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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Sam

    Rest In Peace Tim Your music will always take me back to a happy place me my Mam and dad always listened to you in the car singing along and it breaks me that you're no longer here Sleep tight no one will forget you or your music❤️

  • from LEI

    Feliz cumpleaños Tim te has ido demasiado pronto pero siempre estarás presente. Gracias por toda tu música y amor. Legends never die.

  • from JASXON


  • from Tamara

  • from Noah

    Happy birthday Legend ❤️??

  • from ❤️

    Tillykke med fødselsdagen ???? Jeg tænker på dig hver dag.

  • from Nuria

    Mi querido Tim . FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!! Nunca dejes de sonreír. Mis mejores deseos y mi corazón son para ti. Te deseo el mejor de los días. Brilla en el cielo .

  • from Alexandra

    Happy birthday Tim. You will never be forgotten. ♡

  • from Gerardo Salazar

    Feliz cumpleaños ídolo Tú y tu música estarán siempre en mi corazón❤️ Siempre me quedé con ganas de verte en vivo tu música me hace reflexionar sobre la vida y me ayuda mucho a motivarme para salir adelante. Espero hayas encontrado la paz que buscabas. Te amo héroe May we meet again ◢◤

  • from Thomas

    Happy birthday Tim! I wish the family a lot of strength especially today. May we never forget this legend?

  • from Aleksandra

    It’s been nearly 5 months and the tears still coming out. On 20.04.2018 i sat on bed and couldn’t stop crying. There is a place in my heart never can’t be filled up. I remember when you were closing EDC with “wake me up” and I thought it’s the last time i see you on stage didn’t expect it was the last time ever. The world cried together. AVICII TIM gone but never forgotten. Sleep tight Angel. See you on the other side.

  • from Niklas

    “And now I’m back in the arms I love“ – Happy Birthday Tim!

  • from J. Poland

    Hey Brother… Happy birthday to your fragile soul Tim. Everyday I think of you and your music accompanies me when I relaxing after work or doing sports. Miss you so much. Memories never die. Wherever you are be happy. Twoi fani z Polski kochają Cię i na zawsze pozostaniesz w naszych wspomnieniach. Dziękujemy za Twoją cudowną muzykę. Trzymaj się kochany Tim i do zobaczenia po drugiej stronie.

  • from Damiano

    Happy birthday Tim

  • from Andrés

    No tengo palabras para describir lo que me hacía sentir con su música simplemente era un genio. Siempre estarás en nuestro pensamiento y nunca dejarás de sonar. Thank you Tim . ◢ ◤ ?

  • from Ann

    Happy Birthday Avicii you introduced me to EDM I loved you so much in fact I still do. Hope you're happy wherever you are…..

  • from Jessica

    Made sure I woke up listening to your songs this morning; Happy Birthday Tim I hope you’re happy and celebrating wherever you are. Sending loving thoughts to your family today. Always in our hearts. We all miss you.

  • from Mira

    Happy Birthday Tim. Gone way too soon. You are a legend and will always be remembered. We love you so much and you will always be in our hearts ? We think about you on your special day. Happy birthday! – R.I.P❤️

  • from Kharz from Philippines

    Looking at the stars tonight I know you're having fun dancing on a sky full of stars on your first birthday in heaven ❤️. You are now part of "such a heavenly view" that we get to see every once in a while. Thank you for your music that sets our souls on fire and for the lyrics that seems to perfectly speak for what we feel when we are at lost for words to describe them. To Tim's parents thanks for sharing your brilliant and wonderful son with us. We are with you in this difficult time

  • from Alex Braulio (alexvincent2)

    happy birthday Avicii. You’re a hero when you can love and I feel that through your music every day. Legends never die. Thank you and rest in peace Dear Boy #aviciiforever

  • from AnkeGermany

    Dear Tim Happy birthday …..where ever you are .

  • from From Chrissi (@bestofavicii1)

    Dear Tim? Happy Birthday to you my sweet angel?. I hope you are feeling better now and I just wanted to say❤ that your music and you mean everything to me✨. I will never forget you?.

  • from Will

    You revolutionised the dance music industry with you talent that has inspired so many and will continue to do so. Thank you for all the beautiful memories that you have given us and I know your music will forever live on in your memory. We miss you Tim sleep tight Tim. Until we meet again❤️

  • from LISA?

    Happy Birthday Tim❤️2️⃣9️⃣❤️ Forever in our hearts❤️I miss you!!!❤️

  • from Filip

    Happy Birthday Tim! <3

  • from @aviciimemes

    Happy birthday Tim. Thank you for everything. We love you so so much! We are thinking of you on your special day. Know that you are in our hearts forever. ❤️

  • from Annika. A.

    Grattis på din dag finaste Tim ? hoppas du har det bra där du är ?️ ? så oerhört ledsamt att du inte kan vara med och fira din dag mina tankar går till din familj och vänner en dag som denna ??️

  • from MarkDeia

    Happy BirthdayTim. -A Fan From China.

  • from Zen Kang

    Happy birthday R.I.P ◢ ◤

  • from Lili

    Happy Birthday my idol ♥️ miss you…

  • from Alex

    Happy birthday wherever you are❤️

  • from Nexus

    Rip to the legend ❤️

  • from IN

    Happy birthday sweet Tim! Always in our heart. I miss you!

  • from takki

    happy birthday rip

  • from Luca

    Happy birthday tim

  • from Martin Miller

    I started producing back when he was rising and he inspired many of us to share true emotions without having doubts whether people will accept your style or not. His music helped me through tough times and also will in the future. I would like to dedicate a single from my upcoming album to Him and I thought this is the best moment to share it with you. Happy birthday Tim you'll never be forgotten!

  • from Ulrike

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Mit deiner Musik bleibst du unvergessen. Hab auch heute Geburtstag.

  • from Magdalena

    ❤️It’s so hard to say „Happy Birthday”Tim. You’re gone forever so how anything can be happy. Wherever you are – hope You have found peace. You have changed my life inspired me. Miss You and love You ❤️

  • from Nina

    Happy Birthday ????

  • from Marcelino Gutiérrez

    "El Dj y productor número uno no se encuentra en una lista manipulada por el hombre se encuentra en tu alma y corazón y siempre lo llevás en tú reproductor". ◢ ◤ ?

  • from Mimi

    Happy Birthday Tim thank you for all your music and love. ❤️

  • from Michell ?

    Happy Birthday Dear Tim ♥ ️ Thank you for having been an incredible example of overcoming love discipline perseverance thank you for teaching me a world. Tim you do not know how much I miss you and how much I love you I know you are my angel and that I will never forget you Happy birthday my heart! I love you

  • from Rebecca

    I wish you have a wonderful time up there to make great memories birthday angel! Yesterday was my 30th birthday and all in could think of was your birthday today. For me it's a peacful thought that your birthday alternates my birthday! I dont know how to explain but I think what I mostly miss is the certainty of your existence anywhere in the world. Hope you're in peace now. Love Bec ❤️

  • from Juan Marcelino

    ◢ ◤

  • from t-smilly

    Happy Birthday Tim♡Forever in our hearts❤❤❤

  • from Adz


  • from

    I could not thank him enough for the music that he makes they help me got through a dark period of my life when i feel so alone. I'm much better now his music had given me hope that things do get better. It breaks my heart that he died suffering I hope he could get the peace he deserved and to be able to hold all the love that we give him in his heart. I love him as much as a family member and it hurts me that I will never have the chance to tell him how much he means to me.

  • from Anna

    Grattis på födelsedagen tim❤️ Drömde konstigt nog om dig inatt. Hoppas du har det bra och att du på nåt vis är med oss ❤️ Tänker på din familj och sänder en stor kram ❤️❤️

  • from Angeldust

    Happy 29th birthday Tim really hope you are at peace thoughts and prayers with your family you will never be forgotten ?????

  • from Marcelino Gutiérrez

    "El Dj y productor número uno no es el qué se encuentra en una lista manipulada por el hombre. Se encuentra en tu alma y corazón y siempre lo llevas en tu reproductor". ◢ ◤ ?

  • from Tatjana from Luxemburg

    Genius never dies!! Happy B-day Tim❤

  • from Anush

    Happy birthday avicii i wish you take a rebirth and come back to life we all miss you brother! Love you always! ❤

  • from Mai Anh

    I miss you I love you and you are alive

  • from Abi

    I love you Avicii❤

  • from Yuki


  • from Yuki

    Happy birthday Tim love you forever ❤️❤️❤️

  • from sophia

    Dear boy! Happy Birthday viel zu früh von uns gegangen. Deine Musik wird für immer weiter leben.

  • from Merim

    Happy birthday angel. Listening to your music right now.

  • from 李但但

    ?❤◢ ◤AVICII ❤?? 全世界喜欢你的人都不会忘记你的,愿你在天堂没有病魔没有烦恼。太多的话语了…..?

  • from Kriztan Kay

    Happy Birthday !❤️ On 04.20. I lost everything I started to make music for. The world is black and white without you. Thank you for motivating me and I know you are in a better place. I will prove you what I always tell. I will reach my goals to be so succesful like you and YOU are the main reason I can do that. Thank you Tim. Always loved you like a brother.

  • from Meri Finland

    His music made me feel better when I was struggling with pretty big things in my life. His music got that energy you need to be positive. And those beautiful lyrics.. made me think about life everytime. Made me see world different. This is not just a grey place where everyone thinks just themself. This is a colorful planet full of love and pleasure. I'm sorry you got the most of the grey and anxious. It's not right. But thank you for making our life a little more colorful.

  • from 李但但

    ??❤◢ ◤AVICII❤?? 全世界喜欢你的人都不会忘记你的, 愿你在天堂没有病魔没有烦恼。太多的话语了…..?

  • from Dmitry

    Avicii i love you

  • from ambrosial from Singapore ?

    Avicii you will always live in our hearts ♥️ Thank you for your music you have touched people from all over the world you are simply great. Happy Birthday Tim ?♥️

  • from Daisy from Nederland

    Happy brithday tim berging avicii ❤ forever ❤

  • from Pernilla Justina

    Grattis på födelsedagen Tim!! ?????????

  • from Lena

    Happy Birthday Avicii! Will always love you and your music which gives me energy and inspiration. From London with Love

  • from Ludvig

    I just keep om typing to you. Just wanna say happy birthday toa blessed soul. You are a inspiration to many of to me too. I hope you are having a fun birthday upp there and making music. The producer who was like Jesus. ❤️Vila i frid min ängel Tim❤️ ◢ ◤ ‭Ses på andra sidan◢ ◤ ‭

  • from Kathrin

    Happy Birthday my Sweetheart ❤ may the Angels sing to you the most beautiful Chorus of Happy Birthday today ? you should celebrate your Birthday with your Family and Friends ? i Love and miss you so much ❤?

  • from Alex

    Thank you Avicii for being an inspiration and a great musician. Thank you for creating the soundtracks of my best memories! You were too good for this world hope you have found peace. ❤

  • from Sara

    Grattis på födelsedagen. Världens finaste Tim ❤️❤️❤️ Helt overkligt alltså jag gråter fortfarande. Älskar dig!!

  • from DHGUEDES

    Happy birthday Tim. I think that thanks to you you changed the lives of all of us. always with love from here. ❤️

  • from David

    Rest in peace! Legends never die!

  • from Emma

    Happy birthday to the most beautiful person of the world! ❤️❤️❤️ We mis you! ?❤️

  • from Lena

    Grattis Tim grattis till din familj och vänner som fått ha dig som son bror och vän. Du har drabbat mig utan att känna dig eller träffat dig. Just nu lyssnar jag på ” Somewhere in Stockholm”.

  • from Luca Dibbo

    I miss you so much my dear. I still can't realize what happened. Love you bro❤️

  • from Steven

    I remember hearing i could be the one. Back when i was in school. It was a song that i could never get sick of. I never heard a song like it. That song brought me in a new area of music. And seeing tim live at goodlife 2015 in Melbourne blew my mind. The energy yo gave. Was amazing. I wish i could re live it. After hearing your album stories. I knew you wernt just a dj. You were a musician We were all lucky to hear your music. Thank you. Music will never be the same. rest in peace legend❤

  • from Caroline

    Grattis på födelsedagen fina Tim.❤️ Du är så saknad men din musik lever vidare med oss. Tack verkligen för musiken du skapade. ? Jag sänder en extra tanke och kärlek till familjen idag.❤️

  • from Nadine Germany

    Happy Birthday Tim ❤️? the world is so lonely without you. My thoughst are with your family and friends today ??

  • from Anna

    Hey Tim today is a massiv bad day and I hope that all people who really loves you come through it in anyway. Today morning I opened my instagram and there was all this pure grounded love you talked about every time. And yesI'm sure that real love is beyond death. My dearest love I wishtoday you can spread your wings and be wherever and whatever you want to be. Love you to the moon between heaven and back. ♥️

  • from Timi

    Happy 29th Birthdaydear boy ♥ ♥

  • from Malin (avicii_norway)

    Dear Tim❤️ It's the 9th of September and you should have turned 29 years old today. Happy birthday sweetheart ❤️ I hope all tributes reach heaven for you to see. Celebrate the life you lived from up there. Thank you for everything Tim. I carry you in my heart forever until we meet again? Love you

  • from Manu

    Happy Birthday Tim 🙂 Party hard in Heavens! Stay Strong always! You saved millions through your music but we weren't able to save you 🙁 I really feel that we don't deserve you. I feel guilty everyday since you are gone. I always wanted to meet you in real life but I will meet you in Heavens for sure! 🙂 You're my true inspiration. Legends Never Die! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! MAY YOUR SOUL FINDS PEACE 🙁

  • from Mrugesh Shah

    Happy birthday tim!! Love from india

  • from Lil

    Happy Birthday beautiful Soul ❤️

  • from Céline

    Happy birthday Tim ❤ I love you and miss you so much ❤

  • from Someone inspired by you A LOT.

    Happy Birthday! Your song will be inspiring us always. You are in our heart. Thanks for everything Tim / Avicii.

  • from Kamil Zimoch

    Happy birthday Tom! I believe that Your our soul is sill with us living in your music?

  • from Jenna

    I have already posted on here but I feel the need to wish you Tim a Happy Heavenly Birthday. Thinking of you today as I do everyday will be still playing your music as I do everyday. Until we meet love you forever and always xx

  • from Mily

    ❤️❤️Happy birthday Tim ❤️❤️ From Colombia ?? With love ?

  • from Tiia

    Happy 29th birthday Tim ❤️ It’s just so sad to realise that you aren’t here to celebrate it with us your friends and loved ones. Hopefully you are happy out there. ❤️

  • from André

    Grattis på födelsedsgen. Tack för all musik du gav oss och alla drömmar du skapade. Jag hade turen att få fira nyårsafton med dig i vegas och det var utan tvekan bästa nyåret. Jag hoppas du har det bättre där du är nu. May we meet again.

  • from Brenda jharline

    happy birthday my angel I miss my life every day I think about the great person we lost I do not assimilate your death I can not you are the best idol of all the sky must be celebrating at this moment I know I have a great angel I love you Tim I love you avicii

  • from DJ SHD Bangladesh

    Happy Birrhday Avicii ? You'll be remembered forever

  • from Sebastian Buch

    Happy Birthday Tim your soul und music is so inspirational for me. Everything began with Levels and ended with Without you. I miss you and your music. I wanna say Thank You for your music and your personality. Keep dancing in “Heaven” ‘sky full of stars’ Best regards from Germany

  • from Florin

    I hope you found peace wherever you are now. The music world is not the same without you. Keep dancing Tim in a Heaven full of stars!

  • from Vanderlei (Brazil)

    Feliz Aniversário Avicii Saudades da suas músicas

  • from P

    Still can't find the words? Sleep tightTim ?

  • from Thomas

    I grew up close to his music in the confinement of my own self while I was creating content behind my device. His music was the flow of what I was creating and his music was parallel to the golden age of my teenage years: Years of dreams hope and emotionally powerful moments. He his inspiration and music will always be part of he heart of the products my team and I create. Thanks avicii for giving us the hope feel and inspiration to build amazing things from small rooms. Like you did.

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