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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Visia and Mikey

    to endless late nights dancing and singing to your music! rest in peace

  • from Mitchel King

    “wake me up When it’s all over…”??❤️

  • from JD Patrick

    I saw him playing live in Malta! One of the best concert I've attended

  • from Karlijn

    I remember well that I heard a song from him for the first time … it was my favorite song and singer. when I heard of the sad message I could not believe it and I find it so unfortunate that he can not go further with his talent? (sorry if this is not good English I am a girl of thirteen from the Netherlands)

  • from Kathi

    Eine Seele die uns Menschen berührt hat DJ LEGENDE UND HERZMENSCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Higor Martinez

    You are a legend. Legends never die.

  • from Nicole

    Hope you were looking down at creamfields this weekend. The tributes for you were amazing and emotional. Somewhere you should have been. Hope you have found peace and happiness your legacy will live on ???

  • from Nita

    Din musik va o är magiskt finaste Tim som du alltid kommer vara för mig. Hoppas du har fått ro. Kommer aldrig glömma dig❤

  • from Jochem

    Tim was the best producer in the world but sadly he past away on the 20th of april. But his music is still alive. RIP TIM BERGLING LEGEND FOREVER!

  • from Anna Lu

    Thank you for your music Tim.❤ I hope you're in a Sky full of stars.? REST IN PEACE!!!

  • from Vanessa

    Um grande DJ!

  • from Marco .B

    We all come Together after This life ! no one dies Alone

  • from Xander

    We love u tim❤️

  • from Elise

    I miss you Avicii. I really loved your music. I made this video at kingsday in the Netherlands. A tribute for you ?

  • from Gladys from Spain

    simplemente le amaba amaba su musica le amaba como persona como artista. … es unico e irrepetible. Te echo de menos siempre cada dia.

  • from Kim Pillajo

    Your music made us everyday happy. Now it's your time to find happiness…Wherever you are we won't forget you! You and your music are part of the world history. Forever Avicii.

  • from Francesca B.

    Thank you for you music ❤ RIP ❤

  • from nici

    rest in peace ✨

  • from Aya

    Have no

  • from Rodrigo

    You were the greatest. Thank you for bringing me into this world and for all the JOY. Legend.

  • from Bad Douwes

    I've loved your music from the beginning on. We even did a flashmob in 6th grade on The Nights. When I heard you were launching a new EP i checked every day if it was avalible yet. Your music always makes me happy. We will never forget you or your music. We love you❤

  • from Romina

    …..He said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember…… Rip Avicii… now your sound is for angels……love u

  • from Belana

    Everytime i went on summervacation my family and I would make a cd with all the avicii songs and sing it it the whole trip to france and that was because of his music the best time i had in a long stressfull school year. And now i will listen to his music every vacation to make it great again. Thank you avicii❤️

  • from Charstone The Young

    It's veey Sad to the time i Fallen in love with His best music awesome Melodies and Very Meaningful Song lyrics….. Then he passed away….but He still in our Hearts.. RIP genius.

  • from Frederique (The Netherlands)

    Avicii is the reason I started loving edm music. His songs are melancholic yet so hopeful and uplifting –and I need them now more than ever. Tim thank you for all the beauty you brought into this world. I will never stop being grateful to have lived at the same time as you and the ‘Avicii Era’ and I will forever look back on it with an infinite amount of love and happiness (and a hint of pain). I love you and miss you with all my heart and I hope you are happy –wherever you are. Vila i frid.

  • from Ricky

    RIP Avicii

  • from Sebastien

    Tu nous manques .j imagine que du ciel tu nous regardes et aussi te repose et que tu ne souffres plus t aime on se reverra en haut ….Merci pour ta musique ..❤❤❤ SEBASTIEN ..repose en paix

  • from Evelyn

    Avicii You were the most beautiful and loved dj ever. I hope you have found your rest you always wanted to have. We miss you hero. Your biggest Belgium fan. X

  • from Enllel Pineda

    He was the reason I started making music.

  • from Herman Petersson

    he are and was one of my favorite artists and i have to say that im feel very very sorry for his deth rest in pice tim i will never and ever forget you

  • from Maïté

    Avicii was a great singer and he makes a lot of hits! He Will Be forever in My memory’s and in My heart!

  • from Maria

    Miss you legend love you forever . RIP❤

  • from Francesco Scudiero

    Tim was he who gave me the impulse to start producing music. Thanks to him I am still now with the person I love. Thanks to his music I cried I laughed I got goosebumps and I dreamt. And it will be forever. Thank you Tim.

  • from Robbe De Cock

    I have been silent for 1hour when I heard the news from his dead. Tim is in our hearts forever!

  • from Gianni Vitiello

    Sei stato un esempio artistico per tutti innovativo e AVANTI. RIPOSA IN PACE GRANDE

  • from Lena

    Wake me up hat mir über schwere Zeiten geholfen. Das war ein Geschenk Gottes. ❤️❤️

  • from Laura

    Er war einer der besten sein Hit wake me up wird immer in meiner Erinnerung bleiben machs gut Tim und begeister den Himmel von deiner Wunderbaren Musik. We miss you here (Germany) ?☹️❤️

  • from Renata Andrade Da Rocha

    As músicas do Avicii salvaram vida cada melodia elas não só comigo mas cada uma tem um significado enorme nas nossas vidas. Ele sempre estará eternizado não só pela pessoa que era mas pelo legado que fez. ? O Brasil ama muito vocês!

  • from Petra

    Memories are small stars that comforting glow in the darkness of our grief. Tim we will never forget you! R. I. P.

  • from P!Nk

    What about has

  • from Julia

    Your music was magic… thanks Tim❤️

  • from Beatrice Barbellion

    Avicci était vraiment un dieu de la musique ? electro j'adorais tous ses tubs et j’´ai vu la vidéo sur Netflix qui m’ a beaucoup ému et il resterait un vrai artiste et mes condoléances à sa famille.

  • from Mathilde

    I miss you terribly Tim <3

  • from Theow

    Rest in peace ❤️

  • from Sammy yarker

    Unbelievable talent music made me feel good and happy honour to see him live in Manchester videos to treasure !! RIP

  • from MC

    Your music resonated on a soul level- I felt every single melody. When Wake Me Up came out I was going through the hardest time of my life; it made me too emotional and I couldn’t listen. I kept telling myself “one day I will dancing to this instead.” Last April I was in my car and realized I was dancing and singing along with a smile on my face…a year had passed. When I realized what was happening I cried happy tears. We lost him a week later. Thank you Tim for everything ❤️

  • from Valentina


  • from J.

    I just cried when I saw this. Fans family friends and the world will love him forever.

  • from Paul

    Sleep on Tim. We'll wake you up when it's all over.

  • from Jakob

    I love your Music. I sing Hey Brother every day after the release. You make me happy. Thanks for all.

  • from Ilaria

    I love his music. Without him the world seems more empty. Love u

  • from Lukas H.

    Dear Tim I just can not believe that you are gone. Its such a big lost for the music worldbut a much bigger lost for your family and friends. I heared every song of you more thann 100 times. You are such an great musical artist with such an huge talent. I heared your songs every timein schoolin universityat workand your songs were always going in my mind. I thank you for your wonderful music I will always remember your music. Your music will never die. I hope you are in a better place now.

  • from HV Finland

    Something I didn't realize until Avicii's passing was that all this time he had been around us. The fun nights out when you were 16 the up's and down's starting your 20's and all the great moments since. With his music he was there in the background all this time. When I learned of his passing I understood that I associate him with happiness with some of best moments of my life. He was there for us all this time now its our turn to be there for him and rejoice his life – Thank you Tim.

  • from Ana Belen Arias Andrade

    Conocí a Avicii hace años con su canción "Wake me up" me enamoré tanto de él y de su música que me impulsó a enamorarme de la música electrónica mi sueño siempre fue ir a un concierto de él así me costara demasiado ese era mi sueño y ahora solo me queda recordarle con amor y cantar a todo pulmón sus canciones me da tristeza saber que no podré conocerlo acá pero sus canciones me hacen sentirlo. No muere el que se va solor el que se olvida y Tim siempre vivirá en nuestros corazones❤

  • from Thomaasbmx34

    we will miss you tim

  • from Christina

    One of the things I loved the most about Tim's music was the way it made me feel.Listening to Wake me up every day when I was 18 when I felt so confused about the world… Still it gave me hope. Dancing to Levels in the club and having the time of my life. Avicii's music will live forever. The world has not only lost a musical genius but a wonderful person as well.

  • from Hit2Hat

    You life is a True Story. I'll never forget about you. Thanks for all that you did for me: mood inspiration and more more. I can tell about emotions which i feel when listen his music for hours….. It's amazing. I love him. It's one of people who inspire me for create quality and emotive music. One more thanks for all…………. Never not knew that write this phrase for you but "Rest in peace"….

  • from Alexandra

    Your music has always helped me through the day your music brought happiness to my soul and filled me with energy. You are so greatly missed rest in peace mate.

  • from Vany from the netherlands

    We ❤️ You Avicii rest in power

  • from Bert

    I always loved the music off Avicii. It breaked my heart when i heart it! Rip avicii

  • from Lizzy

    The future may never know how great of an artist you were and we will continue to let you strive. Thank you for being an inspiration to others and I hope you rest in peace.

  • from thomas

    we will miss you tim . love

  • from Giulia

    When I look back on my life I think 'Whoa did I do that?' It was the best time of my life in a sense. It came with a price — a lot of stress a lot of anxiety for me — but it was the best journey of my life. figureitoutwithoutyou??

  • from Susanne

    Din musik har hjälpt och hjälper mig och andra ❤ Din musik kommer alltid finnas och vi kommer aldrig glömma dig Tim. Varje andetag och steg så finns du där. Saknad älskad aldrig glömd ?❤

  • from JDN

    Your music is amazing! Thank you for everything!

  • from Esmee

    I listen his music very much. He insperid me with his music to on guitar lesson. I can now play guitar very well. I hope that he has a place in the heaven. I hope that the family and friends got peace of in the fact that he's gone. We have love you Avicii!

  • from Christoph

    We love your music! We will never forgot you?

  • from Celina

    Lieber Tim durch deine Hits wurden mir in vielen Lebenssituationen die Augen geöffnet. Ich danke Dir dafür. Es trifft einen sehr einen so jungen talentierten und charakterstarken Menschen gehen lassen zu müssen. Nie vergessen! RIP ?

  • from Javier Beltrán.

    i'm not good with words all that i want to say is thanks for all the things that your music gave me you music inspired me in a incredible ways and make me feel alive and support when i was feeling terrible thanks for everything that you made the heaven must to sound wonderful. You make me.

  • from Deborah from Belgium

    Tim I wish I could have helped you in the same way you helped me. A few years ago I had an anxiety disorder. Your music and your own struggles helped me to heal and to realise that I am not alone. You also made me realise that I am more of an introvert and that I can be proud of that. Thanks to you I follow my dreams now introvert or not. Thank you for everything Tim. We are not only Avicii fans because of the music. Above all we will miss that talented humble and kind person that you were.

  • from Amsterdam

    I hope you find peace Tim you truly be missed .much love for the family

  • from Iris

    Thankyou for everything your music is amazing

  • from Jonathan

    Your songs and that what you created are awesome. Ich hope you are at a better place now.? (Germany)

  • from -Robin

    I always loved avicii his music was amazing and I really enjoyed listening to it waiting for love will always be my favorite song of him <3 I still can't believe he is gone whe will miss him and I wish the family all the good thoughts and love r.i.p

  • from Admir-Stockholm-Bosna i Hercegovina❤

    Zivis i dalje legendo do!! Du lever i våra hjärtan!!

  • from Zula

    Your songs have been with me during the hardest & the most beautiful moments of my life. Your music will be with us forever and there's no words to describe my gratitude. I miss you.

  • from thomas

  • from Bass.tii

    I am so thankful for all the Music that you brought us! Your Music was a part in my hardest and my best times in Life. When I was listening the first Time your Song „Broken Arrows“ i felt instanly connected to me. Because it felt like this Song is describing me and some of my struggels. So i decided to get a Tattoo in Honor of this Song in my own abstract/geometric Way. So thanks to you Tim I‘am so thankful for all what you have done for me.

  • from Sami

    We will miss you❤️

  • from Abi

    Avicii was just amazing he made amazing music and worked bloody hard his whole life. We miss you everyday Avicii❤️❤️❤️(The Netherlands)

  • from Benjamin

    Deine Musik hat immer gute Laune gebracht! Du warst der beste :'( RIP

  • from Chris

    I've never heard of him but I wanted to feel included.

  • from Dennis

    I will always remember you and your great Music <3 RIP

  • from Olivia

    I still remember being a 7 year old and watching your videos and making choreography to it. You made the most amazing music we'll all miss you

  • from Albe

    I love you forever and ever.

  • from Ian Frampton

    Wake me up soundtracked my first holiday away on my own. I’d just finished Uni and it was a special time. Every time I hear that song it brings a smile to my face. Before I found your music I didn’t have an appreciation of EDM. Thank you for opening my eyes and mind. Your music will last forever.

  • from Giulia

    Thanks for all the joy you brought to my world. “Ciao anima fragile” ❤️?

  • from Ernesta

    One in a billion ❤️ Love you Sleep tight angel xxx

  • from James Stephen

    You're an inspiration. A true inspiration. RIP.

  • from giulia

    Ho ballato con le tue canzoni. Ho sognato e viaggiato. Grazie per la tua musica. Grazie di tutto. Che dio ti benedica. Love u. Giulia italy

  • from Hank

    ‘Wake Me Up’ made me loving music wake me up. Thankyou legend.

  • from Beth Kate x

    There was something about Tim that I can relate to…. on a level that’s deep within me. A creative soul that came alive in the beauty of music dance dreams. A soul that has been burnt by this world misunderstood at times a soul that was fragile & unique but pure & true. His music was both real & transcendent. His passing hit me hard. If only I could have met him I’d have done anything to help him. I’m sure one day when heaven calls me home I’ll give him that hug & tell him it’s all ok xxx

  • from Someone

    My first ever pop song that I've listened to was wake me up. It was so special to me that I kept listening to avicii he was so special to me. I hope that you made the right decision and found your rest?


    Basicamente tu ayudaste al mundo de la electronica a subir tu eres uno de los pilares de este genero sin ti no seria yo sin que tu me hubieras metido a este grandioso mundo ?? Gracias Tim de todo corazón a seguir disfrutando lo que contruiste y seguiras siendo el mejor.

  • from Steije

    You are my youth I miss you. All the good songs you produced are just insane. I listened a lot to them when you passed by. I will always remeber you. R.I.P Avicii (Holland)

  • from Natalia

    I’m from Russia and I went to study 6 years ago to Sweden and it was incredible year. I remember we danced and listen to Avicii’s music it brought us all international students together. Now when I recall this time it comes with Avicii’s music. I wish he knew how many great moments we had thanks to him.

  • from Lars

    Thank you avidity for helping me in my live. I will never forget your hand. The hand is for me like music. It fly like the music like it will never stop. Thank you avicii!

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