. You are and still be one of my favorites!

  • from VC

    You and your music will live on forever! Eternal rest grant onto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in your peace. Tim, thank you for the music!!!

  • from Félix


  • from Diego G. Rodríguez

    Hey Tim, Many people don’t remember their 21st birthday. However, I do. I was a young kid turning 21 on 1.16.2011. I happened to go to Fur in DC. I left in love with Bromance and forever a fan of yours. I can’t think of any good celebrations without your music, from every birthday since my 21st, my graduation, my kiss with my elementary school crush (at your concert at Jiffy Lube in VA, friends gathering, and my son’s birth. Thank you for your music and memories. You were one of a kind!

  • from Sam

    Seven years without you on this earth, without your creativity, without you spreading your gift and love. Your music librated me during the darkness times of my life, made me forget for just one moment how bad it was. You shined a light into the darkness. I don’t believe for one moment that you did that no way! RIP Tim the truth will come out.

  • from Nahuel

    Escucho tu música desde que tengo memoria de escucharte sacar wake me up en 2013 y que fue un éxito total ese año. Muchas gracias por tu música me hace muy feliz escucharte siempre tus melodías son lo más de lo más , no conozco otro DJ que haga tan buenas melodías como vos lo hacías. Lamento mucho tu final , tengo un amigo que también falleció por suicidio en el 2017 😭 a veces es muy difícil darse cuenta de que esas cosas iban a pasar. Gracias por todo Tim no voy a olvidar tu música 🥺❤️❤️

  • from Ash

    I love you so much! I wish someday I get to see you and tell you I love your music! I have a strong gut feeling that you didn’t do that to yourself, I’m sure the truth will never come out. But all I know is you’ll be forever loved by all of us! Tim you’ve made timeless music!

  • from Besse

    miss you <3 I hope you finally found peace

  • from Zoe

    At whatever dimension you are at the moment, I wanted to thank you for all the feelings you shared with us through your music. You shared your soul with us and this is so brave and powerful you will forever be remembered and heard. I hope you found peace.

  • from Xabier San Sebastian

    I remember the first time I heard Avicii's music when the english teacher chose one of his songs, since that day I've been a huge fan. Thanks for making my days more pleasant with your music. I'm an Avicii fan and I'll be proud of that for the rest of my life. Rest In Peace Legend!

  • from Kevin McCullagh

    I still miss you Tim <3

  • from Chiara


  • from Gabrizzz

    Ogni canzone che hai creato è stupenda. Ho tanti bei ricordi associati alle varie canzoni. Peccato che te ne sia andato così presto, la tua famiglia, i tuoi amici e il mondo aveva ancora bisogno di te. Spero tu abbia trovato la serenità che tanto cercavi. Ciao Tim. Un semplice fan Italiano (Udine).

  • from Steph J

    Your songs picked me up when I was down, made me feel like everything was worth it. I've had the best night's of my life dancing to your music. You will always be one of a kind, you filled so many hearts with amazing melodies. I hope you are making more of your beautiful music up there in heaven with peace in your heart. ❤️

  • from Giulia

    The first song i heard by avicii was wake me up. I think i was 10 years old. I didn't even know who produced it at the time but every time i listened to it i felt like i was in another world. I feel feelings i cant explain. This is the effect all tim's songs have on me. I consider him the best dj the earth has ever known and i still cant believe i will never have the privilege of going to one of his concerts and that breaks my heart. I hope he found the peace he deserved. We'll love you forever

  • from jeremiah

    first time ive heard his music i was maybe 5-7 i cant remember exactly but the nights was playing and what i recall, we were all having a good time listening, tim bergling, although gone, will never fade from our memories. ONE LOVE!

  • from Jay

    I'm just now becoming acquainted with Avicii and his music, and I'm so interested in his story. I used to listen to his music on the radio when I was little, but I didn't know it was him. Now, I'm heartbroken, and miss a man I never knew.

  • from Igor

    When I was 3 years old I heard the song "The Nights" I immediately became happy when I heard it because that day I cried because my great-grandmother died and when I heard Avicii at night I immediately became happy now I'm 11 and I continue to listen to it.Rest in peace Swedish legend "Avicii"…

  • from Sean

    Saw him perform at XS in Vegas in 2012… Such a fun show. I went solo as I was there for a work trip and had an absolute blast. So thankful to witness the joy he created for so many…

  • from William Thamrin

    I was born on the 13 of September. When Tim released True, I freaked out since it was my birthday. Even though Tim does not know who I am, he impacted my life by realising True on my birthday

  • from Hakan

    You were someone who was on my mind since I was little and now you can't get out of my mind since I watched you on Netflix. It's like we grew up together and I miss you. It's like you were part of my family. I hope you're in peace.

  • from Hannah

    I watched your I am Tim documentary on Netflix 6 days and ever since I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I can't stop googling you and playing your songs. I feel so sad and existential. I have started reading your official biography and it is helping me to make sense of your life and your struggles. Thank you so much to your family for sharing so much of your struggles and advocating for suicide awareness, your legacy will live on forever

  • from Arnau

    You saved me in my darkest days. R.I.P legend

  • from Petra

    Időtlen zenét csinált amit szerettet volna.❤️❤️❤️

  • from Abel

    I never knew Tims Face I loved his Music till Death will put me apart

  • from Kamil

    Miss you 😭😭😭

  • from Anonym J

    I remember when I was young, I used to listen to Tim's music all the time. It wasn't until he died that I understood he was the one making the music of my childhood. Tim's music has always been special to me, there's just something about how the songs are made, the lyrics, and the melodies that give me goosebumps every time. Rest in peace, Tim. <3

  • from Eleonora

    Sempre em meus ouvidos. Uma das minhas primeiras paixões da edm. Me lembra de como é bom sentir a música antes de ouvi-la… Pra sempre Avicii 🫶🏻🕊️

  • from liv

    ughhh… i hate this singer he is so cringe

  • from Logan Grewe

    Man where do I start. It is now 7 years later and watched the Netflix documentary and it brought back all the emotions from listening to your music. Your music changed my life as ironically I felt a different (level) of happiness through it. There has been and never will be anyone that connects music with emotion like you did. There will never be someone like you. You are a 1 of 1 Avicii. Your music connects the best memories of my life and I am forever grateful. Always missed never forgetten

  • from Zehra

    i first got to know u when i was around 8 and now im almost 19. im from a country where english is not widely spoken and back then in around 2013-14 there were only couple of channels that broadcasted english songs and i would wait for hours and hours just to be able to listen to ur songs for 2-3 minutes. since then u are my first love! hope ur in peace now, my love for u never diminished + even got bigger. my sister and i still remember u every day❤️

  • from Luke

    Your music healed me and i want to become a DJ just like you. Happy U were a part od my life and you will Always have a place in my heart.

  • from Jade Webster

    Tim, your music was part of my life. I am so thankful. You touched people and continue to do so. All my love, Jade Webster.

  • from Gianluca

    Sei stato un grande. Purtroppo è il mondo che funziona male. Non sai quanto ho usurato quel maledetto tasto PLAY su YouTube. Riposa in pace

  • from Julia

    Tim, I was born in same year as you. 1989. I always liked your music but I never checked who wrote it and I never knew your name until I watched a documental on Netflix. How fragile you were… the same as I. I also know that money doesn’t buy happiness. All we need is to be the way we are. Live life the want to live. Family and friends – this is what matters. I’m so sorry Tim is not with us and there’s nobody like him nowadays. Rest in peace. ♥️

  • from Évi

    Számunkra te sosem leszel halott Örökké élni fogsz mint a csillagok 🤍🫶🏻🤍

  • from Tom Humphries

    I miss you, your music is everything to me and got me through countless rough times, I can’t believe I’ll never get to see you perform it breaks my heart. We Love and miss you Tim ❤️

  • from Tichakunda Munyepere

    Dear Tim , your music brought a spark of joy into the world. Up until now its always headphones on and the music on , the music helps me concentrate and its my work dosage and I am sure a lot of people can resonate with this. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

  • from Benjamin arthurs

    Dear tim Your music still puts a smile on my face my legend I even got your log on my wrist I loved your tunes you are the reason why I got in to music and djing love you brother rest in peace

  • from Emilia

    Dear Tim, Your music transformed my childhood and showed me what it means to feel every note with my soul. The first time I heard you, I knew this was the music that defines me. Thank you for being a source of inspiration and light for me and so many others. Your legacy will live on forever in our hearts.

  • from Martina

    I am currently watching the documentary and listening levels and wake me up bring memory back from the most beautiful period of my life living in the usaz Thank you Tim, you ll be never forgotten

  • from Nori

    Für Tim ❤️ Seit der Dokumentation über dich, fühle ich mich als wärst du ein enger vertrauter. Deine Musik hörte ich schon immer aber ich wusste nicht welch eine liebevolle, warmherzige Person dahinter steckt. Danke dass wir Einblicke aus deinem Leben erfahren durften. Du machst heute noch viele Menschen mit deiner Musik glücklich! Seitdem höre ich sie täglich rauf & runter. Ich würde dich am liebsten in den Arm nehmen & sagen alles wird gut! ❤️ „wake me up when all it‘s over“ love you Tim ❤️

  • from Harsha

    When I heard your music for the first time I didn’t know you weren’t with us . I loved yours instantly and i wish u could have shared more but it was sad it couldn’t be like it . Anyways what u did in your time is definitely helping a lot of people. You will live on forever in our thoughts. Sleep well .

  • from Holly H

    Magical is the word. Your light, your soul is magic. I never knew you or the amazing talent you brought to the music world, but I recently watched your documentary and I'm in amazement. You have touched my heart so deeply. Thank you for all you brought to the world and so many of us. Rest in Peace soft soul.

  • from Luis Chabrand

    Never had I seen or heard your story, I knew you through your music. Today hearing your story and seeing your life, has changed me and touched my heart for that now I understand why I love this music so much. Thank you my friend you will continue to be missed. All of the world will always remember you. 🇺🇸 🇲🇽

  • from Tamara Castillo

    I remember I turned 17 17 days ago on April 3rd 2018 by then I would listen to his music almost all the time religiously He was definitely one of my favorite artists so when I heard he took his life I cried a lot My favorite songs were Wake me up and the nights and I remembered while listening to Wake me up I saw something in the clouds it resembled the symbols of avici and for a minute there I felt his presence rest in peace p

  • from Jocelyn

    Missing you a lot. Wish you were here. My favorite song is still addicted to you <3

  • from Andy Dale

    A young star that shone so bright, hidden within darkness. Remarkable man, gone to soon. Fly high, your music and life lives on forever. ♥️♥️🕊

  • from Réms

    Je me souviens encore du jour où j'ai appris le décès tim je suis à l'école et je lis le journal de Montréal (journal québécois) et je sue et sa ma brisé le de voir comment la musique pour faire Des choses pas bien Réponse en paix avicii 1989-2018

  • from Yorka (Venezuela)

    Eres el ejemplo del que la fama y el dinero no lo es todo en la vida, fuiste una persona admirable y maravillosa tú música aún resuena en el corazón de mucho. Vuela alto Espero que hayas encontrado La Paz y la libertad que tanto buscabas

  • from Donovin

    your songs inspired me to keep moving you are my favorite producer I've heard I've been listening to your music since I was 3 I wish you were here making more music rest in peace

  • from Isa

    Since you're gone I've had several days when I think about you all day long. I drive my car, listen to your music and it hits me so hard that someone my age who was so special, known and loved by the whole world died so tragically. I hope so much you're out there somewhere, that you're fine, and that you see all of us sending our thoughts to you. So many people feel connected to you. It shows that you were not only a great musician but also a wonderful and inspiring person. Rest in Peace, Tim.

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