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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Keisuke Arai

    Thank you for coming to Japan!! Thank you for a really happy time at that time! I want to meet you again.I'm happy to hear your music. Avicii has been in the hearts of everyone.I hope to see you again. From Japan.

  • from Bora from Turkey

    You were my childhood musician I grow up with your music you gave color to my life rest in peace great man

  • from WIS??

    进入电音圈比较晚,听到A神的歌的时候他已经退隐了。听的A神的第一首歌是wake me up 之后就疯狂爱上avicii,看各种他的演出视频,梦想着有一天能够去到A神的现场。高三有一段时间一直是靠A神缓解,听到他不在的消息是一个同学告诉我的,那个时候是高三的冲刺阶段,跟网络基本隔绝了,那时候我的反应只是震惊而已。而最近我却是只要看到有关他的一切我都会止不住的流泪,难过,太想念他了。I miss you so much.Love from China.❤️

  • from Yu Kanghun

    I love your music I loved your performance and I loved the name Avicii. My memories are still alive and I will always remember you. Thank you for all the memories

  • from Masanori Ohashi

    日本に来てくれてありがとう! あの興奮は今も忘れない! 本当にありがとう

  • from 美帆

    I was received the wonderful memory by avicii. My best song is Dea boy. His song are eternal.

  • from Monica

    "Wake me up" really wake me up my friend all the best. Hope you found the peace that u were looking for.. Love from Colombia

  • from MK

    He has been my Inspiration since 2013….. i am 14 years old and i learned something new from him. i started liking edm when i was 8 i was listening to a playlist while levels came on….. i really liked the song and then i got to know avicii…… since then he was one of my favorites among martin garrix tiesto hardwell & dv&lm…. april 20th was the saddest day of 2018… i got a shock when i got the tragic news….. i wish he was alive to make another song…. LONG LIVE AVICII ❤️ ???

  • from Johan Rolon

    Gracias por inspirarme a hacer musica y ser mi inspiracion en general mi sueño siempre fue hacer una cancion contigo espero en otra vida lo podamos hacer y espero llegara ser tan grande como tu gracias por darnos esas hermosas melodias de todas tus canciones Descansa en paz leyenda. Nunca te olvidaremos.

  • from Garrick

    Rest in peace. I will never be the same.

  • from Garrick

    R.I.P these world be the same without you.

  • from Nadiuska

    First and only time I saw Avicii perform was my first EDM party in the US (after moving back to the US from Europe). It was in 2011 at the CFE Arena at UCF. I remember drivinf by UCF and seeing the announcement thar Avicii was going to have concert on a Thursday; I immediately called my friends and told them we had to go. We danced all night it was magical. Sad to say it was the only time I got to see him perform. The world lost a musical legend and an amazing human being.

  • from Gael Mendoza

    Amo la musica de Tim el siempre me alegra mis dias sus melodias me trasnmiten esos animos y esa energia que dia con dia se va de mi el siempre y nunca me cansare de escucharlo gracias Avicii

  • from Rodolfo

    Dear Tim I want to start off by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all the tough times you have helped me through with your uplifting free-spirited music. You have also helped me create beautiful memories with all the people close to me as we played your music together. I never got the chance to meet you in real life or attend a show but I know that I would have felt a rush of euphoria seeing you in person. I'm forever grateful for your music. May you rest in peace brother.

  • from Lucas Reis

    Muito Obrigado pelas canções elas me me ajudaram muito que quando ouvidas me fazem pensar em quem eu sou hoje e quem eu quero ser no futuro . Sempre me inspirei em você para criar melodias ainda edtou em começo de carreira(Mas um dia vou chegar no sucesso igual a você chegou não é por dinheiro e sim pelo amor a música) Meu sonho era produzir ao seu lado mas infelizmente você agora não esta aqui… te acompanho desde o começo da carreiraObrigado Tim por me inspirar a ser um musico( Avicii )

  • from Juan Pablo Ascurra

    Tim <3 you're my inspiration i am a dj/producer and you are the best part on my carrer love you always your music and your legacy rest in peace Avicii forever in my heart <3

  • from Alejandra

    Un ser talentoso con un gran corazón y un espíritu hermoso dejaste un gran vacío en todas aquellas personas que admiran tu música y tu trabajo tu legado siempre vivirá en todos nosotros espero hagas bailar a todos en el cielo !!!! ??

  • from Gabriel

    Empezé a escucharle con levels allá por el 2011. Fue mi música favorita. Después de esa fue wake me Up luego the night xyou y ahora fríen of mine. Cada vez que escucho alguna de sus músicas se me sigue erizando la piel. Lo mejor de su música es que cada una se ajusta a un momento particular de la vida de cada uno. Tenía ese talento único de despertar un recuerdo en particular con solo una melodía o la letra de sus canciones. Eso lo convierte en alguien con un talento único.

  • from Diego

    Eres mi inspiración y lo seguirás siendo. Voy en camino a ser como tú. Un gran artísta.

  • from Kon

    Él me dijo un día vas a dejar este mundo atrás Así que vive una vida que puedas recordar por siempre Mi padre me dijo que yo era apenas un niño Estas son la noches que nunca podrán morir Mi padre me dijo…

  • from Lia

    His music touched me the first time that I listened to "Wake me up" and I became a fan since that moment. Your music is going to live forever and you will be a legend to all those in the music industry. All my love and condolences to his family.

  • from Jamie Marando

    I’m going 17 & going to be a senior in high school- and I remember in 6th grade my best friend and I’s moms went to buy us tickets to see him…. only to realize that we had to be 18. I look back & laugh to it 🙂 Heartbroken over this loss.

  • from Gilmároa

  • from Marwen boubaker

    I gotta learn how to love without you .i gotta carry my cross without u .

  • from Andy roo92

    Avicii was the reason I kept fighting through the darkness his music shone out and was always bright and different from other artists that produced similar sounds and vocals . You will be missed by me and heaven has gained a true legend !

  • from Roosevelt

    Es realmente triste…. Sabes no pienso mentir me hice fan de Avicii como en 2016 pero lo había escuchado por allá del 2013 con wake me up. En 2016 enserio me hice fan de Avicii creo que ningun otro artista me enamoronde su música… Sus sonidos únicos eso es lo que hace tan triste esto .. Nadie te superará . Mis oraciones para su familia.

  • from Pengcheng Chang

    Everyone feels depressed sontimes. It is your music that cheers me up. Not been to your show becomes my biggest regret. Thank you. I miss you.

  • from Emma

    I will never forget the first time I heard one of your first tracks. I was pretty young I think I was around 6-7 years old than. One of my brothers started to listen at your songs when you realesed Levels. And I was like I said around 6-7 years old. So I could say that I almost grew up with your tracks and I'm thankful for that. You are my biggest inspiration my idol my hero my everything. Tack Tim för allt jag kommer aldrig att glömma dig❤

  • from Brooke

    I’ll never forget you. I lack the skills to be able to put all my feelings into words. There isn’t a day where I don’t think of you and your music. Not once since 2011 and especially now. RIP Tim… ❤️

  • from Jacqueline

    …keine Worte … sehr traurig… Wir werden Dich und deine Musik vermissen …immer??????

  • from Ludovica. ?

    You accompanied me during my childhood with your music you made me dance and made me happy through it and continue to do so because as long as there is music there is life. I'm going to tattoo with your logo to represent you my childhood music and above all to remind me that the cruelty of the world can lead to making wrong choices. Whatever the reasons for this there are more and more reasons not to do it. I will remember you every day of my life I will carry you in my heart.

  • from Rebecca

    Habe gerade ein Video von dir gesehen. Es berührt mich immer noch zu tiefst dass du nicht mehr da bist! ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Réka

    Dear Tim! I will never forget you….. a beautiful soul never forget…..

  • from Marije

    Rest in peace beautiful Tim! ❤️ From the Netherlands

  • from Jacqueline

    …keine Worte …sehr traurig … wir vermissen Dich und deine tolle Musik ??????

  • from zilong chen


  • from Yara

    Ich hoffe dir geht es gut. Wo auch immer du jetzt bist.

  • from Armixtt

    I give out all my money to set avicii in the back of my shoes and by him I also being a producer under the name Armixxt check on YouTube ? love to you rip mate

  • from EL CACHO

    que en paz descanse en el cielo 🙂 una saludo grande donde sea que te encuentre tu musica iso muy feliz a mucha gente !!!!! mis condolensias a la familia de avicii

  • from Rosy

    “What longing in tears for you — You — my Life — my All — farewell. Oh go on loving me — never doubt the faithfullest heart Of your beloved Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours”

  • from Niels

    I ❤️ Your music ! Xxx Niels?

  • from Avicii fan from the Netherlands

    Y o u a r e t h e b e s t f o r e v e r a n d a l w a y s (L)(L)

  • from Emil

    Tim I loved your songs I always used to listen to then and whenever i felt down you cheered me up thanks for det great time we had Rest in peace jag älskar dig Tim.

  • from zeggnobyl ◢◤

    four months and i still think about you everyday wish you could come back. vi älskar och saknar dig så mycket

  • from LAURA

    We miss you a lot

  • from Андрей Калинин

    Я люблю авичи он всегда будет в наших сердцах.

  • from moonshine61

    I first knew Avicii when his be hut song Wakr Me Up was out I loved the song and I still love to listen to his songs when im down because his music enspired me and other people to be the person that we could be today or in the future. RIP Avicii his music will still live on. ???

  • from Asia ??


  • from HerrRoxx

    Tim was my inspiration to start music so sad he isn't on earth. But he will always stay in our hearts.

  • from Rachel

    "He said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember." ?

  • from Ashanti ashlee ramphal

    Thank you avicii for your wonderful music *today i was looking at one of your shows to myself i thought it was live i miss you so so so much i wish you were still here man : but i will always remember that you left something amazing behind and thats your music * love AVICII forever in my heart

  • from Alicia from France

    Il y a tes chansons qui donnent envie de danser et chanter à tue-tête. Mais tes meilleures chansons sont celles qui nous ramène à l'instant précis où on les a entendues pour la première fois et qui à nouveau nous brise le coeur. Seek Bromance… ♡ cette chanson signifie beaucoup pr moi et plus encore maintenant. Toutes tes musiques ne sonnent plus de la même façon elles sont toutes une hymne à la vie. Tim tu vas nous manquer ✩ j'aurais aimé te voir une 3ème fois..

  • from Lau

    I love you

  • from Lola.

    Nous penserons fortement à toi le jour de ton anniversaire… Tu es une Ame libre maintenant. Tu nous manque beaucoup tes chansons nous accompagnais dans la vie. Et nous accompagnerons encore. Nous t'aimons très fort Merci Tim.

  • from Valeria

    AVICII Eres mi crush y lastima q nunca te podre conocer en persona ni ir a ningún concierto tuyo q era mi sueño eras mi inspiración y tus canciones me hacen feliz y lo q escucho cuando me acuerdo q ya no estas pero igual te seguiré queriendo como q si todavía estuvieras ❤

  • from clinton

    I heard so many radio hits that I couldn't help but enjoy but I wish people knew the pain you felt. RIP man I wish you could've died happy.

  • from Lola.

    Merci pour ta musique pour m'avoir fait découvrir d'autre horizons moi qui n'était pas intéressée par ce genre de musique j'éviterais de juger aussi facilement la prochaine fois et maintenant tu n'es plus là quel dommage je n'avait jamais été voir un de tes concerts je le regrette maintenant… Merci pour tout le bonheur que tu nous as prodigué pour ces déconnexions quand on ne va pas bien. Merci beaucoup j'espère que tu auras enfin trouvé ta liberté que tu cherchais. Repose en paix.

  • from Haroldo Junior Souza

    Be Here A white rose I left there I hope the sun sends it to you

  • from Haroldo Junior Souza

    Be Here You came back I knew you wouldn’t leave me Without you It’s so much better now that your white flower Grew But then the sun one day set I said “see you” You said “see you soon” The sun has set You’d be here Oooh You’d be here We’d be here Why we aren’t here? But when I walk back home I can only picture life and you Every corner step reminds of your lessons You’d be here And there at the stadium I can feel your flame I still hear your beat You’d be here

  • from Haroldo Junior Souza

    Be Here Stories on a Thursday night I talk to myself “what a symphony” Memories that come and go the glory days Water on eyes your decision Bravely teaching me what life is about Timing was good for both us But when I walk through the bay I can only picture smile and faith Every corner horizon leads me back to you You’d be here And there at the stadium I can feel your flame I still hear your beat You’d be here

  • from Haroldo Junior Souza

    Be Here Back when I was a young boy A dreamy mind your big world Everything new city lights and sound waves Diving in an ocean you took me with you The nights shinned my heart raced You were my mentor you called me brother Dancing like there’s no one in the room But when I walk through your streets I can only picture shadows Every corner club hits me with a clue You’d be here And there at the stadium I still hear your beat You’d be here

  • from Fernando Ohler

    You were a light to the world that shared the one message that matters; love. I love you brother.

  • from


  • from Jorge

    I'm just going to say thank you. For your music for your lyrics and for everything you've done in this life and the people you've helped with your songs and how much they mean to me and a lot more people in the whole world.

  • from Stalyn_garyagu

    I never had the opportunity to see him in person but his songs always woke me up … I drew his symbol on my wall and really wanted to put it on my skin I enjoyed his songs very much … and even though I did not know him … I know who it was avicii and he was one of the people that was part of my adolescence with his music. #Avicii4ever Greetings from Ecuador¡¡

  • from Samuel

    Tim you are a true inspiration and i hope you found peace. You will be forever in my heart and i will never forget you. You helped me to believe in my dreams and to not give up . Your music means a lot and you changed the world. It´s sad that i can´t tell you this personally.. Rest in Peace my friend. I love you ♥

  • from Abigail Monterrey MX

    I miss you Tim you are the best DJ on the world! You will live forever.

  • from Shu Yang

    You have been my inspiration since 2012. Love you and miss you ❤️ 2018年4月20日,我听到了信仰崩塌的声音。以后我每年的生日都是你的半年忌日。从大学开始,第一首听到的是I could be the one 然后从Wake me up开始正式喜欢上你。当时还不能够理解你为什么在2016年隐退,直到看了你的纪录片,很想说声抱歉。你去世的一两个月后,我整整听了一个多月的你的歌。希望你在那边安好 ❤️

  • from Marianna

    Spero che ora sei sereno! Fai ascoltare la tua musica anche lassù! Buon viaggio Tim!

  • from Саша ◢ ◤

    Спасибо тебе за музыку в которой ты оставил частичку своей прекрасной души.Бесконечно люблю ◢ ◤ Avicii.

  • from Oscar

    You and your music is a symbol for my youth and all wonderful things in life.

  • from Ize


  • from Piero Salinas

    La primera vez que escuché de Avicii fue Levels y I Could Be The One en una lista de reproducción musical en 2014. Después de un par de meses en una fiesta electrónica escuché Wake Me Up. En Youtube vi The Nights Hey Brother Broken Arrows Pure Grinding y Waiting For Love (en 2016) este último me encantó. Me ha encantado todo el contenido del álbum Avīci (01). Pero el que más destaco de todos sus tracks es: Wake Me Up.

  • from Sophie

    Thank you so much for your music and your activism. Your music was some of the first my brothers introduced me to and I have so many memories with them that I think of when I hear your songs. Rest in peace. ?

  • from Julissa


  • from Dupriez Maxence

    salut avicii tu a toujours fait de la très bonne musiques meme si tu est parti tu sera toutjours dans nos coeurs on t'aime très FORT

  • from Anette Licona

    "Avicii? Who is he? " Some people may not know him like I do and I don't know him like other people do. But I do know that he was the GREATEST Dj of all times. His music spread nothing but positivity. We all loved him. He always made us laugh smile dance and sing at the top of our lungs. We will never forget how your songs made us feel. We will forever remember you. You live in my heart & mind. I miss you & I love you. Rest In Peace Tim Bergling 1989-2018. "Without You I feel lost at sea."

  • from Cassy

    Siempre quedará en nuestros corazones TIM fue una persona increíble a lo largo de su vida su música será única mi ídolo I miss You AVICII❤?

  • from Lara

    I hope you found the peace you needed. Here we miss you very much Tim but you will always live through your music.❤

  • from Amber


  • from Alvaro alonso

    I dont know who whas this man but it has a nice beard

  • from Bryan

    Me and my Brother love your songs! we always do we hope that you're happy wherever you are right now. Thanks Avicii you'll always be in our hearts. resubmitting

  • from ryan

    when we went to best buy at few years ago i heard a song called wake me up. rip

  • from Bryan

    Me and my Brother love you songs! we all ways do we hope that you're happy wherever you are right now. Thanks Avicii you'll always be in our hearts.

  • from Stephany

    I listen to Tim's music all the time 'cause they make me remember all the things I've been through. 'The nights' and 'Waiting for love' are really special for me I feel happy and they give me hope Tim helped me in my darkest times he helped so many people I'm so grateful for all the love he gave to us. Tim will never be forgotten. "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember."

  • from Mandar

    The first avicii song which I heard was wake me up and soon it became my favourite song… I had a dream to be in aviciis show but never got a chance and never will get…. RIP Tim Berg. You are my favourite musician…. I grew up listening to ur song and will continue it… Also Levels was too good…

  • from Monika Rindang

    Tim is such a wonderful person. i know i never even have a chance to meet him in person but i always know that she is the most honest huge star that i've ever known. he never hides his shy gesture it's all natural. he doesn't need to fake it because we know that he can't and he hon't do it… so when i must face the fact that he's already gone i cry. i still am. when i open this website tears streaming down my face. i lost the purest boy that i've ever known. rest in peace baby. we love you

  • from Emilia

    I really loved his music. It always made me feel happy…it still does. I will miss him-he's a true legend.

  • from saugat singh

    good man

  • from Håvard Schumacher Westvik

    Jeg var kjempe stor fan av « Avicii «. Han lagde kjempe fin musikk som gjorde meg kjempe glad selv om dagene mine var skikkelig tunge. Musikken hans vil fortsatt leve inni i hjerte mitt også inni i « sjela « mi. Når jeg kommer ned fra hytta mi sammen med foreldrene mine. Da skal jeg høre på musikken hans. Jeg er kjempe stor autograf samler. Jeg skulle gjerne hatt autografen hans på eget ark i autograf permen min. Akkurat nå er du i himmelen og lager musikken som du elsker Avicii ..!!..

  • from Дмитрий


  • from rintaro


  • from Am

    When I was 13 I was sad bullied by my peers ignored. Avicii's 'Levels' wiped every single one of my tears and reminded me that I am powerful and am worth so much more. Thank you Tim.

  • from Mutsuki

    I'm 28 y.o. as well as Tim and was looking forward to getting old with his new songs. I'm not the type of person who goes to parties so I hadn't seen him in person nor even danced to his songs in clubs. However these weren't needed to admire and adore him. His melodies and lyrics were simply enough to tell me how amazing he was. His songs were always with me even when I was going through the toughest time and saved my life. We love you Tim. My thoughts are always with his family and friends.

  • from Ulrike?Germany

    Lieber Tim. Für immer unvergessen durch deine Musik. Ein feiner Mensch du wirst immer in meinem Herzen bleiben. RIP

  • from Manz..

    Oh my God!!! Each day I can’t believe he is no more… no more of his awsum music… Miss U truely Avicii:(

  • from Hugo

    When I first listened to your songI liked it very much.Although since that time was only a few mouthsyour song makes me unforgettable.Please like your song that I'm listeningwake up!!!???

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