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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Kevin z

    Je n'ai jamais vu Tim alias "Avicii" Mais son parcourt m'a beaucoup inspiré et aider dans le désir de vouloir créé de la musique la remixer Etant qu'un fan je considère avicii comme un grand interprète qui a vraiment bouger le monde de la musique.. Repose en paix ! ❤️

  • from RenT

    It was after you heard your death that you first learned about your song. I regret that I should have known more quickly. I like the song you make the most in the world. I love you. Avicii forever. あなたの曲を初めて知ったのはあなたの訃報を耳にしてからでした。もっと早く知っておけばよかったと後悔しています。私はあなたの作る曲が世界で一番好きになりました。あなたのことが大好きです。Aviciiよ、永遠なれ。 ◢ ◤

  • from Samantha

    „I can't tell where the journey will end but I know where to start““ My favourite song quote of you. Thank you for your music – thank you for everything! RIP Tim ♥️

  • from Giorgia

    R.I.P. We want a world of good you are in our hearts forever. Your music will always accompany us. ❤️

  • from I.

    Mitt första minne är från en midsommar 2013. Klockan var ungefär ett på natten och jag badade i en älv med ett par vänner som tagit en stor bashögtalare till bryggan som just när folk hoppade i vattnet råkade spela Wake me up. Det var magiskt. Jag var inget stort fan tidigare men har lyssnat mycket på Tims musik efter den 20 april och upptäckt djupet i låtarna. Underligt att man kan känna sig så ledsen över någon man inte träffat. Tack för din musik och önskar verkligen att du fått leva kvar.

  • from Nguyễn Nhật Minh Chu Van An High School Hanoi Vietnam

    When you produced "Wake Me Up" i knew that it will stay in my favorite song list forever. I have learned the melody by heart. Then when "Hey Brother" "For A Better Day" etc were released i was inspired a lot. The lyric really really beautiful i know that you made a masterpiece. .I just love your music so much your life and how you inspire everyone. Thank you Tim thank you for everything Your music helped me go through a very hard moments in my life. You are immortal forever! ◢◤

  • from YUSUKE

    俺がEDMを好きなになったきっかけは、AVICIIのWaiting For Loveを聞いてからだ。その時は、本当に最高だと思ったよ。 ありがとうございます。AVICIIよ、永遠に. I Love You

  • from Chris

    ◢ ◤?? Thank you for everything Tim! You will always be my role model! ◢ ◤??

  • from Niek

    Levels started my love for his style.. From then on every single song managed to hit me in a different way. Having made a playlist of his songs 2 days before the news came out it felt even more strange to hear that such a promising artist even though he didn't need to prove himself anymore suddenly got taken from us. The latest album was the best so far; the only way from here was up but personal health goes above all. Whatever Tim does his fans were and are always behind him. RIP <3

  • from Jelambert



    Thank you Avicii for your songs for your energy. Brazil will always have a special love for you. Until the eternity! A lot of light!

  • from Joseph

    Thanks for all the lovely tunes and great memories you created with your unique talent. Blessing and may you rest in peace.

  • from Camille L

    The nights I spent crying in my bed the boys who broke my heart the people I lost the friends who betrayed me… Several times I gave up but his songs always gave me hope and all the times I had to listen to these people who told me that I would never be adapted I had his songs in my ears and Trouble will always be my favorite. Since he left us every night I look at the stars and at the brightest of all I whisper "thank you for everything" and I smile at our most beautiful star Tim.

  • from hungaryboy

    You died but you will life for ever in youre Musik. Thanks for all Buddie. No one will forget you.

  • from Aysha

    Avicii was a really kind soul. His music always lifted me up. His music meant alot to me. I love him. Nd he'll be remembered forever. RIP AVICII..

  • from From japanS.S

    Aviciitim I'm everyday listen your song. I never foget youand miss you. If I will be die let me listen your new songs. Rest in paradise. I Love you forever. Aviciitim 毎日あなたの曲を聞いています。 絶対にあなたを忘れないし、ずっと恋しいです。 もしも私が死んだら、あなたの新しい曲を聴かせて下さい。 安らかに、永遠に愛しています。

  • from From Serbia ??

    We really like you Miss you. ❤️ ❤️

  • from Esther

    You were an amazing dj!❤️ You loved your fans. We love you so much!!!❤️❤️ We will always remember you❤️ Rest in Peace???❤️

  • from steva

    I miss you so much AVICII your music is missing everything is missing ❤❤❤

  • from Cristhian From Perú

    Gracias por la bella música tu pasión al mostrarla por tu persona que sin duda deja un gran vacío en nosotros tus seguidores. Tu música me invitó a creer en mí y los sueños. #WithoutYou #Levels

  • from Haris

    Some people are special like you

  • from ANNA

    Never saw you live on tour but your music was with me through a lot.. And will be through a lot more. RIP

  • from a Vietnamese Fan

    Your music your lyrics your sounds… really touched my heart it's so special and different from other DJs. Sorry for my bad English ! Thank you Avicii ! Love from VietNam.

  • from NORITA


  • from Minelina

    When I was like 8 or 9 years old I were on a schoolparty. I was alone and standing in a corner cause I didn’t have any friends… After like a half hour they played a song called “Waiting for love”. I couldn’t believe my ears when I herd it. It was the most wonderful song I ever heard! I was to shy to ask who the artist was… 🙁 Three years after I looked up the artist and saw that it was Avicii. I was like “Wow did he do SO amazing songs?”. Until now I’ve listened to him every single day!

  • from Luísa – Brazil

    Então suas músicas me deram forças para continuar elas tiveram um papel muito importante na minha vida. Agradeço muito por você ter existido e ter trazido um pouco de felicidade para mim. Eu queria poder ter te conhecido ainda tinha esperanças de te ver tocar algum dia. Mas o destino foi diferente… Apenas queria poder retribuir o que você fez por mim. Obrigada Avicii… Você sempre vai estar no meu coração e nos meus ouvidos (ouvindo as suas músicas kkk).

  • from Yudai

    This was the very first and final show in Japan. “The magical hand” forever…

  • from Sakae

    You changed my life. I went to gym with your songs. I drove a car with your songs. I waited for GF with your live video and I finally met you in a visible distance at ULTRA Miami. All are my great memories. Rest in peace my hero.

  • from Lili

    if the human heart ruptures there is no balm that healing the wound

  • from Leonard

    Grande Avicii Salutos from KOSOVA

  • from Marina

    Dear Tim you're music helped so many people trough there struggles in live it is so very sad that they couldn't save you. For his family and friends I hope that someday you can give his dead a place and maybe this site will help a little bit.

  • from Nicolas W

    You died but you will life for ever in youre Musik. Thanks for all Buddie. No one will forget you.

  • from S. From Nijmegen

    Your music makes my life a little easier! It makes me happy when I’m feeling depressed. Thanks for that. Your life was too short but you gave us your everything! And it was enough! Enough because we can spend a lifetime listening to your beautiful music! Your legend will never die. I want to pay my respect to your family and friends. Sending them love peace and strength! Rest in peace AVICII and thank you for the music! Love from the Netherlands❤️

  • from Marc

    ? Wake Me Up ?

  • from E. from E.

    "Seek Bromance" war der erste EDM song den ich hörte in meinem Leben. Legenden leben für immer ♥

  • from Tino

    Ruhe in Frieden Tim!<3

  • from Lars

    Thanks for the amazing feelings with youre music

  • from JB

    Rest in Peace

  • from Ramóna

    Tim we miss you so much. First of all: thank you for everything. You’re the best. You made my life so much better. No one can imagine how much your music helped me. Your lyrics helped me in my exams. My dream was to see one of your show. Unfortunately I couldn’t go. I love you with all of my heart. Words can’t describe how much you and your music means to me. I hope now you’re in a better place. Still hard to believe it.. We’ll never forget you Legend! Your music changed the world❤️

  • from TamTran


  • from Den

    俺がEDMを知るきっかけとなったAvicii 俺の心の中でずっと生き続けると思う。My Best DJ Avicii R.I.P

  • from Matthew R.

    He was my favorite DJ his music makes me feel so good and I will miss him forever. I was hoping to see him in concert but it's too late. He will always remain my favorite. Rest in peace Tim. ❤

  • from Klara Olsson

    Avicii was the first musician I loved. He made amazing music that meant very much to me. I think that my first time I heard heard his songs was “Levels” in 2011 when it was released and I loved it. But my favorite songs is still Hey Brother Waiting for love Wake me up and Gonna love ya. He was amazing and loved by many fans. He still has millions of fans all over the world. (Sorry for bad English) He was so talented. Gone but never forgotten. We love you Avicii. Rest In Peace. ❤️?❤️

  • from mana

    あなたの音楽に巡り合うことか出来て良かった。ありがとう。 これからもずっと、あなたの音楽が人々の心に残りますように… aviciiよ、永遠に…

  • from Nicolas W

    Rest in Peace You died but you will always life in youre Musik. ◢ ◤Thanks for all Buddie◢ ◤ Nicolas from Germany

  • from Justin

    Hallo Avicii. Ich finde es sehr traurig das du von uns gegangen bist. Deine Musik war sehr gut es hat uns inspiriert. Die Musik war ein Heilmittel unserer Schmerz. Leider schmerzt es uns das du von uns ging's

  • from NAO

    楽しい時も悲しい時もいつもあなたの曲がそばにあった。歌詞に涙したことだって。あなたの曲がきっかけで、EDMの世界を知りました。いつかあなたのいるフェスに行くのが私の夢でした。 あなたに、あなたの音楽に、出会えてよかった。 AVICIIよ永遠なれ◢ ◤ ご冥福をお祈りします。

  • from Lynn

    We zullen je nooit vergeten❤️ Groetjes uit Nederland?

  • from erick diaz

    con su musica impacto con emosion mi corazon . fue musica distinta dpnde nos daba impulsos de alegria y de regresar en el tiempo. gracias avicci. … erick..

  • from MY NAME


  • from Gian Salvador

    at first I didn't really know him. at november of 2014 his music is awesome when I first listened to them and I wanted to be a DJ if I growup but when I learned that he died I was sad. but this is my only memory of him. I hope you can see us here Tim! .

  • from Jefferson Arce

    It was not till you were gone until I realized the messages that you had been sending us very clearly in your songs all of those years. I hope that you have found the peace that you are looking for. Live on forever you bright shining star.

  • from Luka Jojić

    Well I remember my brother listening to his music back in 2012. That's when I've seen Avicii for the first time in my life. I knew that he is gonna be my idol. I started listening to his music every day-all day! He was a producer of my childhood. His music helped me go through a very hard moments in my life. Thank you Tim for making me a better person. Thank you for everything. I love you forever and I will never ever forget you! ◢◤

  • from Hes

    His music touched my heart. That all I can say.

  • from U2K

    I'm so enjoyed your songs. Timi was born in 1989. Wow same year. what’s a chance. RIP and thank you avicii

  • from Alex M

    Tim is the guy that i grew up listening to. His music made my entire youth/teenage and was what got me into EDM. Will never forget Levels and Seek Bromance. Iconic tracks that were changing the game. His work have made its mark in history. Rest in Peace buddy I Will Never Forget You

  • from ryo obara @ japan

    thanks avicii-sound and melody sais melody of dream I love music I love avicii-sound and melody I love Tim and Sweden

  • from Gabor



    The first Avicii from 2010 to 2012 was one of the best artist and music producer ever seen before….revolutioned sound and music….new melodies that made me dance and feel happy!!!! During that period I studied in Gothenburg (Sweden) and his songs walked with me during the best time of my life. Rest in peace Legend!!!!

  • from Ignacio

    You will always be present with us with the art that you left us. Thanks You #Avicii ?♥️

  • from deejayscootz

    It was not till you were gone until I realized the messages that you had been sending us very clearly in your songs all of those years. I hope that you have found the peace that you are looking for. Live on forever you bright shining star.

  • from Hannah

    You changed me. Your music inspires and effects change for good in people such a powerful gift. Thank you.

  • from CHAC

    Gracias Avicii por toda la música que hiciste siempre que te escucho me brindas fuerzas para seguir avanzando he disfrutado tanto tu música en especial "the nights" gracias amigo! 🙁 Te recordaré siempre !

  • from Ignacio

    Qué are one Of a kind irreplaceable

  • from NK

    I’m not only greatfull for your music but I am most greatfull for you showing the world your amazing personality. That’s what changed my life. I thougt I was the only person struggling true life and not seeing a way out. You showed me a way to respect myself and choose for my own healt and now I know I am not the only one struggling. Thank you rest in peace. I wish all the best to your family; cherish the beautiful memorys.

  • from Lucie

    Avicii at Earls Court in 2014 and EDC UK 2015. His songs still give me goosebumps. So unbelievably missed! <3

  • from Juxtajo

    I didn't know you personally Tim but I am going to remember you for the rest of my life. Your music evoked so many memories bringing out tears of both joy and sadness. Your music reflects the heart of gold inside you and i am going to miss you so dearly. You have inspired the entire world with your music. You're physically gone from this earth but your music will live on forever. Vila I Frid Tim. You were one in a billion.

  • from vitor froes

    Eu sou do Brasil nunca tive uma oportunidade de ver um show de Tim ao vivo mas eu sempre sinto uma energia das músicas dele em qualquer lugar. Fiquei extremamente triste quando soube da notícia trágica não consegui encarar muito bem mas depois de derramar minhas lágrimas hoje consigo sentir melhor mas a tristeza ainda é forte.

  • from James

    Amazing musician – inspirational!

  • from Danije

    I miss im so much is music was so good and now its so weird as fuck i love his music. Ik R. I. P avicii???

  • from Hannah

    Avicii at Ushuaia – forever my happy place I can't forget it. You live on through the amazing memories you gave us. Thank you.

  • from Jessie

    A Legend. The vivid moments with Avicii’s music are abundant; the chills smiles & tears he created are priceless. My 4 & 8 year old daughters belt most of his music. They still say they miss him. I wish I could upload videos of them singing and dancing to his songs. How grateful are we for a gift of beautiful-lyrical-danceable music that brought a mother and her little daughters closer together. Thank you. I’m so sorry. I wish you knew. Forever in our hearts.

  • from Michael from Italy

    His music has been my life companion since youth. In that period i was madly in love with a girl and i remember myself thinking about the moments spent with her while listening to different Tim's songs. Tim created a sound that contains the essence of love and happiness; only a person of great sensitivity and talent could do that. I didn't have the honor to meet him. He proved that electronic music can be a form of art. Thank you for everything. Rest in peace master we will not forget you.

  • from Emma

    Avicii was the first musician I really loved and he will always be. Since 2012 I never stoped listening to his amazing music smile because of it and dance like crazy. ❤Forever in our hearts❤

  • from Allexo

    R.i.p I love you

  • from faszharcos


  • from Magda


  • from Артем

    Благодаря Тиму мне началась нравиться EDM музыка Мне очень сложно повереть что мир снова потерял такого великого человека как Тим Спасибо брат ❤️❤️?

  • from Aven

    Avicii hat mich dazu gebracht mit FL Studio selber Music zu machen

  • from Pam

    I don’t like EDM I can’t stand Ibiza type of party and all those festivals. But I like avicii music so so much. I started to follow him on IG only last November. I’m devastated and I keep wondering why..

  • from Matt ◢ ◤

    You are and always will be my favourite arrist my favourite song "The Nights" never fails to put me in a good mood. Your music meant so much to me you helped me to get through some difficult times because your songs are so positive; so inspirational. To this day I can't believe that you are gone but I hope that now you are in a better place and you realise how much of an impact you had on the lives of so many people. Thank you Tim Avicii. ◢ ◤

  • from Errol

    Wake Me Up

  • from Kazuki Koda

    AviciiI love you. 一生忘れません。 ありがとう。

  • from Lauren Ceulers

    We will always remember him. He is a great artist and was really good at making music and doing what he loved. I loved watching avicii: true stories it really made me look at him and his life in a different way. I will always admire his work and what he did. Tim I love you. ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Gabryela macaulyn

    Avicii você foi um dos melhores DJs que já vi você me fez se apaixona por musica eletrônica você sempre permanecerá vivo na memória de todos nós agradeço a você por ter me feito ri quando estava triste ouvindo as suas musicas especialmente wake me up irei sentir muita saudade de você e do quão bom você era I Love you ?

  • from Katinka

    Avicii/Tim Bergling was a genius in creating and producing music..he was the first dj/producer that made me want to go to festivals… his music helped me through the most painful days of my life especially when I found out that my husband (now ex husband) was cheating on me and had an affair that was already going on for several months..his music helped me through my feelings and to step out of the dark place I was in at that time..Tim will live on forever through his music and in our hearts??

  • from Elinor

    ‏when my daughter was one year old she ‏loved listen to avicii and everytime she cried ‏i put on "wake me up" and she instantly stoped crying. She is almost six now and still loves avicii's music and so do I. You will always be remembered and your music will stay alive with us.

  • from CANAE


  • from Karen

    Proud fan since 2012 when I was 10. Tim was my first love and he will always be in my heart. X

  • from Nick

    Ruhe in Frieden ?

  • from Anna


  • from Felipe

    Músicas que me ajudaram superar vários momentos difíceis da minha vida músicas que me transportaram para um lugar seguro quando o mudo estava desabando sentiremos sua falta #Avicii a musica sentirá sua falta.

  • from Calvin

    Miss u so much…..

  • from Elizaday

    Aldrig har jag blivit så berörd utav en människa som jag inte ens kände. Jag kände mig totalt förkrossad när jag hörde om din död. Kanske för att jag vet hur det känns när man befinner sig i det där svarta hålet och kämpar för att ta sig upp. Önskar jag hade fått en chans att krama dig och säga att det blir bättre du kommer inte må såhär för alltid. Nu kan jag bara hoppas på att du har fått någon sorts frid. Du har berört så många och du kommer aldrig bli glömd. Sov gott❤️?

  • from Linda Marie

    Tim när jag såg på löpsedlarna att du var död så gjorde det så ont i mig. Det gör fortfarande ont när jag tänker på det. Din ödmjuka personlighet gjorde världen till en bättre plats. Nu lever du kvar Tim genom din musik. Tack för allt du gjort och allt du fottfarande gör i den osynliga världen där du nu verkar. Namaste

  • from ??


  • from Carla Marquina

    Thank you very much AVICII you were the first DJ I discovered in my life. You made a little girl fall in love with electronic music. You have also helped me change my mood with songs like: "Wake me up" "Hey brother" or my favorite "The night". To be honest when that song came out I didn't know the meaning but you you made me dream enjoy more life and inspired me to be the person who I want to be. And as you said: "LIVE THE LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER". Rest In Peace Tim Berling.

  • from Gisela

    I miss listening to new podcasts. Your music is my no.1 go to when I need positive vibes. Oh how I wish I would´ve taken time to see a show. 4ever in my ears. <3

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