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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Faeba koshy

    His music has touched my soul. He's the reason I listen to edm. He will always be a legend.. every song has a deep meaning.. you will always be living in our heart and will never be forgotten. Avicii♡

  • from

    You were the person who got me interested in EDM. I always thought your music was sick and cool. Whenever I was sad I would put one of your songs on. You remain a part of joy inside of me. It doesn't feel real. I still have hope that maybe it's fake and you're somewhere on an island being happy and living your life. I really fucking miss you. It's strange I've never met you yet you're always on my mind. You made me happy and made me love being who I am. I just… I want you to come back. I ❤ you

  • from Jacopo Colombo

    My memory of Tim is his fantastic music I will listen to his music forever his music will never be forget I will do everything to keep people from forgetting his art which has always meant a lot to me.

  • from Elena

    When my grandfather died I was at a point where I was completely overwhelmed and sad and exhausted — and I didn't feel strong enough to mourn for him and sad songs made me think of death. So I played Levels and I listened to the Nights and Avicii got me through the hardest night. I hope you are in a good place Tim what I remember of being a teenager I remember through your songs. I only wish you had as much happiness in your life as you gave others.

  • from Faye Moseley

    I remember when I heard the news that Avicii had passed. Me and my friends were at a party. As soon as the news was realised on social media the party fell silent. People couldn't believe that Avicii the guy that none of us knew personally had died! After the news had sunk in we decided that we should spend the rest of the night listening to Tims songs and remember the memories in our lives that we related his songs to. Rip Tim thanks for everything you will be missed

  • from Skindex

    La tua musica mi fece scoprire questo fantastico mondo dell'Edm. Per questo ti sono molto grato senza di te non l'avrei mai scoperta nello stesso modo. Le tue canzoni sono e saranno la mia filosofia di vita. Ti amo Tim mi manchi. I will never forget you.

  • from Guillaume Leclair

    Hey Tim =) Hope u feel better now… Thanks a lot for ur music ur talent and ur happiness!! I just saw the Netflix movie on u and this is amazing!! U are a part of the house/techno music and will be forever in the best dj that I eard in my life!! A big MERCI from Paris for the joy when I listen ur music. I am so sad coz I know I will never see u again in a show or somewhere else but its cool if u feel OK now… Take care love for u and all ur family and friends xoxo. Peace from Paris France

  • from Fostin

    In 2011 i was listening for the first time a "Tim" song at this moment I wasn't into music a lot because nothing was my kind of music until i heard him For 7years now I produce my own song because he gaves me this desire to create to mix between every kind of music dance pop country and btw the most important the progressive house. He gaves us chance during Avicii X You even if many of us didn't won the collab we are proud to have the opportunity to produce with him. With all my love

  • from


  • from Javier

    Tim marcaste mi infancia con esas canciones de levels wake me up hey brother… No hay un solo dia que no piense en ti escuchare tus canciones cada dia de mi vida vuela alto.

  • from Liam.B.C

    Whenever I heard Levels on the radio as a kid I just danced. Avicii brought me so much joy and I cannot believe we are now without him. Rest In Peace Tim. :'(

  • from Kulcsár Tímea

    Kedves Avicii! Tim Berg néven készített Seek bromance című zenéd belopta magát a szívünkbe. Férjemmel mai napig imádjuk és persze a többi zenédet is. ❤ Már a csillagok közt zenélsz tovàbb!

  • from Manon❤?

    Miss you so f*cking much? If i listen you'"why" Avicii? People sa year to me "avici is dead?" I say "his always in my heart his never going out ! "❤?

  • from IKUTA


  • from Subongkoch

    Thank you for music Make me feel happy and My favorite best DJ until now Thank youAvicii❤ From.Thailand

  • from Perry

    We all miss you. From the moment I first heard Levels I fell in love with his work. He kept coming out with incredible music. I sadly never got a chance to see him live but I know lots of other people did. His music was one of the great parts of life. He will be missed by everyone. He impacted the EDM community and just music in general. We miss you so much.

  • from .

    Tim tack för all kärlek och empati du sprider i universum. Din musik och dina texter ger mig tröst.

  • from Phạm Ngọc Anh

    Tôi biết bây giờ có nói gì thì cũng đã muộn. Tôi chỉ muốn thật lòng cảm ơn anh cảm ơn con người đầy nhiệt huyết cảm ơn những ca khúc đầy cảm hứng mà giờ đây tôi vẫn nghe hàng ngày để động viên bản thân có thể sống tiếp thật vui vẻ. Tim chúng tôi luôn cầu nguyện cho anh mọi điều tốt đẹp nhất. Yêu anh.

  • from Stefany Thorne

    Je ne t’oublierai jamais avicii ? Merci pour toutes ces musiques magiques et éternelles… repose en paix ?

  • from Brayan M

    La única persona que con música te enseña a amar de verdad de verdad extrañare que saque musicas nuevas pero con las que dejo las amare por siempre. Gracias Avicii

  • from Ángel

    Siempre que tenia un mal dia su musica me levantaba el animo ademas me enseño que la vida hay que vivirla no verla pasar le doy las gracias por ello y siempre le estare agradecido las leyendas nunca mueren ❤

  • from Mana

  • from Mana

    The first song that I listen his song was ”wake me up”.When I listen this songsuddenly I really have interest of him and his song.And gradually I really like his song.In 2016June5he came to Japan and I went to his concert.That was fantastic.I had never forget that day and I think I don’t forget forever.AVICII and his song is part of my life and part of my heart.I really sorry about his dead but I want to live a life I will remember like he said if something bad things happened.Rest In Peace.

  • from Kyle Li

    I am from China listening to the song of avicii for 4 years he gave me the motivation to move forward. 我是一个来自中国的Avicii听众,我听他的歌4年了,它们给了我前进的动力! 网易云音乐@Kyle_李 欢迎和我交流音乐。 Avicii forever!

  • from Nadia

    Rest in piece to a beautiful soul

  • from Yaman Ting

    I will always love you .

  • from Dhamaswara

    Avicii Tim Bergling Thank You Terima Kasih Arigatou Grazie merci

  • from Rice

    I remember listening to his music for the first time and was immediately attracted to them. I would listen to them before I head to school or whenever I feel down. Never fails to motivate as well as inspire me. They were and truly are spectacular. ♡

  • from Lauryn

    Wake me up is so special to me because it helped me through a really hard time and always reminded me that I will get better you only have to believe in it. Tim thank you for yor amazing music you’ve changed my life with your music and I hope you’ve found peace❤️

  • from Finn B-P

    Thank you so much for all you have do Avicii… You have definitely left the earth having done your job. Thank you for advertising my favourite car (the Volvo XC90). God bless you. Sweden loves you. From Finn B-P United Kingdom

  • from Mohsan Ali

    Avicii may you rest in peace. Your music was very inspirational and motivational. Hope your legacy of music lives on.

  • from Jana

    When i was younger and got bullied i listened to his music all the time. It really lifted me up and gave me a good feeling. I was such a big fan of him but when he came to belgium I was still too young 🙁 he stayed one of the best dj’s imop and he will always be ❤️

  • from Gergo

    Hello parents! I writing from Hungary . My name is Gergo and memory for your boy … So my grandgrand father lot year ago after 56 go abroad from Hungary to Sweden and he lost in. Drink all day all night .. We dont keep in touch never !

  • from Vicky for belgium

    Your music helpt me trough the worst time of my life Your lyrics made me smile and sing and kept me going You wil live for ever trough your music We all gonna miss you Rip

  • from Charlie Brotherhood

    Tim and his music was all that kept me and my mum going through bad times in 2013. His music was is and will always be dear to my family. And not just that he was bloody brilliant and cared for those with nothing even when it wasn't his place to do so. Thank you for making my life better with your music . Pioneer. Icon. Tim.

  • from Justus

    Danke für die wundervollen Melodien Sie werden uns für Immer bleiben und ein Lächeln in unser aller Gesichter zaubern dnke dafür das du uns begleitet hast.

  • from Nikolai

    He creaties the best songs in the universe no Joke like 5 of his songs are in My top 10 songs list 😀 Im still sorry he isnt here today to see how much excellent and heart touching support he and his family are getting (I know it was a while ago but RIP avicii

  • from Maxim Kalesnik

    Avicii's music gives faith and energy to realize my dreams. THANK YOU

  • from Daz

    Thank you! We love you. I am sorry

  • from Helena Fox

    I DJ in a little underground bar in Kingston Upon Thames in London UK. Every Sunday night I drop Levels at about half 12 and it tears the roof off. Thank you for the tunes they'll live on forever.

  • from Emanuele

    Ogni volta che ascolto una tua canzone mi vengono i brividi e mi scende una lacrima… manchi tanto avicii

  • from Nadine Cecile van Beelen

    I listened to avicii anywhere and everywhere he was just capable of representing so many moods in his songs. His songs to me wasn’t just some beats attached enough to get everyone dancing. Every song he created to me was a different story. His music will live on forever.

  • from M.

    Mitt starkaste minne av dig och din musik är känslan som spred sig när jag hörde ”Levels”. Bara okomplicerad glädje det behövde jag just då och många gånger sedan dess. Din musik gör att man glömmer bort allt för ett tag. Jag tänker ofta både på din musik och dig som person med stort vemod. Du är saknad.

  • from Geoffrey

    Thank you from France for these wonderful moments in listening your songs. ❤️

  • from Cara McCulloch

    From Scotland. I never listened or liked dance music until I heard your songs. I listen to them while I am walking in the highlands. Thank you for everything. Your music will never die.

  • from Bruce

    You touched me from the very first time I heard your music and every time I listen to your music in my darkest times and brought me joy and happiness and made me feel warm again. I hope you are in a better place now and I'm sorry for some of the challenges you had to go through. R.I.P Legend

  • from Jonas

    Stories is the best electro album i have never heard. RIP you're the first music producer to put some jazz influences into electronic music. It's so beautiful. Your music will live for ever.

  • from ANIK

    Avicii i hope that youre on a better place! May i will be a great DJ like you… You were the the best!

  • from Kelly

    When i first found his music video levels i really enjoed it thne wake me up came and then many others and now that avicii is dead i still remember as my fav dj in the world and the best

  • from Mia

    Quand mes copines me disais d'arréter de pleurer et de t'oublier je disais c'impossible que je l'oublie car il gravé dans mon coeur à jamais . Tu me manque enormement tu es mon dj préféré et le meilleur dj dans tout l'univers Merci ❤❤

  • from Liselotte

    In the summer of 2013 was the song “wake me up” the summer hit of 2013! I was in France with my best friend. We partyed al summer long i kissed a boy that i liked and when the song wake me up come up it felt like magic. It is Mine song that feels like a can be forever young so when the song come up i wil dance like there is no Tomorrowland because iT is the best song ever

  • from Camille

    Merci avicii de me faire danser avec ta musique et d’égayer mes journées Tu m’as vraiment beaucoup inspiré j’aurais rêvé te rencontrer Meilleur dj de tout les temps repose en paix

  • from Amit

    I remember that I was a little boy and on the radio they played the song "Wake me up" and I was very excited. I heard that song in the loops. This is the moment I felt your special strength in your music. Avicii Thank you for all the good you have ever brought. rest in peace.

  • from Andreas

    Best DJ ever. 🙂

  • from Sakeeb

    I remember discovering the song Levels years ago and at the same time I got Spotify for the first time too. I had that on repeat lol no one else really knew the song but I loved it. The beats the somewhat calming but fast rhythm and the 'I gotta good feeling' part. Thanks for the great times your songs gave and may you rest in peace Avicii.

  • from Chris "Toonz" Townsend

    Thank you Tim for your unique and bespoke music! When a tune is played you can tell an Avicii Tune… Several tunes of yours have kept me sane in the most stressful of times. Addicted to You of your own remix is my absolute favourite. Gone too soon yet shall always be remembered and loved! Rest in Peace my fellow DJ. X

  • from The first time I heard your music I was 11 and in that moment I never stopped listening your music we miss you and we will always take your music in our heart. We love you. Rest in peace

  • from Luke Tyrrell

    Tim… thank you for everything. The music the memories the reminiscence everything… when I read the news on April the 20th my heart sunk to its deepest depths.. we had lost one of the worlds most powerful and talented DJs. All my blessings go up to you Tim the most talented Swede I know… RIP ??????

  • from Fiona

    Tu sais le jour ou j'ai entendu l'annonce de ta mort. J'etais plus qu'anneantie. Tout c'etait ecrouler autour de moi. Tu etais l'homme qui avait faites toute mon enfance. Pour moi tu etais toujours vivant. On n'allait trouver une solution pour que tu revienne a la vie. Mais il fallait que je me mette a l'idee que tu ne sois plus la. J'ai pleurer comme j'ai jamais pleurer pour personne. Mais saches une chose ta musique ne cessera jamais d'exister.. Mais juste une chose. Merci pour tout 20.04

  • from Josh

    Avicii was my first true musical love i remember hearing wake me up and hey brother on the radio after school wondering who made it pretty quick i was hooked started listening through his itunes page and i was in love avicii was the only artist i truly wanted to see live and with the news that he could possibly rerurn to playing live sets i was buzzing. When i saw the news in april i stopped and cried i dont cry but it did that day. Fly high tim… ◢ ◤ forever

  • from Albin Svensson

  • from Alessio

    Sei e sarai sempre il mio grande idolo Tim la tua musica suonerà per sempre.

  • from Chiara

    I remember jamming to Levels in 2011 with my older sister then to Wake Me Up and a couple others which names i can't remember too. Knowing too late his story of being pressured by his former manager his pancreatitis caused by his drinking habit and how he died just breaks my heart. Wish i had known you better before and been a bigger fan back then. RIP your music was staggering and you'll always be a great EDM dj.

  • from Swen westenenk

    I really dont remember when I started to listen to avicii but What I know is That I love his music (sunshine levels he brother etc) from the begining. He also give me my life motto: “live A life you Will remember” Rest in peace avicii!!!

  • from Gianni M Caldogno

    Eri e resterai il migliore.Trova la pace fratello.

  • from Roberta2

    You will remain in our memories forever. //Italian fan

  • from Cüneyt

    One day you‘ll leave this world live a life you will remember.“ ?

  • from Francesco

    After the death of my grandfather came out hey Brother (even now my favorite song) from that moment listening to her I pretended that I was talking to him and that he was answering me quietly. And I swear that even now after 5 years makes me the same effect !! I'm sorry too much to have never seen one of your live Tim concert … Always remain in my heart … Thanks for everything and …. Say hello to my grandfather on my side VIVA LA VIDA

  • from Cristi

    Someone once said that "people don't die when their heart stops beating they truly die when they are forgotten…" and your beautiful soul and the way you made us see life through music is something we'll never forget. Rest easy legend.

  • from Mohammad Ali

    You are the guy how motivated me when I was broken…. peace be upon you ❤️

  • from Jack

    Thankyou for the legacy you left behind and thankyou for all the amazing music but most of all thankyou for giving your absolute all to us every single day. I hope you are at peace now and you found the happiness you were after for so long. Goodbye for now but not forever Fly High My Friend ◢ ◤

  • from cris

    Gracias por sacarme sonrisas cuando lo necesitaba y crear momentos de esos que nunca se olvidan con tu musica. Gracias Tim.

  • from Francesco

    Dopo la morte di mio nonno è uscita hey Brother (ancora adesso la mia canzone preferita) da quel momento ascoltandola facevo finta che stessi parlando con lui e che lui mi rispondeva tranquilizzandomi. E giuro che ancora adesso dopo 5 anni mi fa lo stesso effetto!! Mi dispiace troppo non aver mai visto un tuo concerto live Tim… Rimmarai sempre nel mio cuore❤️… Grazie di tutto e…. Salutami mio nonno da parte mia?❤️❤️ VIVA LA VIDA

  • from Ben from Australia

    Words cannot sum up your legacy or the pain of losing you. We can only speak the truth. You were loved you are loved and you will be loved till we all join you to party together in heaven. R.I.P. AVICII

  • from Albin Svensson

    His memories will live on forever #aviciiforever //Swedish fan

  • from Julia

    Siempre se te recordará como uno de los mejores Djs del mundo .

  • from Mariasole

    Sei un grande e lo sarai per sempre non ti dimenticherò mai perché con la tua musica hai segnato gran parte del mio cuore. Sei sempre stato il mio punto di riferimento. Mi manchi Tim riposa in pace…

  • from Reka

    Fingers crossed just because..:-) When I hear an Avicii song from the radio mostly at my car or anywhere else I look up to the sky and cross my fingers this is my story with him.. Love Reka Hungary

  • from Mia

    Je me souvient du moment oû j'ai écouté ta music "wake me up "pour la première fois je l'aimais tellement que je l'a chantais partout. Et du moment oû j'ai su que un héro du 21ème siècle nous avait quitté je suis tombé en depréssion . Quand mon oncle est mort j'ai pas autant pleuré que pour toi . Tu mes copines qui te connaissait pas me disait d'arrêté pleurer et de te oublier je disait que jamais je toublirai car tu es gravé dans mon coeur à jamais . Une seul chose à dire MERCI POUR TOUT TIM ❤

  • from Gino

    Loved your music that made my childhood. RIP Avicii

  • from Lillian

    2011 året jag köpte min första låt för mina egna pengar och det var levels. Sedan dess följde både jag och pappa dig vi hittade en gemenskap i låtarna. Jag kommer alltid komma ihåg hur vi satt i timmar och väntade på att volvoreklamen skulle visa och då vi såg hela festivaler hemma vid TV;n bara för att se dig spela. Tack för allt du gjort och alla fina minnen min barndom kommer förevigt att vara präglad av dig och din musik.

  • from Alessandro

    a great loss you will remain in our memories forever

  • from Gábor Neisz. hungary


  • from Daan

    When “Avicii: True Stories” came out me and my friend were really desprate to see it. Unfortunetly there was only one cinema and one nigjt where they played the movie. We thought we couldn’t make it because of school and work but we did! The movie was incredible and we had a great night with good conversations. Because we had to travel with public transport we were home late ane the next day we had to get up early to go to school but it was all worth it. May Tim and his music live forever ♥️

  • from Giada Cocca

  • from Marco C. (Venice – IT)

    Hi I’m a DJ for passion and I often use Avicii’s tracks in my session people always dance on his notes! For me Avicii was a symbol his music was and it still is a reason to go on to live my life and overcome everyday obstacles. In my bedroom I’ve a painting portraying Tim that remember me the wonderful person he was. In my opinion he‘s the best example of EDM DJ ever. Thank you Tim great man! With your music you were a light in every darkest night I hope angels are dancing on your music.

  • from Balogh Ádám

    Aviciiii We never miss you.We love you.

  • from Theresa

    I‘m from Austria and always adored Sweden. In August 2017 I finally went to Stockholm the best vacation ever. On August 11th „Without You“ got released – probably one of the best Avicii songs ever and one of my favorite songs – I still listen to it at least once a day – I want to cry everytime I hear it. So basically my favorite memory is being in Tims hometown the moment his last EP got released. That‘s kind of really special to me since I never got to go to one of his concerts. Love you!

  • from Aaron

    Because of him I started to make music of my own he has inspired me. For ever in our heart!

  • from Marco C. (From Venice)

    Hi I’m a DJ for passion and I often use Avicii’s tracks in my session people always dance on his notes! For me Avicii was a symbol his music was and it still is a reason to go on to live my life and overcome everyday obstacles. In my bedroom I’ve a painting portraying Tim that remember me the wonderful person he was. In my opinion he‘s the best example of EDM DJ ever. Thank you Tim great man! With your music you were a light in every darkest night I hope angels are dancing on your music.

  • from Lee R

    Il y a peu de chose à dire quand on doit d'écrire un talent aussi grand AVICII tu représentais l'électro que j'aime celui qui donne envie de respirer et voyager simplement merci. ◢◤

  • from Davide

    io ho ascoltato "hey brother" nel periodo della morte di mio nonno <3….ora ascoltandola mi ricorderò 2 persone speciali….#heybrother#ripavicii#love

  • from Tin

    We will never forget you. Live a life that you will remember. I'm gonna miss you.

  • from Hugo

    A jamais le meilleur #Sunchine

  • from Filippo Meluzzi

    Thank You

  • from Gareth

    Avicii you're the reasons why I love EDM so much. Your songs Wake Me Up I Hope There's Someone Levels Silhouettes and many more meant so much to me. I've probably listened over 100 hours to your music. You're a legend and your death is a big loss to the music industry but also to the world. Goodbye 🙁

  • from Hanna

    You are no longer where you were but you are everywhere we are ?

  • from Giuseppe

    Dopo la tua morte il vuoto. Resterai comunque sempre con me! A presto…

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