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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Zsolt

    I dont want to write a novels and clishé But I’m sad coz I was a lot concert and festival but I wasn’t for him but when I was 15 th his and Garix music change my idea for the electric music and right now at 20th this is once of my favorite style so thx for this experience

  • from Huy Dinh

    Anh luôn luôn là 1 con người tuyệt vời trong tôi! Không chỉ âm nhạc mà ý chí nghị lực và tâm hồn anh đều là những mảnh ghép trong tâm hồn tôi ! Thực sự khi biết tin anh ra đi tôi đã rất buồn và trống rỗng luôn tự nhủ rằng đó chỉ là prank nhưng đến lúc sự thật được xác minh tôi mới hết hoài nghi ! Tôi có buồn….. nhưng tôi vẫn sẽ mỉm cười hạnh phúc vì âm nhạc của anh đã xoa dịu và nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn tôi từ những ngày tôi còn là 1 cậu bé . Anh đi nhưng anh sẽ vẫn sống trong từng hồn nhạc <3

  • from Karl

    Why Tim ?? You'r beautiful and you music is going your heart . You songs are my favourites because they always has one message with a peace of life . You are my idol forever and ever . I love you music ❤❤ Rest.In.Peace Tim ???

  • from Francesco Berteramo

    Ciao TIM ( AVICII ) rimarrai sempre nel mio cuore Sei il numero 1 Ascolterò sempre la tua musica e la ascolterò anche se tu sei in paradiso a suonare con gli angeli. Mi manchi ❤️

  • from Cristian

    Fuiste la razón por la cual nunca me rendí y seguí adelante y ahora que no estás me faltará siempre ese algo a mi lado. Tú y tu música vivireis para siempre y nunca podré agradecerte todo lo que hiciste. Te echo de menos Tim pronto nos volveremos a ver. "Live a life you will remember" ◢ ◤ Desde España hasta donde estés nos vemos❤

  • from Matt

    A legend with amazing music no one will ever forget you R.I.P <3

  • from Sara

    Avicii will always be a part of my funniest craziest nights of my teenage years. I will remember him and his special contribute to Music when I look at the stars on the beach and whenever I celebrate life. In loving memory.

  • from Kristina from Macedonia

    Why Tim why our beautiful boy?Ако некој имаше причина да живее и твори тоа беше ти -мој Тим Берг ја имаше љубовта од целиот свет и сеуште ја имаш. Светот ретко раѓа такви легенди како што беше ти. Почивај во мир ангелу.

  • from Fan_32

    “When I die I want people to remember me for the life I lived not the money I made.’ People are certainly doing just that

  • from EMANUELE

    Sei stato e sarai per sempre il mio idolo mancherai fin quando non verró a sentire i tuo brani lassú e finalmente ballare senza stancarsi mai… Manchi grande ed unico TIM

  • from Gianluigi

    Thank you….AVICII ????

  • from Antonia Bilbao Spain

    Avicii.Has sido y por siempre serás un genio una leyenda de la música electrónica mi corazón se invadió de tristezas aquel 20 de abril? pero tus canciones me ayuda a seguir adelante cada dí dejaste sin la oportunidad de verte en Tomorrowland ese era mi mayor sueño ahora sólo le pido a Dios k me guíes con tu luz infinita desde el cielo mi ángel? Te amo x siempre mil besos???????

  • from Adhi

    Thank you for your music. Your music will be live forever. We always love you Avicii❤

  • from Kamil

    Big inspiration for generations. Will be always in my heart ❤️

  • from Tom

    When I think of the summers of 2011 and 2012 I will always think of you Tim. From the clubs in Magaluf to the country roads of Ireland you were the soundtrack. I hope you are at peace.

  • from Fan_32

    Avicii inspired me. But he didn’t just inspire me he inspired millions of others in the world and I wouldn’t be trying to become a dj with out him. You will never be forgotten. ??

  • from Aman Bhatti

    It all started when I first heard SEEK BROMANCE. The music and the melody left me spellbound. I found AVICII. I never knew he'd become such an essential for my music collection. He's my idol my music and my inspiration. He'll be missed for his music for his style for his melodies and him for being TIM. His melodies turned music into memories. You changed the way I used to think about music For me Music is Love for life just because of you TIM.

  • from Necati

    Thank you for everything. You were and you will be the best. We're listening to your music forever. Rest in peace.❤

  • from Mara

    Tim era un gran artista aún bailamos sus canciones y las cantamos sin parar su música podía hacerte sonreír gracias Tim siempre perdurarás en tu música y en nuestros corazones descansa en paz???

  • from Tatsiana aus Deutschland

    "Nach Deinem Tod habe ich so viel über Dich erfahren viel mehr als zu Deinen Lebzeiten … Aber trotzdem verstehe ich Deinen Wunsch aus dem Leben zu treten immer noch nicht."

  • from Petruss

    Az élet igazán igazságtalan és mindig azt veszi el ami a legéppen kell ezesetben egy remek DJ-t. Örökké az emlékeinkben fogsz élni utánozhatatlan Avicii. Rest In Peace?

  • from PESA

    Avicii has marked an era and his songs will make us dream for a long time

  • from Elena

    Wonderful idea this page … to remember a wonderful person.

  • from kaorup

    Thank you for your many greatful music. Your music will be loved everyone forever.R.I.P Avicii

  • from Sérgio Bastos

    Para mim foi a inspiração e o doping saudável para correr mais além. Obrigado pelo legado que deixaste na música mundial!

  • from Sandy Australia

    God wanted his angel back ? thank you for everything Tim. You’ll be loved and missed always and forever ?✌???◢ ◤

  • from Roland

    Imadtalak es most is szeretem a zeneidet! ?

  • from Adriana

    I was 15 at the time when I heard "Wake me up" for the first time. I remember myself being in the car and listening to that song and thinking to myself how much those lyrics describe my life perfectly. My dad passed away so I was batteling with myself and my feelings but one thing was certain and it's Avicii who helped me with my own battle. That's why I decided to dedicate my very first tattoo to him. A piece of my body and piece of my soul will always belong to him. Rip you beautiful soul.

  • from Micha Jana

    Hey Tim als ich dich vor 5 Jahren zum ersten Mal bei TML gesehen habe merkte ich sofort das du völlig "lustlos" warst. Da kannte natürlich keiner deine wahre Geschichte. Im Nachhinein muss ich zugeben das ich mich geirrt habe. Wenn nur ein Bruchteil aus deiner Doku stimmt muss man deine Entscheidung akzeptieren 🙁 Jetzt hast du den Frieden welchen du mit den Menschen um Dich herum wahrscheinlich NIE erlebt hättest. R.I.P. Tim!

  • from Bandika from Hungary ◢◤

    A zenéid töltöttek fel érzésekkel. Miattad szerettem meg az elektronikus zenét. Örökké hallgatni foglak. ◢◤

  • from Odett Benkő

    Fly your heart and your soul in the windwhere your music strikes up touch the people_nation shoulder there. Your name eternal and your art love❤️

  • from Angie aus Deutschland

    Ich danke Dir von ganzem Herzen für deine wundervolle Musik die mir steht's Mut und Gute Laune gemacht hat! Dein Tod ist ein großer Verlust! Hoffentlich kannst du nun in Frieden ruhen. Ich vermisse Dich ❤️

  • from ZUTIEF

    Der Letzte Drop war wohl zu tief 😀

  • from Claudia

    Gracias por los buenos recuerdos y momentos difíciles que tu música e inspiración me hizo superar. Nunca te olvidaremos. Thank you for all the good memories and tough moments that your music and inspiration helped me pass through. You will never be forgotten.

  • from Alexandra

    No pensé nunca que llegaría a echar tanto de menos a alguien . Sólo quería dar las gracias por mantener viva su página su música su todo . Gracias a ti Tim consigo encontrarme siempre .

  • from Mursel

    Miss you so much Tim. ?❤️

  • from Maja Strojansek

    I made the same tattoo on my right hand for memories of you I will never forget

  • from Bryan

    You gave me a reason live again and thank you for that! 1989 – Forever ◢ ◤

  • from NgllowxTURKEY FANS..

    seni brother şarkınla tanıdım dünya hayatı nekadar kısa değilmi? bi anda senin haberlerinle dünya çalkalandı 20 nisan 2018 seni kayıp ettiğmiz zamandı hayranların yasa boğulmuştu tabiki ailen ve arkadaşlarında sen efsaneydin neden kıydın canına neden şarkıların bir çok insana umut oldu sen her zaman kalbimizdesin EFSANE 1998 -2018

  • from Kata

    Thank You for Your music I miss You… ❤

  • from Julien

    Let us show our love ! Tim you will be forever a Legend ! Thank you so much !

  • from Péter Jenei

    He was the firts DJ of I ever heard but he was the best of all time! G.O.A.T

  • from Kata from Hungary

    Thank you for Your music I miss you… ❤

  • from hagiyu

    Aviciiは僕にとって人生を変えてくれた人と言っても過言ではありません。初めて「wake me up」を聞いた時の衝撃は今でも忘れません。もう彼の新曲が聴けないことは寂しいですがAviciiは僕の心の中にずっと居続けます。今までありがとう、そしてお疲れ様でした。Thank you Avicii! #AviciiForever

  • from Tóth Bence

    Rest in peace legend!

  • from Ștef

    Ar fi ciudat să scriu în engleză când eu te-am descoperit ca fiind cine sunt. Nu limba contează ca să reușești să poți transmite sentimente stări… ci caracterul tau. Asta ai facut tu ai iubit muzica și ti-ai transpus emotiile bune rele …. Ai suferit și nimeni nu te-a ajutat iar noi suntem atât de mandrii de tine dar tu nu mai ești printe noi .. Nu te vom uita I promise you!!

  • from Gromizor

    Anytime levels pops up on my radio station i always turn up the volume. Such a banger it was and will be forever. RIP brotha

  • from Geri hungary

    Legenda marad a neved!

  • from María

    Always "Levels" in my heart. ?

  • from Bence Diós

    Avicii was my biggest inspiration and the reason I got into EDM at all back in early 2012 when I was only getting into my early teen years. His tracks "Levels" "Silhouettes" "Seek Bromance" "Sunshine" and more had huge effects on my life. All of his music including his newer tracks as well always put a smile on my face and helped me through tough times in my life. It also got me interested in all forms of EDM. Avicii was very important for me and so it still pains me that he's gone. RIP.

  • from Amine

    Inspiring model hope the music will continue to bring love peace ans stop wars. Thank you Tim. ❤️

  • from Nikolett

    Depressziós vagyok.Szamomra Avicii es a zenei volt a boldogság…

  • from Patrícia López

    Avicci te descubrí gracias a mis hijos adolescentes y no te dejare marchar nunca … estas en nuestros corazones más araogaso que nunca ??❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Tamar

    Avicii's passion and talent was beyond words. Tim deserved so much more.

  • from

    Love you avicii ♥♡ 🙁

  • from

    I could have never imagined this situation me writing on his memorial page this feel so unreal I loved him and I still loving him . I think I would never overcome his death but I will ever be grateful for his music and his lovely smile he will be my hero forever ◢ ◤ A

  • from Alexandra

    He's already angel in heaven???

  • from Sergio AG

    Nunca ningún artista me había hecho sentir las cosas que contigo sentí y siento hoy día. Tu música perdurará siempre conmigo hasta el día de mi muerte. Te echamos de menos. Descansa en paz Tim.

  • from Hidde

    Avicii's music reminds me of summers long gone. It always used to play during my driving lessons and it reminds me of a beautiful summer with beautiful memories.

  • from MusicHln

    Your music helped me coming back behind a piano. Did not play for many years. Music gave me so much since. I discovered you as a person behind the artist through your movie et your lyrics. Thanks for these masterpieces for our ears hearts and souls. You will be remembered just as you deserve the best music creator since Bach or Mozart. So sad you leave this world. ?

  • from Kasia ????

    Un genio con el increíble talento!!!muchísimas gracias por dejarnos disfrutar de ella. D.e.p.grande ??

  • from Bence


  • from Weronika

    It is 00:20 here in Poland and I am still thinking of you Tim. I miss you so much my heart is broken in milion pieces.. ?

  • from Sander

    Dear Tim I hope you receive this message even though you are in a better place. I wanted to thank you for making music that has put many genuine smiles on my face and that of many others! Every time i listen to your songs they make me genuinely happy. Your music has also brought out different emotions within me and allowed me to deal with them. You could say that you are a little part of why i am who i am. And i love who i am! So from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!

  • from Andrea From Italy

    Hai fatto innamorare milioni di persone con la tua musica verrai ricordato per sempre Tim ??

  • from Arturo F. H.

    Escuchar tu música siempre me ayudó a senerarme en los malos momentos y gracias a ti ahora soy un fanático de la música electrónica. Tu legado siempre estará vivo entre las personas. Descansa en paz ídolo❤

  • from Tom doherty

    Avicii tu nous a fait vibrer avec tes musique et tu le feras encore toute ma vie repose en paix

  • from Szabina

    Just ❤ He was a man with beautiful soul!! I miss him! 🙁

  • from Gio

    R.I.P. Avicii A star behind the desks a star in heaven. "Wake Me Up when it's all over"

  • from Julien MOEHLIN

    Legends never die ! Thank you for all Avicii.

  • from Stefan from Belgium

    Dear Tim I first heard your songs at the party's i went to. They were playing them everywhere i went. Therefore I will never stop listening to your tracks. It brings back a lot of memories. Memories of joy and happiness. Your idea of making music has changed the lives of so many people and they'll keep remembering you for that. Rest now.

  • from Tim

    Sadly the world has lost it's modern Bach. Still deeply sad with a ton of questions.

  • from Ana milan

    You made me realize that if you really want to stop doing something you must follow your will and stop no matter how important or the influence it will have. You didn't want to keep giving concerts at the end of your career so you canceled some of them. For that all I will always remember you from Spain. ~ live a live you will remeber-

  • from B-RAM

    Addicted to you that song inspired me so much it gives me a lot of power every time I listen to it. Iwant to thank you and all people that supported you in your music and life.

  • from Matteo

    Un genio della più grande compositore degli ultimi anni..ciao Tim..

  • from Orsi from Hungary◢◤

    2. Szóval igen. Annyi mindenz köszönhetek neked Tim. Szeretlek. Mostmár egy sokkal jobb helyen vagy. Fly Angel! ~ The biggest ◢◤ fan

  • from Akshat tiwari

    Thanks man ❤️

  • from Yam tomer

    I was never a fan but I remember his biggest hit "Wake me up" was on my Bat Mitzva party video clip and this song will always be connected to one of my happiest days. So i would like to remember how he could make people happy with his music. This is a very big gift. I am so sad he died so soon. Love to tim's family and friends from Israel.♡

  • from Pamela

    I cant belive you are gone…your music changed my life when i was so depressed your songs helped me out from the darkness. When i thought i am lost your song named "wake me up" inspired me. Now i m artist and i am not afraid to share my paintings with the world. This kind of inspiration which changed my life its by you. Miss u so much.

  • from Preet

    My first and favorite EDM was . Surprise surprise LEVELS. I MISS THE LEGEND.

  • from Anush

    Avicii was the reason i started listening to music and feel it. Wake me up was first song i listened and from then i was in love with your music. No one would replace your place in world of music. It wasn't just music for me it was something magical. To people who believe nothing's eternal i believe avicii's music would be eternal. You were and always will be the best! Thank you for what you've done for us. Love you brother! ❤

  • from Máté

    Legends never die.

  • from DJ Abhiishek

    Your 2016 ultra music festival set changed my life I started producing music after that I felt like this is what I can do for my rest of lifetime . I can never forget you ❤️

  • from John

    Thank you man

  • from Aref

    i always used to watch his "Addicted to you" music video and the amazing "Wake me up" music in my loneliness . theres no doubt he was the best DJ in my life . GOD bless his soul . RIP TIM BERGLING

  • from Effie Minnema

    All the way from Adelaide Australia I send my thoughts & prayers to your family & friends and thank you Tim for creating exceptional unique music that you unselfishly shared with the world . I've been enjoying EDM for over 30 years & your talent captured my attention immediately. So much so I flew to Melbourne Australia to see & hear you play LIVE on Australia Day! Although one of the best concerts I've ever been to I feel guilty that behind that smile you were hurting inside. RIP Tim❤

  • from Vineet Kullu

    His Construction Of Swedish House Track And Lyrics Is So Uterly Real And Emotional That You Can Feel Like Alive He Had Made Us Alive In Ourselves And The Generation Too #AVICIIForever.

  • from Ayush Kachhawa

    If music is the worldthen you are its core.

  • from Bridgestone

    I saw a concert of ◢ ◤ Avicii in Osaka Japan. It was truly the best and it was good that my best friend Otto Knows got excited first. At that moment when I could be the one I got goose bumps with the appearance of ◢ ◤ AVicii from there. And Wake me up Waiting for love Hey brothers Dear boy The Nights Finally the lineup with Levels has been exhausted. It was really great.

  • from Raghav Pathak

    I first heard 'The Nights' on FIFA album. Then liked the song so much that I went to other songs of Tim. I lived it loved it fealt every beat of it. One of the favorite musicians. #RIP #AviciiForever

  • from Utkarsh Daswani

    You and your music has been an inspiration to me and the other people in this world. It was very Dw vastating to hear that the legend of EDM has passed away. The release of levels silhouettes sunshine and I could be the one years back couldn’t have made my childhood any better or happier. We will never forget you or the music you made with love for us. We will not forget the happiness you brought in our lives. We love you Tim❤️. Hope you found peace now❤️. R.I.P Tim Berg.

  • from SHOT(japan)

    I love "The Nights" and "Hey brother" Thank you for my "FATHER" and "BROTHER" Rest in Piece AVICII

  • from JOY SINGH

    You have been my favouriteavicii Especially your house music No one came close to your production in that genre Rest in peace legend We all love you and miss you From India

  • from Ken Lee

    I miss you so much…

  • from Hung Kashmir

    There're blue sky above our head and we know you here around us. We will be here whenever you feel lonely; there're someone always turn to you. Legend never die. Our mind will take you high our heart will make you be immortal. We wont ever let you down in our darkness. Avicii Rest In Paradise!

  • from Duy Anh

    Thanks for all. His music will live forever in everyone's heart ❤

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