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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Karla

    Feliz cumpleaños querido Tim!!?

  • from Andrew

    Happy Birthday Tim! Wish you were still here to celebrate it You are forever in our hearts. Thank you for the music legacy and happiness you gave us all. Tim today I will play your music all day❤️ Your music has helped me get through difficult times and inspired me to try make my own music ❤️ Rest easy brother we will all see you again up in HEAVEN one day ❤️

  • from Shannon

    Happy Birthday TIM I had and still have great nights listening to u music Legend Forever x

  • from Matias Barroso

    You are my inspiration I start to produce for you! I miss you I Miss your music!!

  • from

    Thank you for everythingHappy Birthday!

  • from ZenBercii

    Happy Birthday. I will love you forever.

  • from David Casani

    Por circunstancias de la vida vi tu documental después de tu muerte y la verdad que me impactó bastante sobre todo emocional y tristemente incluso llegué a pensar que parecía un documental postumo. El sueño de cualquier persona que quiere ser dj o prductor truncado por esta maldita sociedad de consumismo acelerada que nos exprime y nos explota para sacar el mayor provecho de nuestro talento y hacer el máximo dinero para lucrarse. Todo tiene un límite. Confío que en tu otra vida estes bien.

  • from Jeni

    Happy Birthday Tim RIP ♡

  • from Arely Monterrosas

    I met Tim one day listening to "Levels" in 2011 when I was 7 years old and from that moment I began to have a taste for electronic music for me he became an idol because with each song he made me feel thousands of emotions at the same time date. I grew up listening to their music and it made me and it makes me happy it was an amazing person that even though I could not have it in person it had become very important heaven should be heard right now. Happy birthday Tim ❤

  • from Viviana

    Feliz cumple en el cielo. Hoy un fiesta en tu dia

  • from Kar Wai from Malaysia

    Happy 29th birthday @avicii for being one of the top music producers ever in modern day history. Your music have influenced millions all across the world. You taught me how to produce good music. Thank you for never giving us up. Rest in peace Tim. Forever in our hearts <3

  • from Tina from Germany

    Happy birthday Tim❤️! Today I am going to listen to your music all day long and I’ll think of you all the time. Your music gives me strength and hope due to the hard time I’m going through. I hope you found your peace ! Today you will be the brightest star in a sky full of stars. See you in heaven Angel. You’ll always continue to live in my heart. ❤️??

  • from Osatohanmwen.

    Happy birthday Avicii. It hurts that you're gone but your music and the goodness of your heart lives always with us. I love you soo much and I'll never forget you. ❤

  • from M.

    Hello Tim. May your big day be as special as you are! Wonderful 29th birthday to you my beautiful soul! I want tell you that the God love you so very much. He taken you on heaven in yours arms gave sense to your life now. I know that you are so very happy now. You got it what you was to looking for. Daily I pray for your soul Tim because I know that she never died and will be live all the time. Tim.. friend of mine.

  • from mehar

    hope you're in a happier place

  • from Jeremy

    He has opened me to a world of EDM and made me love it. Thanks Avicii.

  • from Clare

    Happy Birthday Avicii ????

  • from Von

    Feliz Cumpleaños Tim ❤️

  • from Israa

    Miss you Every Day ? Happy Birthday

  • from Lola

    Grattis på födelsedagen Tim ❤️ I hope your birthday is being hosted amazingly up there in heaven with a beautiful birthday cake and that you can blow out 29 candles. I love you and I will never stop thinking about you ❤️

  • from Gabriel

    Happy birthday there in heaven Tim !!!

  • from T

    ❤️Happy Birthday Dear Boy Tim❤️

  • from Kathrine

    Thank you fore all YouR fantatic songs avicii! YouR music Wii live forever❤️ Be in peace

  • from Iyori Ishimura

    Happy birthday Avicii

  • from Tom

    Happy birthday you're missed every day <3

  • from KEi

    Happy birthday Tim!! Please rest at ease???

  • from Chuey

    You are truly an inspiration for all of uswe miss you so much. RIP AVICII!!

  • from T

    ❤️Happy Birthday Dear Boy❤️

  • from Tanja from Sweden

    You left an empty space I hope you are doing well in heaven. My little daughter and I always danced to your music and your death and story really touched me. You will be missed forever. Rest in peace Tim <3

  • from M…?

    Feliz cumple Timm!???

  • from roni cohen

    happy birthday Tim. i miss you but the thing that keeps me going is the fact that i am sure you are up in the sky dancing with the stars creating melodies and changing everything you touch for the better. you will forever have a special place in my heart my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. you are truly missed among us dear Tim . i love you until we meet on the other side.❤

  • from Cecilia Anna Lindström

    ? Grattis på födelsedagen Tim. 29 år idag. Jeg saknar dig i musikkatalogen. Du kära ängel och du fantastiske musikaliska legend. Jag hoppas att du har hittat fred. Jeg hoppas också att du producerar spelar och dansar till musiken i himlan. Tack för altt. Vi älskar dig ❤️

  • from Josie


  • from Rosy ?

    Your music is the most precious good … today more than ever you are in our hearts and in our thoughts … happy birthday Tim ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Anna

    Happy birthday Tim. You'll stay in our hearts forever❤️

  • from Margherita

    Happy Birthday my beloved Tim wherever you are! How does your mother feel today? I'm not young for me you are as a son a beautiful sweet wonderful son of my heart. You will stay forever this young and will keep the promise to never get hold but I'll celebrate your birthday every year until I can see you in a better place maybe a sky full of stars where your music flows like a river and all is illuminated by your bright smile above the grabbing hands of cowards and of thieves!

  • from Divyanshu Gupta

    Happy birthday Avicii you are forever with me you are still in my heart you are legend

  • from Dmitry Paskevich

    AVICII grattis på födelsedagen! vi älskar dig du kommer alltid att förbli i våra hjärtan! gå på skriv dina spår där! ◢ ◤

  • from Bárbara Nieto from Argentina

    In life you inspired many with your music now you inspire from the sky because the stars are always in our heart. Happy birthday Tim ?✨??? En vida inspiraste a muchos con tu música ahora inspiras desde el cielo porque las estrellas siempre están en nuestro corazón. Feliz cumpleaños Tim ?✨???

  • from Angel Viveros

    Tim te escribo hoy para desearte un feliz cumpleaños. Mañana es el mío. Siempre has sido y serás mi mayor fuente de inspiración tus músicas me ayudaron bastante en tiempos difíciles y por eso significas mucho para mi. Desearía haberte visto en vivo tocando pero no se me dió la oportunidad. Escribo en mi idioma natal porque para mi en cualquier idioma sigue significando lo mismo y es que de verdad estoy agradecido por lo que nos diste tu música. Te recordaré por tu música por y para siempre❤

  • from Olivia from UK

    Absolute legend. His music was amazing and no matter what he was going through in his personal life he always managed to make music for his fans. Your music will live on x

  • from Marie Hélène from Canada

    Aujourd’hui c’est ta fête j’ai une pensée pour ta famille .. tellement triste. Tu étais une personne extraordinaire ta musique est incroyable c’est une thérapie positive pour moi. Tu seras toujours une légende et vivant dans nos cœurs. Simply the best RIP

  • from Giulia

    Happy birthday Tim!❤️

  • from Henriette

    Somewhere Between Rich And Wrong There‘s A Garden. We‘ll All Will Meet You There…. In the sense of RUMI

  • from Carmen L.P

    Gracias por inspirarmegracias a ti estoy empezando a mezclar músicay qn sabe tal vez en un futuro cree y produzca mis propias canciones♥️♥️?????????

  • from Lucie ◢ ◤

    Happy birthday Tim I hope it's always sunny in heaven ♡

  • from Mario

    Feliz cumpleaños Tim ❤️

  • from O

    Grattis på födelsedagen Tim❤️

  • from Varun k

    Happy birthday Tim! you better be partying your ass up there 🙂

  • from Carmen L.P????

    29 kisses to the sky!! Happy Birthday Avicii We miss you dear Tim Querido Avicii no se como empezar……. Tengo tanto que decirte….. Fuiste el primer Dj que escuché me introdujiste en el mundo EDM la primera canción tuya que escuché fue Wake Me upy es mi favorita me entristecí cuando me enteré de que te retirabaspero cuando me enteré de que volvías me puse a escuchar todas tus nuevas canciones pero te fuiste muy pronto..cuando me enteré de la noticia estuve toda la noche llorando.. ♥️♥️?✨

  • from Camilla

    Avresti compiuto 29 anni oggi..Se ci pensomi viene rabbia..Eri bellotalentuoso e da quello che dicono le persone a te vicinosensibile e buona..È dura accettare che tu non ci sia piùma mi piace pensare che questo mondodove gli sbruffoni e le persone sempre sicure di sé sembrano vincere su tutto e tuttinon ti apparteneva fino in fondo..Tu eri già oltre..Oltre i successi e tutto quello che per tanta gente è solo apparireprincipalmente..Prenditi cura dei tuoi carida lassù:Buon Compleanno!

  • from Rinat (Russia)

    Happy Birthday Tim! Thank you for your work. It's your music that motivates me every morning. Forever in our hearts..

  • from Chinouk

    Dearest Tim The most inspirational source in my life that is you! Your music look at life smile… I miss you every day! Happy birthday Tim! <3 You are the most beautiful star in the sky! I hope you have it right there! Later all your fans will be with you not just in your heart and thoughts but around you! Rest in peace! WE LOVE YOU TIM FOREVER! Don't forget!

  • from Taylor Morales

    Happy Birthday Avicii! I love you and I miss you with all of my heart! ?

  • from Simina-RO

    HBD ♥ Because of your music now I have my best friend beside me 'cause our friendship evolved when we started listening very often the song "wake me up". Every time i hear this song it gets me goosebumps. You and your music will always be in my head ! Rest in paradise ! 08.09.18

  • from Yessica

    it's hard to see the networks without your publications it does not feel the same and even then I think about you all the time?

  • from Ize

    ❤️❤️❤️ happy birthday Tim ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Helena

    Dear Avicii your incredible work means so much to me and millions of other people. So many of your songs remind me of the best times in my life. I hope you are at a better place right now. You and your music will forever live on in our hearts. Thank you for everything Tim. We miss you.

  • from Joakim

    Happy bday brother! <3 ;-;

  • from Lene

    happy birthday tim </3 miss you

  • from Elena from Italy

    I Miss you everyday❤️ I’ ll forget you angel

  • from Jan G.

    It´s still hard to believe that you´re not here anymore. But even now you´re still the greatest. I´m listening to music every day and your music has been on my playlist since the 2011 Levels release. However Silhouettes is by far my most favourite of your songs. Listening to this song takes me back to 2012 when I had it on repeat every single day. We´ve come a long way since that day but if there is a heaven this is probably the song that´s played when you enter. Happy Birthday Tim <3

  • from Chris lee United States

    Happy birthday Tim I really wish you could be here to celebrate it but you may be gone from the world but not our hearts and memories you were the legend and you still are.we miss you

  • from Matteo Villa

    It's Avicii bday today and i'm happy because everyday I better understand how important he is for my entire life. In 2011 "Levels" made me fall in love with dance/electronic music and every time I hear it i'm moved thinking about how full of emotions and memories it is. In 2012 I started my own italian music blog and I currently work in a italian dance music label and I just would say thank you for everything Tim you will always be like a best friend and an immortal legend forever on my skin.

  • from Nikhil Hawes

    Happy Birthday Tim!!❤

  • from Matteo

    Buon compleanno Tim riposa nel tuo cielo pieno di stelle

  • from Rosa Maria dede España

    Feliz cumpleaños precioso ángel .

  • from Advith

    Happy Birthday Tim ????

  • from DY

    Its hard terribly hard Tim! I wish you a very happy birthday! I know you still here inside our hearts and our souls! Thank you for sharing your musical talent and completely changing my life both musically and personally. You will live forever! ??

  • from Harshita

    I first heard Avicii back in 2011 when Levels was released. I fell in love with his collab with DG "Sunshine" and i knew he was that one artist that could make me feel things inside my body. Everytime i heard Tim's music I had chills down my spine because the melody was all over me. My first concert was Avicii when he came to India in 2013 when TRUE was released. I was ecstatic. His music makes him immortal. He is very much alive in every beat of his music. Miss him a lot .

  • from Bruno/Brazil

    Today Avicii would make birthday but unfortunately he is no longer with us. He was a fantastic person sensational since I was a child I listened to his songs. I started by listening to "Wake Me Up" I ended up listening to "Without You." My condolences to the whole family I hope this legend rests in peace I really wanted to meet him. See you in heaven Avicii.

  • from Kilian

    Feliz cumpleaños…

  • from Lhars

    Happy birthday Tim!! I started loving the djing world because of you and i will necer forget it.

  • from Felipe

    Gracias por tantas canciones que te podían alegrar el díaescuchar cada canción y sentir que podes salir a delante a pesar de todosos alto artista y te deseo un muy feliz cumpleaños ?❤❤❤?

  • from Lucr

    Rest in peace legend when I’m 18 I will tatoo your simbol ❤️

  • from Maria from Greece

    Happy Birthday Tim! We love you <3

  • from GC

    Happy birthday legend ❤️

  • from AMANDA

    Grattis på födelsedagen fina Du! <3

  • from Dennis

    Feiliz Cumpleaños Tiiiiimmm!!! 🙂

  • from Fanny

    Grattis på födelsedagen du kommer leva kvar hos oss föralltid legender dör aldrig❤️

  • from Kevin / Germany

    happy birthday dear Tim! ❤️ Even if you're not with us anymore I know that you look at us from above and see how much your fans thought about your birthday today to celebrate this day! I love you and miss you very much. I'm looking forward to the day we meet again! Your kevin from Germany

  • from Dennis

    Feliz Cumpleaños Tiiiiiimm!!! 🙂

  • from Jorge Condes /

    Avicii all the world is missing you I hope dance music continues growing and in the future I can tell you about it. You lived a life to be remember and you will always be. You couldn't tell when the journey finished but you will always know when it starts and it is time for that. I hope someone of his family see this to realised what an incredible human he was and we will never forget him. Loves from Spain by the way happy birthday Tim.

  • from Manuel

    You were a legend nobody was like you doing your work. You've been able to create music and share strong feelings in the life of everyone who listened to you almost like you were a component of every single family. I miss you. 2018-09-08 Happy B-Day Tim.

  • from Laura from France

    Avicii’s songs were and still helping people in their bad moments or make them dance when they are so happy. Dear Tim you should be 29 today but you are not here anymore to hear your family friends and all the fans to wish your birthday. Legends never die and the world will still listen to your music for years don’t worry about it. We all hope you are in a better place still creating incredible music because it’s what you love to do. We will forever remind you and love you ♥️

  • from Carmen

    Happy Birthday. We think of you and miss you every day. Especially today.

  • from Nicole (Netherlands)

    Happy Birthday Tim!!

  • from Ana

    Happy birthday Tim ? You meant so much to me so you still do. I wish you the best wherever you are now. Forever in my heart ❤

  • from Melanie

    Happy Birthday my Heart ❤️❤️❤️???

  • from icoe

    13-19岁,6年时间,不长不短 我曾经和好朋友相约一起去看你打碟 在得知你去世的消息那刻,眼泪突然掉下来 无论你最后以怎样方式离去,但是,在我心里,你从未离去…… 今天是你生日,happy birthdy Tim

  • from Laura

    Happy birthday Legend ?

  • from Papuh

    Grande Tim!! <3 Feliz cumpleaños!! <4

  • from Daniil from Estonia

    I will forever love the Avicii music today he would be 29 years old . RIP LEGEND. Happy Birthday Tim!

  • from David

    Thanks to your music i'll enjoy everyday as the last of my life

  • from @Sandrocavazzafans

    Happy birthday Tim! ❤️?✨? x SCF

  • from linn

    idag sjunger vi så högt att du hör oss från däruppe du är så saknad Tim

  • from Emma lb

    Happy birthday you will always in my heart I see you where you are love you???❤️

  • from Iwona

    Happy Birthday in Heaven Tim???

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