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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from 宁

    AVICII. On the day I left I will listen to your music always forever. When you died I couldn’t believe it was true. I dare not look directly at myself and dare not listen to your music because that would make I shed tears. I don't know how much I love you so much that I want to end myself. I hope that you are staying in a beautiful village now. There is only you and music in that place. I only hope that you will be happy and live your own life. Like life not like a machine.I love you

  • from Indrajit

    Levels still beat in our warm hearts …

  • from Stewart @sxa555

  • from Igor Pierine

    A vida passa como um sopro de uma brisa da manhã mais o perfume das mais belas flores trazidas com ela jamais sai da nossa memória. Assim é você TIM/AVICII sempre está em nossas memórias e em nossos coração.

  • from Alejandra

    You was an special talent. Your lyrics and your music always will be in my soul. I don' want understand why you decided not stay here. It's so sad. But you always will be in our hearts. In my heart and in my 6 years old daughter. Always remember. See you there. I' m sure?

  • from de Maycol

    Tuve la FE de que algún día pueda verlo tocar en vivo ahora sera imposible ; empece a escuchar música electrónica con sus producciones Fue mi Ídolo Siempre será recordado por mucha gente que lo estimaba al igual que yo. #AVICII.

  • from Gautam Ajith

    The second I heard Avicii is no more i just rush into my room and just burst into tears and that experience is unforgettable. Avicii will still remain in our hearts and his music will never be forgotten and is gonna remain and chant in everyone's mind. R.I.P Tim bergling (Avicii)

  • from

    A „Levels” „Sunhsine” és a „Last Dance” számaid mindig is az egyetemi éveimre fognak emlékeztetni. Mindig jó érzés hallgatni a zenéd kellemes emlékek. Túl korán hagytad itt ezt a világot! Песни «Levels» «Sunshine» и «Last Dance» будут всегда меня напоминать об универститеских временах. Всегда приятно слушать твою музыку приятные воспоминания всплывают. Ты слишком рано ушёл из этого мира!

  • from stefano

    Forever Avicii

  • from Viraj

    It was then when I was in 8th standardavicii launched his album "TRUE" and the sound of"wake me up" when reached my ears My life took a sharp curve and I was so moved by his beats that I started making my own…His "Hey brother" and all time fav"Levels" are those "memories" which can't be removed from my brain…It has been 4months 10 days since you left us and each day seems so heavy that Whenever I think of you I can't get over the fact you are not between us…RIP Legend you will be missed .

  • from Irvin Sierra

    I wouldn't come this far If I hadn't listened to wake me up. I can't imagine how miserable could've been my life If I hadn't seen you. You're the reason why I became a music producer. You're the light that guides me in the darkness.

  • from Zolt

    This is a letter for Avicii: Hi Tim I just wanted to say that we all miss you and just wanted to thank you for the incredible music you made since you started you made a lot of people happy and you were and for ever will be a true inspiration. Hope to see you in heaven. Much love Zolt

  • from Sai

    Avicii's music kept me going through the most difficult times. It gave me energy to smile and push forward when I was empty. When nobody believed in me besides myself. When I was alone his music was by my side. Now and in the future no matter where I go or how I feel he will always be my favourite artist and by my side like a true friend. Thank you.

  • from Diego

    Ahora estoy escuchando JESUS SUNSET ?? Simplemente te extraño hermano! Espero verte en el cielo! ECUADOR

  • from Annika

    I will love you forever Tim.. your music will stay in our hearts❤

  • from Ludmila

    Gracias avicii por tantos momentos que me diste tu musica fue inspiracion tu me demostraste que los sueños no son algo imposible que debes vivir cada minuto cada segundo como si no hubiese un mañana jamas te olvidaremos dejaste un agujero en nuestros corazones aunque no estes aca te recordaremos como aquel que nos alegraba las tardes y las noches tu te fuiate pero dejaste una huella en la historia de la musica siempre recordare tu frase con amor "vive una vida que puedas recordar" 🙂

  • from Fish

    I only started listening to avicii after he passed away. It has impacted me seriously. I love music but I didn’t listen to electronic music until that point. There are some people in the world who are truly gifted. Holy shit – you are one of them. Thank you. You have made life better.

  • from Jakob

    Levels alwakes make me happy

  • from Masahiro

    僕はあなたが亡くなってからあなたのことを知りました。僕は高校生になったばかりで、不安な事がたくさんあったけれどあなたの音楽が不安をなくしてくれました! ありがとうAvicii!! I have known about you since you died. I just became a high school student and there were lots of uneasy things but your music made me happy! Thanks Avicii! !

  • from Medellín Colombia

    Tu música siempre será un legado. "Live a life you will remember" ◢◤

  • from ChinaMa

    Body can be gone you will in my heart forever.

  • from Brandon

    Legends never die

  • from Adi

    I loved this man with all of my heart. He was the one I used to listen to when I was upset and I just can't believe it. I have no words to explain what I have been through when I found out about it. I just love him so so much until it hurts.???

  • from eva

    4 month after I still can't believe you are dead… It's so sad. You will alwallys be such a big inspiration for me and a big role model. Your music changed my life. Nobody it's gonna make me connect with your music like you did. I miss you and think about you everyday Tim. Love you from Spain.

  • from Sachin

    Avicii you are one of my greatest musicians in the world ever. Music is like energy to our soul and I felt that in your music. You and your songs will be in our heart forever…"One day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember."

  • from Nothing

    Rest in peace

  • from takki

    世界一のDJ 本当に多くの物を貰った 感謝しかない 今までお疲れ様でした ありがとう

  • from Sudhir Tripathi

    You were the best dj in the world. You created masterpieces after masterpieces. Whenever I needed rest or calm your music did it. Thank you for your music

  • from Roo

    every time i hear "levels" i think of the time i missed going to his show in Sri Lanka because i was working late.. every time i hear "wake me up" i think of the smile of the boy whom i fell in love with and later broke my heart 🙂 .. so many memories so many feelings attached to Avicii. rest easy.

  • from A Jian

    在我失望的时候总会想起你的歌曲,AVICII 谢谢!

  • from David Benavides (EZNOOR!)

    Avicii un DJ el cual su música siempre será única un gran artista con gran talento me inspiró a ser DJ… Sus canciones conmovían al igual que su actitud su único estilo cautivaba a muchos era tan simple como darle Olay a una canción tuya y todos estábamos cantando… ¡Qué descanses Avicii siempre te recordaremos y siempre vivirás en la música! ¡SONRÍE que desde aquí te vemos LEVANTA la mano como en tus conciertos que desde aquí este vemos! ◢◤ R.I.P AVICII

  • from Pedro

    Couldn't avoid living by what he wrote . The nights was one of the songs that changed my way of thinking

  • from Luca Frick

    My favorite song from You is Hey brother. My version: Hey Avicii don't go! You're too young. I miss You Avicii Tim.

  • from Cristina

    You found you're peace now angel. I hope you're in a better place singing with the angels. For me u never will be dead. I've got u in my soul your music remind me every day how much love u put in them. Be sure wherever u are u allways be in my soul in my heart. If is someone who can judge for what u done that is God and u're with him now. I look at you at the stars and i know u're save now. With love just for you my dear Tim. ❤ From Romania. ?

  • from Matteo Coradazzo

    Abbiamo perso il più grande artista della storia moderna. Grazie di essere esistito di averci regalato qualcosa che solo tu riuscivi a fare. Spero che tu sia riuscito a trovare la pace che cercavi. Purtroppo hai avuto nella vita delle persone che ti vedevano come una macchina da soldi e non come persona. Per me tu non eri un Dj ma bensì un artista perché oltre a creare musica elettronica legavi anche altri generi ed è una caratteristica che solo tu riuscivi a fare. La tua musica non morirà mai

  • from Todor Panev

    Tim was a great man great artist and great performer.. A musician that world will always remember. RIP bro .. Hope you are making music in heaven.

  • from LeidyyA

    Querido Tim te fuiste ya hace algunos meses pero aun no me acostumbro a estar sin ti vivirás eternamente en mi y espero y tengamos la esperanza de volver a verte yo se que así sera. Con mucho amor para ti.

  • from Wingz

    When I had troubles.. I listen to his songs.. which helps me to overcome it.

  • from Vale

    I miss you Avicii! When i'm sad i listening his music and his songs make me happy! I love you and miss u! R.I.P From: Uruguay

  • from YAQIN

    我现在要接着说!其实我要去留学了,跟你瑞典近哦,我一定会去看你的,等着我啊,高中天天念叨的斯德哥尔摩终于可以相见,用上我的蹩脚瑞典语,可是你却离我很远。因为你跟taylor像姐弟的新闻,回想起来原来我早就见过你。现在不敢听你的歌看你的照片,怕勾起我几年前那些夜晚你陪伴我的记忆,是你让我每天都没有心态崩掉,虽然考的还是那么差,但是我很快就可以去你的长大的地方了,不知道那个城市还有没有你的印记,等我啊。说了这么多,中文你也要看懂啊,你会看懂的吧,看不懂也要看懂啊,你在那边也要好好的啊,我也要好好的,知道没,我会记得你说过的。Good night ❤️❤️❤️

  • from Stefan

    Avicii was my favorite song maker. <3

  • from Melissa

    You'll always be missed ❤️ RIP Tim ??

  • from kuniavicii0214

    without you…?

  • from

    あなたが紡いだメロディは,どの曲も本当に美しい あなたの音楽は,これからもたくさんの人々を勇気づけて 寄り添ってくれるでしょう,音の中にあなたの存在を感じます あなたの魂とご家族の心に平穏が訪れます様に 素晴らしい音楽をありがとう Avicii Tim

  • from TrIpe

    You have been souch a hugh inspiration to me. Your melodies was the key to your success but also to the peoples hearts. You are my Idol and I will learn from your music because I Love music also that much as you did. Always looking up to you as an artist but also as a Person Your music Will Never die RIP

  • from YAQIN

    认识你,大概是我生命中早已设置的事,15年的夏天,因为想了解了解曾经最爱的 taylor的新男朋友Calvin,第一次听见dj这种职业,好奇宝宝立马上网搜索,偶然看见了dj mag排名,不知怎么这么多人就记住了你,可是比你长的好看的大有人在啊。搜索你的歌,这大概是我第一次接触edm吧,嗯,都好听,反正让处在无限压力下高三的我仿佛都到了救命稻草,原来音乐真的这么有魔力,从此我就进入了电音圈,也认识了许多有才华的制作人dj们,但最爱的还是你啊。最痛苦的一年,晚上回到家做完作业复习到12点,再迟也要偷偷听歌到两点才舍得睡,那段时间简直魔怔了,开始为你开了个ins号几乎每天更新,用你可爱的照片配上我喜欢的歌词,几年也积累了不少粉丝,幸运被你回复过。大学不知是天天忙着其他的琐事还是没有高中那种让人窒息的压力,听歌的次数就没有以前那么频繁了,在这个花花世界,吸引我的东西越来越多,你也不经常更新insr啥的,退休之后你更专注于tim的生活,慢慢发现我好像没有以前那么喜欢你了,每天的ins更新就像一个任务一样,我也厌倦了,今年3月我决定停更,没想到就这样了,后悔没有陪你走到最后,对不起,我还没说完!

  • from 一頼

    When I got some problem I always listen to his songs. His music always gives me a power.

  • from Kate

    Avicii you've added a unique taste to my life inspired me. I loved you so much and hoped one day to see you standing infront of me . You've helped me in highs and lows I am so grateful for that and You'll always be in my heart .❤

  • from Smitha

    Tim(Avicii)…The Nights is one the best songs ever….it inspires me to move on and live a life that I will remember…thanks man…Rest In Peace..

  • from The_truth_speaker

    Throgh his MUSIK everyone felt HAPPINESS… I will never forget AVICII… because LEGENDS WILL NEVER DIE…

  • from Diyana

    "The Nights" was my first song that i heard from Avicii and i fell in love with that song and always repeat and heard anytime. Day by day i was realize that i learn something from that song it's called love with heart not just for our father or family or maybe girlfriend/boyfriend but for whoever taught us for the real meaning of Love and Life. Avicii "Inspirer & Motivator with Song" – Legend Never Die –

  • from Christopher

    Simply the best musician to ever walk the earth you are missed every day and always in our hearts. ❤️

  • from Amaya

    He was the reason I fell in love with EDM. When I listened to his music it actually me feel happy and as if everything was alright. I didn't know him personally and somehow I felt connected to him like he was my brother or a close friend. The day I heard he had passed I really felt like someone in my family has died. I admired him so much and seeing him succeed and being so giving made me want to become a DJ. I hope his parents and his siblings have found peace. Avicii was amazing.

  • from Nick

    Tim is the reason why I fell in love with dance music 10 years ago and is still the reason I love it as much as I do today. A true musical genius and inspiration. Best of the best. ◢ ◤

  • from Александра Роза

    Дорогой Тим Я очень буду скучать по тебе потому что не увижу твоё лицо улыбку и такую энергию которая проникает сквозь экран. Но мне было бы спокойно если бы я знала что ты жив. И я так хочу думать. И я верю то что я чувствую. Ты настоящий талант! Ты стал легендой и ярким примером для нас. Кто то воодушевился на творчество а кому то ты стал солнышком) греющим сердце . Спасибо тебе дорогой друг. Мы любим тебя.

  • from Rory

    Even though I never met him he has always been an inspiration to me. His music was stunning and I will always have him in my heart. <3

  • from 吕枫

    avicii信仰◢ ◤ 愿你在天堂没有疾病和劳累

  • from sara

    RIP avicii. thanks for giving me some escape from life. <3 you. I hope you are resting in a peaceful happy place. We will miss you. <3<3<3

  • from Antonino S. (Italy)

    Capisci di aver di fronte (anche virtulamente) una grande persona solo quando questa provoca degli effetti estremamente positivi nella tua vita o nella vita di tanti altri individui. Quando una semplice melodia modellata alla perfezione riesce ad accomunare persone idee creare emozioni. Tim uno su un milione. An artist an ispiration a lover a friend a true believer! I leave you reader with my favourite Avicii's expression: "So live a life you will remember"

  • from Selina

    I started listening to him with my sister. To his song ‚Leves“. Today this is our song and yeah today most of his songs are my memories of the past of a good and pleasured past. Thanks for this.

  • from Dorian

    Avicii was great! He will stay forever in our hearts !

  • from Esme

    everytime i listened to his songs and i was in a bad mood they would always cheer me up he will be missed a lot ?❤️

  • from Gitte

    Vielen Dank für die phantastische Musik geniale Videos einzigartige Produktion und tollen Menschen.

  • from I_prvz

    Dear Avicii thanks for introducing EDM to my life. You're the reason why I listen to music now… The song "Wake me Up" did woke me up. You inspired me in many ways… I love you and I miss you Tim. #riptim

  • from Susana

  • from From Laura.

    Avicii fuiste un gran ejemplo para mí y nunca te vamos a olvidar. Tu música llegó a todo el mundo y nos enamoró. Siempre estarás en nuestros corazones. Gracias por crear tantas canciones inolvidables para cada uno de nosotros con tantos recuerdos y historias detrás. Te queremos Tim. Live a Life you Will remember❤️.

  • from ♡

    "Wake me up" has always motivated me no matter what. Still can't believe that he is gone.

  • from Anna

    Dear Tim with this comment I want to let you know what your music meant to me.I've always been a brave and cheeky girl and thought nothing could ever stop me. But as I am playing handball I am often confronted with stressful situations which always put me under pressure. I am so nervous before every single game that made me sometimes even throwing up. But with your music something powerful was given to me. Something that made me strong something that always helped me keep going. R.I.P. Tim

  • from Hadi Ajami

    Dear avicii I just wanted to let you know that your music inspired me to not let go of my life and live it till my last breath as enjoying it to the fullest and to not let go of my dreams and goals in life. You will always be remembered in my life as i live. Thank you for the wide colorful ideas you gave us to teach our kids about.

  • from A

    Lake Festival 2015. Avicii brought us all together for some unforgettable memories. Every single piece of Avicii’s art brings me back to these very special few days of my life. Thank you.

  • from Sara

    Avicii is not "dead". Avicii is dancing with your friends under the night sky at a festival. Avicii is putting on a song and getting such a euphoric high you can't explain it. Avicii is having no one and being alone but still being happy because you have your car and you have your Spotify with Avicii Tiesto Otto knows +more blasting on repeat. Avicii is basically self medicating with songs. Avicii=beauty. Avicii and others live on.

  • from ぶんた

    俺が洋楽やEDMを聞くようになったのはあなたのおかげです。あなたのような人を知ることができとても感謝しています。 rest in peace.

  • from machiii

    2014年のtomorrow landで見たあなたの姿、あなたの音楽による会場の熱気、今も鮮明に覚えています。人生最高の思い出をありがとう。

  • from Bernadett

    His music was little happyness everytime.

  • from Wei Hou .Wong

    Being the most influential musician music producer and DJ in 21st century. Tim you are definitely the one and only one who could change my perception towards music and life. I believe 50 years from now people would still appreciate your music and what you had done for everything. Thank you for everything. Rest in peace Tim.

  • from G 1989 child

    Dear Avicii I did not know you well enough as a dj but when I heard of April 20th and i saw your documentary. I felt an enormous amount of compassion and grief for such a young man who had achieved so much suffering so enormously how people treated you I do not even know you but it feels like we're all letting you down. I think in a world like this there is often not enough room for such highly sensitive and sweet souls like yourself. I am sorry I feel sorry I hope you are in peace

  • from Vladmak

    Если спросить меня кто в этой жизни повлиял на меня сильнее всего – я произнесу твое имя. 2013 год осень. Трек "Wake Me Up" изменил мою жизнь раз и навсегда определив мой будущий путь. Сегодня я не представляю себе жизни без электронной музыки. Я мечтаю что однажды смогу почтить твою память добившись серьезного успеха на электронной сцене. Ты и вправду был человеком который изменил мир своей музыкой и осчастливил миллионы людей. Мне тебя не хватает Тим. Rest in Peace in a Sky Full Of Stars

  • from 細川 武人


  • from G 1989 child

    Dear Avicii I did not know you well enough as a dj but when I heard of April 20th and i saw your documentary. I felt an enormous amount of compassion and grief for such a young man who had achieved so much suffering so enormously how people treated you I do not even know you but it feels like we're all letting you down. I think in a world like this there is often not enough room for such highly sensitive and sweet souls like yourself. I am sorry I feel sorry I hope you are in peace

  • from Ale Brightside

    You make me feel the pleasure to be alone in the night in most importants moments of my life. Your music always be in our hearts. We love you.

  • from Michael

    You have been the motivation for me to start producing electronic music. – RIP

  • from Blasco

    Tim one of the main reasons I started music… Me and thousands of other music lovers around the world. You are alive in our hearts forever. Thank you for your immortal legacy.

  • from

    One of the most talented producer ever. We will not forget you.

  • from Benjamin Potts

    Tim You were always my idol you were always the person i looked up to and admired the most you are the reason my love for music is what it is. Anytime i had a shitty day i always knew i could sit down and play that bob sinclar remix you did in 2009 or take another listen to levels for the millionth time or watch any of the amazing live performances you did throughout the years. The world of music won’t ever be the same without you and neither will i. Rest In Peace 1989-2018

  • from Steve007

    Well I know Avicii when I heard Girl gone wild and I think it's the best song that Avicii made and I hope his soul will be rest peacefully in the sky and yeah thanks Avicii for your songs in EDM. :')

  • from Jorge Cabrera

    A veces quieres tanto a una persona que esperas no perderla nunca pero a veces hay alguien que la quiere más y la necesita más que uno. Tim Avicii nosotros te queríamos pero Dios te quería más y ahora estás con él. No soy religioso y puede que tampoco sea muy creyente pero en ocasiones como esta me gustaría pensar que no has dejado de existir que tu esencia sigue viva en algún otro lugar y que mejor lugar que el cielo… Ayuda a los que moran allí como hiciste con nosotros. Buen viaje!

  • from Mathias

    Tim thanks for everything. for everyone on this world to inspire with your music. Unfortunately you are not any more but you should be proud of what you had achieved. the world will not forget you. Greetings from belgium

  • from Jellica

    Make the sky dance ?♥️✨

  • from Dimana (Bulgaria)

  • from Isaac Caletrio

    Avicii thanks for getting me into electronic music. Levels was the first song of yours I heard. You made so many amazing tracks that just made people happy and joyful the same as your concerts I'm sure. Rest in Peace.

  • from Daniel

    Las mejores personas son aquellas que se van sin una razón. Espero que tu música (preferiblemente The Nights) siga sonando en el cielo donde espero que todos los que te escuchamos volvamos para reencontrarnos contigo. Gran Dj mejor persona Avicii =)

  • from aaasahi


  • from Desi

    I hope Tim knew he was truly loved and appreciated even though he probably didn't know us. I hope he's finally at peace. You're always going to be a huge inspiration

  • from Dustin Segura

    Tus canciones para mi siempre serán las mejores canciones jamás escuchadas. Siempre soñé poder ir a un concierto tuyo no lo logre pero lograré verte en el otro lado y podré escuchar canciones que tal vez estés creando. La mejor cancion de Tim para mi es "the nights" no sólo por la letra sino por su ritmo que me hace sentir en un tiempo diferente y me inspira a aventurar. "…live a life you will remember…" and you did. We all the people of the world will miss you!! . Love you avicii !! .

  • from Andrey

    Thank you for teaching me how to love electronic music.

  • from Kaćouni

    Best DJ and person.

  • from Zakarias Achahbar

    Tim you have taught me that music is what unites people what unites the family what unites friends one afternoon you will always be in our hearts but above all mine Thank you for teaching me that not everything can be expressed in words and the music plays a very important role in our lives thank you Tim.

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