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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Zarni Zayar

    You will always alive in our heart forever

  • from Ulrika

    Du är den starkast lysande stjärnan på himmlen. Jag kommer aldrig glömma dig. Vila i frid ❤ You are the brightest star in the sky. I will never forget you. Rest in peace ❤

  • from LP18

    Tim I want to thank you for the amazing work that you have done. I grew up with your music and you still have a special place in my playlist. I will remember you forever.

  • from Antek

    Rest in peace Tim from Poland

  • from Maria Berglund

    You were a beautiful and talented human being thank you for sharing that with the world. I hope you’ve found your peace.

  • from Mike – NY

    Avicii Thank you for being the soundtrack to my life these past 7 years. Every high and low you were always the background music and I’m eternally grateful. I hope you found your sky full of stars. Search for You ◢ ◤ Love of Creation

  • from Juan José Murillo Rodríguez

    I started listening to you in 2008 I saw you in live for the first time in 2012 14 more times came later until your last incredible show in Ushuaia Ibiza (the guy with the avicii black flag!). Because of you I'm unable to live without music especially without your music. Now I'm 31 years old and I'm totally sure that when I die one of my last thoughts will be related to you and your music. Thank you for having existed and for having crossed you in my life. Juan Spain

  • from Amchich

    Happy Birthday Tim We miss you

  • from

    Your Music makes me happy when i am down and very said

  • from Nguyên Hoàng from Vietnam

    It is too late to say "thank you brother" for raising me up when I am down through your wonderful music. I have learnt that you are trying to make the world safer for children I know it's true when I am listening to your songs. Your music is as beautiful as your soul may both of them live forever. Rest in peace dear brother!

  • from Hội những người phát cuồng vì Avicii – VietNam

    Love from Vietnam It has been a journey for you and sometimes you find yourself in another place a better place. Your music always be my inspiration that made me moved a long way from that day. Every album that u've made always have some meaningful inside that touched my heart in a difference way. "You had already left this world behind and you lived the life that everyone will remember" ! #RIP #avicii @avicii

  • from //

    Such an inspiration. Miss you man. X

  • from Alco

    Avicii’s music will live with me forever love you Tim x

  • from Jahan Miah

    The only ever song to give me goosebumps was Levels my favourite song of all time and my favourite artist Avicii. Your music just instantly put me in an extremely happy mood especially during the sad times. I remember seeing your name on EDC UK 2016 Line up and knew I had to book tickets straightaway. I remember your intro of Without You and I was just in tears (of joy) a lifelong dream finally achieved and the best set ever. I love you Tim Bergling. ◢ ◤ forever.

  • from Hanin ?‍?

    dankje Avicii je hebt me altijd inspireert en blij gemaakt van je muziek en jouw muziek hefft me heel veel geholpen met het behalen van mijn doelen . bedankt ?❤??☮

  • from Manu

    Thank You for everything Avicii <3 You inspired me a million times. I will always remember you. 🙂 I hope you are happy in Heavens! Stay Strong always 🙂 Lots of Love to you 🙂

  • from Luca Zanirato

    Number One! Rest in peace!

  • from J

    Bye Tim <3

  • from 杨郁沛


  • from Chaveendra

    You are simply amazing Avicii. For me you are the god of EDM. You are the reason why I love EDM. Your music style is so unique that I have never heard your type music from any other artists. Your melodies are simply amazing. Such a talent. Thank you for making my life so amazing with your music. Avicii I loved will never fade into darkness ♥♥

  • from Marc USA

    When you announced your retirement from touring my buddies and I immediately booked a trip to see you one last time at XS in Vegas. We landed a bit late and caught the last 40 minutes of your set. You were an inspiration to so many and exposed us to the world of melodies and electronic music. Your loss will forever be in my heart and your melodies will live in us forever.

  • from William

    Avicii best edm dj u always lived in ours hearts

  • from Mubashir Qureshi

    For me Avicii was the best producer DJ and songwriter. He was and will always be an inspiration for me and many other people. Thank You Tim Bergling for your amazing music❤❤

  • from Vladimir

    I love u song so strong. And i really want going to u and with my friends check u job place and dancing all day and all night. I all time listen u song in my phone car and PC. I will wait meeting with u. Bay bay my dier friend with music in u soul.

  • from frankie

    oh i heard your music the first time in the uk in 2012 maybe and that was so good I kept loving edm ever since. wish you all the best in loving memory of you.

  • from Ana


  • from Arina

    Was a top bloke !

  • from Albin


  • from Dan Hill

    Kanye West and Lil Pump – I Love it!

  • from Guillermo

    Thank you Tim for all The inspiration and courage you gave me to start producing. You and your music will always be remembered.

  • from Comet

    You gave people hope.You brought the world beautiful music.You filled my life.Butyou've passed away….◢ ◤

  • from Ramón

    Thank you so much Avicii for the time and good memories you gifted us with your melodies. You will always be alive for me and the world will never forget you. You lived a life we will remember

  • from sanne

    I have never seen or heard music with so much love and sadness at the same time.. we who listened were never in doubt of the feelings Tim wanted us to feel ❤️ rest in peace you beautifull soul.. Avicii ❤️❤️

  • from Eda from Turkey

    Your untimely passing has affected me more than any death before made me feel how fleeting life is. Never thought we'd never hear a song from you again or get a chance to see you live. I keep reminding myself to cherish what we enjoy what we love and never settle. Especially as we grow into our 30s and the endless energy & freedom of 20s are left behind so important to make an effort to feel joy. The joy I felt on a rainy day in the street when I first shazammed Levels started dancing… RIP

  • from Gennady

    Thanks to you Tim for fine music…


    Obrigado por ser a minha inspiração! Todos os dias eu ouço suas musicas e me emociono! Obrigado mestre você estará sempre no meu coração. Meu maior sonho era um dia assistir um show seu mas infelizmente o destino não me deixou. Descanse em paz!

  • from AVICIIER

    Tim i miss you af.Tomorrow will be your first birthday in heaven king . Form all my heart I hope all the angles singing to you in heaven. AVICIIyou will forever be loved and sadly missed❤?

  • from Gennady

    Thanks to you guy for fine music…. Gennady. Saint-Petersburg.Russia

  • from Angélica Maidana

    Você deichou saudades!

  • from Fabrizio

    miss u..

  • from Martina

    Du hast immer alles für deine Fans gegeben und bist dabei am Ruhm zerbrochen. Es tut so verdammt weh. dass du nicht mehr bist. Du wirst immer in meinem ❤️ wohnen. R.I.P. Tim ? Unvergessen

  • from wood

    We will meet again when it’s all over your artwork and lyrics is deeply rooted in my heart and I have learnt lots from them. Life has never been easy I respect that you leave the world as long as it was your own decision. Peace Love from hk 2018-09-07

  • from Alan Heuze

    Thank You so much for everything you were and you are still the face of music. You make me smile and dance everytime I listen to your songs and for a lot of people too. Thank you you will never be forgotten ❤️

  • from Joseph

    I was a big fan of Avicii I used to listen his music (and im listening an Avicii song rn as I'm typing this) I loved his songs from Friend Of Mine to Wake Me Up to You Make Me to Levels to The Nights to Hey Brother etc. I think that every time I listen to a Avicii song I think there's a message behind it. That message is his younger song friendship and his love and passion for us we're his friends. Tim you were an amazing DJ and I never got bored to your tunes I'll miss you Tim keep it Avcii 🙂

  • from Axel Navarrete Rojas

    No recuerdo muy bien cuando fue la primera vez que escuché alguna canción suya pero lo que si sé es que desde el momento en que lo escuché supe que sería alguien muy importante para mí y para muchos. Lo mejor de todo es que siento que recibí algo de él. El 10 de agosto es mi cumpleaños y ese día sacó su EP "AVICĪ 01" le estoy muy agradecido por eso aunque no haya sido exactamente para mí. R.I.P. ◢◤ nunca te olvidaremos. ?

  • from Prranit Vaswani

    When I was a kid I came across a video of Avicii playing Levels at a show in Ibiza with crazy lasers and the whole crowd looked like they were having so much fun. I then promised myself that I would go see Avicii perform live I owed it to myself. Fast forward 4 years I went to EDC 2015 and saw him perform at the mainstage. I remember saying to myself: finally you did it. It was a night I'll never forget. Thank you for everything! May you rest in peace.

  • from 李荣滔

    The late belief of the deceased is forever◢ ◤

  • from Артём С.

    Авичи твои песни вдохновляли и ставили мне такие жизненные цели которые я бы в жизни не выполнил и не смел даже мечтать о них. Ты был и остаешься единственным моим кумиром. Мой сын услышит сначала голос их родителей а потом звуки твоих песен. Спасибо тебе за все Тим. Надеюсь ты сейчас в лучшем мире❤️

  • from Paolo

    Thank you you’re always in my bedroom

  • from Mara Gurghian (Romania)

    Tomorrow will be your first birthday anniversary without you Tim. You don't know how much we miss you. Me and my mom still listen to your music everyday. You changed my life. You inspired lots of Djs I love. Gone too soon legend! You are loved and not forgotten. You will be in our hearts always and forever. Rest in peace Sunshine ❤️

  • from Ratmony

    Every time i hear "WIthout you" there will always be sadness in my eyes.

  • from Mia

    My cousin and i discovered a song of yours 6 years ago and we danced and laughed with it so much.It became our favourite song so we decited that whenever we hear it we would think of eachother…That song helped me so much to get through tough times Avicii and your music made us smile.Me and my cousin danced all night long.She lives far away now and each time she comes we listen to your songs over and over again.I miss you so much i cant believe you are gone?❤

  • from Jaanus From Estonia

    Just started follow your amazing carreer and songs after Your death. Also had a possibility to went to your concert at Estonia in 2016 but didn't made it. Feeling guilty about that sorry. Hope that it was You wanted to do Rest In Peace Tim.

  • from Lina

    Tim när jag hörde levels för första gången ville jag både dansa skratta och gråta på samma gång. Det jag hörde hade jag aldrig hört tidigare även om jag redan gillade EDM. Du berörde mig och har gjort ända sedan dess med din musik. Det är så mycket själ och kärlek men också sorg i dina melodier och texter. En djuphet svår att förklara. Jag önskar att du var kvar här men man brukar säga att de finaste själar får man bara låna en kort stund. Sov gott och tack för alla fina minnen!

  • from KENTA

    最高の音楽をありがとうございました。 ゆっくり休んでください。

  • from Kylie-Catalina

    I'm pretty young only fifteen years old. I love Electronic music and just music in general. I'm from South Africa and I remember loving rugby from a really young age. So there was a beer company named Castle Lite that sponsored our national rugby team for the 2011 world cup. In the advert we had a few supporters watching a game and cheering and drinking the beer and guess what? LEVELS WAS THE THEME SONG!! So ever since then trust me when I tll you that I loved Avicii's music. He was a legend.

  • from Kryštof Halámka


  • from Maggy

    Du hast uns das kostbarste geschenkt was man schenken kann. Emotionen. Für immer lebst du in unseren Lächeln.

  • from jingmin.feng


  • from Lucian V

    Thank you so much for your beautiful music. I love you and I miss you so much. I have never meet you in person but I wish I would. I have seen your movie twice so far and I feel like I know you so well. You were an Angel such a delicate soul. I am sure God had good plans for you. You and your music will always live in my heart. I hope one day I will meet you up there and hug you. May God rest your soul in piece and happiness. Here’s a photo with my tribute to you (an tree from Oman). I love u

  • from Rajesh Kumar

    He is one of my favorite musician and more than that he's my inspiration .THE NIGHTS is the song which make me ti realize what is life and how to live it . His words which he said on a video THE MESSAGE TO YOUTH / our life is heart touching. I miss him so much don't know why he committed suicide but he lives in world by his music *#MISSING AVICII

  • from Clara

    Je ne cesserai jamais de t´ecouter. Un jeune homme talentueux qui a su transporter tout le monde par sa musique. Tu resteras unique à nos yeux. RIP Tim ❤️

  • from Avicii king of EDM

    Avicii ????

  • from Carmen L.P

    Tomorrow your birthday✨♥️ Mañana tu cumpleaños ♥️♥️ From Extremadura(Spain)????

  • from Kevin Garcia (Philippines)

    Such a remarkable artist. You inspired MANY people with all the music you've created. We'll miss you Avi. ISA KANG ALAMAT!!! MANANATILI ANG IYONG MUSIKA SA PUSO NG BAWAT TAO AT SA PILIPINAS!

  • from Marco (MIDmark)

    Sei stato uno dei più grandi talenti della musica elettronica. La passione per la musica che hai trasmesso alle persone di tutto il mondo è stato un dono che non dimenticheremo mai. Grazie.

  • from Christina


  • from Emil'

    Покойся с миром бро

  • from Branko

    I always loved your music. I was on vacation when i saw the news of your passing. Till this day i still can't believe you aren't here anymore. Rest In Peace to this beautiful man legend and now a god.❤️

  • from Keene Tan

    I was introduced to your music by a friend of mine and I've never stopped listening to EDM ever since. Your music has inspired me to start making music myself and your songs are some of my favourites. Your philanthropy and music will be remembered rest in peace.

  • from Armando Gomez Lopez VLB

    En 10 años de carrera logro lo que muy pocos hacen y es trascender Tim nos ayudo mucho en nuestras vidas con su música un productor melódico nato. El deja un legado y marcara la música electrónica demuestra que a pesar de evolucionar en su sonido siempre se podia ser fiel. Que buena época fue ver el ascenso de un joven que marco varias generaciones tanto de productores como de gente normal. Podemos ver atrás y mirar la silueta que aunque se desvaneció vivirá en nuestro corazones. Silhouettes.

  • from Rova

    Me acuerdo que la primera vez que escuché tu música fue en la radio con Wake Me Up todas tus canciones su letra su significado me marcaron a pesar de nunca poder haberte conocido en persona pero con cada canción que escuchaba parecía como si te conociera en persona te marchaste muy pronto espero que hayas vivido una vida que recuerdes como dice tu canción nunca te olvidaremos y es hora de que nosotros también hagamos nuestras verdaderas historias LIVE A LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER Adiós Tim

  • from Anna

    Tellement unique tellement talentueux tellement perfectionniste tellement sensible. Difficile d 'accepter ce départ. Je prie pour ta famille. Forever Tim.

  • from 卢天博


  • from Meanie

    คุณเป็นคนเก่งและฉลาดที่ฉันชื่นชมมาก คุณเป็นคนที่ทำให้ฉันเข้ามาสู่ เพลงสไตส์ EDM อย่างแท้จริง บทเพลงของคุณสร้างแรงบันดาลใจมากมายให้ฉัน และฉันก็เชื่อว่าไม่ใช่แค่ฉันคนเดียว ฉันรู้สึกเสียใจอย่างบอกไม่ถูกที่คุณจากพวกเราเร็วเกินไป แต่คุณและผลงานที่มีคุณค่าของคุณจะอยู่กับเราตลอดไป ฉันรักคุณค่ะ AVICII

  • from Meena

    คุณเป็นคนเก่งมากและมีความสามารถพิเศษมากมาย ฉันชื่นชมความสามารถของคุณมาก คุณทำให้ฉันมาคลั่งไคล้เพลง EDM น่าเสียดายที่คุณไม่น่าจากพวกเราไปเร็ว แต่คุณและผลงานจะยังคงอยู่บนโลลกใบนี้กับผู้คนมากมายตลอดไป

  • from Jing

    Thank you Tim. You are missed and we love you.

  • from Marco

    Grazie per la tua musica che rimarrà per sempre nei cuori di chi l'ha amata ballata e cantata almeno una volta nella vita. Sperando che adesso tu abbia trovato la pace che da sempre cercavi. Addio grande talento uno dei migliori produttori della storia della musica elettronica sarai d'ispirazione per molti altri. Grazie.

  • from Kate

    An inspiration in my eyes. My friend introduced me to Levels and I was hooked. Listened to your podcasts and my goodness I thought you were the bees knees; Let's be honest how could you not think that! Thank you Avicii for blessing us with your tunes and for inspiring so many around the world. You are missed x

  • from Cherlsy

    從高中偶然聽到avicii的歌開始 明快的節奏讓我深深的著迷 從來沒有音樂是如此好聽又能充滿意義 甚至連歌詞都蘊含很多正面鼓舞人心 帶給人們共鳴的感情 從中能聽見他的真心 在無數的夜晚中哭了 得到救贖 如今依然很難接受這樣的事實 但是選擇尊重他的選擇 如今有點害怕接觸西洋音樂圈 因為實在太過想念他了 好想念你 深怕想起他的一切就會忍不住哭泣 至今依然是最喜歡他的音樂 永遠不會忘記我是這麼的愛著欣賞這樣的他 Live a life you will remember. 因為你我度過了很多人生低潮 我想謝謝你 我會努力繼續生活 願您現在也一切安好 我永遠是Avicii的粉絲 不會忘記你的 謝謝

  • from Ayano h

    Thank you for your kindness and won’t forget it for the rest of my life. love you so much Tim!

  • from Adrián.

    Avicii fue con el que descubrí este mundo del EDM. Fue por así decirlo como mi “maestro” frente a este género con él sentí la música realmente me enseñó lecciones de vida me ayudó a ver las cosas más claras. Ha hecho sentir todas esas melodías y letras que siempre ha mostrado en sus canciones y estoy muy orgulloso de tener a Tim como ídolo. Gracias por todo. “Live a life you will remember.” ◢ ◤ R. I. P. ◢ ◤

  • from Jessica C. Aguila

    Happy Birthday to the incredible Tim Bergling(Avicii).Thank you for your amazing contribution in the field of music. You're a legend. Your memories will remain forever.

  • from Petra Susanna

    The last 4 months have been emotionally difficult for me since Avicii was my favorite artist and Tim was such a great and humble person. I never got to see him live the tributes paid for him at Ultra Europe 2018 are the closest to an Avicii show that I've been. There's no other artist with such strong impact on my life. He left an empty space which can never be filled again. Never forgotten forever missed. Rest easy Tim. ❤️

  • from RDJ

    His music was my comfort. It has a lot of message on it it made me feel better ultimately hopeful.

  • from Tauseeq Ahmed Jumani

    I remember that when you announced retirement from performing live I was so sad because it was my dream to listen to you live. I saved the phone number you put on this webiste and texted you as well. Now that you're gone my dream can never be true but your music will always be in my heart till this world ends. I hope the people who used to be around you mainly your team would understand one day what is inner peace which you wanted the most. FOREVER AVICII!

  • from Tauseeq Ahmed Jumani.

    I still remember how crazy i went over Levels when he released the track. Since then his music has always been special to me. His album 'True' inspired me to start composing. The first ever track i produced was influenced by his track 'This Is So Good'. I have so many memories with his music. I was devastated when i heard the news of him passing away and I couldn't think straight for a month. I'd proudly introduce his music to my children one day. Always in our hearts!

  • from A神的迷弟


  • from Mark

    Hope you making music on the other side of this world mate. You re immortal and your music as well!

  • from Ryan Ng

    Ashes to ashes. You were an inspiration and a god to a new era of music. You opened a path to the new ages a new genre of music that people came to love. You’ll be missed.

  • from Emiliano gonzalez

    Con su música me ayudo a salir de tantas depresiones dandome tanto animo en momentos en que nadie me apoyaba en que sentia que se me cerraba todo el mundo . Amo tanto la letras de ellas “wake me up” siempre sera mi favorita por siempre el estara siempre presente en mi corazón. I miss sou much tim

  • from Jenna Langer

    Tim te extrañamos! Nos dejaste el legado de tu música que seguirá viva en cada uno de tus fans. Gracias por compartirnos tu talento. Pero también extrañamos a la persona que eras… Por siempre serás recordado!

  • from Cynthia Mendoza

    I had a hard time in middle school until I discovered the genre of EDM. One of those artist I heard was the wonderful Avicii. His music was inspirational and positive. I even nominated one of his songs The Nights for my high school's graduation song. In today's society however the people out there don't know what real music is really about. Only a few artists out there are the real music makers the ones who do it for fun and to spread happines. Avicii was one of them. I will miss you dearly.

  • from Michael

    Avicii was the first dance artist who truly got me into dance music as a whole and I bought both of his albums when they came out. RIP Avicii you may be gone but your music will live on forever…

  • from Shelby

    Tim I know you probably won't read this but your songs changed my life for the better. I felt happy free and at peace by just listening to your songs. They resonate with me more than anything else ever has. You will always be my favorite and I will always love you for who you are and the songs you create out of thin air. You created masterpieces that took time you were unique; not many artists do that. Thank you for that. Thank you for changing my life. -Shelby V. from Monroe WA USA.

  • from Luis Francisco Sanchez Araujo Aka "LuisFX" Caracas Venexuela

    Desde Caracas Venezuela. Tim se que estas en un lugar mejor has sido una de las grandes estrellas del EDM los possers diran que los artistas futuros serán los máximo pero nosotros les enseñaremos de lo grande que fuiste y tu legado pasara a las próximas generaciones. Soy un DJ y Productor en Desarrllo y soy una persona que me gusta la escena underground pero cuando escuche la noticia de tu muerte me conmovió y me estoy inspirando en ti y espero que si llega mi momento verte haya arriba 🙂

  • from Emilse

    Imposible describir con palabras todas las emociones que llenaban mi corazón cada vez que escuchaba un tema de Avicii como si fuera la primera vez que lo hacía por más que ya las había escuchado miles de veces. Con su música salía de la rutina diaria bailando y cantando como si nada importara. Por él conocí y comencé a amar este género musical. No logro salir del asombro y la tristeza de su muerte el mismo día de mi cumpleaños pero su recuerdo siempre va a estar presente. Saludos desde Argentina

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