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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Blesses from Finland

    Happy birhtday Tim. You your family and your friends are in our thoughts today. Your music will live forever.

  • from …

    Happy Birthday Tim. Wish that you are making what you love the most in whereever you are. blesses

  • from Priyanka Patel

    Happy Birthday Tim! We miss you. Your music lives on in our hearts.

  • from Maya

    Happy Birthday Tim ❤

  • from Priyanka Patel

    You were the first DJ/music producer that I saw at a live concert. Your music has always been a huge part of my life since. It is a reminder of the moments I have been through in the last 6 years and all the happiness I shared with my friends dancing through your songs. It has helped me everyday when I needed something to hold on to. Your music will live on in our hearts forever. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world Tim. This one is for you. ◢ ◤

  • from Le Ba Thinh

    Tim you are the first one inspired me how to live how to hold my passion. You're always my best. Rest in peace Tim. Also happy birthday ? Tim!

  • from scoreboz

    god of EDM-Avicii

  • from Helen from Russia

    Happy birthday our beloved Tim! We love you so much ! ?We miss you so much! We all are forever yours?? Be happy wherever you are beautiful and pure soul! See you in my dreams very often… So I can hope that you missing us too… Be happy in your peace! And we'll waiting for your comeback-even if it will be in another life… Love you miss you remember you.

  • from ??

    Happy Birthday Tim. You your family and your friends are in our thoughts today. Your music will live forever

  • from MT

    Nos haces mucha falta a diario pero te entendemos. Tu música es eterna. Siempre nos guias. Ojalá fueras consciente del amor que has despertado en todos. Descansa ahora que te lo has ganado. Se bueno Tim.

  • from MT

    Tiempo para encontrarte divertirte aprender superarte y reír Tim porque eso es sin duda el significado de vivir. Ojalá te hubieses dado cuenta de que la vida no era solo dolor ni sufrimiento y de que eras inusualmente especial. Tenías un futuro brillante. Lo mejor estaba aun por llegar. No es justo. solo espero que cada vez duela menos tu ausencia. Suelo pensar que solo muere quien es olvidado y por eso se que siempre seguirás con nosotros todos te recuerdan y saben como luchaste.

  • from MT

    Hola Tim. Hoy cumplirías 29 años y no sabes cuanto me duele que no vayas a hacerlo. Cuando escucho algunas letras de tus canciones puedo oír tus gritos pidiendo ayuda. Nunca habrá nadie con un alma más pura que la tuya. Sin embargo en ocasiones siento que no te has ido. Te veo en cada brisa de aire en la lluvia el mar cuando escucho música… en todos los momentos maravillosos (a veces escasos) que hay en esta vida. Es solo un instante pero que bonito es. Merecías más tiempo.

  • from Mary

    Happy birthday beloved Tim ? xx I blasted your songs last night until I fell asleep. Nothing has ever made me feel hopeful like you do; you are my angel Tim.

  • from Patricia

    ◢ ◤ happy birthday ◢ ◤ ❤️

  • from Katherine

    Would have been your Birthday..Now u resting with Angels sweet Tim!!…your music lives forever!! Never forgotten..always within heart…Love Katherine from Sweden

  • from Judith Dennis

    I'm in my 60s and a mother of son of a similar age. I can appreciate the genius of this young man and the sorrow of his family. He lives on in his music for ever. Thank you Avicci

  • from Lilly G

    Can't belive your 29. Hope your celebrating up there we miss you Tim.

  • from Andrea Lorenzo Scardino

    Happy Birthday Tim. Always been a fan of you since "Fade into Darkness" period. And I will never regret all the moments and feelings your music helped creating. Thank you

  • from isabelle

    Il n'est pas joyeux mais ça aurait été le tien aujourd'hui. De la haut tu protèges tous ceux que tu as aimé et nous ici regardons le ciel en espérant y voir ton sourire.

  • from Nguyen Pha

    Hi I'm not a big fan of you but I'm still love you and very very like your music <3

  • from Nikki

    I still listen to and love your music I know it's what you would have wanted. When it plays it's like you're alive again…but when it ends it's a heartbreaking reminder you're still gone. Happy Birthday! Still missing and thinking of you! 🙁

  • from Julieta

    Happy birthday sweet Angel. There isn't a day that I'm not thinking about you. You were the first dj that made me love edm music the one who made me feel it and understand it. You had such an amazing way of inspire people with your meaningful lyrics and outstanding sounds. When I listen to your music I automatically feel happy and FREE. I am really sad I couldn't have the chance to listen to you live and completely devastated you are not here anymore. I love u Tim. Heaven is celebrating. ♡

  • from WZY

    Happy Birthday! I really miss you. 曾经我一度崩溃想要离开这个世界的时候,是你救了我,是你告诉我生活的方向,谢谢你,我爱你!

  • from Hao Li

    Thanks for your inspiring music! I was losing hopes but I am on the right track! Thank you so much! Happy Birthday!

  • from Egor Kubyshev

    I really miss you Avicii wish you were there to make more music. You taught me how to live life and reassured me of committing suicide. But you did it yourself… Xxx Egor

  • from Veronica

    Its your birthday today ❤️ I miss you. Thank you for everthing. Your music is fantastic. And today when its your birthday i will play it all day long ??❤️

  • from JesusGP

    Feliz Cumpleaños allá donde estés gracias por todo…??

  • from Anubhav Chauhan

    Goodbye! And also a Happy Birthday from a fan who heard your music a little late but nonetheless it was so much worth it. Good luck to the great beyond and rest easy coz heaven's got a plan for you! :')

  • from sark

    Tim happy Birthday!

  • from Begin

    Your music helped me go through the hardest time and your life story will guide me in my whole life. I am so sorry that I have had no chance to share your burdens.Hope that there is no sadness in heaven .I'll always miss you Tim!

  • from Yessica Jael – Bolivia –

    You spoke to us through the lyrics of your songs you went deep into our hearts they are part of our lives that have not ended yet because the day when your music ends for us that day we will have succumbed to this planet because there is no land for spirits without soul I love you Tim?My golden angel ?? your songs and I are Lonely together

  • from Sophie

    No one could ever make music that makes me the feel the way I do when I listen to yours. Your songs reflected you: searching for meaning and love and I am so thankful I lived in the era of Avicii. Happy birthday I hope you've found what you were looking for.

  • from Kate How YY

    Happy Birthday Tim hope you found the peace you wanted now . You will always in our hearts.

  • from Yessica Jael – Bolivia-

    Nos Hablaste atraves de las letras de tus canciones te metiste muy profundo en nuestros corazones formas parte de nuestras vidas que aún no terminan pues el día en que se acabe tu música para nosotros ese día habremos sucumbido de este planeta pues no hay tierra para espíritus sin alma te amo Tim ?

  • from Yulia

    "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember… When you get older your wild heart will live for younger days… Ten more days till it's over till the darkness goes and I see the light." We all search for light meaning motivation inner peace and happiness. But sometimes this world is not enough… Your music always helped me get myself back on track when major depression hit – that's the magic of it. TY❤ You will remain forever young immortal and timeless.

  • from Michaela

    I love to dance and so of course I love his music. He touched the lives of so many people without ever meeting them. His music has given me many fun nights and gym workouts. Thank you Tack!!!

  • from MiQL

    Happy Birthday .Tim ◢ ◤ I love you forever…..♡♡♡

  • from Robert

    Happy birthday Tim. You are an incredible inspiration and truly the greatest of all time. Your songs have led me to realize what the world's strongest bond really is: love. Music is its own entity sometimes no words can bring about the feel it brings. Avicii's music is a textbook example of this. Your music of love will forever bring joy and these indescribable feelings Tim. Rest easy.

  • from Rava

    thanks to avicii for everything that you give to me. thanks for your music <3

  • from MiQL

    @Avicii Happy Birthday!I've never forgotten you.I missed you…..But you'll always be in our hearts.I love you forever♡R.I.P.◢◤

  • from Matteo

    Happy birthday Tim I love you so much.

  • from Faiq Safwan

    My name is Faiq and I'm from Malaysia. Thank you Avicii for making great songs that gave me hope. Especially your last album. That was my favourite album ever. Hope your music lives on until my grandchildren would listen to them.

  • from SXNWXXK


  • from Rotsen

    Happy Birthday… It's sad to think we are not going to listen to you again. This world isn't prepared for such a great artist like you. Hope you can rest now in peace. Veni Vidi Avicii. Thanks.

  • from Huan Do

    Happy birthday Tim =)))

  • from Silke from Germany

    Happy Birthday Tim ? Love and miss you so much!! ?

  • from Flor

    Happy birthday Tim. I miss you more and more everyday

  • from Ritan ◢◤

    Thank you Tim for inspiring me and a million others…Can't describe how much your music inspires me and your music has been with me in times of joysorrow and pain…… You were the reason I started making music. I can't listen any song of you without crying..Shine on us from the Heaven… Thank you so much Tim…♥♥♥ LOVE YOU FOREVER ♥♥♥ Rest in Peace my brother…♥♥♥

  • from Federico

    Wherever you are happy birthday. Really miss you man.

  • from

    It's really hard to visit this site and expect something I know I won't ever feel… At least not the same things you've made me feel. You were the golden DJ. I write you sometimes hoping somehow you know how much you've meant to me. I miss you and think about you everyday. Happy birthday wherever you are I really do hope that you're happy somewhere. Until we meet again Flor.

  • from sᴜɴɴʏ ғʀ ʜᴋ

    ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ᴘᴀɪɴ ᴡᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴀᴠɪᴄɪɪ?

  • from Hristina

    Happy birthday my sweet boy Rest in peace

  • from Sofia Francese

    Happy birthday beautiful Tim. I hope you are good up there. You are so missed i dont have words to explain it. I keep thinking about you every single day. I love you with all my heart Happy Bday!?☄?

  • from Chris Naomi

    I remember the first time I listen to Wake Me Up. It was June 2013. I was cooking with gramma and I just turned my head to see the video on TV and dancing along with the beats until I burned my chicken hahaha. I practically fell in love with Tim's tunes and beats ever since. His other songs marked the happiest times of my lifeline. He's the only musician that cried my eyes out when I read the news about his death. I just wish and wish he's not dead and it's all just a long nightmare.

  • from Claudia

    BLESSED by your symphonies and ADDICTED TO YOUr creations I bet everyone's wondering if he COULD have BEen THE ONE to relieve you from pain somehow. If you ever feel lonely wherever you are please know we're all longing to be LONELY TOGETHER and share our LAST DANCE someday and even if we'll all be FADING SILHOUETTES we'll all be dancing to "LEVELS" FOR A BETTER DAY. Happy birthday Tim <3

  • from ARTTIN

    Happy Birthday to you and me & RIP….. LOVE

  • from Claudia P. (Happy birthday Tim)

    HEY BROTHER WAKE ME UP WHEN IT'S ALL OVER because I don't wanna spend THE DAYS and THE NIGHTS WITHOUT YOUr music. BLESSED by your symphonies and ADDICTED TO YOUr creations I bet everyone's wondering if he COULD have BEen THE ONE to relieve you from pain somehow. If you ever feel lonely wherever you are please know we're all longing to be LONELY TOGETHER and share our LAST DANCE someday and even if we'll all be FADING SILHOUETTES we'll all be dancing to "LEVELS" FOR A BETTER DAY.

  • from

    happybirthday❤avicci i love you??

  • from Iris Wong ??

    Happy birthday Tim! U are the brightest star in the world to me❤️

  • from Ashish tomar

    Happy birthday Avicii :)))

  • from Shane from China??

    你给予我的不仅仅是音乐❤ I was running out of luckTim.

  • from Nere

    Hoy cumpliría años un gran artista aún así siempre estará en mi corazón ya que solo muere quien es olvidado. La música que dejaste son para siempre. Happy birthday Avicii ?? Love you Tim ❣️

  • from IkerHer25

    Somewhere in the universe there is a star that illuminates your soul. Legends never die.

  • from Neila

    Happy birthday Tim❤️ I remember when I was such a crazy fan of you on your birthday i dm’d you a literal paragraph saying how much you’ve brought me great joy with your music and my wish to someday go to your concert even though at the time you already retired. I wish I was as excited as i used to be knowing it’s your birthday today but because you’re not here anymore with us all I feel is just sadness and that today is just like any other day. Rest easy Tim I miss you everyday.?

  • from Trần Ngọc Phương

    ??? AVICII ❤️ From Viet Nam ??

  • from Carolina

    Happy bday heroes angel and the most amazing man in ther wolrd! We all missing you so badly. My wish for you is always happy joy and lovely there. Love ya tim!❤

  • from Clare

    Thank you for everything Avicii 🙁 xxxxx

  • from Dimana (Bulgaria)

    Happy birthday Tim.❤ Thank you for all the years of great music shows and positivity.It feels unreal that I'm celebrating when you're physically gone.I still love you as much as I did 5 years ago.Your music and your spirit will forever be with us and help us through rough times.Even tho I've said thank you so many timesI'll never be able to thank you enough.To thank you for being such an inspiration to all the Aviciiers and to me.I hope you're having a peaceful birthday.Take care.We love you

  • from Melissa

  • from Arwa.

    Listening to your podcasts reading the birthday wishes from everyone everywhere in all apps and crying my heart out . That’s my celebration for your bday . I hope you’re doing more fun than me up there . Be in peace dearboy .

  • from Nia

    You gave a soul to the universe by your music..and you gave so much for all of us…❤️?? Happy Birthday in Heaven Tim…

  • from Melissa

    Happy 29th birthday angel ❤️ I miss you so damn much ?? You'll always be in our hearts you will never be forgotten ❤️ Rest in Peace ??

  • from Nishika

    Happy Birthday Tim…❤❤ from Sri Lanka ??

  • from ??何

    ?Happy birthday .⩘⩗ICII ??

  • from Sara

    Happy birthday Tim ❤ i hope you're in a better place

  • from Ulrike

    Happy Birthday lieber Tim. Für immer in meinem Herzen.?

  • from Kenneth

    I heard Avicii for the first time in 2011 live on Tomorrowland mainstage. I had never heard much of him before untill then. From the first song till the last I was touched about his music. He had a very unique sound and atmosphere in his songs & set that evening. The crowd went crazy and everybody was happy and dancing. For me it is still the best performance i’ve heard on tomorrowland in all those years that are past! <3

  • from Harry

    Happy birthday bro

  • from Molly

    Happy birthday Avicii. RIP ?

  • from lleremi1000

    Avicii I was following you since I started listening to your music because he introduced me to techno music. When I started to follow you I wanted to go to one of your concerts to see you and meet you but this was not possible. Your music will never die and will always be remembered as hits made by the best DJ. We love you Avicii.

  • from ThomasF

    J'ai commencé a écouter tes morceaux a 13 ans j'en ai maintenant 21 et c'est toujours aussi entraînant vivant.. J'ai tellement de souvenirs associés a tes musiques. Merci pour ta musique Tim repose en paix

  • from Sophia

    Avicii inspired me everyday his music helped me through so much and remind me of some amazing times in my life. His soul touched me he was more than just a talented artist but a wonderful kindhearted man too. I never forget seeing him perform live in London where he performed ‘Heaven’ for the first time I miss him so much. Thank you for everything Tim you truly have touched the hearts of millions of people. ?

  • from Kristóf

    Boldog születésnapot Tim! Sohasem felejtünk el! ❤

  • from J

    Happy Birthday Tim.

  • from Love from across the universe

    Don’t you worry child .. see heaven’s got a plan for you . Happy birthday Tim?

  • from Ambrosial

    Happy Birthday Avicii Love you forever ♥️

  • from Eagle233

    Happy birthday Avicii! ◢ ◤

  • from Ambrosial

    Happy Birthday Avicii. I miss you everyday. Your music will live forever. Love you forever ♥️

  • from David

    May someone come and continue your music.

  • from #29

    Your first birthday up there. Rest easy. You will be forever deeply missed… ❤

  • from Val

    Happy birthday! Thank you for your timeless music. ❤️

  • from Thang

    Happy Birthday for you. I will dont forget you. RIP

  • from G

    Sono una ragazza di 16anni italiana il cui pensiero è rivolto sempre a Tim. Le sue canzoni la musica la base i testi tutto mi hanno fatto crescere e sono stati la colonna sonora della mia adolescenza e prima a tutto ciò legavo un bel ricordo; ora diventa tutto più triste pensando alla sua anima che se n’è andata…ma vive sempre nelle mia cuffiette quando lo ascolto e mi riporta tutte le immagini della mia vita alla mente❤️Thanks Avicii

  • from IRENE

    Happy birthday dear… Forever in our hearts. Love love love from all over the world! Irene.

  • from Dorota from Poland

    Happy Birthday Tim.See you in heaven.

  • from Jon Mikel

    Feliz cumpleaños Tim. Me pareciste de los mejores productores del mundo. Gracias por todo ❤️

  • from Nat

    I really don't know what to say. It's hurting so much but let's celebrate this day. 29 years ago was the day you were born and… That's mean so much to me and milions others. I'm really glad that I've had chance to know you I really really miss you'll stay in my heart forever ? I love you Tim ❤❤❤

  • from Mateusz

    Avicii is the best DJ ever. I can hear his music every day…

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