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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Caroline


  • from Martin H

    I still cant belive that you are gone. I saw you play in Stockholm all the way to Miami and you were always the best act. I will always remember you and i will always listen to your music. Rest in peace brother <3

  • from Marie

    Tack för all underbar musik vila i frid ❤️

  • from Oscar Lehtola

    För mig var Tim ett geni. Lyssnade massvis på hans musik innan han gick bort. Jag lyssnar ännu mer idag. Har aldrig tagit såhär hårt av en artists bortgång. Det träffar mig personligt att han inte längre finns. Jag såg Tim som en kärleksfull och härlig person med blicken riktad framåt. Han pratade ut modigt om sina problem vilket jag respekterar stort. Det är så himla sorgligt att han inte finns mer. Tim finns i mitt hjärta och Avicii finns i mina lurar. Kommer aldrig glömma honom.

  • from Mamma -79

    Jag upptäckte dig och din musik ungefär en månad innan du gick bort och den gjorde mig så glad!! Jag blev nyfiken och googlade på Avicii och du verkade vara en sådan gullig kille! Så oerhört tragiskt och onödigt att du försvann i förtid som trebarnsmamma så lider jag med din mamma och pappa. Men vad stolta dom kan vara över dig! Vi måste alla vara rädda om varandra och våga ställa de obekväma frågorna. Tala om psykisk ohälsa motarbeta det stigma som psykiska sjukdomar har. ❤️

  • from Niclas

    R.I.P. Tim!!

  • from Tina Joel and Joshua

    Our roads crossed so many times Malmö Miami Ibiza. You gave us so much and when you needed it most we were not able to help. We keep you in our hearts.

  • from Freddie Waldemar

    Those days whe i have/had a hard time in school or at work and took my longboard on the road and went in AVICII mode. In my mind i was on another planet with help of your music and i started smileing again ready for the next day.

  • from Drew Johnston

    Tim's music has been the light in the dark for me and has always given me a reason to look forward to tomorrow. As a person who suffers depression I really enjoy the positive vibes of his music. I love his melodies because they are incredibly uplifting. I first started listening to his music when I heard Levels for the first time in 2011. Ever since I've been a huge fan loving every single new song he would release. I truly miss you Tim. I will share your music for the rest of my life.

  • from Raphael W

    Tim du fehlst mir immer mehr von Tag zu Tag… Ich bin dir so dankbar für das was du uns hinterlassen hast. Deine Musik die tollen Momente… Ich kann es noch nicht wirklich realisieren.. Ich hoffe dir geht es gut da oben. „We’re go be birds we’ll fly We’ll go set the world alight“ Love U Goldenboy❤️?

  • from Herman

    Went to hus true tour in Stockholm my first real concert it was one of the best i have been to and i still get chills looking back at the videos i took

  • from Nathalie

    Vila i frid Tim! Du och din musik lever hos oss för evigt. Tänker på din familj och vill tacka dom för den fina minnesplats för dig Tim. Tack!

  • from Anaël

    It's crazy how you bring people together. Because of your music and because of you Tim you impact us in a good way. You change me. I created a page on instagram as a tribute and support for people since 4 months now i help people thanks to you you make me become a better person and i'm thankful for that. I'm sorry for all. I hope and i'm even sure you found the peace you deserve and you are watching us from above that's what i feel. I love you so much

  • from Olexander

    Miss you my idol. You brought me to this world of music and now i cant believe that you passed away. World wouldnt be the same without you. Thanks for the best moments in my life and helping in lifeless moments. Remember that moments. You've picked my soul from the dirty of life. And now thats a time for us. Tim will be in our hearts forever . A lot of STORIES to tell but one TRUE legend. AVĪCI

  • from Markus W

    Jag varken kunde eller ville tro att det var sant när den där pushnotisen dök upp från Aftonbladet att du hade gått bort. Jag blev stående i min hall ett bra tag och bara stirrade i mobilen och hoppades att det skulle komma ett nytt meddelande om att uppgifterna om din bortgång var felaktiga. Sen kom tårarna när jag insåg att detta faktiskt var på riktigt. Du är en av de största förebilderna jag har och jag är så glad att jag han se dig live två gånger. Två av dem bästa upplevelserna i mitt liv.

  • from Nnonja

    God needs dj. Your music live forever legend.-

  • from Cok Oka Birawidya

    RIP Avicii

  • from Lena

    He will be forever in our hearts❤️His music brings so much love and hapiness. For me he is the Love everybody needs in this world! Thank u Tim u Will Never ne forgotten!!! ◢ ◤ Miss you

  • from Jonny

    I Love You Forever Tim Avicii Bergling.I Make Tatoo of you to my Big Fan and Love your Music.

  • from Anton

    Rest in peace Tim Bergling ◢ ◤

  • from Emma


  • from Jaycee

    I really like your songs bro you may be gone bro but your music will live forever. Rest in peace bro. From: Davao Philippines

  • from Tessan

    Thank you you 4 all the amazing music. I hope you havs found peace now ? I will never stop listning to what you have created❤❤❤

  • from Oliver

    He was my idol. I Will miss you so much ): R.I.P avicii

  • from Linus

    Jag är så glad över att jag har fått följa din resa ifrån början till slut. Du va en stor förebild. Tack för allt Tim. ❤️❤️

  • from Åsa

    Din musik spelas hos oss varje dag! Alla har sina favoriter som blandas och det sjungs och dansas i hela lägenheten! Hoppas att du hittat din frid och att du har det bra! Vi glömmer dig aldrig! ❤️

  • from Max

    Saknar dig och kommer alltid sakna dig. Du förändrade världen för all framtid. Vila i paradiset nu kompis.

  • from Annelie

    Du vackra ängel jag hoppas innerligt att du funnit frid och ditt paradis ♥️ Din musik och ditt avtryck till denna värld kommer leva vidare för evigt

  • from Marina

    I still can’t believe that you’re gone. ? I will always remember you and your music will live on forever! I’ll miss you! ❤️Rest in peace Tim ”Avicii” Bergling❤️

  • from Maja Byström

    Jag hoppas du har det bättre där du är nu. ÄLSKAR DIN MUSIK❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from Martin Larsson

    I can't thank you enough Tim for everything. You raised me up when my life was all a mess. You motivated me to start producing music and you will always be my biggest inspiration. I miss you really much… I really hope you're having a blast in heaven. I'll see you there! I dedicated a wall in my apartment with a high resolution canvas with the picture I sent with True and Stories VINYL LP on each side. Mycket kärlek. Vila i frid Tim <3

  • from Sara Sollentuna

    Mina döttrar 5 och 1 år dansar varje dag till dina låtar. Klara den yngsta sjunger dessutom hela inledningen till "Hey Brother" på sitt eget lilla vis ? Jag och min familj saknar dig. Du berörde mig och du berör än idag. Jag hoppas att i livet efter detta få träffa dig och ge dig en kram och tacka dig. Din musik stärkte mig efter mammas död och det är jag evigt tacksam för. Tack.

  • from Daniel

    2014 02 28. Was lucky enough to get tickets for the show at the Tele2 arena even though it had been announced that it was sold out. Ended up at the front. A memorable evening. A year later it was time again. This time at Summerburst. Also ended up at the front. So badly hard to find that one that was standing and cleared to suddenly no longer exists among us. And every time you've played Hey Brother Wake me up and Waiting for loving parties and driving singing! Thanks for the music ◢ ◤

  • from Adam Davie

    Du och din musik kommer alltid att leva vidare! ❤️ R.I.P

  • from Bellmin

    Such a great DJ such a great person he didint deserve to pass away so early in his life Rest in peace Tim "avicii" bergling much love to his family.

  • from Julia N

    Världens absolut bästa artist någonsin som aldrig kommer bli glömd och alltid vara saknad. Alla fina minnen som man har till din musik och under hela min uppväxt har jag lyssnat till din underbara musik. Vila i frid Tim vi älskar dig! <3

  • from Robin

    Made this 2014. Vila i frid bästa du

  • from Greg A

    I miss you!!! I love your music

  • from Daniel F

    Please that can’t be real. I swear that I am crying ? Come back to us. We need ya

  • from Addison W

    Dear Friends And Manager of Avicii. I’m sorry for the loss of Tim he was great dj he inspired me to do everything this is an email about how much he will be missed. R.I.P Avicii Tim Bergling

  • from Nathalie M

    I miss you soooo much 🙁

  • from inez ap

    Miss u :")

  • from Melanija S

    I love you❤️?

  • from Charlotte A

    Hi Tim / Avicii I never knew you in person (obviously) but god I loved your music. ? My heart broke when I found out you had died I still sometimes cry about it now. ? I hope you are having a fun time in heaven but 28 is so young so so young. ?? With all my love Charlotte

  • from 須藤典彦

    I love you forever

  • from Aditya A

    Miss you brother. You were an inspiration to all living souls. May you be happy…always!

  • from Anne-Catherine M

    Heyyyy whe miss you so mushh?❤️

  • from kazu

    Hello. My name is kazuma. I live in Japan. I'm listening to this song everyday. I'm translating your songs and listening. I think really sad that you died.

  • from Harsh Jadhav

    Rip avicii..your legacy will live on with us..u will be remembered forever….love you man

  • from nishank s

    You will stay in heart man. ?

  • from Katherine B

    I know you won’t ever read this in person because you sadly passed away. You didn’t deserve to die. Definitely not you and you’re music meaned the world to me I wish you peace RIP Katherine xxxxx

  • from Viktória M

    I know you can't read this but I will write it ❤. You are amazing your music can change my mood really fast on bad or good mood. I am so sad now. It is so hard to live without my idol (you). Every day I feel pain every day I cry… Sometimes I want to close my eyes and feel nothing no pain no depression. I love you so much I can't describe how much I love you. I love Avicii but more I love Tim. Shy senstive kind Tim.

  • from R Tita

    Te amo tim..wo ai ni..hope you can alive again..amin

  • from Jennifer R

    Aún te extraño mucho ????

  • from 樵樵

    I miss u my brother?

  • from Valentina M

    Love you tim ..

  • from giorgi c

    Miss you… rip♥

  • from Geoffrey L

    I love you Avicii RIP

  • from Jasper S

    I miss you so ❤??❤

  • from Valentin R

    Hi Avicii I know you can’t read this but I want say that you are a so nice person and your songs are the best I have ever heard ! At the first day I heard a song of you I knew that this is no normal song ( I began to cry )! It sounds beautiful and I heard it for three hours. It was a great time with you and your songs. You will ever keep living in my heart as the best DJ in the world. I bought so many albums and every song was better than the last one .

  • from IAGO P

    love you

  • from Andra si

    I miss you so much… ?

  • from Sarah W

    I have pain in my heart. You live in a place that is too far away. But one thing you should know: I will always carry you in my heart. I miss you so much♥️

  • from Apple A

    Hi Tim I hope your enjoying the paradise and I hope you found peace. I know that you will never see or read my email but I wanted to let you know that I am a big fan of yours your songs really helps me alot during my darkest days and still lestining until now. Also my 5 year old daughter loves your waiting for love song amd she always listen to it and shes telling me your my brother. I hope i was your sister and its sudden me that your not here foe us anymore. I wish you didnt go!

  • from MAYUR M

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ m.m.d

  • from Abdullah K

    I'll be missing you forever ? RIP

  • from Luiz A

    Miss u

  • from Gamer I

    R.I.P You will be forever in our hearts

  • from Tara R

    I can’t believe he’s still gone and when Tim died my heart was hurting really badly ?????????❤️❤️❤️??? I miss you Tim Bergling

  • from cica

    i love you avicii you my legend

  • from Avicii lover

    We miss u. We love you 4ever

  • from Australia

    Rest in Peace Tim. You will be dearly missed. Thank you for inspiring so many young souls your legacy will live on forever.

  • from Kamila Nguyen (12 years old)

    He meant the WORLD to me I was broken when he died. My favorite song of him is The Nights

  • from sioubon

    Avicii i love you somh

  • from Sarthak

    Love u always tim x io

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