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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from France

    I think Avicii was a best producter in world. /I I/

  • from Fan from Belgium

    I'm listening to the record Tim as I write this. What a beauty to listen to and what a wonderfull very talented young man! My thoughts go out to Tim's family and friends. what a terrible loss. He should have been able to quietly produce songs play with his children and simply be happy. secretly I hope for other songs not yet released. for the music and the feeling that he is just working in the studio …

  • from Mikhail

    You are the best

  • from viper

    Back where i belong…..jag älskar den har låter

  • from Adam from Poland

    Poznaje jego muzykę historię życie ponad rok od jego śmierci…zbyt późno? Nigdy nie jest za późno poznać tak bogatą i wspaniałą osobę jaką był ten cudowny szwedzki chłopak. Łza się kręci w oku że mając świat u stóp można mieć takoe problemy z samym sobą. Jest mi przykro że wcześniej znałem go tylko z pojedynczych piosenek z radia. Ale jak mówiłem nigdy nie jest za późno na y poznać taką wspaniałą osobę jaką był Tim. Spoczywaj w spokoju Chłopcze. Niech i TAM słyszą Twoje arcydzieła muzyczne

  • from Jonathan Crocetti

    Avicii was a huge inspiration to me and my love for dance music. I remember my first introduction to him was Levels and hearing that for the first time made my heart dance with joy. I continue to listen to "Without you" on repeat without pausing. Tim is one of the reasons I am on the road to be a music producer. His songs have inspired us all wether it's something small to being the king of the world. Heroes are remembered but Legends never die. We Miss you Tim.

  • from AOEX

    Avicii's Music Meant the world to me ♥ his music his personality is just so inspiring for me ♥♥♥

  • from Saurav

    From my childhood I decided thousand times that I'll make…. But only he told me what I should do through his music. This is so simple in listening but that's still True*

  • from Tian Yi He

    I remember as a kid. Playing Waiting For Love at home. My dad heard it and started singing with me. He then asked me what's the name of this song and who wrote it. I told him its by Avicii and that I love his music :). He also started listening to all the avicii songs i listen to. We had a great time. Unforgettable. RIP Avicii. You are missed dearly. You will be FOREVER in our hearts <3!

  • from Vicky

    Hey brother We are crying everyday because of your loss. You wrote History of EDM music & we are so proud of you ! We are lucky you left your music but how I'm wishing that you were here ! I will listen again & again your titles because I’m addicted to you ! I send you all my love even where you are dear boy ! Merci ! Ευχαριστώ ! Thank you ! With all my affection to you & your family …

  • from Anna C. from Canada

    You were so amazing and talented. I hope you are dancing in heaven. I enjoyed your music and watched the documentaries. Your story stopped me from finding heaven now as I realize the pain and sadness it caused here on earth. I hope to meet you in heaven after I live my best life here on earth.

  • from Poyraz

    I first listened your songs when I was a newbie as an athlete. Today I am still listening your songs while wearing national color 15th times.

  • from Taiwan people

    來自台灣??的歌迷,快到你的生日了!!!希望你在上面過的還好?? 我們真的很想你??

  • from Patty

    AVICII was just a name famous all over the World as well as its logo◢ ◤but behind it there was something else someone special a true musician who left us too soon giving us a big legacy. We’ll remind you not for the money you made but for the life you lived and for all you taught us through your wonderful music. We’ll forever remind the man with a big heart and with the purest soul: TIM BERGLING?

  • from True Avicii Fan


  • from True Avicii fan.


  • from Elifsu

    You're my greatest love and you always will be. Tim I love you.?

  • from 1234123


  • from mx


  • from +x

    I love you boy

  • from Arty

    Спасибо за все. Легенда.

  • from Tharuk Menthusa

    this magical person has inspired me to create music he inspires me to be just like him may he rest in peace Thank you Avicii

  • from A

    Var är du? Jag önskar att du är på ett ställe utan ångest smärta oro. Tack för din fina musik Tim. Du är en sällsynt människa. Finns inte så många som du ödmjuk och omtänksam. Du är SÅ saknad

  • from LottiePoco

    今までありがとう avicii あなたの曲で、どんな道も乗り越えてきた あなたがこの世にいなくても、僕は天国にいる aviciiを応援するよ いつか会えたら嬉しいな向こうで… さようなら"Tim BeagLing" "RIP"

  • from Louis

    Merci pour tout Tim Bergling tu es et restera un grand artiste. Je ne t'oublierai pas. J'écoute encore tes titres qui ne cesseront jamais d'être écouter de décennies en décennies. RIP forever

  • from

    "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a live you will remember".

  • from keiko

    いつも心の中にあなたとあなたの曲を。。 忘れない?

  • from Charles Eutogenes

    I miss him so much over a year later and i'm really struggling now myself and he is such an inspiration to me even now his music is one of the things i use to escape. I miss him and think I always will.

  • from VIn

    Your songs are great! I'm gonna miss you Tim. R.I.P If Michael Jackson is The King Of Dance you are going to be The Prince of Music!

  • from Jarey ?

    Forever greatest forever in our hearts. Not only have you impacted the lives of many you led us into a happy state of mind from the gift you gave us all edm. Thank you Tim <3

  • from Shivam Khunger

    Tim..You were my inspiration.Your music made us feel Free and Helped us to live a peaceful life. Hope you are getting peace in heaven. Keep dancing and Thank You for Your Contribution To Edm.

  • from ❤

    Why your music makes us happy ? Is your secret your hard work on details perfectionist man hypersensitive person. Tim you are so special in my heart.❤?

  • from MinJong

    From South Korea Your music make my life vivid.

  • from no

    Although without youwe love u.

  • from Mason

    Thank you. So much.

  • from ADRIÁN — Valencian Country (Spain)

    I must admit I'm not a big fan but… "The Nights" really changed my life… "One day you'll leave this world behind so live a live you will remeber". I'm on my way. Rest in peace 'cause these are the nights that never die.

  • from Adam

    Thank you

  • from Daan

    My grandfather told me about Elvis Presley! My father told me about Michael Jackson! I will tell my children about Tim. Love you and your music!m forever!!!

  • from 任森炯


  • from Deetz

    Hurts to see you go

  • from Svitlana from Ukraine

    I love you Tim! I will never forget you ❤️

  • from Tomas

    I've been listening to Avicii's music for the last 7 years. I love his music and I was so sad as to what happened to him. I hope all those who are facing their demons reach out for help as there are always people out there who love you. Thank you Avicii for your beautiful work. You will live on with me forever 🙂

  • from sour.sin

    your energy will forever live on thank you for such beautiful art <3

  • from The story is oversimplified…

    I was 10 when David introduced me to your music it was on holiday he was 16. He was like my older brother that I never had. We were going on the same holiday every year and in the meanwhile when I was waiting for that magical time I was listening to your music to remember all that great memories then we got older and he stopped coming. I was really sad that I'm never seeing him again. So I got stuck with your music it was last thing that I had now you're gone so are my memories

  • from Nuria(Spain)

    Mi querido Tim. Tuviste que marcharte para que te dejaran en paz. Mi angel del cielo . Cada vez que miro al cielo veo tu sonrisa . Siempre estás con los que te queremos. Brilla eternamente y no olvides que tu luz ilumina el mundo. Forever yours. ?♥️

  • from Pacanciki radio

    So much great memories from the best DJ/Artist/Musician ever. I will always remember you from from your big hits 2011 fill forever. It was the time it was all beginning with love with you. It keep getting stronger and more luxury as good cognac. It is sad you gone but i love your music so much can not even explain. Best harmonic music melody creator artist ever lived in this world. Always in my heart ????

  • from Daan – Belgium

    My grandfather told me about Elvis Presley! My father told me about Michael Jackson! I'm going to tell my children about Tim Bergling! ——————————————————— Hard to miss you Tim I will always love you and your music!!!

  • from Raul

    Resterai sempre nel cuore di tutti grande campione… you remains in the hearts of us forever my idol

  • from I D R I S S

    Tim – you are one of the best Artist DJ Producer and very special everybody still missed you I'm always going to love you and your family friends fans rest in paradise

  • from Kyle

    rest in peace bro. much love <3

  • from TC Kirkham

    I Came late to the party I know…I remember a few years ago when Tim played Boston's TD Garden and I thought "who in the hell would pay money to see a friggin' DJ?" I had no idea who he was at that time or what effect his glorious music would play in my life once I discovered it. He was an amazingly gifted person with so much talent he couldn't use it all and the world will be forever enriched by what he did leave behind. Godspeed Avicii – we miss you…a LOT…

  • from Friend

    Thank you so much for best music my live Wake me up

  • from ernica

    Even when I write this I know that I have a strange feeling that our and mine always in our in hearts. forever … happiness in heaven

  • from Narisa Fatch

    Forever in our hearts. Thank you Avicii your music will live on forever. Continue Resting in Eternal Peace

  • from

    I always come back this page every now and then to read the new comments here. It’s beautiful how many millions of people cared and came together for one person one legend! Wake Me Up will remain one of the most iconic songs in electronic music. Thank you for your music and you.

  • from Ebunoluwa Abidemi


  • from Jorge Beltán

    Avicii me ayudó a encontrar en verdad que tipo de musica amabame motivo a ser dj y aveces e pensado que si lo lograria creo que tocaria uno de sus tantos exitos su musica es magica su letra TODO thang you Avicii Berling gracias por inspirarme ami y a muchos mas GRACIAS DE CORAZÓN . 1989-2018.DESCANZA EN PAZ LEYENDA TIM.

  • from Josefin C

    Tack för din musik!?

  • from Thu Ha

    Спасибо. Thank you so much for your music?‍♀️

  • from Sahid Jimenez

    I remember the first time I heard Avicii. It was around the year of 2013 that I heard "Wake Me Up". I was around 8 years old. Till this day on I always loved Tim and his music. I was devastated after hearing the passing of Tim. I'll make sure to celebrate his birthday with his music that will live on forever. Goodbye Tim. We'll always love you forever. 1989-FOREVER.

  • from Patty

    In the past several great artists have left us. I lived the time of Michael Jackson and other famous ones but I never cried a single tear for them I was just sorry. For Tim it’s completely different: I cried bitterly and I’ll cry the whole life. He’s in my brain in my head in my mind n every day I think of him with an admiration and a so deep love that it makes my heart beat faster. Tim You meant everything to all your loyal fans and to me. Losing You has been like losing a part of me?

  • from Arjun Shiva

    You were a great artist… My favourite song was SOS. Its just a masterpiece. R.I.P The Prince of music

  • from cks_Chen

    Avicii,对我来说永远的回忆,在我最低谷的时候,循环着他的歌,度过这些困难的日子。 Avicii for me forever. When I At rock bottom. Listen to his song. Get through these difficult days. —Fans from China

  • from Rajkumar avi cii

    I listen to many DJs but avicii is different…his music makes me feel happy despite any situation….he's the biggest inspiration for me…..legends never die….avicii lives on forever

  • from Danuja pathum

    Miss You everyday I don't know why Why You WhyYou? Why God? I think You just die And Your Now in Heaven We Love You we Miss You You music is legend Your Legendary Rest in peace Brother ?❤ That's Night never die

  • from Kavithma


  • from Camilo Castaño

    Thank you Avicii. Your piano music is life from my soul. I'll be miss you. From Colombia!

  • from azusa

    親愛なるスターシード。 場所は違えど、また新たなる活躍を期待しております。

  • from Peter.

    Tim we never met and whilst I knew of you; it is only recently I have really listened to your music. By chance I found myself working in Madagascar and Heaven seemed so apt I found myself looking into your life more. It is a tragedy that you are no longer with us. I hope that you have found peace. You deserve happiness.

  • from Jérôme

    Merci ❤️

  • from 查如恩

    鸽子,第三次来看你了,希望你在那边过得很好 我很想你,可惜身边喜欢你的人很少,没有人能体会这种痛苦 心碎的时候the days听了一整天 我爱你 永运

  • from kingsterp

    He was here when we needed him the most. Now his legacy will forever be in our hearts and souls. Now is his turn for some peace. 8/16/19 ??

  • from Ravi


  • from

    Timmy why does it still hurts so much

  • from Jaime

    You’re music is much more than a melody it shows a story it has a personality. You Tim showed me and many others a new path introduced us to the world of dance music a place where we feel we belong where all the musicians feel like our friendsYOU felt like our friend. I wish I could tell you how proud this whole community (and outside of dance music as well) is of you. We miss you legend❤️

  • from Yasin

    Oh brother ı will hear your call… We miss you legend.

  • from Saskia

    Such a loss…such a warmnice person…if you could just have done what you really loved..making unforgettable pressure…maybe you would be still among us… I listen to your music every day…and I love it so much. Wish you were still here… A 47 year old mom of Belgium ??SDF

  • from Evann from Paris

    Forever Yours.. ◢ ◤

  • from Inkai

    jordnära människa med så mycket tankar och funderingar över livet fick aldrig nåt storhetsvansinne över sitt kändisskap som många andra artister lätt får. Dina melodier alltså så glada och fulla av energi. Tack för att jag fick uppleva din musik.

  • from De

    So amazing so talented. Just love SOS..

  • from Alyssa

    your music has inspired me so much and thank you for helping so many:)

  • from Shameek

    You are an inspiration to me.You were the only person who helped me through my thick and thins.Rest in peace Avicii.And the world will always remember you.

  • from jaymee

    我来看你了。。。。 my idol…..

  • from Diane Watkins.

    My Fav song is Wske Me Up I play it over and over It wakes my whole body up and I DanceDanceDance I do not care where I am either THANK YOU AVICII I LOVE AND MISS YOU YOUR M7SIC L8VES ON WITH8N ME AND MY DANCIN FEET

  • from Henry D.

    Thank you for the beautiful music.

  • from Don

    Never forgotten <3

  • from tom


  • from Lucy

    Wake me up was the very first song I downloaded years ago on my kindle and I still love it to this day. Your music changed the world and I hope with all my heart that you realised that. Over a year ago since you died and everyone still thinks of you. Absolute legend. Rip tim x

  • from SP

    Love you to avicii inthe world of the time some me Lifefreedom Live for you "TIM" Thanks for album ofr the world Love you AVICII *FANFROME Thailand for you ''TIM'' 1989-FORVER

  • from Ethan

    When I heard one of the songs Tim made I just immediately feel in love with his songs. We will remember you forever Tim as one of the best artists in the world.

  • from Caroline

    In anger against this world . Tim you deserved so much better you genius it's unbearable. Thank you to your family for prolonging again and again your memory. So talented. Forever??

  • from Patty

    You are a gift that I was lucky enough to receive in this life many years ago but that I never opened. After April 20th 2018 I wanted to discard the gift and open the box and found a pure soul good generous kind humble and selfless. A unique and precious thing that gains value each passing day simply by listening to your music. I need you every day.?

  • from winter soldier

    you said wake me up when its all over bro its all over please wake up

  • from G

    Thinking about it still makes my heart ache. I thank you for sharing your gift with the world. Your music has definitely been a light to my darker days.

  • from Cheng ChuJun

    Hey there Avicii when I first heard your knew about you suicide the first thought came into my brain is you had a really hard time and I feel bad because you couldn't make it. hus many of your fans felt sad for you too and to be honest i did listen to your song a lot when you're still here but I listen a few of your songs when the news hit the world so hard. Even though I don't know what came up to your mind when you decide to give up or it was just a mistake but we will always remember U.

  • from じょん


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