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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Victor

    Thank you!

  • from Saya

    Ты был лучшим Тим Покойся с миром!

  • from Juan cruz


  • from Laura

    Mis condolencias tengo 52 años y m gusta toda clase de música pero sobre todo House y electrónica seguía Avicii desde su comienzo vivía en Ibiza y no m perdía ningún festival d el.lo h admirado siempre como músico y compositor persona porque tengo amigos q tuvieron la suerte d conocerlo.El día d su fallecimiento no m podía creer lo que colgaron en internet Avicii a m partió el alma y lloré un montón aún y todo lo tengo grabado en mi su música no hay día q la escuché .mi pésame…??

  • from Ramiro

    Avicii has changed my life thanks to him he changed my emotions from bad to good and now all i will always be thank to would be avicii rip legend ?✌

  • from Stewart X @sxa555

    ◢ ◤ ❤️ – We'll never let you Fade Into Darkness. The uplifting music the troubled lyrics that make you come back to listen again the awesome videos. Tim may no longer be with us but he'll never be forgotten I needed something special to remember him by and this seemed fitting – the only one I've had done and it's now as much a symbol as a reminder of mental health issues than anything else.

  • from Emanuele Pinaroli

    I kiss for the first time with “the nights” a beautiful girl that now is my girlfriend and this is why I love Avicii because he makes some of the best memories of my life

  • from Harvey

    Thank you for your music Tim

  • from iloveyou


  • from Anuj Rathore

    I was very depressed when I first saw AVICCI's name on a huge billboard in Delhi (when he was touring India in 2013). I searched his name on Google I can't explain how his music has motivated me in my life and specially those line "Feeling my way through the darkness Guided by a beating heart I can't tell where the journey will end But I know where to start!"

  • from Greenerka

    Hy avicii. It’s So hard to saids goodbye to a man who enjoyed every Times of my life with the best song at the right moment. I can’t believe that nonody hear you anymore. I just hope you’re peaceful where you are now. All my life your song remember me how amazing you were. ◢ ◤ Rest in peace

  • from Jenrique

    Avicii Era y sera el mejor.. el era el unico que me levantava el animo con su musica y me dava felicidad ver que saldria mas musica de el.. pero hoy estare mas contento si muestran mas musica creada por avicii.. gracias muchas gracias avicii por tanta musica hermosa..

  • from msk

    Live a life you will remember. Legend.

  • from Dominik

    I saw him playing in Austria a few years ago. He started and just a few minutes later everyone was touched by his music the rythm the melodies and the spirit he brought to the whole crowd. Create a atmosphere like this is a gift and there will never be a DJ like Tim who is able to do that. At last i would love it to get the Track with Chris Martin released because it is from my point of view the perfect tribute to Tim. Rest in Peace ❤️ Your Music makes me happier then ever before.

  • from YangQinyuan

    谢谢你无论我有多绝望的时候,都一直存在于我心中一处明亮的地方,温暖着世界。你用生命拯救了很多人,所以我会好好活下去,Live a life I’ll remember.❤️R.I.P Avicii

  • from Julia

    Heute vor vier Jahren war Dein Konzert in Hamburg. Ich hatte einen tollen Abend dank Dir. Nur wusste ich natürlich nichts von Deinen Sorgen und Gedanken. Zwei Wochen später hast Du Dir eine Auszeit genommen. Ich hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen. Ich feier den Abend und Dich dabei ging es Dir schlecht. Trotzdem möchte ich Dir für den Abend danken. Für Deine Musik die mich berührt hat. Ich hoffe dass es Dir gut und Du Deinen Frieden gefunden hast. Auch wenn Du viele Herzen hier gebrochen hast. ?

  • from Brigi

    Köszönöm Mester <3

  • from 7trekup music @shubhM

    Pure genius Avicii the music master.. can't stop listening his musical invention. The magic through his fingers still create magic over me..i think give one of the reason to live life..words not enough for his master pieces. Great Avicii you cannot die..

  • from Aditya Bhadang

    His music introduced me to the world of electronic music. His music helped me get out of depression but I never realized he was in it too?. Rest in peace Tim. We're always here for you.

  • from Trutoh

    When I was kid I always listened Avicii I always loved him. I've listened: Levels Hey Brother Waiting for love Wake me up and more… I'd like to say him: Your fans always want to meet you and give you a big hug. Reast I'm Peace ( R.I.P) – Trutoh

  • from M.

    Love you Avicii l◢◤

  • from Katee

    I love you you are the best! From Hungary

  • from FC

    Avicii’s music bonds me and my brother for a long time. Different from my brother EDM is not my kind of music but Avicii’s are my only exception. Many of his song touched me with its uplifting beats and meaningful lyrics. You will be missed by my family and I… rest in heavenly peace

  • from 56

    Miss U!!! Hope U can back to us but…

  • from Carlos

    From the deepest of my heart I want to say that you've inspired me to never give up even when I saw everything black and I couldn't found any solution and then there was a small light called Avicii's songs which made me feel as the strongest boy all over the world for this reason I also want to say physically you're died but for sure you aren't in our hearts. If you had the purpose to make the people feel as well as possible you can rest assured that you got it. Always in my heart. ?❣️

  • from L.

    Never thought I can miss someone I didn’t even know in person so much. Here’s to forever celebrating your music your talent your passion. ??

  • from MiQL

    I know you because Watting for love.I can't wait to cry for three days and nights when I know you're gone. You'll always be my faith. I know you didn't really leave us. Whenever I listen to your songs I feel as if you are still there you always live in my heart you will always be the best DJ in my heart.We missed youYou're the best Tim.Maybe death is a relief for you.But I can't get over the fact. I haven't seen you yet. Haven't been to have your electric syllable. I'll always owe you a tick

  • from Rushh

    Gracias Tim por todo gracias a tus músicas pude experimentar sentimientos que creí sentir mucho después sin embargo la particularidad de tus composiciones le puso la emoción a mi vida que necesitaba para afrontar las situaciones difíciles que vivía pata entonces. Dejas mucho que vivir aún. Ruben Tomas.

  • from Christine Philip Northampton England!!

    Though we cannot see you …. your music plays through all of us. In your dedication and commitment to the DJ music industry. The ones that come next know you have their backs. You will always continue to play. You never stopped. <3 Love you Tim Live On 🙂

  • from Ewa

    Dear Tim I used to go to home from school listened your songs in radio. Every day in this same place in my way your song appear in radio( Hey Brother) It was weird. Couple years ago20 apirl my mum told me :Avicii died. I had tears in my eyes. I thought that is impossible. Since that day i can't stop thinking about you Tim. I listen religious songs thinking about you that you are in heaven. You loved Animals ( like I)I am very exited when i think that we meet you in heaven one day. I love u

  • from Joel Ferreira

    The first electronic music I've heard in my entire life was "Levels" and since then I admired the music world in a completely different way I started to listen to electronic music only thanks to Avicii. We miss you. Rest in peace brother A primeira música eletrônica que ouvi em toda a minha vida foi a "Levels" e desde aí admirei o mundo da música de uma maneira completamente diferente passei a ouvir apenas música eletrónica graças ao Avicii. Sentimos a tua falta. Descansa em Paz Irmão.

  • from R. van Oers

    Visited the "true tour" show in Ziggo Dome The Netherlands back in 2014. Rest in peace.

  • from Michiel Jansen ??

    It all started for me when I heard Hey Brother after some years again. I already loved the song but I never really knew who the artist exactly was. At this point I found out about Tim Bergling Avicii. I started listening to some songs and really really liked them. I started listening more and more. My favorite song remains Sunset Jesus. Tim really helped me through some toph periods in my life not only I love Tim's music but I also loved his personality. I could find myself in Tim…

  • from 洛陨EDM

    记得一年前多就认识了Avicii,当时特别喜欢他的歌。能让我感动的EDM歌曲很少,但是Avicii的歌真的让我很感动。他去世那天我特别伤心,好好的为什么就走了呢?R.I.P Avicii愿你在天堂好好的。Love you forever ——Avicii❤️❤️❤️

  • from ZWC


  • from Guillem Roldós Serra

    Sunset Jesus Thanks

  • from 洛陨EDM

    Love Avicii Forever!❤️

  • from venus

    The first pop song I listened in my entire life is Wake Me Up. Because of your songs I fell in love with the pop music industry the genre that I thought I would never be interested in. (I'm japanese btw) ""Without You"" I wouldn't have loved EDM as much as I do now. Thank you Tim and I hope you can read this up there 🙂 人生の中で初めて聞いた洋楽はアヴィーチーの Wake Me Up でした。アヴィーチーのおかげで絶対に人生で関わりを持たないと思っていた洋楽が大好きになりました。”あなたがいなかったら(Without You)”こんなにEDMにもハマっていなかったと思います。ティム今まで素敵な音楽をありがとう。ティムの元までこのメッセージが届くといいな 🙂

  • from Laetitia

    Your music accompanies me every year since 2013. It helped me through bad times when I needed something to cheer me up. Now when I hear my dearest songs from you I get tears in my eyes but in a good way because of the many good memories I had while listening to your music. We love you Tim❤

  • from Michell ?

    dear tim❤️ I do not know how to explain everything my heart feels infinite thanks for teaching me to see the world from another angle thanks for changing my life and for inspiring me to follow my dreams I promise that I will live a life that I want to remember and I know that you will accompany me in each of the levels of life I know it will not be easy to continue without you but I know I will succeed because I have my greatest inspiration seeing me from heaven I love you with all my heart you

  • from

    I remember sitting against the bed of my best friend listening to levels which was just concurring the charts at that time. I had heard it going out and I loved it so much. It was the start of my love for edm and Avicii. Levels together with the nights has grown to be one of the dearest and most memorable songs in my entire childhood. We'll miss you!

  • from Nix K

    Started producing music cause of Tim true inspiration and such an amazing guy air piano is the best thing ever. Swede dreams you legend! <3

  • from Elena

    Thank you for everything. For all the beautiful time. For all the beautiful song. Thank you❤️

  • from Bruce

    记得听avicii的第一首歌是waiting for love,然后再去找avicii的其他歌,然后觉得wake me up还有broken arrows很好听,到后来的同名专辑,然后就喜欢上了avicii,在2010Dj mag百大排名avicii排名38这也是Top40里年纪最小的成员,2011百大avicii排名第六,2012百大avicii排名第三,排名在上升,但在2018年4月20日各大媒体宣布avicii自杀身亡,那天我的心情很低落,一位电音天才就这么离去,天妒英才!avicii你是信仰,R.I.P

  • from Helena

    Thank you for everything. You're always in my mind! <3

  • from Starfish

    Thank you avicii for making my day when I hear your song luv 🙂 from singapore

  • from Mook


  • from Matteo

    Just thanks for Levels❤ "So wake me up when it's all over .." R.i.p

  • from Alex Vitor

    Hey brother I want you to know that I started to listen to electronic music because of this song Wake Me Up that undoubtedly is the best song in the world and Avicii you were just the best DJ I've ever heard it's impossible not to hear you surprise- if with the talent he had the word Legend defines you that wherever you are at the party will always be good. Thank you Avicii for providing me with unforgettable moments. Rest in peace Brother we will never forget you. ◢ ◤

  • from Jd

    Avicii me cambio el tipo de música y me cambio a mi

  • from Lucas from the Netherlands

    I never really knew that you where there making so many increddible songs till november 2017. I heard "Without you" on the radio and I fell in love with it. I searched for it on Youtube and Spotify and found your name and when I heard some more songs I started realizing that I liked everything you made. Since then your music has been the only thing I've been listening to. I bought a T-shirt and a LP ("True"). All I want to say for now is: Thank you Avicii you are the best! #AviciiForever!

  • from Ildikó Magyarország

    Drága Tim! még ma sem tudom elhinni hogy elmentél. Hihetetlen. Mindennap hallgatom a dalaidat és gondolok Rád. A Gyertyalá oldalon pár lelkes téged szerető ember folyamatosan gyújt az emlékedre gyertyát itt szoktunk megemlékezni szeretteinkről akik már nem lehetnek velünk. Odafentről láthatod mennyien szeretünk.

  • from 零加柒

    因为你的wake me up喜欢电音,鸽了15年的风暴 没想到一鸽就是永远,希望在另一个世界的你能开心,继续做你喜欢的音乐?

  • from Huyuexiang

    Your song gave me a reason to live during hard timethank you avicii!

  • from Fanni


  • from Risao

    初めてapple music でaviciiの曲を聴いて、edmというジャンルを知りました。aviciiさんの曲ばかり毎日聴いて過ごしています。 未来にリリースされるはずだった曲を楽しみにしていましたし、もしavicii のjapanツアーがあれば絶対行くつもりでいました。avicii は天国に行ってしまったけど、私はこれからも変わらず大好きです。

  • from Sergio

    Gracias por inspirarme y transmitirme tanto con tus canciones. Descansa en paz Tim <3

  • from Germán cba

    Avicii por siempre

  • from Kei

    Thank you for making my morning better after listening to your music. It's still helping me a lot. Much <3 from India

  • from Jonas Androx

    Avicii is my biggest music legend. He will always remain in my heart <3

  • from Nicole

    Tim du fehlst hier unten. ❤ Ich vermisse dich.

  • from ZYW

    Thank youavicii

  • from AviciiGJL

    In Memory Of Avicii

  • from Devito

    Avicii mungkin aku baru mengenalmu 6 bulan terakhir sebelum kau meninggal. Tapi musikmu bagus broo!

  • from Lucas from the Netherlands

  • from Marginot Elenit B.

    Artistas como Tim hay muy pocos. Algunos llegaron a apreciar tu arte otros te veían como un DJ más. Pero para tus fans fuiste más que un artista fuiste nuestra voz y nuestro sentir. Plasmaste en tonadas lo que no se puede expresar con palabras. Ojalá no hubiera sido tan duro ojalá te hubieras quedado con nosotros. Pero no podemos controlar nuestro destino espero que estés en paz ahora que ya no hay más dolor. Te querremos siempre AVICII❤

  • from A

    もっとあなたの曲を聴いていたかったです。世界中数えきれないぐらいの人があなたに支えられていたでしょう。私の人生を変えるきっかけを作ってくれたのもあなたでした。とても辛く、悲しいです。なぜこんなにも早く逝かなければならなかったのか、誰か止めることはできなかったのか、そんなことばかりを考えてしまいます。音楽界にとっても、非常に大きな損失だと思います。あなたから作られるメロディーの全てが新鮮で素晴らしかった。もっと早くあなたの曲に出会いたかった。一度でいいから生であなたを見てみたかった。 でも後悔ばかりしていられません。あなたの決断を責めることはできません。解放されたあなたが安らかに過ごせていると願うばかりです。色々なことがあったと思いますが、あなたが音楽を作っている時はとても幸せそうに見えました。今はただ、ゆっくり休んでください。いつかまたふと現れて、新曲を聴かせてくれると願っています。また来ます。元気で。 Rest In Peace Avicii ◢ ◤ You will keep living forever in my heart .

  • from Ozana

    Miss you still your music is still alive.

  • from Takahiro

    I miss you. I met in Japan two times. I don't forget. 「Live a life you will remember」

  • from Ornella de Argentina

    Avicii no solo era tu música era lo que me transmitís en ella. Tus letras tus melodias y el ritmo era y va a seguir siendo la combinación perfecta para sentirme viva amada capaz de soñar de vivir de ir por lo que quiero y conseguirlo. Tus canciones me motivaron me hicieron querer ser mejor persona. Fuiste vos con "Wake Me Up" cuando supe que esta música era para mi y la hice mía porque me motivo siempre a poder a lograr a luchar por mis sueños. Siempre estarás en mi corazón.

  • from ifsor


  • from Francesco Pio

    Thank you. You brought emotions to this cold world with your melodies. – Francesco Pio

  • from 尹

    Avicii 我很想你 ◢ ◤

  • from Jéssica dos Santos

    Meu querido muito obrigada por suas musicas perfeitas por te me feito um pouco mais feliz . . #iloveyou #Avicii #FromBrazil #teamo #Brasil ◢◤

  • from Thank you very much

    Dear Tim I still can‘t believe that you left so soon I started listening to your music about five years ago when your famous Wake me up came out. that song supposed me the change I decided that I was going to live my life … you helped me through your music you helped me you will always be an example for me so thank you very much Tim I will never forget the phrase that supposed my change "Someday you will leave this world behind so live a life that you can remember" I miss you Tim ❤️

  • from Ricardo from Portugal

    Tim you were one of the best musicians I ever heard. Your llyrics your melodieseverything about your music was just incredible and although the last years of your life were hard for you I will allways remember you as a person that would make me happy with any song. You will certainly be missed Tim. Rest in peace.

  • from Jesus david de la cruz

    No canoci tanto de el pero se q apenas se imagina el enombre avicii la gente lo queria pero no lo queria por otra cosa lo querian por el talento q el tenia q era revolucionar la musica electronica pero como todos sabemos el queria paz y por eso yo lo apoyo por que todo el mundo quiere paz en muchos sentidos ademas avicii tubo grandes historias musicales y actuaciones también tuvo grandes amigos como Tiesto MartinGarrix etc por edo quiero agradecerle de todo lo que a echo en estan gran vida.

  • from magohime


  • from Regina from The Netherlands.

    You said that we would always be Without you I feel lost at sea Through the darkness you'd hide with me Like the wind we'd be wild and free'. One of your amazing lyrics. You were so talented. I love your songs and I will never forget them. Rest In Peace Avicii.

  • from Kanishka

    I was 14 years old when one of my friends told me to listen to LEVELS and the music changed something in me. I'll never forget how Tim brought our social causes in his songs. He transformed my life. I hope he's in a better place now.

  • from daisy

    wating for love 入坑,可是我认识你太晚了。认识你时,你已不在。现在在慢慢听你以前的歌,怕一不小心听完了,就没有新歌再可以听了。

  • from YJYat


  • from Dominico

    im sorry i cant speak english.AVICII adalah dj terbaik yang pernah saya lihatsetiap lagu nya membuatku terkenang kepada masa lalu ku dan membuatku bersemangat untuk masa depandari lagu WAITING FOR LOVE.setiap pagi saya selalu mendengar THE DAYS dan setiap malam saya selalu mendengar THE NIGHTsaya tak pernah bosan mendengar lagu AVICII.Semoga AVICII tetap terkenang selama-lamanya #AVICIIFOREVER #LOVEFROMINDONESIA

  • from Reza Estiko

    Avicii and his music change me into a better person. I remember listening his song especially 'Dear Boy' makes me want to do omething great in my life. His death shocked me I can't bear my sadnesses since he is also my biggest inspiration in my life. May you sleep well Tim thank you for your opus.

  • from 尹波


  • from Rahman


  • from Ines

    Hey Tim hope you’re well. I’m here to say I miss you and can’t stop missing you. It’s a casual evening in Shanghai and I’m on my way home. Lots of words to say but I’m wordless. Writing here feels like I’m talking to you secretly and you could read this one day… just like one day I can still meet you somewhere…

  • from Rahman

    5 years ago im in love with a girl who always make me look happier and make my heart so happy and oneday i think its a good time to marry her but she's refuse that and my feels is so sad after that and exactly 1 month ago she's passed away cause of critical cancer im so sad so i think i will remember her forever till i die i love you Olivia and i love you too Tim (Avicii) one of my inspirator YOU WILL BE LIVE A LIFE FOREVER IN MY HEART AVICII❤️❤️??

  • from Eliana

    I first listened to Aviici when I was in Sweden in love with my first boyfriend. Although I first dismissed him as generic having being dumped by my ex his music became the only source of memories of him

  • from Nikolas H

    Thank you for all of your awesome songs that enriched my life! You will forever be the best DJ of all!

  • from Vanesa

    Desde el dia que empece a escuchar tu musica no he parado de escuchar una y otra vez!! Me alegras la vida todos los dias!!  ◢ ◤

  • from Miluska

    Life was hard was on my worst moment and you told me to live a life i will remember and since then I tried… You are an special human being you change my life cause ur music is more than that i feel like you talk to me talk to everyone… and even if you are not here anymore your music will always tell me what to do for the rest of my life cause you decide to share your gift and I can't be more grateful for that always love you rest in peace Tim you did it you changed the world…

  • from Andreas

    I discovered Avicii in 2013 just after he had released "Wake Me Up". I immediately fell in love with his style of music and he quickly became my idol. Avicii has inspired me and will continue to inspire me every day. He will never be forgotten.

  • from Ángeles

    La música de Avicii me ayudó a superar momentos difíciles su música no era como las demás la de él era especial por eso lo recordaremos con un gran amor Somos imparables si tenemos algo en lo que creer ◢ ◤ Te amamos Tim te recordamos siempre

  • from THESLiMLiON

    You wake me up!!!! +Avicii Forever

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