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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Tinkara Muri

    Your songs were one of the first ones that I have downloaded ever on my phone. I listened to your music every morning when I walked to school. The music that you created is amazing and is one of my fond memories from my childhood. You will never be forgotten. You may not be here with us but your music lives on.

  • from Reni

    I will never forget YOU!

  • from Zi

    Tim you saved me. It breaks my heart that you're not here anymore but know that you have touched so many people with your music and your light. We will forever miss you.

  • from Chris

    Say hi to my father for me he is must be there with you. He committed suicide 4 weeks ago that was a big shock for us. So sudden! But he addored your music. I imagine you two together dancing and listing to the best music there is….. your music. Thank you we will always remember you. Hope you find everything that you were looking for.

  • from Alexandra

    This guy made my life better. He was an angel and we lost this beautiful angel. Forever in my memories.

  • from Lili

    Your music was there for me when I was growing up and I loved every one of them. Miss you and your light.

  • from A girl.

    He was the best musician ever. We will never forget him

  • from Sergio Rodriguez

    Cuando tan solo yo chico disfrutaba la musica de avicii que sonaba en toda mi ciudad era muy joven no sabia quien era pero me gustaba cuando sonaba la musica en la calle o en la radio un dia nacio "wake me up" y yo apenas me estaba aproximando al mundo digital fue de las primeras canciones que escuche en youtube y pues como casi no tenia tiempo para estar en youtube asi que busque como descargar todas las canciones posibles a un viejo mp3 que tenia y era feliz oyendo esa musica. la mejor.

  • from Jasmine

    Thank you. Thank you for always cheering and making us smile at all times with your music 🙂 you mean(t) a lot to us and your loss is everything. Your music will live forever. We truly miss you.

  • from Giuseppe

    L'accompagnatore dei miei anni d'oro. Ogni ricordo è legato a una o più canzoni. La mia gioventù é totalmente targata Avicii. Grazie di tutto.

  • from onlineposchi

    seek bromance

  • from Thibault LEBLANC

    I saw you in Paris and it was one the best moments of my life. You have left many beautiful vibes with your songs. My passion for the electronic music comes from you. That's why i promise to try producing music for you. <3

  • from Rebeca

    A primeira vez que escoitei unha canción de Avicii tiña doce anos era Wake me up! unha das mellores para min. Cada vez que volvo a escoitar cada unha das súas cancións fan que recorde momentos da miña vida pois a súa música foi a banda sonora dunha vida chea de momentos bos e malos. Por eso penso que o mellor tributo que se lle pode rendir e recordar a súa música non só escoitandoa se non tamén poñendoa as novas xeracións que nos siguen porque serán eles os que continuen o seu gran legado.

  • from Talichason

  • from Jamiel Moreira Brasil

    Avicii… Quando conheci suas músicas foi como o amor a primeira vista depois de um tempo foram se tornando uma espécie de "droga" mas uma droga boa que me fazia feliz eletrizante na qual eu sempre queria mais todos os dias… Quando ouço suas batidas me vem os calafrios continua sendo algo incrível é um absurdo o que você criou foi tudo magnífico assim como você….

  • from salma

    He's one of the greatest DJ's of all time. I really love his music. I was shocked when i heard the news about his death. i've never cried for a celebrity til it's the Great avicii. RIP Avicii you were are and will always be in our hearts forever <3

  • from gumi

    あなたに出会えてよかった。 最高の音楽をありがとう! Love avicii!!

  • from Akash

    R.i.p My Idol I wish I could hug you and Tell you that everything Will be fine ?

  • from Clumpy

    Rest in peace Avicii the inspiration to many major EDM producers like Kygo Alan Walker and more. One of my favourite artists ever.

  • from Erica

    It takes a true genius to create music that becomes something more – emotion adrenaline the feeling you've been transported someplace else. Avicii did just that. I must've listened to 'Silhouettes' at least a thousand times during my final exams to pump myself up. After becoming an adult I longed for the day when he would come to Australia so I could see him live now that I was old enough. His music will live on in the memories of those who loved it. Hope you're partying hard up there Tim.

  • from Ivett

    I'll never forget Avicii. He was the one who introduced me to music. To this day music is my passion my anti-depressant. Without him I don't think I would be here today. Thank you Avicii.

  • from 森下 みき


  • from Rino

    どんな辛い時もAviciiのwake me upを聞き、明るくなりポジティブに考えられるようになりました。日本人で英語は分からなくてもとても心に響く曲ばかりで大好きです。

  • from Kimberley

    His song 'Wake Me Up' reminds me everytime of the best vacation I have ever had in Bulgaria.

  • from Matteo Cuccoli

    From Levels to Heaven where i'm sure you're know teaching to Angels how to do music! I MISS YOU TOO MUCH TIM i'm and I'll always be proud to be your italian first fan and supporter. THANK YOU AVICII Matteo Cuccoli

  • from Chi ◢ ◤

    You and your music saved my life. Can't appreciate too much. I continue to listen to your music until I die. You and your music still live in our hearts. Thank you. Rest in peace and see you soon.

  • from Mato

    We miss you Tim? Thanks for your beautiful music and more… We will allways remember you

  • from Vincenzo

    Hi Tim I miss you so much I miss your music. You were a very good person you were a great disc jockey. There won’t be a person like you. Rest in peace. Love you.

  • from Yoshi

    I love your songs. Your songs has changed my life. I miss you. もっとたくさんのAviciiの曲を聴きたかったです。 R.I.P. Avicii from Japan.

  • from saki

    Thank you for givin as so many memories. We will never forget you and your music.R.I.P

  • from Laura

    your music will be forever in my heart ! miss you still my legend ! Lots of love from Belgium

  • from Yuki from ??

    I haven’t had any word…..I miss you. Your sound and music will be forever. Thank you and I love you so much!!!!! R.I.P

  • from Danil

    Era l'estate 2013 anno in cui è uscito il singolo Wake Me Up. E niente ho passato l'estate intera ad ascoltarla. È stata la colonna sonora della mia estate. Ah si l'estate migliore della mia vita. Thank you so much Avicii.

  • from Nathalie ?? pour mon idole ??

    Merci infiniment Tim ? AVICII pour toute tes superbes mélodies et surtout d'avoir existé ?? tu me manque et me manquera indéfiniment ?? love ? YOU FOREVER TIM ????

  • from JUANJO

    Hey Brother ◢ ◤ Avicii Forever ⭐?

  • from Em Waddilove

    Avicii and his music meant a lot to me. His music inspired me to be more creative and with his music i would make homemade videos of my travels and my friends putting his music in the background. I would constantly dance to his music and nearly had the chance to go to one of his concerts but unfortunately I was too young to attend at the time. My all time favourite song is "I could be the one by Avicii "and that will forever remain as my favourite song. May Avicii Rest In Peace xx

  • from Ronald Groenewald (South Africa)

    An absolute legend producing top quality tunes. Thanks Tim for enriching our lives with your music. RIP.

  • from Giorgio

    Non ho ricordi ti ho scoperto da circa due mesi ma dal giorno che mi sono interessato alla tua musica ascolto solo quella. Non sono un ragazzino ormai ho raggiunto i 40 ma quando ti vedo su youtube o ti ascolto su Spotify mi accorgo che sei ciò che sarei voluto essere io. Non capisco le tue scelte anche se ti somiglio in alcuni aspetti ansia senso di soffocamento etc. ma tu hai raggiunto le stelle non parlo di soldi o fama ma parlo di milioni di persone nel mondo che ti amano.

  • from Ivar

    My very first EDM concert was Avicii in Amsterdam. I went there with my best friends and had an amazing night. Me and my friends bonded on a different level that night and it was the first of many parties to come. I still talk to my friends regularly and I like to think that is because of how we all connected through Tim's music.

  • from 井上智廣

    僕はあなたから最高の音楽とかけがえのない時間と幸せをもらった! とても悲しかったけどせめて安らかに眠ってほしい。 僕の中でAVICIIは永遠です!

  • from Jánoki Klaudia (from Hungary)

    Nagy tehetséged volt a zenéhez és örökké szeretni fogom őket… ?

  • from Anika

    Avicii was one of the greatest and biggest DJ´s ever. I´ve growed up with his music and to every song there is a emotional memory in my mind. I get goosebumps every time. A lot of strength and love to his family and friends. I know it´s hard but he is still with us. His music is breathing inside of us. We´ve lost a beautiful human but he left us so much. So go and play one of his songs and think of him. I´m shure he´s looking at you all. Much Love from germany…

  • from Andrei from Romania

    I never had the oportunity to met him. but I have a story with my best friend Mihaela. We were in the 2nd year of collage and we had to prepare some questions for artists in Eurovision. we met in a bar and instead of doing what we had to do we listened to "Seek Bromance" for almost 3 hours! I really miss his music and I hoped that he will do a song for Eurovision for Sweden! We miss you man! And after years I am still friend with Mihaela and we still love that song!

  • from Yama

  • from Noria •••Morocco/Casablanca•••??

    انا احبك ?

  • from Max Middel

    My tattoo from Avicii ❤

  • from Max Middel

  • from Rareș

    I used to listen Avicii's songs since 2013. Now since he is gone i stil listen his songs but i do not have the same feeling as before. I miss him… I want him back… R.I.P AVICII!

  • from Virre

    Tack Avicii för alla åren och alla låtar som du både släppt själv och med andra artister. Vi är från samma stockholmkull och nu är jag boende i Belgien och här är du också verkligen också älskad av många. Minns nyårsafton här 2 år sedan då de spelar dina låtar på 12 slaget och alla fick så mycket energie och dansade hela natten. Bor också ganska nära Tomorrowland då jag hört ditt dunkande på avstånd och fyrverkerier. 🙂 Du är bäst!

  • from Max Middel

    My tattoo from Avicii ❤

  • from Anneli

    I will never forget you Tim❤️❤️ I love you❤️

  • from Rhi (adelaide south australia)

    I was absoutley devasted 2 hear the news of your passing your music was a massive part of my teenage years and i have so many memories to so many amazing songs of yours . I played seek bromance on repeat for a month and drove all my house mates nuts haha your music touched me and so many others around the world you where a truely amazing dj and your songs hold some of the best nights of dancing and memories of my life . Rest in peace you and your music will never be forgotten fly high ?❤

  • from Benjamin

    Avicii… une personne extraordinaire avec un talent incroyable mais qui est partie trop tôt 🙁 Avicii avait le talent des mélodies comme personne avait et il faisait passer des messages à travers ses musiques. Il a redonné le bonheur et le sourire aux gens à travers sa musique et ça seule les prodiges peuvent le faire. Tim le monde entier te remercie pour ta musique et tu resteras pour toujours dans nos cœurs <3.

  • from /L

    You made the soundtrack of my life. Forever thankful. ♥️

  • from Joshua Louw

    One time I was listening to 'Wake me up' and i just started to get Goosebumps. Just out of nowhere. It's sad that a dead person can give more to a song than when he is allive. Tim you will always be in our hearts not only your music. R.I.P. DJ

  • from m.y

    Your song gives me strength. Thank you for giving me courage. I love Avicii?? With big love from japan??

  • from Samira

    Tim thank you so much for your legendary music which helped me through my darkest moments in life. Thank you for being the most beautiful soul we really got to know you and your struggle in your documentary.. You will always live through your music. See you on the other side one day ❤️

  • from Anna

    Härlig musik härliga texter. Du var en stor artist. Hoppas du fått ro i själen. ❤️

  • from Emery

    I’ve always loved his music and would listen to it when I was sad. He was a very wonderful person and an even better artist!

  • from Taylor J Chen Taiwan.

    Exactly 2 years ago it was your last show. I’m forever grateful to be in this generation in which your music inspires me and heals my soul in ways I couldn’t explain. I could proudly say that I’m in the same era with you and that am able to witness the magic and all the wonderful memories you’ve shared. The one and only you Tim. You may not know me and may forever won’t any more but the connection between me and your music & pure souls will always stand still. I couldn’t thank you enough. xo

  • from EarlHickeyFC

    Thanks for make my days happier before now and forever

  • from Eszter-Hungary

    You are the best! Thank you for your music ! <3

  • from Ammara

    A young man who learned that he had a talent who will fight for his name to be respected who will never stop thinking of others before him. He will leave this world like Kurt Cobain Elvis or 2pac as a legend! He came he left and his will not be forgotten. Peace Tim

  • from Iris O.

    When I was 9 years old your song “wake me up” came out. It was my favourite song and I would listen to it nonstop on my iPod. From that moment I admired you and your music. Whenever I hear your songs it brings me back to those days. I’m 14 years old today and still can’t believe you’re gone. When I first heard it I wouldn’t believe it. Your lyrics “one day you’ll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember” inspires me to live everyday to the fullest. We love you Avicii.

  • from soma

    R.I.P Avicii

  • from emaan

    when i heard his music it was the first time in many years i danced my heart out . He created so many phenomenal music that no matter how many years or genrations pass his song 'wake me up ' will always make people remember him and is also going to swept them off their feet and make them dance all of their heart out. LOADS OF LOVE AND ENDLESS RESPECT TO HIM FROM PAKISTAN

  • from Józsa Eszter

    Emlékei még mindig megmaradnak. Kedvenc DJ-m volt. R.I.P Avicii. ?❤ Az új kedvenc Marshmello. De Avicii-t sem fogom elfelejteni.

  • from Zoltán Tar

    Nagyon szerettem a zenédet. Sajnálom hogy ilyen fiatalon az elmúlást választottad.

  • from Estonia DJ. Weekend Festival Baltic

    Hello! Avicii was good human and good man. Memory is a lot. If i think i remember good and fun memory and story's. Here was nice party from Estonia Pärnu. ?? And now year was too. Party was is Weeken Festival Baltic. But Estonia people gave sad news and DJ's too. Next yearsummer is again Party Artist's and DJ's but Avicii is we and ye good memory. Rest in peace and angel's is with you. ??? God is with ye and God is with us! ?☮

  • from Joe Rogan

    I suckled his balls with unparalleled tenderness and sincere romance just before his abrupt suicide. His testicle skin stretching under the vacuum created by my mouth will always remain my thJohn: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter.e most pleasant memory of him.

  • from Nunes

    Thank you ❤

  • from mittu

    Thank you for being born I going to concert!! I will definitely be there !!!! See you again…

  • from Roberto

    You could not make me think of anything on the worst days. A simple but a big THANK YOU

  • from Andjela


  • from Orik

    I'm a big fan of him I've dreamt to come to all of his concerts when I grow up… However Tim passed away so accidentaly… I love you Tim your music lives in my heart!

  • from jack waterfield

    first live show i had ever attended. he set the bar high and it was yet to ever be beaten in my books. <3

  • from Niki – Hungary

    He was my favourite DJ. 🙁

  • from Jusee

    I've never meet you but your music and melodie tells the extraordinary person that you are and will be forever in our memories. Thank you Tim

  • from Gianluca

    Avicii was and still he is my favourite dj. With him i discoverd a new type of music my favourite.

  • from Marc

    Didn't hear about you until you passed on. And I must say you have become one of my favorite artists since. Your music is alive. It's just sad you aren't here anymore. Thank you for the legacy you left. Love you bro.

  • from Adel.026

    We miss you Tim?????❤️❤️ R.I.P AVICII

  • from Orla

    I’ve loved Avicci for years and his music is a one time thing that no one will ever compete with. I think it was my 10th birthday party where we all went to a recording studio and recreated my favourite song. Out of all the songs in the world I could choose from I chose Wake me up and still to this day it is one of the greatest songs I have ever heard! I love you Tim. Rest in peace my angel <33

  • from Luca

    It was 2013 and Wake Me Up was just been released. That year is the start of my love story with Avicii and eventually with the whole EDM world. Avicii left me so many positive memories and will always have a place in my heart. I will always be grateful for the music he made. Thanks Tim.

  • from LOUISE

    AVICII you were my idol in music just simply amazing. I couldn't believe when I heard you had gone music will never be the same without you. No one will ever be able to replace you !! You were one of a kind . Your music will live on . wake me up when its all over 🙂 R.I.P Perth Scotland

  • from Andrea

    Grazie per avermi fatto conoscere un genere musicale così fantastico. Sei statoSei e Sarai il mio Artista preferitograzie a te ho conosciuto esplorato il mondo dei dj è grazie anche a te se oggi lo sono diventatospero un giorno di poter scrivere il mio album e farlo sentire al mondo intero Grazie

  • from Olly

    Changed music forever rest in piece.

  • from Princely

    Beautiful soul <3 your music will stay in our heart forever ! you stood up for social causes that wont go in vein hoping for the same thing peace on earth <3

  • from Kady

    His music had power. He was one big star in music business.. onfortunaly he couldn't take the pressure. Gone but never forgeten <3

  • from Giacomo

    DJ migliore al mondo! Non esistevano paragoni … //|[|| ❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Tuqe

    Much Love <3

  • from Antonio

    I wish somebody could say thank you when I'll die. Thank you Tom for all the good memories that you've left behind and that are to come. You will never be forgotten

  • from Sindy

    In our hearts you will always be. Your love your smile your music your voice your laugh your talent your great personality your strength your great example of beeing human these days.. just everything and much more will be forever imprinted in our minds. ALWAYS LOVED AND FOREVER MISSED ❤ You are very special so you just continued the journey to a better place…❣ Thank you for everything??? Maybe you couldn´t find the sunshine because you didn´t know you are the sunshine ?..

  • from Yanic

    Rest in Peace bro

  • from Mary

    Avicii hou are great ?

  • from Clement

    R. I. P.

  • from Victoria Michelle

    I remember listening to your music as a teen on my iPod…laptop…in the car. Your music has given me so many memories. To think I’m 25 now it’s scary how fast times flies. Something that’ll always remain though will be the amazing gift you left us a huge piece of YOU. I will forever play seek bromance and feel all of the happiness it’s always brought me…thank you for that Tim ? Rest easy.

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