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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Maikel Steffen

    Von Anfang bis Ende die Musik gehört und geliebt… DU wirst immer in unserem Herzen bleiben. Wir vermissen dich! R.I.P.

  • from Kate

    В 2016 году Avicii приехал на Weeknd Festival к сожалению я не смогла туда попасть но дала себе клятву что встречу его в скором времени. К сожалению этому уже не произойти. Ты на всегда в моем сердце❤️

  • from Adam Brown

    Your music makes me think of working summers with my friends back in 2014. Such warm memories. Hope you are rocking it wherever you are now!

  • from Erick

    Desde la primera vez que escuche wake me up no dejaba de escucharla la repetía mil y mil veces después conocí tu demás música y me encantaba el esfuerzo y el amor con el que las hacías tu música estuvo presente en una época muy difícil para mi y me hizo seguir adelante tu música me hacía olvidar mis problemas. Nunca te olvidare siempre estarás presente en cada canción. Gracias por todo❤️

  • from Madeleine

    Without you I feel lost at sea. Så mycket kärlek! Vila i frid Tim <3

  • from Daniel Hennemann

    Vi kommer alltid sakna dig! Du berörde en hel värld vila i frid Tim Bergling!

  • from Ankit Ashish Tigga

    Avicii in one word was " undescribable " for me. His music means the world to me. It was Avicii that got me into music production. I remember listening to Levels and welcoming myself to electronic music. Let it be Blessed or Hope There's someoneall of his songs and remixes meant a lot and still do. I've been given a good five hundred words to tell my story and I can only say my life has been so much better with Tim's music. There were times when I was sad and Tim's music was there.

  • from Agnes

    Tack för all din fantastiska musik dina låtar som har funnits där i lycka och sorg och som givit mig extra energi i vardagslivet. Vila i frid.

  • from Anna maria de vita

    I listen his music often i regrette that this young boy isn't not near us but with music fantastic music he made is forever with us. A mum of 54 years. Anna

  • from Joakim

    You have changed the world of music. You wrote history. And you will always be in our hearts. You are simply the best. Take care of the simillar icons in heaven.

  • from Cat

    Avicii's music quickly joined the playlist of my life and will never ever leave. Tim touched so many hearts with his tracks and he will never be forgotten. Thank you.

  • from Nick Beven

    Your music will live on forever. Endless respect for bringing so many people together through times of hardship. Rest easy Avicii x

  • from Danilo

    Avicii ora farai danzare e divertire gli angeli in paradiso sei stato e lo sei ancora il miglior dj al mondo rip sei grande

  • from Felipe

    Din musik gör att man får ett leende varje dag… tack

  • from Irene

    La tua musica rimarrà per sempre la colonna sonora delle mie estati. Mi mancherai!

  • from Ticho Mans

    The first time I heard one of avicii song's I was at 12 years old and i loved the song more i couldn't stop listening to it. If i could i would play it over and over again the whole day. Avicii legends will forever rememberd so you will rememberd too. Life you're life in heaven you deserved it.

  • from Naw

    Comment ne pas avoir des frissons pour chacunes de tes musiques .. tes mélodies résonneront toujours dans nos cœurs et ne s’eteinderont jamais. Tu restera à jamais gravés dans nos coeur .. tu as réussi à me faire aimer plusieurs style de musique et je t’en remercie Tim ? À jamais dans mon coeur. Avicii❤️

  • from Mother of Mia Joe Paradise

    Mon cher Avicii Tu as rendu ma fille heureuse passionnée tu as été un bon modèle grâce à tes musiques ton humanisme et plus que heureuse lors de ton concert du 14 février 2013 et pris soin de tes fans en leur offrant ta grandeur d âme et m à l eau et grâce à elle j'ai compris son engouement pour toi Malheureusement je lui ai supprimé ses photos bisous d en haut et tu es un grand artiste tu nous manques personne ne pourra te remplacer ♥️

  • from Varga Enikő

    Love your music <3

  • from dennythegreatest

    Im tying to become a DJ and producer myself and my first huge inspiration was you Tim its so sad to see you gobut I guess not everyone understands what depression is and what it means not to be able to communicate how you want with people. Your music was your way out pf that and they managed to spoil that for you. I will forever remember you and love you. REST I PEACE AVICII ♥️

  • from Martin

    "Mozart and Chopin never died they simply became music." Rest in peace you legend you will not be forgotten.

  • from Hanna

    Hela mitt tonårsliv har du varit med o skapat ny musik efter ny musik. I varje låt finns det ett minne av något bra eller något jobbigt men det var som att du gjorde det till bra minnen iallafall. Så dina låtar jag jag skrattat till gråtit till och varit glad till. Efter allt som hänt Tim så finns du med på min arm valde att tatuera in dina Avicii symboler för att hedra dig och att du ska finnas med som minne! Du var stark Tim!

  • from Alberto

    Soundtrack of unforgettable moments. Thank you.

  • from Jb*yTM

    I have always sing his song 'Wake Me Up'. Now I want that he will wake up. With all love…

  • from Mary anatole

    Ce DJ était super c était incroyable il a trop bien joué ses sets ont été pour moi mémorables trop triste qu ils soit mort j adorait ses musiques encore bravo a lui

  • from Isaac Ramírez

    Nunca dejare de sentir esa fuerza que siempre siento al escuchar tu musica… mi sueño desde siempre fue conocerte y en esta vida no se pudo y eso me pone muy triste… sé que algún día nos vamos a conocer mi estimado Tim…. para mí aún no has partido todavia…. Sigues vivo en mi pensamiento y en mi vida

  • from Omi Bit

    Since Tim started producing music always I've been listening to him. When he created Wake me up i fell in love with him. He will be always my hero my idol. THANK YOU TIM!. Always a legend.

  • from Madeleine

    Tack för all fin musik. Din musik kommer alltid att leva vidare och på så sätt kommer människor i hela världen att minnas dig. Hoppas du har det bra där du är nu. Kram Madde

  • from Giorgio

    Grazie per tutte le serate da te colorate e colorerai perché la musica è eterna…

  • from Paulina Poland

    You was Dj of my childhood for all awesome music and beautiful moments- thanks Tim

  • from Leonardo

    Avicii’s music changed my life brought me closer to EDM and helped me in the saddest moments. Thank you my friend.

  • from Christina

    Tim din musik kommer alltid att leva vidare! Du var unik! Jag hoppas att du nu är omgiven av människor som bara vill dig väl och att du nu lever det liv du hela tiden har velat leva. Var du än befinner dig vi ses där en dag! ??❤️?

  • from ak

    sinu muusika jääb siia maailma igavesti

  • from Kevpa

    Such a fantastic creator! RIP 🙁

  • from YuvalLihi / Lee

    When I was 10 I started being his fan I'll be 14 soon at the day he would be 29. It breaks my heart everytime. He was my everything. More than just an idol or the first idol. I will never forget him. When I was 11 he came country and I couldn't go cause it was only for 18+. I wanted to see him at 18. It will never come true. I'll keep growing up but the most important person to me will stay 28 forever.

  • from Ermin

    Why just why all good and innocent people have to leave this world 🙁 Thank you for your music Avicii!

  • from John bane

    Even in an other world this dj will always be my favorite ❤️❤️

  • from Zvika L.

    Every heart has its own melody AVICII touches all of ours hearts

  • from Cameron¶

    We will all miss you. You brought so much joy in our lives. Hopefully we get to hear some new music soon.

  • from Paride

    Sei un grande!

  • from Cheperz

    Love and peace. RIP <3

  • from prasad

    greatest musician of all time..RIP TIM?????

  • from Adem Benjo

    legende zive vjecno

  • from Mario Sem

    Hi Tim… i’m Mario Sem an Italian Producer… Your death leave all of us without words… I started making music also following your footsteps. You gave all of us some talismans that no one will never forget. One month ago i was in Hollywood and i went to your home. It made me feel very strange. The best house in Hollywood but with no one inside. This is like what you left to music. Many masterpieces but with no one behind now… Rest in peace Tim… ♥️

  • from Bobby

    Thank you Tim! I love you and your music always inspired me. All of your songs have an own deep meaning for me :') Rest in Peace brother ❤️

  • from Saurabh Somani

    Tim's music always inspired us.. I had a wish to meet him once which remains as a dream for me until I'm dead.. Ican't describe how much I'm missing his gigs and music.. Totally Broken?Tears from India..

  • from EMMA DO

    "Where there's a will there's a way kind of beautiful And every night has its day so magical And if there's love in this life there's no obstacle That can't be defeated." Sleep tight Avicii. Legend never dies. I'll visit you some days. Thank you alot with all your meaningful songs always stand by my side through thick and thin. One of my biggest dreams is joining your concert. Althought it's impossible now it will be possible in the heaven❤ see you later in heaven❤We miss you! We thank you❤

  • from Ivy??

    El mejor❤.

  • from Johana Marín García

    Cuándo tenía 12 años casi 13 conocí a Tim. La canción fué Wake Me Up. Su música me ayudaba demasiado el tiempo pasó y el estrenó "The Nights" En esos momentos yo quería y pensaba en suicidarme y me sentía muy sola y deprimida. Quizá joven sin embargo yo sentía tristeza. La música de Tim me ayudó mucho y me distraía demasiado de esos pensamientos en parte gracias a Tim sigo aquí me motivaba con su música a vivir. Gracias Tim mi sueño siempre va a ser haberte conocido. Monterrey México.

  • from Kenzo Da Santos


  • from Amanda

    Your an example for how hard the world is once your a star….. It hurts me to see that a young man fair and pure… Gets involved with a network that's missing humanity which breaks a nice young character into a star! Literally a STAR… In heaven. For this I would say world… Let's focus on humanity and respect for all those who are living!! Avicii Michael Price Whitney and all the other stars… Thank you for your music. Bless your family's who must have been te most heartbroken. – x-

  • from Sang Kent U.K.

    Thank you for your amazing music Tim you brought a lot of people together with your talent this world is going to miss you I hope you find peace in the next life xxx

  • from Nicola Di Bari Front Mexico❤

    Es increíble que una persona que sacó de la depresión a muchas personas mediante su música estuviera tan deprimida y tan destruida por dentro cuando conocí tu música pasaba por un momento muy difícil en mi vida creía que no había luz al final del túnelAún recuerdo la sensación de sentir vibrar cada célula de mi cuerpo Al escuchar Wake me up por primera vez.Nos dejaste un legado musical muy grandeGracias por elloEstás en nuestros corazones❤tu canción The Nights me inspira a cumplir mis sueños

  • from Micke.s

    Utan tvekan en av Sveriges bästa musiker genom alla tider! Trots att Geniet bakom alla dessa världshits nu så tragiskt har gått vidare så kommer Aviciis musik alltid att leva vidare! Without a doubt one of Sweden's best musicians of all time! Even though the genius behind all these world hits has so tragically gone Avicii's music will always live on! Tack för Allt Tim! R.I.P

  • from Maja

    Zahvaljujući tvojoj muzici svijet je postao ljepše mjesto za život. I dalje mi jutra počinju sa taktovima tvojih pjesama uz mnogo pozitivne energije i ludih plesnih pokreta.

  • from Alexia❤

    Grazie davvero per averci fatto sognare per averci trasportato con la tua magnifica musica hai segnato la vita di giovani e l'infanzia di tanti….. Grazie riposa in pace lassù ;falli cantare e ballare come hai fatto con noi❤

  • from Evelyn

    Desde GTM. Sin duda eres Inolvidable❤

  • from Olof

    Jag älskar honom och hans musik

  • from Lili B

    The 1st song I heard of him was Wake me up. I looked up his other songs and fell in love with them then I watched interviews of him and fell in love with his bright and amazing personality. Lay me down has been my 4ever fav since I heard it it never not cheered me up. Tim and his music felt like a bestfriend always there for you a shoulder to cry on & someone I could share all my joy with helping me through really tough times. I think about you everyday with a full heart of love. Thank you❤️

  • from Vanessa

    Thank you for your music you are the best Tim! Rest in peace sweetheart ❤️

  • from Wendy

    Dear Tim You're music has touched a milion souls on this planet. Am gratefull to be a part of that . I saw the avici story and couldn't understand why nobody understoud you. After a life of panic attacts and anxiety i felt what you must have felt. I hope that wherever you are you find peace ❤ And i hope that people who saw the story try to SEE more instead of just taking. Rest in peace Avici (tim)❤☘

  • from Carina

    Avicii.. Ich weiß gar nicht wie ich anfangen soll.Du fehlst einfach! Ohne deine Musik kommt mir die Welt grau vor.Und niemand kann und wird dich ersetzen. Taste the Feeling" war ursprünglich das perfekte Lied um Weihnachten zu feiern.Nun kämpfe ich mit Tränen jedes Mal wenn ich es höre. Dennoch kann ich deine Gedanken um das Leben und deine Entscheidung gut verstehen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön auch für diese Seite und die Möglichkeit etwas auszudrücken! Rest in Peace In Love from Austria

  • from Joakim

    Tim's music helped me in my battle agians depression and anxiety. His songs made me strong when I fell small and weak and they made me see the good things in life when it was filled with darkness. Thank you Tim! I owe you everything!

  • from Guy Whitehead

    I could’ve seen Avicii play a gig in my hometown of Manchester but decided it would be much more memorable to see him in Stockholm at the Globe Arena instead. And I was glad I did. By chance I was stood near to the VIP area that night so witnessed first hand the look of pride on his family’s faces as he played a fantastic that night! Avicii’s music always put a bounce in my step even first thing in the morning. And I’m gutted he’s no longer around but hope he’s found his peace at last. RIP.

  • from Olivia

    Bye Brother. Legends NEVER die!?

  • from Romi ??

    So wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older All this time I was finding myself And I didn't know I was lost. Vivirás siempre Tim .

  • from

    Legend never die?

  • from Susan

    Your spirit is alive and well. Your music will keep you close to us forever.

  • from Sophie

    I don't even know where to start when it comes to describing how much Avicii's music meant to me. 500 characters is nowhere near enough. He was a pure genius and I will always remember him. I was lucky enough to see him live once and it was a magical experience. It was very painful to see how much he was suffering mentally (something I recognise myself in a lot) and how much he was pushed to do things he felt he couldn't do. Rest in peace Tim. I hope I get to meet you in the next life.

  • from Bogdan

    We miss you…R.I.P. Tim ◢◤ ??

  • from Alessio Rizzo

    I can't imagine the future of EDM without you not yet. I won't forget you and your songs that are important to me and my life and if i now what people mean with –songs who make you getting cry – it's only thanks to you . Bye Tim make the angels dance

  • from Damian

    Why? Avicii why? Your music was great! And on such a young age… We will all miss you.

  • from Pamina B.

    Thank you for all the memorys we were able to gain because of your music. We will never forget you….never.

  • from Manoj from Sri Lanka

    And we won't fade into darkness Fade into darkness No we won't fade into darkness Fade into darkness

  • from Riccardo

    Avicii as the best dj in the world. Riccardo Italy

  • from Mihkel

    I think that Avicii was and is the founder of todays EDM. The style he brought was original yet catchy. I enjoyed every bit of his concert in Baltic Weekend Festival 2016 – one of his last public concerts before he quitted. Thanks for those memories – you will be always in mine.

  • from Mia Joe Paradise

    Thank you Avicii unfortunately for us it hurts that you are not of this world because you were you are and will remain an angel that everyone loves with your simplicity your personality your talent your kindness your sympathy towards people . Everyone is too sad because we miss you too much we love you Avicii forever you are engraved in our hearts. You are the best . Thank you for everything and I promise I will listen to your music forever. Thank you Avicii Thank you Tim Bergling .

  • from Harry Miles

    Can't describe how I felt and how I actually feel… Miss you so much king.

  • from Shreyank

    Avicii was the reason I started producing Dance Music He was a true inspiration for many music producers out there. I still remember playing his music when i used to go for evening strolls or whenever i was feeling low his music touched many lives and i think his music was only music that used to be aired on radio shows. His music was unique one can clearly tell its avicii music just by listening to it . THANK YOU AVICII FOR INSPIRING ME!! REST IN PEACE TIM

  • from peter

    Vila i frid Tim

  • from elior

    avicii wes one of the best musician dat I heard

  • from Jonathan

    Avicii fue mi dj favorito cuando tenia 13 años su música estuvo siempre en mi vida lo escuchaba y me sentía feliz me acuerdo que el día de mi graduación escuche todas sus canciones

  • from DavidCR JustDC

    You've got me into electronic dance music I love your melodies I've listened to them everyday the sad thing is that I'm from Chile and I couldn't met you cus I was a kid when you came but when I listen to your music outside it feels so good that everyone listen to your lovely melodies u'll always be the best thank u for all

  • from Anonymous

    Bye my friend Hoped a collaboration with you But it's too late for me my feelings can't be described in five hundred character ??

  • from Frey Mátyás

    Goodby from Hungary by Matthew. You are Legend forever!

  • from Said

    Tim you were special. You were a gift for us all… Rest in peace!

  • from Zulma Soraya Carballo

    gracias por tanto Tim Bergling ??

  • from Johanna

    His music and your memories are forever.

  • from Rose Maia K. A.

    Te hecho de menos ?? Aún sigo herida por tu partida ?? I love you ❤? I miss you ??

  • from Jacqueline

    You were the best componist dj and most of all a wonderful human being I admired you so much. Always polite and OK a little shy but you were you an hones person. Saw you once in Holland and was soo amazed. Still can't believe you're gone. You will be missed but you will live on through your music. My heart cries for what you felt you had to do. And my heart goes out to your family and friends. RIP beautiful person !

  • from Mirjam v Dongen

    Avicii ik zal je missen. Je had zoveel talent en ben je dankbaar dat je er was en we van je mooie muziek konden genieten . En voor altijd herdenk ik je als ik naar jouw muziek luister . Ik hoop dat je nu de rust heb gevonden

  • from Caro

    He was reallly Good…. his Numbers without you forever on My heart… he was a Really beautiful Guy …. And he had a very beautiful heart… ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Agneta

    Thank you for your music – I love it so much!!

  • from Lucas JUMEAU

    ◢◤ Merci pour ta merveilleuse musique elle m'a permis de me relever dans les moments difficiles pour moi tu resteras le meilleur DJ au monde je suis triste que tu sois partie trop vite. Tu resteras toujours gravé dans ma mémoire et bientôt sur ma peau 😉 ◢◤

  • from Dita Latvia Riga

    Started with "Levels" then fall in love with "I could be the one" (still my favorite song of all time).. and "The Nights" and "Without you". To be honest.. to many to count. <3 You will always be my inspiration and your music will always give me strength when needed. Legends never die ◢◤ ??

  • from Pernilla

    Så många minnen till dina låtar din musik har gett mig ork att fortsätt trots motgångar och dina låtar har gett mig så mycket glädje i medgångar. Jag hoppas Du har hittat det du så behövde. Du är saknad ???

  • from Fernanda Palos

    Avicii changed my way of seeing the world and my way of feeling my dream was always and will be to attend some of your presentations and be able to feel your music live which I will always carry in my heart and I will listen to them with pride. Thanks for all <3

  • from Martin

    I don't know why your death affected me like this but it may have to do with how your music helped make my day better when I needed it. I got my headphones on and played your songs and I was finally ok. I am so sorry that you did not have anything to help you like you helped me and as I think many more of us here. I hope you will live a life you so deserve.

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