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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Ahmed Gomaa

    A couple of years ago I suffered from severe anxiety and depression. I first got to know Avicii back in one of those days. It was his "Wake Me Up" music that caught my ears and since then Avicii's music has been a source of happiness and inspiration. One of the reasons why I'm not depressed anymore is because of you Avicii; and I really wish you too are happy now because your music has helped a lot of people just like me and it's only fair for you to now feel comfort. Rest in Peace Tim. <3

  • from Therese

    Kärlek ❤️

  • from Carina

    Tim det du skapade denna musikskatt är helt fantastisk. Lyssnar varje dag och tänker på dina nära och kära som måste sakna dig något oerhört. Det gör jag med. Vila i frid ❤️

  • from Ceren

    Tim you left us on my birthday and my birthdays are never gonna be the same. I’m glad you existed! I am glad you let people know how amazing you are! I will always love you and remember you! I hope your soul is in peace. You are truly an angel now..

  • from NothernNorway

    I am 41 years old and have always liked Avicii / Tims music. So sad when he died and still. Tears. This young nice polite handsom good guy with so many years and fun in front of him. I listen to his music and still from distance read all about him on social media. What a community! Didnt know about that. All my love to his family in Sweden. I hope you have some answers and that to see what impact he did eventually can help. Tim; thank you.

  • from Anna

    You were one of those rare people who deserve every single good thing in life ..?

  • from Maria

    Levels was a huge hit and a somewhat misplaced soundtrack to my life when I was pushing the stroller as a new mom. I could be the one and Wake me up became the soundtrack of separating from my sons' father and the beginning of something new. Then love came again with Somewhere in Stockholm. We cried together my oldest son and I when we learned that Avicii was gone. Rest in Peace Tim and thank you for Everything!

  • from KNP Denmark

    I hjertet gemt aldrig glemt. Tak for dansen og musikken ❤️

  • from Outi


  • from Mila

    Never knew the real name of him never was a real “fun” of Avicii never followed his activities… Just love his music what was always in playlist radio in my head…in difficult happy funny and lovely moments)Just enjoyed and continue to enjoy the life with his music. Thanks for the memories inspiration and motivation!

  • from Alessandro

    Dear Tim since you left you left a great emptiness in me. thanks for the beautiful songs you left us and that will remain forever in our hearts. Rest In Peace sweet Tim.❤️

  • from Silke

    Mein wundervoller Tim ❤ Ich möchte dir sagen was für ein wundervoller Mensch du warst! So einzigartig mit einem riesengroßem Herz ❤ man konnte die Liebe in deinen wunderschönen Augen sehen ? Ich danke dir für alles was was du für uns getan hast mit deiner Musik mit deinen Worten mit deiner Anwesenheit. Du Tim hast mein Leben ins positive verändert durch dich wurde meine Welt ein Stück bunter und durch dich hat sich meine Denkweise so sehr verändert danke Tim ❤ ❤ Ich liebe dich ❤

  • from Julian Reynoso

    Tim has been a wonderful person his songs are the only thing that has kept me alive Tim's departure has been the hardest thing I've ever witnessed in my life as I watched his instagram stories his demos every day I looked in If there was something new about him I will continue to be a fan of Avicii (Tim Bergling) until the day I leave this world. We love you Tim you will always be in our hearts. ❤

  • from Tania

    Dear Tim your music means a lot to me. It’s thanks to you that I discovered EDM music when I was 12. This music that makes me happy that makes me dance that makes me forget the harsh reality. Now I’m 19 and I always listen EDM I always listen your music. I have been in a festival this summer. And by night while rang « wake me up » I swear that you were here next to me. And I miss you so much. I’ll never forget you Tim I hope that you make dance the paradise now. Thank you for all.❤️

  • from Camilla

    When I met my husband 8 years ago he played Adicted to You for me…just one of your beautiful songs and of course we played it in our wedding when I walked to the alter? Thank you for your music? so sad that you are gone and that you where pushed so hard from the team around you during many years?. R.I.P

  • from Alessandra Giurin

    I never listened only Avicii’s music.I also tried to listen to Tim’s music.He was an incredible musicianbut first of allhe was a beautiful person with a magic soul.He transmitted me love for this worldlove for peoplepeaceself-lovegenerosity and freedom.In every melody he composed he left a significate.In the past years his music accompanied me everywhereso I have lots of memories connected to him.And nowevery time I listen to his music I feel like hes living in our hearts❤️ Thank you Tim

  • from Ibiza

    You have meant so much to our family. You were the biggest idol to our son and your music has been played over and over during the years. You always came out as a genuinely good person. A true inspiration for everyone. We miss you but your music live on forever. Our thoughts go out to your family and friends ❤️

  • from Ulfsdotter

    Your Music Tim…Your devotion Your whole personality …Your always polite and empathetic honesty ….. You're so missing here with us Tim …

  • from Tania

    Dear Tim your music means a lot to me. It’s thanks to you that I discovered EDM music when I was 12. This music that makes me happy that makes me dance that makes me forget the harsh reality. Now I’m 19 and I always listen EDM I always listen your music. I have been in a festival this summer. And by night while rang « wake me up » I swear that you were here next to me. And I miss you so much. I’ll never forget you Tim I hope that you make dance the paradise now. Thank you for all.❤️

  • from Alij

    Dear Tim thank you for inspiring and involving me in this wonderful world the world of music of the DJ. thanks again rest in peace Sweet Tim❤️

  • from Stephanie

    Veel te vroeg deze wereld verlaten! Je was een inspiratie voor vele maar uw muziek zal voor altijd voort leven. Je was een echt talent in alles wat je deed met het hart op de juiste plaats! We zullen jou nooit vergeten! Een legende ben je en zal je voor altijd zijn ❤️ Rust in vrede en hopelijk vond je de rust waar naar je verlangde.

  • from Filipekstyle

    I love Tim and his music which I started to listen to since 2011 when I heard Tim Berg – Seek Bromance (Avicii 'a Vocal Edit). From that time on I became his fan. I checked his media history regularly I bought songs albums gadgets and went to concerts. I ran groups of all kinds as well as parties. I had the opportunity to be twice at a Tim concert at the Word Club Dome 2015 and in Poland 2016. His music was musical satisfaction and I love his style and I consider him the best producer. <33

  • from RM

    Been making music for about 6 years now. What made me start was hearing Avicii levels on the radio for the first time in maths class in high school.

  • from DM

    Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow I am the sun on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry I am not there; I did not die. REST IN PEACE TIM <3

  • from Fotini from Germany

    Rest in peace beautiful soul ? We all miss you soo much ? Thanks for the amazing music you had wrote in your lifetime ? I love and listen your songs forever ?

  • from nat Spain

    Dear Tim your music is all my youth we love you and we miss you a lot ❤️ Your music will be always alive we promise

  • from <3

    Thanks for everything your music the happiness you give people. You mean a lot to me and you and your music has always been with me since your first songs a childhood friend. I have been through a lot with your music and it has helped me a lot and still helps me it makes me feel alive and so happy i get so many good feelings. You and your music will always be with me it will live forever. The earth got a star legend an inspiration in life and now it's time for the angels to get one.

  • from Swetlana

    Тим мы тебя помним и очень любим❤️??

  • from Manuela

    "Oh dear boy it's so hollow in a world with everything but it won't do" I found your music in 2009. "Bromance" and "Ryu" were the first ones I had heard. Fell in love with your melodies right away. At that time not many people knew "Avicii". It wasn't until 2011 when everything skyrocket when "Levels" got released. It was then when I realized "Tim Berg" was the same person as "Avicii". Your melodies stayed with me but "Hope There's Someone" is a personal one for me. I miss you Tim!

  • from Johanna

    Aldrig blivit så tagen av att en känd men ändå okänd person dör men jag förmodar att det beror på att vi är i samma ålder och att du verkade vara en sådan genomsnäll och härlig kille som var en sådan otroligt duktig musiker och gjorde musik som jag älskar! Jag hoppas att du på något sätt har lämnat svar till din familj så de slipper leva i ovisshet och att du är på en plats där du bara kan njuta och vara dej själv utan press och bara må! ❤️ Vila i frid Tim ❤️ ”How i’m wishing that you where here”

  • from Ben Ferrari

    Avicii what a man! I only really got into his music last Summer and I was getting really pumped for his new album coming out. The more and more I listened to his music the more I actually listened to the beautiful words and amazing melodies and the more I learned about him and his personality he reminded me of myself and it made me feel good knowing someone who I could look up to.As a child I never had a role model until I really found out who Tim Bergling was. He was truly an amazing artist.

  • from Victor

    Dear Tim I wanted you to know that there was a fan here in Brazil that loved you so much! you were and will be my inspiration in everything! I never had the opportunity to see you or to see one of your showswhich hurts me more but you and your music have brought SO MUCH happiness to my life! I'm really missing you here on earth im so glad for being born in your legacy I cant wait to see you up there tim when I die I'll give you a big hug!! . Rest in peace hero! i wil love you forever!

  • from Silvie

    Sleep sweetly beautiful angel ??

  • from MaHoo

    My sister and I are huge fan so We decided to do a tribute tattoo After you past a way. Now you are with us everyday❤️

  • from Breda

    Tim when i found out you died it broke my heart into sherds listening to your music and looking at your pictures make me cry and so upset. my heart will never be the same again i will always love and miss you and i will always be an aviciier…. you came to my home country to Ireland in 2015 it was the best night of my life a concert that i will remember and cherish for the rest of my life i know you are with us in spirt and looking after us all R.I.P my gaudian angel

  • from Sandra


  • from Elin


  • from S

    Your music is a blessing. Rest in peace beautiful angel. We will always love you.

  • from Sofia F. ( from Italy)

    Avicii helps me in all of my dark times with his music and his person. Thank you Tim for all you maked and makes for me and your fans. Love you❤️

  • from Marcus

    Tim. I know this might sound stupid but you your journey and your music made me believe in myself. I a Stockholmer walked around alone in our beautiful city many times just listening to your music. Sometimes I stopped outside of At Nights office to just feel the AVICII spirit. It took me months to have the strength to listen to your music again. And I get real goosebumps every time I listen to "Somewhere in Stockholm". You're a true hero and will forever be in my heart ❤️

  • from Elizabeth


  • from Evgeniia

    Simply the best

  • from Love Moki

    Well.. Avicii is the most inspiring person to me. I've never met him personally but his music is magic. I was 9 years old when I heard his song levels for the first time and I was absolutely impressed and in love. I started tattooing myself with his logo. Now I'm 15 and I was so sad when I read that he commit suicide.. It was absolutely devastating. I think of him everyday. I'm praying for him and I hope that he's on better place now. He wanted peace and I hope that he found it. Miss you legend❤

  • from Valentina

    How I wanted to tell you my story so similar to you …to support you and not make you go away. Your example of goodness for donations and your human and artistic sensitivity will always remain in the heart of those who have loved you and will always love you. I love you so much Tim ❤️

  • from Katherine

    Love Always Tim..your music will forever stay within my heart and soul..Now you are resting with Angels..????

  • from Xzaviastreet

    When I first heard about what happened to Avicii I wanted to make some kind of tribute. So here is some art I made back in April. I don't think this is enough as I will make an even greater tribute in the future!

  • from Christoffer Mebius

    He was the hero of our generation. He is an inspiration to me and my peers. When I make music I always get inspired by his legacy. Rest in peace my fellow 1989er ❤️

  • from Sandy

    Rest in peace beautiful soul ? We all miss you soo much ? Thanks for the amazing music you had wrote in your lifetime ? I love and listen your songs forever ?

  • from Denisa

    Tim was an inspiration to each of us … a legend that went too have changed my life from all points of view.made you strong you made me see life from a perspective I would not have seen without you.I promised to live for you to keep your memory alive I will smile for you and I will live every moment as if it were the last one … All for you.that you are wonderful is little said … I can not describe you in words…for me you are perfect.

  • from MJ

    Hey brother. We have to live without you. We have to find someone else to be lonely together with. All of the nights you make me a better person wherever you are. I guess you have to wake me up later ❤ So we can make new true stories.

  • from Maria Norman

    Du var fantastisk som människa och artist. Och du kommer alltid finnas kvar i mitt hjärta. Tim jag förstår att du inte orkade längre och jag hoppas du nu kommit till en fridfull plats där du trivs och får vila. All kärlek till dig Maria Nybro

  • from Charlo

    Avicii was the first music I ever downloaded on my smartphone/i-phone. It's been with me ever since. Such a genius music maker– as close to God as Bach was in his days. This music has so many Levels and is more complex than most of us would even begin to know – a perfectionist at his best. Thankful for the inspiration and for all the treasures and the beauty that was shared with the world! <3 Always

  • from Natalia

    Tim thank to inspired me and many others over around the world. Thank you for everything. I miss you and I thinking about you every single day. You have special place in my heart. Love u and goodbye. ?

  • from Vyredz

    So much years ago you became my idol my inspiration… It is amazing how someone you do not know personally can end up becoming someone so important in your day to day. Since I was little I always loved what you did. You had something that stood out above the others… That's why I wanted to make music just like you. Year after year I followed you about some news. Now you will be forever in my heart and I will follow you forever… Love you Tim hope you can see us from a sky full of stars❤

  • from Omar Hafez

    Avicii wasn’t considered a DJ but he was more like a composer. He made albums that are remarkable in all our lives and it relates to everything happens everyday. Till now I wake up every single day not believing that Avicii actually died. Thank you for evey show u made from the 813.

  • from Laura

    I don't know any other artist that inspired so many musicians and people around the world. When I listen to your music it always makes me smile but at the same time there's this feeling that you're not here anymore. But I know you're in peace now and that's gives me and hopefully you're family comfort. Thank you for everything Tim!

  • from Carin


  • from Jonathan Enger

    Tim för mig var någon jag såg upp till han var den som fick mig att börja lyssna på EDM. Har följt honom sen 2008 det har varit en stor ära att få följa med på hans musikaliska resa. Har hört varenda låt han skapat kan namnen på nästan varenda id och vet när låtarna gjordes. För mig kommer hans melodier leva vidare i den musiken han skapade. Det var de han levde för inte att stå på scen och vara värld kändis även om hans historia slutade i för tid får vi inte glömma bort att berätta den vidare.

  • from Elizabeth

    It hurts me to talk about this. I still can not pause deal with it and I do not want this.Tim was a wonderful person he was kind knew how to love though she was modest he very much became a teacher he deserves a long life it is unfair. Without it very difficult yeah I know it is small but without it my life changed. I now was hard me so lacking that I start with every guy to see and do everywhere always and everywhere to hear his music his Voice I love you Tim❤️?

  • from Ricardo V.B.

    Legends never Die! Tim has transformed many lives in the world including mine thank you! ◢ ◤

  • from Jeff

    The world will never be the same without this fantastic human Tim Bergling. Tim will be remembered forever and your music will always be playing ❤ ◢◤

  • from Anna ( Banana)

    Tim ♥️ I really still not believe what happend. I miss you every day more you were such a great human being with so much love for others in your heart. Your music is for ever and so are you. Cant stop write messages to you maybe because somehow I believe you can see them. No bad words for anyone we all should think about this … and we all should try to be a better person every morning. It’s to sad you left but it would be worse you were never here ! Bonnie & Clyde ♥️

  • from Ami


  • from People of the world

    Hey Tim ! Come back plz? ❤️ We’re stuck with Drake back here….

  • from Jemima

    Tim jag är så ledsen att du inte längre finns här hos oss! Jag hoppas att du har fått frid nu❤. Jag älskar din musik den ger mig kraft och styrka och fyller mig med kärlek! Du fattas mig❤ Vila i frid grabben med kepsen bakochfram❤. Med ändlös kärlek Jemima❤

  • from Saga

    I love him

  • from Tasha

    Tim you inspired me and soooo many others to do what they love. Thank you

  • from Anna

    The best music artist and creator of unique music! Music that has a point sence and idea in it. Different amongst the others and Beautiful soul!

  • from Kimberly

    Du har räddat mig från många jobbiga stunder & du har gjort mig lycklig & stark med din musik. Du är för evigt saknad men aldrig glömd!

  • from Maria Eugenia

    Your music brought nothing but hapiness to my life. Hope you are living in peace as you always wanted. We your fans will make you inmortal. We love you Tim. Make heaven happy with your melodies. You will never be forgotten.

  • from Afra

    Avicii changed everyone's perspective of EDM. Every day I think about his death and it makes me sad. In 500 characters I would like to remember the man that made my 6th and 7th grade so memorable and will continue to do so. He's gone yes but his music isn't. Even while writing this I have tears in my eyes ready to flow. Goodbye sweet Tim and thank you for the legacy of memorable tunes and melodies you've left behind.

  • from Hans

    You’re music is just so amazingly limitless. Borderless. I hope – wherever you are – that you can see and feel all the smiles love and groove that you’ve spread around the world.

  • from Wilma

    Tim du gav oss glädje skönhet underbar musik som aldrig dör. Du lever vidare med allt du gav oss Så många låtar minnen skratt och tårar Nu sitter du på en strand och spelar gitarr. I lugn och ro . All kärlek och respekt till dig du kloka fina sköra starka man. Vila i frid.

  • from Sebastian

    Tim Avicii Dina låtar kommer förevigt att leva vidare. Jag har vuxit upp med din musik festat gråtit och framförallt skrattat. Hoppas du mår bättre nu än vad du gjorde här på slutet. Tack för att du har satt Sverige och Stockholm på kartan. Tack för alla fina minnen. Tack för alla fina texter låtar och melodier som för alltid kommer leva vidare.

  • from Chrissi

    Dear Tim Your music contains Gold. Every track has a special meaning and that's what the music world needs. I think of you every day and miss you very much. I love to sing to your songs and I really appreciate them. I hope that you found your peace. Rest easy my sweet angel.

  • from Noe

    A couple of days ago I’ve dreamed of you. I dreamed I hugged you for a very long time and cried. When I waked up it felt so real. I felt it was a nice goodbye. I’m going to Ibiza this summer just to be in Ushuaïa hoping maybe there would be a song of you. I’ve never liked Edm till I got to know your music . We don’t know you like your family but we loved you❤️ A piece of you will always be on us through your music

  • from Bahadir Antli

    When I listen to Avicii 7 years ago I was at the barber and heard him on the TV. Levels playing at the TV and I just stunned. I just listen levels 5 minutes ago at there and I searched Avicii everywhere in google. I saw his other singles like seek bromance and alcoholic. So until this time I followed Tim and his beautiful music. I listened Avicii everywhere every time. I bought his albums t-shirts hats… So he is with me with us. His music will live forever. Thank you Tim. We love you….

  • from

    En fin själ har fått sina vingar.

  • from Carlo

    Well I'm from México I remember hear Silhouettes in 2013 when I was 12 years old then searching for more Avicii songs I discovered Levels and I didn't know that the song was from Avicii since then Avicii became my idol as a DJ and as a producer I watched all his sets that were available in youtube I know all the ID's that were never released I saw all his livestreams in 2016 before ultra also I feel so honored because I remember going to the cinema alone and see his last show was magical

  • from Iris Johansson Sonkasalo


  • from Avii

    You were everything since I first heard your music it was like someone created music by the heart I feelt understood with your music I didn’t feel alone.Your lyrics are all for me they are full of important thing are full of feelings and that’s what matters music that tells you a story. I refuse to accept that you are gone because if I accept it it will be real and I will completely be broken. You’re still here you’re alive with your music.You are in my heart forever since first day.

  • from Morgan


  • from Patricia??

    ❤️See you soon my sweet Tim!

  • from Romy

    Rest in peace ❤️ thanks for making my childhood better and thankyou for being there for me with you song ‘Without You’ in times when nobody was there for me but you was ❤️ and i know you still are there for me ? Miss you everyday angel!

  • from Pratyush Paichha

    It's been 4 months without you but it feels like a decade. I wasn't that much into the EDM scene i would be lying if i didn't say that you were the one who made me mad about the whole genre. Every song of yours is something that i can relate to in every part of my life. Whenever i see you i see myself in you and you are my idol and will always be. Your passion for producing is what got into me and i started learning it. I just wish that you are in a better place right now. Rest in Peace Sir..

  • from Camila Bittencourt

    Hi I'm from Brazil. Tim and his songs had a big impact on my life. I met him in 2013 and since then I become a fan. I like to remember Tim doing what he liked best: Music. The world has lost a wonderful soul a kind and talented person. Tim I think of you every day. We love you and miss you. Let's celebrate forever your life and your legacy. You will never be forgotten. "There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone the light remains."

  • from PH

    Tim din musik spelas världen över. Folk dansar och njuter av din musik. Du gjorde ett starkt intryck hos många. Ditt namn och musik lever alltid vidare. Livet kan vara härligt men också stundvis väldigt tungt. Du gav oss din musik och vi tackar dig i all oändlighet! Vila i frid

  • from Chrissi

  • from

    I think I just died and went to heaven.

  • from Emelie

    Dear Tim Thank you for every song and moment you shared with us. You were more than a great artist you were a person with feelings and dreams. I hope you’ve found the peace you searched for.. we Will never forget you❤️❤️

  • from Meleyah

    I've never met you. We're both from Sweden and I didn't have seen you.. It feels horrible 'cause you were too good for the world and you just have to be around of that sorts of people. But I realized it too late. Now you're a beautiful angel for sure watching us struggling the life Without You. You're so loved – since you were born. You're so f*cking missed – since the moment we understood you're forever gone. Vila i frid Tim Bergling.

  • from Shihab Muhtasim

    I started listening to edm with you and martin garrix's music. I didn't know much about edm and other producers. I'd just listen to both of your songs all day long. Over time i went deep into edm and started producing as well. Edm became my life my goal my happiness my dream. I was planning to get money to go to your live shows then this happened and i couldn't believe you're actually gone untill all djs started consoling you.The dream of watching you play live was gone far away in a blink.

  • from Reef Bock

    Tim oh Tim what a loss you was a genius true and humble guy everything that you shared with us i got so exited! i miss this hype so so much! hope i will be able to hear some of your new magical music. my fav track from you is "For A Better Day" thank you for that. hope you rest easy now Legend . RIP Avicii (Tim Bergling) 1989.09.08-∞

  • from Timothy

    When I was Younger i was going through a lot with school and family. During sleepless nights i used to listen to Tims Music and it help me get through the hard times and it helped empower me to be strong. Rest Easy my Idol

  • from Lucía❤

    I met you I was in a mall and inside one of those stores there was a TV and it was playing "levels" and when the song was finished put on the screen "Avicii".The 14.08.16 I stayed outside of ushuaïa listening to your ending was one of the happiest moments of my life I had a big smile on my face. In 2016 was the worst year of my life and you with your music little by little helped me out of depression you will always be in my heart?.

  • from Stefan E.

    Tack för musiken! Vila i frid.

  • from Josef H

    RIP. Levels is my favorite song an will probably always be.


    Gracias Tim por tu música!! Siempre fuiste y serás una inspiración y un gran referente para mí. Gracias por alegrarme tantas veces con tu música y con tu ejemplo por tu actitud y personalidad!! Siempre te llevaré en el corazón!! Allá donde estés descansa en Paz!! Gracias Tim!! Con Amor Rodri.

  • from –

    Remember the early days of Levels good times.

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