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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Arno

    The Nights changed my life

  • from Daan

    Nice guy of play all of hoe songs to respect him and his lives ones

  • from Matz

    Legends never die. thank you for everthing.

  • from hiroki okinaka

    ありがとう 私の音楽人生を変えてくれた人 カントリーミュージックとダンスミュージックの融合を起点とした最高の音楽を作りたいと思います 本当にありがとう

  • from Berthold ?? ӔSUZ

    Hardly a day went by without hearing a song from you. You have been an inspiration to me and so many more. My dream has always been to produce a song with you unfortunately this will never be. Your music helped me through my hardest moments. Thank you. Legends never die. Do it well Tim we see us later in heaven. Vila i frid ◢◤

  • from Mohammed

    I’ll never forget you and your music ?❤️ Loveyou

  • from Jack Thompson

    Your music has helped me keep my head up in just about every tough time I've ever been through. We'll never forget you <3

  • from ROMINA

    I was listening Avicii's songs and dreaming about my love story now I has a boyfriend and I love him so much and we are very happy. Now I listen Avicii's songs every day and my dream is true I have my love and my music. What more can I need ?

  • from Gilda

    Avicii was and continues to be my favourite musician and person in the world. His music did not only touch millions but his personality always shined through every track he made. Collaborating with great artists his music reached the hearts of millions. As Tim’s music grew so did I and he was a place of comfort when I had to move to a new country. No matter where I was his music was always with me and I will forever cherish the 5 years I have spent being a fan of Tim and admiring his work

  • from Klaus Lohmann Düsseldorf

    Tim war einfach großartig ! EVER

  • from Mathias

    Your are the best!

  • from Fabiola

    I went to Ushuaia once in my life we had just one night and we decided to enjoy your set. It was one of your last shows. Thank you Tim! It was a great night we’ll never forget!

  • from Anna

    I adored you and I love your music I saw myself in many songs and before listening to yours I had never cried for a song. Everything you did was special the lyrics the basics the remixes. Not to mention you … A wonderful person I'm so sorry to have never been able to meet you but the memories I have of you will always remain in my heart. (from Italy)

  • from Sarah

    Legender dör aldrig ❤ "live a life you will remember." ??

  • from Tim S.

    When I was about 8 years old I listened toAvicii's Track "Levels" and I loved it. Avicii was always one of my favourite music producers and DJ's. I was not very happy at this moment. My parents just split and I didn't really know what happened. Music became a thing that made me think about other things. Music made me happy. Today I produce my own music and Tim is one of my biggest source of inspiration. I always loved his type of melodies. Rest in Paradise ◢ ◤

  • from Nadia

    Jag växte upp till Tims musik

  • from Anna Pd

    Avicii was responsible for making me fall in love with music hey brother was the first song that I heard from him and the first one to make me fall in love. I love each one of them all of his lyrics are incredibly inspiring and beautiful: "if there's love in this life there's no obstacle That can't be defeated" ahhhh❤️we'll always miss Tim a guy with such a big heart and so talented! But he'll never be forgotten never! I loved him so much and I always will ?

  • from Martin Lakatos 17 years

    I can't find the words. I love his music one to one. Rest in peaca legend. We never forget.

  • from Orsi

    I loved Avicii. I've never went to his concert but I and my family listen Avicii every day. His music makes me soo happy. Thank You Avicii♡ Love from : Hungary

  • from Theunissen Karin

    Het ga je goed hierboven… Zoals zovele sterren die ons hebben verlaten… Grote sterren en daar was en ben jij er eentje van… Het ga je goed… We gonna miss you sweet and cute guy… Je muziek sterft nooit… Grtjs Karin ❤️

  • from Sofia

    När livet tar slut tar evigheten vid ❤️

  • from Marlies

    Always in my mind wishing we could let you know that you were so great the way you were. Just by being yourself: the shy honest and kind person who created the most beautiful songs which will always give me goose bumps. It still hurts to see that this world has ask so much of you. And that we cannot turn it back. We will miss you. Thank you for everything. You are example for all of us. With love.

  • from Wojciech

    I grew up with your music and follow up your career from the very beginning. You was my inspiration. Your songs reminds me thebest days of my life. I drove through the whole Poland to see your concert in Gdańsk. I will never forget it. Thank you for everything Avicii. Forever in my heart.

  • from Alexander Isak

    RIP king sveriges stolthet

  • from Magnus

    Du lämnade oss för tidigt men lämnade ett gigantiskt avtryck med din musik och din person som kommer leva för evigt! Vila i frid.

  • from Valoche !!

    You are the best forever !!!!!!!

  • from OZGUR

    Bize bıraktığın tüm güzel şarkılar için minnettarız. Seni şarkılarınla anacağız. Huzur içinde uyu. Thank you for all the great songs you left to us. We will remember you with those songs. RIP

  • from TB


  • from Andrea JL

    Tim växte upp i samma Stockholmsområde som mig för oss var han inte bara en enorm världstalang han var som en lillebrorsa man kunde relatera till. Hans musik präglade hela vår uppväxt som gav oss oförglömliga minnen till fester middagar studentfiranden träningspass och resor. Vi saknar honom otroligt mycket och skickar all kärlek till hans familj Länge leve Tim i allas minnen

  • from Jack

    Ur awesome Avicii 🙂

  • from Ch

    Never forget. Thanks for all superstar. Love.

  • from

    Thank you for letting me know the electronic sound and fall in love with this kind of music and thank you for letting me know the genius is also very diligent. But you cheater you said well why did you break your promise again and again when you came to China? Do you know how many people in China love your music but you don't come? Avicii you owe Chinese fans a performance. May you in heaven be free from worldly troubles and be able to be your beloved music??

  • from Magnus ??

    Fantasic music what a musician and song writer and a great person it all. Will be missed by millions ❤️

  • from Aurora

    Io non sono stata a nessun concerto e non ho comprato nessun album. Ma alcune delle sue canzoni hanno fatto da colonna sonora a dei bei momenti o mi hanno colorato la giornata. Ma ciò che mi manca di più sono tutte le canzoni che in futuro avrebbero potuto essere una colonna sonora ma non saranno mai scritte.

  • from Stefan

    You walked away to early Tim…rip

  • from Desi

    Non doveva finire così.. rimarrai sempre nei nostri cuori e nelle nostre orecchie piccolo Tim❤️

  • from M&M

    Thanks for all the wonderful songs you made. Thanks for being one of my muse and gave me the inspiration for creating music And Thanks for share your love with all of us.

  • from Mary Bezus

    Oh Tim I feel so heartbroken. Have no words to say but thank you for all! For true in every song: I felt it I heard it I loved.

  • from ForeverStaywithyou


  • from Iris

    I love youu ❤️

  • from Vfdby

    记得五年前听着你的Wake me up 走进了电子音乐圈 ,直到现在也无法忘怀每看到你发新歌兴奋的时候 我永远爱着你Tim 虽然你不认识我

  • from Ann Nordberg

    Så sorgligt för du Tim skulle kunna ge oss så mycket mer genial musik. Dessutom förutom din musik gav du en lärdom till oss alla och speciellt alla unga människor att vara rädda om er. Livet är skört och försök var snälla mot er själva och era kroppar även om ni är unga och tror att orken är oändlig. Young people be careful with yourselves! Tim you gave us so much wonderful music but also you gave us a lesson about the importance of taking care of our bodies even if you are young.

  • from Per

    Tim help me when i get thrue a difficult time with his music i have not word to thank him! R.I.P

  • from Max

    The numbers you have made changed my mind. We love you

  • from Hannah <3

    Hey Avicii I have to say that your death hurts that much and really touched my soul ! Your'e missing ! I visited your last Show at Ushuaia Ibiza and celebrated with thousands of People your incredible Music ! This year I was already there but it was not the same. Thank you for you Music it makes the world a better Place ! Im sorry that you've gone so far and I hope you're in a better Place. Listen to your music hurts but it will be alwys a Pleasure! Thank you for everything! Yours Hannah <3

  • from M

    One of the best DJs I've ever listened to. His songs will always be loved by fans and we shall never forget his memories.

  • from JUATCHMAN

    aviciiの音楽性は他のDJの音楽と少し超越していた場所にいてたよな気がする。aviciiの音楽を文字に置き換えると美と置き換えられるだろう。Rest in your place and rest in your memories…. JUATCHMAN

  • from Mar

    Siempre te llevaré en el corazón. Eres un grande ❤️

  • from Joaquim Muntané Martí

    El Mozart del siglo 21 tenia un talento que nadie tiene en el mundo musical mezclar música country con la EDM fue su mejor invención y eso muchos fans se lo agradecieron con todo su corazón. Ahora me dirijo a ti Tim aunque ya no estés entre nosotros estoy convencido que eras una gran persona y como todos tenias tus problemas pero tu sonrisa era impresionante así ocultabas tus problemas y hacias que los demás pudieran sentirse bien pero algo fue mal en ti y nos dejaste. We love you Tim.

  • from Marco Carlino. Italy

    You wrote "wake me up when it's all over" And now i wake up but i don't like it. Miss your music and all the emotions you gave me . Thank you Tim . See you Tim

  • from Rik

    My career just started to grow in April 2018. The message that you were gone was a shock for me. We had the same age and you were an idol for me Tim. I hope that I will be more lucky and survive that business. Stay tuned up there! See you again in many years! Cheers Rik

  • from Greg

    Merci pour ses musiques grâce auxquelles j'ai l'impression de le connaître personnellement sans jamais l'avoir rencontré. Elles me parlent pour la plupart profondément et me semblent avoir chacune une identité propre ainsi qu'une histoire à raconter sur son/ses artistes. Merci pour tout Avicii et je voudrais conclure sur des paroles de "The Night" qui me plaisent autant qu'elles me semblent correspondre à sa vie. "One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember."

  • from Kriszti

    Avicii te örökre élni fogsz a szívünkben. A zenéd jobbátette sokak életét. Sosem felejtünk el

  • from Nahla

    Hi family of Avicii I think that a genius was born in your family. He was full of wisdom and he translated it in his art. I remember people saying that Young's should stop overjudging themselves but these people do not understand how society is threatening every beautiful soul with pressure. Avicii is a great mirror of our society : You have to be on top no matter what your life is. But I can ensure you that he is also the greatest loss of our century due to his sad destiny. An example.

  • from Nicolas

    Tim you inspired me everyday you inspired me to be dj your songs are always in my head… no matter where you are your music will remain eternal. Rest in peace legend ?

  • from Rernity

    Meilleur DJ du monde… Tu avais le pouvoir de nous procurer une joie immense à la sortie de chacun de tes titres… À chacun de ces moments ma journée était refaite et je savais que le lendemain en me réveillant je pourrais écouter une nouvelle fois tes nouveaux bijoux ! Tes musiques resteront à jamais gravées dans l’Histoire de la Musique ! Repose en paix Avicii ♥️

  • from Affan

    I remember listening to Avicii for the very first time in 2013…. When he released wake me up…. And Avicii songs made me listen to other EDM artists but avicii will be the best music producer ever existed on this planet Earth…..I used to listen to avicii songs while doing my maths homework for 2 to 3 hours each day and it was avicii and his songs which motivate me to complete my maths homework and i was so excited to do my homework because of that i get to listen to his songs!!!! #RipTim.

  • from Dory

    Jobbá tetted a világot a zenêddel Tim. Nyugodj bêkêben!

  • from Konrad Peutherer

    Avicci was an inspiration to us all without him my colleague would never have been able to separate 2 enantiomers using a busted chiral HPLC column

  • from みー

    Aviciiの音楽がとにかく大好き!!! 今でも楽しく聞いてます?? これからもずっと大好きだし、これからもずっと聞く!! Avicii大好き!!! 日本語でのコメントになるけど、 日本からもAviciiの愛を送ります??

  • from Dory

    Jobbá tetted a világot a zenêddel Tim. Nyugodj bêkêben!

  • from Herman Strand

    LONDON 21 FEB 2014

  • from LigHThoUse21

    My Big inspiration. Legend Never Die ◢◤.

  • from Sara

    Ich werde dich vermissen lieber Tim❤️

  • from Christina

    Your music helped me through a very dark time in my life. I will never forget you and your music Thank you xx

  • from Shannon Wright

    I never got to see Avicii live at a festival but I know he was so damm blood amazing at what he did he has inspired me massively that much I want to take up DJing myself I wish he was still around because he had lots more to show people with so much talent that he had rest in peace Avicii aka tim bergling

  • from KIM

    I started to make music when I heard your musics. I’m still listen your music and I’ll never forget about you. Thank you Avicii Rest In Peace.

  • from Sara

    What would I change it too gives me goosebumps any time i listen to it. I danced to Levels and sing along Wake me up any single time i hear it. Loved the documentary on Netflix and loved this blonde angel's smile purity soul and approach to music. Missing him but I wish he's in peace somewhere right now creating music for heaven's creatures.

  • from Adrian

    Nothing but love for your music everybody has listened to. Legends never die!

  • from Alina Elena

    Imi pae atat de rau ca ai plecat la Ceruri ca ne-ai lasat doar melodiile tale superbe in spate si lacrimi.??? Nu te voi uita niciodată oriunde ai fi!?? R.O.M.A.N.I.A ??

  • from AZ'

    Tu es une source d'inspiration pour énormément de gens qui comprennent la musique la vraie celle qui transcende le coeur. Chacun de tes sons était spécial à sa manière et pourtant tellement reconnaissable à ta manière de composer. Tu était tu es et tu resteras un grand. Continue de faire danser tout le monde là où tu es. Personnellement je continuerai à danser sur ce que tu nous as laissé. Tack så mycket Avicii.

  • from Mauro

    Numero 1 !!! Avanti anni luce rispetto a tutti gli altri artisti. RIP

  • from Gwendolin Malfoy

    The world has lost a muse when Avicii left us. He always inspired the world and he will always do. Hope you stay making music for the angels Avicii and continue your adventures of music. You will always live further in our hearts and we respect the choices you made ♥ Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Joseph Cassar

    Had an amazing experience when he played in Malta. Love you TIM!

  • from Cecilia

    I used to listen "The Nights" "Hey Brother" "The Days" "Wake Me Up" And "Waiting For Love" When i Was 13/14. It Was A Bad moment for me because i was fooled by my classmates. His Music helped me so much!

  • from MissRaw

    La tua musica mi ha accompagnata in un nuovo momento della mia vita… non ti dimenticherò mai! RIP Tim we'll love you forever

  • from Gracie x

    Gracias for being a awesome dj ? in all our lives I think everyone here is great full for what you have done for this world r.i.p <3

  • from Marileen

    I liked dance music before i learned about avicii. After i heard his first song i was at first interested. Later on I became a big fan. Right when I met the love if my life was around the time avicii launched his first album. His songs stand side by side with all the best memories off the best moments of my life. The way he was pressured and the way he strained under the pressure…. I wish things went different for him. You will be missed dear Tim. Thank you for the awesome music.

  • from Alessio

    Sei stato il migliore di tutti. Amo la tua musica e rimarrai sempre nel cuore dei tuoi fan.

  • from Maikel Steffen

    Von Anfang bis Ende die Musik gehört und geliebt… DU wirst immer in unserem Herzen bleiben. Wir vermissen dich! R.I.P.

  • from Kate

    В 2016 году Avicii приехал на Weeknd Festival к сожалению я не смогла туда попасть но дала себе клятву что встречу его в скором времени. К сожалению этому уже не произойти. Ты на всегда в моем сердце❤️

  • from Adam Brown

    Your music makes me think of working summers with my friends back in 2014. Such warm memories. Hope you are rocking it wherever you are now!

  • from Erick

    Desde la primera vez que escuche wake me up no dejaba de escucharla la repetía mil y mil veces después conocí tu demás música y me encantaba el esfuerzo y el amor con el que las hacías tu música estuvo presente en una época muy difícil para mi y me hizo seguir adelante tu música me hacía olvidar mis problemas. Nunca te olvidare siempre estarás presente en cada canción. Gracias por todo❤️

  • from Madeleine

    Without you I feel lost at sea. Så mycket kärlek! Vila i frid Tim <3

  • from Daniel Hennemann

    Vi kommer alltid sakna dig! Du berörde en hel värld vila i frid Tim Bergling!

  • from Ankit Ashish Tigga

    Avicii in one word was " undescribable " for me. His music means the world to me. It was Avicii that got me into music production. I remember listening to Levels and welcoming myself to electronic music. Let it be Blessed or Hope There's someoneall of his songs and remixes meant a lot and still do. I've been given a good five hundred words to tell my story and I can only say my life has been so much better with Tim's music. There were times when I was sad and Tim's music was there.

  • from Agnes

    Tack för all din fantastiska musik dina låtar som har funnits där i lycka och sorg och som givit mig extra energi i vardagslivet. Vila i frid.

  • from Anna maria de vita

    I listen his music often i regrette that this young boy isn't not near us but with music fantastic music he made is forever with us. A mum of 54 years. Anna

  • from Joakim

    You have changed the world of music. You wrote history. And you will always be in our hearts. You are simply the best. Take care of the simillar icons in heaven.

  • from Cat

    Avicii's music quickly joined the playlist of my life and will never ever leave. Tim touched so many hearts with his tracks and he will never be forgotten. Thank you.

  • from Nick Beven

    Your music will live on forever. Endless respect for bringing so many people together through times of hardship. Rest easy Avicii x

  • from Danilo

    Avicii ora farai danzare e divertire gli angeli in paradiso sei stato e lo sei ancora il miglior dj al mondo rip sei grande

  • from Felipe

    Din musik gör att man får ett leende varje dag… tack

  • from Irene

    La tua musica rimarrà per sempre la colonna sonora delle mie estati. Mi mancherai!

  • from Ticho Mans

    The first time I heard one of avicii song's I was at 12 years old and i loved the song more i couldn't stop listening to it. If i could i would play it over and over again the whole day. Avicii legends will forever rememberd so you will rememberd too. Life you're life in heaven you deserved it.

  • from Naw

    Comment ne pas avoir des frissons pour chacunes de tes musiques .. tes mélodies résonneront toujours dans nos cœurs et ne s’eteinderont jamais. Tu restera à jamais gravés dans nos coeur .. tu as réussi à me faire aimer plusieurs style de musique et je t’en remercie Tim ? À jamais dans mon coeur. Avicii❤️

  • from Mother of Mia Joe Paradise

    Mon cher Avicii Tu as rendu ma fille heureuse passionnée tu as été un bon modèle grâce à tes musiques ton humanisme et plus que heureuse lors de ton concert du 14 février 2013 et pris soin de tes fans en leur offrant ta grandeur d âme et m à l eau et grâce à elle j'ai compris son engouement pour toi Malheureusement je lui ai supprimé ses photos bisous d en haut et tu es un grand artiste tu nous manques personne ne pourra te remplacer ♥️

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