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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Tim

    I experienced many of the same challenges as Avicii, including issues related to name recognition, personal struggles, and mental health difficulties. Watching the documentary on Netflix left me shocked by what Avicii went through. We will always remember him for the love he shared with us, and we will strive to honour that in return. Love, 🇦🇺

  • from Silvia

    Oggi ancora mi emoziono ascoltando le tue opere. La tua essenza è qui, resta con me.

  • from Monika

    I feel by heart every word of your songs… I still love you, Tim. You are my inspiration. Su meile,

  • from Veronica

    Every song STILL hits as good today as it did when first released – Bromance will always be in my top 10 songs of all time. What a talent, what a legacy. Thankyou for sharing your gift with the world, gone too soon but wishing your spirit the peace it deserves 🫶🏽

  • from Lisa K

    Tim ‘Avicii’ Berling, you shared your heart and beautiful soul with the world through your creation of timeless music. Love you forever and rest in eternal peace.

  • from GM

    You have been my favorite artist since my teen years. The life in your music is just outstanding. We miss you Tim.

  • from DJ CEZZY

    Avicii I Will mourn till The day that I'll die for you wonderful man, we all miss you SO SO MUCH I just wanna get you back with us even its impossibile….. 💔😞💔

  • from Gloria

    Siempre te recordaremos por tu increíble esencia. Brilla siempre. ✨

  • from Edvard

    I started listening to Avicii in 2024. His music just goes straight into my heart and soul. I get very emotional when I listen to his songs, and when I saw the video of the tribute concert, I started crying. Tim and his music have done so much for the world, and he will keep living in our hearts through music. It’s never to late to become a fan. Thank you, Tim. You’ve changed my life.

  • from Zac Milne

    love you tim ❤️

  • from Nathalie

    We miss you Tim <3 Forever in our hearts.

  • from Gigi

    His songs have made me cry of happiness, words cannot describe how his songs have made me feel. Will forever remember him and his legacy.

  • from Atakan Achmet

    You have brought something unique into the world, your music!

  • from nikita

    as just a russian 15yo kid, i TRULY love ya, Tim. my childhood (3-7 years) was full of your songs, but my favourites are still "Silhouettes" and "Gonna love ya". i just fell in love with you and ur songs and changed the point of view to you after them. I discovered your full story and now can say that you're the best dj ever live….. lived…. so proud of you. miss you.

  • from Ieuan

    Your music always makes me feel emotions I don't feel with any other music. rest easy

  • from Delfina Laje

    We miss you, Tim. ❤️

  • from Jeanne

    I'm writing from Florida, USA. I just watched I'm Tim on Netflix. I am a fan of EDM and had the honor to see Tim perform at TomorrowWold in 2014. I was deeply saddened by his loss, as his music has touched so many of us. I send my deepest sympathy to his parents, family and friends. Tim's light was just too bright for this world. 💔

  • from Hanna

    You were my childhood. I miss you.♡

  • from Christina


  • from Tilde

    Såg din dokumentär för ett tag sen och den berörde mig väldigt mycket. Även fast jag aldrig hann träffa dig eller ens gå på dina spelningar så känns det som att jag kände dig. Hoppas du har det bra där du är. Du är saknad och älskad.❤️

  • from Alexandra

    Every time i hear your name, it breaks my heart that you are not here anymore. It’s not right, that a beautiful human who was so young and iconic, has to leave so early. You will live forever in your music.. You changed the music world a lot, and that will never change. You are still here with us, and your family .. just love ❤️ We saw you on your last concert – 28.08.2016 – at Ushuaia, in Ibiza.. it was a pleasure.. ♥️🙏🏼 Hope you live in peace now 🕊️ never forget..

  • from Tyrone and Monet

    Me and my girlfriend just watched the Netflix special and reminisced and told our individual stories when Avicii first stated and how we both loved his music and talent. We have a 10 year ages gap and we spoke about he reached all ages and spoke to us all. We miss him and who he stood for. Rest in power Tim 👊🏼

  • from Marco Di Vece

    I never met you, but i know that you was a great and beatiful person!Love!

  • from Makar

    counter-strike.. so much i listened him sounds.. thanks you so much tim.. god bless u R.I.P

  • from Rylan

    My first introduction to Tim Bergling (Avicii) was “Hey brother” I’d constantly sing it with my sibling in the car. Even now whenever I hear a song by Tim Bergling (Avicii) on the radio I can’t help but turn it up and sing along. His music connected people across the world including two siblings in Canada. Rest In Peace.

  • from Jana

    It broke my heart that you are no longer with us. Your music has accompanied me through my childhood and even now that I am an adult it is an important part of my life. The current generation will never understand what stories and memories your music triggers in us. You will forever be a part of me. I miss you so much. Rest in peace❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • from D

    Forever making us happy with your music

  • from Dominik Belenc

    I like him. I like his songs and i He only found out on January 11, 2025 that he had died.

  • from Samantha

    Whenever I hear an Avicii song, I’m immediately brought back to my pre-teen and teenage years and those years had some amazing memories. After watching the documentary not too long ago, his music resonates with me even more now as a 24 year old. Thank you for sharing your love of music with the world, you’re missed so much❤️. Rest in Peace, Avicii🪽.

  • from Ninu

    I miss you Tim. I miss your live shows. You were incredible! I was so moved by your documentary. I felt your love, happiness and pain. I listen to your music everyday and I know from the bottom of my heart that your music will still be out there for new generations to come. You will never be forgotten Tim, because you are a Legend. You are the brightest light in a sky full of stars🌟 I love you Tim. I love you Avicii. FOREVER ♥️

  • from Maja

    One and the best DJ ever. We love you Avicii – forever ❤️

  • from Brad

    Having watched the documentary, I now realise how much of a genius you were, you’ll never be forgotten. RIP Tim

  • from Azzurra

    ciao tim, ho finito ora di vedere per la terza volta il tuo documentario, e ogni volta finisco per piangere per ore. Ti ascolto da quando sono piccola e la prima canzone che ascoltai fu “wake me up” da lì fu amore incondizionato. a 17 anni mi sono tatuata il tuo simbolo, e ogni giorno lo guardo con un misto di gioia e dolore. sono cresciuta con le tue canzoni e continuerò a crescere così grazie per tutto quello che hai donato al mondo intero mi manchi, manchi a tutto il mondo ❤️

  • from Josue Martinez

    It's 2025 now. I have been listening to Tim's music for a very long time in which I hold in my heart dearly up to this day. His music really made me look at life in a different way, helping me throughout rough times when I am down or depressed. I am glad that his music saved my life and has helped me find a purpose of what I am striving for in life each and every day. Thank You Tim! ❤︎◢◤

  • from Elle

    I’ve been a fan of him since i was 6 years old, now i’m 18 years old. I really miss him so much 💔

  • from Mel H

    Rest in Aroha.

  • from K

    Just watched the documentary on netflix. I am not a huge music person but did not realise how many songs and tunes I liked over the years were from avicii or avicii collaboration. Artists like Tim have this false persona of loving attention, fame and partying. It was interesting to know how the did not like that side of his fame and success.

  • from Omar F

    I was living in Chihuahua, Mexico at the time. Even if I have strong bond with Mexican music, when I heard Avicii for the first time felt in love with the EDM(2012). His music always makes me feel like I was not alone on having these emotions/thoughts. His songs always motivated even on these current days. One of my regret in life is, that I never got the chance to see a live concert. Thank you Avicii for all the love you put on your music and fans. Thank you for everything.

  • from CaN CaNDaN

    Rest in peace Avicii………..

  • from Elijah

    I have a girlfriend called ash we have been dating for 5 months now and I am going to propose to her on the river and she is your biggest fan and so em I we are just hoping if you can send me and my girlfriend a picture or cd side by you we live in a small town called mt gambier south australia 5290 at 2/6 cardinia street . Please send me something

  • from Kay Wards

    You are a genius, a legend and there will never be another like you. Thank you for giving us glorious soundtracks to experience this life with. You are profoundly missed and loved 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

  • from Lyndsi

    Seek Bromance was in the EDC 2012 trailer and it was the first festival to catapult me into dance music. I will always associate AVICII with the incredible memories and goosebumps I got from his music. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Rest in Peace. We miss you every day.

  • from Maicon Saints

    Tim foi mais do que um DJ e produtor; ele foi um verdadeiro revolucionário da música eletrônica, desempenhando um papel fundamental na sua popularização. Nada será igual após Avicii, pois sua melodia tocou e transformou milhares de corações. Que privilégio foi ter você conosco. Você foi mais do que luz; você é a imensidão que continuará a brilhar em nossa memória.

  • from Maria

    Wow impactada y agradecida por el documental de Tim, mi canción fav ha sido Wake me up hoy día tiene mucho más sentido, gracias por tu legado, gracias por tocar el cora de muchas personas y sobre todo hacer consciente la salud mental. ❤️‍🩹. Fuiste y eres un gran ser humano, en mi corazón por siempre 🪽

  • from Ellis Thomas

    We love you Tim Forever in our hearts you genius 🇸🇪❤️

  • from Roger Alves

    Your songs Will be forever with us. We miss you Tim ♥️

  • from Locktainner

    Your music changed the whole EDM history, also the documentary that shows your life is going. Your gonna be stay with us forever. RIP Avicii(1989-2018)

  • from Sam

    I just watched the Avicii documentary and it brought back all the memories and love I had for him. How special he was and his music was to me will be something I carry with me for the rest of my life. We miss you always Tim. 🖤

  • from Merari Mantilla

    Te amo AVICII◢ ◤ 🖤

  • from Liss

    I just watched the documentary on Netflix about his life, I feel sad knowing that such a beautiful soul was lost and I feel privileged that I lived in the same time as he did. Tim you will forever be remembered 💙 ❤️ 💖

  • from Cameron

    Avicci was an inspiration to all and had a massive part in shaping me as a person soemthing I will be forever greatful for. When I listen to Tim’s songs it bring comfort and peace to me as I know that there will be challenges along the way just like Avicci had but he showed the ability to overcome the difficult curveballs thrown at him. Avicci you truelly are one of gods great great people thank you for making me the person I am today, you have a special place in my heart. Rest easy Tim 🖤.

  • from Tatiana Kolomenskaya

    I was born on 2006, but Avicii has been present since my childhood. When I was riding somewhere with my parents, the radio always had EDM music. Later, as I grew, until the time of his death I listened to all his songs that were a trendy topic, even right now, after all this years, everyday can´t pass without hearing something made by him. Avicii brings me nostalgia of my childhood that I spent in my home country and also nostalgia from a world where music was made to feel it, not only to hear.

  • from Isak

    I just watched Avicii – Im Tim on Netflix i cant stop crying. He was such a wonderful person and magnificant artist. I will always love his music.

  • from Valentino

    Caro Tim, Ho compreso il tuo dolore, mi sono immedesimato nei tuoi sentimenti e posso capire profondamente cosa tu abbia attraversato. Non è giusto Tim, che tu non ci sia più. La tua assenza pesa come un vuoto impossibile da colmare, ma il segno che hai lasciato resterà eterno. Sei stato, e sarai sempre, la mia fonte di ispirazione. Il tuo ricordo vivrà per sempre ❤️

  • from Odi

    Beautiful music from a beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world!

  • from Lucy

    Tim eres eterno en todos nuestros corazones! Abrazos al cielo ❤️

  • from Stefano

    Rest in peace ..from italy 🇮🇹 thanks for the music, thanks for the magic, thanks for everything..❤️

  • from KSI

    You're memory and your letters, we lived in my mind forever

  • from Austin

    Tim encontró su Luz en este mundo. Dónde quiera que esté, seguirá brillando y uniendo universos con su música. Cariños a su familia y allegados.

  • from R

    Tava mūzika atgādina par bērnību. Par skaistākajiem brīžiem ar māsu un brāli. Ar ģimeni. Tava mūzika mūsmājās skan jau no manas dzimšanas. Klausoties tavas dziesmas vienmēr rodas nostaļģija. Visi no tevis var iedvesmoties un mācīties. Paldies par Tavu devumu mūzikas pasaulē.

  • from Bela

    Rest in peace brother!💽📀💿

  • from Abbie Leigh

    I first came across Tim’s music in 2010 when the track bromance played for the very first time, I remember thinking to myself this guy knows how to get the people going, he never failed to disappoint me with any of his music. His music makes me feel happy and alive, it breaks my heart to know he’s gone, I really wish he was here, the Avicii sign was my first tattoo and I hold it dear to me & wherever he is I hope he found peace and knows how much is loved and missed❤️

  • from Tine

    Der Film hat mich so berührt das er mir seid Wochen nicht aus dem Kopf geht. Es beschäftigt mich sehr. Ich höre die Lieder in Dauerschleife und ich bin so fasziniert was ein wundervoller Mensch Tim war und wie sehr und tief mich seine Songs berühren wie keine anderen.

  • from Giulia

    I Remember loving Tim's music since the very beginning. You could feel instant love because that's what Tim's music makes you feel. I would have loved to hear him live at least once. I remember that day so clearly. I was traveling with some friends on a van in Australia and when we found out I cried for so long. We spent the whole day listening to his songs and looked at the stars in silence to honor his death. Tim, I didn't know you but I'll miss you forever ❤️

  • from Katharina

    Für immer in meinem Herzen 🤍❤️‍🔥

  • from Sara Santos.

    The best ♡ Thank you so much for yours music and your work in the world !

  • from Jana Marie

    hey Avicii I was 9 years old the first irresistible song was Seek Bromance as a little girl it fascinated me a lot even though I didn't know English at all It continued in elementary school You were a unique person. Then you disappeared. Today I'm 21 Despite the immense pain and suffering you carried inside I'm incredibly grateful that you left all those songs here that left memories in each of us in the world I wish you all the best somewhere out there, thank you for letting me grow up with you

  • from Bri

    When a generation other than Tim's hears him for the first time, they never stop… they become obsessed. Because Tim was an artist who transcended, who besides making incredible music, made art, made magic for all of history. Thank you Tim for giving us melodies that make us feel alive. Always in our hearts Tim, R.I.P. Love u ❤️‍🔥

  • from S

    Your music changed the world Tim, you were a phenomenal dj and you are truly missed by many ❤️ We love you 🪽

  • from muhammad hazim yaccob bin syed

    I discovered Avicii in 2013 when Wake Me Up became my anthem. Its mix of soulful vocals and electronic beats hooked me instantly, and his music quickly became the soundtrack to my life. Songs like dear boy, Hey Brother, and broken arrows, shaped unforgettable moments, from late-night drives to celebrations with friends. Avicii’s unique ability to blend emotion and energy made his music deeply inspiring. His passing in 2018 felt like a personal loss, but his legacy lives on. rip lagend. ilveu

  • from Natalya Hamoush

    I was 8 when he died im turning 15 this year but his music was always played at birthday parties and new years and like the little kiddie places I used to play in and i loved his songs growing up and he inspired me to try and make a career of my own thank you Tim fly high angel

  • from Alex

    One of best dj in the world, Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  • from Hayley R

    Tim was a remarkable human, 1 in a million. I have never witnessed such pure talent and creativity. His music got me through the toughest years of my life and still remain a beacon of light for me. Fly High Tim 🙏✨️❤️

  • from Rainy. 2 of 2

    I think what drew me to his songs is how they cross genres, they’re not just pure house music. The lyrics are amazing too, so heartfelt. I’ve had my ups and downs, and maybe mild depression and anxiety as well, and I feel like I can really relate to his songs. No matter what truly happened, I hope and pray that you’re at peace now. Goodbye, Tim.

  • from Rainy

    I'm almost 41, and I’ve heard his songs many times before and enjoyed them, but I was never really into them. I’ve never been into EDM, house music, or much dance music either. Then, last year, I heard one of his songs on the radio, looked it up, and that was the first time I heard the name Avicii. Since then, I haven’t been able to get him or his songs out of my mind. It makes me so sad that I only discovered him after he was gone, more than 6 years after he passed.

  • from Laíse Savergnini

    O melhor de todos os tempos! suas produções estão a mais de dez anos nas minhas play list, presente nos melhores e mais difíceis momentos da minha vida. Obrigada pelo seu legado, obrigada por fazer a trilha sonora da minha vida.🤍🎼

  • from Cole R.

    I'm sitting here remembering you. Listening to your music, listening with my heart. I miss you Tim, thank you for shining on our would. I couldn't have done it without you. I will always remember you. Promise.

  • from Emmanuel Mahowa

    I remember growing up here in Africa EDM was not a so much appreciated genre in Zimbabwe. It was my first time hearing "hey brother" in 2014 when I immediately fell in love with his music. From then listened to every Avicii song that I could get my hands on. I will forever be an Avicii fan because even though he is gone, his music forever makes me feel his presence. It's sad I never got to attend any of his shows.

  • from Jasmira

    Lamento tanto la partida de Tim, se le extraña, se extraña la gran conexión y alegría que nos entregaba a traves de su música. Espero que donde esté se sienta pleno y pueda sentir el amor que expandió en este mundo, era un genio una persona que con su musica te trasladaba a otro mundo un mundo mejor lleno de alegria, sentimientos y recuerdos. Un abrazo a su familia en especial a sus padres

  • from 棋安

    Hey Avicii. It's been a long time since I last left a message on your website. I hope everything is going well for you in that world. I saw the your latest documentary this early morning. When I have spare time, I will watch it carefully, second by second. Today is also a rather important day for me because my exams start today. I started to like your music in 2019. The first song of yours I heard was "The Nights". I really can't imagine what kind of genius could create such music, hahaha.

  • from David

    When I watched the documentary it hit something in me I didn’t know I had. And realizing Tim is who I used to always listen to as kid and never realized who he was until the documentary crushed me because he made me childhood and just left. And it hurts even more because I didn’t have the chance to see him because I was a kid. I wished he was still here because I know he had tons of more music to create for all of us to listen to and enjoy. Now I get sad thinking about him. We love you Tim. ◢ ◤

  • from Victor Souza

    carregarei a minha cruz sem você.

  • from Joanna

    Thank you for your beautiful heart ❤️🖤😞

  • from Dawid

    Brakuje nam Ciebie Tim

  • from Nain(Diqua)

    Avicii gracias por todo, me inspiras mucho, cada una de tus letras está toca a fondo, tu trayectoria fue la mejor de todas, simplemente gracias Avicii, eres mi ejemplo a seguir 🎛️🎧, Descansa en paz 🕊️.

  • from Patri

    Miss u tim

  • from L.V

    You have been my idol since I was 7 years old. The world misses you❤️

  • from Emily

    Your music brings me such joy! I am glad your legacy can live on through your art

  • from VladaS

    I was born in the same year as Avicii. I grew up listening his music. I miss his lovely soul every day. He marked my life in my most difficult days. Avicii you will live forever friend!!!

  • from João Paulo

    When I was ten years old, I listened to TIM on repeat. I knew he had died, and it saddened me deeply, but I didn't quite grasp all that he'd been through. 4 years later, I found out about I'm Tim, and decided to watch it. He's one of the main reasons I decided to be a DJ, but also one of my greatest fears, knowing about the suffering he was put through even more so now. Today, after quite a long time, I decided to carefully listen to TIM again. Much love to Anki & Klas from Brazil.

  • from Tobias Andersen

    I was born in 2009. Although I am very young considering I was 9 at the time of his death, I grew up listening to his music and his songs are what I remember most from my childhood. I remember my mom crying at the news and so was I. After watching the documentary on Netflix, mu love for Avicii has come back and it hurts knowing thag I will never truly experience him live, but I am grateful to be in a time to have experienced such a talented person. Truly inspirational and a genius.

  • from Alex.Rinkiewicz

    Dear avicii thank you for your music it clams me down when I am in a bad mood and the world misses you so thank you for the music you gave us.

  • from Alan

    Incroyable reportages et le documentaire est vraiment poignant sur la vie de Tim, c'était un dieu de la musique!!!

  • from Milly

    Tim’s music will exist forever on this earth. We miss you Tim, wherever you are, I hope you have finally found peace. Much love 🖤

  • from DD8

    Una musica che ti entra nel cuore . Ma a lui non è bastata. A 60 anni mi fa ballare e sentire viva anche quanto sono tristissima

  • from Victoriya (from Ukraine)

    I found out about a musician named Avicii when I was a child. Many years have passed, and his music still accompanies me on my life's journey. Tim wanted his music to be eternal, and he achieved it! I hope he now sees how much he influenced the music industry🩷

  • from Aly

    You saved me from my own depression when I was younger. I hated my life but your music was the light that kept me from falling. I would've loved to help you to get through your crisis. I'm a doctor now and from time to time I do some gigs thanks to you because you made me love house music. You were my savior and I will never forget you Tim. With my sincere love and thanks for every soul you saved like myself. Rest in Peace 🙏 🤍

  • from Laura.

    U r my teen idol and my idol in 2025! ♥️ Rest in peace Tim, u r so loved. ♥️ Your music helps me stand up for mental heathl with i'm struggling. Love u and see u soon! ❤️🕊️

  • from Jannick

    Tims Music is so Timeless, Now its 2025 and we listen to his Music like day one <3 For ever in our Herats

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