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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Chris DiRusso

    I fell in love with Avicii after Hey Brother. He introduced me to EDM and made me fall in love with the most simple and catchy melodies. Avicii's style cannot be replicated or replaced. Therefore I am praying for more music that he was working on to be released. REST IN PARADISE YOU GODAM LEGEND! Thank you for being my inspiration. I love you.

  • from Sana

    Happy bithday Avicii we miss you everyday and the world would not be the same without you. I loved your music it make me happy and feel young again. Still dont believe you are gone because you are always here with us.

  • from jonghee Yoon

    Hello I am korean student. I love his song. Waiting for me is my life song. RIP

  • from Miki

    avicii…日本に来てくれてありがとう!ずっと、私のなかにavicii …timは、生き続けています。 病気や、いろんなことで苦しかったんですよね…なんだか…ごめんなさい。夢の中で、泣いている私を笑顔にしてくれて、ありがとう。持病があり、苦しい思いを沢山するけど…あなたの姿。笑顔。声。思いだし、ゆっくりですが…頑張ります。 泣いてしまいそうだから…これで! 大好きなtim。そして、昨日…Happy birthday .素敵な音楽をありがとう!

  • from priceparadise

    happy birthday to u Tim a music legend and a angel wish you were here on earth wis us and spoling us with your fantastic music. u are greatly missed <3 <3 <3

  • from Buk Queiroz

    today was meant to be your tim … From Brazil for you…with love ?

  • from Андрей

    Я услышал “wake me up”когда мне было 17. Я и подумать не мог что можно так делать музыку… с тех пор я не разлучен с его творчеством. Его музыка всегда со мной. Она часто вдохновляет меня. Мне кажется что ещё много диджеев будет в будущем но таких как он не будет больше никогда.

  • from Za

    Joyeux anniversaire ? j'espère que là ou tu es tu as trouvé la paix

  • from ANGIE

    Happy birthday legend ?

  • from Hong

    Dear Tim your song are so special positive I can feel your love by your song. I hope you are already in a beautiful place to do what you want to do.

  • from Rulimada

    Happy birthday legend! RIP and keep make the heaven always dancing. Selamat ulang tahun!

  • from Kanghun Yu

    Hi Avicii! I’m your old fan in Korea. My memories of UMF 2016 KOREA is still alive and you are still living in my heart. I will always remember the memories till i die. I’m looking forward to your new album! I love you Avicii! Thank you for giving all the memories.

  • from GAETANO

    Happy birthday Tim❤️ You and your music will live forever with us.

  • from Sarah Lawlor

    RIP Avicii. Thinking of you every day. Happy birthday x

  • from Dani

    Gracias por todo Tim este mundo no se merecía a una persona como tu. Nos vemos allí arriba amigo.

  • from Barış Ç.

    Happy 29th birthday Avicii i hope u re in more beatiful palace RIP…

  • from Michele

    Happy birthday ??

  • from Morgane

    You were and are still an inspiration to all with a heart that radiated love and positivity through all our lives. You will truly be missed and remembered because of all the greatest things you have done. Your music will live forever and your smile will always shines on the darkest days. You will forever be in my memory and in my heart because you have given me a lifetime of memories filled with laughter joy and happiness. Thank you so much for who you were. I love you forever Tim. ❤️

  • from Viet

    Happy birthday Bruder du hast uns mit deiner Musik und was du uns hinterlassen hast echt unsere Herzen berührt. Du hast der Welt mit deiner Musik eine neue Sichtweise auf das Leben gegeben. Du gibst uns den Antrieb weiter zu machen egal was passiert. May your soul and music will live forever in our hearts

  • from Mirta

    tanti auguri alla mia piu grande ispirazione❤️ tu e la tua musica avete lasciato un segno indelebile nel mio cuore che portero sempre con me riposa in pace. ti penso

  • from João Leite- Portugal

    14-07-2012 ficou marcado na minha memoriapelo teu excelente concerto que deste em Portugal no Porto na nova era beach party. ainda hoje ando com um cd no carro a ouvir o set que passaste lá. a tua musica é eterna.obrigado Tim….

  • from Arnaud

    Repose en paix Avicii tu n’est plus la mais ta musique restera éternel. Tu nous aura fait danser pendant’ plusieurs année et tu va nous manquer j’espère que album que tu préparer va sortir pour enfin pouvoir nous faire danser comme si tu était avec nous rip ???? Avicii forever legend et joyeux anniversaire 29 ans ???

  • from Cody

    I was Devastated heartbroken and left completely speechless when I heard Avicii's death in April. Avicii was an amazing DJ leaving behind albums filled with incredible dance music and songs becoming the best DJ to have ever walk foot on this planet. He was a talented artist and DJ starting off small and becoming a worldwide known DJ. Not only did he change my life with the music he wrote but he changed everyone's lives.

  • from Lena

    Tim Igår var det din födelsedag och jag önskar att du fortfarande fanns kvar här på jorden. Din musik fyllde mig med glädje och mina barn delade den med mig. Din musik kommer att leva vidare för alltid och vi kommer att fortsätta lyssna på den. Av det jag sett både i dokumentärerna och intervjuer så fick jag se en person med en personlighet som gick rakt in i mitt hjärta och det jag såg kommer jag att minnas. Må din vackra själ vila på en plats där du fått ro.

  • from Peran

    Vilka minnen jag har tack vare din musik. Så himla fantastik skapare du är. Tack för alla minnen. Du blir aldrig glömd. Alltid älskad

  • from Marie

    Joyeux anniversaire tu manque. J arrive toujour pas a y croire.

  • from MG

    I miss You Tim

  • from Sofia

    Dagarna efter din bortgång var jag tom. Jag kunde inte förstå det. Att Tim inte längre fanns. Trots att jag aldrig mötte dig kände jag en närhet till dig. Du verkade genuin och jordnära . Då och då ploppar du upp i mina tankar igen. När jag går runt på gatorna som jag vet att du brukade gå runt på eller när klubben nära mig spelar dina låtar. Då tänker jag på dig. Vilken jävla tragedi. Du hade verkligen mycket mer att ge. Hemskt att de bästa försvinner först. Men en vacker dag ses vi igenTim

  • from Christophe

    Happy birthday Tim… I really miss you and your beautiful lovely music. R.I.P. :'(.

  • from Kim

    Dear Tim You are and will stay in my heart for the rest of my life you are so talented but unfortulately you made a different choice which I completely understand but truly regret. I would have wished the world for you and I hope some day we will meet again. In the meantime I cherish your legacy….

  • from Erdem

    He was who inspired me to start music producing. And he will always be my biggest inspiration. <3

  • from LALA

    I remember when I heard Levels. OmG I was in shock because how talented Tim was. His melody is something on another level. I followed him trough his whole carrier. Since I was a kid. I will always be thankful for your music. Love you Tim Bergling ?❤?

  • from Tom

    Dzięki za muzykę wszechczasówza muzykę którą żyję każdego dnia z którą tak ciężko jest mi się rozstać kiedy idę do pracy w tej muzyce jest to coścoś co pozwoli przetrwać jej wieki!! Jesteś Wielki Tim i Wielkim pozostaniesz wszystkiego najlepszego !!

  • from Dhiraj

    Happy birthday avicii missing you so much you will always be my everything.

  • from Adam

    Dear Tim. Thank you. Thank you for helping me to get where I am today. Late nights and early mornings of work work work for the past two years. Your work ethic and music kept me inspired through the toughest of times. I am so greatful for what I have got out of it though. Thank you. The past two years have been the best of my life. Wether I am happy or sad celebrating or stressing your music has been the place I go!

  • from annie

    today is your day tim. your 29th birthday. wherever you are I hope you can celebrate it there. you are so loved and so missed. thank you for being on this earth. thank you for the music. thank you for the memories. i love you always king. fly high.

  • from Jade

    Happy Birthday Tim Tam we miss you and your music and monthly podcasts love from Australia

  • from Anatoly

    Dancing to Waiting for love in the middle of the night with the love of my life is just unforgetable. Your music always made me feel good and more alive

  • from D.

    Happy birthday to a beautiful soul. Forever grateful to have your music throughout the last 10 years.Your music got me through some rough days and so many great times in life.Every single song you made is amazing and your music I will listen too forever more.Today I lite a candle for you and wished you happy birthday. On my drive to work one of my many favourite tracks of yours came on the radio Without you. In that instance I knew you are happy wherever you are and at peace .Rest easy Tim ❤

  • from Dip

    Happy Birthday Buddy! Your music will live on

  • from Jan

    Happy Birthday Tim We Miss You… ◢◤

  • from Tuan Tran

    Happy bday Tim !

  • from Amaani

    Happy birthday Avicii. Thank you so much for influencing our lives by blessing our hearts with your music. You left a void in the world that can never be filled. Your spirit will live on with us throughout. Lots of love ♥️♥️♥️

  • from Joe

    He is truly my inspiration whenever i feel down i play his songs he makes me feel alive so that i can keep my journey going on. The day he left us i broke down we lost a talented musician the world will never be the same without you. I miss you. Rest wellAvicii.

  • from 一个爱围棋的迷妹

    11年《levels》红遍全球,我只觉得这首歌洗脑抓耳。如今听来,真真是"此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻"。17年烟鬼让我走入电音这个圈子,开始对你的名字有所耳闻。17年年底你的新专辑AVīCI(01)(冬)发布,我开始关注你的歌,发现你的歌总能引起我的共鸣,鼓舞我从低谷中走出。我觉得我喜欢上你的歌了。4月20日突然之间,你占据各种媒体的头条,登上热搜榜第一名。或许你一生中都从来没有这么轰动过,没想到这唯一的一次(如果还有下一次,一定是你的复出,我愿意相信)居然是以这种消息。由于时差,我知道这个消息是我们这边早上8点,起床后我习惯性看了下手机,我第一反应是怎么可能,这是谁恶意造谣吧。可各权威媒体纷纷发推证实。后来我看了你的纪录片《Avicii:Ture Stories》,我明白了一切。我哭了,接下来的时间里我疯狂在网络上搜集各种与你有关的信息,一遍又一遍循环你的歌,你对我来说,居然已经成为了我生命中不可或缺的一部分,宛若神一般的存在“天啊,那个男人他在发光!”世间有你,何其有幸!已经过去四个多月了,我们都在等你回家。最后,迟来的生日快乐,Tim???? ◢ ◤ ◢ ◤ ◢ ◤

  • from

    my name is kana. your music is eternal sunshine. avicii. thank for your families kindness. sadness you made heal me by youyour music. very imbalance i feel why?so imbalance? so beautiful.

  • from Han

    Happy birthday Tim ! I will always love you ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Takashi◢ ◤

    Still remember 5 years ago when I first listened to your song ”Wake Me Up” and I have loved you ever since. It was you who supported me when I was facing difficulties who gave me hope and joy through music. And when I first saw you in Tokyo jumping to my favorite song "Dear Boy" gosh it was the day we were waiting for. You’ve lived a life you will remember and you will be remembered. Thank you for sharing your world with us. ◢ ◤ Forever. Love you. Happy birthday. Spin the crowd in Heaven!

  • from Koma

    You're forever your love never fade into darkness! Happy birthday! Tim/Avicii!

  • from Wossol

    Happy Birthday Tim… We miss you and your music. ?

  • from airiーjapan for the memories filled with freedom that you gave me through your art. Happy birthday and hope that you found the peace you were seeking for.

  • from Darian

    Stories was the first album I ever bought…I have so many memories from listening to it and I tear up whenever I put it on I love him so much <3

  • from Mariana

    Avicii te extraño ya ha pasado mucho desde que nos dejaste tu música siempre seguirá viva aún recuerdo el 2012 cuando te vi por primera vez me hiciste tan feliz :'(. "So live a life you will remember."◢ ◤

  • from Nancy

    Happy birthday to you hope your doing good. We miss you ?

  • from Angelica Gonzales

    Tim The 1st time I heard Seek Bromance and I was instantly in love and to my suprise you were not a long seasoned music producer but a young kid with a clear and raw talent that no one could deny. Saw you at your House for Hunger tour you seemed so shy but were so talented you were so awesome! Today is your birthday today I celebrate the day that you came into this world and shared your life and your talent with us all. Wishing you love peace and happiness wherever you are my love!

  • from Katherine Barrionuevo /ECUADOR

    Querido Tim dejaste este mundo pero jamás te olvidaremos tu música no solo era una de las mejores si no que causaba gran sentimiento en todas las personas que llegamos a escucharla seras siempre mi mayor inspiración cada día que pasa es muy difícil aceptar que una persona como tu haya dejado tan pronto este mundo simplemente es complicado pero siempre seràs mi artista favorito mi ídolo mi gran inspiración .Siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones Gracias por el legado musical HBD <3

  • from YULIANA

    GRACIAS POR TODO QUERIDO TIM. Vivirás siempre en mi corazón. Gracias por hacerme sentir el poder de la música en la vida. FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS AVICII ♥️♥️

  • from Julian

    Hey brother I hope you are in a better place now and I pray for you. Thank you for your music and I will never forget you!

  • from Andrés

    I started listening electronic music because of you you opened my eyes and guided me throught a brand new world. Thanks for everything you did for the electronic music. For the hard work the passion and the love you shared with all of us. You're a legend and legends never die. Thank you.

  • from Karen

    Happy Birthday our dear Tim Avicii. <3 :'(

  • from Karen

    I danced away to your music all throughout college. Your music got me through nursing school and kept me sane. I saw you numerous times in San Francisco at EDC and at Ultra. All were such great memories—all positive and uplifting in my life. Thank you for creating such beautiful music that lifted my soul. You were a true musical genius and a gentle soul. I cried for a week straight hearing about your passing. You are our angel now Rest In Peace dear Avicii.

  • from Laura from Skokie USA

    Happy birthday Avicii!! We love ❤️ and miss you so much. Still sad ?

  • from Thomas

    Dear Tim I remember hearing your music and loving it instantly. you have inspired me to make music and be the best. i remember seeing you perform at ultra and remember thinking "I wanna be a part of that" you really inspire me and your music helped me a lot. it was relatable and real music. thank you brother.

  • from Itzel

    Eres la estrella más brillante ?? HBD!

  • from Angie

    Feliz cumple querido Tim. El cielo se ilumina por que estas tu en el. ❤

  • from Juanplay

    Hoy me tatué el logo que representa la carrera musical de Avicii quien con su música dio inicio a una de las más lindas historias de mi vida y luego permitió llenar de realidades las otras que después llegaron. Hoy empieza la cuenta atrás para un vídeo que espero toque el corazón de las personas por un momento como Tim lo hizo con todos los de este memorial y muchos más durante su vida y luego de ella con su música y su legado por siempre en nuestros corazones. ◢◤

  • from JinxPlayer

    Feliz Cumpleaños Tim!!!! Te extrañamos muchísimo! gracias por ser mi gran inspiración gracias por ayudarme en los momentos mas difíciles gracias por hacernos bailar y darnos momentos inolvidables con tu música por ser la persona tan increíble que fuiste…dejaste un legado digno de recordar. Muchas Gracias Avicii!!! Tu música vivirá por siempre!

  • from Susan

    Happy birthday Tim. Hope you have your peace.

  • from Christina Marquis

    My favorite memories were made to your music and for that I will forever be grateful. The weekend after you passed we spent all day listening to your music outside and got tattoos so you will always be with us ? Your music lifts my soul and makes my heart feel fuller than anything else I have ever listened to and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • from Emma

    Happy 29th birthday Tim!???☝??? You will always be loved? Legends never die???

  • from Chris Cupernall

    Tim’s music makes me feel alive. I can’t say there is any other artist out there who excites me the way his music does. Whenever I heard a new song I would play it over and over and I became addicted to how it touched my heart. My fiancé and I used to ride in the car and listen to it clapping our hands to the beat. She took her life after struggling with Post-Partum depression this past year. When I learned of his death it was crushing. I pray that his music continues to inspire others to love

  • from Mar

    Seems like everyone on this flight is watching this. Happy birhday you are not only a music legend you were this beautiful amazing person. I feel like through your music you gave us so much happiness there wasn’t much happiness left for you. Rest In Peace Tim thank you for the magic

  • from Brian Yoes

    My first tattoo

  • from LEEKS


  • from Marcus

    I was just chilling on the internet and as soon as i heard his music. I loved it every second. peace out bro keep making music in heaven

  • from Thyago Alves – Brazil

    I discovered Avicci in a hard moment of my life. I was at the beginning of a period of depression and electronic music (especially Avicci's) helped me a lot to see the world in a more positive way. I cried the day he left and I cry when I hear this songs but not because of sadness but by the fact that even after all this his music still makes me happy. Go in peace Avicci. We will never forget you!

  • from Cleyton Almeida da costa

    O Tim Bergling . conhecido como avicii foi o primeiro DJ da nova geração que eu Não só gostei Mais criei um amor de fan gigantesco por ele e no dia em que ele faleceu foi umas das piores coisas que eu já tinha sentido na vida Doeu tanto que me fez pensar Em ser uma pessoa melhor A cada dia que passa Eu não sei se um dia vou fazer algo do feito dele mais vou horrar a cada dia a pessoa que ele foi e vai continuar sendo . Se um dia eu conseguir Meu nome É Cleyton Almeida da costa Brasil

  • from Valentina

    La verdad extraño mucho a Avicii dejó un gran vacío no hay día en el que no escuche su música. Hoy hubiese cumplido 29 años…era tan joven. Mi mayor sueño era poder verlo en algún Tomorrowland. Su recuerdo perdurará para siempre en sus canciones y en nuestros corazones. RIP Avicii. Muchas gracias….

  • from Maia/Argentina.

    Talentoso tremendo artista y demasiado sensible para éste mundo cruel. Mi hijo de 7 años y yo te escuhamos.El adora tu música;!tiene una condición especial. Yoque soy miedosa hasta los huesos he pensado en tatuarme tu signo. Un beso y luz al cielo.

  • from Gabriela Krause

    Feliz Cumpleaños Tim! Los Angeles no mueren! Desde donde estes sé que nos estas mirando! Gracias por tu Música! Desde Uruguay con amor Gabriela y Ana.

  • from Kadence

    I just started listening Avicii in 1017 and I really wanted to go see him consert. why did you have to die. And you will be rememberd. R.I.P Avicii I love you

  • from Majo C.

    Happy Birthday Tim! Your music always came to me when i needed it the most and it will be always very special to me i never felt this kind of grieve for any celebrity and it´s weird to me mostly because i never met you but i guess that shows how much your music and melodies spoke to people and that makes you more than just a celebrity and it´s more especial . i just hope that you´ve found peace just like your music gives me a peace and ease everytime. you will always live on i miss you xx.

  • from Mariana Chrystine Dos Santos Mendes – Brazil

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! My eternal idol I love you as a musician and as a human being. On my skin I'll carry you forever

  • from Pao

    Querido Tim: Podría escribir esto en inglés pero siento que necesito hacerlo en mi idioma original para que mis palabras tengan más peso. Fuiste la primera persona que hizo que la música internacional me gustara. Nunca voy a olvidar escuchar Wake me up en la radio y sentí curiosidad por saber quien eras. Te busqué y te encontré. Doy gracias por eso cada día porque siempre estás en mis pensamientos. Algunos no lo entienden pero sentí que vos me entendías más que nadie. Te extraño RIP❤️

  • from Emma

    Happy birthday Tim! ❤

  • from Ken

    Happy Birthday Tim!

  • from Samantha Rojas Pérez

    Tim para mí fué una gran aspiración una gran persona el fué todo para y lo seguirá haciendo por qué hubo un tiempo dónde quería acabar con mi vida no tenía nadie. Lo único que tenía era el y su música y era lo que me ayudaba me ayudó y me hizo entender demasiadas cosas una de ella es. "No estás sola* y le agradezco demasiado a él dónde quiera que se encuentre se que está en paz y feliz. Te mando muchos abrazos y besos. Feliz cumpleaños Tim te extrañamos ♥️

  • from Cole a.k.a pizzacole

    He was my favorite artist late March his without you song remix by domestic and kovan but I loved all his music

  • from Anthony

    Avicii thanks for your music because was the first i listen to introduce to electronic world

  • from

    Happy birthday Tim. I wish you were here with us. Everything is just worse without you. If I had known… I would have done anything. Hope to see you one day so that I will finally be able to thank you for everything you did! You will forever be in my heart. Love you and miss you

  • from nehemiah

    Happy Birthday Tim! It took me until a few years ago to find Wake Me Up once I did my fandom took off. Your songs were amazing! I was looking forward to what else was to come with his music. ~He said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember~ That was my favorite song and he did that. Rest in paradise Tim

  • from Nicolas desde Argentina

    Solamente gracias nunca te olvidaremos ❤❤ only thanks

  • from Ty Sturge

    Happy Birthday Tim. For the majority of my life i never had a favorite singer because i never listened to music but when i first heard SOMEWHERE IN STOCKHOLM i immediately loved your music. now all i can listen to is your beautiful artwork of words and beats. no singer will ever fully replace the hole you left in our hearts but your music will live on where you are not.

  • from Matheus

    você sempre será meu DJ favorito ouço suas músicas e não consigo aceitar que você se foi onde quer que esteja você sempre será lembrado ?

  • from Evelyn

    Tim tan talentoso y querido deseo que tu alma y tu corazón estén en paz. Gracias por habernos regalado tu excelente música. Jamás te voy a olvidar. Vas a estar presente en mis pensamientos y en mi corazón siempre. Feliz cumpleaños Tim!! <3

  • from John Anderson

    Hola Tim Espero hayas encontrado Paz . Siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones. Gracias por dejar un legado musical espectacular. Siempre te recordaré ojalá pueda verte en alguna oportunidad . Avícii Legendario Without You Empezaré ha crear música espero me puedas ayudar desde donde estés. DESCANSA EN PAZ QUERIDO AMIGO.

  • from Kjersti

    Happy Birthday Tim the world will never be the same without you :(.

  • from Michelle W

    Avicii your music was a huge inspiration in my life and I just want to thank you for that. I would listen your music veryday and my favorite songs are "Trouble" and "The Days." Happy birthday! Rest easy Tim. I miss you ❤

  • from Erika Aguiar

    Tem pessoas que existem e nunca descobrem o seu verdadeiro sentido de ser… outras fazem coisas extraordinárias em um curto tempo e mesmo assim sentem que lhe falta algo… Qual dessas foi o Tim? O que faltou? Me dói sentir os sentidos alheios da maneira que os sinto… pois sabemos que ele foi grande em tudo que fez mas sinto que lhe faltava algo que fez a diferença no decorrer da sua caminhada linda e cheia de conquistas. TIM… UMA ALMA LINDA QUE DEIXOU AFETO E AMOR ATRAVÉS DE SUAS MÚSICAS

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