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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Atte

    Aldrig glömd du förändrade mitt och många andras liv. Du kommer alltid va med mig livet ut tack för allt Tim!

  • from Lukas

    Sometimes I wonder if there's any good in the world when a person like you get's dragged down by society. It's hard to imagine what you must've felt during your last years on earth. What rollercoaster of emotions you must've gone through. So much that you couldn't handle it anymore. I'd like to see the good in the world but it's hard for me when there is such unnecessary pain evolving from making other people happy. Hopefully you found your peace in another place. Thank you for your music!

  • from Emma Dahlén

  • from Emil

    What an inspiration Tim has been to me! I've grown up listening to his music ever since I heard Levels and Silhouettes songs that even I could tell would be the start of something really really unique. He has been THE background music in my life and his countless beautiful melodies will continue to play in the back of my head. At first he shaped my love for music then he shaped the way I make music myself. I will forever be grateful for the joy that he has brought to my life. <3

  • from johan

    remember listening to fade into darkness when it first came out <3 Long Ling Avicii <3

  • from from taka

    あなたの作った曲を聴いて辛い時や苦しい時も頑張ってこれました! EDMを知った初めてのDJはAVICIIです AVICIIの曲は未来永劫忘れ去られる事は無く人々の心の中で生き続けます 沢山の最高の歌をありがとう R.I.P. AVICII

  • from Lawend Osman

    No artist effected me so much I listened to your work every day it spread positivity and love around me and my friends you are gone but never forgotten ♥️◢ ◤♥️

  • from noname

    他的音乐陪伴了我的青春。 Thank you for giving hope to my youth.

  • from Hedvig

    Rest in peace Tim. You'll always be remembered. ❤️

  • from Vlas ◢ ◤

    Avicii появился в моей жизни когда я услышал Levelsэтот трек чертовски был крутым и со временем я понял кто такой Avicii какую он писал музыку.Он тот музыкант который подарил миру новую музыку он был несомненно одним из лучших и до его уровня всем еще далеко только его музыка могла довести всех до мурашек.Твои треки помогали в трудную минуту и благодаря его творчеству я начал заниматься музыкой.ТИМ СПАСИБО ТЕБЕ ЗА ВСЕ!НИЗКИЙ ТЕБЕ ПОКЛОН!ТЫ НАВСЕГДА В НАШИХ СЕРДЦАХ! ◢ ◤

  • from Niklas

    Tim tack för att du genom din musik har värmt våra hjärtan! nu kan vi alla dö glada <3

  • from Ida Emilie

    Avcii has been such a big part of my life. His songs means the world to me and are such an inspiration. I play them repeatedly. When that’s said Tim meant so much more. I remember when I saw the documentary when he toured the world to raise money to “hungerhjälpen”. It was when I realized that this was an unusual kid with the biggest heart. He inspires me everyday to be a better person. You will forever live on in our hearts <3 Now and forever I will always love you.

  • from domitek

    Avicii był dla mnie niesamowitą inspiracją wielka szkoda że nie będzie dane nam usłyszeć nowego materiału Tima ale jego poprzednie utwory pozostaną w sercu na zawsze 🙂 Dziękuję Ci za wszystko Tim! <3

  • from Pham Quoc Minh Dang

    You have brought so many incredible musics to me when i was 14 I couldnt bare holding my tears after you went away Thank you for your contribution

  • from TAKA

    あなたの作った曲が好きです。辛い時や苦しい時に、あなたの曲を聴いて元気を出したいます!AVICIIが忘れ去られる事は無く 未来永劫沢山の人の心の中で生き続けます! 沢山の最高の歌をありがとう!

  • from Nina

    Mi sono innamorata della tua musica proprio quando te ne sei andato..sei stato immenso…love you avicii ❤️ Grazie Tim.

  • from Christopher Boyle

    Tim brought a new style to the dance world. He will forever be remembered by both fans and critics as one of the pioneer's of modern dance music for generations to come.

  • from

    Dear Tim thank you a lot for giving us so many beautiful and wonderful songs. What you have created will definitely be remaining and remembered for good. I'm so looking forward to seeing you sometime somewhere… Rest In Peace Forever our Legend❤️

  • from Hanh

    i first listenedto 'Levels' once i was watching MTV Channel. its epic melodies caught my mind but until i listened to 'Waiting for love' i found that Avicii did become my favourite artist. i learnt more about his songs and all of them were added to my favourite list. 1 year of knowing Tim was a little bit short to his fans but to me that's enough to let me become an Avicii-er because Tim made just incredible music. and all i want to say is just Avicii is always in my heart <3



  • from Ludvig

    I can’t stop writing to you it’s impossible. I just want to say there are many stars in the sky. Many bright stars but you are the brightest one!! Min ängel Tim vila i frid och gör det du älskar. Att bara göra musik i ditt eget tempo utan stress och press. Vila i frid Tim❤️❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from W

    Alltid saknad.

  • from Rickard Hedfors

    Tack för allt du givit världen.

  • from Ludvig

    I can’t stop typing it’s impossible. I just want to say there many stars in the sky. Many bright stars but you are the brightest one!! Min ängel Tim vila i frid och gör det du älskar. Att bara göra musik i ditt eget tempo utan press. Vila i frid Tim❤️❤️ ◢ ◤

  • from Angel E.

    I still cant belive what happend. We lost one of the best artist not only from edm but the whole Music industry. Sorry I cant say more but I cant really exprese the saddnes in my heart. You will always be remembered TIM

  • from Xiao Ye Tan

    Dear Tim Be know you from your when still releasing track using Tim Berg. The 1st song i heard your track is Seek Bromance. After listen this song i have be your little friend since 2011. My pleasure to watch you show 2 time at 2012 Pre-ZoukOut and Your Summer special show at Siloso beach Singapore. This 2 show had given me and my friend amazing time and great memories that we will never forget.Thank you giving best time and memories on my life. Your music will live forever Tim aka AVICII RIP

  • from Максим

    Сколько положительных эмоций мне принесла музыка Тима все и не описать словами. Спасибо тебе за потрясную музыку покойся с миром друг!

  • from Edward

    I first heard Wake Me Up and it was then I fell in love with this man after I heard True (Avicii by Avicii). He then became my favorite DJ of all time from that day on. I will miss him but I will never forget him. RIP Avicii

  • from Pavel Russia Saint-Petesburg.

    Как же больно писать такое. Порой у меня нет желания жить с мыслью о том что тебя нетне должно быть такчто единственный человек на планете который дарит мне столько чувств и эмоций уходит из моей жизни. Спасибо тебе за то что ты подарил мне любовь к EDM и в особенности к твоим трекам когда-нибудь я буду сидеть в кресле-качалке и слушать твои треки подпевая старым подхрипывающим голосом. Сколько же эмоций и всего 500 символов просто знай что янет мы тебя любим и будим помнить всегда.

  • from Antonio

    We may never know what happened to you but we will always remember you for the wonderful person you are. Thank you tim!

  • from Per-Anders

    The song "Waiting for love" has been helping me forward in my life a lot. The text is as it was written about me and nowadays i have found love in my life with a fantastic woman that i love. Listening to that song in many different areas of my life has driven me to what i was truly looking for to love and be loved. You where right Avicii…Love came around… <3 Thanks for everything you gave us…gave ME… <3 R.i.p Avicii <3

  • from Jacky Reich

    Thank you Tim for being my hero and my idol! I am your fan since I was 13 years old. Now I am 20. In 2014 you came to Germany and I met you after the show. You hugged me and I realized that you are only human too. Thank you for this amazing day. Thanks for showing me that all human beings are breathing the same air. Today I‘m carrying a tattoo with your triangles on my shoulder. I want you to live on and show the world who you were; never forgetting you… #TeamAviciiforever

  • from Benii

    WE miss you Tim ❤️

  • from Zizzie from Hungary

    I thought of you today but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence I often speak your name. All I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake from which I'll never part. God has you in His arms I HAVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER IN MY HEART??▪️❤️?❤️?❤️▪️

  • from Poul

    Hi the one who reads this text I'm sure you were closer to Avichi than I but believe me I love him just like you and his family. I'm from Russia from the city of St. Petersburg and it so happened that in our country there are problems with money and I could not attend any of its 813 magnificent shows. But Tim gave me the most important thing. He gave me feelings emotions and a love of life transferring it all through his music. I love you your faithful fan from Russia. Rest in peacebro

  • from Maxime

    Tim your music will go through the ages. You're the very first one who gave me the passion about electronic dance music. I had the chance to see you on stage in 2015 in France and it was one of the best time of my life. Thank you for all these moments of joy that you gave during this last 10 years. RIP.

  • from Enriqueta

    Hi Avicii I never met you. My dream was to hear you play live. I was going through a very bad week and the day you left I was right with my notebook and had a picture of you with Martin Garrix in it. It was one of the worst news ever. Your songs were very important in my life they helped me a lot when I was down and they always gave me a good vibe. I have no doubt that you were an amazing person. I decided to always feel you in your songs. Thank you so much for everything Rest in peace ◢◤

  • from Tina

    Love love love ❤️

  • from Olle Winberg

    I remember the Tele 2 Arena show he did that was my first ever concert and it was amazing. Will always remember what! ❤️

  • from JordFx

    I have been listeing to tim Since Seek bromance and its weird to see him grow but geesh he was amazing at what he was doing i am sure of he would love everything from the tributes and the acts RIP Tim <3

  • from Isak Larsson

    Your music was essential to my early childhood and you were the first artist I became completely obsessed with. In 2013 when I was nine years old I bought my very first own album TRUE. I listened to it in the car with my family absolutely non-stop. Now I am a complete music nerd who plays lots of instruments and looking back I can say that I probably would not have been as interested in music if it weren't for that album. Rest in peace Tim. We all miss you.

  • from Firas Hafiz

    This is so sad Alexa play Waiting for Love Seriously though Tim ever since I discovered you you've changed my life for the better. You've turned the sad moments upside down and amplified the happy moments and for that I'll forever be grateful. Rest well Tim!

  • from Елена

    Тим твоя музыка всегда была и будет частью моей жизни. И с ней у меня связаны только позитивные воспоминания!Она идеальна.Каждая мелодия цепляет и заставляет чувствовать целую радугу эмоций.Твоя душа всегда будет жить в этих нотах.Не вериться до сих порчто мы больше не услышим ничего что сделано с такой большой любовью… И не увидим очередного интервью где ты с искрами в глазах говоришь о своей самой большой страсти-о музыке!Ты был прекрасным человеком и творцом!Любим тебя!Мы навсегда твои .

  • from Alex

    Dear Tim Over the years your music has given me light hope strength and joy and for that I want to say thank you. Your music will live on forever it came from your heart. You were extraordinary yet humble. I send my heartfelt condolences to your friends and your family. The world has been touched by a beautiful human being. Rest in peace dear Tim and thank you for your beautiful music. ?

  • from #GTcycling


  • from Ash

    Pretty sure the gods are having one of the finest raves with you playing for then ❤️

  • from Влад

    Помню как впервые услышал "Levels" в метро с тех пор твоя музыка не переставала меня преследовать. Она появлялась в разные моменты моей жизни когда я был счастлив и в минуту отчаяния когда я был в здравии либо пристегнут к больничной койке. В моём понимании ты был кем-то мне неизвестным и безликим но лишь потеряв тебя я понял что ты был мне дороже чем я думал. Эта утрата открыла мне Тима Берглинга не Авичи а простого доброго и чувствительного парня которого лишился этот мир. ??

  • from Svetlana

    Your masterpieces remain forever in my universal soul.

  • from Momoka

    I love you so much. You have been inspiring to me for 4 years until now. I’m missing you

  • from Jane

    the song „without you“ gave me the force to get over my ex. I was so depressed but you gave me the force to don‘t give up as always! R.I.P Avicii Legends never die! ??❤️

  • from Emil

    Jag minns när pappa spelade Wake Me Up och jag och min syster stod ut på balkongen och dansade. Vila i frid. <3

  • from Jake Browne

    I used to listen to Tim's music religiously during my high school years. (2009 – 2011). Still cant believe what has happened but I'm happy to have been a fan during your musical career. Just wish it lasted longer. RIP TIM BERGLING

  • from Thomas

    Dear Tim While i'm writting these word i'm listenning to your music. I'll always remember the first I discovered your music it was Seek Bromance. Thru your career it was always a speacial moment to discover your new songs. You gave me goosebumps tears joy… in one word : emotions. Thank you to always been here for us each day we miss you and our thoughts are with you and your familly. I hope that were you are you've found the peace. One more time : thank you for everything. We miss you.

  • from Avicii_Lover

    私がAviciiの音楽を聴くようになったのは5年も前です。 Levelsがラジオで流れておりその瞬間からaviciiの事が好きになりました。 EDMを聞き始めるきっかけとなったwake me upを聞き衝撃を受けました。 私はあなたの事を忘れることはありません。 天国でも安らかにお眠り下さい… 沢山のいい音楽をありがとうAvicii

  • from twipllex


  • from Marie ?

    Your beautyful Soul was too good for this World. ??❤️

  • from Пукич

    Однажды я как всегда решил найти какую-нибудь хорошую музыку для своего плейлиста и тут наткнулся на трек levels он на столько зацепил меня что я слушал его постоянно и без перерывов. Несколько лет спустя я впал в депрессию и только музыка Тима меня воодушевляла и благодаря ему я благополучно вышел из депрессии. 20 апреля я узнал что Тима не стало это была одна из самых моих больших потерьпозже я понял что музыка которую он оставил за собой будет жить всегда. Спасибо тебе Тим за все.

  • from Mario

    Thank you Avicii for change our lifes with your music you will be always in our hearths

  • from Helen

    Tim ditt hjärta din själ var av rent guld Tim din musik kommer alltid att finnas hos oss. Tim Du är äskad av oss alla. Vila i frid kära Tim ?? Tim your heart your soul was made of pure gold Tim your music will always be with us Tim you are loved by all generations. Rest in peace dear Tim??

  • from Jake McKeown

    Been a fan for about 4 years now since I was about 11 or 12. Avicii was the first artist I ever said "I'm a fan of his music." And despite I now like a lot of varied music he's still the only person I can say that I am a 100% fan of. I love other people's music but Avicii is at a much different level for me. I know for a fact your music will live on for decades and decades and decades and you'll go down as one of the best dance producers ever! ◢◤ 

  • from Emelie

    Tim De sägs att de bästa människorna är de som får lämna i förtid.. de må hända men du har igenom din musik gjort ett avtryck på denna värld som alltid kommer att bestå. Tack för att du med ditt öde uppmärksammat psykisk ohälsa och att ditt öde kan vara vändpunkten för så många. Du har med din gåva och ditt liv blivit en hjälte. Tack! ❤️

  • from Axel

    Tim has been and will always be my biggest source of inspiration I've started the music thanks to him 5 years ago and I will never be able to thank him enough for all this. My greatest sadness is that I have never been able to see or meet him in person. I was listening to his music all days and I will listen to it until I die because his music is immortal. I hope he's better where he is now I hope he has peace but we will never forget him Tim we love you rest in peace <3

  • from Luc

    From hearing your remix of 'Sweet Dreams' for the first time to working with you early in your career and seeing your insane growth as an artist that ultimately led you to taking your own life what a beautiful yet tragic sight… I hope you found peace wherever you are Tim..

  • from Kimaya Singh

    Tim love u bro what a soul of peace you are .i grew upon your music and wear avicii bands everyday it was a shock i cry everyday for u to come back.king so singers and songs u are. REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISSING U ALOT

  • from Ранис

    Лучшее что случалось со мной это треки от Avicii.Покойся с миром <3

  • from Rasmus

    Har alltid älskat din musik du trollband mig med låten "Levels" sen dess har jag aldrig missat en låt som du gjort eller varit med och komposerat allt du var med och rörde i blev ett speciellt sound som ingen annan någonsin har lyckats med. Din musik och du kommer leva för evigt i allas våra hjärtan vila i frid Tim!

  • from Emil M.

    Rest In Peace BROTHER.

  • from Vladimir

    Thanks for your music Tim LEGEND you will live forever

  • from Rahul

    Dear Tim you're the one that gave me a new perspective on life….there's not even a single day that i don't listen to your tracks..such melodies i can't even describe how it feels when i listen to those…i'll never forget your versatility and uniqueness having such a great impact on EDM scene…Thank You Much…<3

  • from Александр Кривякин

    Авичи появился в моей жизни в 2012 году когда я впервые услышал levels по радио пускай я и не знал что это он. Затем во время переезда в другой город осенью 2013 что был одним из самых тяжёлых периодов в моей жизни. Альбом True очень вдохновлялал меня и помогал мне справиться с трудностями. Тим был одним из немногих чей любой трек доводил меня до мурашек. Благодаря его творчеству я начал заниматься музыкой! Я был с тобой вместе эти 5 лет! Спасибо Авичи! ◢ ◤

  • from Jasper

    I love you Tim thanks for everything ?

  • from David Silva

    I still remember when a friend of mine showed me 'wake me up' a few years ago since that day I've been hooked on your music. We will always remember you through your unique songs you won't fade into darkness. ◢◤

  • from Viktor (Russia) Perm

    Спасибо тебе Тим! Мы помним тебя!

  • from Tan

    Tim's music is so special for me I really miss him I know Tim's music since 2011. Stories was a birthday gift❤️ My friends and dad called me and texted me when he died I cried the whole night and I'm crying again when I think about him? Rest in peace Tim You're a legend⭐

  • from Silke from Germany

    Dear Tim I still can‘t believe that you‘re gone! I knew your music before but when i heard ”Wake me up” for the first time i became one of your biggest fans! You changed my life forever and your songs helped me through some really tough times! I‘d like to thank you for your amazing music and for saving my life in so many ways! I love and miss you forever! ◢ ◤ Tim & Avicii 4Life ◢ ◤

  • from Svetlana

    My name is Svetlana I'm from Russia Your music is forever to my soul.

  • from Daniel Mathers

    i still remember that day when i heard fade into darkness for the first time. you became my idole and your music helped me alot to get out from the drakest places in my life and you inspired me to start producing electronic music. you was and still an inpiration to all of us. humble talented and kind . Thank you for your amazing music Tim Thank you for being an amzing person Thank you for everything. you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace Tim Bergling ◢◤ ❤

  • from Александра

    Спасибо тебе дядя Тим.

  • from Tim

    Спасибо тебе. Это была славная охота

  • from Samuel Sweden

    ◢TIM "AVICII" BERGLING◤ Best musician of all time Will never be forgotten Will forever be missed

  • from Юлия

    Даже не знаю с чего начать… Авичи – это часть моего детства. Все дискотеки летние ночи время в детских лагерях музыка в дороге – это Авичи. Ушел король EDM. Не хватит 500 символов чтобы выразить всю боль. Остались только слезы больше ничего. Ведь не стало не просто человека а не стало частички каждого из нас. Ушел Авичи ушло детство. Он всегда будет жив в моем сердце и в моих счастливых воспоминаниях Прощай ♥

  • from E.A

    Days and hours of laughter crying and a lot off dancing to your songs Tim. But also hours of reading interviews with you made me realize that you were this magical person. Beautiful and kindhearted. Miss u forever

  • from DJ Alimario

    I grew up on Tim’s music and loved it since the very beginning. It is a shocking disaster for me. Rest In Peace legend.

  • from Андрей

    Спасибо тебе за музыку за искусство. Теперь каждое 20 число каждого месяца является днём когда я слушаю только твою музыку в честь тебя и твоего разума. Человек жив пока память о нем жива.

  • from Emilie

    Avicii put me into Electronic music and his music was just magical every time I listened to them. When I knew Tim passed away I didn’t realize in the moment but as soon as I realized I couldn’t stop crying and listening to all his songs. Now It’s been more than 4 months and I’m still as sad as the first month of his death. I think about him everyday and it makes me very sad every time. Avicii is died but his music will never die. I miss you Tim❤️

  • from Jason

    Je t'ai connu grâce à ma maman qui m'a fait écouter le titre "Levels" c'était vraiment incroyable je tiens à te remercier pour tout ce que tu as fais pour la musique électronique. Nous ne t'oublierons jamais. R.I.P.

  • from David

    Tim you will be the king of melodies forever. Your songs always make feel so good I listen to all for hours. You was a genius more than a dj a stunning music producer. I know sky now will have the best music of the world. Rest in peace Avicii because you deserve it I hope where you are you feel good. Long life to Avicii and Tim Bergling. Huge hugs for his family and friends I send all my strength of my heart .<3 ◢ ◤

  • from Victor

    Good luck with whatever you are doing now.. Your spirit within your music will always be with us ◢ ◤

  • from Omkar Prabhu

    As an artist Avicii was an inspiration to me. I'm a fan of Avicii since he was "Tim". His timeless songs reminded me of lot of moments and gave me so much happiness; its like my each phase of my life has an Avicii song which take me back to those days and smile along. "Your music will forever be a part of mine and so many other lives. Maybe that's the closest thing we have to immortality." Your melodies will always remain close to everyone because you lived a life for us to remember! ❤️

  • from roni cohen

    Tim you have given away happiness for years and it came before yours. you have inspired me in so many ways and motivated me to achieve my dreams i am forever thankful for that. you will forever have a special place in my heart even though i never got to meet you in person. i feel lucky that i got to live in the same life time as you. we miss and love you Tim i hope you found the peace you were looking for and that you are smiling from a sky full of stars. i will always remember you.❤

  • from Lisa

    Tim – you are truly missed! You are such a talent inspiration and wonderful person! Not a day goes by without thinking of you. Hope you are in a better place now. Lot's of love! ❤

  • from Alexandra

    2014 was such a good year for me. i have discovered who is Avicii and who is the person behind him. Tim has brought light and happiness into my life. i could not get better when i was separating myself from the world and listening to his masterpieces. thank you for everything you have done to improve humanity. vila i frid. ♡

  • from Алексей Устинов

    Я влюбился его музыку.

  • from roni cohen

    i remember hearing wake me up for the first time. my heart fluttered . i was so happy listening to Tim's music i have so many happy memories with my friends and family with his music playing. when i heard about his passing i cried so much. you can genuinely feel a personal connection to him through his music and that's what makes it so special and unique. forever in our hearts❤

  • from Maëlle

    we miss you ?

  • from Beverly

    Tim … It's been a little over 4 months since you left us. I miss you so much … why did you leave? Why did you leave me? I want you to come back … ? I will continue every second to think of you to listen to you music … the world of electro is not the same without you .. I love you Tim … ????

  • from "Lamrin"

    Dear Tim Your songs made me feel. They made me cry they made me laugh they motivated me they pushed me through the bad days. The lyrics made me feel not alone in times when I needed that. The melodies helped distract me through the tough times and your livestreams still make me feel like I belong somewhere. Thank you. Vil a frid you absolute legend. I will remember you in my heart as you've touched my soul. And thank you for pushing through even when it was tough for you as well.

  • from Kolesen Julia

    Благодаря Avicii я прикоснулась к прекрасному 4ever in our hearts

  • from Katarina

    Jag /vi i vår familj saknar dig ditt oslagbara leende som lyste upp varenda intervju med dig..Din musik kommer alltid vara kvar..Ditt skratt kan lyssna på det hur många ggr som helst som vi kommer sakna det..Din charm var oslagbar och ditt hjärta kändes så varmt och äkta Tack finaste Tim

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