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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from

    Happy Birthday Tim. We all miss you.

  • from Julia Pina

    Feliz aniversário Tim. Espero que tenha encontrado a paz que procurava. ❤

  • from Simranjeet

    Happy 29th Birthday Avicii aka Tim Bergling. ? This day is incomplete without you..hope you are watching us!♥◢ ◤

  • from Russell Anthony Jalal

    Happy Birthday legend! Avicii has been a huuuuge inspiration and influence on my life that infact i love him more than anything else in this world. I true true legend.

  • from Ur die hard fan

    Happy birthday tim (avicii) Your melodies will always reverberate in our minds THANKS for inspiring us…❤

  • from Glenn

    Happy birthday dear Tim Love you <3

  • from Alberto Fabre

    Feliz cumpleaños Tim más conocido como Avicii??✨??? Quería agradecerte todo lo que has hecho por la música y por nosotros. Gracias a ti y a tu música crecí. Cada vez que estaba triste escuchaba tus canciones para alegrarme y lo conseguías. Siempre que me pasaba algo ponía Spotify y escuchaba todas tus canciones. A día de hoy sigo escuchando todas tus canciones y cuando llegue el momento me haré el tatuaje que siempre llevo soñando: tu logo. Todos nosotros te echamos de menos??◢◤

  • from Jaqueline Witte

    Lieber Tim ❤️ Ich wünsche dir alles gute zum Geburtstag. Möge dich die Liebe für immer begleiten. Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch egal wo du jetzt sein magst ich hoffe dir geht es gut❤️ Wenn ich in den Himmel schaue und die Sonne die Wolken küsst weiß ich das du da bist. Danke für die Melodien die mein leben zeichnen dürfen. Ich wünsche dir alles erdenklich gute was es gibt?❤️ In Love ❤️

  • from avicii fan number 1

    avicii teach me to wait for love

  • from Enka

    Legends never die bro happy Birthday ◢ ◤ #AVICII

  • from Elise

    Happy birthday sweet Boy ❤ If you only knew how deeply missed you are by so many and I am truly sorry that you had to pay with your life to get the rest you needed. It did not have to be like that. It is so unfair. Thank you for everything you given us through the years Tim. You have brought so much joy and happiness to so many people. Take care of yourself up there in heaven Rest in peace Dear Boy ❤ We will never forget you

  • from Denis Silant'ev

    I will never forget your music??.RIPTim.❤

  • from ASOT Brazil (@asotbrasil)

    Avicii sempre será eterno em nossos corações. Sua música seu legado e toda sua contribuição para a nossa tão amada música eletrônica jamais iremos esquecer. Obrigado Tim por tudo. Espero que você tenha encontrado a paz onde quer que esteja! Feliz aniversário ◢◤

  • from J. from Brazil

    I have great memories listening to your songs they made me feel better so many times… you were a very talented person and left a giant legacy. Thank you for making so many good songs to listen to you were the best! Congratulations King!

  • from Ela

    Happy Birthday Tim ?

  • from MQ

    I miss you so much my angel! Happy birthday Tim????

  • from

    This’s for you sweet angel happy bday fly high you’re watching us..???❤️?

  • from Jenny

  • from Pietra

    I was profoundly shocked when I knew he had passed away. Looking back at his songs and the things i’ve read about Tim it is clear that he is something special and he’s much more then what we see on the TV/internet. I’ve struggled with depression and I really can (and can’t) understand the emotional pain he must have felt and I feel it deep in my heart. I feel like Tim was something sweet and good and devoted to music and it’s so sad to know that this world made him sick. Love to his family.

  • from Riddle

    "Remember the fallen ones" – Avicii – Can't Catch Me – Happy birthday Legend!

  • from MQ

    I miss you so much my angel! Happy birthday Tim?? ??

  • from Aleksandra from Siberia

    Dear Tim! When I listen to your music inside everything turns around! It's more than just music everywhere we go the sun will always shine she has a soul your soul! And she will live forever! Thanks and happy birthday?

  • from Carla Sofia Silva

    Happy Birthday brysh Many emotions are going trough our heads today because you’re not here to celebrate with us. We honestly miss you everyday but we are determined to celebrate your life and keep your memory alive. You are still with us I Know you are. See you someday

  • from JoseMBM

    Muchas gracias Avicii por tus canciones y por poner tanto en éste proyecto en el año 2010 tuve la fortuna de escuchar "Seek Bromance" canción que me hizo interesarme más por la música electrónica. No olvidaré tus presentaciones en las que pude estar presente mis mejores deseos. Vives con nosotros a través de tu música.

  • from Isabelle

  • from David Galan

    Siempre a sido un motivo de inspiración para mi su pasión por la música es lo que le falta a muchos djs. Nos a dejado muy buenos recuerdos y muy buenas canciones. Tim siempre te tendremos en nuestros corazones. Para siempre

  • from Pascale

    Happy birthday Tim ❤️ Wish you were still with us – so many good memories Thank to you – Hope you in a better place ❤️

  • from Javier


  • from Isabelle

    Happy birthday my dear Tim ❤️ I love you until the stars and beyond I miss you I will always love you. ??? For this special occasion I’ve made this drawing it’s a sad day. I will always love you 4EVER

  • from Phils

    Dear Avicii aka Tim music is so important. It puts you in another world where everything is great where you can dance and shake and where you forget all worries. Your music has given this feeling to countless people including me. I thank you endlessly for the songs you have given to this world. Lovely greetings from Germany Legenden sterben nie.

  • from Maria

    Jag älskar dig så jävla mycket Tim.

  • from Atula

    Legends never die. Happy birthday Tim! ◢◤

  • from aalexizz

    Addicted to you ❤

  • from

    Grattis Brysh

  • from Shalev

    I will always cry from your songs brother. Happy birthday Legend. Never Forget!

  • from Jairo Fdez

    Maybe they are some words to the universe because you are like him like your music infinite. happy birthday Tim! ∞❤

  • from Leandro FROM Ecuador

    Dear Tim Your music meants so much for me. Somewhere you're Happy Birthday Tim ❤

  • from Arso

    Happy Birthday man I´ll never let you fade into darkness.

  • from 吴羽纶

    Happy birthday Tim!?

  • from 吴羽纶

    You live a life we will remember !R.I.P. AVICII◢ ◤

  • from Jessica

    Alles Gute zu deinem GeburtstagTim. Noch immer kann ich es nicht fassen dass du nicht mehr damit bist. Auch wenn ich dich nicht persönlich kennenlernen durfte fühle ich mich durch deine Musik und die Persönlichkeit die du scheinbar warst sehr verbunden mit dir. Es ist seltsam so etwas über jemanden zu sagenden man nie wirklich kannte.Aber dein Tod hat mich schockiert und wird immer ein großer Verlust für die Musikwelt und die dich liebten sein.“Live a life you will remember“ ❤

  • from Danny & Bea

    Live a life you will remember. Happy birthday Tim! Danny & Bea ♥️◢ ◤

  • from Steven Washington

    I remember when i started to listen you on the radio and begging to enjoy your work and music so much memories of a time that isn't so distant for now and now you're not here more i Just wanna thank you for all the Good fellings that you gave me with your increadeble music and say HPB Tim thank you for everytinng i Will miss you Forever but your music will always be here.

  • from Stella Sverige

    Grattis på födelsedagen Avicii!??? Hoppas att du har en bra födelsedag uppe I himlen ? ? ? ?

  • from avicci_timlover4

    Happy birthday avicii! It's so sad you had to take your own life there were people to help you! Monday shouldn't always leave you broken for tuesday you should continue hoping!

  • from Helena

    Hjärtliga lyckönskningar Tim. You are always with us.

  • from Arlene EmbraceHealth

    A life of inspiration! Thank you for the gift of you and your masterpiece collection of music. Your creative individuality embraced the world. I am inspired to write today to reflect on the beauty and inspiration you have shown us. Your individual style of art and mix captivated an audience of multigenerational capacity. The vision you had and the vision you gave us goes beyond comprehension. You lifted our souls. Inspiration to express oneself and to be oneself. Forever the sky and water.

  • from Henriette


  • from Yamadakira

    Happy birthday avicii ◢ ◤ You are no longer in this world but your songs will last forever….◢ ◤ AVICII、僕らは君を忘れない!!

  • from Cláudio Souza de Oliveira

    Você sempre foi e sempre será uma pessoa amada por todos nós. Gratidão por todos os ensinamentos que nos deixou. Olhe por nós de onde estiver. Gratidão por tudo nós te amamos! Um grande abraço.

  • from Milagros Bernal

    Happy birthday my star in the sky wherever you are I will love you forever My ángel

  • from Hai

    Happy birthday Tim. We miss you lengend.

  • from Ivan Jimenez

    Today 29 years ago someone who marked a lot electronic music Avicii was born your departure hurt us a lot but at the same time You left us works of art that we will continue to enjoy and as the video of The nights says "I do not want to be remembered for the money that I earn but for what I can do "

  • from Dana

    Happy Birthday Tim! There isn’t a day that passes where I don’t think of you. You are so deeply missed!

  • from Hannah1105

    Happy birthday my beloved TimI love you and I won't forget you forever.I really want to be there with you Tim. 君埋泉下泥销骨,我寄人间雪满头。

  • from Simone

    Happy birthday sweet angel! ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Therese

    Happy birthday dear Tim❤️ Miss you so much.

  • from Donna (uk)

    Happy birthday Tim xxxxxxxxx

  • from CARMEN

    happy birthday Tim! I hope you’re celebrating up there and I hope you are happy. We’re all missing you thinking of you and wishing you were still here with us. Thank you for all the great music and memories. You are a legend forever. I really hope you have found peace and happiness ❤️

  • from Pierre

    Thinking of you especially today Tim on what would have been your 29th birthday. To your family we share your thoughts pain and sadness it must have been incredible to know him as a son or as a brother. The love will never end that is the only consolation. ❤️ ◢◤

  • from Isaac

    Avicii always brought love and happiness everywhere he went through his music we miss him everyday. Happy Birthday Tim.

  • from

    Happy Birthday lovely Brother! I miss so much Tim! Come Back!♥

  • from Pedro Gonzalez "DJ MY LITTLE PONY"

    Happy Birthday TIM BERGLING AVICII

  • from Biggi

    Dear Tim still can't think of you without wanting to cry. I loved you and your music you brought me tenderness and happiness. My heart hurts when I think of your last decision. I will never forget you.

  • from Ryan

    Happy Birthday Avicii <3

  • from Daniel

    Happy Birthday Tim. We miss you

  • from Amrita n choco

    °°°°°° HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM!! °°°°°° ?♥? ? ΛVICII ◢ ◤ FOREVER ?

  • from Fabian K.

    I have so many memories listening to his music in good and in bad times. He also inspired me to make my own music and be the person I am today. I will never forget how I skiped school and flew to Frankfurt to see him during the True Tour or how I got up at 4am to see his performances at Ultra Music Festival. Happy Birthday Tim <3

  • from Emimilu

    Happy B Tim your music will be here forever…

  • from Valeria

    "Nadie sabe con certeza el impacto que puede causar en la vida de los demás" Creo que esa frase resume practicamente lo que tanto él como su música han significando y seguirán significando en mi vida desde el día en que oí por primera vez "levels" en la radio. Gracias a Tim he podido superarme y avanzar; cada una de sus letras y de sus melodías consiguen hacerme sentir y vibrar como nunca. Gracias por descubrirme mi filosofía de vida "live a life you will remember" I love u ?

  • from Avicii fan from Thailand

    Happy birthday dear Tim! ขอให้คุณมีความสุขที่แสนพิเศษ มีความทรงจำอันแสนมหัศจรรย์ และมีแต่สิ่งดีๆที่ดีที่สุดในวันเกิดของคุณตลอดไป.. รักคุณนะ (Avicii)

  • from VANYADONI

    Дорогой Тим) Ты ушёл от нас но твоё творчество останется всегда в наших сердцах. Все будут вспоминать тебя с уважением и добротой. С днём рождения великий композитор!

  • from Cath

    All my thoughs goes to Tim's family and friends in this special Day. Forever in my heart.

  • from Nadia

    Happy birthday angel thinking about you today and every day ❤️

  • from Javier Spain

    No sé por donde empezar Tim me has cambiado la forma de ver la vida. Empecé a escucharte cuando salió levels y te he seguido escuchando desde entonces me encanta el mensaje de fondo de todas tus letras "live a life you will remember" todas tus donaciones a las ONGs…. En fin muchas gracias por todo feliz cumpleaños y espero que estés en un lugar mejor. Always Avicii ??

  • from Terra

    At 22 I moved to Germany. I had only $800 in my account. I got my phone and money stolen in the first month my then boyfriend cheated on me. I felt so far from myself. I listened to “Waiting for Love’ everyday. It healed me in a way. I didn’t think I would make it another day but Avicii’s music helped me. I am forever grateful. I promise I’ll keep living another day tomorrow next month past 28 years. I miss you Avicii.

  • from Natalia (from Poland)

    I'm not a very religious person but I like to imagine that Heaven indeed exists and that you are right there. Such a pure soul like you deserves it. I love you and your music and I always will. I'm also sending lots of love to your Family. Happy Birthday Tim. Enjoy your party in Heaven <3

  • from Marco

    I don't if you're reading this.. by the way I want say you "thank you" for bring part of my nights my memories my life. Always love you Tim

  • from Joakim Heiland

    Happy Birthday Tim <3<3<3. Wish you was here today. Miss You <3<3<3

  • from eden

    happy birthday legend we miss you so much u are an inspiration for everyone♥️✨?? we miss you angel

  • from Julia Janet

    Happy Birthday Tim. How I wish I had gotten to meet you. Keep shining bright for us. There is no one like you.

  • from Jonna

    Music never dies. Happy birthday my inspiration

  • from Filippo

    I will never forget your songs. I will never forget the messages you enclose within them. l will never forget you. Happy birthday legend ..

  • from Tyjua

    Happy Birthday Tim! I love you so much and you will allways be in my heart. Thanks for your amazing music and RIP legend. ❤️❤️

  • from ₳nđɍɇs Ɍøϻɇṙσ

    Happy Birthday Tim ♥️

  • from Allan Kennedy

    A big part of my life has Avicii's songs as soundtrack. I'm 16 he's my biggest inspiration in music production ? You'll be always remembered

  • from Shehan

    You can't. Die in our harts hppy birtday and rip avicii

  • from Davide

    Tim was the first music artist that I've heard for the first time. Thanks to him I started to love music in general. I'll never forget him.❤️

  • from Nil Porras Zerbst

    I found out about Avicii when I was 12. Levels transmited so much good vibes and energy to me. I was dreaming of going to Tomorrowland to get to see one of his sets Unfortunately I couldn't make it to Tomorrowland until 2017. When I heard his passing I broke down. I was in class and had to leave to try and assimilate everything. I could not believe it. Tim meant so much to me my family and my past. Thank you Tim for everything you did. Forever in our hearts. Attached a pic I took at TML 2018.

  • from Nic

    Happy 29th Birthday Tim! Your music helped me through some very tough times. I wish someone could have been there for you like you were there for me. 'Shame On Me' was my jam when times got tough. You will be forever missed. It's been months now & i'm only just able to listen to AVICII without crying in public but I still cry on my own. Your music will continue to make me feel every emotion possible it will never cease. Tonight I shall sing AVICII from the top of my lungs in your honor◢ ◤ ❤

  • from Graciela

    Happy birthday Tim for you I'll always love electronic music.

  • from Ariz husain

    Happy birthday to the legend wish he was with us today 29 th year of melodies.RIP TIM MISS YOU SO BAD??

  • from

    happy birthday avicii❤️❤️

  • from Stephie

    Happy Birthday dear Tim ❤️

  • from Carlitos

    I love you Tim thanks for inspirate me and make my life easier happy birthday!!!

  • from Karla

    Feliz cumpleaños querido Tim!!?

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