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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Corinne

    Peace and love to you Tim your music made me feel connected when I was adrift and touched my soul so I could be warm again Thank you

  • from Meric

    You had so much light in you. I will always remember your music and the happiness and joy it brought to everyone. Hope you are dancing over there somewhere.

  • from Rohit Reddy

    Music with breathe your soul in every beat..goodbye forever …

  • from Amélie

    Cette année Martin Garrix a joué tes musiques a l'ushuaia a Ibiza. Je regardais cette scene ou tu as joué pour la derniere fois en public. Ta musique continueront de m'accompagner tu vas nous manquer.

  • from florin

    Avicii thank you for leaving us with your unforgettable music. Keep dancing in a Heaven full of stars!

  • from Katherine

    I had a hard child as a kid. I have a hard time coping in highschool. I always listened to avicii. From when I was 4 to this very day i still drown myself in his music. When I heard he died I plunged into a really dark depressive state. His suicide I couldn't cope with. But the music helped. It helped so much. I can't say how much it meant to me. Some days his death still affects me. He was such a good person and I am forever in debt to him. RIP avicii we love you.

  • from Liam Potter

    I remember buying Avicii's first album True and loved it ever since. I also just got his album Stories for my birthday. I really miss Avicii. His music was the best I could ever listen to. R.I.P Avicii

  • from Pranav Arora

    Thank you Avicii for all the beautiful music to brought to us.You are one of the few artist who got me into EDMand I'm glad you did.I remember listening to "Levels" and "I could be the one" Everytime it came up on the radio or TV. R.I.P. Avicii ♥️

  • from Carly Nicole ?

    Querido y amado Tim nuestro Avicii Siempre seguirás vivo en mi corazón y es que las leyendas nunca mueren. Deseo con toda mi alma que hayas encontrado la paz que tanto anhelabas envío besos y abrazos al cielo. Cada día se hace más difícil aceptarlo por favor ayúdame poco a poco a entenderlo gracias por influir de tal manera mi vida la llenaste de alegrías con tu maravilloso talento. Cariño no puedo contener mis lágrimas al escribir esto paz y luz mucha luz a tu alma Te Amo ?

  • from Mona

    Dear Avicii Always loved….. Never forgotten….. Forever missed…..?❤️?

  • from Vanessa Carvalho

    Eu preciso vir aqui sempre o amor que sinto por você é tão grande que preciso me expressar em palavras e venho aqui fazer isto eu queria que estivesse aqui que pudesse sorrir fazer sua música estar com as pessoas que ama que estivesse entre nós fisicamente. Eu realmente amo você de todo meu coração e SEMPRE será o melhor presente da minha vida minha maior inspiração e incentivo. Tim eu sei que está melhor agora que pode finalmente descansar em paz. SEMPRE TE AMAREI minha luz!

  • from Turk

  • from Shing

    The power of your song is tremendous it inspired me and accompanied me through rough days. Still I couldn't accept the truth that you're gone but your music will shine forever and I'll always remember you. LOVE YOU FOREVER.

  • from NAVEEN B M♥️ ◢◤

    "You said that we would always be. Without you I feel lost at Sea. Through the darkness you'd hide with me. Like the wind we'll be wild and free"◢◤ "So wake me up when it's all over when I'm wiser and I'm older. All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost I didn't know I was lost"◢◤. His music speaks. Avicii your words will always be etched in my heart♥️. Love. Avicii◢◤.You are the one who taught me to live a life I can remember. You'll always be my inspiration. AViCiiiii♥

  • from Zhang


  • from NAVEEN B M ♥️ ◢◤

    "All this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost♥️". "Live a life you will remember◢◤" .Avicii has been so influential in my life. His music always brought hope whenever I was lost. His music gives me confidence every single time I listen to it. Avicii is life❣️. I'll always remember you. You and your Music will be eternal♥️◢◤. It was ur music that has kept me going all the time and you are truly an inspiration to Millions of people in search of Hope and Love◢◤ AViCiiii♥️TIM

  • from 施忍卓Anjoy


  • from Cheney Yang

    It was four years ago when I first get in touch with Electro music I was absolutely addicted to it. EDM was not as much popular that in China now. I don't know what it is but all that week there's only one single song in my playing list- Dear Boy(Avicii by Avicii). Among all the albums of Avicii I love this album the most. Four years past I've heard of thousands of Electro songs but every time listening back to Avicii I feel at home. ◢ ◤

  • from Carmela

    Forever in our hearts?

  • from Cesare (F.R.)

    I don't have any words to describe him or his music. I've always loved his music and i miss it so much…

  • from Tom

    Pure talent! ◢ ◤

  • from Paula

    Your music speaks to people's hearts. It made me stronger and inspires me every day.

  • from Francesco Po

    Thanks for everything ♥️

  • from Елена

    Запоздалое спасибо за чудесную музыку с которой связано столько воспоминаний. Нам ужасно не хватает тебя Avicii !

  • from Paula

    RIP Avicii. Your music means so much to so many People in this world. Especially to me. You inspired me to make music. You inspired me to be myself. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for everything you created. We lost a big talent. We love you ❤️ Lots of love to you and your Family ❤️ We miss you so much ❤️

  • from wesna

    This is the music of my long truckrides.

  • from Eva

    I just can't believe you are gone Tim. It's still so hard to believe this. I hope wherever you are you are in peace. I hope you are happy. All your fans will miss your smile.your music your moments. You will always be remembered and missed.

  • from Prathav

    Not a day passes without listening to his music. It gives me goosebumps when i listen to his melodic tunes

  • from Ashley Reyes

    In 2014 I had the privilege of attending my first EDC with my best friend and closest family. This EDC have all my favorite DJ Avicii included. I remember leaving the end of Kaskades set with my best friend so I could catch what was left of Avicii’s set. We got there and Fade into Darkness was playing. That was and still is my favorite song. I clutched my best friend’s hand as I sang and cried out the words. In that moment I didn’t feel alone. Tears on my face I was the happiest I’ve ever been.

  • from Z

    I've always liked his music but never knew much about Tim personally. After hearing the news of his tragic death and his struggle with mental health I was shaken. Listening to his music because a much more emotional experience for me and I can finally really appreciate the work he's done. Every time I hear his music in public or on the radio I become very emotional but happy to know that his music still lives on. RIP Avicii.

  • from Graham Breitbarth

    Three years ago I was introduced to EDM. Your music is some of the best i've ever heard. I still listen to it on the daily whether it be while i'm working driving or at school. We'll miss you Avicii. Thank you for all of it.

  • from Eric

    Avicii has influenced a lot of my music and I really just wish that he was still alive if for nothing else then to see him in concert. Rest in peace. Legends never die.

  • from Rafael Rueda

    Hoy 5 de Septiembre del 2018 voy a conmemorar al gran DJ sueco "AVICII" que era mi DJ favorito y todavía lo sigue siendo la primera música que he escuchado es la de wake me up una música que se escucho en todo el mundo así convertiendose el tercer DJ mas grande para mi es un orgullo estaba satisfecho del que el fuera el primer DJ pero ahora que ya falleció siempre estará en nuestros corazones Te extrañamos Tim Bergling.

  • from Daniel Eberhard

    I first discovered Avicii through the FIFA soundtrack "The Nights" which has become my favorite song. After looking up and listening to a few more songs I fell in love with his music. Avicii's music truly changed my life and I and millions of others are forever grateful for the happiness and joy he brought us. Avicii I hope you're in a better place and know just how many people you touched with your music. ◢◤

  • from Elizabeth F.

    Dear Tim: Your music will always bring me great joy. I still can't believe you are gone. I wish with all my heart that the story could have ended differently. Thank you for the beautiful music. Your legacy will live forever.

  • from Dennis Barrionuevo Carrera

    -Gracias por todo Avicii solo basto escuchar ''Wake Me Up'' para que me encanten todas tus canciones descansa en paz amigo mio que Dios te tenga en su gloria ❤ -Thanks for everything Avicii just listen to '' Wake Me Up '' so that I love all your songs rest in peace my friend may God have you in his glory ❤

  • from Lizeth

    Es imposible no estar triste… Tu ausencia duele pero tú música siempre me hará sonreír. Avicii por siempre

  • from anonymous

    i never get emotional when someone famous dies because i didnt really know them. but with avicii itwas different. i couldnt stop crying. he meant so much to me his music got me through so many hardships and he will always be in my heart

  • from Héctor Romero

    Desde que descubrí su música me encantó no dejaba de escucharla y además con el mensaje que transmitía poco a poco Tim se convirtió en mi DJ preferido. Tim gracias por todo.

  • from Alejandro Gutiérrez

    Es tan doloroso saber que ya no estas aquí con nosotros …… No tengo palabras para describir lo mucho que has representado en mi vida especialmente en los momentos más difíciles en los que tu música me daba ánimos para seguir en este mundo…… Descansa en paz y gracias por todo ❤◢ ◤

  • from Polarisx

    I grew up with your music and it was there for me on the saddest and brightest of days. I hope you sleep in peace now and thank you for everything. I promise to live and do well for the extra time you have given me. ◢ ◤ Looking up There's always sky Rest your head I'll take you high

  • from David

    I'd only heard of Avicii for the first time two months before his untimely death and within that time I'd become quite a fan. His music is amazing. Thanks Avicii!


    "You Said you'd follow me anywhere But your eyes Tell me you won't be there" -Without You

  • from carmen soto

    tim sabes eres uno de los Dj que logro que me inclinara por el EDM la vdd no sabes la falta que haces verte tocar y escuchar tu musica sin duda eres el mejor el GRANDE. Inigualable Do you think about me when you’re all alone? The things we used to do we used to be. I could be the one to make you feel that way I could be the one to set you free”¡¡ Te extraño Tim¡¡¡

  • from Axell Aguilar

    Escuchando avicii nacio mi gusto por la musica electronica gracias por tanto avicii. RIP

  • from Michael Hughes

    RIP Avicii. Your music helped me get through tough times in life. I loved all your music your style was absolutely incredible. Your legacy will live on and you will truly be missed.

  • from Danny

    My earliest memory of Avicii was being a 14-year old and watching his festivals on YouTube. This was in 2012. A couple years later I had the courage of purchasing a piano with the little money I had to make the same catchy piano melodies Avicii is known for. I’m forver thankful for the memories I made listening to his music. Driving late night home alone with friends with people part of my life. I’m forcer thankful for the Avicii’s music. May Tim continue to inspire.

  • from AJ

    RIP Tim. Your music helped me through a tough time in my life. I need you to wake up one more time. AVICII Hey Brother I didn´t know I was Addicted to you The Days and The Nights since you´ve passed away have been hard I´m still Waiting for Love and For a better day So wake me up when it´s all over… You make me a better person Always Gonna Love Ya Than X You Avicii

  • from May

    I was never a crazy fan or something but i always respected his music. Acturally Levels might be one of the first songs that introduced me to edm and i'm so thankful for it. I didn't know much about his personal life i just really loved his music and when i found out he had some struggles i was really sad and actually surprised. He was and forever will be loved a lot. I miss you Tim i still can't believe that you're gone..

  • from Nassir Hanifayev

    I remember listening you.. when i was going to school. I remember drawing your logo.. on my skin. I remember watching your videos.. on the internet. Can't believe your gone. Miss you. R.I.P Tim

  • from Emil

    Got the chance to see you live in Stockholm February 2014. Your music meant the world to me and it was one of the biggest parts of hapiness when I grew up. I am what I am today because of your music and I am sure that the magic you brought us will live on forever. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Angela

    I never got to meet you but I followed you I love your music and I can only say that you were a fragile soul it was nice to listen to you and know you through your music I hope my thought you get up there …. that you can rest in peace … goodbye bright star

  • from Benson Chimwemwe Hlongo

    Its so sad that you were struggling with your own personal problems when the whole expected so much from you. one thing that God gave you was talent and you were a hit Machine your music will live on for many years to come. you have drove me to so many places with your music! RIP Tim

  • from Tristan Swettman

    I remember the day he died it was on my birthday and i was having a crudy day so i usually listened to him then news popped up of his death and i cried for a bit remembering him

  • from Norge

    We never really understood your words before you left. Now when going through your songs once again – and again we are standing back with mixed feeling of sadness and surprise tears and love. Your songs became a lot deeper and more interesting and at the same time we would like so much to go back in time to be able to communicate with you about what you actually expressed… Now we just hope the angels can be there to comfort your soul… Rest in Paradise Tim.

  • from Marianne

    Underbar musik ❤️

  • from Bernt Oscar Abrahamsen

    Avicii was the man who got me really interessed in EDM and hes type of music. He will always live in our hearts with hes songs. I still can’t belive he is gone. He was my inspiration and idol. May your soul rest in peace and you will always be with us. RIP Tim

  • from Ramona

    Dear Tim ??? it's hard to find words for the empty ones you left behind. Your special soul has given so much more to your wonderful music. The lyrics the melodies the interplay of the sounds & the infinite feeling that has flowed into your songs have been with me for years filling every day & will touch my heart every day in the future. You were a wonderful person with so much love so incredibly special already on earth a bright star in the crowd & now in the sky. Thank you so much ???

  • from Lisa ??

    Sei stato il mio primo amore della musica elettronica. Da te è iniziato tutta la mia passione per il genere EDM. Sei il mio idolo.. rimarrai sempre nel mio cuore♥ ciao Tim.

  • from Sara

    Forever Avicii ???


    No words can express our sadness Without you Avicii Tim…we will remember you always! Your music will Stay Forever R.I.P

  • from Andrew xxx

    Tim I with u in sprit playing music in heaven dancing with the angels ???

  • from Joanna Poland

    Hey Brother! Thank you for your music! It makes me smile and cheer me up in the dark days of my life. I am so so so sorry that any of us couldn't do anything for you in your dark days… I hope you found peace… For some reason I consider you as a close friend and it doesn't matter that we never have met. Be free be happy brother!

  • from Alex

    La tua musica ha fatto da colonna sonora ad un viaggio in Irlanda che nn dimenticheremo mai. Non scorderò mai il dispiacere che ho provato quando ho saputo della tua morte. Eri e resterai un fantastico artista. La tua musica è impressa nei ricordi di molti di noi e nei nostri cuori.

  • from Anass

    I miss you everyday ❤ I always listen to your music ❤ Rest In Peace Legend ❤

  • from Elaine

    My and friend are listening to Avicii now hope you are at peace now god only picks the best xxx

  • from Luca e Davide

    Avicii forever on our skin

  • from Sandra

    I‘m 48 years old and I love Avicis music. I saw him at a live show in Bietigheim – Bissingen and I‘ll never forget him.

  • from Gabriele

    Tim I miss you. I had start to listen your music when I was 9. Now I’m 15. I don’t know why but every time that I listen Levels i’m so happy and sad in the same moment. You’re a part of my life your music is a part of my life and I and all miss you. I hope that the thing that you did helps you to find the peace. Goodnight little musician… Italy

  • from MS

    My dear Tim ♥️ It had helped me a lot that I have been listening now like two weeks your podcasts. It so so good to hear your voice and when you make jokes I’m laughing with you ? I’m listening you everyday when driving to school and picking up my kid at daycare. I’m having my own AVICII FM and loving it ♥️♥️ I miss you a lot and very soon is your birthday ? I wish that things were different. Oh … how much I love you ♥️? hugs to your family and friends ♥️

  • from Kamil

    I started listening EDM by Bromance. I still love this song it don't have word but it's so emocional. My dream was to listen you live. You "just" made good music but i don't know why i love you. RIP Tim. Maybe see you soon in another life.

  • from Maciek

    Tim… I miss you so much. I'm writing this and listening to Fade Into Darkness. That song hits me the most after you left this world. I started to listening you with your remix of David Guetta song One Love. So it was eight beautiful years… I saw you in 2016 when you played in Gdansk Poland. It was the best day in my life. Your music changed my life. I still cannot believe in this…but… I just hope that you found peace that you needed. You gonna be in my heart forever.

  • from Lob Lawrence

    The Days Lay Me Down……words cant express how I feel #Avicii R.I.P Legend

  • from Toan

    When I started producing music Avicii started an X You project. I started with it and even though I was not one of the main collaborators I received a prize from it and that motivated me a lot with my music and helped me a lot to get me where I am now!

  • from Brownbag

    I miss you. Idk why but it's hard to get over this. <3

  • from Hoffi

    I like your music. She conjures me as an old raver always a smile in the face. It is so sad that you are no longer there. I find it even more sad that people are guilty of not keeping their mouths off the money. They take no account of the man who made them all possible and this man you were. I think you were just too good for this world. Wherever you are now I wish you that you are fine. I wish a lot of strength for your family!

  • from Nico

    Avicii me abrió con su música un nuevo mundo la música electrónica. Será recordado por siempre como uno de los mas grandes.

  • from J.D.


  • from Samuele

    Noi fortunati racconteremo alle future generazioni chi era Avicii. Il tuo ricordo il tuo prezioso lavoro ci accompagnerà sempre. La tua musica vivrà in eterno! Grazie.

  • from Osisama

    Rest in peace you were you are and you will be forever one of the greatest artists of the 21st century from France

  • from Daniel

    Världen saknar dig!

  • from Aldeni Almeida

    Deus é a solução para todos os problemas!

  • from MO PURCHASE

    TIM RIP MY MAN Oh sometimes I get a good feeling yeah Get a feeling that I never never never never had before no no I get a good feeling yeah Oh sometimes I get a good feeling yeah Get a feeling that I never never never never had before no no I get a good feeling yeah

  • from Daniel

    El amor que le tengo a la música electrónica empezó gracias a tus canciones Tim sin duda las mejores nunca olvidaré que tengo que vivir una vida que pueda recordar por siempre tal como tu lo hiciste. Muchas gracias

  • from Rohil Bhattacharya

    I remember being 15 years old first getting introduced to the world of EDM. Avicii's songs caught my attention and I had been following him ever since and I honestly felt a connection to each and every one of his tracks and as well as a connection with him. When he announced he was going to drop an album with 3 part EP"s I was so excited. I hope that I get to hear that album. Rest in Peace Tim. Thank you for everything you've done to the music industry may you live on forever through songs

  • from Anacleto Damasceno (BRAZIL)

    "Se dois amigos pedirem para você julgar uma disputa não aceite porque você irá perder um amigo; por outro lado se dois estranhos pedirem o mesmo aceite porque você irá ganhar um amigo."

  • from Rebecca

    I first heard your music Tim back in 2013! I fell in love. The music the beats & the lyrics were all perfection! The nights out during university in nightclubs became a shrine to your music! I was in love. I then began falling more & more in love with EDM and your tracks. This started my journey to the best weekend of each year-Creamfields! I saw you in 14' 15' and 16' & each time I was in awe of your passion & your love for this music. Thankyou for living a life we will all remember.

  • from Margherita

    Oggi solo poche parole tue: I fell into your eyes… Lost in your eyes drowning in blue… I'm addicted to you! Così mi sento da quattro mesi e prima non sapevo neppure che esistessi! Grazie di essere stato quello che eri un magnifico artista e una persona unica; spero che tu abbia ricevuto una ricompensa in cambio di tutto ciò che hai dovuto subire. Ti voglio bene.

  • from Do Minh Hieu

    Dear Tim your music is associated with my youth. Fantasic melodies that you made have given me motivation in my life. I will always remember you and listen to your music till i die. Good bye my legend!

  • from DjOne

    you will always remain in our hearts …. levels …. the musical background of my life

  • from Conte

    Your song “Lonely Together” helped me go through one of the toughest phases of my life. Your songs are the soundtracks to my everyday life. Thank You <3

  • from RNS

    The first time i went to Ushuaia Ibiza (2015) was at the same time the first time i saw Avicii playing. I was with 2 friends of mine and that night will follow us for the rest of our lives. We fell in love with the ambiance but even more with Avicci´s music. We will remember you forever LEGEND!

  • from Dilek

    I love you soooo much… ? obwohl ich dich nicht kannte weis ich doch dass du der liebenswerteste Mensch auf erden warst. Immer wirst du in Erinnerung bleiben. Wir lieben Dich unendlich. P.s. Danke für die Möglichkeit unsere Gedanken und Gefühle zu teilen. Auch dass ihr Tim die Möglichkeit gegeben habt all dies zu lesen.

  • from Philipp from Austria

    Lieber Tim! Du warst für mich nicht nur ein Genie!….Eine Legende ein Vorbild ein Mensch der alles für seine Fans gemacht hat. Deine Musik werden wir nie vergessen!! Mit Levels Wake me up The Nights….. hast du dich unsterblich gemacht Tim!! Du hast die Welt zu was besseres geschaffen!DANKE!!! Hab dich beim Lake Festival 2015 live gesehen…UNVERGESSLICH! Meine Gedanken sind bei deiner Familie!! Rest In Peace Avicii…. I will never forget you!!!!

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