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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Edzel Buenavente

    Your music was one of the best in the EDM World of Music You left us too early Avicii on behalf of all the DJs here worldwide we thank you for helping us bring people together with the power of music…

  • from bry

    great songs

  • from Frederic Beaudoin

    Back in 2012 on the same day when I first heard Penguin and Levels I immediately became addicted to EDM and Avicii especially. Since then I followed him but never had the opportunity to see him a show. Thank you Avicii for all these memories it won't be forgotten. Fred

  • from Sam Mateos 🙂

    Avicii Revolucionó y creo un estilo único en la industria el tenía la perfección en cada una de esas bellas canciones Su perdida me tocó en el corazón no lo podía creer. En fin Mi gran inspiración fue con el mi primer contacto con el EDM. Ahora entiendo que no todo es color de rosa siendo un personaje público el no le gustaba esto de estar en giras la presión que conlleva el agotamiento. Pero hasta el final de su vida siguio Complaciendonos A todos Nosotros. Dear Boy Tim ❤️ Forever in Yours

  • from Marko de Medellin

    Marko from Medellin Colombia Avicii estuviste mi mejor dj del mundo. Muchas gracias por todo.

  • from Brenda


  • from Cristian Quecán

    I met Avicii with is single Silhouettes. Since then i started to listen to his music without any restrictions of volume or situation. One day Avicii did that mirror thing which basically his music was going to break a huge mirror with the volume behind it. I remembered two of many of my tweets were shown in that huge mirror i was so fucking proud and happy of showing Avicii what his music meant to me and now i am even happier that i had the oportunity of showing Avicii what he did was art.

  • from kevin gabriel

    escuche a avicii en 2015 no conocia bien a avicii pero escuche mas su musica siendo la mejor que he escuchado el es un verdadero dj y verdadero compositor el es la inspiracio de muchos como la mia en lo mas profundo de mi desiaria ser como avicii pero seria imposible el es unico la vida es dificil de comprender y lo fue para avicii todos pasamos situaciones dificiles pero avicii nos enseo a vivir una vida que pueda recordar y el estara en muchos recuerdos de barias personas.

  • from Eugenia yax

    Eres y serás uno de los artistas más GRANDES exponentes de la música Electrónica te extrañamos y espero que estés en un lugar hermoso en el cielo era uno de mis grandes sueños era estar algún día en uno de tus Set pero ya no pudo ser posible ese sueño anhelado tu música es increíble y siempre lo será regrésate al cielo como una estrella avicii por siempre ?◀️▶️??❤️❤️ ???

  • from Bárbara Leenik

    Querido Tim espero hayas encontrado la Paz que buscabas gracias por tu arte por tu música ha sido mi soundtrack en momentos muy bonitos de mi vida siempre tendrás un espacio en mi mente y corazón sé que no soy la única y mientras eso suceda siempre vivirás! Fuerza para quien lea esto no importa por lo que estés pasando todo estará bien esto es una señal!

  • from erika florida

    An inspiration. A legend. A true talent. It doesnt feel real that you are gone its as though Im still waiting on the day you come back to us. Nothing but happy memories come to mind when I listen to your music. In fact some of my happiest moments were spent listening to songs such as Wake Me Up Lonely Together City Lights or Broken Arrows. Tim you made me so happy. You will forever be in my heart and I miss you every single day. You were so beautiful so talented. I hope you found peace. X

  • from HRW

    Descansa en paz mi querido hermano!!. Se que en tu música nos dejaste parte de tí la cual nos transporta a un espacio extraordinario # Avicii.

  • from David Jimenez

    hace unos cuantos mese conoci a una persona la cual me enamore y yo estaba dispuesto a hacer todo por ella saliamos a comer iba a su escuela platicabamos yo le dije lo que sentia por ella y me dijo que ella sentia antes lo mismo por mi pero solo estaba jugando conmigo y despues de un mes regreso con su ex yo me sentia destrosado y siempre escuchaba a Avicii quien me hacia sentir bien y su cancion "Whitout you" me ayudo mucho a superarla y solo queda decir gracias Avicii eres el mejor.

  • from Fernando J.B.F.

    Everything you have created was for me more than music you gave happiness to all the people and me I will hear your music until I dead With your dead I cannot enjoy any song from other producers you were unique you made the difference there is not any day that I am not thinking on you waiting to you to release more happiness( music). 4 months passed since that day and I feel alone. You are my inspiration. An artist never die if its art still alive.

  • from KATHERINE R.

    Tu música me transmite alegría y felicidad y eso es lo mas grande que se le puede dar a una persona. Hiciste mucho por nosotros! Hasta siempre Tim espero que nos crucemos en otra vida. ♡♡

  • from richie

    well im from peru i have 20 years and avicii was so important to me with his music i started on the edm he was the best dj for me i always listen his song and remember him one of my dreams was go to a show of him but i cant do that now well avicii rest in peace! <3

  • from Herick

    Thank you for all AVICII – TIM

  • from Rafael from Chicago IL

    Personally the first song I ever heard from Avicii was Levels which led me to Fade into Darkness and from there I was a fan…. I'm always asked who was my favorite DJ ever and my response has always been Avicii. The world lost an incredible talent too soon. Tim "Avicii" Bergling I hope you're resting in peace. You left us but We know you lived a life that will be remembered.

  • from Robson

    Avicii você foi um kara muito incrível e sempre vai ser sinto muita saudade de você mais quando ouço suas músicas a sensação é muito emocionante tim eu tenho orgulho de ser seu fã obrigado por tudo ?◀▶?

  • from Nestor

    Yo escuche a Avicii en el 2011 desde ahí solo lo seguí como un Dj mas cuando escuche mas música y lo bien que me hacia sentir se convirtió en mi Dj favorito alguien a quien admirar y de alcanzar desde el 2013 que me prometí que haría mi propia música para crear un sentimiento igual en las personas como el que el creo en mi Ojala algún día pueda cumplir este sueño de llegar hasta donde el Grande Tim <3

  • from Armando ML

    I Love You Avicii

  • from Camila Otero

    Tim Avicii. Empece a escuchar y saber de vos cuando recien saltabas a la fama. Pase muy malos momentos y vos me salvaste la vida. Con tus canciones tus palabras y tus pensamientos. Me salvaste de la depresion y de la muerte. Espero que el cielo te prepare un festin cada dia y espero que hayas encontrado la paz que tanto anhelabas y necesitabas. Te llevo tatuado en mi piel para siempre. Mando buenas vibras a la familia Bergling. Tim te amo.

  • from Michelle

    This is Michelle I'm 11 yo : Avicii Tim best dj ever best human being warm-hearted perfect boy… I hope you're well in the sky. Thanks for sharing your amazing talent and incredible beautiful human being inside and outside with us! thanks for making me feel like I could take over the world!!!! Even if I didn't “have any plans" but you surely showed me“where to start”! (right where I am!) … I'm sorry for our loss Your songs spoke to deep desires of my heart tim 4 ever in me 4 ever!

  • from Melissa Jauss

    Hi Tim (and your family) I'm a 42-yr-old post-grad educated mental health therapist who still can't figure out why your death has affected me so profoundly but I'm clearly not alone given the outpouring of support around the globe. What I do know is that I was enjoying your music long before I knew your name and it helped me to train for the 2017 & 2018 NYC marathons. And since your death I've reconnected with the EDM music and events in a way that I thought I had forgotten. Thank you!!!

  • from Mari

    Tú fuiste quién hizo que la música electrónica me gustará con tu canción Wake me up recuerdo que no la quitaba y en la noches la escuchaba para dormir es mi favorita. siempre estarás en mi corazon un abrazo hasta el cielo mi sueño fue ir a un evento tuyo y conocerte y nunca pude pero se que te volveré a ver un día y aras mi sueño realidad love you Avicii ❤

  • from MF

    Eres y serás mi artista favorito ❤️ Me quedo con un exelente recuerdo de ti tu música hasta el cielo Tim ❤️

  • from Marlon Tafur

    Avicii nunca deje de escuchar tus canviones fue con Levels que comenze a seguirte tus canciones me llenaban de valor para seguir adelante más con esa frase de " Vive la vida que quieras recordar " Siempre en algún momento triste recordaba esa frase me armaba de valor miraba al cielo y decía tengo que esforzarme y cualquier cosa que me proponía lo conseguía gracias por regalarnos tan buena música que une al mundo y nos hizo sentir mucho. Avicii por siempre.

  • from Estuardo Larios

    Avicii no sabes lo especial que fue haberte conocido atravez de la musica siempre me inspirabas a travez de tus canciones te extrao demasiado pero si hay algo que nubca olvidare sera lo feliz que me hacias y haces con tu musica te extrao muchisimo y donde quiera que estes te deseo lo mejor te quiero mucho mucho mucho nunca te olvidare.

  • from Martin donoso

    siempre te recordare avicii siempre te llevare en mi corazón?❤ sueño con ser como tu un gran dj❤

  • from Reel nigguh

    This du right here was a cool ass nigga he made some fire tunes and probably got a lotta that coochie on the side too. -rip my real one

  • from rodolfo farrera

    avicii disfruto aun de tu musica y siempre lo hare siempre estaras en mi corazon aun me dueles pero se que eres ahora un angel mi querido tim amo tu musica siempre viviras en mi corazon

  • from GIOVANNI

  • from Sr taco

    Avicii me cambio la forma de ver la música electrónica a mi hermano y a mi nos encantaba hey brother siempre quedará su recuerdo en mi playlist con You make me levels hey brother wake me up waiting for love hermano desde Colombia con aprecio

  • from Luis

    Las letras de tus temas y los sonidos que creaste se fusionaron para ser la mejor música que a la vez se hizo luz de los días soleados de la juventud de todos los que crecimos con tus éxitos para despertarse y pensar en vivir una vida que se pueda recordar…

  • from Victor

    Avicii tu fuiste y eres una gran inspiracion tanto para mi como para todos los que escuhamos esas hermosas melodias las cuales nos hacian sentir mejor y en armonia y por eso siempre te llevare en mi corazon y gracias porque gracias a ti descubri lo grandioso que puede ser el genero EDM ahora por ti seguire mi ilusion de ser un gran dj y creeme que mi primera cancion te la dedicare .◢ ◤Forever Avicii

  • from Chris

    Your music touched me in a way no other music has. With every song comes a unique story anyone can relate to. Your music brought me out of some very dark places and helped me through tough times when I thought nothing else could. The day I heard of your passing was a day I'll never forget. Your legacy and music will live on forever and will never cease to shine light in everyone's life . Godspeed Brother

  • from Mayee Quiroz

    Well I do not know how to begin he has been the best dj in the world for me it is like that I miss him so much since I was 10 years old I listen to levels it was for me the best song since there is a lot of support avicii the nights hey brother waiting for love wake me up without you lonely together have been the best songs of my life I have always listen to them and I will always listen to them and I will never forget them. I love you avicii♡ what rest in peace

  • from Julian Yukimoto

    Man I first heard of Avicii in 2011 while listening to a YouTube playlist and the first thing that came up was his track Levels. That song brings me back memories and good times. With that I discovered a lot of artists including Nicky Romero Porter Robinson R3hab Skytech Armin van Buuren Alesso and many others. Without Avicii I probably would've never heard about those artists or even heard or ever like EDM. Thank you for inspiring many producers and fans. Rest in peace brother.

  • from g

    i'm still missing and thinking of you every day. i love you. so much. and i will never stop. ❤️

  • from De Santiago

    Siempre encontré en tu música motivación e inspiración. el más grande avicii por siempre!!!

  • from Samuel

    On. Js

  • from Yina

    Fue con Levels que descubrí a Avicii recuerdo que la primera vez que la escuché fue en la radio y estaba como loca tratando de averiguar el nombre de la canción y del artista quedé tan maravillada que ni saqué el móvil para shazamear la canción así que la googleé "como se llama la cancion Oh sometimes I get a good feeling yeah" y me salió la canción de Florida (Good Feeling) jajajaja. Semanas después recien descubri a Avicii y busqué mas música de él y LO AMÉ de hecho aún lo amo. DESCANSA

  • from Eliza

    Siempre serás amado.

  • from Luis alegria

    Solo me queda decirte que nunca te olvidare gracias a ti me gusta la música electrónica yo no tenía idea d q era namas escuche una música d ti me dije esta buena la rola tu y siempre te recordare fuiste unos d los mejores djs t.k.m en cualquier momento d mis emociones escucharé tu música R.I.P AVICII mi gran pésame a toda tu familia y gracias x tu buena música I LOVE YOU AVICII

  • from Daniel

    Se que el tiempo ya ha transcurrido solo Tim sabe porque lo hizo pero algo es seguro sea donde sea que el estaba ahí había felicidad alegría y muchas ganas de vivir su cuerpo se ha ido pero su espíritu vivirá siempre en nuestros corazones.

  • from EM

    I was a freshman in college when I first Tim's music. His music was part of the soundtrack to me falling in love with someone in college and forming friendships that I will never forget. Thank you Tim. You are missed and loved.

  • from Dan

    I still remember sitting on the bus on my way to school in grade 2 listening to Wake Me Up. Thank you Tim for inspiring millions including me you and the music you have created will never be forgotten. May you rest in peace Tim.

  • from Abigail Monterrey MX.

    Tim Ojalá supieras lo que significas para mí tu música es lo mas hermoso que poseo me hace feliz me hace bailar me hace cantar me hace olvidar TODO era un don el que tenías para atraernos a través de tus letras & melodías TIM tu lo tienes TODO. Te extraño & te quiero siempre estaré aquí escribiéndote & desahogando este vacío que dejaste. i love you TIM!

  • from Victoria Brown San Rafael California USA

    Tim aka Avicii saved my life. He brought my soul back to life. There are no words to express the vastness of the grief I feel by his loss. My heart is utterly devistated overwhelmed with sarrow. Tim's creation was a gift to everyone his very Being. It is because of Tim Bergling I still live today without him there was no light. He has changed the world. Blessed be.

  • from Fredrock

    You were one of a kind pure genius

  • from Mercedes calderón ◢◤

    Cuando conocí a Avicii no pude dejar de oír su música es única y especial. Cada una de sus canciones son diferentes junto con su significado; ubiera querido ser parte de la vida de Tim seria super genial y diferente siempre lo recuerdo no hay día en que no escuche su música o que no ore o piense en elque afortunados los que lo pudieron conocer y los que formaron parte de su vida como ustedes los padres. Extraño mucho a Avicii no me imagino lo que pasan ustedes que eran cercanos anuestroTim

  • from Marina

    Wake Me Up was released just as I was wrapping up 7th grade. I heard it on the radio at a time when I didn't have a personal device I could plug earbuds in and listen to music when my disapproving father was not at home. Now I'm 18 and enrolled in a year-long pre-college program and I like the rest of the world am still not over losing you. Thank you so much for everything.

  • from Tim Fletcher

    I saw Avicii at the Future Music Festival in 2013 and again in 2015 in Melbourne Aus. Looking back reading the line up i remember the killer bands that were on and realize most of my current itunes lists are still bands i appreciated for the first time at those events. What an awesome time i had and great memories. What made me buy those tickets was actually to see Avicii. So i owe those memories to him.

  • from Lautaro

    Gracias por ser una gran inspiración para mí y otros grandes productores. Tu música se recordará por siempre.

  • from Derper

    Las leyendas nunca mueren y aunque ya no esté presente su música durará por siempre.

  • from Diane

    Dearest Tim you were a beautiful human being inside and out. I hope you knew how much you were loved and appreciated as TIM and not just as “Avicii.” Your incredible music was only a portion of your legacy. You taught people so much just by setting an example by the way you lived your life and treated people. My heart breaks that everything you had was not enough. Or at least not what you really needed. You will always be remembered and loved. Rest in eternal peace sweet Angel. ?

  • from Natalia

    Querido Tim gracias por todo lo que me enseñaste a través de tu música gracias por ser mi inspiración y mi alegría. Siempre te llevaré en mi corazón y mi mente. Por siempre Avicii ❤.

  • from lucila

    hi Tim and family everyday miss you idol love you i believe tim you live in the heaven from you tim say goodbye i make music you so my force my help to mys problems you music live is my happines legend never dies hugs from san juan argentina . the pic is august 2017 realese out without you wow was amazing . i dont have opportunity of see a set live of avicii all nights i pray for you for you soul. i always want make a some tribute to you

  • from Aylin Yuritzi

    La música de Avicii es perfecta escucharla siempre se levanta el ánimo cuando nadie más lo hace. Soñaba con poder conocerlo en persona algún día. Por siempre será uno de mis mas grandes ídolos. Gracias Tim.

  • from Ethan Hiland

    I discovered his music years ago when I was pretty little. I enjoyed the style and sound and grew to love his music a lot. When I found out that he had died I was shocked. It was upsetting that someone so talented had left this world at such a young age. It was too soon. I wish his family the best they can have and I'll never forget him or his music. Rest in peace Avicii.

  • from Nina

    Thank you for making me dance and sing like nobody’s watching. Thank you for making me smile. ❤️

  • from Joel Mejía

    Hur bra det är att komma ihåg dig som en legend i elektronisk musik var du och du kommer att bli ihågkommen i våra hjärtan med dina stora framgångar med dina spektakulära album som mest fascinerat mig är sanna historier och Avicii. Och du är inte död för mig och för alla lever du i våra hjärtan och i dina låtar. AVICII FOREVER <3

  • from David


  • from Nick Myers

    Words cannot describe how I felt when I saw the news that you left his world. I had ravenous anxiety and depression growing up and there were times I didn't know if I could go on… Until I heard your music. I grew up in Atlanta where rap is very dominant but I would always talk about you and try to encourage my friends and others to listen to your music. Your music was always so beautifully made and always made me feel upbeat and positive. It hurts me you were in such pain but thank you Tim.

  • from Daniel Mountain – Tuller

    When I first heard "Levels" I enjoyed listening to the instrumental beat and to Etta James' featured vocals on the song. In a way it reminded me so much of "Good Feeling" by Flo Rida. 6 years later I was very devastated to hear about Avicii's passing and will definitely miss him. Rest In Peace my friend! #WakeMeUpWhenItsAllOver #UntilWeMeetAgain #HeyBrother

  • from Nele

    Tim changed my life in a better one. Whenever I felt sad and depressed his music helps me to get new hope. You‘ll stay in our hearts forever because you are a legend! R.I.P

  • from Jason Rodríguez

    Me uno junto a todos los que amamos a Tim y a su música tristemente todos lamentamos la pérdida de esta gran estrella tu música resonara siempre en mi corazón y en el de muchos más gracias a Tim por su música.

  • from

    O melhor do mundo Avicii……

  • from Lisbeth Andino

    Best dj ever Avicii. We'll always remind you you were a great dj your lyrics inspired too many People around the world incluiding me xoxo From Tegucigalpa Honduras

  • from adela

    avicii I want to thank you because your music always motivated me to keep working even in my worst moments your were always there. Waiting for love is an anthem i could be the one was my favourite song during my school days i listened and danced it every day Rest in peace. gracias

  • from Elisa

    I remember the first time I heard you. I remember my biggest dream of going to a show but I could not. There was no time. But you remain in my heart and in my ears forever. I love you Tim from 2011 forever.

  • from Cassiele Ferreira

    Avicii …Vc foi e sempre será uma estrela linda que hoje vive no céu. Sua música ficará eterna em meu coração. Ainda não acredito que vc se foi…E ficou só imagens músicas e letras…Mas agradeço a Deus por vc ter existido e nos dado a honra de escutar sua músicas…Hoje vc está aí no ceu cuidando das pessoas que lhe amam…#RipAvicii ♥

  • from Luccas Torquato

    O cara que me mostrou o caminho que vou seguir pro resto da vidame mostrou a profissão que vou seguir até a morte e me deu um sonho.Vou levar seu simbolo e história no coração para sempre.Quando eu subir no palco pela primeira vez para tocar o meu setsem dúvida nenhuma que eu vou tocar tracks suas.Eu realmente entendo as atitudes que você tomou ao longo de sua carreiratanto de parar de fazer shows ao suicídio.Realmenteé muito complicado lidar com isso.Não se preocupeeu vou seguir o legado.

  • from Sergio Antonio Luera

    UN grande. te fuiste pero nunca olvidaremos que gran favor le hiciste al mundo Crack. <3

  • from Alerrandro Guimarães

    Suas músicas nunca será apagada da minha memória Aviciitinha um sonho i ele não podii ser realizado mais ? Espero que suas músicas seja todos elas lançadas ☺???

  • from Carlos

    Hiciste buena música pero siempre seras recordado a tu corta edad eres unos de los mejores en este genero solo Dios sabrá porque suceden. Ahora estas en un lugar mejor y feliz . Descansa en paz.

  • from Nathan

    Tim is the person who got me into music and music producing. I remember in 2013 when Wake Me Up was huge hit and that was really the first time hearing and enjoying electronic music. It wasn't until a year later when when I really exposed myself to this new type of music full of happiness and energy. Avicii is still one of my biggest influences for music production for me with melodies lyrics and happiness. I dream to one day break boundaries-no-obliterate boundaries like Tim Bergling did!!

  • from Dan Judge

    Tim inspired me to start making music when I was a teenager he’ll never be forgotten ❤️

  • from Kike Diaz

    Avicii is a best producer I hope that wherever he is he will continue with his good musical sense and above all give him a hard time around him

  • from Pedro Santos (Juripops)

    I remember when I was 12 years old. Tim released "Levels" and I loved it at first. Right after "X You" and "I Could Be The One" it made me feel the energy from within. Avicii will always be in my heart I admire him a lot and will continue to admire him.

  • from Carlton.

    Avicii your music has been the inspiration for so much of my own music. Ever since the days of ‘Seek Bromance’ I have been hooked. Your records will forever live on as some of the best not only of house music but best records of all time. Thank you:

  • from Jean Pooll

    lo se es una pena que este gran hombre falleciera se el dolor de su familiagracias a esta garn persona hizo de mi vida una mejor . Gracias por todo por tus melodias que siempre son la mejores y por cierto este gran hombre es AVICII . AVICII POR SIEMPRE.

  • from Liam . B

    Your music was the one thing which inspired to to produce edm and I want to thank you for inspiring many of us. Rest in peace Tim ??

  • from Tamires Lonneli

    Sou muito grata por você ter existido e por ter criado canções que me ajudaram muito e que também ajuda tantas outras pessoas neste enorme mundo. Era nítido em seu olhar o quão iluminado e sensível você era. Uma pessoa única e especial. Sinto muito por ter nos deixado tão cedo mas eu tenho certeza que a sua música viverá para sempre. Você era demais para este mundo. Obrigada Tim! ❤

  • from GSN

    Tim really has inspired me every since I had started listening to his music. I will really miss you! Thank you for making music. Rest in peace.

  • from TOM

    From ISRAEL We love you AviciI R.I.P your music will stay forever.LEGEND !

  • from Phil Morris

    Seek Bromance was one of the first tracks that made me fall in love with dance music and now music is one of the greatest parts for my life Thank you for share you love and talent with the world !

  • from Jacqueline Arce

    one day you leave this world behaind so live a life you will remember 1989-∞

  • from Francisco

    Genio ?

  • from Brenda

    I miss you so much my love every time I listen to your music it causes me much sadness because I know I can never see you but I want you to know that I love you and that I will continue to support you always thank you very much my dear Tim rest in peace my little angel. ?❤️

  • from celes

    thank you tim for inspiring me and introducing me to edm you changed my life and made me a better person. words cannot describe how much i miss you but i hope you finally found the peace you needed. we will never forget you angel you will always be in our hearts. love u xx p.s: i decided to get this lyric tattooed some time ago so you’ll be with me for the rest of my life.

  • from Ellie Harrison

    Avicii and his beautiful words touched my heart before he died he inspired me to travel and make the best out of my life. Since I have travelled across the world from the UK and even lived in California and I’m so happy. Tim you’ll always be a piece of my heart and I’ll always remember your legacy I will live free. Thank you.

  • from Thales Fernandes

    Me sinto feliz de poder falar que fui ao show de Avicii a única vez que tocou no Rio de Janeiro. Ele era o melhor! Saudades!

  • from Daiane G Ramos – Brazil – São Paulo

    Tim you will be eternally remembered for the inspiration that brings us through music. You will live forever in our hearts. Thank you for transmitting joy and unique moments with your songs. ??❤️??

  • from Stefano Garni

    La primera vez que escuché Levels realmente cambió mi vida fue una sensación única. A partir de ese día quería dedicarme a la música electrónica. Las melodías de Tim son mágicas eso es lo que lo hace especial cada una de sus canciones transmite buenas vibras. Le agradezco a Avicii por alegrar cada día mi vida con su música y su buena energía lamento mucho que se haya ido tan pronto. Quisiera escuchar sus ultimas canciones es lo que más deseo. Siempre en mi mente y mi corazón. Gracias Tim!!

  • from Sebastian

    Tack Tim. Du var och är en kreatör som gav ditt bästa och finaste till oss. Din musik är skapad ur passion kärlek och eufori. Därför kommer den för evigt att leva vidare i oss alla som tagit oss till dig och dina verk. Du saknas av så många just nu. Hoppas du har det bra där uppe och att du på något sätt blir nådd av all uppskattning kärlek och hyllningar som ägnas dig. You won’t fade into darkness❤️

  • from arkei vocaloid

    fue un dj con una musica impresionante por su musica y videos lo cual millones le gusto su musica y fue la mejor musica quizas de todo el mundo tenia ese espiritu de ser un gran dj y le gustaba hacerlo su musica fue muy alegre y un poco trizte

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