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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Cüneyt

    One day you‘ll leave this world live a life you will remember.“ ?

  • from Francesco

    After the death of my grandfather came out hey Brother (even now my favorite song) from that moment listening to her I pretended that I was talking to him and that he was answering me quietly. And I swear that even now after 5 years makes me the same effect !! I'm sorry too much to have never seen one of your live Tim concert … Always remain in my heart … Thanks for everything and …. Say hello to my grandfather on my side VIVA LA VIDA

  • from Cristi

    Someone once said that "people don't die when their heart stops beating they truly die when they are forgotten…" and your beautiful soul and the way you made us see life through music is something we'll never forget. Rest easy legend.

  • from Mohammad Ali

    You are the guy how motivated me when I was broken…. peace be upon you ❤️

  • from Jack

    Thankyou for the legacy you left behind and thankyou for all the amazing music but most of all thankyou for giving your absolute all to us every single day. I hope you are at peace now and you found the happiness you were after for so long. Goodbye for now but not forever Fly High My Friend ◢ ◤

  • from cris

    Gracias por sacarme sonrisas cuando lo necesitaba y crear momentos de esos que nunca se olvidan con tu musica. Gracias Tim.

  • from Francesco

    Dopo la morte di mio nonno è uscita hey Brother (ancora adesso la mia canzone preferita) da quel momento ascoltandola facevo finta che stessi parlando con lui e che lui mi rispondeva tranquilizzandomi. E giuro che ancora adesso dopo 5 anni mi fa lo stesso effetto!! Mi dispiace troppo non aver mai visto un tuo concerto live Tim… Rimmarai sempre nel mio cuore❤️… Grazie di tutto e…. Salutami mio nonno da parte mia?❤️❤️ VIVA LA VIDA

  • from Ben from Australia

    Words cannot sum up your legacy or the pain of losing you. We can only speak the truth. You were loved you are loved and you will be loved till we all join you to party together in heaven. R.I.P. AVICII

  • from Albin Svensson

    His memories will live on forever #aviciiforever //Swedish fan

  • from Julia

    Siempre se te recordará como uno de los mejores Djs del mundo .

  • from Mariasole

    Sei un grande e lo sarai per sempre non ti dimenticherò mai perché con la tua musica hai segnato gran parte del mio cuore. Sei sempre stato il mio punto di riferimento. Mi manchi Tim riposa in pace…

  • from Reka

    Fingers crossed just because..:-) When I hear an Avicii song from the radio mostly at my car or anywhere else I look up to the sky and cross my fingers this is my story with him.. Love Reka Hungary

  • from Mia

    Je me souvient du moment oû j'ai écouté ta music "wake me up "pour la première fois je l'aimais tellement que je l'a chantais partout. Et du moment oû j'ai su que un héro du 21ème siècle nous avait quitté je suis tombé en depréssion . Quand mon oncle est mort j'ai pas autant pleuré que pour toi . Tu mes copines qui te connaissait pas me disait d'arrêté pleurer et de te oublier je disait que jamais je toublirai car tu es gravé dans mon coeur à jamais . Une seul chose à dire MERCI POUR TOUT TIM ❤

  • from Gino

    Loved your music that made my childhood. RIP Avicii

  • from Lillian

    2011 året jag köpte min första låt för mina egna pengar och det var levels. Sedan dess följde både jag och pappa dig vi hittade en gemenskap i låtarna. Jag kommer alltid komma ihåg hur vi satt i timmar och väntade på att volvoreklamen skulle visa och då vi såg hela festivaler hemma vid TV;n bara för att se dig spela. Tack för allt du gjort och alla fina minnen min barndom kommer förevigt att vara präglad av dig och din musik.

  • from Alessandro

    a great loss you will remain in our memories forever

  • from Gábor Neisz. hungary


  • from Daan

    When “Avicii: True Stories” came out me and my friend were really desprate to see it. Unfortunetly there was only one cinema and one nigjt where they played the movie. We thought we couldn’t make it because of school and work but we did! The movie was incredible and we had a great night with good conversations. Because we had to travel with public transport we were home late ane the next day we had to get up early to go to school but it was all worth it. May Tim and his music live forever ♥️

  • from Giada Cocca

  • from Marco C. (Venice – IT)

    Hi I’m a DJ for passion and I often use Avicii’s tracks in my session people always dance on his notes! For me Avicii was a symbol his music was and it still is a reason to go on to live my life and overcome everyday obstacles. In my bedroom I’ve a painting portraying Tim that remember me the wonderful person he was. In my opinion he‘s the best example of EDM DJ ever. Thank you Tim great man! With your music you were a light in every darkest night I hope angels are dancing on your music.

  • from Balogh Ádám

    Aviciiii We never miss you.We love you.

  • from Theresa

    I‘m from Austria and always adored Sweden. In August 2017 I finally went to Stockholm the best vacation ever. On August 11th „Without You“ got released – probably one of the best Avicii songs ever and one of my favorite songs – I still listen to it at least once a day – I want to cry everytime I hear it. So basically my favorite memory is being in Tims hometown the moment his last EP got released. That‘s kind of really special to me since I never got to go to one of his concerts. Love you!

  • from Aaron

    Because of him I started to make music of my own he has inspired me. For ever in our heart!

  • from Marco C. (From Venice)

    Hi I’m a DJ for passion and I often use Avicii’s tracks in my session people always dance on his notes! For me Avicii was a symbol his music was and it still is a reason to go on to live my life and overcome everyday obstacles. In my bedroom I’ve a painting portraying Tim that remember me the wonderful person he was. In my opinion he‘s the best example of EDM DJ ever. Thank you Tim great man! With your music you were a light in every darkest night I hope angels are dancing on your music.

  • from Lee R

    Il y a peu de chose à dire quand on doit d'écrire un talent aussi grand AVICII tu représentais l'électro que j'aime celui qui donne envie de respirer et voyager simplement merci. ◢◤

  • from Davide

    io ho ascoltato "hey brother" nel periodo della morte di mio nonno <3….ora ascoltandola mi ricorderò 2 persone speciali….#heybrother#ripavicii#love

  • from Tin

    We will never forget you. Live a life that you will remember. I'm gonna miss you.

  • from Hugo

    A jamais le meilleur #Sunchine

  • from Filippo Meluzzi

    Thank You

  • from Gareth

    Avicii you're the reasons why I love EDM so much. Your songs Wake Me Up I Hope There's Someone Levels Silhouettes and many more meant so much to me. I've probably listened over 100 hours to your music. You're a legend and your death is a big loss to the music industry but also to the world. Goodbye 🙁

  • from Hanna

    You are no longer where you were but you are everywhere we are ?

  • from Giuseppe

    Dopo la tua morte il vuoto. Resterai comunque sempre con me! A presto…

  • from Сергей

    Твоя музыка была моей надеждой. Даже в самые трудные минуты моей жизни я всегда мог включить один из твоих чертовски потрясающий треков и закрыв глаза наслаждаться моментами. Спасибо за то что ты делал. Твое творчество навсегда останется в моем плейлисте.

  • from Christineb

    Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Adhi

    2013 was a huge year of change for me. Felt confused about life with no direction. Your song "Wake Me Up" accompanied me through those confusing times. Rest in peace Tim. I am honoured to have your music soundtracked some of the good and not-so-good times of my life. You have definitely lived a life we will remember.

  • from Anton

    Благодаря Авичи я полюбил электронную музыку. Спасибо тебе за всё!

  • from Sana mujtaba khan

    Tim was really pure soul without inner peace. Hope he has found it now.I being a muslim pray to Allah that he s in better place and he may rest in peace . Love from pakistan Strength to his family??????

  • from Kätriin

    We all love you❤Rest in peace Avicii?

  • from Tawhid

    You're not just a musician you're a hero. You made us laugh cry through your music. You lifted up our emotions through your music. Earth will miss you.

  • from Karim

    Please wake me up when it’s all over ??

  • from GNEDY

    Знаешь Тим видимо ты так и останешься моей мечтой за которой я буду гнаться вечность. Мне очень жаль что я не смогу пожать тебе руку за все то прекрасное что было создано ею. Мне жаль что несмотря на оглушительный успех и народную любовь рядом с тобой не было человека которому ты бы мог показать свои скелеты в шкафу. Сейчас когда уже все люди понемногу свыкаются с мыслью что тебя больше нет горечь потери лишь усиливается. Очень по тебе скучаю. Господь забрал тебя слишком рано брат.

  • from Noam

    Wake me up when it all over….

  • from Aviral

    The best ARTIST the world will ever witness. His songs were so different from the mainstream his melodies touched the heart. His sense of composing melodies can never be matched. Rest in peace TIM we love you and always will. !!

  • from Emma from Sydney Australia

    Your music has brought both joy and comfort to me over the years. It's made me happy it's made me dance its helped me grieve and comforted me when I have felt completely alone. It brings back memories of some of the most wild nights of my life and paints the picture of youth. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. Bless you. You will live in in our hearts forever.

  • from Spartak

    you’ll be dj #1 for me and for another Tim. with love from Russia…

  • from TruongNguyen

    Tim wake me up…<3

  • from YUE YU


  • from Amane

    I wanted to hear more songs from you. Your songs always have deep meanings in the lyrics. I wanted to see you live but now you are gone forever. May you find peace. Thankyou Tim.

  • from エール


  • from Masha

    I first heard Wake Me Up when it became popular. I wasn't into dance music I'm still not. But I loved the song because I relate a lot to the lyrics. We miss you tim we really do

  • from Cody Raven

    Thank you for your great songs and uplifting melodies. Your journey ends here but your music will live on and continue to inspire future generations. Rest in peace Tim (Avicii). You will be missed ??

  • from Julio Ortega

    I remember Tim when he was just a young teenage boy starting to make his music. At first he was just listening to music and really enjoyed it. From there he started making his own tracks and as passionate he was I think he knew what he wanted so on and so forth. Avicii today is one of the biggest music icons there is aside from Michael Jackson and Madonna. He is the face of Electronic Dance Music. He touched my life with his music and I would always be grateful for that. #RIPTIMBERGLING

  • from mio

    thank you for everything

  • from Cristina

    For me Avicii was one of the most relevant people in my life because thanks to him I could see the good things in life. Mainly with "The Nights" I decided that I want to live a full life and if that song had never been presented to me I do not know where I would be right now. For that and more thank you very much Tim Bergling. May you rest in peace; And if that was the decision you chose to make that decision is respected since everyone decides how to improve or worsen their life.

  • from Christian

    It's rad that your family did this dude. This is cool. I still listen to your music. A lot lately. Shits been kinda crazy in my life the last couple years. Your beats keep me going dude. Rest well man. Rest well. Keep one cold for me up there k? We can chat about our favorite dance music. It'll be fun. See you in about 40 years I hope.

  • from Cynthia

    RIP TIM. I didn’t really know who you were until the news of your death was announced. Your story touched my heart and the tragedy of your death hits close to home. I wish your family and friends prayers and condolences through this difficult time. ???

  • from Kaylee

    Just learned that he died I feel for the family and his fans. During Highschool his songs were often used for parties and to have fun I'm still dancing to them and probably will for the rest of my life. Thank you Avicii thank you for sharing music and making me happy.

  • from

    Your music was the anthem to so many amazing moments and times in my life thank you for all that you gave us

  • from Shankar

    Avicii Music is so inspirational and unique that it always gave me positive feeling during my lonely days. Thank you for everything. Your music will always be in my heart until last my breath.

  • from Francisco Amaya

    We miss you Tim

  • from Victor Vega

    No tengo palabras para describir lo que sentí cuando me enteré de está mala noticia ahora quien me calmar a su música me hacía sentir que los problemas de la vida es un momento donde decenas vivirla día a día se que se fue pero el mundo sonríe con el ahora por que el será el mejor digan lo que digan sin el los demás no serían nada pero como persona fue el más humilde y generoso hasta siempre tim ❤????

  • from Laura

    Your music always made feel happy especially when I was not my best. You inspired me to overcome my sadness and to strive to get better Thank you for being a gifted artist and your music will live forever in my heart Still sad ?

  • from LL

    Avicii your “Levels” changed my life. It is still so hard to believe you’re gone. You were my age. It is so difficult to put my feelings into words here. Your music will live forever. Thank you.

  • from Kyle Shannon

    Avicii. You defined the peak of an entire era of music you rode the wave of EDM to the top at the perfect time to define the genre. My favorite concert to this day is seeing 23 year old you perform at the best amphitheater in the world – Red Rocks in Colorado. I still remember the shock covered in goose bumps feel listening to your music and balling my eyes out in pure joy to your rendition of drowning. I desperately search to hear new music influenced by you you forever are a legend. Thank u

  • from David Mortensen

    When you’re in love you dance to all the songs. When you’re heartbroken you begin to understand the lyrics. I’ve had the good fortune of experiencing your art during the apexes and troughs of my life. I’m thankful that you contributed to the soundtrack of my life.

  • from Keyla Alvarez

    AVICII el Dj que cambio por completo mi vida… Fuiste un héroe en mis momentos de angustia gracias por tu musica gracias por ser mi inspiración y por aserme creer en mi misma que los sueños no son imposible te extraño todo tu publico te extraña AVICII FOREVER ? un dia ya mi sueño cumplido desde lo alto de Tomorrowland gritare tu nombre como el mejor guerrero El imcomparable Dj AVICII AVICII AVICII AVICII AVICII??????? ILOVE YOU AVICII ????????????????????

  • from Janina

    Your music touches my soul. It becomes a part of my being. Your music becomes a sort of spirit and never dies. Your music touches emotionally where words alone can't. Thank you ♡

  • from Dolly Yang

    Thanks for making wonderful music and songs. Your songs inspire me. You are the reason why I love partying in Europe. RIP Your fan from Taiwan

  • from Carlos Daniel Chuquiyauri Cori ◢ ◤ AVICIIPOR SIEMPRE EN NUESTROS CORAZONES

    Te extrañamos AVICII eres y serás uno de los más grandes exponentes de nuestra querida y amada MÚSICA ELECTRÓNICA todos aquí te extrañamos demasiado aun no podemos asimilar que que fueras tan pronto siempre te vamos a recordar y llevar en nuestros corazones.Porque tu no hacías solamente música electrónica hacías y transmitías sentimientos y emociones a través de ellas. Muchas de tus canciones me ayudaron mucho a superarme y a ser una gran persona.. tus canciones no se sienten

  • from Célia Maria

    For me you will always be my brother you miss me so much I will never forget you Tim ? You save my life with music if you wasn’t being a Dj and make music I will die because My cousin force me to do sex with him and I feel so alone but you save my life with your music and I want to say thank you brother

  • from Dylan Walker

    descansa en paz tim berling nuca te olvidaremos a ti ni a tu musica

  • from joana

    No sabes el vació que sentí cuando estaba en la escuela y me entere que habías muerto.. me dije como es que paso esto? si hace unos días subiste fotos en tu instagram nooo!! porque porque lo hiciste.. todos tus fans y yo te queríamos te amábamos… todavía te escribí en tu instagram todo lo que sentí en ese momento que ahora sin ti todo es diferente… como dijiste la música ya no es la misma. lamento mucho tu muerte lomas lamentable es que no te conocí… gracias por todo. waiting for love

  • from Lina

    Escuche a avicii desde sus inicios cuando pasaban problemas en mi vida me echaba en mi cama y escucha a todo volumen las canciones de mi dJ favorito tengo todos los álbumes ahora que está en el cielo me tatuare el nombre de una de sus canciones YOU BE LOVE. AVICII PRESENTE ❤️

  • from Edzel Buenavente

    Your music was one of the best in the EDM World of Music You left us too early Avicii on behalf of all the DJs here worldwide we thank you for helping us bring people together with the power of music…

  • from bry

    great songs

  • from Frederic Beaudoin

    Back in 2012 on the same day when I first heard Penguin and Levels I immediately became addicted to EDM and Avicii especially. Since then I followed him but never had the opportunity to see him a show. Thank you Avicii for all these memories it won't be forgotten. Fred

  • from Sam Mateos 🙂

    Avicii Revolucionó y creo un estilo único en la industria el tenía la perfección en cada una de esas bellas canciones Su perdida me tocó en el corazón no lo podía creer. En fin Mi gran inspiración fue con el mi primer contacto con el EDM. Ahora entiendo que no todo es color de rosa siendo un personaje público el no le gustaba esto de estar en giras la presión que conlleva el agotamiento. Pero hasta el final de su vida siguio Complaciendonos A todos Nosotros. Dear Boy Tim ❤️ Forever in Yours

  • from Marko de Medellin

    Marko from Medellin Colombia Avicii estuviste mi mejor dj del mundo. Muchas gracias por todo.

  • from Brenda


  • from Cristian Quecán

    I met Avicii with is single Silhouettes. Since then i started to listen to his music without any restrictions of volume or situation. One day Avicii did that mirror thing which basically his music was going to break a huge mirror with the volume behind it. I remembered two of many of my tweets were shown in that huge mirror i was so fucking proud and happy of showing Avicii what his music meant to me and now i am even happier that i had the oportunity of showing Avicii what he did was art.

  • from kevin gabriel

    escuche a avicii en 2015 no conocia bien a avicii pero escuche mas su musica siendo la mejor que he escuchado el es un verdadero dj y verdadero compositor el es la inspiracio de muchos como la mia en lo mas profundo de mi desiaria ser como avicii pero seria imposible el es unico la vida es dificil de comprender y lo fue para avicii todos pasamos situaciones dificiles pero avicii nos enseo a vivir una vida que pueda recordar y el estara en muchos recuerdos de barias personas.

  • from Eugenia yax

    Eres y serás uno de los artistas más GRANDES exponentes de la música Electrónica te extrañamos y espero que estés en un lugar hermoso en el cielo era uno de mis grandes sueños era estar algún día en uno de tus Set pero ya no pudo ser posible ese sueño anhelado tu música es increíble y siempre lo será regrésate al cielo como una estrella avicii por siempre ?◀️▶️??❤️❤️ ???

  • from Bárbara Leenik

    Querido Tim espero hayas encontrado la Paz que buscabas gracias por tu arte por tu música ha sido mi soundtrack en momentos muy bonitos de mi vida siempre tendrás un espacio en mi mente y corazón sé que no soy la única y mientras eso suceda siempre vivirás! Fuerza para quien lea esto no importa por lo que estés pasando todo estará bien esto es una señal!

  • from erika florida

    An inspiration. A legend. A true talent. It doesnt feel real that you are gone its as though Im still waiting on the day you come back to us. Nothing but happy memories come to mind when I listen to your music. In fact some of my happiest moments were spent listening to songs such as Wake Me Up Lonely Together City Lights or Broken Arrows. Tim you made me so happy. You will forever be in my heart and I miss you every single day. You were so beautiful so talented. I hope you found peace. X

  • from HRW

    Descansa en paz mi querido hermano!!. Se que en tu música nos dejaste parte de tí la cual nos transporta a un espacio extraordinario # Avicii.

  • from David Jimenez

    hace unos cuantos mese conoci a una persona la cual me enamore y yo estaba dispuesto a hacer todo por ella saliamos a comer iba a su escuela platicabamos yo le dije lo que sentia por ella y me dijo que ella sentia antes lo mismo por mi pero solo estaba jugando conmigo y despues de un mes regreso con su ex yo me sentia destrosado y siempre escuchaba a Avicii quien me hacia sentir bien y su cancion "Whitout you" me ayudo mucho a superarla y solo queda decir gracias Avicii eres el mejor.

  • from Fernando J.B.F.

    Everything you have created was for me more than music you gave happiness to all the people and me I will hear your music until I dead With your dead I cannot enjoy any song from other producers you were unique you made the difference there is not any day that I am not thinking on you waiting to you to release more happiness( music). 4 months passed since that day and I feel alone. You are my inspiration. An artist never die if its art still alive.

  • from KATHERINE R.

    Tu música me transmite alegría y felicidad y eso es lo mas grande que se le puede dar a una persona. Hiciste mucho por nosotros! Hasta siempre Tim espero que nos crucemos en otra vida. ♡♡

  • from richie

    well im from peru i have 20 years and avicii was so important to me with his music i started on the edm he was the best dj for me i always listen his song and remember him one of my dreams was go to a show of him but i cant do that now well avicii rest in peace! <3

  • from Herick

    Thank you for all AVICII – TIM

  • from Rafael from Chicago IL

    Personally the first song I ever heard from Avicii was Levels which led me to Fade into Darkness and from there I was a fan…. I'm always asked who was my favorite DJ ever and my response has always been Avicii. The world lost an incredible talent too soon. Tim "Avicii" Bergling I hope you're resting in peace. You left us but We know you lived a life that will be remembered.

  • from Robson

    Avicii você foi um kara muito incrível e sempre vai ser sinto muita saudade de você mais quando ouço suas músicas a sensação é muito emocionante tim eu tenho orgulho de ser seu fã obrigado por tudo ?◀▶?

  • from Nestor

    Yo escuche a Avicii en el 2011 desde ahí solo lo seguí como un Dj mas cuando escuche mas música y lo bien que me hacia sentir se convirtió en mi Dj favorito alguien a quien admirar y de alcanzar desde el 2013 que me prometí que haría mi propia música para crear un sentimiento igual en las personas como el que el creo en mi Ojala algún día pueda cumplir este sueño de llegar hasta donde el Grande Tim <3

  • from Armando ML

    I Love You Avicii

  • from Camila Otero

    Tim Avicii. Empece a escuchar y saber de vos cuando recien saltabas a la fama. Pase muy malos momentos y vos me salvaste la vida. Con tus canciones tus palabras y tus pensamientos. Me salvaste de la depresion y de la muerte. Espero que el cielo te prepare un festin cada dia y espero que hayas encontrado la paz que tanto anhelabas y necesitabas. Te llevo tatuado en mi piel para siempre. Mando buenas vibras a la familia Bergling. Tim te amo.

  • from Michelle

    This is Michelle I'm 11 yo : Avicii Tim best dj ever best human being warm-hearted perfect boy… I hope you're well in the sky. Thanks for sharing your amazing talent and incredible beautiful human being inside and outside with us! thanks for making me feel like I could take over the world!!!! Even if I didn't “have any plans" but you surely showed me“where to start”! (right where I am!) … I'm sorry for our loss Your songs spoke to deep desires of my heart tim 4 ever in me 4 ever!

  • from Melissa Jauss

    Hi Tim (and your family) I'm a 42-yr-old post-grad educated mental health therapist who still can't figure out why your death has affected me so profoundly but I'm clearly not alone given the outpouring of support around the globe. What I do know is that I was enjoying your music long before I knew your name and it helped me to train for the 2017 & 2018 NYC marathons. And since your death I've reconnected with the EDM music and events in a way that I thought I had forgotten. Thank you!!!

  • from Mari

    Tú fuiste quién hizo que la música electrónica me gustará con tu canción Wake me up recuerdo que no la quitaba y en la noches la escuchaba para dormir es mi favorita. siempre estarás en mi corazon un abrazo hasta el cielo mi sueño fue ir a un evento tuyo y conocerte y nunca pude pero se que te volveré a ver un día y aras mi sueño realidad love you Avicii ❤

  • from MF

    Eres y serás mi artista favorito ❤️ Me quedo con un exelente recuerdo de ti tu música hasta el cielo Tim ❤️

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