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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Anna

    I miss you so much.

  • from Doangmanee mai

    you introduced me EDM you are the first artist who i love. your music meant so much to me thank you for everything rest in peace tim. you'll be miss.

  • from Margherita

    Dearest Tim the editing of my book about you is over! It's a gift for you and I see you smiling to me from where you are. I keep on reading all I find about you I want to know all; your voice speaks through me you listen to music through my ears and see through my eyes we are so close and I'm happy for this but you deserved YOUR voice YOUR ears YOUR eyes your life in a word not a borrowed one. An embrace to you from your Italian friend and biographer.

  • from Senjuti

    i think your songs supported me in my depression when the whole world didnt….

  • from Jesper

    Until this day I can´t really understand that you´re gone. This world really lost a legend and a true inspiration. Your music will play forever. Thank you for everything Tim. You will be missed. Rest in peace <3

  • from Muhammad Danial

    nice dj nice man rest in peace bro

  • from Even


  • from konrad


  • from Yvonne

    It is the first time that i'm very sad about the loss of somebody i never knew. There was a special light about you Tim. I'm so sorry that you couln't find your own happiness. You've deserved it so very much. I miss you. I can't explain why but i miss you a lot.

  • from simon

    你一直都在我们的心里 My legend

  • from Richard S

    You're music has meant so much. You may have gone but the joy you left us all with will remain. Such a same a great talent was lost soon. The most awful moment of burying your child love and prayers for the friends and family x

  • from Nguyễn Gia Nghĩa

    Xin chào!!! Mình là Gia Nghĩa

  • from Carl

    I likes him

  • from Matrix

    I cry until this moment … I can not stop!!

  • from Elio Pineda

    Avicii fue una gran inspiración su música fue un destello para la música siempre le recordaremos gracias por tanto Tim.

  • from Bonface Mutunga

    Its Always a strange feeling listening to Avicii Musicwell composed Melodies well tuned.Its really not yet in my system that Avicii is my late brother.Always Misses those Tomorrow-land MomentsUltra music Moments…Wake Me up Levels You Make me among others will always ring in my mind day in day out

  • from Evan Staples

    I would be lost in this world without Avicii's music. He was my favorite artist of all time and his songs always put me in a happy mood. It's sad that there will likely be no more new songs. I was really looking forward to his new album. I wish the 2 EPs and album were released anyway but they're likely going to be unheard. I'm glad he's not in pain anymore and he's peaceful but it's so hard to cope with his death even almost 6 months later.

  • from Hannah (Australia)

    Avicii you were such an inspirational person. Your music helped me through some things and I would like to thank you. You had such a talent with music. When I found out you were dead I was heartbroken. I feel like your songs carried so many meanings that I will use forever. You will remain my favourite artist and you will always remain in the hearts of all those who knew you and even those who didn't. R.I.P Tim 1989-2018

  • from Andy

    We could never wake you up againTim.

  • from HongKong

    I miss you.

  • from lonely sad young woman

    it is so unreal Tim we miss you every day … ??❤️

  • from J.C

    El me hizo llorar y reir creer y soñar. Me hizo ser quién soy hoy en día y como dice una de sus canciones "live a life you will remember ". Para mí eres mi héroe y lo seguirás siendo hasta el fin.

  • from Rein

    Thank you for everything.

  • from Luca

    love ya avicii. yours songs are in my memories. <3 legends never die

  • from Saurabh (SauAsH)

    You have always been my inspiration and my true model and your music has had a great impact on my heart. If I ever tried to learn something on my own and follow my passion of music it's all because of you AVICII. May your soul rest in peace brother. I wish you lived I wish I saw you I wish I would work with you one day. You are a true inspiration not to me but millions of people who loved your music. I hope you are in better place now. I miss you and I love you

  • from Rayner

    I've listened to Avicii since 2013 after a friend recommended it to me. This year I lost that friend and Avicii.

  • from yashvin

    i love you as much as i love music it's hard to believe that you do not exist in this world but i can still feel you in your music they say you are no more but you are always in my eyes your songs have been a motivation an inspiration thank you avicii for all you did to me…

  • from Mike

    Listened to your music all over and over again really wish can hear medlodies from you again.

  • from Daniel Ladrero

    Avicii the dj that introduced me EDM the dj that opened my hears he presented me a new world with new noises he inspired a lot of djs. Avicii you are a legend.

  • from Anthea Seaman

    Still miss you. You touched my heart and will remain there forever. At 58 years old I can truly say that your music transcends time. I will live the life I will remember. See you in the afterlife…but not right now.

  • from Jason

    Avicii was the first concert in the edm music world and inspired me so much that becoming a dj was possible and your music had a lot of great meaning behind it just hope your making music above the world

  • from Ben

    His music shows me that I'm not alone with my feelings and experiences. Someone somewhere felt the same way and made a song about it! Those songs speak to me and millions of others in a universal language which connects us all and describes what it is to be human!

  • from -P2

    you maked my life better <3

  • from Christina

    Your music is beautiful and brings people together. I love all your songs it really touched the soul. I have many memories with all your music. I was very sad that you as a very inspired Person are no longer there and couldn't share your new music with us but you remain with your songs forever in our hearts. Hope you feel better there. Rest in peace. (sry for the bad english )

  • from Ryan

    I may have not been there to live through avicii's fame but the fact that a man with that skill and is the man who brought me joy with his amazing music it tears me down to know that he can't follow is passion anymore.

  • from Clément

    Merci pour tout l’amour que tu nous a donné L O V E

  • from Anke

    Lieber Tim ich wünsche mir für dich das du deinen Frieden deine Ruhe und dein Glück gefunden hast ! Du fehlst ! Du und deine Musik werdet immer einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen haben ! Deine Musik hat mir so viel gegeben und war stets mein Seelentröster. Danke für alles ?❤

  • from Alexander Dutch

    Still in love with your beautiful music you will ve missed

  • from Ludvig

    Typing again and again and again to you I really miss you we all do. It ain’t going a dsy without me thinking about you. Miss you so. Rest easy. Vila i frid Tim Älskar dig❤️ ◢ ◤ ‭

  • from Rodmjorgeh

    I love your songs and now it's sad listening to your songs and think you aren't here for us miss u… rest in peace Avicii :'(

  • from MATTIA (second post) ITALY

    (sorry for my bad english) avicii i miss u is bad now listen ur music and in same time think about ur suicide…is sad now listen ur song but is beautiful because i learned some things from you…thanks…i feel super sad when i listen ur song now…ty for all Avicii.

  • from MATTIA

    i know avicii from when i was a child of 10 years old i have always liked to listen his music also if i don't understand his music feel happy..8 year ago…listen now the music is sad and ugly…hard now..

  • from -L

    You make me feel better

  • from Jasmine

    His music was just so freshso new! I had never seen anything like it before.he brought electronic music to a whole new level.I still listen to his incredible songsand everytime I discover something new.and I myself wanted to kill myself a couple of timesso aviciiif you're seeing thisI just want to say I understand why you did what you did because I'm dealing with this too.I wish your music lives forever and ever. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • from Valerio

    Thank You !!!!

  • from Anelia

    Your music is love. One of the truest. And true love never fades.

  • from Aina

    La música del Avicii sempre em feia somriure i és una cosa que em sap molt de greu. Com una música preciosa que abans el primer que feia ara alegrar-m'he aras'ha tornat amb una música que quan l'escolto recordo el que ha passat u no puc gaudir d'ella com m'agradaria i com hagués fet sempre. (Catalan)

  • from S

    Pure hearts are forever missed

  • from Enzo DUFORET

    Avicii you have inspired me a lot. Today if I can do it in music it's because of you. Without lying to you when I was listening to your music I was in a new world that I will never forget. But without you it's complicated. You are no longer standing in this world but when it is my turn to leave I will come back to you to find this world. I love you Avicii <3

  • from Yash

    I was listening to"The Nights" while the news of his death broke out! I get the saddest feeling whenever I listen to I again. Avicii will always remain in my heart and my playlist. <3

  • from -m

    his music is my favorite and very inspiring. i am saddened that he can no longer create more. rip 1989-2018 <3

  • from Kevin Lopance

    He inspires me….. wish I met him but life is life and it'll continue to do its thing. I love you Avicii. Rest in piece.

  • from Steven

    Avicii was my big inspiration in music. We will never forget! Thank you Tim.

  • from Emma (USA)

    I spent the summer of 2015 blasting "The Nights" and getting absolutely lost in the moment. Every song brings up such specific feelings and memories. I'm going to miss Avicii whenever I listen to one of these songs.

  • from Nicholas Cardillo From USA

    Avicii's music has helped me get through a lot of things like the death of my grandfather to breaking up with my best friend. I just do not know how Avicii help me with his own death.p

  • from Alvi

    We love him Legends never die R.I.P Avicii

  • from Alexandra

    …wow. So many thoughts and texts in here. Every day thousands of messages are added. And I'm as sad as all other people here. A few minutes ago I saw the World Club Dome tribute on YouTube for you which I saw live. I cried at the World Club Dome and I cry just now too. No tribute before has made me feel like that and let my tears roll. Unfortunately I hadn't the chance to see your show live. I hope you're doing well where you are right now! Avicii…in loving memory.

  • from Vinícius Silva ( Brasil – Belo Horizonte – MG )

    I knew very little about Avicii. But the little that accompanied him was enchanted with his work. I loved the songs. Eternal Avicii

  • from Chrismusic15

    Danke Tim! Danke für deine Musik danke für das Gefühl dass du mir durch deine Lieder gegeben hast. Ich hatte das große Privileg dich zweimal live zu sehen und werde diese Erinnerungen für immer in mir tragen. Ruhe in Frieden der Frieden den du auf dieser Welt vergeblich gesucht hast .

  • from Ris

    You bring me up when I'm down. Wish I could have done the same.

  • from Daniyal

    He made great songs that no one will forget he has become a legend

  • from Daniel

    you are the best

  • from Med lahdhiri

    Avicii is one of the most influential dj's and producers of all time his music is mighty he was supernatural tim changed my view of life and with his music i understood that we should enjoy and celebrate life no matter what happens because one day we will gone and never come back R.I.P timmy we will never forget you ?

  • from Kévin

    We lost an angel a legend. I feel like i lost a friend i found myslef through your musics and personality. Your songs help me so much to keep my head up they made me smile so many times. I'm so ashamed to know a genius like you left so young. I'm really sad to know that i will never see you in live and i'm really sad to know you in another world but you're in a better place now. We will never forget you. RIP. Avicii forever.

  • from Jordan Martinez

    When i first heard Wake Me Up I started listening to his music more and Hey Brother came out and that song brought me to tears. I’ll miss him and his music

  • from Basofi Hardiyanto

    It still hurts everytime I google Tim and see all his pictures there. All his musics are not just a bundle pieces of notes every single of them has a soul every part of the melody has Tim's breath within. "Hey brother" "The night" were the very inspiring one. The songs helped me reconnect with my father. The night before Tim's death appeared I just finished streaming "Without You" song for the first time. And I never imagined that the following day will be our first day without him.

  • from Charlie C. — Newport Beach CA

    His album Stories helped me deal with my addiction and mental health issues. When listening to that album I know that I am not alone. Avicii's music will always be in my heart and in my head. RIP Tim. We all miss you.

  • from halle

    thank you for giving the world more than what the world gave you. gone but never forgotten. stay a legend in heaven

  • from Filbert

    you're my inspiration. RIP bro.

  • from aka

    with your music you saved my life I miss you so much. love you.

  • from Rustam K (VORIBAK)

    человек с доброй душой светящийся светлой аурой великий талант и вдохновитель. ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ ТЕБЕ. СПАСИБО ЗА ВСЕ!!!

  • from Jessi

    I have depression for a few years now. I couldn't imagine a life without music. When I first listen to Avicii. My life was colourful. I was happy to listen to Avicii. He made me think normal and thaught me to see the happiness in the world. Thank you for everything Avicii. RIP. ?

  • from JR


  • from Lucas Godoy


  • from Isa

    Tim jag visste inte vem du var innan du lämnade jorden. När min syster kom och sa att ”Avicii har dött” hon gick med sin mobil i handen och kollade på Instagram och fick reda på att du inte finns mer. Jag började kolla på dokumänteren och flera olika instagramers + andra DJ and Artister + Låtskrivare och under en månad visste jag typ allt om dig och jag grät i flera timmar och flera dagar. #Rip #legend Alldid saknad aldrig GLÖMD!❤️

  • from -Bryan71z-

    Your songs always lifted my mood to happiness and calmnessand your melodies were always something special that not everyone can imagine of doing without being inspired by youthanks for being with me in these 9 years even if i never got to meet you.

  • from Seb Sandford

    When I first heard his name on the radio I almost thought that Avicii did his own remix of Good Feeling from Flo Rida when doing Levels. That song was stuck in my head for a few months. When he released Wake Me Up The Nights and the rest of them I knew that he was one of my favourite dance artists and I know he was gonna make it to the top of the charts. When I heard the new album I thought it was great to hear his music again. When he died in April. I never wanted him to go. 🙁 RIP Avicii

  • from JGBlay

    Desde España gracias por tu música que estará con nosotros siempre y tu recuerdo será eterno con ella. -JGBlay

  • from

    Desde España gracias por tu música que estará con nosotros siempre y tu recuerdo será eterno con ella. -JGBlay.

  • from Jane Brown from Scotland ???????

    Wake me up and Hey brother we’re my 2 favourite tunes I’m sad he’s gone I still think of him and I still feel his loss Tim… Gbnf ❤️

  • from Edu

    Sus canciones marcaron una época en mi vida imposible de olvidargracias por tanto Timdescansa en paz donde quiera que estés.RIP

  • from Nelly

    Kinda miss him so much! He is the one who influenced me to listen of his song. Level is the first song that i listened to. I make a move with wake me up. One day i felt like i really like him the way he created a song and i wrote my year resolution that i really wanna go to his concert but it already late. He passed away and left me?

  • from Jaqueline G.

    He was and still inspires me and others to this day. We will never forget him and how he changes me others and the world.

  • from JUNNY BL

    we will never forget you Avicii your musics were very inspiring and giving hopes ; hey brother and so #For eternal life

  • from Patty

    The pain I feel for Tim I have to carry inside of me for the whole life but the anger I have to vent. I have to throw it on all those greedy deaf and blind people who have used him for so many years. Tim with his pure and honest soul did not deserve to leave this World. Someone else would have to replace him. I wonder: where is justice? The good ones leave leaving so many good memories but the bad ones remain leaving only a strip of blood. My heart will never mend.

  • from Mathilde

    Tes musiques nous rappelle de magnifiques souvenirs. Tu resteras à jamais dans nos coeurs ! Merci pour tous ♥

  • from Meli

    Dear Tim on 20-th it will be 6 months that you have left us but icann't stiil believe that you are gone. Miss you and your music. Why nobody has supported you to get well? love you forever….

  • from Thomas Cushing

    I remember when I was a kid my Father played the nights and I was to young to know what it was about I just liked the beat but now I’m 15 going 16 and that song is what keeps me going. Tim was one of my favorites and I’m sad to have seen him go. “One day you’ll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember.” -Thomas

  • from Paolo A.

    Ho iniziato a fare musica per lui…è stato grande e sempre sarà!!



  • from Someone Who Misses You

    I love you <3

  • from


  • from Meja

    Love isn´t something you have you feel it. When you listen to Avicii all you feel is love. He´s love for the music love för he´s family and he´s fans. The love i feel for him is not like something else he take the feelings i can´t described and make it to a song. A song that describe my feelings better than something else

  • from yosseph D

    Avicii You are not dead You are still here with me in my heart

  • from Maria

    your songs made my childhood. thank you Avicii.

  • from Daniel Jeong

    Your music was always there for me when I was at my lowest… Can't believe someone who supported my life with their creation has ended their own life due to others not being able to do the same for him.. Your music will forever and always be the fuel for my heart and soul. Miss you so much Tim…

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