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The Avicii Memory Board

1989.09.08 – 2018.04.20

Remembering Tim Bergling

Tim created music that brought people together with timeless memories from all over the world.

This space was created for you to share your memories and let the world know what Avicii meant to you.

His music and your memories are forever.



  • from Kolesen Julia

    Благодаря Avicii я прикоснулась к прекрасному 4ever in our hearts

  • from Katarina

    Jag /vi i vår familj saknar dig ditt oslagbara leende som lyste upp varenda intervju med dig..Din musik kommer alltid vara kvar..Ditt skratt kan lyssna på det hur många ggr som helst som vi kommer sakna det..Din charm var oslagbar och ditt hjärta kändes så varmt och äkta Tack finaste Tim

  • from Nemeth Emese

    Im heartbreaked 🙁 Because of Avicii i felt love to EDM 🙁 I cant believe that he died 🙁 i listen to his songs everyday :'( Rest in Peace Dear Tim thx for your immortal music. With your music you bring together the peoples <3 Greetings from Hungary <3

  • from Kat

    Lieber Tim du warst eine wundervolle wohlwollende und reine Seele. Ich habe dich leider nicht kennengelernt aber deine gütige Aura hat geleuchtet.Ich werde deine Worte im Herzen tragen und dich nicht vergessenin liebevoller Erinnerung.

  • from Anne

    Finaste ödmjukaste Tim. Tack för allt du gjort. Saknar dig massor❤️

  • from Britt

    Dear Tim What a great way to honour your memory – with this message board! It saddens me you are not in this world any more but I truly believe you have reached the destination you were looking for – Heaven! Your music has touched me in so many your indepth music understanding passion integrity your entire beautiful one of a kind soul – you Tim have touched so many of us. The gift you had is simply rare 1 in a million no doubt about that! Thank you for you and your music! LALYWR XOXO

  • from Jojjo

  • from Kilian Martineau

    Merci pour tout ce que tu nous as apporté. Tu m'a donné l'envie et le courage de me lancer dans la musique. Nous ne t'oublierons jamais. Rest in Peace Legend…

  • from Maximilian Somniferum

    Avicii I f**king luv u bro. Shine the light with life And bring hopes that guide people That’s what heros always do.

  • from Ananth Kamath

    Would always love Avicii! The person who introduced me to Dance Music! There is a sense of Emptiness now whenever i listen to music. Avicii was a true legend. I went to the first concert of my life which was played by Avicii & Otto Knows! Feels like this would be a memory for Life! The world would be sooooo empty without his melodies & the panache to create tracks which i could never get bored of no matter what mood i am in! I am glad i was born in the same era as you TIM! Will miss you!

  • from Evelyn Song From China

    Dear TimI heard Wake Me Up for the first time was three years ago.I was really amazed by its combination of country music and electroinc music.I really love it at that time.I also heard your other songs during these years but something heartbreaking happened on April 20th.I still can't accept the it now. Althought you passed away but I believe your songs will always be with me in my life. It's always hard to say goodbye but it's all right I will keep waiting for you until we meet again.❤️

  • from Marie

    ? Your beautyful Soul was too Good for this World ?

  • from Josefine

    May you rest in peace<3 but your name will live on forever in every melody you made and every word in your songs <3

  • from PV

    In a sky full of stars we’ll always think of you. Thank you Tim. ❤️

  • from Mona

    Dear Tim´s family… I can not in words describe how sorry I am… I have been listening to Avicii since his release "wake me up" and when he said he should quit 2016 I was so chocking… but when I saw "true stories" it was absolutely clear… Such a beautiful young man (with a big heart) with so many possibilities in life that we ordinary people never get a chance of… I am so proud to be swedish! The word that echo in my head all the time "WHY". Rest in peace legend! The best of them!

  • from Lela


  • from meow

    I have ‘addicted to you’ When I knew ‘the nights’ you leave Please don’t ‘wake me up’ I’m afraid when I wake me up I found the world ‘without you’ I have been ‘waiting for love’ I don’t know how to live when we are ‘lonely together’ Miss you Tim Please Rest In Peace.

  • from Cheer Cen

    我们会在这宇宙中相会,即便身处地球的两端 你对音乐的热忱、严谨,在作品里表达的淋漓尽致 你是很多人的启蒙、信仰,精神支柱。 你的每一首歌陪伴了我度过每个孤独,黑暗、看不到方向的日子 你就是我创作的所有理由 曾经因为你而开始创作音乐,如今只能带着缅怀你的心情创作 谢谢你, 辛苦你了,真的辛苦你了 下辈子,做一个无忧无虑的Tim Bergling

  • from Kein Fan

    Nur jemand den Deine Geschichte wahnsinnig berührt hat….ich hoffe das Du nun Deinen Frieden gefunden hast und lächelnd auf all Deine Lieben runterschaust

  • from John Nguyen

    Tim made amazing music that really transformed the world. I've become a massive fan over the years and it's really disappointing that we will no longer hear his creations. I hope he has found peace where ever he is

  • from Aviciierforever

    All my life i've been depressed sad and lonely. The only thing that was giving me hope was Avicii's music. It always brought me back up and ready for another day. It also pushed me to start learning the piano something i would have never thought of. No matter how much i write nothing can express how much Avicii has helped me through out the years. And i will still be listening to his music till the day i die.

  • from samantha m.

    2013 was a great year to me and all the people i love because of his music. he is always in my heart as one of my biggest musical inspirations. he was so talented and kind. he will be remembered. long live tim bergling. ◢◤

  • from Nina

    There are so many memories to Avicii’s all songs. But when Levels came out it was like boom! Everyone went crazy on the dancefloor. And since then I have loved everything he has produced written and brought to life. Tim Thank you for the music and all the joy you brought us. You are now the brightest star in a sky full of stars. Vila i frid Tim och tack för all underbar musik ❤️

  • from Matthew

    Thank you for the happiness your music has brought me – RIP Avicii.

  • from Kevin

    dear Tim why? why did you have to leave us? I will never let go of the pain that I feel every day. you were and are important to me in my life. you are more than just a musician for me. you were inspiration an idol for me. and now you are no longer with us. But I know that you look at me from above and are with me when I need you. I love you❤️ and i miss you so so bad ?your Kevin from Germany

  • from Iza

    Den dagen jag går för att ej vända åter Jag vill att ni minns mig precis som jag var Det blir bara värre mina kära om ni gråter för inget kan ändra det öde vi har Den dagen ni står här och kanske mig saknar Jag vill att ni lever och livslusten har Mina älskade kära jag vill att ni vaknar och lever de dagarden tid ni har kvar. All kärlek till dig Tim din familj och dina vänner.

  • from Francesco

    Un artista direi unico nel suo talento e nella sua professionalità ascoltavo Avicii quando mi sentivo scarico di energia e stanco quando avevo bisogno di sentirmi bene e lui con le sue melodie e parole riusciva a cambiare la mia giornata.grazie di tutto Avicii.

  • from Etienne

  • from Eva

    Jag såg dokumentären stories och blev så imponerad över personen Tim. Stark och modig som vågade blotta sig och sätta stopp för maskineriet åtminstone för ett tag. Din musik kommer leva förevigt och jag hoppas personen bakom också gör det. Vila i frid Tim ❤️

  • from Karina


  • from Nadine from Germany

    I get in touch with Tims Music in 2010 with “My feelings for you” and “Seek Bromance”. I loved it soooo much. His music Style is so unique! We lost a beautiful Soul. Rest in Peace dear Tim Bergling ❤️? See you in Heaven ?❤️

  • from god

    god is above all

  • from Brian

    I remember the first time I heard an Avicii song going to school on the bus everyone was bopping to it and everyone was so happy. It was infectious. Ever since then I became encapsulated by his mesmerising melodies and soulful lyrics. I was obsessed! Following his new music releases impatiently waiting to hear them. Each day I listened to his songs new and old the more I listened the more I fell in love. I'll never forget the day he passed away? Thanks Tim I won't let you be forgotten ◢ ◤

  • from Lela


  • from iKun

    Message From China Fans: Dear Tim .Your music brings me hope and strength and accompany me through the difficulties in my life I will remember you all my life. Thank you for all the music. love u. miss u… R.I.P Avicii 你的音乐带给我希望和力量,陪伴我度过人生中的重重困难,谢谢你!

  • from Raluca

    Miss u so much…Music lost his king!

  • from Anna

    Kom tillbaka Tim ❤️

  • from Kevin

    Legend never dies.

  • from Yong ou

    Dear beautiful angel Tim: You are a special telnet and have pure soul person. You change the world with music!! You spread the thoughts of love to everyone. The world become wonderful and lovely. I changed too. I decide something because of you. That's a whole life thing I won't regret it instead I so glad I found it!!!And I get used to watching you. I miss you everyday. When I am afraid or lonely just thinking of you let me full of courage! You are the light of my life. I love you.

  • from Xavier

    Avicii was one of the first people to get me into EDM with Levels. Ever since I listened to that song I fell in love with the EDM genre and it all started because of an amazing melody bassline and upbeat drums. Now you’re one of the biggest inspirations in the music that I produce. Thank you so much for being a part of all of our lives!!! Even though you’ve been gone for four months your legacy and your music will live forever! Rest easy Tim.

  • from Lily ❤️

    Tim was such a humble and talented person. His music brought us all together. He said : „ one day you’ll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember‘‘ And he definitely did that. He will forever be missed and remembered. R.i.p ❤️?

  • from Anonymous

    When I was younger I thought he was my sibling. Me and my family always listened to his music and talked about him. ❤️❤️

  • from Emma

    He said one day you’ll leave this world behind so live a life you will rember that’s like my quote and he changed the way i think about life you need to live everyday to the fullest be happy and just enjoy life becouse one day you’ll leave this world behind and his songs where just so inspirational so thank you avicii for that for telling us how to live your songs will live on forever

  • from Malin from Sweden ??

    ??? Rest in peace ???

  • from Pi

    Aún no entiendo porq te fuiste me acuerdo cuando te retiraste de los shows y pensé “que bien alguien que se anima “ dejaste tus huellas de la manera más sensible en tu música que seguiremos escuchando por generaciones gracias por haber pasado por aquí! Te veremos del otro lado ❤️❤️ Descansa en paz

  • from Aleksis

    Tim was the first DJ/Artist that really got me into EDM. The way he mixed country aspect into his amazing songs only shows what a talent he had. I still remember when I was a really young teenager sitting at home and bumping to the hits he produced. When I think about it it's sad and heart-warming at the same time because those good old times are now behind me. I hope we can spread Tim's music and loving vibes. My condolences go out to Avicii's family and friends. #AviciiForever

  • from Marktwinkle

    "He said one day you'll leave this world behind so live a life you'll remember" That song accompanied me through many lows and dark nights I was so encouraged so inspired by this lyric to be more brave to live in a way I'd love to have. I'm on my way head-racing to my desirable life non-stop with this song all the way along. Thank you Avicii at least you've lived a life we all will remember. Love.

  • from val

    Won't let you fade into darkness ◢ ◤

  • from Petra Greven

    ❤️ Lyssna på texterna de säger allt. Så sanna.

  • from Ann-Christin

    ❤️Vila i frid Tim❤️

  • from Oskar

    Det är hela hans livsresa som var så imponerande och inspirerande. Fram tills det sorgliga slutet jag tror han stod inför något tufft nu i slutet där det hade kunnat ge honom stor belöning om han klarade att övervinna det men istället slutade det såhär jävla sorgligt. Känns som han var på god väg att hitta sig själv jämfört med hur han var 2009-2014 såg framemot att få följa hans resa länge. Kan relatera till att inte vara sig själv i liknande värld som han var i men att sedan bli sig själv.

  • from val

    Man I really don't know where to start. You were one of the first djs I've listened to one of the people that got me into edm. Growing up through my teenage years with your music is already one of the best memories in my life. You're in my thoughts everyday. Thanks for your gift to the world that is your music. Thanks for all the happiness and memories you brought to us. You will be missed and remembered forever. Gracias por todo? I love you and miss you. Rest easy Tim

  • from Maria

    Din död slog ner som en bomb jag har aldrig någonsin blivit så illa berörd över någons död för en person som jag inte känner. Jag är 31 år och din musik har alltid funnits där. Hur förklarar man som 31 åring att man sörjer en människa som man inte träffat? Personen bakom musiken fick inte tid för att andas och jag sörjer att du inte fann någon anledning till att fortsätta. Att aldrig få höra dina mästerverk igen..Jag kommer alltid vara en stolt svensk över ditt arv!!

  • from GeorgeBurkitt

    "Live a life you will remember"- 6 powerful words that changed my life. Thank you for the memories Avicii- The best nights of my life out in Ibiza.

  • from Patricia

    Dear Tim I really hope you finally found your peace and happiness. Its still a shock and hard to cope with the fact that you are now longer among us. There is no comparison to you and your music you brought EDM at a hole new level and in a brand new light. You brought through youre music life and strong emotions in our hearts and minds and for that we are forever grateful. You are irreplaceable. We love you and miss you deeply ??

  • from Y

    あなたの音楽に元気をもらっていました。それはこれからも変わりません。私に音楽の楽しさを教えてくれてありがとうございます。I love you. RIP Avicii

  • from Gyro Mixes

    I love Avicii. In factHis tracks were the Greatest among all artists. I have a Poem For Him My dear friend I'm going to miss you. just pray because I'll always listen. and one day when it's your time I'll be there for you… Just like the way I used to. …I love you…

  • from Fareed Batcha

    I don't have words for his loss. I cried the day when I heard the news. I will always remember that day what I was doing and how I felt. What you did for me is again something I can put in words. Rest easy legend. Rest easy.

  • from Paola

    I love you. That’s all. I wish I could have known you before and notice how good your music is. You helped a lot of people we all love you. I just want to say thank you. You will be remembered Tim.

  • from Jessica from Germany

    In 2012 I started my studies when I was looking for music to study in peace I came across a song called "Hello Miami" I was instantly in love and that was the beginning of my love for Avicii music. At Tim I love his character his incredible generosity his pure heart it's so great to see what people say about him that was close to him. I think about him every minute and his music brings it to my ear and into my heart – forever ❤️

  • from Daniel

    Avicii ???para siempre fuiste y seguirás siendo el mejor dj del mundo lamento mucho todo esto yo se que esto que ocurrió no es el fin si no mas bien el comienzo de un nuevo camino tu musica es genial no hay ningún dj que se compare contigo quedste tatuado en mi mente yo conocí la mu sica electrónica escuchndote y la verdad ningúno m pareció tan bueno como tu "remember of avicii" ??????????escribo este mensaje con mucho respeto adiós avicii

  • from Victoria (Bulgaria)

    Dear Tim. I loved (love) you with all of my heart. You was (you are) my inspiration and my love. Your music makes me fly. I can't live without thinking about you. Every day I'm crying I feel like I killed you. And the worst thing is that I can't get you back… I can't get you back but i hope you are feeling better. I know your story and i know what you've been through.. My story was short but…. With love Vicky ❤️

  • from Kaur

    Take me from the city Let's go for a drive Take me Take me anywhere Just make me feel alive Make me feel this fire Higher than the sun Things could be so easy But we're always on the run I will keep you in my heart forever ◢ ◤ Thank you for your music Avicii You will always be remembered??

  • from Ángel (Daaz)

    Solo tengo que decir que sin tu música no hubiera salido adelante me inspírate con tus melodías con tu gran trabajo. Y qué fuiste y serás una gran inspiración para mi y para todo lo que haga siempre te llevaré en mi y en la música. Siempre vivira tu música en nosotros. Unbreakable


    F0REVER THE BEST DJ AND PRODUCER OF THE W0RLD !! -the most honest sensitive and affectionate celebrity in public I knew. ❤️

  • from aviciicomeback

    Tim when does my pain pass you are my greatest idol and I'm not happy anymore I miss you very much your songs are just the best you're just so young why you? I wish someone could understand you but no one listened to you what you really wanted Being healthy I know what your life was like and I can not write that. We love you Wake me up when it's all over

  • from hanbyul from korea

    I still can't believe you're gone.. When i have hard or happy time Your music always with me. 6 year ago when i see your stereosonic 2012 liveset in youtube i got a shock and i decide to be like you. So i start to make music and i still dedicate to make good music because of you. You give me hope and meaning of life. You always in my heart. LOVE YOU. Rest In Peace Tim bergling AVICII

  • from Robbert

    When i suffered from depression and anxiety. Your music always cheared me up. I still got anxiety. Still everyday i listen to your music and happy melodies. It always chears me up. Its so sad that you're not here anymore.. the news hit me hard on my birthday. My birthday will never be the same anymore. I hope you found peace and happiness now thats what you deserve. Thank you Tim. Thank you for your beautiful music. RIP. ❤

  • from Tobias

    "One day you’ll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember…” thank you Tim for being the soundtrack to my childhood ill forever miss you. thank you for getting me thru the hard days. thank you for inspiring me to do something with my life im now learning how to DJ because of you im forever grateful thank you. thank you for being you for being avicii. RIP Tim Bergling 1989-2018

  • from Сергей

    Дорогой Тим! Твоя музыка это шедевр. Когда я был маленьким я играл в игры переслушивая твою Ультру в 2012 мечтая стать таким как ты. Ты вдохновил много людей в том числе и меня. Покойся с миром друг. Я никогда тебя не забуду.

  • from Qi Liu

    I still remember the first time listening to Avicii's music when I was just a college student wake me up which brings me a lot of strength to follow my dreams and make me feel less confused about my life. Avicii's music gave us strength and hope. We won't forget. 我依然清楚的记得当我还是个大学生时,第一次听到Avicii的音乐,wake me up 这首歌,给我带了了力量,让我不再对人生迷茫。他的音乐曾经给予我力量和希望,我们永远都不会忘记。

  • from Tkg


  • from FLOPCCC

    Tim/Avicii/鸽子,谢谢你给我们带来的美妙音乐,这些将是我一生中都无法忘怀的记忆,去看一场你的Live是我有生之年想实现的一个愿望,但是无法实现了。还记得那天晚上凌晨,我听着你的音乐进入了梦乡,但是第二天起床却听到了一个噩耗,实在无法接受,听着Heaven我哭了。虽然已经过去了好几个月,但是每次看一些关于你的介绍视频还有你的纪录片电影还有许多DJ缅怀你的视频,都会留下泪水。你就像我生命中的一个朋友,我始终无法忘记,即使我们未曾见面。 Hey Brother “You said one day you'll leave this world behind So live a life you will remember” MY FAITH I WILL REMEMBER YOU SAID. I've Gotta Learn How To Love Without You. AVICII FOREVER ◢◤

  • from Hard mike

    Thanks for the memories ?

  • from Diana

    I have no words to thank you for everything you did for me Thanks to you I'm still here Thanks to your beautiful songs. Thank you for making those songs lift me up and believe in me. I was only 13 years old and I was in love with everything you did.I was only 13 years old and my reasons for living were not many but your songs really helped me. Thanks for everything Tim. You'll always be in my heart. I love you dear boy

  • from Bikash

    2014 I read about avicii on a newspaper… About his song wake me up.. I grabbed my phone download the song instantly.. I can't tell how amazing it was.. It still my favourite song. After listening to more of your songs I fell in love with EDM. You were the reason why I started loving EDM.still remember the time when I posted my favourite dj.. I used to upload your photos everywhere. And the day I posted RIP AVICII. You're were my favourite and you always will be. Always loved never forgotten ❤️

  • from Keenan Elliott

    Tim my first EDM show was when you came to Block Party in London Canada. This show proved to be the catalyst for my musical journey. You inspired me to dream beyond the ordinary and to make music that brought people together. I listen to your songs and stories every day as a reminder to never stop dreaming. Thank you for all the memories your music has given to me and countless others. You are my hero ❤️

  • from Kim Luna

    I don‘t really know where to start… i miss you so much Tim! Your Music saved my little heart 5 years ago. You still make me incredibly happy and I hope you‘re in a better place now you deserve to be happy. Keep on shining! And don‘t worry about your Loss if it was that what made you feel better it is totally okay! We will never forget you! Never! We will cherish your music all over the World. Thank you Tim for your Existence you left a mark on everybodys Heart! Don‘t worry Angel!

  • from RyuichiK


  • from Cleo

    Whenever tired on the road or doing exercise… your music was always there to make me feel good! It gave me energy and made me happy. Unfortunately I have never been able to see you perform live dear Tim. Am still deeply saddened about the sudden end. Hope you rest in peace dear Tim. You deserve it. ❤️❤️❤️

  • from TOMOYA

    You are the one I love the most in the world. He changed my life he supported my life. He is my everything. I wanted to live with him more. However it has become unreliable. The world where he does not exist is boring. Every day I am listening to his songs. I feel like I am with him. Thank you for telling me the splendor of music. I will never forget you I love you forever.

  • from RyoJAPAN

    Dear Avicii. Without You.Waiting For You. The Nights.You Make Me. Wake Me Up. 今まで素晴らしい曲をありがとう。 あなたは僕の中で、いや、世界中の中で、曲とともに、あなたは生き続けます。 今までありがとうございました。 Thank You So Much. I Love you.

  • from cindy

    you are the one of my favorite musician. but I just thought that you was inspired me and everyone from around the world. I love all your song and i'm very sad when I know you passed away. RIP Tim I will always remember your songs 🙂

  • from Brady

    I cannot begin to thank you enough for everything you have done. You helped me through so many personal things throughout my teenage and adult life. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you or your music. Thank you so much Tim I'll always have you on repeat.◢ ◤ Vila i frid

  • from kanau

    Tim I was energized every day by listening to your songs. I love u forever. I miss u. RIP Avicii.

  • from -W

    Where do I begin. Avicii got me into EDM and changed my life. In highschool I became pretty depressed and debated suicide at least once but his music gave me hope. Hope for a better day. Seeing him live in concert became the first thing on my bucket list. A task I was too young to complete then and too late to complete now. I still never get tired of his songs and whenever I listen will still give me that same hope today as it did back in highschool. Thank you Tim. Thank you Avicii.

  • from Sai Sampreeth

    Listening to Levels and Wake Me Up for the first time in 2013 shit I was hooked. That's when I first discovered dance music. Tim was my inspiration motivation everything. I wanted to be just like him. He's basically the reason I fell in love with dance music and the reason I got into production. He's the one that keeps me driving. It's been tough for me to accept that he's no more but he will definitely live on through his music. I'm sure you're in a better place now Tim.

  • from Lisa

    Dear Tim I still can't believe it. I can't listen to your music yet because I'll start crying. Once I start listening I'll run out of songs and my heart breaks knowing that you can never write another song. I'm so grateful that you were a part of my life and this world while you were. My heart breaks again thinking of all you went through but you have peace now as you deserve. Thank you…

  • from Lnuz

    Önskar du kunnat göra mer musik åt oss. Du va en stjärna. Vila i frid.❤

  • from Patricia

    Vila i frid Tim ?

  • from Naimish

    Tim you are my inspiration the reason why I start making music. Your music bring feelings and without you everyday I wake up with a bunch of sadness. You are a hardcore Musician. you inspired so many People and bring so many joy in this world. You'll be miss. Rest In Peace brother. ????❤❤???

  • from Avicii

    hello my name is Ankur Axwell I am from India. Remix was searching the song in one day and I found a song that was yours and his name was All You Need You Love Remix By Avicii . Like this I heard the song oh my god how wonderful music came out of my mouth. Then I started to find your music.My interest in knowing about you. I have all your songs present. When I heard about your death I did not eat food for 2 days.I cried so much in my bathroom and cried so much I was very sad. i Miss U Avicii

  • from Fernanda

    ◢ ◤Thank you Tim for the beautiful songs forever in our hearts kisses for Tim family. You are in paradise now I love you Avicii.So live a life you will remember ◢ ◤

  • from Jan David Puhl

    It might sound overpraised but it isn't. Thank you Tim from the bottom of my heart for making me to who I am today for creating legendary music that is hiding so many personal memories in it for me. You changed me you made me well partly my parents exceptionally took part in that process too… but you definitely did too. I always liked music but you made me fall in love with music. Thank you for that. Thank you for everything. You will stay in our hearts and our speakes forever. Love.

  • from Meline from Austria

    I have always heard your music and loved it. As you have decided to take a brake I have accepted it as you came back with beautiful new songs I thought wow he is back again. But you didn‘t mention you will leave us soo ??. Miss you every minute and hope you have had tried to stay with us in this bad world ?. ❤️ you more everyday Tim ….

  • from PEPI

    You made me discover music. You are the first artist that made me live music. And you'll always be my absolute favorite. It's been 5 years since our story began and it feels like it's only starting every time I think about music you'll be present. Thank You Tim for being Avicii even if it pained you you were there for me and everyone else. Thank You for doing so much for people you didn't know. Thank You.

  • from Dayler

    Incluso mi día más triste y gris que he tenido cuando ponía tu música lo volvías de colores ?

  • from Davicii

    Thank you. ありがとう

  • from Liam (Known as "FlightSim205" on Youtube)

    "Rest In Peace Avicii. The World knows that you are a great EDM Producer and Star. I… We will always Remember you." I Posted "A Video To Remember": -FlightSim205-

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