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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from adrian

    sorry im from indonesia and i cant speak english farewell aku suka avicii sejak aku masih sekolah dulu dan aku rindu avicii

  • from Dan Knight

    His music started my love of dance music. A part of my everyday life comes from him.

  • from Simonn sianipar

    I cant speak english but i can do this. Tim musikmu selalu menyemangatiku disaat aku ingin memulai hariku. Aku merasakan energi dan semangat yang kau salurkan ke dalam semua lagumu. Aku harap bisa mendengar lagu yang membangun dari orang yang termotivasi darimu.

  • from ozzie

    been listening since to him since i was a kid and was a big fan of his music and a lot of it brings back plenty of memories the nights was played at my primary school graduation and i used to listen to a lot of his other songs like wake me up trouble the days pure grinding and others everywhere i went his music was truly amazing and inspiring. He will be missed

  • from 郑烜

    谢谢你把如此美好的音乐带来这个世界。 Thank you tim.

  • from Daniel Crowhurst

    The world of dance music has lost a true inspiration to all djs. I remember the 1st time I saw you at creamfields. I had now seen you 7 times all over the the world. Those time I will never forget. Thanks for all the fun times your music has created.

  • from Pame

    Es una pena lo que ha pasado yo crecí escuchando tus canciones en la hora del patio en el colegio siempre soñé que podría conocerte en uno de tus conciertos. No esperábamos lo que pasó pero ya no hay vuelta atrás. Siempre te recordaremos con una sonrisa descansa en paz Tim.

  • from Austenk

    一直想念你的炒菜手 一直想去你的现场 可惜没有如果 ◢ ◤

  • from Amiel adany music

    Avichai Tim Berling is maybe another name The amazing music man You had music that you can not forget and every song has incredible meaning that can not be described You were pretty DJ and legendary producer We'll always remember you Amiel Adani Music

  • from Aarnav Dasari

    I used to listen to your music all night because it used to make me happy. Thank You Brother!

  • from Mvximych

    Your music breathed life into me love you love your music

  • from

    The best concert of my life: Avicii Hungary Budapest Sziget 15.08. 2015 . In loving memory! Réka

  • from Priyenka

    Avicii make music in heaven. We’ll dance on it again one day…

  • from Lorob

    Great man perfect music! R.I.P

  • from Xxxxxxxxxx

    I always knew avicii as this amazing EDM composer but never got the chance to listen to him until my friends party last year. Since then I haven't had a day when I did not listen to his music! And how much I enjoyed them !!! I know I joined the group late but I'm glad I did! Tim was not only an amazing composer but also an amazing human! It takes a lot of courage to deal with all that success!! And Tim had that courage! I say it with all my heart that he will be missed!! #RIPAVICII! #LEGEND!!

  • from Pernilla

    Dear sweet Tim you were truly an unique person in many ways ♥️ You were not only extremely talented but also uniquely good hearted. Your sweet soul shined so bright and you were just as beautiful inside as outside. I’m so sorry for how some things turned out. I’m also sorry for some people who got into your life without deserving it. Your memory will live forever in my heart and all over the world ♥️ See you when my time comes take care sweet Angel ?♥️

  • from Sammy-Joe Schneider

    Hey Brother Without you the world lost it's colors. You inspired me to strat making my own Music and everyone says that it sounds a bit like your style but I've never put something online because I think that I'd disappoint with my work. I hope that one day I can present the stuff you've inspired me to create. I can truly say that if your music hadn't helped me through my hardest time I would have gone before you. I hope that if Heaven exists we'll meet there one day.

  • from YUSUKE

    I LOVE YOU 本当に感動をあたえてくれてありがとう。 AVICIIよ、永遠に

  • from Kinga

    Just floatand watcing us. What if I'm far from home? Oh brother I will hear you call. What if I lose it all? Oh sister I will help you out! Oh if the sky comes falling down for you There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do. Rest in peace Tim. ???

  • from KS

    It's strange to feel so sad over the absence of someone you have never met but it seems unfair that someone my age who is loved and so talented is now a memory. Your passing literally woke me up and I recently left my job to pursue a career & life that makes me happy. Thank you sincerely for the many smiles years of amazing music show in Brooklyn and songs that takes up the majority of space on my phone I promise I will listen to them again soon when they don't feel so sad. Rest in Peace.

  • from ♥

    Dear Tim words can't describe how much you mean to me. Thank you for everything that you have done for us. You were and will ALWAYS be a part of my heart. The things you did for your fans is absolutely incredible. I always looked up to you as the person I want to be one day. Your music has changed so many lives in a better way including mine. Your music will live on forever Timmy. Life is hard without you here but at least I know you're looking after us. I love you Tim. Rest in peace angel ♥

  • from Ricsi

    A pina az élet.

  • from I MISS YOU

    Dear Tim words can't describe how much you mean to me. Thank you for everything that you have done for us. You were and will ALWAYS be a part of my heart. The things you did for your fans is absolutely incredible. I always looked up to you as the person I want to be one day. Your music has changed so many lives in a better way including mine. Your music will live on forever Timmy. Life is hard without you here but at least I know you're looking after us. I love you Tim. Rest in peace angel ♥

  • from JO NISS

    one day I played my guitar and I had the idea of this melody and like every child who dreams I had a dream that one day I will meet Avicii who was my biggest inspiration. so I recorded the idea and kept it and dreamed that one day Avicii and I would work on it together. This dream will no longer come about so I decided to release this song and tribute it to you. All your music was "happiness". So this is for you! R.I.P Avicii. Full Song –

  • from Einklang

    Every moment that I think of Avicii and his extraordinary music reminds me of sleepless nights in clubs dancing love and endorphins. Always a goose bump when I only hear his name.

  • from Anastasiia

    just missing him.. much

  • from Melisa

    Gran persona y dj marco mucho mi infancia con su música sanadora espero que estés en un lugar mejor Tim todavía no se puede creer esto te vamos a extrañar mucho te amamos descansa en paz

  • from LeoMessi

    你的音乐给我带来了无尽的动力。 至今都不敢相信 你会突然的离开这个世界。 希望你能在另一个世界继续做自己喜欢的事。 想念你Avicii◢◤。

  • from 王圣烨

    thank you tim ,for everything, love u forever rest in peace

  • from Fred Wildi

    More than an artist. A person who has contributed so much to the music industry and who gave joy to millions around the world. Thank you Avicii Rest Easy.

  • from shiba

    私がaviciiさんを知ったのはつい最近です でももう遅くて、もっと早く出会いたかったです。毎日曲を聴いてます。The NightsはのMVは、こんな風に生きてみろと伝わってきて、明るい気持ちになれます。 歌詞の意味もいい事ばかりで、まだまだaviciiさんの曲を聴きたかったです。私達に出来ることは、aviciiさんが残してくれた曲を広めることです。aviciiさんがきっかけで、EDMにも興味を持ちました。でも、私の中ではaviciiさんが一番です。私の中では、まだaviciiさんは生きています。そして、人々に沢山のメッセージを届けています。曲が生きていて、今もaviciiさんは輝き続けてます。私は絶対に忘れません。 aviciiさんは、きっと、今でも曲を作っているでしょう。無理はしないでくださいね。 ほんとにありがとう

  • from Nick

    I was in 4th or 5th grade when levels came out and I would sit on the school bus listening to it. People said it wasn’t creative or flat out wasn’t good. I didn’t know why. Levels was and is a great party song. Thankfully when it started being played on the radio they got into it. Tim really was a perfectionist and he was as much of a great DJ as he was a world renowned music icon. Nobody else can be classified as such. RIP Tim. Your music lives on forever through your friends family and fan

  • from

    Avicii is the reason i study sound design and electronic music production. Legends never die.

  • from Sirli

    Avicii was the best. His music is what gives happiness to me. I was hoping all the time that i see him but i didn't. His music means so much to me. Every time i hear his songs i just want to cry. He was my hero and my soul. I love him so freaking much.?❤️?

  • from Ayush

    My favourite song Wake Me Up it was so inspiring and true but when I heard the news I was shattered… I'm still frustrated why he did it… I wanted to be in his live performance. I guess I won't be able to…..Why Avicii?

  • from s1ckio

    I'm going Bonnie and Clyde without you. RIP Avicii

  • from Clara

    Querido AvicIi tus temas sus letras sus mensajes me hacían sentir cosas inexplicables que sólo la música puede conseguir nunca pude conocerte ni verte en directo pero aún hoy escribiendo esto se me llenan los ojos de lágrimas…espero que ahora si seas feliz lejos de esa industria infame que hizo de tu pasión una pesadilla…Dejas un legado increíble ese fue tu regalo para el mundo…Por siempre y para siempre AVICII❤

  • from Selman N. Tabet

    Been a fan since 2011. Time has passed and you made it far toured worldwide and faced hardships that I could relate to (incl. stress and depression) watched all the streams from your studio tour of 2016 (#TheCrowningOfPrinceLiam) during one of my worst periods of depression. I decided to work on a remake of ID 13 (Faster Than Light) as a way of distracting myself from the shit I've been through. That track has been on repeat since April 2016 to this day and is my favorite track of all time.

  • from Guoquan Dou

    Tim Bergling's music always bring me the energy and happiness. The big pressure of study and examination will be gone while listening to his songs. AVICII you were dead but your songs will never dead and will be known by the people from all over the world. I miss u. Dou from China.

  • from From Daisy

    Avicii tim berging thanks for your music i am a big fans and always wil music wil be forever and you wil je forever in our heart rest in peace

  • from Mark TL

    I wrote this tribute to Avicii on my Facebook page and would like to share it here but it's more than 500 characters. I adored his tunes and what they meant to everyone who hummed sang whistled and danced to his beat which defines an era of dance music that will be replayed for decades Tim's memory will not fade

  • from mr6

    avicii RIP ——from a中国 chinese fan

  • from keval

    I started playing my keyboard because of his melodies from India we love you Avicii ???❤️

  • from tao


  • from Samuele

    Ascoltando Levels mi sono appassionato al mondo dell'EDM e del DJing e grazie a quella canzone ora sono un dj e un produttore musicale. Grazie Tim per l'ispirazione che mi hai dato e che hai dato a molti Spero che ora tu sia in pace.

  • from Isabella

    Thanks to Tim I wake up everyday knowing i could be the one to make me free. I love you. I'll Never forget your performance in Bogotá. Rest in peace

  • from Ankur gogoi

    "Without you" is my favorite song.He always in my heart.RIP AVICII. the legendary dj.

  • from David H. (ddu693)

    Many good times to listen to your sounds. Thank you for all the inspirations you brought to your fans and all the music composers (like me). We owe you the EDM and house Your productions will be played forever! Thank you for all Rest in peace Tim

  • from David

    这是我离Avicii最近的一次,愿你在天堂安好?◢ ◤

  • from Lucas Velasques

    Obrigado! Você me ensinou a viver a vida da melhor forma possível. As letras a batida do som o ritmo cada verso informava o quanto precisamos aproveitar a vida no ápice de nossa felicidade. Ouvindo "The Nights" deixo como memória minhas últimas palavras de agradecimento: "one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember because these are the nights that never die". Pois astros nunca morrem: materializam-se em estrelas. #Avicii #LegendNeverDie #FromBrazil ?? #Tks!

  • from ~Sara?

    Grazie per le mille emozioni che ci hai dato. Resterai sempre nel mio cuore e non ti dimenticherò mai. Ti ascoltavo da quando avevo 10 anni e ballavo come una matta insieme a mia mamma e mancherà tanto la tua musica. Ti voglio bene e spero che tu ti trova in un posto migliore adesso. Baci❤️

  • from Annie Hu


  • from 邹誉婕

    我不能保证十年后我还爱你, 但我能保证, 现在的我提到你的名字还会很难过很难过, 鸽子王,你想粉丝么?

  • from Vanessa

    Hi tim when you left me here alone my world crashed. My life is gone my reason for living. I had never cried in front of my family but I did I felt exhausted So I asked "Why? Why did you leave me? I need you to feel strong and secure" but I realized that you are human too and I understand you completely. Since I was 12 years old I always thought that suicide was my only exit now I know it is not I have to live to share your beautiful journey with the world. thanks for Everything.

  • from kaori akie

    だいすき わすれない

  • from AVICII小迷弟

    AVICII 我就是想你了!

  • from Onion

    Mis más sentidas condolencias…

  • from Davidsun


  • from Brian

    Your signature zippy synths lit up the world and made so many people so happy. You changed music forever. It’s so sad to see you go but I hope you’ve finally found peace.

  • from Chayma Mansouri

    Como dice el dicho: «todo lo bueno acaba» y por mala suerte AVICII no era la excepcion. Nunca imagine que se iría tan pronto y cuando supe lo que le habia pasado ni mi corazon ni mi cerebro quisieron creer las noticias. Por que alguien tan increible bondadoso y talentoso como Tim Bergling se tuvo que ir? Sólo quiero pensar que esto es una pesadilla de la que pronto despertare. Pero en el fondo sé que Avicii siempre vivirá en nuestros corazones. Avicii you are a legend.❤

  • from Yerson

    Gracias a Avicii he podido superar mi depresión mis dias realmente malos han sido los mejores gracias a sus canciones que siempre me motivan a seguir adelante. Estaré eternamente agradecido con tigo Tim <3 I miss you so much. Pero pronto nos veremos. YeYe

  • from jean

    Tim 我永远不会忘了你音乐上带给我的快乐 激励 是你让我接触了电子音乐 让我认识了对我来说很重要的人 我永远也忘不了你 R.I.P tim love you 4ever

  • from Bikram

    Thanks for visiting the Earth ♡

  • from DraculL

    第一次听到你的音乐是15年的时候,我记得那首waiting for love给我带来的震撼,甚至比我第一次真正接触电音第一次听到Calvin Harris的Outside还要震撼。也记得没钱去你的演出,在寝室戴着耳机看你迈阿密的UMF的视频,看着你的炒菜手在寝室乱嗨室友都说我疯了hhhhhh。那个是时候就决定怎么也得去一次你的现场。黑暗来自于18年4月21号那天,起床打开手机看见朋友圈一条消息:瑞典音乐人Avicii去世,年仅28岁。当时我下意识以为当天是愚人节?拍了拍脑袋点进去一看,没错,消息属实。我想所有粉丝看见消息当时都有种脑袋貌似被空气敲了一棒子的感觉吧,真实又不愿意相信,但是黑暗终究还是事实。那天,你大部分网易云音乐上的音乐留言很多粉丝都去缅怀你,“上帝想听电音了”“鸽神再也不会鸽我们了”“Aviciii解脱了病魔” 好吧好吧,其实说了这么多,还是因为听到你的音乐,想你了◢ ◤

  • from Asma

    2014. Hamburg. Some of our best memories… Group of internationals sharing the love of your music. You United a group of expats in their home away from home with your music.

  • from Vishnya

    Тим – былесть и будет моим самым любимым диджеем.Моё знакомство с его творчеством началось с песни wake me up.Тогда я училась в школе. И вот как-то пришла домой включила музыкальный канал Europa plus tv и увидела красивый клип. Как-то он меня зацепил.Позже я узнала и другие работы dj Avicii. Все его песни идеальны! Меня очень расстроила его смерть даже сейчас грустно (если это не инсценировка). Жаль не разу не слышала вживую его.Что сказать. Мне больно это писать как и смириться с его уходом

  • from Alex

    Thank you for your music <3 <3 <3

  • from 很平凡但是很爱电子音乐的李姓男子

    没有很早开始听edm,但刚开始到沉迷完全是因为Avicii,那首wake me up给我的震撼至今我还能感受到,后来逐渐熟悉了电子音乐,就回去听A神的早期作品,早些听电子音乐只是感觉很动感,很帅,但是Avicii的电音总给人一种莫名的感动,感谢这个平台!能给这么多AVicii的粉丝进行留言! 不说R.I.P Avicii Forever!◢ ◤

  • from Nicole

    ❤???❤ "Hey Brother never forget you alwalys in my heart." ?❤?


    When I heard Avicii's song levels it got me into EDM and also wanting to do what he did Music producer & DJ .When he retired it made me really sad but I do understand that sometimes it's hard for people being on tour all the time and especially when your recovering from a surgery. He was like a mentor to me mentally. Sadly I never got to meet him . He is the reason why I'm what I am today a young DJ and music producer he made me believe in myself and gave me hope. Rest in peace Avicii thank you❤

  • from 东野圭吾


  • from Philipp

    I think it was in 2012 when heard Levels" for the first time. Since then every day became an adventure – because of your beautiful melodies. Tim your songs where the light on the darkest paths in the darkest moments. Thank you for the great memories memories of a true genius. You lived a life that everybody will remember. ◢ ◤

  • from Mrlimianos

    Fizeste me vibrar com a tua música. És daqueles que nunca serão esquecidos. Portugal adora-te ❤?? Mrlimianos

  • from BORJA

    Since that magical set at Pier 94 on New Years Eve 2011 I have been following you Tim You are an inspiration and the greatest muscian of our time. Thanks for ALL your music.

  • from kaori

    Thank you so much.i love you. from japan.

  • from Jessica

    Your music brings me so many good memories. I’m so incredibly sad you are gone. You’re amazing. Love you Avicii

  • from kmmm


  • from Fadhil

    Thanks Avicii for all music you create and inspire people all over the worldmay your music long lasting forever rest in peace i'll never forget you

  • from Ryo

    ある時avicii のwake me upを聞いてこれはどういうジャンルの音楽なんだろうと思ったことを覚えています。それからというものEDMにどっぷりはまり邦楽はおろか洋楽ですらEDMしか聞かないようになりました。Tim貴方はたくさんの爪痕をのこしました。これからもずっとずっと聞かせ続かせてもらいます。どうか安らかに。 From Ryo Sakurai

  • from Iris yao

    I hope it’s always sunny in heaven. We love you.

  • from Bianca

    I started listening to EDM because of him and swedish house mafia❤️He is a legend? respect ? 我爱A神? ? ? from China?? ?? ??

  • from Federico

    Wake me up was the first song of playlist when I started to run. From 1 step to 42.195 meters running wake me up is my life song.

  • from Marisa FORMOSA – ARGENTINA ??

    Volve de cualquier forma pero volve. Quiero verte volver. GRACIAS infinitamente por habernos dado jirones de tu vida que no supimos cuidar. Hoy estás donde dinpueden cuidar de vos. Pero volve Tun solo unos segundos …❣️

  • from 王丫丫

    The Nights

  • from Anja

    Thank you for all the dark moments that you turned into brightbut what now…?

  • from Chichi

    I am still waiting for the 2015 Storm Festival.

  • from Akash Kachhaway

    Waiting for Love Levels The Nights Hey Brother A Sky Full of Stars and every track of Avicii brought a smile on my face. Now they bring tears in my eyes.

  • from HubUgoasdY

    Thank you so much 🙁

  • from Yifan Cui

    You're the best DJ&producer in my heart,love U forever…

  • from Cristina

    He was a great person a great musician a great man. With his songs he transmitted me a lot of amazing memories of my life and he gave me strength and security. I thank him a lotlot for this. He will always be in my heart.

  • from Bill Ge

    再听到你的歌,仿佛想象出在你的一生中的那些喜怒哀乐。你的最爱,你的痛苦,你的欢乐,你的悲伤。你竟然在那么痛苦压抑的情况做出那么积极向上和欢快的歌,每一次听到这些歌都愈发感慨。希望天堂是美好的。音乐是人类共有的语言。感谢你,AVICII From your Chinese fan. Hope nobody will suffer from depression.

  • from weirdo33


  • from 海光天影


  • from Alexandre Tang

    I have been suffering from depression for at least three years and I've thought about killing myself for countless times. Once I was standing on the roof and thinking about jumping when I heard Wake Me Up playing on my phone I cried and suddenly realized how precious life was. Since then Avicii's songs have helped me through the hardest times in my life. I am now 16 and I am learning music producing skills. And I'm still alive thanks to Avicii. Thank you Tim. Rest in peace.

  • from 王琦

    I am still waiting for the 2015 Storm Festival.

  • from fabmou92

    I discovered you and your greatest hit Levels in 2011. You and your music helped and still helping me to fight for my dreams. I hope that your life and your end help everyone to fight for his lifes and never give up. Give us your energy from heaven Tim! "The next 'Level' won't be the same 'Without you'"

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