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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Obed Bhiziki

    Avicii meant and still means so much to me. His music healed me during a dark treacherous time in my life and inspired me to write. He made my laugh dance and sing my pain away and his music and life lives on forever in my heart. Tears may fall when I remember him and listen to his beautiful art but I know that he loved what he did and I want to honour him and his legacy one day. Rest in peace Tim. ?

  • from Roslyn – New Zealand

    Avicii when I first heard of your passing my stomach felt sick and my heart hurt for you. Ive always loved your music and now my daughter who is 5 is also in love with your music and we listen to your tunes almost daily. Your memory and music will always live on. Shine bright up there Avicii as you did down here. Rest Easy now.

  • from Alvin

    In the summer of 2013 I stumbled upon some oddly popular "country" song — and so I would think It was not until the chorus that goosebumps were all over me and that was when I officially fell in love with Avicii's music. He redefined what EDM can be blending genres and breaking creative boundaries. To me that was Avicii and that's why I love music. The image was the wallpaper I had on my laptop for the past five years. Thank you Avicii for showing me what music's true potential.

  • from Giuseppe montone

    ti ho visto suonare a roma diversi anni fami sono innamorato da subito della tua musica e dei toui suoni inconfondilibi..manchi Timmanca la tua musica e tutto..resteraii per sempre un grande….il numero 1

  • from Gemma

    When I first found out this tragic news I cried. I cried more than I ever have before. Avicii was so special to me. His music helped me through my darkest of moments and still even to this day is one of the few things that makes the world bareable. I'm not sure where I would be without Tim and his music. He will always be in my heart as he has inspired me to live life to the fullest ??

  • from ruby gee

    I was first introduced in 2012. I was in a friend brothers car and a levels remix played I recall it was with Skrillex. Next came Addicted to You TIM and then Street dancer. by the end of the ride I was hooked. my love for his music continued through his different stages of life as well as my own. I never met him .but for some reason his music connected with me in a way that I could swear that he was my brother. legends never die and his music will live on. RIP Tim Bergling

  • from Onlylaury

    Avicii eres y serás un ser único. Gracias por hacer la vida de todo este planeta mejor y más feliz Gracias a tus canciones. Mi vida está llena de recuerdos y con tu banda sonora. ◢ ◤

  • from Luke93

    Har alltid fått insperation av dina melodier som du skapat genom åren. "Without you" var låten jag lyssnade på när min mor hade somnat in efter en tids sjukdom och den hjälpte mig en bra bit på vägen. Tack!

  • from Sue

    The first time I stumbled upon Tim's music was many years ago when a friend of mine played the song 'Seek Bromance' at a small house party. It felt young ambitious and empowering it kind of gave you a feeling of freedom. Which is exactly what Avicii songs have always been like – they make you feel something. They create a deeper connection. Tim was a very special artist in the way he put pieces of his soul in his work. And even though I didn't know him personally I would have sworn I did.

  • from Lara (Spain)

    legends never die ◢ ◤

  • from EMILIANO

    querido tim . ya pasaron unos meses no puedo creer que te hayas ido soy fanatico tuyo desde aquel 2011 cuando escuche levels por primera vez… no paraba de escucharla una y otra VEZ.y bueno ya todos sabemos los temazos rompe pistas que haz creado desde entonces fuiste el artista que hizo que me ponga a estudiar produccion musical siempre te lo estare agradecido POR SER MI MAYOR INSPIRACION Y REGALARME MOMENTOS TAN MAGICOS CON TU MUSICA … que en paz descanses "AVICCI FOREVER"

  • from Vladimir Serbia

    Tim i met you during your gig in Novi Sad in Exit 2012. You inspired me old school rock guy to experiment with fl studio and you turned myself in apsolute edm maniac.?Thank you for that Tim my brother. Since that 2012 your music is on my playlist every day your heart your music your talent and your soul is still with us. Only if you could slow down for little to push that laptop of yours on a side and enjoy life but now it's no time for crying it 's time to keep ur melodies alive!

  • from Jan-Runar

    Thanks for everything. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from Med Ag

    thank you for give me the dream to be a Dj thank you for inspiring me. I never forget you. ''Live a life you will remember''

  • from Walter

    Why didn't you just quit your lifestyle not your life? Have a baby sail around the world climb Everest shoot heroin fly planes jump off mountains get electrocution therapy get poor and start over. You had endless options to change your life but you chose to end it instead. Meaning Life Happiness – what has value when you've tried everything you've ever wanted and it leaves you empty? r u even dead or have u started your life over – is that why u posted lookalikes? r u still here?

  • from Anton (UKRAINE)

    Ти пройшов свої Levels. Ти знайшов себе. Ти побачив світ і знаєш що це таке – життя. Дя мене ти будеш завжди тим орієнтиром на який я буду рівнятись. Для мене ти був братом хоча я і за тисячі кілометрів від мене. Сподіваюсь ти знайшов мир та спокій. Дякую за твою музику! Спочівай з миром Tim Bergling.

  • from Georgina Cyprus

    When i have heard the news about Tim i was so devastated. He was an artist that played by his heart and affected ours with his music. I have been so many times sad or in a bad mood but Tim's tracks always make me felt like there is nothing else around me; felt like a big wave in a smooth ocean of a sunny day! I am sure that Tim's music will be heard for many years giving courage and happiness to a lot of people! Rest in peace Tim you will never be forgotten.

  • from Alessia – Italy

    Ciao Tim. La tua musica ha segnato un momento molto importante nella mia vita. Mi ha risollevato durante un brutto periodo ed è stata un punto di riferimento e di forza per me. "Life is a game made for everyone and love is prize" è la frase a cui mi sono affezionata di più.. beh.. che dire.. nella tua vita ti sei messo in gioco e ti sei guadagnato l'amore di milioni di persone. Mi mancherà la tua musica chissà se lassù fai ballare ancora qualcuno❤

  • from Sara Zaragoza Spain

    Fuiste uno de los primeros para mi. El dia que te vi en el mainstage de Tomorrowland fue asombroso me hiciste llorar de emocion ver como disfrutabas con tu mano en alto y siempre con la sonrisa puesta. No sabiamos lo que habia detras ojala no le vuelva a pasar a nadie. Maldita industria chupasangre! Gracias por hacerme feliz gracias por tu musica gracias por tu lado humanitario descansa en paz querido Tim. We <3 U !

  • from Veronica (Australia)

    I see you in the sunset that paints the sky with pink orange and purple. I see you in the rain that soothes me. I see you in the velvet sky shimmering with a thousand stars. I see you in the sunrise. I see you in the clouds that form the gateway to Heaven. I see you everywhere except the one place where I want to see you – HERE. I miss you horribly Tim this just won't stop hurting. You deserved so much better and I'm so sorry. I pray you found the light you were searching for. #ripavicii

  • from Brais Orge Garrido

    I would be about 9 or 10 years old when I started to enter the world of electronics myself and at the moment I found Avicii long before the premiere of Levels and its world boom. His music permeated me so much that he had become one of my favorite producers even without being my 100% style I knew how to enjoy his music anyway. I wish I could have met in person Tim one of not only the best DJs in history but also one of the best musicians of all time. Forever live in our hearts genius.

  • from Anja Serbia

    I still can't believe. This is impossible. I'm thinking every single day on you this is so hard and this is crazy. You was the best and you will be the best. Thank you Tim! We will always love you!

  • from Karen/Stockholm

    Tim was talented beyond words…he had the powerful Midas touch when creating music. But he was also a delicate beautiful soul. So sad that he is gone but his divine music will live on. Vi kommer att älska dig för alltid Tim!

  • from PIKASONIC

    ◢ ◤

  • from Blank`

    Творчество…твоя музыка…это что-то невероятное она особенная тем что этот стиль это звучание…оно особенное. Из за музыки Tim-a я полюбил в целом культуру EDM. Словами не описать то чувство что Avicii нет больше с нами… Tim ты создал невероятную музыку которая останется с нами до конца уже наших дней надеюсь ты нашел покой который искал и хотел и сейчас где-то там высоко занимаешься тем чем ты любил заниматься пишешь музыку ) Rest In Peace.

  • from 坂本ヤンバルクイナ

    あなたの曲で私は悲しい時もつらい時も切り替えていけました。音楽の素晴らしさを感じられた瞬間が今でも思い出せます。 最高の音楽をありがとうございました。

  • from Minjoo Shim South Korea

    Avicii meant everything to me. His music was what I lived for the logo was my own symbol of hope and the man himself was a shining star to look up to in my darkest moments. I took his music with me wherever I went and sang along with the lyrics and melodies that pulled at my heartstrings. I drew his logo on every single thing that I had because it gave me the courage to live another day. I will never get over Tim's death but I hope he rests in peace in the sky full of stars. Love you Tim!◢ ◤

  • from 熊谷浩輝

    Till A Aviciiは僕にとって、ヒーローの様な遠い存在であり、お兄さんのような身近な存在でした。 Waiting For LoveがAviciiとの出会いであり、ダンスミュージックと出会って時でもありました。きっかけは父から渡されたCDでした。「これでも聞いてみれば」と渡されるも全く知らないアーティストで不安を感じながら再生ボタンを押したのを覚えています。流れてきたのは綺麗なピアノの音でした。無意識に体でノっていたのを今でも聞くと思い出します。 こんな素晴らしい音楽が世の中にあるのかと驚きました。それからはお小遣いが溜まるたびに彼の作品を購入して聞いていました。また、歌詞をつたない英語と辞書で精一杯和訳したりしました。英語が嫌いな僕が始めて英語が楽しいと思った瞬間でした。 また、彼とコラボしたMartin GarrixにDavid GuettaやSkrillexの曲も聴き始めました。彼らに出会えたのも彼のおかげです。 今の僕はAviciiの音楽にはなかったでしょう。 彼には本当に感謝の念でいっぱいです。 安らかに眠ってください。 Tack för allt.

  • from 日本から

    ティム 最高にクールなメロディーをありがとう!!

  • from Juan Jesús HZ (JunJess) México City

    ¿Por qué escuchaba tu música? Por qué tus grandes obras siempre me acompañaban cuando me sentía mal sin ganas de nada tu música siempre estuvo y estará presente en mi vida en las buenas y en las malas me transformo la vida y me cambio la forma de ver escuchar e interpretar lo hermoso de esa disciplina. Gracias Tim por tu música siempre serás la fuente de mi inspiración siempre llevaré tu música en mi mente descansa en paz en donde quiera que te encuentres con amor de Juan Jesús HZ .

  • from marie

    Avicii significa demasiado para mi y aun que ya no este siempre tendrá un espacio en el corazón de todos por que su música siempre estará con nosotros mientras lo recordemos el siempre vivirá le agradezco a Tim por alegrar mis días con sus músicas te amo

  • from Clarens Molina Inga

    nunca pude estar en frente de un set tuyo pero tú fuiste uno de los primeros dj´s que escuché tus músicas como Hey Brother Wake me Up fueron de mis primeras en la electrónica eso fue hace 4 años y gracias por darnos toda esa variedad de melodías que aun siguen sorprendiéndome cuando se dejan oír en mi playlist

  • from Soo (DESDE URUGUAY)

    Escribo esto mientras escucho canciones de Tim.. Es raro ya que sé que no volveré a oír nuevas canciones.. Pero aún así escucho las antiguas y siento como que si son nuevas.. Recuerdo la primera vez que las escuché y dije "¡Woow que buenas que son!" y desde ahí no paré de escucharlas.. Ahora cada vez que las escucho recuerdo esa frase.. Y recuerdo por qué estoy en este sitio escribiendo una "carta" y es la parte más triste.. Siempre en mi corazón y en mi playlists AVICII ❤

  • from Juan Jesús HZ (JunJess)

    ¿Por qué escuchaba tu música? Por qué tus grandes obras siempre me acompañaban cuando me sentía mal sin ganas de nada tu música siempre estuvo y estará presente en mi vida en las buenas y en las malas me transformo la vida y me cambio la forma de ver escuchar e interpretar lo hermoso de esa disciplina. Gracias Tim por tu música siempre serás la fuente de mi inspiración siempre llevare tu música en mi mente descansa en paz en donde quiera que te encuentres con amor de Juan Jesús HZ.

  • from David From Guatemala ??◢ ◤

    Avicii I just hope you're in a better place now and I also wanted to say thank U for so much happiness you gave us with your music. I still can't believe you're gone but your music will always make us feel that you are here with us I have this poster just above my desk so that way every night when I'm sitting in front of my computer listening to your music and surfing the internet it'll remind me what was the reason that made me fall in love with EDM thanks for all those beautiful memories◢ ◤

  • from Nicholas

    Seven years ago my brother tried to convince me buy his headphones. The headphones weren't particularly good but he let me listen to Levels on them and I loved the song so much I bought the headphones JUST to listen to Levels over and over and over… since that experience I have slowly loved Avicii more and more. Personal preferences aside he was a musical genius and I believe he will come to be recognized (like Beethoven Billy Joel and Led Zeppelin) as a trailblazer of beautiful music.

  • from Victoria Griffiths

    Avicii was one of the first artists where I fell in love with their music. Because of this I started listening to similar artists and the genre of EDM as a whole. I owe part of who I am today to him. While I never had the chance to see him live I always hoped I would. Thank you Avicii for sharing your talent and making music for the world to enjoy you will always remain in my heart. Fly high you will be severely missed. "Like the wind we'd be wild and free"

  • from Andrea Venezuela

    Dear Tim; 4 months have passed since your departure and I still can not believe it I think and pray for you every day wishing you were in a better place finding the peace you needed. Thank you for everything you did your music will always be remembered just like you and I do not know why when I hear your songs I feel something inexplicable an incredible nostalgia it makes me get out of my routine. Your music has united us all in spite of speaking different languages rest in peace. ?.?.

  • from Jayson

    Wake Me Up introduced me to Avicii and I enjoyed every song he released. Best wishes to the family.

  • from Peter Francis

    I remember graduating High School in 2012 getting in my Volkswagen Jetta and blasting Silhouettes as loud as I could. Tim I am extremely grateful for the many beautiful tracks you left us. Rest easy.



  • from Alex

    Tim inspired me to look beyond the meaning of what is blatantly obvious and to look at the little things just like he looked at the little details in his melodies perfecting them until they were just that perfect. You are the reason I developed a passion in music and the reason I started making music. We will always remember you Tim.

  • from

    Growing up half Swedish I always felt a special connection towards Tim and his music. I felt a sense of pride that his ingenuity was somehow a part of me. I am forever thankful for his impact on my life and will continue to come back to his timeless collection of work. He is truly a man to be remembered forever. To my favorite artist on the planet Thank you. Tack så mycket. May your legacy will live on forever.

  • from Chad Davis

    I Remember watching Ultra Music Festival And Tim Premiered Wake Me Up That's Something That's Something That I Won't Forget We Miss You Tim

  • from Melissa (desde PANAMÁ)

    Querido Tim Aún no parece real tu partida; duele mucho y la verdad la tristeza no se irá fácil; aún recuerdo como si fuese ayer en aquel enero de 2012 la primera vez que escuché me cambió completamente la manera de escuchar en realidad buena música y desde entonces empezé a escuchar tus maravillosas creaciones; te fuistes físicamente pero tu legado SIEMPRE vivirá; cuando tenga mis hijos sin duda alguna les contaré quién fuiste y les mostraré tu gran legado. Rest In Peace sweet Angel

  • from Juan Andrés

    Avicii o bueno mejor dicho Tim fue y sigue siendo (a pesar de su trágica muerte) uno de los mejores productores de la música electrónica. Han pasado ya poco más de 4 meses. Sigo sin creer que se fue. Hace muy poco me tatué su logotipo en mi muñeca derecha para poder recordarlo siempre… Te extraño mucho Tim. </3

  • from Daniel COLOMBIA

    You shaped what my life is now Tim Thank you for sharing your beautiful music with the world. You will forever be a legend Rest in peace my friend may your soul find the happiness it had always been looking for.

  • from Daniel Cely

    Tim's music opened up a world for me that I never knew existed. When I first heard Seek Bromance at 12 years old I felt the heart and passion put into the track that left me in pure awe. Since then Tim's music has been an immense part of my life and has helped me to overcome many obstacles. Every track he put out moivated me so much I love the intense spirit Tim managed to show the world with every beautiful melody…To this day I still tremble with goosepumps as I listen to his work. RIP TIM

  • from Daniel

    I was just a little boy when I found out about his music. Levels was the greatest song at the time; I loved it so much I kept trace of his music. After some years when True came out I bought it without hesitation I loved every song on that album; however it was not until The Days/Nights came out that I realised Avicii was my favorite artist not only Dj or producer. I loved every song every rythm every lyric. I'm quite older now but I won't forget him he will always be the best. Thank you

  • from Tomas R

    Hola Tim No se que decir ya han pasado varios meses y aún no puedo creer tu partida. Nos dejaste un legado que nunca desaparecerá tu música. Créeme que cuando tenga hijos les mostraré todo tu talento les diré quien fue el gran Tim Bergling quien fue Avicii el que para mi y para mucha gente en el mundo ha sido el mejor DJ de todos los tiempos el que fue una inspiración para mucha gente. Siempre estarás en mi corazón tu música siempre estará con migo. Saludos desde Colombia.

  • from Alexandra ?

    Hello Tim you will always be in our hearts your legacy continues thank you for all the things you left us you are one of the first dj to listen I love you the sky shines your music will continue you are a star in heaven that does always to shine see you soon Avicii ?. "Forever is promise Tim Bergling" ❤

  • from Audra

    Avicii I just moved halfway across the country to pursue my dreams of becoming an Olympian. I was so scared to go by myself. Sometimes I didn't want to go. Every night I would listen to your music and it made me feel so empowered like I could do anything. I made the leap of faith and I am now thriving. Before every training session I listen to Without You since it really describes my new journey. I will someday compete in the Olympics and have you as my routine music. Thank you Avicii RIP

  • from Juanjo

    You'll always live on our hearts Tim. Thank you for bringing joy to this world.

  • from Rodrigo A.V.

    ¿Como alguien pudo ser tan especial para mi como pude sentir a alguien tan cerca sin siquiera conocerlo? Realmente no tengo palabras para expresar lo que sentí por Tim y sus mágicas melodías. Tal vez fue ese empeño esa manera tan apasionada de crear música que hizo que cada vez que escuchaba sus canciones me haga sentir lo que el realmente quiso transmitir. Pero ahora él ya no está sin embargo siempre lo recordaré escuchando y cantando sus canciones y porque se fue haciendo lo que amaba..(♫)

  • from Robin Villegas

    Como no apreciar tu talento… como no recordarte si una de tus canciones como I could be the one junto con Nicky Romero fue la puerta para iniciar a disfrutar y conocer el mundo de la electrónica ♥. For a better day♪ desde Perú te escribe un seguidor tuyo… Adiós Avicii.

  • from Tonalli M.

    Thanks Tim for your music and all the smiles that you gave us your music will live forever

  • from Seto A

    Thank you… you made amazing music that touched millions of people and brought happiness to them. I am sad I never got to see you live but knowing that you're legacy will continue through you're music forever makes this a little easier for all the fans

  • from I will always love Tim

    His death makes me so angry because he was used abused and manipulated by people who he trusted with his career. Disgusting abusive parasites.

  • from Jonathan

    Went to Stadion in Stockholm during summerburst. Your performance just blew me away. I was uplifted and energized in a way i hadnt felt in a long time. People were so happy and there was true joy in the air. You did that. You made people happy.

  • from Form ..Chiara G.. "Italy"

    Ciao Tim quando mi è giunta la notizia della tua scomparsa mi è percorso un brivido lungo la schiena…Le tue canzoni sono state la mia salvezza nel periodo più brutto della mia vita quando mi sentivo persa. Mi hanno aperto il cuore e riempito di speranza e così ho tenuto duro fino infondo e ora sono qui grazie a te. La tua musica è e sarà per sempre la mia forza per affrontare la vita giorno dopo giorno nonostante le difficoltà. Grazie di tutto❤

  • from Anahi Grassi

    Algún día dejarás este mundo atrás así que vive una vida que vayas a recordar #Thenights ¡buena iniciativa!

  • from Cristina & Sebastian

    That day was the best day in our life: we were in Florence for a couple of days and we saw you in the crowd. We didn't believe that we were going to talk to you after your announce of a break from touring. We wish we could say something that would help you as you helped us with your music every day in every situation. Our love story begin with one of your songs and continue with the other ones. Thank you for all the times you talk with our heart through a text or a melody. Thank you Tim.

  • from Víctor

    I still can't believe it… At the very begining by 2010-2011 I refused to listen to what nowadays we know as EDM but when I listened "Levels" I changed my mind. He was the one that made me get into this electronic music world. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be listening my favourite music right now that's why I was very sad when I heard the news… Even though I almost didn't listen anymore we'll miss him… but we won't forget "Avici". RIP Tim Bergling.

  • from Viktor "WicTorious" Eriksson

    Avicii is the one that made me interested in music. His music saved me form committing suicide when my life was at my lowest point. Avicii is one of my biggest inspirations that made me in ove with EDM Rest in piece Avicii. <3

  • from Simon Perstorper Göteborg

    Jag minns första gången jag hörde Tims musik. Jag satt i bilen och av en slump fick jag höra Bromance (som då spelades utan sång) spelas på en av de större kanalerna. Liksom nu när jag skriver om det fick jag omedelbart gåshud. Det fanns något äkta i musiken som var svårt att sätta ord på. Något djuriskt som en kraft omöjlig att värja sig ifrån. Jag föll pladask. Enda sedan den dagen har jag älskat Tims musik. Hans unika sätt att kombinera melankolisk text med euforisk musik är världsunikt.

  • from Jana

    I remember when I first heard the song "Wake Me Up" (2013). At that time I didn't know you yet. But then "Hey Brother" song came out and I was just like: woow this song is amazing this guy named Avicii is brilliant! I became EDM fan because of you. I started to listen all of your songs. Your music will live forever! No one can replace you! You will always be my favourite DJ and producer! I hope you found a peace now!?

  • from Zayda

    My high school sweetheart and I used to listen to Avicii together all the time. Unfortunately we also fought all the time. But Tim's music was like a light during a very very dark time for me. I look back and remember listening to his music as a way to escape but also appreciate my life even though it was hard at that time. I have made so many friends through the common interest of his music and what he stood for. My life mantra is to Be Love to everyone I meet no matter what. Thank you Tim.

  • from Yessica – Bolivia –

    Your music followed me or I just followed your music Bromance sounded in my head even without knowing you with Fade Into DARKNESS I finally knew who was the genius of the songs that sounded in my head without stopping I loved the journey of discovering how it was written artistic name everything was worth it after knowing that you would be my fundamental inspiration to build my biggest goals and that you would form in my life a great love to the music of these styles; yes styles because you we



  • from Joël Lindhout

    Jag hade ingen aning om att Tim berg skulle bli en av världens största artister när jag satt och lyssnade på fading to darkness påväg från skolan. Musik som hjälpte mig att fly bort från alla problem en 14åring hade. Jag vet att du är på en bättre plats vila i frid. I tried carrying the weight of the world But I only have two hands I hope I get the chance to travel the world But I don't have any plans I wish that I could stay forever this young Not afraid to close my eyes

  • from KonstantineBelarusMinsk

    Thank you Avicii. You gonna live in my heart and mind forever.<3

  • from Petra

    Forever in my heart❤

  • from Jacek Poland

    your music lives with me in my head ! thanks

  • from Ritz

    When I was in 7th grade I felt like my whole life was shit. I was lonely at my new school and I felt like I had no purpose in life. One day I heard the song 'The Nights' came up. A classmate had airdropped it to me and I had never listened to it. The moment the song ended my life changed completely. I sat on my bed the lyrics of the song playing on my mind. Because of Avicii I now want to become a DJ and my life has forever changed. Everyday my heart aches. Thank you. I owe you everything <3

  • from Miguel Angel Reyes Morales

    Las canciones que imaginaste y materializaste llevaron a miles de personas en el mundo a tomar tu nombre como estandarte las mejores producciones que he escuchado y escuchare siempre estaras en el ambiente musical y una perdida que lamenta el mundo musical. Siempre te recordaremos con esa energia y amor por la musica levels…… la cancion que dio el boom. Hasta siempre…… Avicci

  • from Adriano

    I still remember that night when I saw you performing at Brooklyn NYC 2014. I fell in love with your music and you inspired me so much. The Nights is the song that made me understand how much more than just music there was for you. Thanks for everything brother. We won't forget you.

  • from Aurore

  • from Ferd

    Avicci din musik har altid varit där för mej! Ok det är helt fantastiskt hur mycket du har jälpt mej. TACK så mycket för alt!

  • from max severiano manuel.

    tu musica fue pieza clave para mis aventuras. mex. 27.08.2018

  • from Luis S. R.

    Querido Tim empecé a escuchar tu música con Wake Me Up y desde entonces he seguido escuchando tus canciones. Descubrí que tu música era algo que me encantaba escuchar era una fuente de ánimo personal. Y por eso sigo oyéndolas. Y aunque no estés con nosotros siempre nos tendrás en nuestros corazones y tu música en nuestra recuerdo. Por eso seguirás siempre vivo. Rest in peace Avicii ❤

  • from Jose Felix

    Gracias por tanto. <3

  • from Sami Österman

    An amazing night on June 20th of 2013 when he played at Marquee and for us releasing Wake Me Up. Totally unforgettable! RIP Tim with love from Sweden <3

  • from Max

    Tack för all fantastisk musik Tim. Ditt arv lever evigt. Vila i frid.

  • from Jose Felix Herrera P

    Hace 8 años escuchaba tus canciones sin darme cuenta de quien era el que estaba tras algo tan perfecto con Wake Me Up hace 5 años fue ahí donde se convirtió en un sueño conocerte la persona que me hacía sentir que todo iba a estar bien en los peores momentos que hay que vivir noches días y una vida que no olvidemos jamás. Quería cumplir mi sueño de ir a Tomorrowland y conocerte allí… Quizá te pueda conocer en un lugar mejor y decirte todo lo que hiciste por mí… Gracias Tim te amo

  • from Antonella

    Ciao Tim la tua musica mi accompagna da diversi anni a questa parte e credo che lo farà per sempre. Riascoltando le tue canzoni la mia mente fa un tuffo nel passato e mi riporta ad un preciso istante della mia vita. Mi sarebbe piaciuto ascoltarti live ma non ne ho avuto il tempo. Per fortuna le leggende non muoiono mai e mi auguro di incontrarti un giorno per poterti stringere la mano. Spero che tu sia in pace adesso qui giù non ti dimenticheremo mai. La tua musica vivrà per sempre. Grazie.

  • from Ahmad Syria

    I wish i was a friend of you or i could have the chance to speak with you about your problems i love your music and i love your personality i hope to see you in heaven your sweet soul deserves the best place in heaven i love you

  • from Bartosz Bizior

    Tim you were the reason why I started being interested in music. You were special. You are the reason why I make my own music now. Your show in Gdańsk were the best day of my life. "(…) I think I just died… And went to Heaven(…)" Love You Forever See you in future <3

  • from J. Ramirez – Germany

    Tim the first time I heard you leftI was shocked.I thought about what made you take that step and why nobody close to you could help you or have seen the signs.You looked happy on picsbut appearances often deceive.We as your fanscouldn't really imagine what you were in pain and what sacrifices you really had to make for your success.I watched to ''True Stories'' and it brokes my heart to see how hard it was for you.From my part I would have wished that you had less success but be still alive

  • from Jack B.

    You as a physical person may be gone from this world but YOU will always be alive in our minds our hearts and our soul. Thank you for touching us with your Beautiful music and may you rest in peace.

  • from Nikki

    I will never forget the first time I heard "Seek Bromance"! I fell in love with EDM. Fast forward to 2018 pretty much every Avicii song I heard has became a favourite of mine. Tim you had so much talent and each of your tracks moved me in a different indescribable ways. You will always be a beautiful soul. I am so glad to have had the privilege of being touched by your music. I hope you have found the peace in the chaos and light in the dark. Your light will always shine on in my heart

  • from Joeri From Belgium

    ◢ ◤Tim you where the Mozart of my time!!! Thanks for making so great music!! Rest in Peace Tim◢ ◤

  • from Richard

    Tus melodias quedaran inmortalizadas para toda la eternidad. Gracias por tu musica Tim.

  • from Manuel Barjau

    Conocí su música por accidente me encantó su estilo único la alegría que me daba. Cada vez que escuchaba una de sus canciones siempre me ponía de muy buen humor me hacía feliz me impulsaba a poner más empeño a mis labores. Ahora soy mucho más #AviciiFan que siempre y he comenzado a recomendar tu música a muchas personas. Cuando partiste me entristecí mucho no lo podía creer; sin embargo vivirás por siempre en mi corazón y en mi mente. ¡Gracias por tu música TIM! Avicii por siempre.

  • from Марат

    "Wake Me Up"BromanceASH & Avicii Let Me Show You LoveYoure Gonna Love Again мой самые любимые песни и ты будешь в моем сердце всю мою жизнь! Нам тебя не хватает TIM Спасибо Avicii!

  • from Rosalba

    Your songs touched me I still listen everyday. We will never forget. RIP

  • from Jacopo

    Tim with his music managed to help me in the various difficult moments of my life. Whenever I suffered his music gave me the strength and the joy of living of facing difficulties and looking for happiness. I could hear him playing in ibiza (my most beautiful day ever). I feel I have lost an elder brother irreplaceable. rests Tim … with infinite love jacopo

  • from Ildrid Kornelia

    I can begin with that i have a brother. We grew up with this music and we heard "Hey brother" like all the time. I was so little so i can only remember we heard that song on repeat. This song reminds me how close me and my brother are and Avicii was so popular at the time. I want to say thank you Avicii that you spread love to all of us. Your song reminds me also about that time before i was bullied so it gives me a good vibe. Thank you.

  • from Vasja

    I was about 9 years old when I heard first Avicii song – Levels. I instantly fell in love with his music. Now after almost ten years his older tracks like Bromance Silhouettes Sunshine and of course Levels still give me goosebumps. Sadly I never had a chance to see him perform live. Tim is gone but Avicii lives on and so will his music.

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