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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Sofia

    Tack för all fantastisk musik med otroliga melodier den berör. Tänder ett ljus för dig idag Tim på din dag ❤ Vila i frid håller dig i mitt hjärta.

  • from Raluca

    Joyeux anniversaire Tim ?tu vas rester dans nos cœurs pour toujours ?? chaque fois que j’écoute ta musique ? j’ai envie de pleure ? car tu nous manques tellement. On ne t’oubliera jamais pour ce que tu as fait pour la musique et aussi pour les autres …❤️(Happy birthday Tim? you'll stay in our hearts forever ?? every time I listen to your music ? I want to cry ? because we miss you so much. We will never forget you for what you did for music and for others …❤️)

  • from Juliette

    Happy birthday in Heaven sweet Tim. Sleep tight sweet dreams be happy and make music wherever you are ✌? Peace and much love from back home we miss you❤

  • from

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Tim! Alles Gute einem Menschen der nicht nur durch seine geniale Musik Millionen von Menschen glücklich gemacht hat nein vor allem alles Gute einem Menschen der besonders durch sein großes Herz aufgefallen ist. Ich hatte vor vielen Jahren das Glück dich persönlich kennenzulernen um deine Ausstrahlung von Wärme und Güte zu spüren. Ich denke gerne daran zurück. Respekt Dir und Deiner Familie! Ruhe in Frieden Jörg

  • from Edoardo


  • from Enya Weydert

    Dear Tim we loved love and will love you forever. With your music you gave us energy and let us feel free. We immediately knew when you released a new track that it’s gonna be a great one. We also appreciate your hiatus from touring and we totally understand that it stressed you out! We love you Tim all our respect goes to you your family and friends. hope you’re doing great up there. xoxo

  • from Yajaira confieso que comence a escuchar y a amar la edm gracias a Avicii. Realmente es super especial su musica asi como el lo fue. Su corto paso por esta tierra dejo una gran huella . el cumplio su mision para la cual vino al mundo. Ahora esta descansando

  • from Johan

    The first time I heard a track made by you Avicii I fell totally in love. I will remember the moment for the rest of my life. Your music gave me happiness and it still does. I cannot put words on my feelings but one thing is for sure – no one will be as great as you were and spread this extreme love trough music as you did. AVICII YOU WILL BE FOREVER MISSED!

  • from Anonyme

    Im still sad that your gone you didnt deserve what happened to you. I hope you sing with the angel and take care of your family ❤ Will always love u avicii Hope to see you in a better life the life that you deserve May we meet again ❤

  • from Paulina from Poland

    Thank you for your music giving power everyday to fight with my weaknesses depression and my fears. The world lost the most most wonderful person. Your beautiful smile good heart and look that could crush any ice. Your goodness modesty and beauty were not of this world. Thank you angel I will never forget you.

  • from SharaWilhelm

    Gracias Avicii por saber crear trab

  • from Álvaro/Alpeke/MSTR SND

    Hermano tu música me ha inspirado en millones de momentos buenos y ayudado en muchos otros malos y por ello no tengo otra opción que agradecerte un millón de cosas. Agradecerte el haber hecho que descubriese la música electrónica hace muchos años y haber hecho que la ame como lo hago hoy en día. También agradecerte el enseñarme una forma de vivir plenamente a través de tus canciones y letras. Como no agradecerte el ganar confianza en mi mismo. Diría más pero no cabe… GRACIAS POR TODO <3

  • from Lush

    I was dreaming about meeting you some day. I wanted and still want to know what was in your head when you were making all those splendid beautiful melodies. Now I am sitting here troubled by this unanswered question knowing that the day won't come. I spent last 7 years listening to the sounds you made – they built up my picture of electronic music which i thought was narcotizingly beautiful. Now I am missing an artist who could bring back those times. You were the one. Happy Birthday Tim

  • from Gabriibi

    Thank you Avicii because you are the person that made me fall in love with progressive house music. You changed my life and I think also lifes of a lot of other people and because of that you will be remembered forever. Thank you so much for the amazing feelings that you’ve given with your songs. Rest In Peace.

  • from T.

    I was thinking about you today. I remember exactly where i was when i heard wake me up. For days i walked around with my head in the clouds and the song on repeat because it was the most beautiful song I had ever heard. And it made me a fan and i remember thinking if i was ever going to get a tattoo it'd be of your logo. Thankful that I still have this memory and your songs makes the pain hurt a little less. Rest easy Tim.

  • from Natascha

    Avicii was way more than just an amazing artist. For me he was inspiring and a fighter for happiness. The world lost a person whose heart was truly big. Every time I listen to his music I just feel better than before and immediately my mood changes from bad to good. Rest In Peace Tim! You are a hero. ❤️ Lots of love to his family.

  • from Camilla

    Jag blev helt förkrossad av att höra att du gått bort. Det känns fortfarande jättesorgligt och hugger till i hjärtat av sorg. Hoppas du har fått frid vart du än är. ❤️❤️❤️

  • from DeeJay Michiel

    Avicci you are my Idol. You learned me how you make EDM melodies and you gave me inspiration. May God Be With You! Rest In Peace

  • from dilarramiller

    Ah Tim.. Seni ne kadar özlediğimi bir bilsen. Türkçe yazıyorum çünkü başka bir dilde duygularımı aktarabileceğimi sanmıyorum. Bugün senin doğum günün. İlk defa sensiz.. Umarım orada mutlusundur. Ne zaman şarkılarını dinlesem videolarını izlesem sesini duysam ağlamama engel olamıyorum. Yaşamak için gücü kendimde bulamıyorum. Bir an önce seni tekrar görebilmek istiyorum. Seni çok seviyorum. Hepimiz çok seviyoruz. İyi ki doğmuşsun bu dünyaya kattığın her şey için teşekkürler.

  • from Roberto

    Tim you are my inspiration and you are the reason I started making music ( or at least trying to). you marked a time in my life in which when I felt lonely I listened to one of your songs and automatically forgot my loneliness. You saved me of being miserable. I just wish that I could have done the same for you

  • from Sladja

    Tim Forever ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Fabiola

    Grattis på födelsedagen Tim… ❤️Du skulle varit här… Varför?

  • from Jose Ortiz

    Thank you for giving us good times and for your music. The best of all without a doubt. Thanks to you I got into this great world of electronic dance music. Thanks to hits such as Levels Hey Brother Wake Me Up or Waiting For Love. Love from Spain. #FOREVERAVICII #REALTATTOO

  • from Zen Kang

    ◢ ◤ Rest in Peace Tim Bergling thanks for the music

  • from Raul Cuervo

    You made me feel alive with your music. I will never forget you.

  • from Ha


  • from Kalle

    Vi tänker på dig varje dag Tim vila i frid // Kärlek från Sverige <3

  • from Olya

    It's so sad that you left this world Tim! Millions of fans will miss you and me too. I'm so glad that I've been at your show in your native city – Stockholm and then when you've been in Russia at Alfa Future People. Your shows and your music left so many good and beautiful memories which I shared with some people and still share with one of my friends. Thank you for that! I'll always remember you. Rest in peace talented beautiful boy. Forever in my heart ♥. From Russia with Love

  • from Adam Lee

    I will miss you brother listen to your music everyday. Can't believe you are gone. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Francesco

    Non sono triste: le persone più felici non sono necessariamente coloro che hanno il meglio di tutto ma coloro che traggono il meglio da ciò che hanno. Tim la tua musica sarà la nostra compagna di vita i tuoi ricordi migliori la nostra casa e i tuoi cari i nostri fratelli. Non sei più dove eri ma sei ovunque noi siamo questo è certo. Per tutto Tim grazie mille.

  • from Mariano.A

    Te amo avicii me acuerdo el día que escuche tu primer música de acá en adelante R.I.P Siempre seras el numero 1♥

  • from Yessica Jael

    Y no existirá nadie como tu Y el sentimiento ya no será Igual hacia nadie ?

  • from Inga

    Ačiū už nuostabią muziką.

  • from Samuel

    Tim olet paras kaikista. Kiitos!

  • from Ni

    Always missed never forgotten. Thank you for the music and the memories. May you find the peace you never recieved on earth.

  • from Adrian-Poland

    Thank you for great music and songs. We miss you ◢◤

  • from Alissia

    mi manchi Avicii

  • from Essi

    Thanks for everything I'll continue to listen to your music.

  • from Henny

    Tomorrow is your birthday Tim I will light up a candle and play your songs on my piano… to me you were the mozart of modern music. I love you my musical brother!!!

  • from Julien « DJ Ju »

    Je l’ai découvert quand j’avais 18 ans aujourd’hui j’en ai 25. C’est grâce à lui si j’ai autant aimé la musique. Grâce à lui si j’ai voulu apprendre à mixer. En 2016 j’ai eu la chance de le voir à Ibiza pour son ultime tournée. Je n’oublierai jamais les moments passés grâce à ses mélodies…. Elles resteront toujours présente….

  • from Martelle Kovatch

    The first time I heard Avicii in 2009 I FELL IN LOVE! Rave in Milwaukee 2010 was the best concert I had ever been too thinking back on the memories and he opened with penguin I still get goosebumps. Your music is inspiring and it changed my life. I still listen you to every day and it makes me sad I can't look forward to a new tune. RIP Avicii you are one DJ with the truly unique sound nothing can compare.

  • from

    I was alone none of my friends cared for music i came with them with a song of his sang it perfectly they finally cared for me im still frends with them now they always said to me whens the next new one one day i went to them had to say there will be no more new because avicii has moved on. We sat on a bench together crying it made my depressed i found discord i turned happy again thank you

  • from Miina

    happy birthday dear Tim. I can´t even imagine how your family feels right now. We´ll love you always. I hope you found peace and you know that we´ll love you forever. I love you. The world isn´t the same without you. I lost part of me in 20th of April. I miss your smile and your everything Come back Tim.

  • from Grace – Canada

    Thank you Tim for making music that has been the soundtrack to my life since 2012! You were one of a kind a true genius! We were lucky to have been blessed by your gift. May you finally be at peace looking down on your loved ones. No words except we miss you and THANK YOU

  • from Sergio Gallego

    Gran fuente de inspiración una leyenda que nunca morirá y que hizo de este mundo un lugar mejor gracias a su música. Jamás podré asimilar que ya nunca volveré a oír un tema nuevo de Tim. Descanse en paz.

  • from Hampus

    Remember when I was 15 years old o had a very bad period in my life just lived for your music and your music was one of those things that made me survive what i am currently feeling the worst about is that never got the chance to see you live. Rest in peace Tim <33 ^^LEGENDS NEVER DIE^^

  • from Lucas Feliu

    You have not left you will always be with us

  • from Amine ELHADI

    The tears you shed for that one person you've never met but their music touched your life in many ways… Picked you up when you were feeling down and made you gain confidence…

  • from Antonio

    Thank you for introducing me to EDM together with SHM. Or lifting up my spirit when was needed. I was hoping for collab with you one day..But LEGENDS NEVER DIE

  • from Ella

    I still can't believe that you're gone Tim ?❤️

  • from Albin

    The 5th of august 2016 me and my best friend Stefan went to see Avicii's last concert in Sweden. It was a concert and experience that helped defined me as a person and what I a lot of happiness is all about; friendship. Looking back to that day it means even more to me than it did that night – thinking about how fragile a life is – and how important it is to enjoy each others company at all times.

  • from AnaIsa Huerta

    You will forever be remember. Thank you for your great music.

  • from Xavier Ramby.

    Avicii he was the whole reason I smiled. Without you I feel lost at sea. The world stopped spinning the day that you left. Yet we won't fade into darkness. No matter how many lies are told to us. It'll always be happiness. So I'll sit here with your music where I can feel lonely together. Through all my levels of pain your music made me as mellow as a penguin. I could be the one to cry. But in all honesty. Without your music. I feel pain. Though you are gone. Your legacy will live forever.

  • from João Vitor

    Lendas não morrem apenas descansam. Meu sonho era ir em um show seu mas o destino foi cruel. Avicii marcou minha vida pra sempre e serei grato por isso. #AviciiForever

  • from V.Safin

    Thanks for all for your tracks…You forever stay in music…

  • from Soundartist

    Your music is happy your life is flash your death is sadness

  • from Adrian

    Tim du är så saknad jag kommer alltid älska dig för du har förendrards många liv jag hade cancer och hade på dig hela tiden du har skapat ett ny sorts musik du är och kommer förbli en legend inom edm

  • from Laura Spain

    His music makes me feel to many things at the same time it inspires me. His melodies have always talk to me even more than the letters of his songs and I reached a level of empathy with what he transmitted in them that sometimes scared me. I have always thought his music gives me wings and I have to thank that someone gave me the oportunity to fly. So thank you even if it is late. A part of you will always be alive in every of your songs.

  • from Jan Adlan

    There's nothing I can say but thank you ❤️

  • from Edgar Piscoche Olivarez

    Antes no me gustaba la música; inicie a escuchar música electrónica hace 3 años gracias a Avicii una de las primeras canciones que escuche fue "Waiting For Love" nunca me arrepentiré de haberla escucha aun estoy a la espera del álbum que Tim prometió. #AviciiForever ◢◤

  • from Román

    Hey Tim I just would like to thank you so much because your music really helped me a lot in the past and in the present aswell. Everyone is gonna miss you and your music. Rest in Peace Legend.

  • from Edgar Piscoche Olivarez

    No me gustaba la música; inicie a escuchar música electrónica hace 3 años gracias a Avicii una de las primeras canciones que escuche fue Waiting For Love aun estoy en espera del álbum que Tim prometió. #AviciiForever ◢◤

  • from Stefan

    Faan vilken kung du ör❤️ R.i.P

  • from Jasper

    His music made us all happy and it will continue to do so because he will live on in his music and in our hearts.

  • from Oriol Bosquet

    He made me love even more the electronic music with his 'Wake Me Up' and ispired me to start producing and try new styles of music even now I feel his influence over me. Thank you Tim I'll always remember you <3.

  • from Rosa

    Q tu luz siga brillando☄?

  • from ING

    I miss you and your music. Forever in my heart!

  • from Javimal

    Thanks for not letting me fade in to darkenss

  • from Escu

    Thank you Tim thank you for your music. It helped me to end my music studies and be a professional musician. Your music inspire and help me a lot. Rest in peace legend. You saved me.

  • from

    Hey Brother

  • from Luis ochoa

    Thanks Avicii for such great music you created a genre of your own that was not as commercial as the one that is now done thanks for the great songs. Graias grande remembered for ALWAYS …

  • from Jason Christian

    Marquee Las Vegas! First time I heard Levels and Penguins. Levels was amazing but I fell in love with Penguins. Something special about all Avicii music. It was the soundtrack to my life from 2010 till now. Still hard to believe he is not here with us. His life and death changed the way I view mine. I started living life to the fullest and focused on creating memories friendships and music filled with love and passion. Tim gave to this world so millions could enjoy. I miss him.

  • from Harshad jadav

    I was in the 9th class when i first time heards aviciis wake me up and i was like wow who made this song then i suggest this song to my friend and they never heard any international song befor and i make them addicted to this. Avicii is always in my ♥

  • from Davide

    Thank you Tim your songs let me discover my love for the EDM

  • from Helena

    Fick en härlig feeling igår kväll när jag körde bil och lyssnade på din fantastiska musik volymen på högsta gåshud över hela kroppen! Tack för allt Tim hoppas du fått frid ❤️

  • from GlexZ

    Gracias por toda la alegria que nos distes. EN PAZ DESCANSES

  • from Arthur pedico

    In april I lost a part of me . I now avicii was the translation of the Hell in the boudhism religion but every time I lisen avicii he make me going at the Heaven. I nowavicii save a lot of people when I was not good I was listening Avicii and my problem dissapeared . Legend never die thank you. Good luck for Sweden and he's familly

  • from Joshua Fonseca Rodriguez

    Rest In Peace To one of the Best Composer of the Century. You Will Always Be Remembered -I Hope One Day I Could Be Playing One Of Your Music On a Big Festival…..

  • from bergling

    i love music tim

  • from Charlotte Beckstein


  • from Federico Manuel Ochoa Delavedoba

    You taught me 3 values: love for music Live every moment never give up that you rest tim F8A

  • from Zarni Zayar

    You will always alive in our heart forever

  • from Ulrika

    Du är den starkast lysande stjärnan på himmlen. Jag kommer aldrig glömma dig. Vila i frid ❤ You are the brightest star in the sky. I will never forget you. Rest in peace ❤

  • from LP18

    Tim I want to thank you for the amazing work that you have done. I grew up with your music and you still have a special place in my playlist. I will remember you forever.

  • from Antek

    Rest in peace Tim from Poland

  • from Maria Berglund

    You were a beautiful and talented human being thank you for sharing that with the world. I hope you’ve found your peace.

  • from Mike – NY

    Avicii Thank you for being the soundtrack to my life these past 7 years. Every high and low you were always the background music and I’m eternally grateful. I hope you found your sky full of stars. Search for You ◢ ◤ Love of Creation

  • from Juan José Murillo Rodríguez

    I started listening to you in 2008 I saw you in live for the first time in 2012 14 more times came later until your last incredible show in Ushuaia Ibiza (the guy with the avicii black flag!). Because of you I'm unable to live without music especially without your music. Now I'm 31 years old and I'm totally sure that when I die one of my last thoughts will be related to you and your music. Thank you for having existed and for having crossed you in my life. Juan Spain

  • from Amchich

    Happy Birthday Tim We miss you

  • from

    Your Music makes me happy when i am down and very said

  • from Nguyên Hoàng from Vietnam

    It is too late to say "thank you brother" for raising me up when I am down through your wonderful music. I have learnt that you are trying to make the world safer for children I know it's true when I am listening to your songs. Your music is as beautiful as your soul may both of them live forever. Rest in peace dear brother!

  • from Hội những người phát cuồng vì Avicii – VietNam

    Love from Vietnam It has been a journey for you and sometimes you find yourself in another place a better place. Your music always be my inspiration that made me moved a long way from that day. Every album that u've made always have some meaningful inside that touched my heart in a difference way. "You had already left this world behind and you lived the life that everyone will remember" ! #RIP #avicii @avicii

  • from //

    Such an inspiration. Miss you man. X

  • from Alco

    Avicii’s music will live with me forever love you Tim x

  • from Jahan Miah

    The only ever song to give me goosebumps was Levels my favourite song of all time and my favourite artist Avicii. Your music just instantly put me in an extremely happy mood especially during the sad times. I remember seeing your name on EDC UK 2016 Line up and knew I had to book tickets straightaway. I remember your intro of Without You and I was just in tears (of joy) a lifelong dream finally achieved and the best set ever. I love you Tim Bergling. ◢ ◤ forever.

  • from Hanin ?‍?

    dankje Avicii je hebt me altijd inspireert en blij gemaakt van je muziek en jouw muziek hefft me heel veel geholpen met het behalen van mijn doelen . bedankt ?❤??☮

  • from Manu

    Thank You for everything Avicii <3 You inspired me a million times. I will always remember you. 🙂 I hope you are happy in Heavens! Stay Strong always 🙂 Lots of Love to you 🙂

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