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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Ariagna

    Gracias por enamorar a la gente con tu musica Te amamos tim?

  • from Jeremy

    I remember listening to Wake me up The nights and The days while I rode my bike every weekend to the same place with my friends bonding those songs to my closest partners. Now we like to go back to that place and play those songs on loop for hours remembering the good old days when our love for Tim made us "vandalize" the place by spraying Avicii's logo around. Hope you are living in a better place I guess I'll have to listen to what you left behind just wake me up when its all over. Tim <3

  • from Jorge Mateluna S.

    Aún recuerdo ese maravilloso e inolvidable verano del 2011 cuando descubrí a Avicii con sus primeras EP's. Pistas que tenían un estilo único vibrante energético y refrescante. Sentía como si hubiese encontrado lo que tanto busqué en la música House. Gracias a ti Avicii ese verano se volvió original e irrepetible con gente y momentos especiales. Aún me sigues produciendo esas sensaciones con tus creaciones y mi alma aún vive por esa nostalgia. Gracias por tanto Tim. ?

  • from Kitty

    ?u forever. Your life & music have touched so many. Pray you knew just how much you were truly loved & will always be loved ❤️ We share the same birthday so my thoughts will be reflective of you on the 8th. God Bless & I pray you are at peace?? xoxo

  • from andres lombana

    Avicii para mi fue una inspiracioncada vez que escuchaba su musica me llenaba de corajeel me acompaño en momentos dificiles y todo se lo debo a ello extrañosolo deseo que este aquiacompañandome con su musicavivira en mi corazongracias Tim Berling POR TODOHASTA NUNCAANDRES LOMBANA.

  • from Adrian Alvarez

    Avicii para mi y para muchos de tus fans fuiste y eres el mejor Dj. Del mundo sus canciones son una gran fuente de inspiración para mi además de que siempre me levanta el ánimo es un gran deleite para nuestros oídos cada una de tus canciones todas con una gran historia y un gran ritmo que nos pone a bailar o simplemente para relajarse. Eres verdadera mente un genio en la musica electrónica el mejor nuevamente muchas gracias por dejarnos tan hermosas canciones que siempre recordaremos.

  • from Monica

    Por que un hombre tan bello tan inteligente tan talentoso… toma desiciones tan abruptas…..solo quisiera entender un poco para no sentir tanto dolor por tu partida!!!! Ojalá hayas encontrado la paz que estabas buscando?❣

  • from Mafe Salazar

    All of us remember the man who changed the music for the rest of the history. I only have a thousand applauses for him ?

  • from Cesar

    Aun recuerdo ese día en la tarde que descubrí tu canción de wake me up y levels que marcaron una parte de mi infancia y siempre voy a creer que fuiste el mejor para mi.

  • from Jennifer

    Recuerdo cuando apenas tenía 10 años y no conocía la música de Tim la 1 canción que escuche de el fue ( levels ) no dejaba de escuchar esa canción fue tan inspiradora para mi que me impulsó a seguir creyendo en la música electrónica me da pesar nunca haberte conocido en persona para mi hubiera sido un gran privilegio con tu música me hiciste soñar cuando crei que mi vida se estaba destruyendo pedazo por pedazo no demoraba en sacar mis audífonos y escuchar cada una de tus canciones.

  • from Venk

    I would spare my life for his best DJ ever

  • from Kelvis Hdez from Dominican Republic

    Fue grata la oportunidad de conocerte; a través del gusto de mis hijos Aun escucho tu música y me doy cuenta de lo grandiosa que son tus composiciones. Gracias por compartir tu talento con todo un mundo que te ama siempre vivirás en nuestros pensamientos.

  • from Fifi

    Me ayudaste en tiempos de mucho dolor. Las letras de tus canciones estuvieron para mí cuando me sentía sola cuando pensaba que ni mis papás me querían cuando quería terminar con mi vida. Pero también estuviste en mis momentos más lindos: viajes salidas con amigos cuando dibujaba. Mi sueño era ir a Tomorrowland a escucharte a vos a cerrar los ojos y sentir como a pesar de ni siquiera hablar el mismo idioma podíamos entendernos perfectamente. I will always remember YOU in my life?

  • from Nayla Argentina.

    Su música me marco muchísimo sus canciones sus letras y su elección de sus cantantes para interpretadas voy a recordarlo siempre en mis playlist con su nombre. Lo amo y extraño mucho.

  • from Petanix

    Se que tal vez fue por decisión propia pero no me importa lo que haya pasado siempre creere que eres un alma pura incapaz de dejarse marchitar por los dolorosos rayos de una vida dura. Para Tim

  • from Kilotile

    Tim has inspired me to make music when I was in high school. When I heard the heartbreaking news about him I wasn't the same inside. He is the reason that I make music and still to this day. He was my favorite idol in music no matter what. Tim will be missed he has earned respect from the world. Love you buddy. Hope you're doing good in the clouds up there. Rest in peace til we meet. <3 #restinpeaceavicii #livealifeyouwillremember #avicii #timberg

  • from Sofia

    Tim tu noticia me ha conmovido mucho hasta el dia de hoy sigo sin creer y pienso que todo es una broma pero no. Gracias por alegrarme la vida con tus canciones prometi ir a verte y aunque ya no estes lo hare igual. Para mi no te fuiste todavia sigues en mi corazón y eso es lo que en verdad importa y vale. Soy argentina adolescente y sigo luchando para que algun dia me convierta en DJ como lo soñaba de pequeña. Muchas Gracias Tim!

  • from Leandro Ariel Perez Resler desde Argentina

    Tim Berglin Avicii fueron unos de tus nombre por los que te llamaban yo te llamaba "Inspiración". Tu música fue una revelación para mí amé las historias y sobre todo podía crear las mías con lo que escuchaba. Las echaré de menos pero tú música sigue. Sonará idiota preguntarle a un muerto pero yo quería ser como tú sabes?nunca me di cuenta que la pasabas mal. Lo siento amigo. Descansaa en paz.

  • from Vitória Zatta

    Músicas são o som da alma tu tinha o dom de comprovar ela e isso poucas pessoas sabem fazer. Os hits mais populosos do momento eram seus o mundo estava aos seus pés. Tua inteligência teu afeto tornaram a música uma expressão afetuosa cheia de esperanças! Suas músicas tornaram nossas festas melhores tu trouxe ideias e revolucionou a música eletrônica. Avicii querido Tim espero que tu descanse em paz o mundo te agradece por você estar presente durante 28 anos na Terra. R.I.P- Viih Zatta

  • from Angel

    I used to underestimate the Dance Music cause i thought that was empty and full of fake happiness but at the moment i listen "Hey Brother" I understand the magic of you loving music also when i feel so outsider and see the video of "Wake Me Up" i just couldn't stop looking for that type of message in your art and i always find them. I will be always grateful to you to let us know a part of your soul.

  • from Meh

    Not that special there are/were better djs than you

  • from Marye from ??

    You will always be the best ever !! May your soul rest in peace… peace you couldnt find in this selfish planet. Your music will keep you alive in our hearts forever !! ?

  • from Brandon

    Your songs have forever changed my perception of EDM. So much love. You made the world a better place. Rest in peace.

  • from Dairy.garcia

    AVICII is not dead for his music is and will remain in the hearts and minds of countless millions of the world's peoplesand in the playing of hundreds of thousands of musicans who have come under his influence.The King is dead.Long live the king.

  • from Eduardo Sandoval

    Querido Chico… Desde tu partida no se que hacer mi mundo ha cambiado repentinamente sin ti tú hacías de mi a alguien increíble con tan solo escuchar una canción tuya me cambiabas la vida completamente me hacías sentir especial tu música me hacía vivir en un sueño y olvidar la realidad. Desde los 9 años supe lo mejor de ti me hiciste apreciar la música tal y como tu la apreciabas cada detalle hasta el más mínimo y a apreciar la vida. Hasta Pronto. Te Amo Tim! ¡Gracias Por Existir!

  • from NASH

    As a musician that had given up on music after years trying but always failing you were the reason I rediscovered my love for creating and remain the reason why I am where I am today leading a successful career in electronic music. Since hearing your music I always felt a strange and magical connection and will always be so gutted that I never had the chance to tell you that. A true genius and an amazing soul is what you will always be Tim Bergling. Love you bro I hope you found peace.

  • from Victor Guerrero

    My hero my inspiration you came into my crazy world like a cool and clensing rain :'v we will never forget you we love you Tim

  • from Karen

    Tim: you really change our lives in so many ways that I can't even explain it.You made that so many different people fell in love with the EDM music thank you for your beats your melodies and your lyrics.We miss you every day and you will always be in our hearts. R.I.P.

  • from Lucia

    siempre ame la música de este muchacho. no tengo dudas de que fue y siempre será recordado como el música me acompaño en los mejores momentos de mí vida.todos lo recordaremos por siempre.un artista brillante música es la que alegra a muchas personas en momentos tristes a mí me ayudó me ayuda y me ayudará a sentirme feliz y bien arriba. para siempre en nuestros corazonesTim Berling .que en paz descanses crack

  • from Luis

    I miss you ❤️

  • from Jack

    Dear Tim I must admit that I only started listening after Wake me Up but since then I have fallen in love with your music and have listened to all your songs since you first ever started. Your music helps me a lot makes me happy and helps me remember that I should hold on and live a life I should remember. When my mum died earlier this year I put The Nights on and pictured it being my mum instead. I love you thank you for everything and you will never be forgotten. #AviciiForever

  • from Dani y Noe

    ❤️❤️❤️ Siempre

  • from IBAÑEZ

    Nunca sentí tanto amor hacia la música electrónica hasta que por fin me abriste las puertas a ellas con tus temas quedas en la historia y como uno de los grandes! Te vamos a extrañar amigo

  • from Brigitte

    Hey brother immer noch unfassbar! Tief berührt von deinem Genie! Verzweifelt dass dir niemand helfen konnte! Besonders weil du mit deiner unglaublichen Musik anderen so viel gegeben hast! So please wake me up when it's all over

  • from Matías Pavón

    Conozco a Avicii desde 2012. Escuché Levels me encantó y empecé a buscar sus singles prácticamente crecí con su música y esperé con muchas ansias sus álbumes. Es muy triste que un gran artista haya terminado de esta manera. Todos vamos a extrañar a Tim ? @matii.pavon

  • from Mattia Forte

    You was the best

  • from Dominic

    maybe you're gone but your music will always be with us so we never forget you

  • from REICHELL


  • from Almiwi

    Un día como hoy se te recuerda a vos avicci que sos la persona que nos enseñó a seguir adelante con tu música que motiva. Y no solo con eso sí no que con tus sonrisas. Tus llantos. Tu cariño. Tu compañerismo y un montón de cosas más pero además de eso Ami me enseñaste a amarte como a nadie SIEMPRE PRESENTE MI ANGEL TIM AVICII

  • from reichell

    Tim <3

  • from Vilmos.

    …… Ha a mennyekbe tudnék küldeni tárgyakat neked szódásüvegeket küldenék és isten veled kedvenc zenészem.

  • from HS

    Avicii created tracks that changed my life. Levels was my first step into the electronic music world. Today I love making music and I owe it to Avicii. Thank you Tim. You'll never be forgotten.

  • from reichell

    Tim <3

  • from Carlos Aguirre

    I get goosebumps everytime I hear one of your songs. You have changed the world of dance music with your songs. We'll always be grateful for all you have done. Thanks leyend thanks Tim.❤️

  • from Reichell

    ayer hace 2 años lloraba porque Avicii se retiraba de los escenarios y hoy lo lloro porque jamas regresará. Te extraño Tim.. Te amaré por siempre.

  • from Melanie

    When I was 14 years avicii made the song wake me up. I became interested in this kind of music. I started to look for more music from him. I became a real fan of him. My dream was to see him once in my life in real life. I never got the change. I was to young when he came to the netherlands. But he will always be part of my life and I will always be one of his fans.

  • from Agustin

    This history happened on august 5 in 2018. Im from Argentina With my friends we went to Bariloche for the graduate trip In a disco of Bariloche named Roket the dj played Levels and all people in the disco shouted Avicii Avicii Avicii. This was a really good moment

  • from Adam


  • from Sári Vilmos Levente.

    I like his music hits.

  • from Rosana

    Nu îți cunoșteam muzica atât de binedar de când am început sa o ascult provocai în mine niște sentimente ciudate și frumoase. Sper ca ești bine acolo sus și sa te odihnești în pace suflet drag.

  • from Alyson

    As I sit here in bed I rember all the fantastic moments I saw him I am a mother my daughter at 18years said for her 18 th birthday she wanted to be at Ushuaia I’m Ibiza to see him we saw him and meat him it was the most amazing time I thank god we did his music was amazing we have seen him all over the world I Liston to avicii. All the time and made feel so happy not only has he inspired the young also the older generation I sit here writing this and crying doing this such a talent

  • from Marco

    I miss you everyday Tim ❤❤

  • from Kim Taehyung


  • from A fan

    I loved his music since i was 12. For generation z he was such an inspiration because of his optimistic and feel-good songs. When i heard the sad news i cried all day i couldn't believe it happened…why him? I was so blue for days that i can't even explane it. Rest in piece legend you will always be remembered.❤

  • from lidd

    i miss you so much :(?

  • from Zach

    An artist like a Avicii is one that we see very few off. Not only did be make good music he had a good soul. He will forever have a influence on the modern culture and he will go down as one of the greatest DJ's in history. He change my life as well as other peoples to. Thanks Tim

  • from Nailea

    Eternamente gracias Tim ❤??

  • from Stijn

    Avicii was a legend of this era and a pioneer in electronic dance music. His music always makes me happy and I listen to and love every single note in it. Thank you forever Tim.

  • from

    Repeat after me : FUCK THE PILLS FUCK THE PILLS

  • from Khriz

    Avicii is the best Dj of world <3Legends Never Die #Avicii

  • from Moesti

    YOU are my greatest insperation for creating music YOU are for me the BEST producer in this class I YOU TIM REST IN PEACE XXXXX

  • from Jose

    Legend. Rest in peace Avicii.

  • from Shayane_Frican_La_Plus_Grande_Admiratrice_De_Avicii_<3

    Pendant longtemps j'ai chanté et dansé sur tes plus belles musiques sans savoir que c'était grâce à toi. Je n'aurai jamais imaginé que la plupart de mes chansons préférées n'étaient reliées qu'à une seule et unique personne qui dans son studio a fait d'aussi belles oeuvres qu'elle honte ! Tu as été ma source d'inspiration tant d'années sans que je m'intéresse à toi si seulement je t'avais connu plus tôt ! Depuis que tu n'es plus parmi nous je suis triste comme personne. LOVE U <3

  • from Nykamdj

    La prima volta che ho ascoltato "Wake Me Up" ho pensato… Wow! La tua musica e il modo in cui l'hai composta resteranno vivi per sempre. Grazie

  • from Jan

    god of music can never die and his one.

  • from Armando

    Solo resta agradecer en donde quiera que estés por todo lo increíble que dejastes para el mundo tu MUSICA esa que nos llevó a volar y nos puso a soñar que le dio sentido y significado ala vida con tus letras revivió el interior de nosotros y reflexionar acerca de ella. Gracias por tus bets Tim #Waitingforlove #ILoveAvicii #ASkyFullOfStars #A-M

  • from August

    Tim your music brought me motivation and happiness in life and i will never forget you rest in peace Tim!

  • from Jorge Gozalo

    Avicii ya no está presente con nosotros ahora pero sus música perdurará en nuestros corazones generaciones tras generaciones por siempre te amamos Tim.

  • from Jail

    You are the best and You will always be the best avicii we will always remember You With your great songs You inspire me to produce music i love You ?❤ i miss You avicii?❤

  • from Daniel

    todavia recuerdo cuando salio for a better day y despues no escuche mucha musica de Avicii y despues me acuerdo de el y me meti a su youtube y vi que una de sus ultimas canciones fue Without you la escuche me puse audifones a todo volumen sintiendo que estaba en un concierto un dia comun y corrientes viendo las noticias decia muere DJ Avicii a los 28 años senti que se fue uno de los unicos DJs con ese estilo y desde ese momento siempre escucho su musica todas las noches antes de dormir Q.E.P.D

  • from Amandine

    La première fois que j'ai écouté Avicii c'était avec mon frère il m'a fait découvrir un diamant. Tim m'a donné envie de travailler dans le monde de la musique sa musique restera éternelle ??

  • from David L89

    Why this happened? I miss your songs so much Avicii…

  • from Ángel Bedoya

    Avicii te extraño tu música alegra no te pude conocer te fuiste antes de tiempo y no entiendo por que. Él fue el mejor nos dejó el mejor legado de todos… Tú nos acompañas desde el cielo.

  • from Cazorla

    It was an impetus for me in music it taught me what it is to love something and today I dedicate myself to music thanks to him I can say that it helps me to keep growing from the levels song to without has been a great impulse for great djs the tributes in tomorrowland of nicky romero Dimitri vegas & Like Mike Hardwell W & W etc. Thank you very much for how you were the music that you have released and the shows in Ibiza where will your house be I miss Tim Berg

  • from Tiana

    When I was alone for one year travel around the world to find myself and following my dream. Tim music was every day with me to make my memories unforgettable!! The best time of my life !! Everytime when I hear his music it brings me back to the best time of my life!! Thank you!! a lot of strength in this difficult time

  • from Lindsay

    Your death has affected me deeply….I never met you but I feel as if we were friends. You seemed like such a humble sensitive generous guy. My deepest condolences to your family…I have mourned you without having even met you so can’t imagine the loss and grief they are feeling. I hope you found the peace you so longed for. Rest in peace loveliest Tim. Your music will live on forever as will your memory.XXX

  • from ? recordandote hoi y siempre en mi❤

    No tengo palabras para expresar lo triste qe me senti al enterarme de tu partida …aun lloro al escuchar tu musica las letras de tus canciones son unicas .. Nunca seras olvidado al contrario ahora eres una estrella qe brilla en lo mas alto tube la oportunidad de estar en un concierto tuyo me qede cn las ganas .. Desde aqui todo mi cariño a tu familia .

  • from Bia

    Lieber Tim ich habe dich vor deinem Tod leider nicht gekannt. Trotzdem hat mich vor vier Monaten die Nacht über deinen Tod geschockt. Du warst so jung so talentiert und so ein wunderbarer bodenständiger Mensch. Es vergeht kein einziger Tag wo ich nicht an dich denke und deine Musik höre. Ich hoffe Du bist jetzt an einem besseren Ort und hast die Ruhe und den Frieden gefunden wonach Du dich so gesehnt hast. Durch deine Musik wirst du immer in meinem Herzen und Gedanken weiter leben.

  • from Hakon

    lol u gay

  • from Sheily Marrero

    I love his music!!! I have all of his songs! This one in specific is my favorite!! My dream was going to Tomorrowland and see him live but i see that my dream will never come true because of his very soon death. He had a long life ahead i know that is in heaven resting in peace. We will miss you Avicii??

  • from Luis Fabrizio Roa

    One day you are up another day down and others but you just want to fulfill your goals. Tim is and always will be my greatest example of wue when you propose something you can achieve it. His songs are part of my life for 8 years. In fact it was one of his songs that I help to know love. I love you for ever Tim.

  • from Fabian

    Avicii was one of the most inspirating persons in my life. Because of him I started dreaming of my career of beeing a DJ because of his succeses. I'm that sad I cant take it into words. The picture I've uploaded was one that I found on facebook. It seemed that he was happy about his succes not like in the end.

  • from amy

    With “Hey brother ’ Avicii especially gave very great moments with my siblings that I will never forget. He showed us a lots of feelings in his music. He will be always a legend. He lived a life that we will always remember. #ForeverAvicii #Rip ?❤️

  • from Marianne

    Underbar musik ❤️ lyssnar gärna på Avicii när jag skall somna.. jag vet att du har det bra där du är nu Tim. Universum har fått en underbar stjärna? . Mina tankar går till Tim familj ❤️

  • from Dyss

    Egy közvetlen őszinte barát voltál akivel a beszélgetés hangjaiban is külön életet érzést vittél. Emléked álljon örökké barátom! Krisz 2018.08.30 – Magyarország – Hungary

  • from Rose Slater

    Avicii has some of the best music i have aver listened too. his music has a wondeful feeling to it and it makes you feel the way he intended you to feel. It is a shame that he died and so sad he died the way he did. He gave the world his gift before he passed and for that we are thankful. R.I.P Avicii a true legend.

  • from Vittoria Rizzo

    Even if you're in heaven your presence feels and will feel forever. Avicii is a legend of EDM. Avicii never die. I LOVE AVICII ~AVICII IS MY LIFE~ ◢ ◤

  • from Tiger woman❤️

    I miss you?❤️ I miss Liam ?❤️ I too Late understand how sensitive and beautuful your mind is❤️I hear that your music but now only i understand?❤️My dream Y are still here happy and free or somewhere where i can hug for Y and tell you how many people miss and love you❤️You left too early and Y Tim must be here not angel yet❤️Y forget enjoy you life whitc Is Y own life❤️ Cause I see you for you and your beautiful scars So take my hand don't let go❤️?I wanna hug for Y❤️❤️❤️

  • from Deez nuts

    rip hero

  • from Rares

    Even if he is gone I still listen to his music…. Rest in peace Avicii. You will remain in our minds forever.

  • from Joana

    Tim du hast die Musik geschaffen die mich Glücklich macht. Ich liebe deine Musik über alles! Sie hat genau meine Gefühle rüber gebracht. Ich werde sie für immer hören und in meinem Herzen tragen. Deine Musik ist auch eine erinnerung an mein früheres Ich. Wir haben sie immer im Auto bei Reisen gehört. Ich werde sie niemals vergessen diese Zeiten! Ich liebe dich! Jag älsker dig♡ In Love Joana

  • from Bożena

    Thank you for everything. I hope you are happy. RIP Tim.

  • from Dante

    La légende que ta musique reste à jamais dans nos cœurs…

  • from momof4

    Thank you for all your music I will probably listen to it for the rest of my life. You are not replaceable. I'll teach my kids who Avicii was but more important who Tim the man behind avicii was. We all are just people not machines. You have given us all you had..I hope you have found your rest now you deserved hapiness and peace within… RIP Tim

  • from Paulo

    You are at the djs heaven with Robert miles and so on

  • from Marcel

    Because of you i started creating Music and started djing you are my biggest Inspiration your Music Will Never die! Avicii is for a life much love from Germany RIP to my Idol

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