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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Prudy

    It's been such a low week and I found myself listening to 'Without You' then that led me here. I can't imagine how alone Tim felt that very last day and if something would have changed his mind.💔 Your music lives on Tim, and we sing all these songs for you now:)

  • from Rony

    Miss you Tim <3

  • from thoas


  • from Omar David

    Espero estes componiendo arriba y que gusto el legado que dejaste aqui en la tierra, tu musica es una inspiración para mucho y para mi en todo momento hasta en el trabajo, gracias por haber existido y dejarnos existir en la tuya. Un abrazo hasta el infinito.

  • from Nob

    Knowing his last words written in his diary: "The shedding of the soul is the last attachment before it restarts," I pray he finds his soul in his pursuit of happiness. – P3

  • from Nob

    Regardless of what he chose, he won this life. I researched, and he said he would make songs that would last a lifetime; he did it. Still, his lyrics from his last album hurt like broken glass—the irony. Then I saw this article; I saw how he tried to regain himself in his last years. He was happy, perhaps not enough for that particular day he decided to take his life, but seeing him happy before choosing his final path made me calm too, at least. – P2

  • from linda ann

    i first became aware of avicii (tim) after watching the tremendous documentary on netflix. he was a sensitive beautiful brilliant magnificent soul. the people around him knew he was struggling and pushed him anyway. in the end he just wanted to be tim❤️🫶🏼

  • from Nob

    Today marks the 3rd day since I found out that he died. I was researching some old nostalgic music that would remind me of the good times from the past, and I stumbled upon "Wake Me Up," then "Hey Brother," and so on. I realized how I missed these songs and searched for his latest music. Googling "Avicii's latest songs," Google answered with "Avicii's last songs." How is it possible to miss someone and feel terribly heartbroken when you haven’t met him? – Part 1

  • from David from Slovakia

    You made my childhood, you really made timeless music. I miss youso much, why did you leave us? 😢. R.I.P. Avicii 💔

  • from Peter

    Love reading these so much love that there are people out there who enjoy his music as much as I do

  • from Rita

    I miss You every minute. Why did you leave us?

  • from Alyssa B

    Tim, I wish you see how loved you are around the world. Your heart, soul and character inspire thousands, millions of people everyday. You are still to this day my favorite artist, and the artist that made me fall in love with house music. It will be forever a shortcoming to never having seen perform and play your music in person, because I was too young. Thank you for the memories, and the memories I am still making with friends to your music. We love you Tim more than you know 🤍❤️

  • from Josh W

    Tim, you are a hero to so many of us. You inspired millions around the entire world. Your light shined brighter than most stars ever could. You had so much more life to live, however, the short life you had changed mine and many others forever. Your music and your legacy will never be forgotten. I know you are an angel in heaven, one day I will finally meet you. I look forward to it.

  • from Syahrul R.d

    tim you was right, we should live a life to be remember, and your legacy always stay with us❤️🥀

  • from Kevin

    Your music changed my perspective in life where i just need to enjoy what i have cherish the moment you have,

  • from hazim

    i really really love you avicii

  • from Robert Cooley

    Found Tim through "Levels" sometime after 2020, then looked him up and his artist description was written in such a way to imply he was no longer alive. I was saddened to see that this artist I had just found took his own life. His music is amazing, and I have been listening to it for years.

  • from Sebastian

    Dear Tim ❤️ I'm lying in my bed crying and listening to Without You, I miss you and I'll always look up to you in the sky, I hope you're doing well. You inspired so many people and spread so much love, you were the best person on earth!!! We love you tim❤️

  • from Michal

    Tim 4ewer Your music, connected to the souls of fans, remains with us forever. I think about you all the time and at the same time I think about what it would be like if you were still here..

  • from Micha

    I saw the Film over Tim on Netflix and it was the greadest Dokumentary I've ever seen. He was a Genie with "Levels", "Hey Brother" and "Wake me up"

  • from The sapling

    Still missing you and your sound every day. Now more than ever. Long live the Goat.

  • from

    Avicii propuesta. Hemos visto tu negocio y creemos que tiene mucho potencial. Publicaremos tu empresa en más de 60 periódicos digitales de alta autoridad, lo que mejorará tu reputación, y posicionará tu web en las primeras posiciones de Internet. Así, cuando los clientes busquen información sobre ti, verán que tu empresa es conocida y confiarán más en ella. Además, queremos ofrecerte dos meses gratuitos para que pruebes el impacto sin compromiso. ¿Podrías facilitarme un número de teléfono para comentarte los detalles? Quedo pendiente de tu respuesta. PD: Si prefieres no recibir más información, responde con "No estoy interesado" y no volveremos a contactarte.

  • from Madalina

    Best Dj ❤️the song Levels was my favorite at the university party all the time

  • from Jayne

    One of the best Djs the world has ever seen!! I’ve had many nights out listening to his amazing music! My love for EDM is because of this legend!

  • from Yannik

    Best DJ i have ever seen in my live you are my Youth i Love you and i miss you ❤you are the Best hope you find Peace❤

  • from nat from brazil 🇧🇷

    tim foi mais que um dj, ele foi uma fonte de inspiração. desde a primeira vez que ouvi suas músicas, senti uma conexão profunda com sua arte. suas melodias e letras sinceras tocavam meu coração. a mistura de ritmos eletrônicos com outros gêneros criava experiências mágicas, repletas de memórias especiais. sua coragem em falar sobre saúde mental ressoou profundamente, e embora sua partida tenha deixado um vazio, seu legado continua vivo em cada batida. 🤍

  • from Sudip Hudait

    I started listening his songs when I was 7 years old. Now, I'm 16 and everyday I listen his songs . He will be always be remembered and be in our hearts forever. Rest in peace

  • from A Chinese Student Named JACKY

    His songs were very very excellent. When I was eleven years old,I began to listen Tim's Trouble.From then on loved it that every time took the MP3.

  • from S

    Din musik lever verkligen kvar 🤍 Var du än är, vad du än gör, i våra hjärtan finns du föralltid kvar.

  • from B

    Saknar dig

  • from Anisia

    Today I turned 18 and a friend of mine has surprised me with a True cd at my birthday dinner . Soon after,while I was talking with my friends, one of your songs began to play smoothly..I don’ t know.. seems that it could be more than just a coincidence for me.. Thank you Tim for your music and legacy that you left down here, on Earth. Hope you found peace and everything that you have wished for. Remembering you always, Tim ))

  • from Ahmed kader

    I was born in Sweden in 2010 and when I heard Avicii Tim Bergling music I love His music he was a great artist and Dj I will always love you Avicii and you are in my heart and I will always remember it’s Been 7 years since you died I will always miss you and I love you very much and I am Swedish we love you man❤️

  • from Victória Rebouças

    Avicii fez parte da minha adolescência e fará da minha vida até o fim. Obrigado por todas as músicas Tim, obrigado por cada mensagem que passou através delas, você foi incrível. I Love Tim❤️

  • from Connor

    We will miss you Tim

  • from HeatedHorizon

    Remembering you always Tim 🥹

  • from Writing this on my school computer during class

    We all mis you Tim. Forever loved

  • from Nati

    It'll never be the same without You. You changed our music world forever🫶 🫶 🫶

  • from Метро Кот

    Когда я узнал что… Avicii погиб, мне было так трагично так как я огромный фанат Avicii. И теперь когда я слушаю Avicii, у меня всегда поднимается настроение, радость и маленькая грусть про смерть Avicii. Avicii я тебя буду помнить бесконечно до всей своей старости, Avicii ты в моих сердцах, у тебя самая гениальная музыка! ТЫ В МОИХ СЕРДЦАХ!!! -Метро Кот-

  • from Japanese big fan

    普段EDM聞かない私の親ですら、Aviciiの曲は知ってて、好きだといって車で聞いてました。 1度でいいから会いたかった。 次の人生でも人に恵まれて悩むことなく楽しく、幸せに過ごしていてね。 これからもずっと聞き続けるよ!

  • from Natalia Sánchez

    En 2025 escuchando tu música y extrañándote mucho. El mejor productor, un talento soñando, increíble. Besos hasta la enternidad. Forever Avicii🎶

  • from David

    we burn faster than light

  • from Sergei


  • from Isla

    I’m a Scottish girl and I’ve from a rural area. Scots on general love club music and his music was perfect. I might have been only 5 when I first heard Avicii, and instantly fell in love. His music was one of a kind. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Gerry

    Although you are no longer with us, your legacy lives on. Your talent and dedication have touched generations, and we will always remember you with love and admiration.◢ ◤

  • from chi

    The first time I have listened to Avicii's music was when I was 12. His song "The nights" was so beautiful; I liked his music style; no one can compare to him.

  • from Dominic

    Forever in our heart, miss you tim

  • from Peter

    Best DJ ever .

  • from martha

    thank you. i love you. forever in my heart. legends never die <3

  • from IQLAL

    We love Tim 🙂

  • from Maxmalvi

    The best forever ♥️

  • from Max

    Love you forever Tim..◢ ◤

  • from Sema

    Şuan ilk defa dinliyorum normalde pek yabancı müzikler dinlemem ama bunu sanırım sevdim:))

  • from Pomkapam lallala

    I was sitting alone on a train to somewhere when 'I Could Be the One' shuffled and started playing. I had listened to that song and cried at the break of dawn. That was a meaningful moment in my life.

  • from Japan

    日本から。 母がきっかけで、あなたを知りました あなたの音楽は最高です。

  • from Melo

    Miss u…

  • from Mark W

    Your music brought so much happiness to millions, you gave a true gift to the world …gone but you will never be forgotten

  • from Diana

    hey! second time writing here feels surreal . there are a lot of people who love you deeply. just reading this messages makes me wanna cry. For me , it's an overwhelming period in my life but you make me stay here and believe that everything will be ok. I know that deep in my heart, you just remind me everyday. And it means the world to me. Thank you, Tim for always being here in your own way. Just so you know , you are loved and never forgotten . Let's live a life we will remember!

  • from Sylvia

    I'm 35 years old, I have a husband and children, and I still have Avicii in my heart❤️‍🔥

  • from Anna

    Never forget. You were a genius. Hope you found your peace of mind 🫶🏻

  • from SP

    Thank you for the music that gave us a place to feel accepted.

  • from Daniel Howell

    Hello internet

  • from the humble mouse

    hello… oh.. heh… 🧀 what is this…?

  • from kaycee kane

    Avicii your music makes me shed a tear everytime i hear it, your tantalizing notes combined together are truly the works of a musical genius. You were the greatest musician known to man, even better than benson boon.


    IM BACK VRO🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • from 2Hollis

    I love you so much Tim… So long… We will meet again white tiger ❤️

  • from Heather Nash

    I love you avicii ❤️❤️

  • from Justyna

    Love you, Tim.

  • from Maria José

    “In my culture, death is not the end. It's more of a stepping off point” – King T'Challa. We will always love you, AVICII

  • from Luke

    Still enjoying you're loving music every day ❤️

  • from Brenda Querino

    você faz muita falta, Tim! 🤍

  • from Nicolas Arias

    Cuantos buenos momentos el primero que llego para tocar mi alma con Musica un angel que ilumino mi vida y que tuvo que volver al cielo donde siempre pertenecio gracias Avicci.

  • from HeHt

    ♥️♥️♥️Forevermore TB♥️♥️♥️

  • from Evelyn

    I will miss you every single day of my life✨❤ Your legacy will live forever ❤🎧

  • from Margarida

    Para sempre avicii 🇵🇹❤️

  • from Francesco

    Ciao Tim, ogni giorno da ormai 15 anni ascolto le tue canzoni. Sono cresciuto con te, grazie anche a te è nata la mia passione per la produzione musicale, quando ancora ero un bambino. Prima o poi ci incontreremo, con affetto, un tuo enorme fan.

  • from Krystian

    the concert in Gdansk was amazing.

  • from Avicii

    I want avicii 1989-2100

  • from Carlos Hemkes

    Thank you for the music you gave us. You are a legend, we miss you Tim ❤️

  • from Leonardo

    Il più grande di sempre 🐐 Manchi come l'aria Tim ❤️

  • from Ren

    Million thanks for your amazing and inspiring music, dear Tim. You have to know that your music has kept me standing. Rest in peace beautiful soul.

  • from Jerome

    I miss you and i miss your music…

  • from Max from Małopolska


  • from Lena Dapunt

    Tim your music was not just sound but pure emotion. Your songs were and still my therapy, a refuge in difficult moments and a joy in happy ones. You left an eternal mark on the hearts of millions. Thank you, Tim, with all my heart. Wherever you are, you will always be remembered. ❤️‍🩹

  • from Lena Dapunt

    Ciao Avicii, Scrivo questa lettera con il cuore in mano, perché sento il bisogno di farlo. Guardando il documentario sulla tua vita, ho realizzato ancora una volta quanto mi manchi. È difficile spiegare a parole l’impatto che la tua musica ha avuto su di me e su milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. Le tue canzoni non erano solo melodie e ritmi travolgenti: erano emozioni pure, erano una voce che riusciva a parlare a chiunque avesse bisogno di sentirsi Grazie per tutto Tim ❤️‍🩹🕊️

  • from Alex

    Thanks for bringing me through those dark times, Avicii ❤️ Even though we’re all heartbroken, your music will live on forever. RIP.

  • from Juan Carlos

    Hey brother There's an endless road to rediscover

  • from Daniel

    Love you Tim, may your music live on forever. <3

  • from Amin

    I had your music on my playlist in 2010 when I met my wife. Upcoming bright star, not knowing what you were going through on the inside all those years. Saw your doc on Netflix and I just broke. Still your music is top and your talent unmatched. You're legacy is here to stay, that is greatness. No need to be looking to blame someone for the tragedy of loosing you, it is the fate of true legends to come and go way too fast. The pain is great because you were great. Hope you find your peace. Love

  • from Gabriela

    A música de Tim desperta em mim a vontade de viver, mesmo que eu não aceite sua partida tão sem respostas e misteriosa, mas seu legado vive e sempre viverá enquanto sua música existir nesse mundo! Afinal a música de Tim é atemporal e nunca morrerá em nossos corações ❤️. Espero que ele esteja na luz, a mesma luz que nos ilumina ao escutar suas canções inspiradoras. Você vive Tim (Avicii)

  • from Anila

    Although I’m of an older generation, you’re the one that made me love EDM. You’re so special and we really miss you. Rest in peace 🙏 ◢ ◤

  • from FXZ


  • from Michael Schubert

    Hallo Tim, Du warst großartig und hast tolle Songs aufgenommen die dich nie vergessen lassen nur ich war sehr erschrocken das dich dieser Stress sehr krank gemacht hat habe deine Doku gesehen und erst festgestellt was das aus einem Mensch machen kann so das man kein Ausweg mehr sieht. Du wirst unvergessen bleiben und ich sowie viele andere Menschen bin auch ich sehr erschüttert durch deinen frühen Tod. Bin selber DJ Ruhe in Frieden du lebst in unseren Herzen weiter.

  • from Ting

    I know it sounds weird, because he was gone in 2018, but every now and then, I still teared when I listen to Tim's music. I was 18 when I started noticing his music. Back then, I just moved to Australia from Taiwan, I didn't know anyone nor speaking great English. His music accompanied me through struggles, and share my best memories. Now, I am 27. I am stronger than myself 10 years ago, and Avicii definitely helped. It is impossible but I wish one day I could see your live, in the after life

  • from Aleks

    A new Avicii song dropping today on my birthday??? Hell yea! Happy!

  • from Eva

    Bueno es viernes! A ti securio te gustaba este día!. Escuchando tu música estoy. Acompañándome como siempre. Te admiro lo más. Besos.

  • from Daniel

    Du och din musik är fantastisk! Det du skapat för världen är unikt. Så tacksam för det du skapat, du kommer alltid att finnas kvar bland oss. 🎶🎼🎹 Saknar dig Tim 🌹

  • from durante

    hi my friend. nice to see you again. I'm in America now. isn't it amazing ya? haha. I wish I could have seen you here. I didn't go to Miami. I thought you'd be missed. So. Just wait a little longer, my friend. I still have work to do. Just watch. ok? so. have a good day.

  • from Hugo

    Miss you Tim

  • from Ektor

    No other artist has meant so much to me like Tim. Your music was the soundtrack to my highest and lowest moments, Tim. Thank you for the light you brought to this world ❤️

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